HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-19-2009 MinutesMinutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Held on August 19, 2009
At 150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
AGENDA ITEM-I. CALL-TO ORDER--Chairman Wagner - -
A. Chairman Russ Wagner called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m. in the Commission
Chambers in City Hall.
The roll was called (by the chairman) and a quorum was declared present.
Present were Trustees David Wheeler, Jean Grafton, Russ Wagner and Wendy West.
Absent was Trustee Tom Hendrix.
Also present were H. Lee Definer, Attorney and Mike Welker, Bogdahn Consulting.
S. Approval of Minutes from Special Session Held on Juiy 15, 2009
Chairman Wagner brought the board's attention to the minutes and asked for the board's
pleasure. Upon a motion being made by Trustee Wheeler, seconded by Trustee West,
which passed unanimously, the board
RESOLVED to approve the minutes for the July 19th special session.
A. Investment Consultant Report -Mike Welker, Bogdahn Consulting, LLC
After distributing the bound report to the board, Mr. Welker reported that the City did well
for the past quarter; he went on to give details as he reviewed the written report (pages 4, 7,
8, 9, 10, 1 1, 13, 14, 15) with the board.
(Trustee Tim Hendi°ix enter°s the meeting at 10:10 a. m. )
Mr. Welker said that the board should move some money from Agincourt, sell some bonds
and move money to Baring while slightly bumping up Rockwood. Attorney Definer
confirmed that a motion is not needed in order to proceed with the consultant's
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(Jim Carnicella and Debbie Bertling enter the meeting
At the end of his report, he took questions from the board. Trustee Wheeler stated the there
was a story in the Orlando Sentinel that said the market is projected to take a 20% downturn
by the end of the year. He asked what the consultant's plan was for Ocoee to mitigate such
an outcome.-- Mr:-Welker stated -that the-story definitely-stated-one-side-of- the-coin.- He- ---- - --
continued that he believed that 20% might be overstating the matter. The market is still
attractive. Mr. Welker added that Warren Buffet said the market is now off life support. He
continued that regarding evaluation, the market is still attractive. He opined that 20% is a
little high.
Chairman Wagner summarized that if Rockwood continued to underperfonn that the board
could make whatever necessary changes at a special session of the board. He thanked Mr.
Welker for the report.
B. Update Report on Merrill Lynch Lawsuit -Beggs and Lane
Chairman Wagner stated that he had spoken with the board's attorney, Mr. Definer, and
that he would summarize the conversation. He invited Attorney Definer to feel free to fill in
any gaps. Greg Miller (attorney in the consortium investigating suing Merrill Lynch) called
the chairman and they talked for about 15 to 20 minutes. Information is included in the
trustees' packets. They have gone forward with action against Merrill Lynch. However, in
the City's case the City did not have a soft dollar contract, but a hard dollar contract, which
means they (Merrill Lynch), got a fixed fee for what they did. Mr. Miller said that the City
could have 1.3 million dollar in damages. The problem is that it is not easily actionable
given the nature of the City's contract with Merrill Lynch. However, the City could show
that given the losses by other cities, Ocoee in fact lost money also. According to Mr. Miller,
it is not timely yet for him to jump in, but it may be in the future. Ocoee could potentially
get a lot of money out of this if the relationship (mentioned above) can be shown. Attorney
Definer added that there were 2 components: liability (or potential) and liability damages.
According to Mr. Miller, there is not currently sufficient evidence of liability to file a
complaint. The City would not want to file a complaint under these circumstances since the
City could be subject to counterclaims; however, as other cases are filed, information may
surface whereby the City would have sufficient evidence on which to base a complaint.
Chairman Wagner stated that it was interesting to note that the City underperformed not just
for one year, but also for 4 or 5 years in a row. They (Merrill Lynch) were not
recommending the appropriate actions for the board to take.
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Mr. Carnicella stated that he could not imagine that any other jurisdiction in Florida would
not join in to sue Merrill Lynch. He continued that as a layperson, he would defer to the
advice by the board's attorney. Chairman Wagner stated that he would like Mr. Dehner to
stay on top of the matter, and keep the board advised of any information that might give
Ocoee cause to file a claim. Trustee Grafton cautioned that the board not wait until the
- -- ------- `well-has-gone-dry'-before-stepping-in-to-recover-Ocoee'-s-share-of-what was-lost.--Attorney- -----------
Delmer agreed that the sooner a sustainable suit is filed, the better. He agreed to keep the
board informed. Chairman Wagner noted that he would put the matter back on the next
meeting's agenda. Trustee Wheeler asked that the recording clerk give a verbatim
reflection of the chairman's statement regarding his conversation with the Attorney Miller
since the board had nothing in writing. Chairman Wagner was not completely comfortable
with the request given he had only given the board his interpretation of the attorney's
statements to him. Attorney Delmer agreed that the board should have something in writing
from Attorney Miller, and stated that he would ask for a written statement from Attorney
Miller summarizing their conversation. There was no further discussion on the matter.
A. Finalize Amendments to Summary Plan Description
Chairman Wagner called the board's attention to the previously distributed redlined version
of the plan, which showed the suggested changes. He noted that many of the suggested
changes had to do with the form of the document rather than the content. Trustee Grafton
stated that the changes the chairman had made were very good ones since they added
clarification to the document. The chairman pointed out particular clarifications he made
regarding early retirement without changing the essence of what the document said. Trustee
Wheeler commented on the front page of the document, which questions whether the name
of the beneficiary is up to date. He asked if the beneficiary could be listed on the yearly
statement. Mr. Carnicella stated that HR has attempted to notice the employees as often as
possible about the necessity of keeping that information current, and that to have the
beneficiary appear on the statement would require the City to get the information to Foster &
Foster. This would mean that Ms. Bertling would have to go through 325 employee files.
Chairman Wagner suggested that the one page form that contains the beneficiary information
be attached to the yearly statement. This would circumvent involving Foster & Foster. Mr.
Carnicella stated that they could chat about that later, and that he understood what the
chairman was trying to achieve and that it was a good idea. Chairman Wagner noted that the
Foster & Foster form is ambiguous. Mr. Carnicella agreed and reiterated that they could talk
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to Foster & Foster about possible changes. Trustee Wheeler asked about the section on the
first page of the summary that spoke about what it takes to elect a trustee. It was clarified
that to be elected as a trustee it takes a majority vote of those who vote. Mr. Carnicella
questioned whether any member can vote, or just vested employees. In the past, all members
were eligible to vote, Mr. Carnicella stated. Further discussion ensued. Attorney Delmer
- - -- ---stated-that while-one-does-need-to-be -vested-in-or-der-to-be elected-trustee- on--the-board,. alI-
members could vote for a trustee candidate. Further discussion ensued. The chairman wants
to produce a strike through-underlined copy and asked if the attorney would be doing that.
While Attorney Delmer was willing to do it, the chairman determined that he would have his
administrative employee make those changes.
Trustee Wheeler pointed out a matter on page 5, the question in paragraph 2, A. Trustee
Wheeler asked if the DROP program is only seven years or can one do it up to seven years.
The chairman answered that one can do up to seven years. Mr. Carnicella added that the
employee call leave at any time during those seven years. Mr. Carnicella noted page 5,
section 2A, the last paragraph and the addition of the word `disability'. He said that there is
no disability provision in the program. In the DROP program, one is not eligible for
disability if there was a disability provision in the plan. Given that there is no such
provision, it has nothing to do with any benefit that the City would provide. It was agreed
that the word `disability' should come out. On page 10, item J, Trustee Wheeler
questioned the clarity of the passage. Chairman Wagner stated that by adding the
following sentence, `this amount varies each year...' , he was trying to let employees know
that the City contributes to their pensions at a rate greater than what the employee
contributes. Chairman Wagner posed the question to the board as to whether he should
take the sentence out or leave it in. The chairman asked Mr. Carnicella what he thought.
Mr. Carnicella stated that he would defer to Attorney Delmer on this one. He did point out
that the verbiage was a little cumbersome. He said that he thought the information was good.
Chairman Wagner decided to pull the sentence to keep things simple. In paragraph L,
`subject to a certain cost of living adjustments ...'. Attorney Delmer noted that the passage
reflects a rule from the IRS Code. When the updates come, Attorney Delmer stated that he
would make the appropriate changes. Mr. Carnicella noted that there are certain changes in
the document that the attorney alone can make.
Trustee Wheeler noted that it is not until page 11 that the document tells the employee how
many years he needs to be vested in the program. Chairman Wagner asked if there were any
other comments or questions on the Summary Plan. He further summarized that he would
provide the attorney with the strike through-redlined version of the document so that the
attorney could make any further necessary changes. Trustee Grafton remarked that there is a
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place in the document that says the board members should not answer questions
independently but have the employee submit their question to the board. Mr. Carnicella
stated that once the Summary Plan is ready for distribution, there will be a meeting with the
employees so that they can become educated about what their benefits are. He further stated
that they hope to develop a small handbook that employees will be able to carry around with
them,.-In-addition,--that there are-other-places-that they-can-go-to-in-order-to-obtain-financial--
advice. Chairman Wagner asked the attorney if the changes could be adopted today.
Attorney Delmer answered that they could adopt the plan as amended and with the
incorporation of the Internal Revenue information. Mr. Carnicella stated that he wants to
hold the employee meetings before the pension board's next meeting. A motion was made
by Trustee Grafton, and seconded by Trustee West to adopt the summary plan
description as amended pending the addition of the required IRS Code additions with
the motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1 (Trustee Wheeler dissenting), the board
RESOLVED to adopt the Summary Plan as amended and with the IRS code changes.
B. Finalize Amendments to Operating Rules and Procedures
Chairman Wagner noted that the board has a little more latitude with this document as it is
not directly related to the governing ordinance. He thought the appeal process was a bit long
and drawn out. He did not make any substantive changes. Attorney Delmer agreed that this
is the board's document to adopt and to make changes to from time to time. As far as the
claims issue, there must be procedural due process for claims. Chairman Wagner noted
that he did make some changes with respect to election procedures. He noted that the City
Clerk did not have a problem with remote ballot boxes but she would give the administrative
person the rules for the box such as being taped shut, sign-offs, etc. She was willing to try it.
Trustee Grafton asked if she understood that if a box did not match the sign-off list that the
entire box would be discounted. The chairman responded affirmatively. Trustee Grafton
pointed out that this term starts the four-year terms. It was additionally determined that the
City Clerk would need to place Trustee Grafton's reappointment on the next agenda for the
next commission meeting.
Chairman Wagner went over the other changes he suggested. At 1.7, he added the word
`monitor' in the fourth line down; in the next line he added the words `one or more ballot
boxes'; he added the words `and other locations convenient to city employees who work
outside City Hall.' He then added that `ballots will be counted at a special session of the
board following the election'. Trustee Grafton asked if the City Clerk will count the ballots
or the board. Chairman Wagner answered that the City Clerk's office does not want to
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count the ballots, and that they normally do not count the ballots. The ballots will be counted
by the board. Mr. Carnicella added that the board should control the outcome of any
discrepancies in the ballots when it concerns whether or not to count a ballot. Chairman
Wagner stated that he will clarify the matter later. Another change the chairman made was
concerning activities regarding the nomination process. Mr. Carnicella pointed out that
---- ------them-was-another-place-whereby-the-word `vested-'--needed-to-be-removed.-T-r-ustee-Gr-afton ---
suggested ways to simplify the election procedure such as making it so that the contender
with the most votes wins. This would eliminate the need for run-off elections. The board
agreed. Further discussion ensued.
Trustee Wheeler pointed out page 8, under 2.9 as it related to minutes. He asked that the
word `complete' be stricken. On page 12, Chairman Wagner changed the language to
`administrator or other board designee'. On page 14, insurance, Trustee Wheeler asked if
the fiduciary insurance issue was resolved. Mr. Carnicella responded affirmatively.
Trustee Wheeler then asked if there was travel coverage specific to the board members. Mr.
Carnicella answered that he did not believe the board had that type of coverage. On page
15, 7.3. Trustee Wheeler asked if the language reflected something that the board currently
does. Since it did not, the board came up with alternative language. Any changes to the
separation of an employee for military service, Mr. Carnicella suggested deference to
Attorney Definer.
Chairman Wagner noted page 20, on section 10.7, he changed the mention of an annual
meeting to a quarterly. Further discussion ensued. Trustee Grafton made a motion,
seconded by Trustee Hendrix, to approve the Operating Rules & Procedures. The
motion carried unanimously; therefore, the board
RESOLVED to adopt the Operating Rules & Procedures as amended.
Chairman Wagner stated he would see to it that the changes were circulated to the board
A. Payment of Invoices
Trustee Wheeler, having made a motion, seconded by Trustee West and carried
unanimously, the board
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RESOLVED to approve all invoices as they have been presented in the packets for the
B. Board Member Terms Ending 9/30/09 -already discussed.
C. Upcoming FPPTA Training Session 10/4-7/2009
Chairman Wagner asked who would be attending the training. All of the trustee other than
the chairman will be attending the October 4th through 7th training.
A. City Liaison Issues -Jim Carnicella
Mr. Carnicella mentioned that there is an employee that is not retirement age but has
reached the maximum level of what they can accrue in the pension program. One
member would like to retire now but the reduction due to their age is too much of a
penalty. Mr. Carnicella asked that the board authorize him to contact the actuary about
how to reduce the impact of the age issue. This would determine whether or not the
board might want to make a recommendation to the commission to make a change to the
pension program. The board had no objection to Mr. Carnicella proceeding with
contacting the actuary. He also asked the board authorize him to work with the actuary
and the attorney to work up language for the 13th check. The board agreed and the matter
will be placed on the next agenda.
Asked Mr. Carnicella to contact Chief Brown (with whom the attorney has his next
appointment) given the lateness of the hour.
State Actuary -Proposed Administrative Rules dealing with actuarial standards and
practices which would have increased pending funding expenses. The state has hired an
actuary. The project (for the administrative rules) may move forward, although it is not a
front burner item
Pending legislation HELPS II -would include general employee's benefits heretofore
given only to public safety officers.
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IRS - a discussion needs to be had as to whether the board wants to file with the IRS for
a favorable determination letter. He directed the board to be on the lookout for a survey
coming from the IRS.
Senate Bill 538 -City's pension fund has to comply with mandate to divest of stocks to
- -------achieve a-social-or-political aim in-
Reminder regarding financial disclosures submissions
Timing of accounting reports
Employees who have reached 81 % in the pension program
Thirteenth check
Establishing Officers
Actuary reports
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by: Approved by:
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Stella McLeod, M ip ec. Coordinator Russell B. Wagner, Ch irman