HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #14a.b. Approval of Exchange of Exclusive Utilities Easement for Water Service AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: March 16, 2010 Item # L:fa. Contact Name: Contact Number: Charles K. Smith, P.E. 407 -905-3159 Reviewed By: Department Director: Charles K. City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: Exchange of Exclusive Utilities Easement for Water Service 240 E. Silver Star Road Background Summary: The Utilities Department is proposing a future water system improvement consisting of an internal looping project. The loop will begin at the end of Roberts Rise Road and extend to West Road near Rewis Avenue. The project will provide system interconnection south of the Florida Railroad which should lead to greater system reliability and improved pressure. To accomplish the looping project, the City will need to procure fifteen foot easements covering three properties. Attached is a schematic of the proposed looping project's route and affected properties. Currently, two parcels, 240 & 272 E. Silver Star Rd, have agreed to grant easements to the City in exchange for the City to provide water service at no cost to the property owners. The property owners understand the initial service may be temporary until the line is built and must be in an acceptable format to both staff and City Attorney. The actual timing of the main construction will be subject to receipt of all easements and funding resources, and initial water service may be by 2" service line from West Road. Issue: Should the City Commission approve the exchange of a single residential water service, including all costs and fees, for the granting of a 15' wide utility easement by the property owner at 240 E. Silver Star RD.? Recommendations Motion to authorize City Manager to exchange a single residential water service, including all costs and fees, for the granting of an exclusive 15' wide utility easement by the property owner at 240 E. Silver Star Road; and said easement shall be in an acceptable format to the City Attorney. Attachments: Interconnection main schematic. Financial Impact: Cost of providing water service to property shall include cost of meter and material (approximately $1,500), in-kind labor and payment of one (1) ERU capital fee of $1,661.00 from 401-533-10-6302 "Minor Water Line Replacement Upgrades." Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution For Clerk's Deat Use: _____ Consent Agenda Public Hearing _____ Regular Agenda 1 _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A 2 c.... D ? CJ Z en ~ -j () N )> S f1.1 UJ r f1.1 0 :;0 0 I 0- 0 CD 0 ;::1. 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Smith, P.E. 407 -905-3159 Reviewed By: Department Director: Charles K. Smith City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: Exchange of Exclusive Utilities Easement for Water Service 272 E. Silver Star Road Background Summary: The Utilities Department is proposing a future water system improvement consisting of an internal looping project. The loop will begin at the end of Roberts Rise Road and extend to West Road near Rewis Avenue. The project will provide system interconnection south of the Florida Railroad which should lead to greater system reliability and improved pressure. To accomplish the looping project, the City will need to procure fifteen foot easements covering three properties. Attached is a schematic of the proposed looping project's route and affected properties. Currently, two parcels, 240 & 272 E. Silver Star Rd, have agreed to grant easements to the City in exchange for the City to provide water service at no cost to the property owners. The property owners understand the initial service may be temporary until the line is built and must be in an acceptable format to both staff and City Attorney. The actual timing of the main construction will be subject to receipt of all easements and funding resources, and initial water service may be by 2" service line from West Road. Issue: Should the City Commission approve the exchange of a single residential water service, including all costs and fees, for the granting of a 15' wide utility easement by the property owner at 272 E. Silver Star RD.? Recommendations Motion to authorize City Manager to exchange a single residential water service, including all costs and fees, for the granting of an exclusive 15' wide utility easement by the property owner at 272 E. Silver Star Road; and said easement shall be in an acceptable format to the City Attorney. Attachments: Interconnection main schematic. Financial Impact: Cost of providing water service to property shall include cost of meter and material (approximately $1,500), in-kind labor and payment of one (1) ERU capital fee of $1,661.00 from 401-533-10-6302 "Minor Water Line Replacements and Upgrades." Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading For Clerk's Dept Use: ~ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution N/A N/A N/A Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) 2 c;... 0 ? 0 z (JJ ~ -l () N )> f1:1 Vl r S f1:1 0 0> o o ;J> o $: ~ 3" -" '" 0" ....0 ~ 0 coO 0<1> 01<1> ~~ 01" co~ .... ~ i '" ?' 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