HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 Approval of Minutes
February 16, 2010, at 6:00 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, and led by Commissioner Johnson. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll
and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Johnson and Commissioner Keller.
Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
Proclamation - SWAN Day - March 27,2010. (Mayor Vandergrift)
Recognition of CACOPD Volunteer of the Year, Civilian Employee of the Year, Officer of
the Fourth Quarter, and Officer of the Year. (Police Chief Brown)
Victoria Laney, Vice Chair of the CACOPD, recognized the following police department
personnel as selected by the board:
Officer of the Quarter - Officer Edwards
Volunteer of the Year- Sgt. Bob Shedwick
Civilian Employee of the Year - Diana Turner
Officer of the Year- Sgt. Mike Bryant
Recognition of Ocoee Police Officer Michelle Grogan as Central Florida Crisis
Intervention Team (CIT) Officer of the Year. (Police Chief Brown)
Chief Brown said this program began in Central Florida nine years ago with 14 jurisdictions,
and this is the second time the Ocoee Police Department has won the CIT Team of the Year for
Central Florida. Residents in crisis are being diverted from the jail system and placed into crisis
facilities where they belong. Ocoee Police Officer Michelle Grogan was selected from all the
nominees to be CIT Officer of the Year.
1) There is a minor change to Agenda Item #7, the City Clerk will address it when we get to that
2) Election Update:
The City ofOcoee Municipal Election is next Tuesday, March 9, 2010.
Residents from District 1 and District 3 will elect a Commissioner to represent their district.
Residents from all four districts will vote on proposed Charter Amendments. Details on the
proposed Charter Amendments are available on line at www.ocoee.org and paper copies will
City Commission Regular
March 2, 2010
be provided to any resident who does not have access to a computer via the City Clerk's
Office at 407 -905-3105. urged to participate.
3) Movie In The Park: This month's movie in the park will be held on Saturday, March 27th at
7:45 pm., immediately after the Spring Fling event. The movie is "Where the Wild Things
Are, a classic story about childhood and the places we go to figure out the world we live in."
The lawn area opens at 6:30 p.m.
3) Middlesex Asphalt completed resurfacing 2.7 miles oflocal roads in Prairie Lakes Village
and the Little Spring Hill Drive areas. This completes 95% of the program with a few
miscellaneous items still needing to be done.
4) Clarke Road Rehabilitation - 60 days for construction followed by a 30-day asphalt curing
process and final striping. Work will be done from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm so as to minimize
impact on traffic flow and noise in the adjacent residential neighborhoods.
5) Wedgewood Commons & Whitehill Reclaimed Water Retrofit - 120 days for construction
followed by a 30-day closeout period. Directional boring techniques will be used to install
reclaimed water pipelines so as to diminish impacts on roadways and private property.
6) The tennis court reconstruction project at Tiger Minor, Vignetti, and Parks ide/Coventry parks
will be out for bids in the next two weeks.
7) Plans are being completed for the replacement of water lines in the Peach Lake Manor IV
area and should be out for bids by the end of the month.
~Qm~!I!!.!!~}&\!~~J!t~ 1) said in addition to the awards given to police personnel tonight, Jamie
Byrd has been nominated for an All Star Officer of the Year from America's Most Wanted. You
can vote for her between now and April 11 th at amw.com/allstar. Chief Brown said she was
nominated mainly due to her extension work with the DARE program; she is the Central Florida
Regional President of DARE. Consensus of the Commission was to add a link to our
website that would allow people to ao directlv to the vote section of America's
Most Wanted website.
2) Reminded residents of Districts 2 and 4 that they need to come out and vote for the eight
Charter Amendments on Election Day, March 9, 2010. He gave a summary of the proposed
Charter amendments
3)-reminded eo Ie to respond to the census
- no announcements
1) said the Rotary Club of Ocoee will be having their Texas Hold 'em
Tournament on March 13, 2010 at the Ocoee Community Center. It is to benfit scholarships.
For more information contact City Hall.
~gIDmIilmt~1il!m<< 1) thanked all those who came out Saturday and braved the rain at the
Little League Opening Day parade. He thanked staff and commissioners for their assistance. The
Mayor thanked the grounds crew the Little League administration because the fields looked
MayJiil&~!iC:letgfID; 1) advised that he received a plaque from the Ocoee Bulldogs thanking the
City for their continued support 2) read a letter of thanks from Chelsea Dixon for support with
her Market Steer Project to earn money for her college fund. 3) West Orange Boy Scout Golden
Eagle Luncheon is tomorrow at Tanner Hall at 11 :30. He said he has reserved a table if anyone
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would like to join him. 4) reminded everyone that the Firefighters Union is putting on an event
on March 20, 2010 to raise money for Homes for Heroes and there will be more information at
the next meeting.
Commissioner Hood, seconded bv Commissioner Keller, moved to approve
Consent Aaenda items #1 throuah #3 as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
In accordance with Resolution 2006-010 as approved by the City Commission, the Ocoee Professional
Firefighters organization has filed a special event permit application for the sale of alcoholic beverages at a
fundraising event to take place on March 20, 2010, at Bill Breeze Park. Proceeds from the event will go towards
supporting Homes for Heroes.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Due to the current economic conditions, City Staff is proposing an Amendment to the City of Ocoee Land
Development Code relating to adoption of a new section (Section 4-12) for Chapter 180 which extends certain
previously approved Preliminary & Final Plans until March 1, 2012. The time extensions would apply for any
Preliminary & Final Plans approved by the City Commission after January 1, 2005, and prior to March 1, 2010,
which has not obtained approval of a Final Site/Subdivision Plan (for either the entire project or the approved
first phase) and/or commence construction as of March 1,2010.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced that
the second reading and public hearing is scheduled from March 16, 2010 at 7: 15 p.m. He gave
anyone wishing to speak tonight on this item the opportunity. No one responded.
Due to the resignation of Darlene Rhodus there is one (1) open seat for this board. Currently, four (4)
applications are on file from Ocoee Residents Carolyn Alexander, Glenda Dunn, Owen Kelley, and William
Maxwell who have all indicated their interest in being a member of the Planning & Zoning Commission.
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Commissioner Johnson will be bringing a 5th application to be considered. At the Meeting on February 16,
2010, this item was postponed in an attempt to locate an applicant from District 3, which currently only has one
member on the board.
City Clerk Eikenberry stated that this was brought back from the previous meeting so that
Commissioner Johnson could bring an applicant from District 3. Commissioner Johnson said
he received an email from Angel DeLaPortia stating his interest in being on the Planning and
Zoning Board. There was discussion that the other four applicants are all good applicants and
we should give them opportunities to serve on other boards if they wish to. City Clerk
Eikenberry said they will be contacting Ms. Dunn with regard to an opening on the Community
Merit Awards Board because that was her second choice.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded bv Commissioner Keller, moved to appoint
Anael DeLaPortia to the Plannina and Zonina Commission to complete the term
of resianina member Darlene Rhodus. Motion carried 5-0.
The Community Grant Review Board met on February 10,2010, to discuss the 9 applications received during
the first cycle of the Community Grant Program (formerly the Community Merit Awards Program). The
Community Grant Program provides financial grants of up to $500 made to Ocoee non-profit organizations and
civic groups outside City limits which benefit residents of Ocoee. The grants are awarded to acknowledge
excellence and further the contributions these local organizations bring to the Ocoee community.
The Community Grant Review Board voted to award grants to 8 organizations. One organization, Sisters
Secrets Ministries, was denied a grant. They did not have a representative present at the CGR Board meeting.
There is $5,000 allotted for this cycle of the Community Grant Program. The total amount requested from the 8
organizations this grant cycle is $4,000. The Community Grant Review Board voted to fund the 8 organizations
in the amount of $4,000.
Joy Wright, Community Relations Manager, acknowledged those in the audience receiving
the some of the grants. She stated that 8 of 9 applicants met the criteria and received awards
totaling $4000.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded bv Commissioner Wilsen, moved to approve
the Community Grant Proaram January 2010 cvcle in the amount of $4000 as
recommended bv staff. Motion carried 5-0.
Cathy Sills, on behalf of the Lions Club, stated that the money will be used for eyeglasses, eye
appointments and hearing aids.
Ms. Sills also made two presentations of donations to the City Spring Fling event.
Ms. Sills gave the City a check for $125 for the Spring Fling Event from the Lions Club.
Ms. Sills stated that the Women's Club will be donating a bicycle to the Spring Fling Event.
Chief Brown will present potential golf cart ordinance details and issues to the City Commission for their
Police Chief Brown gave a PowerPoint presentation describing what it takes to enact an
ordinance including: what defines golf cart; who can operate them; geographic areas for golf cart
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use; signage and studies that will be required; time of day the operation will be allowed; how the
ordinance will be enforced; if it is a legitimate public need.
After discussion, the consensus of the Commission was for staff to aather
information and arranae a workshop and community meetina one evenina at 7:00
p.m. to discuss the interest and reaulations for aolf carts.
Commissioner Keller asked that it is not combined with the work session on bonding issues.
Pursuant to Florida Statute 101.5614 and Ocoee City Charter Section C-50, the Canvassing Board shall meet at
noon on March 10,2010, in the presence of members of the public desiring to witness the proceedings. The
Board will declare the results of the canvass and results of the election if no provisional ballots exist. At that
time an audit will be conducted. If provisional ballots exist, the canvassing board will continue the meeting to
noon Monday, March 16, 2010. The canvassing board will consist of Commissioner Keller, Commissioner
Wilsen, and Mayor Vandergrift. City Attorney Rosenthal and City Clerk Eikenberry will be present to
administer the procedures. The audit team will consist of Deputy City Clerk Sib bitt and Utility Billing
Supervisor Sills.
Commissioner Keller, seconded bv Commissioner Wilsen, moved to approve the
Canvassina Board Criteria as submitted bv the Supervisor of Elections Office and
acceptina the chanae in the audit team as noted bv City Clerk Eikenberry.
In order to temporarily close a public street, boat ramp and fishing pier, the approval of the Honorable Mayor
and City Commission is required. Mr. William Tetro of South Florida Outboard has made application to the
City for a Special Events Permit for a Boat Race that would require the temporary closing of a City owned
street, Starke Lake Boat Ramp and Fishing Pier. It would also require the use of the City Park and Community
Center Parking Lot. The event will be held on March 11-14,2010. The street to be closed is a portion ofN.
Lakeshore Drive.
Building Official Washington stated that he researched this item with regard to approval and
the City Manager, Police Chief, and Fire Chief have the authority to sign off on City sponsored
events, this is not a city sponsored event and has been brought before the Commission for
approval. The Commission confirmed that there would only be on the water for three days
(Friday - Sunday). Commissioner Johnson raised the question about getting a Police and Fire
Action Plan. Cathy Sills, spoke on behalf of the event organizer who could not be here due to a
family illness, stating that they have their own Emergency Boat, Pontoon Boat, and Health
Central ambulances. Commissioner Johnson said they need to submit that plan to the police and
fire departments for approval. Ms. Sills advised that will be addressed tomorrow. The staff
recommendation for approval includes several conditions and one of them includes the EMS
action plan.
Commissioner Hood, seconded bv Mavor Vanderarift, moved to approve the
closure of the road, boat dock, and fishina pier, for three days per staff
recommendation. Motion carried 5-0.
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Commissioner Hood - reminded everyone of the election next Tuesday.
Commissioner Wilsen- no comments
Commissioner Johnson-no comments
Commissioner Keller 1) reminded everyone to vote in the municipal election next Tuesday and
2) thanked the symphony and said did a great job at their event on February 20th. Mayor
Vandergrift added that they were unable to make it tonight, but they are going to come and give
the City a reimbursement check because the event made enough money to cover the funds the
city provided.
The meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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