HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #06 Crest Variance Meeting Date: Item # February 02, 2010 l.JJ Reviewed By: _ D~partment Director:~ City Manager: ~ Contact Name: Contact Number: Michael Rumer Ext. 1 01 8 Subject: Ken Crest Variance Application # VR-09-03 92 Bexley Blvd Commission District 2 - Rosemary Wilsen Background Summary: Content of Variance Request The applicant, Ken Crest is requesting a side yard setback variance from 7.5 feet to 3 feet for a proposed pool screen enclosure. An existing in-ground pool is located on the south side of the lot due to the elevation in the rear yard. The City of Ocoee vacated the five (5) foot Utility Easement located within the 7.5 foot setback on January 5, 2010. According to Subsection 4-9 A., the variance application/applicant must demonstrate: (1) That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structures, or required subdivision improvements involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or required subdivision improvements. The existing pool was constructed in such fashion that makes the variance necessary. (2) That a literal interpretation of the provisions of these regulations would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties with similar conditions. The applicant is subject to the same regulations as other properties with similar conditions under the LOC. (3) That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. The applicant is the second owner of the property containing the pool. Also, the pool is uniquely located in the side yard as opposed to the rear yard. (4) That the granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by these regulations to other lands, structures, or required subdivision improvements under similar conditions. A recommendation for approval would grant special privileges to this applicant that is otherwise denied to other land owners. Board of Adjustment Recommendation: The proposed variance request by Ken Crest for a side yard setback variance from 7.5 feet to 3 feet for a proposed pool screen enclosure was reviewed at a Public Hearing by the Board of Adjustment on January 21, 2010. The Board of Adjustment voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the variance request. Issue: Should the Mayor & City Commissioners approve a request by Ken Crest for a side yard setback variance from 7.5 feet to 3 feet for a pool screen enclosure? Recommendations Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the variance for a side yard setback variance from 7.5 feet to 3 feet for a proposed pool screen enclosure. Attachments: Aerial Location Map Site Plan Pictures Letter from Applicant HOA Approval Letter & Application Letter of No Objection from Neighbor Screen Enclosure Detail Pictures Financial Impact: N/A Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J X Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by 0 N/A N/A N/A O:\Staff Reports\201 O\SR 1 00006_MWR_ CrestVariance_ CC.doc 2 Location Map 92 Bexley Blvd Variance 'a ~ ~ 11 ~ !(L ~ I \ t fjir::tr ~ ~ :~~ If:'. c- t8X~YbWd ->--- \ _ I ,".;::1 f""j l- I- - \ II I lru ~ c-- f---.I I I Ill) Y ~~ ;~E~-E1d ~ I-- 1--1- --f'\ 1---1-- I-- - -- I-- I- - -, Y f---"- I-- - I--- I-- I- _ - I "- 1--"- I-- I-- I- - - 1--1-- 1--"- I-- I-- I- - _ - / f---"- I-- - 1:::= := == ~-- '- J../::j ~~:=~ IT U I-- _ ^'- 'J, I-- 1--1-- I-- ~ I-- I-- I-- &, =~ [?F~ y ;;f!f): I 1"'- \ 0- ~ ~l W ~~fll~ 1\1 .I ~ ,--1 ~b ~ ~ ~~. 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'lInlffl(t u..t .. ftllli1 U C'O<<I'.HJ tuM "..IICH'Jo(F.m fn'f(Ilt(J([ l:I:~ '.I.'fO'laUILII<<)rC1 UK. (JlIGI -((KIlIPIl", '.G.L'NIUr,tlll( litlL -\lTllIJI ::~~4>>'JJt l.ll'IMIIltXl J,P, . ItoIPlN: (1)1..[*. C~. . (fJU!D 'UlO(<(l' (OCJ.(lllU(( '.ll. . FUlUlOl FJJl1,:l1lC( ~ nc..J(COI[I(O D.l U,t -Wlklt( '1I1llll'usour O!f n:r lie SCALE I IIlell . 30 fEET PLAT OF SURVEY FOR; WIIIETH H. E OIAlII/! l. CREST LEGAL OESCRIPTlON; LOT 77, SILVER DElIO U/IIT I, AS RECOROEO III PLAT DOOK 30. PAGE 4.5. PUBLIC RECORDS OF COu/ITY, FLORIOA ORAIIOE ALSO CERTIFIED TDi :t~li\~:LtdT~~^l~~,~y. Cr,~T OLD REPUOllC 114T101lAL TITLE 1115. CO. COUIHRYHIOE 1I0HE LOA 115. IIIC. IHIS IS TO CERIIFY THAT I IIAVE REVIEHEO TilE FLOOD IHSURAlICE R4Tl11G HAP PAlIEL IWHOER __J2DJJ!l..DJJ.5.J:. DA TED ._IiLL5LL~aL__ AlID DEIERHIIIEO THAT THIS PROPERTY LIES III FLOOD ZOIlE ___~C~____ t[RI1F1C4TIC~ A A ENGINEER ING AlID SURVEYING. INC. '''0 HORATIO AVE' HA'TUND, FLORIDA 32151 (4011 tJ11.'''., FAX 611-1-405 L. n. , 5953 irK cr SUII'll: etulOlJI,lllJ"NlUnoS UCl1.Q(WlIPllt'!I ~YIttOIfa.nHI Ul"I.~S IJStD W Ill[ tolfH LU.t U lDJ l1. is W:f~ sn'U'llt"1 ~11RlQ~IS IQIlC'ClllD -~ ~'" """'......uk;-. ~ t_ """,.;;~ ...,,; .' . ....:~.... ",'~,. ~~ . ....... . - ~: _ -. - - .- ~ .....-...........,."", , 30 .~ .j September 28, 2009 IIW I!: rc; ~ lllH ffl1 UlJ~ 0 ?0ii9 I~ C , . J Ken & Diana Crest 92 Bexley Blvd Ocoee, FL 34761 ------407=-694:3457 ------ Attn: City of Ocoee Planning Department Re: Variance Request for Screened Pool Enclosure Dear Planning Department, We would like to formally request permission to proceed with building a screened enclosure for our pool. Our home was built in 1993 with the pool being installed in 1995. We purchased the home in October 2000 as the 2nd owner. Since that time, we understand that the laws and code regulations have changed since our pool was installed. We would like to request that a variance be made that would take into account when our pool was originally installed and the fact that we are the 2nd home owner. We have approached our neighbor who is adjacent to the pool/fence line and have attached a letter stating his approval of a pool enclosure on our property. We have also included a diagram ofthe pool enclosure that would be installed by Superior Finishes (pool enclosure contractor). He can be contacted at 828-557-8064 (cell) if there are any questions. We would greatly appreciate your approval in allowing us to go ahead with the installation of the pool enclosure. We thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, ~~~ Ken & Diana Crest Jan 05 10 02:34p Ken Crest 347-412-2844 p. 1 SILVER BEND HOA, lNe Premier Community Managers, ene. 5151 Adanson Street, Suite 103 Orlando, FL 32804 407 -696-5700 October 22, 2009 KENNETH W & DIANA L CREST 92 BEXLEY BLVD OCOEE FL 34761 92 BEXLEY BLVD Lot: sa 1 077 Dear Homeowner: Your Architectural Control Application to install a pool enclosure around your pool was reviewed and approved. Please read any comments made from the ACe. Please make certain you contact Orange County and obtain any required building permits for the '''''ork you requested. In addition, if digging is anticipated or required for your improvement, you must call "Sunshine One Call" at 800-432-4770 to avoid damaging power, cable, or telephone lines. Good luck on your project and thank you for adhering to the regulations of SILVER BEND HOA, INC. Sincerely, Betty vilJe Administrative Assistant Jan 05 10 02:35p Ken Crest 347-412-2844 p.2 CGp_?~_. ~_g ~::_~~!.. I<en Cr-e:;t: a47-412-2B11 1'". 1 --..-..---~ ......~...:..:.:.-...- - - - - - - --.- +.. .' SZLvm aBNDROauoWIUltS A.SSOCJATI~ INC. ARCIII'1'EC1'l1RA CON'ntOL APPLICAnON 2Xl8nHGBOJD FORM ~ Coant8ity ahncas. lac. 5151 .ua..o. SI, s.;~ 11:\ on......... 33804 Pbo.e: 407--'''57110 F..: e7~SJ53 nil: HcMoccnmer undersands _If a~ u.r NO ~ wiJl COll'llDCllce m lIII.Y m~ fir respecr. UJ\tU ;ppl'Vfti by !!Ie ~d1iceQruaJ Contral CoauuiIIee laJ ba:a ~ The Homcowuu it also iDformcd Ill. it 1M)' tllke · umch IS 30 wortir!: days lor IIpprov.J QJ cake plil~. AJIPrftOII wiD Ibc aivc:a ill wririDg. -!~ ........ )te1lC,..,sfEg,iW-"_!4I<1 Addnss: ~. F=7 ~ f&J:V' / ....., ~~ . -a---. ~ -"-""'""'~~ PIlo_e" VitJ?- ~'fLF-'rlf Pleax live. Clo.apIm cIc$c:riJI11cID ~(rJae reqllCGcd c~. 1Dc:J1Ide IDr SlIney, sile pllDS: dilpmqs. ~ chjp5. lIIau:nm. ~ MlJQJIe produas. pbDloJ:raphs. All ~ must JIIe ECOIIIpmied by . lDininllUD of a site plan Gad ->>IIbdDr.s plNls (if appJic:ahJe). Aha be SlII'e 10 iIlcJlxk & COP)' of yo. City of Ococe buildJna permit for the WOItt nquCSllld whca the JIlqDcst...d enaior c:hu2c PllpIfts J CiEy 0( Ococc buikfint: permit. I~Olh&: ezICrigr GbIllGC3 ~l" the fitJlowq. Pleex "X" .n aha 1pJdy. Fence ( ) ExRrior P.ainr ( ) Whle Bolssc ( ) TriID ( ) ExlaiCll" Door ( ) C.qe ScneaiDa ( ) ~T~( ) Other ( ) HOllie AddicU:lo ( ) Gu1ws ( ) SIIuaasIAwu.iIIp ( ) cu-e, ( ) Pool ( ) PltiolDa:t ( ) Solar PaIu:Js ( ). SaJCDR DishlADu:nna ( ) PJa, Struclun: ( ) Sl:I'CCII Door C ) ~() Landscape ( ) L~( ) SpaC ) Ihte received ia olrlC'C; DI te Rcftjyed by Ace: .,......itd: _ n".ppro"'td: _ Date IIOtiar walla Owaer ne-nIiDc AC~ Decilaoa: CaallllhCS: ''y'" (' "-'7"'F ~ ,,oJ E (J)ACC~-= c.---'d.J,J":'!.-/z.-r . // ~.&:- ~:.J/k"'7-t'f :;===~if~;'~~ 0.12: IJ..ate; /0 -I V --() (/ /eJ- :,,~- '0 7 /0 - /'-/-09 n.tc: September 13, 2009 To: City of Ocoee / Variance Department Re: Pool Enclosure at 92 Bex1ey Blvd (Ken Crest) To Whom It May Concern: This is to affirm that I approve the installation of my neighbor's pool enclosure at 92 Bexley Blvd. I do not have any concerns with the proximity of his pool enclosure to my property line. ;?!n Zme and Address Belaw: b (2~tJGefL ~U-I\J ID{L l(Po \ CA-~SI/J6f{.~ CeIL Oco eE. ( h."6 t.(7 (0 ( ~~H.~"""-!,,"" "l. ~(.'r'\f~\-?:" r-f1f.t~t. ~~.-. '.~"'~ - '''. '\ ~(1- <S! WW . ::x: AlUMINUM BEAMS NOTE: SCREEN ENCLOSURE (A.I<.A. . POOL ENCLOSURE) TYPICALL Y An ACHED TO A SINGLE FAMILY DWElliNG (NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY) PURLlN CABLE BRACING GIRT (AI<A CHAIR RAIL) - UNLESS OTHER~SE NOTED. SIZE MEMBER PER APPROPRIATE TABLES. LEGEND: VI = SCREEN PANEL WlD1H I POST SPACING L = BEAM SPAN H '" UPRIGHT / POST / COLUMN HEIGHT TYPICAL HIP ROOF ISOMETRIC FOR ALLOWABLE SPANS. REFER TO: TABLE 101 FOR BEAM SPANS TABLE 102 FOR POST SPANS (BY WIND ZONE) TABLE 103 FOR PURLlN SPANS tABLE 104 FOR GIRT SP ANS fABLE 109 FOR GABLE r~IDGE SPECIFICATIONS --. L BEAM SPAN t ,~ -BEAM ,I' SPACING ALUMINUM COLUMNS I- l.t.l :I: >0 <1;- WW :c EAVE CABLE BRACING ALUMINUM COLUMNS HIP ROOF SIDE ELEVATION I(-BRACINC (OPTIONAL) HIP ROOF FRONT ELEVATION AAF Gui~e to Aluminum Construction in High Wind Areas Page " Q 3 . . . Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published ., THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2010 08 Orlando Sentinel Advertisement the petition of Kenneth & Diana Crest for 0 variance e' according to the provisions s of Article I V, subsection 4-9 s of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code. " ~ f:i~re~'~t'~~d:B~~1e~0~"o"Ji~~ ~ ~~6~r~hlp~;gr.~; I~~~mr. cation Number (PIN) is 16- 22-28-8049-00-770. The appli- D cant Is requesting a vori- !- ?on01esi~~ ~~~d~~~~;:'C~mfo;-~ proposed pool enclosure. Interested part;~s may ap- pear af the cited meeting and be heard with respect to the. proposed variance. This notice is given pursu: ant to Article IV, Subsection 4-9 B. (1), ond poge 180.4.43 of the Clty.of Ocoee Land Development Code. A COpy of the application and the City of Ocoee Stoff Report may be examined at the PlannlnQ Deoortment local: ed in City Hall at the ad- dress indicated abovet be- tween the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday-Fri- day, except legal hOlidays. The Ocoe" City Commission moy continue the public heoring 10 other dotes ond timesl as they deem neces- sory. Any interested party Sholl be advised thol:lhe dates, times"-ond places of continuation of these or con. ~~ug~rI'ou~~~e~e~~~f~g sn~ hearing and that no further notices regarding these matters will tle published. ~r~o~';.~gvd~;rr:~~~ ~'::.- peal any decision made .at . the pubiic hearings will need 0 record of the pro- ceedings and' for this. pur- pose may. need to ensure that 0 verbotim record of the proceedings is made which includes the testimo- ny and evidence UPOn which the appeal is based.,. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to par- ticipate in any af these pro- ~~:i2r;r:,~0~~i2~a~0~~~ in advance of the meeting ot 407-905-3105. _ Beth -Eikenberry, Cltv Cierk ' OLS1045592 112112010