HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-16-10 Agenda OCOEE CITY COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida March 16,2010 AGENDA 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER SWEARING IN OF MAYOR & COMMISSIONERS Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call and Determination of Quorum lB. PRESENTATIONSANDPROCLAMATIONS I I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC I I D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW I 1. Mortgage Foreclosure Reports. (Development Services Director Shadrix and City Attorney Rosenthal) a. Developer Incentives b. Florida Version of the Philadelphia Program 2. Development Services Update. (Development Services Director Shadrix) I E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS F. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION, IN WHICH CASE THE MAYOR WILL INSTRUCT THE CITY CLERK TO REMOVE THAT ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 3. Approval of the Regular City Commission Minutes Held on March 2, 2010. (City Clerk Eikenberry) 4. Appointment and Reappointments to the Community Grant Review Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Members of the Community Grant Review Board serve two-year terms. Three members have terms expiring March 2010, but only two wish to be reappointed. Julie Butler and Jim Sills have both stated their interest in being reappointed for another term ending March 2012. Laurie Nickels declined reappointment, hence leaving one vacant position on the board. One application was on file from Ms. Glenda Dunn with interest in serving on the for the Community Grant Review board. Staff recommends that the City Commission reappoint Julie Butler and Jim Sills and appoint Glenda Dunn to the Community Grant Review Board with terms ending March 2012. 5. Appointment to the Code Enforcement Board and Consideration to Move an Alternate Member to Regular Member Position. (City Clerk Eikenberry) The Code Enforcement Board was created by Ordinance No. 741 on June 16, 1981. The purpose of this board is to review infractions of the City technical Codes, negotiate compliance and impose fines for failure to comply. The Code Enforcement Board is to have seven (7) regular members and two (2) City Commission Regular March 16,2010 alternate members, all with three year terms. Currently, there is one (1) application on file by resident Owen Kelley (District 1). Member Elliott and Alternate Member Morton have both resigned from the board, which leaves a vacant regular and alternate member position. There is one (1) alternate member currently on the board. Chairman Godek is recommending moving up Alternate Member Osborne to the regular member position. Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners appoint Owen Kelley, as an alternate member, to serve a three-year term on the Code Enforcement Board ending June 2013, and consider moving up Alternate Member Osborne to the vacant regular member position. 6. Approval of Special Event Permit - Request for Road and Boat Ramp Closing for Fire Fighters Cook-off. (Building Official Washington) In order to temporarily close a public street, and Boat Ramp, the approval of the Honorable Mayor and City Commission is required. Mr. James Kelley has made application to the City for a Special Events Permit for a cook off that would require the temporary closing of City owned streets, and Starke Lake Boat Ramp. It would also require the use of the City Park and Community Center Parking Lot. The event will be held on March 20, 2010. The streets to be closed are a portion of N. Lakeshore Drive, and Oakland A venue. 7. Approval of Change Order No.3 with R.A. Scott Construction Company for Blackwood Avenue 16-Inch Reclaimed Water Main Project. (City Engineer Wheeler) The project consisted of the installation of 16-inch (16") ductile iron reclaimed water main from north of Old Winter Garden Road and across S.R.50 connecting to an existing 16" reclaimed water main that was constructed as part of Ocoee Commons PUD. The S.R.50 right-of-way crossing included 16" reclaimed pipe installation within a 30" steel casing pipe. Change Order (CO) No.1 resulted in the addition of an amount of $22,800.00 to the contract value and included the installation of 2-12" potable water valves on an existing 12" potable water main located in an easement on Health Central property. CO No. 1 was needed to satisfy easement negotiations with Health Central relating to installation of the 16" reclaimed water main and was approved by Commission on 7-21-09. Health Central has agreed to pay 1f2 of the $22,800.00. CO No.2 resulted in the addition of an amount of $40,616.00 to the contract value and included the addition of an Air Release Valve (ARV) on the new 16" reclaimed main and forcemain work in the S.R.50 right-of-way at two locations. The forcemain connections were needed to completely abandon the 12" SR50 forcemain which is subject to frequent line breaks. CO No.2 was approved by Commission on 10-6-09. Change Order (CO) No.3, if approved by Commission, will result in a reduction in the contract value by $15,350.23. CO No. 3 includes a reconciliation of quantities and an addition of a riser on an existing fire hydrant that was requested by Utilities. 8. Reassignment of Performance Efficiency Evaluation for Pioneer Key (Palm Park) Pond. (public Works Director Krug) The EP A grant which funded the construction of the Pioneer Key Regional Storm water Pond required the City to monitor the pond performance in reducing pollutant loadings discharging through the Northwest Ditch into Lake Apopka. The Commission approved issuing the performance efficiency evaluation work to PEC, the City's continuing services Storrnwater Engineering consultant in February 2009. PEC has recently notified the City that they will not be able to perform the remainder of the work on this project. A sub consultant, Environmental Research & Design, Inc. (ERDI) was performing the majority of this specialized efficiency evaluation for PEC. Public Works recommends canceling the remainder of the purchase order with PEC for the subject work and reassigning the completion of the work directly with ERDI. $57,974.31 remains on the PEC purchase order, and ERDI only requires $49,572.06 to complete the work. Any reporting previously done by PEC would be completed by the Public Works Team. 9. Approval to Purchase Police Pursuit Tires through Florida Sheriffs Program for FY 2009-2010. (Public Works Director Krug) The Fleet Division budget for Fiscal Year 2009/2010 includes the replacement of Police car tires. The City has researched pricing and found Boulevard Tire Center provides the lowest pricing available Page 2 of 5 City Commission Regular March 16, 2010 through the Goodyear Florida Sheriffs Association and Florida Association of Counties, Bid No. 09/10-04-0120. The pricing is valid through February 28, 2011. 10. Approval to Award New Police Car Equipment Up-fit to Equiptec Corporation for a Not to Exceed Amount of $33,500. (Public Works Director Krug) The Commission approved the purchase of nine (9) new Ford Crown Victoria cars for the Police Department in the 2009-2010 budget. Part of the budgeted expense is the lighting and interior equipment required for the vehicles to be utilized as Police vehicles. The Florida Sheriffs Bid lists police car equipment packages, but does not guarantee a delivery date. Due to the cars being in-stock with a quick delivery time frame, the Police Department and Public Works solicited quotes from vendors that would meet the procurement schedule of the Department. These quotes also provided a savings for the specified equipment. Public Works recommends awarding the police car equipment up-fit to Equiptec Corporation of Apopka, for the quoted price of $3,463.74 per vehicle for a total of $31,173.66. Public Works is requesting approval of a not to exceed amount of $33,500.00 be awarded to cover any unanticipated equipment model changes from the manufacturer. 11. Approval of Purchase of a Trench Box with Professional Shoring & Supply in the Amount of $6,792. (Public Works Director Krug) The Public Works Team utilizes safe excavation procedures in accordance with OSHA requirements for Excavations and Trenches. Part of these procedures is the use of a "shield system" or trench box to keep the sides of an excavation from caving in on Team Members. The City has rented trench boxes in the past for deep repairs, however in emergency situations a box cannot be obtained in a timely manner. The Public Works Stormwater Division solicited pricing to purchase an adjustable trench box in order to avoid further rental costs and have immediate availability should an emergency need arise for an excavation requiring trench protection. Public Works recommends approving the purchase of an 8'xlO' adjustable trench shield with Professional Shoring & Supply per their attached quote for $6,792.00, which includes trench safety training. 12. Approval of New HV AC Unit for Police Station with Apple Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. in the Amount of $6,058. (Public Works Director Krug) A sixteen (16) year old HV AC unit at the Police Station has failed and requires replacement. Public Works solicited a price to replace the unit from the City's continuing services HV AC contractor, Apple Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. Public Works has verified that the proposed cost of $6,058.00 is fair and reasonable for a five (5) ton unit. Public Works recommends awarding the HV AC unit replacement to Apple Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc., for the amount of $6,058.00. 13. Approval of Change Order No.1 to Kruger SCADA Project. (Utilities Director Smith) On October 20, 2009, City Commission approved the technology upgrade to the Ocoee Wastewater Plant. I. KrUger, Inc., the patent hold for the plant's bioprocess, was hired to replace both the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) operator's station computer, which also included all programming and implementation. During KrUger's work, it was noted that the existing alarm notification system was based on an outdated dial-up modem (Hayes 28,800 bps) and could be replaced during the work using a web-type system that will send notices by way of emails and/or audio (computer generated) voicemails or text messages. If the work was completed during KrUger's current mobilization, the City would save the cost of remobilization and reprogramming. KrUger was directed to and has completed the alarm notification upgrade. Staff is recommending approval to execute a change order to KrUger, Inc. for the Programmable Logic Controller/Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition Computers and associated progranuning upgrades to include the upgrade of the plant's emergency notification system in the amount of $2,276 which increases the original contract amount from $243,600 to $245,876. Page 3 of 5 City Commission Regular March 16,2010 14. Approval of Exchange of Exclusive Utilities Easement for Water Service. (Utilities Director Smith) The Utilities Department is proposing a future water system improvement consisting of an internal looping project. The loop will begin at the end of Roberts Rise Road and extend to West Road near Rewis A venue. The project will provide system interconnection south of the Florida Railroad which should lead to greater system reliability and improved pressure. To accomplish the looping project, the City will need to procure fifteen foot easements covering three properties. Currently, two parcels, 240 & 272 E. Silver Star Rd, have agreed to grant easements to the City in exchange for the City to provide water service at no cost to the property owners. The property owners understand the initial service may be temporary until the line is built and must be in an acceptable format to both staff and City Attorney. The actual timing of the main construction will be subject to receipt of all easements and funding resources, and initial water service may be by 2" service line from West Road. a. 240 E. Silver Star Road - Hopper Easement b. 272 E. Silver Star Road - Rogers Easement I G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE - PUBLIC HEARING I 15. Proposed Amendment to the Land Development Code - Extension of Preliminary & Final Subdivision/Site Plan Approvals. (Advertised in the Orlando Sentinel Orange Extra on Thursday, March 4,2010. Public Hearing scheduled at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter). . (Principal Planner Fabre) Due to the current economic conditions, City Staff is proposing an Amendment to the City of Ocoee Land Development Code relating to adoption of a new section (Section 4-12) for Chapter 180 which extends certain previously approved Preliminary & Final Plans until March 1, 2012. The time extensions would apply for any Preliminary & Final Plans approved by the City Commission after January 1, 2005, and prior to March 1, 2010, which has not obtained approval of a Final Site/Subdivision Plan (for either the entire project or the approved first phase) and/or commence construction as of March 1,2010. I H. REGULAR AGENDA 16. Election of Mayor Pro Tem. (City Clerk Eikenberry) 17. Appointment of Commission Liaison to Various Boards. Eikenberry) (City Clerk I I. STAFF ACTION ITEMS I I J. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS I I ADJOURNMENT I PLEASE NOTE: IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES 286.0105: ANY PERSON WHO DESIRES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR THIS PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBA TIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. ALSO, IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.26: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE, OCOEE, FL 34761, (407) 905 -3105 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. Page 4 of 5