HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #08 Special Event Permit- Boat Races Reviewed By: Contact Name: James F. Washin Department Director: Contact Number: 407.905.3104 City Manager: Subject: Special Event Permit- Request for Road, Boat Ramp, and Fishing Pier Closing Boat Race on Starke Lake tJ;C:: Background Summary: In order to temporarily close a public street, Boat Ramp and Fishing Pier, the approval of the Honorable Mayor and City Commission is required. Mr. William Tetro of U.S. Title Series has made application to the City for a Special Events Permit for a Boat Race that would require the temporary closing of a City owned street, Starke Lake Boat Ramp and Fishing Pier. It would also require the use of the City Park and Community Center Parking Lot. The event will be held on April 16-18, 2010. The street to be closed is a portion of N. Lakeshore Drive. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the temporary closing of a public street, boat ramp and fishing pier for the purpose of a Boat Race on Starke Lake? Recommendations: Staff respectfully recommends approval with the following requirements: 1) All residents that will be affected by the road blockage must be notified in advance; 2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road closure in advance; 3) An emergency lane must be maintained at all times; 4) Roads must be blocked with proper barricades; 5) Signs to be posted at the boat ramp in advance to notify the public of the closure; 6) No parking in the Community Center /Employee parking area until after 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 16,201 O. Attachments: Special Event Application and location map Financial Impact: None Type of Item: (please mark wifh an "x'J Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution -L Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deaf Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk x Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by X N/A X N/A N/A e center of Good L . ~e J~il] ~ ~. .~~ . ~ e ('it v Manil!!C'r RolH'rt Fra nk COlllll1 issilllH'r,.; (~ary Ilood. Dj,.;t ri('1 1 HosC'mary Wilsl'n. Di,.;lri(.t 2 I{usty ,/ohn,.;on. Dist ri('l :\ ,Iopl F. Kl'lIl'r. J)isl riel .1 MayOl' S. St'ut! Vandl'r~rift MEMORANDUM TO: Special Event Sponsor FROM: Jim Washington, Building Official RE: Conditions of Permit from Ocoee Building Division Conditions of Special Event permit as regulated by the Building Division: SPECIAL EVENT NAME: U.S. Title Series DATES: April 16, 17 & 18,2010 # OF PARTICIPANTS 300 # OF MALE FACILITIES REQUIRED. Two # OF FEMALE FACILITIES REQUIRED. Two · Sponsor shall provide a minimum of I male restroom (water closet) per 100 estimated participants and I female restroom (water closet) per 65 estimated participants. The distribution is based on the participants being composed of 50% of each sex. Existing facilities may be counted. Placement of facilities should be so that a participant shall not have a path of travel greater than 500 feet to reach a facility. In addition, accessible facilities must be provided and relatively central in location. · Temporary power hook-ups and generators shaH be inspected by the Building Division prior to energizing. If inspections are required after normal working hours, the event sponsor shall assume the city's cost which is $50.00 per hour per inspector with a minimum charge of 3 hours. · Prior to opening to the public the above shall be inspected the Ocoee Building Division. If you have any questions or wish to set up these inspections, please contact (407) 905-3104 or send a facsimile to (407) 905-3155. Thank you. *Regardless of how few participants are expected, there should be I male and I female facility provided as a minimum. NOTE: A special event permit may include temporary directional signs and tent signs only. Directional signs and tent signs shall conform to the requirements of the Ocoee Land Development Code. A special event permit does Dot authorize streamers, cold-air balloons, trailer signs, flashing or search lights, etc. The City of Ococe . 150 N Lakeshore Drive' Ocoec. Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3104. Fax: (407) 905-3155' wW\\'.ocoec.org B1/BS/2B1B 13:41 Jan 07 10 D512Gp 3216335612 Cit.l::l.OOOee HARBOR AUTO ..079053. PAGE 02 p. 1 " . . . . . " -"-"-~'~-.~~-..~.. #.: ~.:~'f~..~.. . .. t~~~~\~/T~-:::'~~ --;,~:r:.- - . tlll ~ "'y,' " "J ~,7 ...../ ~.~~t~~~J!33A<;.-~~'( ..;.;}~ -"--.-- Orpnization Head Quarter!; ___.--. Name: V -i /./ ~ L:e Addrcss:~~ /$ ~ ~ .3"~ City~o..,~.~ 0:1 ~A State:./ ~ t-A rhone#-: C::;" L -:;'.; ~ - f~ /' yo Representative --- Name; c....-I" c.. ~""A. A'7 Lt!""JI ~o Address: ~.2."7 / ;:;-~i'--c ..,..,,~-~~ Ci~~~4~~ State: .....-===-~ ~ . Phone #: :1.2.. "" .. ? 11 y - -Z...J -,. .? Applic~t (if different): Name: Address: Ci1.y: Phone #: Je<,~ Zip Code: f~/~,j' ~~... ~ Zip Code: 2.::J.. ~...J- ...r State: Zip Code: Type of Evcnt: Pandc_ Ceremony_ Exhibition Show Concert Demouatration Other -:1.:> #6 r ~~ c. <? Dale (8) anel timc (s) scheduled.: A r'C' (. /6 -,;I '7... / Sf I..., 1"'" ~ "'- , .. /0 IR_ . ."..:,JI"..... J .. -:- .; ~ 1#_ ' Y',,_ oJ.."'''''' /~. ~~ Na~e and types of&ctiviti== C~J'J6,=,- ~......,c..Je ..:;6_r;.3~....n:..g ~... \ Approxima1e tulmber of ~Iatonl md participants: .:r ~ 4' /~ ..~~ Purpose of Special ev=t: '- "...... ,....r"~ a../.A#~~6"'-G. e :Exact locaticm of event: '~./.t:.i..:- .r ~ 14<,,- Designatian of'public &cilities or equipment to be wed: G'.-!. ~e$ ,op......" ",.,..", If.~ Number ofte'mporuy directiocal sisns: ./ ':J. .:, e,-_ 2.. x $5.00 per sign ... City ofOcoeo' 150 N Labshore Drive. Oco~o, Florida 34761 Pb011C: (407) 90S-31M. ~ (.ro?) 656-5398 · www.d.ClC:ClIle.fl.us 01/08/2010 13:41 Jan 07 10 05:27p 3216335612 C i t.~ .coee HARBOR AUTO 4078053. PAGE 03 p.2 Copy or State Permit if State roadway is lISed: 0 yes ~ no For Parade: Exact location of marshalling and staging area: Tin10 at which units of parade will begin to arrive: rune at which units of parade will be disperaed: Exact route to be traveled shown on attached map: 0 yes Cl no Please attach approximate # of pc nons, animals, 8t. vehicles participating with. description of types of animals and vehicles. Parade will occupy all of the width of the street, roadway, Of sidewalk: 0 yes 0 no For Fireworks: The foUowing shall be Il1taehcd to this appJication: 1) A detailed listing of the typo & quantity of fucwork,.oc to be used. 2) A detailed written statement outUning aU appropriate safety procedures which will be used at fueworlcs display in order to protect the safety of the public and all surrounding property . 3) A detailed written statement describing what facilities and containers will be used to store fireworks. . 4) If applicable. applicants fodemllicensc 1# fortransporong fireworks across state line. S) A detailed list of names, addresses, occupations, and bac:kgrounds of all individuals who will be responsible for the actUa.I display, use or explosion of any fireworks. The . backgrounds statement should include a complete history of the experience of the individuals involved with le5pect to their use offueworks, includins a detailed list and explanation of each and every accident resulting from the use of fireworks which the individual bas been responsible for. or involved in. 6) A map showing exact launch point and axea 0 Applic:aat Sipature: Date: /- ~ ~ - ';:"::JO/ #~Pproved / Police Chief o Conditions for pmnit attached Date: ..,,~.'~ I . ;)blZ~ ~pproved 1iic Chief o ditiona for permit,m';,d ) Date: I [I I 0 I:J Approved Building Official o Conditions for pennit attached Date: "* ~d L; ~ iJ'A- ~ ~ /.HN--- /Uy--f"1 ~ t!~ /JIA- f- CI'l$ ~. . /7'-"-- /~ --- e e Page I of 1 Everett, Brandy From: Carnicella, Jim Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 3:00 PM To: Dreasher, Brad; Everett, Brandy; Stanley, Butch; Silberstein, Ted Cc: Decaul, Jaswantie; Washington, Jim; McNeil, Pete Subject: RE: Same here, ,JI~I/ ?:rmIiHlln Human Resources/Risk Management Director City of Ocoee 125 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 407 -905-3154 :',>' l-iAPPY!! j:' .:....' :HAPPV!l:... ;.r', . From: Dreasher, Brad Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 2:47 PM To: Everett, Brandy; Stanley, Butch; Silberstein, Ted Cc: Decaul, Jaswantie; Washington, Jim; McNeil, Pete; Carnicella, Jim Subject: RE: Looks ok from us as well. From: Everett, Brandy Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 2:05 PM To: Stanley, Butch; Dreasher, Brad; Silberstein, Ted Cc: Decaul, Jaswantie; Washington, Jim; McNeil, Pete; Carnlcella, Jim Subject: Attached is the paper work for the U.S. Title Series boat races scheduled for April 16, 17 and 18, 2010. I just want to make sure that they have met everyones requirements before I complete their Special Event Permit. Thank you Brandy LEverett City of Ocoee Development Services Building Division 407-905-3104 407-905- 3155(Fax) ~ <. /'),,', j';', _. -";- )'~<() .. . .~' ". e;C{ -'J'. . . ':-"../;,' , if"'1 '0 11....-;-.~ :'-.,1 ; t.. ".' ..J' \"" "".',, .""'. ..-..... . 3/24/20 I 0 e e Page 1 of 1 Everett, Brandy From: Stanley, Butch Sent: Wednesday, March 24,20102:27 PM To: Everett, Brandy; Dreasher, Brad; Silberstein, Ted Cc: Decaul, Jaswantie; Washington, Jim; McNeil, Pete; Carnicella, Jim Subject: RE: It looks good ror me. Butch StcUlley Deputy Chief Ocoee Fire Deparunent 568 S. Blulord Avenue Ocoee, FI 3,t761 /to7 -905-8140 107 -905-:~ 129 Fax From: Everett, Brandy Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 2:05 PM To: Stanley, Butch; Dreasher, Brad; Silberstein, Ted Cc: Decaul, Jaswantle; Washington, Jim; McNeil, Pete; Carnicella, Jim Subject: Attached is the paperwork for the U.S. Title Series boat races scheduled for April 16, 17 and 18, 2010. 1 just want to make sure that they have met everyones requirements before I complete their Special Event Permit. Thank you Brandy LEverett City of Ocoee Development Services Building Division 401~905~ 3104 401~ 905- 3155(Fax) /~'<; '. "'", .. ......~ "Fi; -. ,'7 '..(1 ..... ( " ...~. :) ....j!, A :Z;:.;'':_' W 3/24/2010 . e Page 1 of 1 Everett, Brandy From: Dreasher, Brad Sent: Wednesday, March 24,20102:47 PM To: Everett, Brandy; Stanley, Butch; Silberstein, Ted Cc: Decaul, Jaswantie; Washington, Jim; McNeil, Pete; Camicella, Jim Subject: RE: Looks ok from us as well. From: Everett, Brandy Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 2:05 PM To: Stanley, Butch; Dreasher, Brad; Silberstein, Ted Cc: Decaul, Jaswantie; Washington, Jim; McNeil, Pete; Carnicella, Jim Subject: Attached is the paper work for the U.S. Title Series boat races scheduled for April 16, 17 and 18, 2010. I just want to make sure that they have met everyones requirements before I complete their Special Event Permit. Thank you Brandy LEverett City or Ocoee Development Services Building Division 401-905-3104 401-905- 3155(Fax) t,''''l ("') . ". 'J',,'" . .Jf: 'f ~/l/ .i.....::...~. .... !€:J0i' " J'.':fk~;\"'U I) 0 ,.....'- i #<~ ' .". " ... ~ . ~::.:~:~..~~ ~:l~_~~_~~ 3/24/20 I 0 . . Page 1 of 1 Everett, Brandy From: Dreasher, Brad Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 1 :59 PM To: Everett, Brandy Subject: Special Event permits Brandy. ~sending them back interoffice mail butlhaveapprovedtheUnityparade.RotaryCIUb.an~ ~ c=...J Thanks, Brad. Lt. Brad Dreasher Ocoee Police Department 646 Ocoee Commerce Parkway Ocoee, FL. 34761 Office: 407-905-3100 ext. 93028 Fax: 407-905-3164 bdreasherca>.ci .ocoee. fl. us Our Mission: We are committed to partnering with the community to improve the quality of life, preserve order. and provide excellence in police service. 1/14/2010 . . Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift Transmittal Memorandum c.enter of Good L' . ~e J(1JI} ~ ,,' "", ~ Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Rosemary Wilsen. District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F. Keller. District 4 City Manager Robert Frank TO: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Date: Number ofP es (Incl. Cover Sheet: (. I a-. FROM Sender's Phone Number: Fax Number: De artment:: Official Re erenee / Sub 'eet SPECIAL EVENT: U.S. Title Series on April 16-18,2010 Please address the following items for your special event pennit: 1. Provide additional restroom facilities for indicate attendance. Note there are only one male and one female facility located at Bill Breeze Park; however, both are handicap accessible. 2. All hook ups to the City electrical service/receptacles at this park shall be inspected for compliance the Building Division. All generators are to be inspected for proper grounding, bonding, etc. If inspections are required after normal business hours, they must be requested in accordance with Section 51-128 (G)(4): Requests for special after-hours (other than normal working hours, weekends or holidays) inspections shall be submitted to the Building and Zoning Official, in writing, by the contractor 48 hours in advance of the requested inspection. The minimum number of hours that will be approved is three hours. No inspection(s) will be approved until the inspection fees have been paid. The rate per hour for special after-hours inspections is $50. If you have any questions or need to discuss this further, please contact me at (407) 905-3104, send a facsimile to (407) 905-3155 or e-mail jimw@cLocoee.fl.us. Notice This facsimile contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the Addressee(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this facsimile, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this facsimile is strictly prohibited. If you have received this facsimile in error, please notify us by telephone and return the original facsimile to us at the above address via the U.S. Postal Service. Thank ou. Updated Jam<<uy 4, 2007 Document Date: 1/26/2010 . . HP Laser Jet 3055 Fax Call Report CITY OF OCOEE 4079053155 Jan-27-2010 8:17AM Job Date Time Type Identification 7813216335612 Duration 7667 1/27/2010 8:16:25AM Send 1: 19 Pages 1 Result OK 01/08/2010 13:41 S'l\t By: APBA; 3216335&12 . HARBffi AUTO 586 173 6490j Jan.8-10 4111JPUj - - ----- ---. -- -"'-., ""I r;"" - . J' ". :"r }. 1-' .. National CuuaJly eon,p.y AM 8est RMiq "A" Adrnitted~ Nationwide.LiC.IDs. Co. AM Bc.t btiaa "A - A*'iued M:ubt l\t'J'~: or. f&1 ( I..r......-l ~ \- '.1 :..r. Iii VNDERWItITlNG AGENT lDsurina tile WOIld's tun- i$ our focus. For over 50 furs. KAK 1Dat~ bas -. racopiad IS tba IeIding IN'OVidel of spoIlS, teisure lad eDlertalnment f1lhrlllDe PtDCIacts. ~ 00. of the ....t Nauagiaa GouraI Undcn.. ilillu ia the UoitecI States, w. JWiaIaa .. variety of tndiIioaIl in.Iuruce company fimctioas on btha1f of the iasannc:e COInpIDia we ,....... allowl", us to provide exceptioaaI ..mce In: JIt'OIo- dcveIOJIII1CI'f, ..les IUd lIIIlbtins, cmd.mvridq, polley isslWlc:e IDCI administrltiGl, Joss control and claims. l'f't' t', . ",...,..". AMBICM POWIDl8o.tlr AI8OC:WIaN 2009 INSURANCE PROGRAM PAGE IH Page 2 ! ' i ,. I I j' I , . ,.'. 01/08/2010 13:41 Jen 07 10 OS:27p 3216335G12 Cit.~ .ca.. HARBOR AUTO 4f0790531. PAGE 03 p.2 Copy of State Permit if Sute roedway is used; D yes Pi no For Parade: Exact location ofmarshallmg and staging area: Time at which uaits of parade will begin to arrive: lune at which uni1s ofparade will be dispened: Exact route to be trawled shown on atta&:hcd map: D yes 0 no Please attach approximate # ofpenonsJ Anim.t~. It vehicles participatillg with description of typeS of animals and vehicles. Parade will ouupy all of the width of the street, roadway, or sidewalk: D yes 0 no for Fireworks: The toUowiag shall be a1t8ched. to this application: I) A detailed listing of the typD &; quantity of fueworb to be used. 2) A detailed writta1 statement outUning aU appropriate safety procedures which will be used at fuewow display in order to protect the safety of the public and all surrounding property . 3) A ttdIiled \\ontten !Uament dcsc:ribing what facilities and containers will be used to store fireworks. . 4) Ifapplic:ablc,lIpplic:ants fodc:m11iccnsc ## for transporting fireworb across state line. S) A detailed list of names, addresses, occupations, and backgrounds of all individuals who will be responsible for the actual display, use or explosion of aDy fireworks. The . bac:k,gzoUDds statemeDt should include a complete history of tho 8Jq)erieuco of the individuals involved with respect to their use offireworks, including a detailed list and I:Xplanation of each and every ~cidmrt rosultmg from the use of fireworks which the individual bas been :responsible for, or involved in. 6) A mlOp -B exact)....,h point md ~0Ul. Appliraaat Slpatlarc:.4'~ ~ Date: /. ..; ~ ~ .z.:::1QL OApprovcd Pollce Chief o Disapprovod D CoDditiona for pamlit Btac.bed Date: [,) Approwd Fire Cbief D Disapproved o Conditions for permit attached Date: U APPl'Cnled Building Official o Disapproved o COIlditions for permit attached Date: B1/B8/2B1e 13:41 Stnt BV: AP8Aj 3216335612 . HARBOR AUTO 586 773 8400j Jln.8.10 1.U; PAGE B6 Page 3/5 The APBA A.fIItfr E"CIlt LiabJlity Pro,r.", pro"idc$ Gcncr.l LlabiUl)' !:Overap willi. limit CJf~"".fNJo EdCH OCCcnuKNt.~ "'Im NO A6GUGAIZ. for APYA ISrIctioacd ncnlS. Th~ policies provide liability ClI~ (or COft~ ~"Q duriur APHA Sam:lianed tu..-ed F.venl$. Ca_- unrW the APBA Maftr Event U:tbility Prcltmm Tnc:lu'itSO P_rtlI:ipturr l.4uI LJ.bHiIy: Itll:Olllbblllioll wIIlllIIc ~ W.iwer &. RcJ.sc or u..ui\r. ~~ of RiAl\, r.so..lry ~ IlIId .....lc accidaftl cotornac. dU~ AMrI~ pmvilks ~I\ 8pill5t -.w, 11_- by pI/tM:I:pIn1Ilbr . bocltr ....,. hilUCtII - CIHIIJMt. OpfrnuiM.f: PnMdeI ClW-ae b hudiI). iIU'oar7 a- taI&lrJI\f IhIM II~ ~ APBA 1DlI,__ dub JlRIllIIclI. (Oucs lIUt illtWt ~A -.a. Pld>.Q...d a llUCIlpetiUan boaaor Wllic....) Sp<<I., lIdiIity: ~ JII*crioa IIIIbc I'VCIlt or lII*lIlIor hMU)o laJlIl')' or ~ daIftqe 1iIIbl1i1l. lJ"l1rte~1MI EmI" -111/ ~..; ~ .aiIIM aJlcptillu oC btada or cUy '" ~I\I .... IIOL1Iollld f9Ift1 (Sloo,OdU. Jiallt lPPficlblt). . P~hDlf.' -,,~ AtIrwtlsu., 111}"" Li".ulty: Pnwidcs au-. rot &be ~ lilll, '!.aIdIr. WI'VaIftaI cvfctbl, 1M ~...-. '. ~ .... III OJllriill w.tDcrlljt: lrclvlclcJ ~ up lD 1300.000., tIw 10-. "'lIIIlnt hD ClOVeltd cIamqe S() ofF'JCiaI Wi'IIfPeI'aA. (Subjccr fD. 51.000. --1ib1c pII'~) . NM-OItJIfd AJrclWft L;"j;J1ty: Pnmdes eo...... .to ~ poIk:y lllllltlor -.oWlled 1lrenIlt.1lI1!;1a a.1aaDa '. IOd canclilicm or poUc)'. C~""I u..iIllJI: PftwidCI ~ fur lieOIllIy ~ ....1eaICd III'CIII'-. ~,..I iIIdtlnIaf8catitla, or ~ &e' -... qgt Jncka;l) ~ JlI'OfcDiOlllb Ibr Ikir 6i1ure ID JlCtIlnl ~~. .' .' OotiDlU~ Liabilitw CcI~mj eomr.,o,t F/rtwo,I:6: '/VWid.. 1ft0l6ry ~e .h,,! akllIII arlIiac out Dffi_riw, JI1l'OlocllftiQI. or lIlY . _1IIr tllplGIl~ ~l ~ II ~ of In)' odtor ~ Tor ~ to lIIlP1y. JIriIIIIr) &nwb eo~lJIIIStkla.,.. .MaUnumUlit; 11.000.000. li,.", lIIW l.idiIlty: It IkollOlk ~ In ......101cJ by an AJoBA 1IMIIl\Q club, ,1_ ClOlUJa m.m .^P8A ".. or brola ID 0bCain dlt ~ Liquor t..w J.llbilil)' AppIiartGd. We CIA orm lipID. 11.000.000. Rll\itl'ar *d WYaIIC. tALL 'O~ AIlE SWJECT TO POl" TE'RAK. COIIDn'ItJI<< Ii QCLUSIOtW ;J. 'f t/ PAGE 8S 81/B8/2818 13:41 Stflt By: APBAj 321&335&12 . HARBffi AUTO 586 773 64QOj Jan.e.104lllt7PUi Page 4/5 2009 Partidpant Accident Medical Benefit Summary ~~<.lt 10 1\ wldc L.lt e I w,ur ~I nr.t:' ((lIlIP,' ny hrttcipeallCCidcm IIIIldical ClOYtrIgc ill pnmdld m b tlilJble ~ IS de"" ill dle policy and mi for my'" perIIlaI or IdditicmI JDIUred wbo m DOl .. olCOle plrticiJlll11l. Thi. pallcy oaly ~ cowwaae for ICddear.l bodily inJu) suff'1Rd darIar AP8A Iuwed &ncuoaed e"..... APR.4. Metllber .Belie Beraeflq ..,.... w.....fnft AecIlIIIIIII DIIdI_ - L..._ $J.b.no ~~ .......r..~ 11.'-ODllOO ~: I1JOD.ClO" .ui 06-: C...... .....DIIlII... ~......"'.~ Slo,GOO.OO ........NcNM MliIeaI u... &.- ~Idk: . . ArBA. No...M.....ber Bole BmdIb ra.... WMII'ann ~ o.e fill ~"'......- IJ,IIDO.OO ~ .vc1elDl ...... ~......,. SUIIO.GO All oa.r Cate&.....ia M*-i .....,.... U.a. ~ SJ,/lOll.OO PIrfti,.. AccW.t WIdktI e.- F.... S26.~.lIlI s:2.OOIJIOlO -Nv,.,.. ~blh.a:lW\WrOlllr~..... 1J11<<J.GO AedIh",. DsIJI_ D'-krwN-MaiHIs: nc llID laI&IIarc ... ftIr .....111.. 0( UIIt, cwo 11..- or badllI)'l:I.. One lIIII'.. '-dt ....... ... JlIid fur .. &( -..... ar .... ~ 1ft JllI1*t ap 10 oa.,.. ht.1hr: 111ft of 8Cl.idIac. hl'fkl11tml~s.e,M"" F~-M--. at! N.,..M..wn: I~. ll'alIltOfICCidGluaJ body...,. - patdci,antftllluina; (J) ~oflmkla oralepllJ....1Iied ~ .~...... OU~ ar.,..... -.;CZ) "~_.1"'~ (t).CllIIft.....i...~ .(4) IIlnse 0( . ...... ror D~-", hn -1acIdoe otlbr: CG\ValMllIllIleI<<lliuD ~ &It ~ b)'. ~ ~- D ado..Ci1k:nld.1bc JlOIliy wlR ~ lie retIOaIIu ClCIIlI of M:b ICnb:t ~ wltIIin oee ,. 6um da~ or IIldd.at .. llliltllllClllia otCllt ~ IIIIllln IIlIt ilnt "*' _ U. _Iabte llIlIClUIII oflaa&a *" .blm:. . N~_ f!-I_..a: ~ dDlllIllf IpIIIy lbr M1iQ} CJIlCaKIlIDmld dUt 10 a ~ CDOdIIlo..,... --1lI\Y iajmy IiIIt me pwdo~ llIOltiYod aWaIlI-.lmaIt tar cbI"I die 12111Ol1CJt I*iud a.a..Il-.y pnc:edinr ~ _ otetMR:d ~ o.."..,~ 11Id", till",. MlIiInW.: L.DII"-~ -: (I) 4riviat wllllc ~ (2) __1& lad ~ (3) COCMlltlllll .~; (4) jlkl::M, dluw. ~ i.~ lIIIlqIt '-taiaf .... or", ~IIJ~, 19I1Y: I') 1M 0JlCnIi0ll or IIIC oIcy jcr....1ecl, .....,..1IaI or lIUIlew PlI"'Cn:d 't'IIIide; (f) JlWticlpui", Ia ~ ~ dItlU IItows. 4lt1>..' ... C1l .... .. ...-cr oftbG crww or bmlllJ 10 'f'Cr* .in;..n. 3~cI 81/88/2810 13:41 Sent 'By: APBAj 321&335612 . HARBffi AUTO 586 773 8490; Jan-B.l0 12~i PAGE 04 PlIge 5/5 -- r .._- .-. --.-. ... ___ ! . . . . I . . r -, ( -' I A puticiplat iDcl1llb a driYa', tIwoaIemIa, aaviplOl', maduJc., oft'ic:w. Of aye. else wtIo bas . dut)' Ml:aIAI')' to the canduct of . lIIlCtionod APBA 0'Ye0t for whic:ll the too bas been plict in iiall aad wJ)o bu sipad D APBA-appIVYtCi waiY.,. aud rclcue. . i ~. :' .", . . . 1'1 rl .... ~_.'. _ . ; The APBA WaiYCI ... R.ct.... of Liability, Allumption of ailk. IIld lDdcnmity 4--t is II InIIIdatDry ... document dIat ~ that CIda ~ -=cepts fbll rapclIIIibility tor aU Nb aaodMod wltlI pIIti... in a. APB.A.. .vctfoeed eYmt. EedI ~ MIS ad! pmoa pItIld accea to . ramc:tod area muse lip C1 approved lAiwr IIIId nlcac. AU IDIlInber pIZttc:iJ'IIItI who line liped dac ~ waiwfo and.... (GIlD and JIODCSI · valid APBA pit ideadr.o.tiaa ..-c -sible for member ll:eiclmt mcdioaJ ClOYerap. No cover8F is pooYidecl for ID)' peIIOD who it not deJiDed .. . plfticlpalll :1-/ + V ..-. .. -- - ~. .~_..._---- I . (~- . >. I' . . , "I I ! I It iI tbc rwponsibiIity of the cbicf m- lad tbe flee ~ to...... ~... dill tabs pIIce darioa & I8DOtioaId APBA Cftlnl Is I1ICOI'dccl on ~ iDoideal report bm &ad aubmiUcd by mail QO later dID oat dIy 1bII0WiDg the event. I ' I I' . r r,' ':1' " In the event of a firIIiIy, 01 . Innpon to the hospital, promptJ.y calJ: KaK E"*1J'IIlCY Claims SaWc at: 80013'....757 This namber illCCtISible 24 bouis . cIIy. If. demand.i. mde f'oc dImap. fur ... boclUy ihjary or prvpaty dIap "iDly, . complete and deta1111d iJIGJdeut ~ IIIIISt be prcMdecl 10 QK 1usunaIic. arou, Claims Ucpt. Copies of uy dm-"'-- I\IInrJIODa Iftd Jepl ,.n ant 10 be pnMUd 10 OK fasur.ce 0nMIp witbout deJa,. MAIL L'lJMft.2Tltn INClDDn' UPORTS TO: KIdC ~ G...." Jac. 171Z Mapayu W., .Fert W.,.., IN 4GM 1~7~57 'nc IaIeraaaIoa COMUIaI .. .... bndl.,. II . ......., or ftadIb pm......... II" lmI . -pIde .,.U...,d IIiltplftW.J_.r.... pdq ... IpedIa ., eM peIIcJ........ oN. .....ee It ...~... ... .. ........ 111.. IN ...e ...... .... ... II ItaW .. .. ....,. p. . ....... ...,..,... .,....... cown,., net..... .. ...... .... ,..,. Ill."". e e Everett, Brandy From: Sent: To: Subject: csills2@cfl.rr.com Wednesday, March 24,20109:25 AM Everett. Brandy [SUSPECTED SPAM] Importance: Low Good Morning, Could you please indicate somewhere on the permit for boat races to include overnight selfcontained camping on the north and south sides of the Womans Club? JW had issues with that not being on the last permit. Thanks, Cathy Beautiful here today. I don't think I want to come back. Think I can work from here? " 61/08/2018 13:41 3216335612 . - HARBOR AUTO PAGE 81 . II ~'...... ..'t.., ~~:..,.,..,.. ~~\\. ~}"\~ ~~~'\' ~,''''O;\ :,-,,~.!.\ ~~~.~ ~~~~~1.~ :~:~.~~~ IS~~\~1 '~,-':~~t~~" .t...-..... \\ .'\'\ .~.~.:.~.~.,'.~} ~:i\~.~~.~ '~'" :-~) :. ).~~:. ta.\'V::;: ......:. .... . ',' ,~1 -: FAX TRANSMITTAL FORM To: Jim Washington Date Sent: January 8th 2010 From: Bill Tetro Fax:407-905-3167 Number of Pages: 7 Phone: 321.633-3227 Me5SClge: 5~Losed L.s Dw'Y "''P'PUc.'''tio~ AM '" e.OPl1 of Dw'Y lIl\.SI.tYRMe. Tht cttl1 of ocoee w~ll be IIWImec( O~ '''''-Sw.''''''lM>e c.ert:f.Tte.att A....a (l eop~ wUl be 'PyovLded to the c.Ltl:j LV\. "'c(VlitV\.Ct of t~e eveV\.t . T~"'''''R. ~olA., E.tLL Tetro . . Page 1 of 1 Everett, Brandy From: JANINE LONG [janinel@harbor-auto.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 1 :53 PM To: Everett, Brandy Subject: [SUSPECTED SPAM] Fr: Bill Tetro Importance: Low During the event if some driver or drivers go into the water with or without a crash, drivers, if they are ok, are instructed to raise clasped hands over their head. At the time of incident, yellow caution flag goes up. No clasped hands, red flag means stop racing immediately. Paramedic goes into water to examine driver and put into basket. So as to limit movement of driver, basket goes into water under the driver, immediately taken to ramp and ambulance for evaluation & transported to hospital if necessary. Ambulance Company supplies paramedics for event, so license #' s not available through South Florida outboards. By APBA rules, we have to have at least 2 rescue boats on the race course at all times when racing. In case of an accident in pits, ambulance is right in sight of all participant for any reason ambulance has to leave, racing will not resume until it is rep laced or returned. Q(!,t; ov\ p,~, Bill Tetro & Darlene Nuccio 3/23/2010 a . . tfliC.z:. US! or, L-/9ICC 5 T~~kC , . ~""II. . L S"(!If~Z("",.s-1 /-I UjgE~ ..,-"...../~...._"..~- ...........- ......'-..-. . ~Ro~~ - COUts<:: 1'5 I 11?/Lt' 11 0= (OUlse 6u(),/~ o - ~-t sc<< 6~}Q T"s ~ t p'C/' vi ~()/.. AMliuL)qtJtc. ."",. _.............""...... l":,.. . ...~ ~ /0 } 0 If J.e) 0 \ Do " .~ '..... --..... ..~...... ~~. .':'" ../ ~"'H , ..... ,.' """~ ~ "'~.".'" ..,it7 "\ o --;7 '-- ~ ~ .~ . '-...., '~'--:;? S~ '~ LJIII.e. t-+o , p,,#~ l<A~p ~ C A v tAl ~ GeI,v-rAt2.. '- - o <E:.-..-.---.. ~ o 'If ~) D , C)~1 .C) 7' -~ ,~.._~ . McTb':" ~6""< pA,el Jw1 . . -l 1__ _ 63/23/261e 13:56 3210335o1~ MAR-23-2010 TUE 08:48 AM K ~ HARBOR AUTO FAX NO. 260 . PAGE 61 P. 02 ERrlFICA TE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE N., 115 II a. C!!RTIFICA TE NUMBER: ...... A: INIUllM II' _eo .... D: MUIII" I: IN'UIl~ r: ll1UU CCMP IiIAIC . uu, 11"1 AlllUc:ur iQlIIR BOAT A4'oe%~'flOR .".0 B. .XWI N!~ ~ P.O. BOX )77 KA'~PO%NTE, NI .'021 16 18 TO ctltTllV TWAr n;E POUOBl ~ INIUJlANCIi 1.I$Tl!D IM!I.QN HAVlIUN lC8ueo TQ 11olIIHSIJIS) HA_ AICJallIIOIt M I'OLIC'f _00 IHDIQI\TIO. NOTWlTlolSTNONG MfWT. 'IIIW OIl CClIlCITIllN QI' Nff ~CT ~ O'lWet ooc:.uM'1IT ~ ll!SII!CfTOIoIINICH l)fl' cnrPlCA'TE: WAY I! IMUID 0It MAT PlRTAlfl, THe I~ ~ '""I ~U llaeIl1aec HIIlIIIN II 8lA1iCT TO ALL 1Wa 110".... &XCl.u.oN' ANO CClNlllTlOft8 00" lIlo04 MAY HAVli IIli8N ~ IN PAlO CL.AN8 REVISION IIIUMII&R: SllllllOO 5000 5000000 CITY 0'" 0CClU 11 II ". JoNaI IIIlC1U1 DIUIIJI OC:OQ n. 3.'11 ACClRD 21 (JOOMI) : G 1MI"" ACORD GOfUtORATION. All rIG"" reseN". ,he ACCRa Mm, --I0Io .,. ............ rnartuI of AGQRD r I 83/23/2818 13:58 321&335&1. MAR-23-2010 rUE 08:48 AM K K HARBOR AUTO ~ FAX NO, 260 W PAGE 82 P. 03 ACORQ", AGENCY CUlTOlWIER 'D: LOC , CERTIFICATE: lSS!S239 DATE ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE ISSUED: J/19/10 AClNCV K &; K INSURANCI GROUP, INC. Pille --1-- 01 -.1-- PA KPX00037.6~OO II.WIiD INI\IaD AMERICAN POWBR BOAT ASSOCIATION 17640 E. NINE MILE RD P.O. BOX 377 EA8TPO~E, MI 48021 pgucy~ GL KE00000796500 call1llM SEE ACORD 2! I HAlO COOl lfl'~ DArl. S!:E ACORD 25 AODII"ONAL RDtdlts rtte ADOmoNAL ..1MMK8 FORM .. A ICH!DULE TO ACORD FORM. ~MNUM.ER: ...ACORD 2S FORMTI1l!: CRR.'I'TPTCllTE OP' r.T..D.B:ILr'I'Y TNStIRANCR ADDITIONAL INSUREDS: A. Am' PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ENGAGED IN OPERATING, MANAaING, SANCTIONING, SPONSORING THE "COVERED PROGRAM", OR PROVIDING TH!: "PREMISBS. FOR A "COVERED PROORAM", INC1..ODING OFFJ;CIALS OF 'IlIE "COVERED .PROGRAM". B. ANY "PARTICIPANT", "COMPB'rITION VEHICLE" OWNER AND "COMPETITION VEHICLE" SPONSOR. C. CIT't OF OCOEB, FL; 8trI' QNLY AS :RESPECTS TO THE OPSRATION OF 'rHE NAMED INSURED. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: INSURANCE PROVIDED 8v THESE POLICIES EXCLUDES COVERAGE ~OR ANY AMUSIMENT DEVIC:E AND/OR BUNGEE BXPOSORE. AC:ORD 101 (2tGllllt) · 2001 ACORD COIt~l1ON. All rtgMa...1WII. ". ACORD n_ IftCt IotO _ ......Cf'Id ifill"" or ACORD