HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-21-2010 Minutes
Chairman Minarcin called the City of Ocoee Police Infraction Hearing Board meeting to order
at 7:05 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall with the pledge of allegiance. The roll
was called and a quorum declared.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Minarcin, Members Amey, Ball, Chinelly, Laney and
Lopez-Anderson. Also present were Attorney John Hamilton, Lt. Dreasher, Sgt. Wagner, Ofc.
Allen, CSA Michaelis, CSA Sulkowski and Recording Clerk Decaul.
ABSENT: Member Fry (excused).
Chairman Minarcin welcomed everyone and explained the procedures for the hearing. He
swore in the officers and the complainants who were present.
Chairman Minarcin asked if anyone in the audience would like to abandon their appeal before
the hearing begins.
#16839 Aldana - Ofc. Allen presented his evidence as to why a citation was issued to Mr.
Aldana. Respondent did not attend the hearing; an affidavit was not filed to contest the citation.
After speaking with Ofc. Allen, the board determined that Mr. Aldana did not understand the
appeal process, and due to the fact that a payment was received, his case should not have been a
part of the appeals process.
Lt. Dreasher stated he would communicate with American Traffic Solutions (A TS) as to why
Mr. Aldana's citation was added to the hearings list since he paid his citation.
Member Lanev made a motion that the avveal be abandoned. seconded bv Member Lopez-
Anderson. Motion vassed unanimously.
# 15724 Beasley - CSA Michaelis attempted to present her evidence as to why a citation was
issued to Mr. and Mrs. Beasley; however, due to technical difficulties the board decided to defer
the hearing of this case until equipment issues were resolved.
#15674 Seifert - CSA Sulkowski presented his evidence as to why a citation was issued to Mr.
and Mrs. Seifert. Respondents did not attend the hearing.
Member Ball made a motion to deny Mr. and Mrs. Seifert's avveal. seconded bv Member
Lopez-Anderson. Motion vassed unanimously.
#15724 Beasley - Sgt. Wagner read a letter addressed to the City ofOcoee from Mr. Beasley
contesting the citation issued to him. The letter questioned the accuracy of the video showing
the violation, and he requested that a hearing be granted to him.
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Technical difficulties were resolved and CSA Michaelis proceeded with her presentation of
evidence as to why a citation was issued to Mr. and Mrs. Beasley. Respondents did not attend
the hearing. An affidavit was filed to contest the citation. The board discussed the video of Mr.
and Mrs. Beasley's violation, and determined that the evidence presented by CSA Michaelis was
accurate and a violation did occur.
Member Lopez-Anderson made a motion to deny Mr. and Mrs. Beaslev's avveal. seconded bv
Member BaIL Motion vassed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.; board resumes for new business.
fA. fApprevalofMiBtltes for Nove.her 19, 2999 aDd Deee.her 17, 2999.
(tabled to next month's meeting due to change in stafJ)
Member Lopez-Anderson suggested to Chairman Minarcin that the case numbers be called
from the agenda and not the hearing schedule.
Member Laney expressed to the board that she would like to educate the public about red light
running via public service announcements, or signage. Lt. Dreasher explained that appropriate
signage is posted according to ordinances and that the posting of additional signs is unnecessary.
Member Lopez-Anderson asked about making it a requirement for violators to view the video
and pictures prior to requesting a hearing, but Lt. Dreasher stated that it can't be made
mandatory. Member Chinelly inquired about the automatic play of the video that viewers can
access through the website, and Lt. Dreasher explained to the board that once opened the video
can be played as many times as the viewer would like. He stated that the public can access
videos at the Police Department as well. Member Lopez-Anderson mentioned that she concurs
with Member Laney's belief in educating the public about the red light running, whether it is
through the City's website, written materials, government channel, or the radio.
Attorney Hamilton offered to bring the issue of educating the public to the Community Traffic
Safety Team.
Chairman Minarcin questioned the inconsistency ofthe flashing of the camera lights, and Lt.
Dreasher stated that although he is unsure of exactly why the camera's activation is inconsistent
and he will have them looked at.
Meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
___---~.. tfu.1 lly submitted,
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./Diana Turner, Recording Secretary
Rob Minarcin, Chairman
Contact the City Clerk's Ofjice to listen to an electronic copy of these minutes.
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