HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #11 Approval of Purchase of Trench Box center of GOOd LI lJ-- '~ ~O~~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: March 16, 2010 Item # U ~if ~-- Contact Name: Contact Number: Stephen C. Krug 6002 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Trench Box. Background Summary: The Public Works Team utilizes safe excavation procedures in accordance with OSHA requirements for Excavations and Trenches. Part of these procedures is the use of a "shield system" or trench box to keep the sides of an excavation from caving in on Team Members. The City has rented trench boxes in the past for deep repairs, however in emergency situations a box cannot be obtained in a timely manner. The Public Works Stormwater Division solicited pricing to purchase an adjustable trench box in order to avoid further rental costs and have immediate availability should an emergency need arise for an excavation requiring trench protection. Public Works recommends approving the purchase of an 8'x10' adjustable trench shield with Professional Shoring & Supply per their attached quote for $6,792.00, which includes trench safety training. Issue: . Request the City Commission to approve funding the purchase of a trench box in order to ensure compliance with OSHA regulations for Excavations and Trenches. Recommendations Recommend the City Commission approve the funding to purchase an adjustable 8'x10' trench box with Professional Shoring & Supply in the amount of $6,792.00. Attachments: Professional Shoring & Supply - Quote. Sunbelt Rentals - Quote. Mabey - Quote. Financial Impact: The $6,792.00 is adequately funded in the Stormwater Division equipment rental budget line. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution x Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDi Use: _____ Consent Agenda _____ Public Hearing Regular Agenda _ Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) ~M N/A N/A N/A 2 ~c 15 200S 4,44PM ? PSS 407-854-9917 p. 1 Quotation SALE Customer: City 01 Ocoee Contact Ben Stone QUOTE DATE; REQUESTED BY: PAYMENT TERMS: 1211512009 Ben Slone N-30 Phone: 407-905-3100 Fax: 40"-!)()5-3176 THIS QUOTATION IS VALID ONLY FROM: TO: DELIVERY: DELIVERY VIA: FOB: THD BEST WAY Destination Point QTY MODEL DESCRIPTION WelRht Unit Price Exteoded 1 810XLAP 31' Wall Aluminum Trench Shield- 8'dO' 1.340 56.000,00 $6.000.00 4 XL2846 Ad1ustable SDrellders 28" - 46" 170 (4\ $198.00 $791.,00 I . .. ... , ._ "M".~'"'''''~'*''' ..- . ...... , l Deoth RAtiDIllI with Vnrious Soil TVDe3: , I , 'B ~ ~ 1- , , , , 21' lIS' 12' ! i i Shield Caplclty: 1)60 (PSF) ! I Mu: Pipe Clearance: 30" I Total Welglu: 1,510Ib-. .. ...- - . .. NN'M"._._ u . ...-.. 1 Traiainll Trench Safety Tratnh12 Provided bv the PSS Orlapdo BraDch No Char2e 1 ResooDse 24hr Emerlrency A8sl.tan~e & SUDDort No ChnrRe $6,792.00 .' ........." ,.'W W .,...... " .~. . ~ ' ." w, . .~... . . ..... .. . ",' l Prafeulonlll ShDl'lnll ReI:Il"IIS~ntlltl"a: Joahu. J. CDck....nll Orlando Btlneh 407-408-6151 lcockayn e@profe5:ilonaI5horlnl5.~om _.~.w._..~.'~'"~_''' .... ...-.. .. --- - I I SPECIAL NOTES: Customer is Tax Exempt No Dellvel)' Charge Date From: SUNBELT RENTALS To: 407-905-3176 CURTIS Msg#2160551.0,1 11/02/200909:5017 Page2ot2 ~S!IIID1 PCIt: 057 2101 W. LANDSTREET RD ORlANDO. FL 32809 407.816-8188 Page: 1 SEND ALL PAYMENTS TO: SUNBEL T RENTALS, INC. P.O. Box 409211 Atlanta, GA 30384.9211 EQUI PMENT SALE QUOTE 111111111111111111111111 ,Job Site: CITY OF OeOEE 301 MAGUIRE ROAD OeOEL FL 34761 el: 407-005-3170 IN: 407.905.3170 Invoice I... 22833107.000 System date. 10128109 Customer: 5426287 CITY OF OCOEE 301 MAGUIRE ROAD OCOEE. FL 34761 Invoice date 12127/09 AM Job Loc..... 301 MAGUIRE ROAD. OCOEE Job No...... 4 . CITY OF OCOEE . P.O. I...... QUOTE Ordered By.. CURTIS. NET DUE UPON RECEIPT Qty Item number Unit Price Amount 1 9' X 10' ALUM. TRENCH BOX 2" WAL EA 2AEX-910 4 3.5" X 3.5 " STEEL PIP SPRDR (56 EA 2AEX-5692L 1 2114XXXOOO FREIGHT Partial truck load cost from Detroit, Michigan to Orlando, Fl. 1 2114XXXOOO FREIGHT Dedicated truck load shipment from Det roi t , M.~:::N;:::gnemr:' F.:...~::::i.:.::::.:.:::::::;:::~:~::::)n::.:.:.:.:.::.::.:.'.,. DELIVERY ~r~G'E' ....".. ., 6039.640 6039.64 219.600 979.40 EA 1060.000 1060.00 EA 2190.000 2190.00 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . ......................... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... .................................... ...-......................... ...............--... ,......."".,,,,,. ........--....... ""..'",,....., '..,'.',.........,'.',.,'.'...... ".'.','.','.','.',','.'," ;K;!II;:::::::ri~li~~~:~ , 10157.04 10157.04 .,,,......',,..... ........,,,,,...,..' ....---....-_..--..... ..,...,....",...."... - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . ........."..,...."..... ..,.................,..... .,......,......,..,....... ...,..'...',............',.,'........,.............. ..". ...."". ...." ..".... ..... ".".. "".. .....- ..........................................1.,...,...,."""""""1"""'1" .........I....,I........I......H : Rate your rental experienoe www .sunbeltsurvey .oom : IF THE EQUIPMENT DOES NOT WORK PROPERL V. NOTIFV THE OFFICE AT ONCE MUL TlPLE SHIFTS OR OVERTIME RATES MAV APPLV CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REFUEUNG. DAMAGES AND REPAIRS ,. Aenul ,"t".C ,Mimatu bNCd Oft "timlte" 'l"t61 pe,iod provided bv e".tome, 2. C"'etofrlIer ......I"f\e..n ,ilk. ...oaiatad .iO thl fquiprnlM du,ing tM Rln'" P.iod, .,.I"din9 iniuty Iftd, dM'l\.gI to pe,eoM. property ...d I". .~ipment. ,. C4tetOfftel te 'I:~eibtc lor Mid eh.. only M'Mlt IMDDt:,IV oline!. ."lfto.iled lndNidwtl.. whO .e "CM under thllnlluenoc 01 dr.,S. Of tloohol. tG "'" the fQuiomen.. 4. If dI. CQ.,nPf'l\enl doc. nOI opellle propertv. the CGoliDm~"t i, nol euiuble fa. owelOMI", in'endld "ee. thc cQUipmcnt did not oame with OIIcrlsing Ind ..lelY .",nwotlon. or OU"omtf h..."", QIolC~on. ",,'cing wee of she eQ",pmenl. do not oper lie she eQWlpn'll:n' ~d oontMt IUnbelt immcdi.lelv. S. "lIlUK ciI the I:quiplMnl or uling d.ml~d 01' mlHunotiani"9 tquioment mlW ,nult in "rQl. bodily injury Of de_h. .. C"I'omcr h.. fcoe;yed. fcld, "rtatrl'"na....d _,Cel to the cMirn.tcd .c",., lite. hc,rein .,.d .II the tc:rml.~ DOn_a... of itN. ConU.Dt.thC ReleeN .nd IrIdcrnnrf'HIiDft prov'eiDft in Seotiorl 8. RIMel PrOleolian PI., CLDWl_ No ICwetome, l"ili.l.l CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATI NAME PRINTED DELIVE RED BY DATI .. .....lWI1l1etu.....oom.. !IA1.V...t....at~, NOV-03-2009 14:30 MABEY BRIDGE & SHORE ~ 407 856 8311 P.002 Head OffICe: 6nO Dorsev Ro&d . Elkridge ' MD ' 21075 ,Tel: (410) 379-2800 · Fax: (410) 379-2801 SALE QUOTATION From To Am : Curtis Stone Oty or O<:oee 301 Maguire Road OCoee, FL 34761 Mabey Bridge 8& Shore, Inc. FLORIDA DEPOT 9703 RECfCLE CENTeR ROAD ORLANDO, FL 32824 AciCount: QUOTE Tel: 407-905-3100 Fax: 407.905-3176 Tel: (407) 856 8283 Fax: (407) 8568311 ... The following SALE QUOTATlON i$ Intended for the addressee ooly .... O\Ir Ref: FlI0ll44440 Your Ref: MBS! Eng File .: Date: 11/3/2009 at 1:41:12PM Site Contact: CUrti$ Stone Site contact Tel: 407-905-3100 Site: Qty of 0C0c:e. 301 Maguire Road. ocoee, Fl.. 34761, EASTERN CENTRAL FLORIDA (470) Dear SirS 1l1ank you for your enquiry on 03 November 2009 I'9Clllved from our sales team. We are pleased to submit our quo~tion for the sale of the eQuipment listed below (S\Jbject to aVllilabllllY). Sale quolle for (1) 8' tall )C 10' long aluminum trel'lchbox with 34--$4" adjustable spreaders, and (1) 6' nylon 4-leggecS lifting sling. ComPrising tile foUowlng parts list:. Item Number DesCription Quantity Price Total STOCK Aluminum TrenchbOx 8x10 panel Z 2.890.00 5.780.00 STOOU Adj Tube Spreaders 34"-54" 4 189.41 757.64 STOCK2 r; Nylon UftIng Sling 1 23o.s8 230.58 Net Item value 5,768.22 Delivery Charge 1,300.00 Total Welght for equipment shown is: 0 pounds The quoced charges dO oot Include Sales Tax. All charges will be subject to local Sales Tal< where applicable. Thl$ quotatlon exctudes: . Tools for assembly and dIsassembly of equipment . Labor and eQUipment for InstallatiOn and removal . Labor ancl equipment for deWClterill9 If freight is included In the above Quotation, we will make arrangements to deliver I piCk up the equipment either In the morning or in the afternoon of the lIOreed elate. If Is yovr responsibility to ensure that sul~ble personnel and machines !Ire at the site to unl~d I lOad the truexs provided. Any MSSI equipment that is retumed in a dogged, clrty or other colldllion that reQUires Iabor.for reconditioning or deanlng purposes WIll have this cleaning charged to the customer at a rate of $20.00 per ton. All contaminants must be removed from the equipment berore Its return. Due to the volatility 0' the steel marlcct all sales priceS are subjeCt to Increase without priOr notice, based upon steel mill price increases incurre<l by M8SI whid'l are beyond our control. At your request, a Product Technician can be provided at a rate of $95 per hour plus expenses. Charge time Is calculated from the time the Technidan leaves the depot until their return. 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