HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #8 Special Event Permit
Meeting Date: March 2, 2010
Item # ~
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
James F. Washington
Reviewed By:
Department Director:
City Manager:
Subject: Special Event Permit- Request for Road, Boat Ramp, and Fishing Pie
Boat Race on Starke Lake
Background Summary:
In order to temporarily close a public street, Boat Ramp and Fishing Pier, the approval of the Honorable Mayor and
City Commission is required. Mr. William Tetro of South Florida Outboard has made application to the City for a
Special Events Permit for a Boat Race that would require the temporary closing of a City owned street, Starke Lake
Boat Ramp and Fishing Pier. It would also require the use of the City Park and Community Center Parking Lot. The
event will be held on March 11-14,2010. The street to be closed is a portion of N. Lakeshore Drive.
Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the temporary closing of a public street, boat ramp and
fishing pier for the purpose of a Boat Race on Starke Lake?
Staff respectfully recommends approval with the following requirements: 1) All residents that will be affected by the
road blockage must be notified in advance; 2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road closure in
advance; 3) An emergency lane must be maintained at all times; 4) Roads must be blocked with proper barricades;
5) Signs to be posted at the boat ramp in advance to notify the public of the closure; 6) No parking will be allowed in
the Community Center /Employee parking area until after 5:30 p.m. on March 11-12 7) Emergency Plan for EMS is
provided prior to the event as recommended by the Fire Department.
Special Event Application and location map
Financial Impact:
Type of Item: (please mark with an .x')
Public Hearing
Ordinance First Reading
Ordinance Second Reading
X Commission Approval
Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's DeDt Use:
_ Consent Agenda
Public Hearing
== Regular Agenda
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
x Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
Reviewed by Finance Dept.
Reviewed by
Sep 2~ 2009 lOl23AM ~l1Y U~ ULUce
Ottam.tl~ Head Quart~ .
Nlmc:SoJ.'Th ,...ltJ~1:>A Of)TfJ()A~~
Address~rJ'~ tvltJ 4 fL .
Ci~ (h1l14 L stato: ~<.- ZipCodo: ~;"'9-3
Phone #: :J. 39-'" i...f.3 - 10 ~ ~ '
Name:-B I L.l.. u.T~O '
-.,~/~~ H~ I
City:_~~(., _ stafI!J:J_L. -=- ~ ZipCodc: T3:29S'S- :
'!>>hone #:~ JP..' - t.a a:3 - .$:2.2 7
.' Applicant (if cS1:frcrent):
. N..,., oo~~~ ~CI: I 0
Acldr~ Jtv~' ~J.)b
City:1?:1J9)1.~c. H-J4 State: 1=''--....
Phone"; ~3qw ~3.- 10~~
Type of Evoot; 'Parade---.:, Ccrcnooy~ ~ Show
Concert Demonttration Other J60RT .(AC. e... _ -
Date (a) IOd tltnc (,) 'Gboduld: m A\'(.C J4 J J - I~ - ~ .. 1 \f ~ DID
y- 'Zip Code: "',3 ~ 't :5
Nltun: &:cd typee of ~ttviti..:~ (:, A T ~1.\C~ G
: "
4 ...
A~ u~ of 'J)CCDtor1I en4 part1ctpllfttl: . 5r'> Q...- .. "
A'rl(~~~g.q~t: sr?c~ ov-r4(J~~ b ~. ~~ATJDJtfl~
. 'Exact location of eVeQt: ~TAt.. K. tJq K.~
Desianation of publio fac:i1itie. or tquiprneut to be \14 .
,\0<::> C(2 .- 'PK - . L -
/1.) 1
x $5.00 per l'isn-
Number of tl!mporary dircctior.alligna:
City cfOc:o... UO N Lakeahor. Orivo" 0110", Plorlda 347~1
Pbtme: (401) 905.3104' fax: (407)"''''''8. WWW,cl.OOOM.tl.W1
fOs;. 31S'r
z: 13 / H3 39'v1d
3:JI^~35 3t-UaJ~t';f
lS13~E8Z:6EZ ZE=Zt 6B13l/~Z/6B
Sep 2~ 2009 lO:23AM CITY O~ UCUcc
....u , Ch..ID...."''"'''U
,... -
Copy ofStIb: Permit if State roadway is used: 0 yes 0 no
!.Qf !arad~: \--.) f\
Exaet loeatiou of maraballing
Exact l'Oute t~ be traveled shown. on hod : n yes 0 no
Plcase atti.<:b approximate # of , animals, yebicles puticlpatiog 'With '
description of typos of lIDUnals vebiclca.
P8l"lIde will occupy all of tho wi oithe lRC'Ce't, roadwAY, or sidewa1)(: 0 yes 0 DO
f9r Fireworks: N f\
Th(l followinl sba1.1 be attlWh~d to this application:
1) A detailed JLsu.n.. tho type. qua.ntlty of ftreworks to be used.
2) A detailed written 5 :temem outlinlnS all ropriate Afcty procedureS wlUcb will be
used at tlreworks displi order to ptOtec. e safety oftha public aDd 1111 $\UT'Oundina
property .
3) A detailed written statemen
510re fireworks.
, 4) If appltcable, applicantll federal U ## for tnasportinS firewot1q across state line.
S) A detailed lilt otnamea., adchs. tio.. and. b~kgrounda of aU individuals
who will be responsible for the ac display, or eXplosion of my iirowotb. The .
backgrounds statement should . completo . ory of the ClC.perie.nce of the
individual! involved with rup to their use or fit , inc.\1diDc a detailed list and
explanation of each and IVery oldent tesu1tins from the use of fireworks which "the
individUAl ba been responlllbtor, or mvolvecl in.
6) A map showins au:Q 'point and UN of fialJout.
AppUuat Sip
Date: 1 j;J LJ I tJ 9
o Approved ,~ JJ~proved
Polioo'Chiet ~
o Approved ~D~
Fire Chief. I. ·
D Approved 0 Disapproved
BuUditli OttlcIal
o ConditionB for pcnnit lIttaC~d
Date: L'D ~ ~ - II?
AconditioDt for permit attaClhed
Date: f~w.._{)'
o COl1ditioDS for permit attaehed
~ "",o,., t!~pI7$
$HIPUA ~r f?/j.e~14 III 6" ""tt:.
4/11t..~ It~,./ JW.
eM~ rr~~. '*t....
F}) C/l..t'v .80,tJ.r ~,JI,I,.j? ~ ~,~ #
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~I^~3S 3NI~t~ lSgZ;ESZ;GEZ Z;E:z;t GggZ;/~Z;/Gg
Sep 2~ 200S lC:23RM
C ITV 0.. Ul;Ut:.t:.
",U IO"lO.hh'U
CDpy of State Permit itState roadway i. used: 0 yes 0 no
ERr Parado: N 11
E~ location of marshalling
exact route t~ be trllYeled shown. on. hed : Cl yes [] no
PIc... &Ul.ch approximate ## of , IDima1J. YebicJes puticlpaq wttb
cleacriptlou of typoI f1f I&I1Unu yobic:lca.
Parade will occupy aU oftbc wi oftbe 1Rm:t. roadway, or sidewalk: Cl yes 0 gO
For Fireworks: Nf\
The: foUowina shall be attllCheci to th1. application:
1) A dO'tailed llmna tho type " qumdty ot ftreworkJ to be used.
2) A detailed written i :temmt o\ltlin1nS all roprilllc Nfety prooed.ures which will be
used at 1111lworb displa order to ~ e suet)' of the public met all e\UTOQDdiq
property .
3) A detailed written statenien what facilitiel and contUM" will be used to
store fireworks.
4) If applicable. applicants federIJ U , tor ttaalportinS 6reworb across state line.
S) A detailed lilt of nUDOS, address I ~ou. and. bac;kJlOuuda of alllndividuals
who will be responsible for the lID display,. or cXploliOl1 of eny &ewotb. The .
backgrounds statemet should . complet~ . Dry otthe r:xperience of the
iDdividuah involved wilh to their \1M or fir Its, includiDC. detailed Ust and
cxpl8Datlon of each lIDd every Jc1ent resuldq from the \lac ot .fiR'WOrb which the
individual bas been respoDlifor, or invol'Vec11n.
6) A map lhowin, lIUQ . point and are. of 1iaUout.
Date: 9 J~tI/!J ,
o Approved
Polioo 'Chief
Cl DiaapptOvecl
[J Conditions for pcnnit atta.cbed
o Approved
Fire Chief
o Disapproved,
o Conditiom. for pcmit attached
CJ Approwcl
Buildina Otftcial
Cl Disapproved
C1 Conditions for permit attaehod
~el2:e 3~d
3OI^~3S 3NI~l~
Z;E:Z;t e,e~z;/~z;/e,e
Sep 2~ 200S 10:23AM CITY O~ u~u~~
r' -
Copy ofStatc Permit if State roadway Is used: t:I yes 0 no
!2r Paredct: \\J f\
Exa~t location of marshalling an
f91 Fireworks; )'J f\
The following shall be a.ttached to this application:
1) A de'tAiled listing the type II quantity of tlreworks to be used.
2) A detailed written s temeJ1t out1in.lnS all ropriatc safety proced.ureS which will be
used at fireworks display order to protec e safety of tho public and all ~lUTO\Uldi:Q1
property .
3) A detailed written stlltemen what facilities and container. will be used to
store fireworks.
4) If appU~ble, applicant! fedeRJ Ii . for traasponing fireworks across state line.
S) A detailed lifi of names, address I oqQ doDS, and b~kgrounds of all individuals
who will be responsible for the ac aJ display, e or ClXplosion ofany 1iroworkl. The .'
backgroUlldI statement should ude I complete . ory of tho experience of the
indivklua19 involved with res to their use of fir rks, includiDC a detaJlca Ust IUld
explanation of aaell and enE')' cJdent resulting 1i'om the use of fireworks which the
individual bas been responslbfor, or involved in.
6) A map showing e 8UQ pomt and 1ft. of flllJou.t.
AppUtnt Sip-
, 1
o Approved
Polioc 'Chicf
D Disapproved
D CODditiol13 fo~ permit atta.cb.ed .
. ~Approved . '7") ~ DJnpprovcd,
Fire Chief ~ ~
o Conditions. for pGt'D1it ~.d
Date: J()
. ...
D Conditions for permit attadlcd
CJ Approvccl
Building Offtcilll
o Disappro~d
~13I~13 38';;1d
30I^~35 3NI~'Mt';;1
z:e::Zt G13\3ZlvZ/G13
. , .
A-I Marine Service Ine
3944 Pine Island Road N W .
Matlacha, FL 33993' .
239-283-1066 phone
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J-Ie u.. I S A CO f'I 0 f 1J, e. -::0,;5 r.J~1'/ ~e
--rA ~ T 1.) ~ J+ M'- . ;;::1= yo lJ ~k.. 't> ANY fI, IN' 6" is c.
C~L m<" .
fO,e Ihe 8~AT (l.Ace.s-
A T oco~e... M~(Ch 11.- 12- /3-1'1 dltJ/O.
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lS9lE8l6El lE:Sl 690l/6l/69
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lDsuring tb. world'. fu~ js our fOl.'Ull. For
over '0 Y"", K.&t:: lnsunncc bas beCG
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As ol1e ot' the 1aI'II't ManastDa o.ueraI
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t\mctlOtlS on b,hali of th.e Insurance
compJnies we 'l'Cprcsent, al\owm8 us to
provido exceptional servil;O in:' ~
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undetwlinns, poliO)' IMUaDCC ..
adminlstmion. lou control aud claims.
Richard H. Felsen, Ptes,dent
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Broker Ii Risk Consultant
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121.: 516.-466.9'760
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i ''Nhu I, r, p.Jrt It: ('-lilt i
A participant includes a driver. tbrottleman.,
aavlgatOl', rnechanic, oftidaJ, or anyone else
who has II duty necessary to the cOflLJuCt of a
~otioned APBA event ~ wbkh th~ fl!le hu
been paid ill fbll aD.d who has aiSncd an
APBA-approved waiver and release.
AI 'Ufl W"1I'Y l 'f <'111 (1 ~t>l"d~H-
Tho APl:IA Wai"er and ReICll$1l of Liability,
AssUQlption of R.isk,. and indemnity
Agreement ill . mandatory legal docutnl'Dt
that aCknow-1edtJes that each partiolpent
accepts fuU responlibility fol' all risks
anociatcd 'Nith parricipalioa In the APBA.
sanctioned eVent. Each perticipant IIId each
persolll"lDled access to . ~ttld area 1l1USt
&i&n aD approved waiver and release. AJJ
member Plrticipanta who hlv~ stped the
approved waiver atld relclsc: form Del. possesa
a valid AP8A pit idenritlcation are .U,ibJe
for member ~ident mcdieal ooverap. No
coverage; Ii providod for my perso.l1 who Is
not dcfiaed IS a participant.
~G~.~~~~~ IU.~V~Mi
I"'~y~ .:tl~
I f " III Ie fl ~ P p p') rt I 11 ill
II is Lhc I'tSponsibilil)' of the chi~f ~fertle and
the t'.we pt'Omoter 10 see rbar any incident that
takes pillet dwins a WlCtionecl APBA event
is recnrded 01\ !hI:! in(.;deu! rvpon form aud
.ubMituld by mail DO later than one day
followiag th~ evCDt.
(('11111-' r), "(t"lJ Jr.'
In the event of I fa1aJlty, or a transport I() tile
hospital, proll1pfJy Qllll;
KctK Emoqoney Claims Service at:
this fl\imber is ~essib'c 24 bours a day.
If a domand is made fot dal1lll&08 (or cithar
bodUy inJul)' Or property damage liability. a
complete and d.taUtd incident n:pon YrlU$t bo
pl'Ovickd to IC.&K TDSUr8DCe (jroup Claims
Copies of aay deQ18llds. 'UIMlOns ad legal
ptpClB are to be provided. to K.&1e lmuranco
Group without delay.
K&K J...IIn...ce Group. Iftc.
1712 Mapavox Way
Fort Wa,.e, IN oHI04
nv ".rormadun COIItQaed Ia this bnlc'lIro Is .
.QIII...." or btndlta provlchcL It is W .
c8111p1ete npl...tiOD or aD ... ~DI .r ttae
policy 01' .peelf1a or tile polfe1 btalfJlI. N.
lev....e. it uhlll4lld ud DO repr..ellta'"
Irt m.dt ot_ Chu wbt It .laCed III the
poIIq. "'or . complete d..erlpdoll or P.....
cove"", exclllllolll, alld bea.b, ple.- refer
tD dte polkf.
co/ea ":IC\W..l
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lE:el Geel/Gl/Ge
C:A I"A ~rt
\oIWW IIW \,I"'TW,""
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2009 Participant Accident MediLd( Benefit Summary
NJtiuflwlde Lift-' Insurance Compllny
Plu1i'ipant ac:oiclalllllCdiCllI oovcrage is ptO'Vlded m for el18lbte participants IS ddMed in the pulic:)' and
Il2! for any ol.hcr pet'SODS or */lditiooaJ Insllr'Cd who Ire not also eliSible psrti'ipIDts. rbi, policy only
pro\'ic.lu coven.a~ for Glll:i.den\4l bodily Injury 5uftercd duriftJ APBA InSUltd Sanctioned EventS.
APBA Member Basic Benent;
.er.o", W.tercl1lft
Ac:uidctIDI DMdt AnII
APBA Non-Member Badc Benefits
Penonl W.tllRnft
AllDldcntlll DeadlIIIIIl
~"r S],I)OI'I.I.'
Pltlillipllll MckIenL h1ticiplul "'_Df
~friIIal ElCo!SA J:'l'Q'lIS~ S I5.U<lO.OO MClIICII !l.cw ExI"'"R
DllIJIIClftat,: ~U()O
AU Otber Catc~orln All Otbw Cateaortea
ACC!lll6D1;aj ~dI.nd ~1ha1Il1lllCl
Di'llIC1Ilbctmtllt Sl/l.OOO.lIIi ~
Plr'llgllMl Accidenl Pwtidp"" MoideGl
Meaicol EXCCIS ElptrlllC 120.000.00 MdcII Jilc=s Expollle
DcdullCible: ~.oOU.IIO'
eN" lIllflIIll'l~ dalUcllbic tor *-1lI'1i1ll odler coll~b11l t1lSUl1IIte.
AccUi,,,1tI/ DMIIt .nd DLvnIlllfbt:rm,"t - MMlJ,n:
1ba fuU bemrfi1. U'O peld to. _~1Il jQss oUr.. l.V Iimb5, r:I bcl(h eyes. Cu" W lII8 bellcfillalOUlllIlll't peid (or
loss of 01106 limb or Due ey.. n~.1I'l: ~b1e lIP \u .. year from m. claro 01 ICcldenl.
PIlrli~IJHIIII.'(cdd."tIIl &:c," MedlCIII &p.lUr - Mftf6tr1 ad JV",.-MllftHf'I#
JI, II . mull lIfecckl:eUUl\ ~ iIVurY. \be pardclP81lt "qlllntl: (I) ItU&mmI ohcrvlc.. 01" 1110"'1)' qualltied pJayllioJaa
or $1ITF91l 01 a licCl\~ or 8fIdua~ illll'S$; (l) "'....Y Cll.I1I\INIIOIl: (3) COGtlaemeDlln a bospilal; or (4) Ille uit of
~...butaa.... Cor IfOtloIpunmlOG &vO\ 11M; IoQaliOll ot~ CO'lllted OYlI1llQ lhc Iocarion ~lerc tlnt lrCatmcnt by . qualit'\Cld
pbysicianlc odIninistc:rcd, tbc policy wiD PQ' the ~Io WI\II of IUllh SlII'Y\CBI teadtmi whitln OtllC year from dale
oC ucldcttt that 111 In exCetl' llf dill dc:dllatlblc I/l\DWll bllt IIOt more lilli' h lIppU~'b~ IIIIDUl1l orbeflalils shoWll
Medicdl E:CCUlSlolfs:
Cuv.... dcoes IIOlllpply for mtdlcal cxflORtlCS meum Gut ID . p..ubt!q collditlon. wbieb IDCIllS 111\)1 Injury Ihet \he
participantl'6Cliivl:d medical ~... for clllriDl the 12 Ill(1I11l1 p<<idd 11DInedIatel)' preeCd!q lb. dAll! nf .:o'\'c~1J
ICcldent. .
Gmeral.E."feluslon, I"dudt. bm ut IlOl II",U.d to:
Lo*, multinc &001: (I) <tov"" while buox1c.Ucd; ~) aallliulllllll baUI:Iy: (J) cM~lDitiiDl. te1ony; (4) lllna>>, diKase.
~lI:ri.l iDf,vtloo, excepl blCtal ~ ell IIIl JM:l:lalelllal bodUy loj1ll'); ('> Lh" upcnatiOIl QS' use of 1111)' jet propcUcd,
I'OC~ prop;Ued or l:l1lC11lClt POWClW vtl.biclc~ (6) pMlclpDtinllD apecW eVCl1IS, Ilvill .1".w.. CIllmalDment: or (7)
SIn"... IIl1l1lC11lbw of ibe Ol"I:W or lcamJDa to opctGle lIin:rMll
3:)l^~3S 3-lI~'t'if
t'aoe 1'1
--- !
le::el 69Bl/6l/6B
'fho APBA MlI:ilc:r Event Litlbilily Pru!jtanl provide! Oouenl LiabiJity COVDtagO wid\ . Iimil or 55.000.(100
~CJf OCCURRENCl! "'ITH NO AGGREGATE ror APBA \IiU'lCli"netl ,veDIS. nltSe polkllcs provide
UlIblllty cov...~ tor coVCl'ld OCWrTCU.... during A.PBA SanWoncd JI1IUred Evenu.
COV~.ies uDder the ~BA Master Evoot Liability ProlWD Include:
Ptll'tiliJUl1lt L"al LI@l1l1y: III eomhhwltlll ....Ith lb.e eO\lJpt~ Waiver 4l ({,\lull of Llablllly. Assumption or
R.i&lc. Indtmnity Alrc:cmcor. IIIlI appropril" llccidcDt covmae. tbis COVCl~ PfOvillcs prl)lcctiun IpiU la",wilS
broulhc by parOolpants for a baclUy ilVllry.
Produr:~ ,,,,d CO'*Pkt,d Opc'''llons: Providlls cOVCl1lll'" fur bo<lilY WUIy tuHes resulIiftll,Crom S11le of APllA
and ~btr ..llIb P"J<"lot.~ (noes lItIllJ1l:lwle malnllsnance servlCtl performed tih competition bOlUS or vebicks)
Sp~(!IIl"" LJobl/lty. PJO\ides pI'OtcctioD in 'h~ cNi;nl of Jpmlll~lf bocIily Inj,.." (lrproperly ~lllP IillbiliLy.
(jnlnt,ntlonu EmJf'$ IUId OmLulons: ProtllCU apinat a11...t10111 of betaell of duty In ~iDg d\C'
liAl'lCliOllCCl evtlU (Sl/lO,IlDl1.llmIt applleeblc:)
,hmtnltl (111II Atllltrtisbt, lnjtlry LlabJlity. }>rovillct C:O~. ror falsc ....1. lib.:t, sWldc:&; wroorfW
evlcrloo, Uld privICY vloIatiw.
PTnperty Dam. tfI OlfieW WdJucnsft; I'rovld. covmsc: up 1\1 5300.000.. wr II.IliJC'6 mlollill, frOl1l
UOII.nld dUlflI' 10 omelal ~ (Subjcl:IIU. $1,000. cladUlillblc per 1011)
Non.()Whed Aircraft liJIbJliry. J"m.idcs (OVereat up 10 mlS I\(lUcy limit fur I1llD-own;d lIIMan. '1I~~ I!l) rerms
and oondlnCllU afpolic)'.
COlftrllctllaJ LUtbiUi)". PrcMdts Cl.Wct1I# fOt lillbility ISNmeI1 under tt.KCI JIlCIDilles, muaicipal iodolllnlfrc:aliM,
l'l' sll1~ Dlreemcnt: dDc.s not iDdallDitY cenaln profuslonab tOr thclllililllm 10 pcrfonn lbelr l\lIIC1/I)n.
O\Jtional Liabilitv Cove!Ncs:
COlftl1t8~nt FlrIWO'''&: 'IO'I/ide.ol teCMdary coverage apimlt cWil1l8 ari.i". out of ",rewor1cJ, pyro!llCbni~~. Ill' any .
&lmilat cxpl\lfivlS mlltoltiaJ. ('.ovcrqc: b e.ces.. of IllY other Insurll'lCc. For covttIjJt to apply. primary fbtwvrb
eoverap mull be ill plAC:~, MaxlmUl1\ Limit: $1,000.000.
Liq""" LtJw L'ahllilJl: If aIc:ohoIic bctverastS lIfO beiDI soLd by In APl\A Member club, plcuc COOIICt!MiD A;P8A
amo, or broker 10 l)bt&in tile DectISIIy Lhlll4\r Taw I.labillty AJIIllicadoD. Wo CID offer 111' 10 a S,\ ,000,000. limit fur
this cov.,....
CAt!:'A ~rl
~I^~3S 3NI~~t~
lE:et 600l/6l/69
Page] of]
Pierce, Adriana
From:. Silberstein, Ted
Sent: Monday, February 22, 20102:21 PM
To: Pierce, Adriana
Cc: Stanley, Butch; Brown, Charlie
Subject: RE: Boat Races
In noting the dates of march 11-14, it would be helpful to know what activity will be occurring on each of
the dates. It is the recommendation of the Police Department that on the dates involving spectators and
beer sales, an officer be hired for an extra duty security detail on the venue. The Police Department boat
will not be required but may be assigned if requested.
Lt. Ted Silberstein
Operations Division
Ocoee Police Department
646 Ocoee Commerce Parkway
Ocoee, Florida 34761
407.905.3160 Ext 3032
From: Pierce, Adriana
Sent: Monday, February 22, 20102:14 PM
To: Silberstein, Ted
Subject: Boat Races
Thank You very much,
S. Scott Vandergrift
Transmittal Memorandum
c.enter of Good Lt
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Gary Hood, District 1
Rosemary Wilsen, District 2
Rusty Johnson, District 3
Joel F. Keller, District 4
City Manager
Robert Frank
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Number ofP es loot. Cover Sheet:
Sender's Phone Number:
Fax Number:
D artment::
Reference / Subiect
SPECIAL EVENT: South Florida Outboard for Mareh 11-14, 2010
Please address the following items for your special event permit:
1. Provide additional restroom facilities for indicate attendance. Note there are only one male
and one female facility located at Bill Breeze Park; however, both are handicap accessible.
2. All hook ups to the City electrical service/receptacles at this park shall be inspected for
compliance the Building Division. All generators are to be inspected for proper grounding,
bonding, etc. If inspections are required after normal business hours, they must be requested
in accordance with Section 51-128 (0)(4):
Requests for special after-hours (other than normal working hours, weekends or
holidays) inspections shall be submitted to the Building and Zoning Official, in
writing, by the contractor 48 hours in advance of the requested inspection. The
minimum number of hours that will be approved is three hours. No inspection(s) will
be approved until the inspection fees have been paid. The rate per hour for special
after-hours inspections is $50.
If you have any questions or need to discuss this further, please contact me at (407) 905-3104, send a
facsimile to (407) 905-3155 or e-mail jimw@Ci.ocoee.f1.us.
This facsimile contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the
Addressee(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this facsimile, or the employee or
agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
dissemination or copying of this facsimile is strictly prohibited. If you have received this facsimile in
error, please notify us by telephone and return the original facsimile to us at the above address via the
U.S. Postal Service. Thank you.
Document Date:
Updated January 4, 2007
HP LaserJet 3055
Fax Call Report
Jan.27-2010 8:20AM
Job Date
7668 1/27/2010 8:18:44AM Send
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