HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 Approval of FDEP Consent Order for December 2, 2009, Lift Station #1 Overflow center of GOOcf If .'~ ~O~Of& AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: May 4, 2010 Item # 3 Contact Name: Contact Number: Charles K. Smith, P.E. 407 -905-3159 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Charles K. Smit Robert Fr Subject: FDEP Consent Order for December 2, 2009 Lift Station #1 Overflow Background Summary: Lift Station #1, on or near the morning of November 27th, 2009 experienced a failure in operation which was caused by an increased loading of grease/oil. Failure occurred when grease buildup around the floats inhibited them from tripping, including the high level alarm float. The station had been inspected on Tuesday November 24th, 2009 and found to be operating normally, with less than 50% grease liquid coverage. Three days later, on November 27th, (the day after Thanksgiving) the station had 95% coverage. While it cannot be verified, it is staff's opinion that there was significant illicit disposal of grease/oil into the sanitary sewer collection system leading to the failure. The failure of the station resulted in spillage flowing into a landlocked retention area located on sewer plant property. The spillage was a violation of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) rules and resulted in a possible fine of $2,000/day. The District lessened the violation to a single day due to the following corrective actions taken or planned by the City: 1. Higher level of service for lift station: Station had been scheduled for grease removal upon 50% fluid level coverage which shall be decreased to 25%. In addition, stations with historical buildups shall be cleaned before similar holiday events. 2. Increased maintenance staff contact for remote stations or those with historical problems: The City's current level of service has been one inspection per week for each of the stations. For the historically critical and remote stations, the contact level will be increased to two times per week. 3. Stations with higher grease loading will be retrofitted with a flushing/agitation device: Station #1 is scheduled to be retrofitted with pump rehabilitation within the next 30 days. 4. Public Education: Staff is developing a bill stuffer to address the illicit dumping of materials, chemicals and grease/oil into the sewer system. This mailing will be added to November (pre- holiday) utility bills. Also, staff is developing a more comprehensive sanitary sewer pretreatment program that should be presented to City Commission in the summer of 2010. 5. Staff will be evaluating a second or modified high alarm system such as radar or hypersonic level sensors. Thus, to conclude FDEP's action, the City should execute the attached consent order and pay the administrative penalty of $2,000 and reimburse the Department's costs in the amount of $1,000. Issue: Should the City Commission authorize the Mayor to execute the FDEP Consent Order OGC File No. 10-1294, and direct staff to proceed with the payment of the administrative penalty and administrative cost for the overflow of Lift Station #1 that occurred December 2, 2009? Recommendations: Motion to accept the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Consent Order OGC File No. 10- 1294, authorize Mayor to execute the consent order and authorize City Manger to make payment to FDEP in the amount of $3,000.00. . 1 Attachments: Consent Order OGC File No. 10-1294 including the Department's backup information. Financial Impact: Funding will come from Wastewater Operation (401-535-10) Line Item Emergency Repairs (4663). Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deat Use: _____ Consent Agenda Public Hearing _____ Regular Agenda Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) 2 N/A N/A N/A Florida Department of Environmental Protection Charlie Crist Governor Jeff Kottkamp Lt. Governor ~ Central District 3319 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 232 Orlando, Florida 32803-3767 Michael W. Sole Secretary SENT VIA EMAIL TO:csmith@ci.ocoee.fl.us April 1, 2010 CITY OF OCOEE UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1800 AD MIMS ROAD OCOEE FL 34761 OCD-C- WW -10-0228 ATTENTION CHARLES K SMITH PE UTILITIES DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Proposed Settlement of Ocoee WWTF Spill OGC File No. 10-1294 Dear Mr. Smith: The purpose of this letter is to complete the resolution of the matter previously identified by the Department in the Warning Letter dated February 11, 2010, a copy of which is attached. The corrective actions required to bring your facility into compliance have been performed. The Department finds that you are in violation of the rules and statutes cited in the attached Warning Letter. In order to resolve the matters identified in the attached Warning Letter, you are assessed civil penalties in the amount of $2,000.00, along with $1,000.00 to reimburse the Department costs, for a total of $3,000.00. The civil penalty in this case includes 1 violation of $2,000.00 or more. The Department acknowledges that the payment of these civil penalties by you does not constitute an admission of liability. This payment must be made payable to the Department of Environmental Protection by cashier's check or money order and shall include the OGC File Number assigned above and the notation "Ecosystems Management and Restoration Trust Fund." Payment shall be sent to the Department of Environmental Protection, Central District Office, 3319 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 232, Orlando, Florida 32803-3767, within 30 days of your signing this letter. . Your signing this letter constitutes your acceptance of the Department's offer to resolve this matter on these terms. If you elect to sign this letter, please return it to the Department at the address indicated above. The Department will then countersign the letter and file it with the Clerk of the Department. When the signed letter is filed with the Clerk, the letter shall constitute final agency action of the Department which shall be enforceable pursuant to Sections 120.69 and 403.121, Florida Statutes. "More Protection. Less Process" 1I'1I'w.deo.state. (l.lIS City of Ocoee Utilities Department OGe File No. 10-1294 Page 2 If you do not sign and return this letter to the Department at the District address by April 23, 2010, the Department will assume that you are not interested in settling this matter on the above described terms, and will proceed accordingly. None of your rights or substantial interests are determined by this letter unless you sign it and it is filed with the Department Clerk. Sincerely, ~~C~ for Vivian F. Garfein Director, Central District VFG / ca FOR THE RESPONDENT: I, S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor, on behalf of the City of Ocoee, HEREBY ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THE SETTLEMENT OFFER IDENTIFIED ABOVE. By: Date: City of Ocoee Utilities Department OGC File No. 10-1294 Page 3 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY DONE AND ENTERED this day of ,2010. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Vivian F. Garfein Director, Central District FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT FILED, on this date, pursuant to Section 120.52, Florida Statutes, with the designated Deparhnent Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Clerk Date Attachments cc: Lea Crandall, Agency Clerk, Mail Station 35, lea.crandall@dep.state.f1.us DW Permitting Section NOTICE OF RIGHTS Persons who are not parties to this Consent Order but whose substantial interests are affected by this Consent Order have a right, pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, to petition for an administrative hearing on it. The Petition must contain the information set forth below and must be filed (received) at the Department's Office of General Counset 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS-35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, within 21 days of receipt of this notice. A copy of the Petition must also be mailed at the time of filing to the District Office named above at the address indicated. Failure to file a petition within the 21 days constitutes a waiver of any right such person has to an administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. The petition shall contain the following information: (a) The Department's Consent Order identification number and the county in which the subject matter or activity is located; (b) The name, address, and telephone number of each petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; (c) An explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the Consent Order; (d) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the Consent Order; (e) A statement of all material facts disputed by petitioner, if any; (f) A statement of the specific facts the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Consent Order; (g) A statement of which rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the Consent Order; and (h) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wishes the Department to take with respect to the Consent Order. If a petition is filed, the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate agency action. Accordingly, the Department's final action may be different from the position taken by it in this Notice. Persons whose substantial interests will be affected by any decision of the Department with regard to the subject Consent Order have the right to petition to become a party to the proceeding. The petition must conform to the requirements specified above and be filed (received) within 21 days of receipt of this notice in the Office of General Counsel at the above address of the Department. Failure to petition within the allowed time frame constitutes a waiver of any right such person has to request a hearing under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, and to participate as a party to this proceeding. Any subsequent intervention will only be at the approval of the presiding officer upon motion filed pursuant to Rule 28-106.205, Florida Administrative Code. Mediation under Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available in this proceeding. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Charlie Crist Governor Jeff Kottkamp Lt. Governor P'll- . Central District 3319 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 232 Orlando, Florida 32803-3767 Michael W. Sole Secretary SENT VIA EMAIL TO:csmith@cLocoee.fl.us February 11, 2010 CITY OF OCOEE UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1800 AD MIMS ROAD OCOEE FL 34761 WARNING LETTER No. OWL-WW-10-0004 ATTENTION CHARLES K SMITH PE UTILITIES DIRECTOR Orange County - DW Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Facility Wastewater Facilitv - Permit No. FLA010815 Dear Mr. Smith: The purpose of this letter is to advise you of possible violations of law for which you may be responsible, and to seek your cooperation in resolving the matter. A field inspection conducted on December 3, 2009, of the Ocoee WWTF collection/transmission system at 1110 Nicole Boulevard indicates that a violation of Florida Statutes and Rules may exist at the above described system. Department of Environmental Protection personnel observed the following at the above described system: An unauthorized discharge (spill) was reported to the Department on December 2, 2009. It is estimated that 720,000 gallons of untreated wastewater from Lift Station #1 spilled into a City-owned storm water pond. The discharge was caused by a malfunction of the lift station due to an accumulation of grease and rags. Section 403, Florida Statutes, provides that: A. Florida Statutes, Chapter 403.161 Prohibitions, violations, intent. (1) It shall be a violation of this chapter, and it shall be prohibited for any person: (b) To fail to obtain any permit required by this chapter or by rule or regulation, or to violate or fail to comply with any rule, regulation, order, permit, or certification adopted or issued by the Department pursuant to its lawful authority. B. Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-604.130 Prohibitions. The following acts and the causing thereof are prohibited. (1) The release or disposal of excreta, sewage, or other wastewaters or residuals without providing proper treatment approved by the Department; construction or operation of a wastewater collection system not in compliance with this rule; or any act otherwise violating provisions of this rule or of any other rules of the Department. "More Protection. Less Process" www.deO.state.(l.lIs City of Ocoee Utilities Department Warning Letter No. OWL-WW-10-0004 Page 2 The activities noted during the Department's field inspection and any other activities at your system which may be contributing to violations of the above described statutes or rules should be ceased. Operation of a system in violation of state statutes or rules may result in the potential liability for damages and restoration, and the judicial imposition of civil penalties, pursuant to Sections 403.141 and 403.161, Florida Statutes. You are requested to contact Clarence Anderson or Daniel K. Hall of this office at (407) 893-3313 within 15 days of receipt of this Warning Letter to arrange a meeting to discuss this matter. The Department is interested in reviewing any facts you may have that will assist in determining whether any violations have occurred. You may bring anyone with you to the meeting that you feel could help resolve this matter. The Department has tentatively calculated penalties for the violations addressed above and may discuss the penalties at the meeting. Please be advised that this Warning Letter is part of an agency investigation, preliminary to agency action in accordance with Section 120.57(4), Florida Statutes. We look forward to your cooperation in completing the investigation and resolution of this matter. Sincerely, ~~~ Vivian F. Garfein Director, Central District VFG/ca cc: Orange County Environmental Protection Division, michelle.narvaez@ocfl.net OW Permitting Section ELRAU PENALTY COMPUTATION WORKSHEET Violator's Name: City of Ocoee Identify Violator's Facility: Ocoee WWTF Name of Department Staff Responsible for the Penalty Computations: Clarence Anderson and Gary P. Miller Date: February 5, 2010 PART I - Penalty Determinations Violation Type Penalty Amount Multi-day Adjustments Total Unauthorized discharge. $2,000.00 __________ __________ $ 2,000.00 Total Penalties for all Violations: $ 2,000.00 Total Costs and Expenses Incurred by the Department $ 1.000.00 TOTAL PENALTY $ 3,000.00 Economic benefit was considered when calculating these penalties. ** Environmental Litigation Reform Act ELRA PENALTY DETERNONATION Violation - Section 403.121 (3)(b), Florida Statutes An unauthorized discharge from the collection/transmission system occurred on December 1. 2009 for aporoximatelv two hours. Approximatelv 720.000 gallons of raw sewage overflowed into a storm water pond. ENVIRONMENT AL LITIGATION REFORM ACT (ELRA) For an unpennitted or unauthorized discharge not involving a surface water or lUoundwater quality violation. $2,000.00 "The monetary computations enclosed bave been formulated and are being tendered in the context of settlement negotiations" t> The 2009 Florida Statutes Title XXIX PUBLIC HEALTH Chaoter 403 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL View Entire Chapter 403.121 Enforcement; procedure; remedles.--The department shall have the following judicial and administrative remedies available to It for violations of this chapter, as specified in s. 403.161 (1). (1) Judicial remedies: (a) The department may Institute a civil action In a court of competent jurisdiction to establish liability and to recover damages for any Injury to the air, waters, or property, Including animal, plant, and aquatic life, of the state caused by any violation. (b) The department may Institute a civil action In a court of competent jurisdiction to Impose and to recover a civil penalty for each violation In an amount of not more than $10,000 per offense. However, the court may receive evidence In mitigation. Each day during any portion of which such violation occurs constitutes a separate offense. (c) Except as provided In paragraph (2)(c), It shall not be a defense to, or ground for dismissal of, these judicial remedies for damages and civil penalties that the department has failed to exhaust Its administrative remedies, has failed to serve a notice of violation, or has failed to hold an administrative hearing prior to the Institution of a civil action. (2) Administrative remedies: (a) The department may Institute an administrative proceeding to establish liability and to recover damages for any Injury to the air, waters, or property, Including animal, plant, or aquatic life, of the state caused by any violation. The department may order that the violator pay a specified sum as damages to the state. Judgment for the amount of damages determined by the department may be entered In any court having jurisdiction thereof and may be enforced as any other judgment. (b) If the department has reason to believe a violation has occurred, It may Institute an administrative proceeding to order the prevention, abatement, or control of the conditions creating the violation or other appropriate corrective action. Except for violations Involving hazardous wastes, asbestos, or underground Injection, the department shall proceed administratively In all cases In which the department seeks administrative penalties that do not exceed $10,000 per assessment as calculated In accordance with subsections (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7). Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. s. 300g-2, the administrative penalty assessed pursuant to subsection (3), subsection (4), or subsection (5) against a public water system serving a population of more than 10,000 shall be not less than $1,000 per day per violation. The department shall not Impose administrative penalties In excess of $10,000 In a notice of violation. The . one notice of violation seeking administrative penalties pending against the same party at the same time unless the violations occurred at a different site or the violations were discovered by the department subsequent to the filing of a previous notice of violation. (c) An administrative proceeding shall be Instituted by the department's serving of a written notice of violation upon the alleged violator by certified mall. If the department Is unable to effect service by s. 57.111(3)(e). No award of attorney's fees as provided by this subsection shall exceed $15,000. (g) Nothing herein shall be construed as preventing any other legal or administrative action In accordance with law. Nothing In this subsection shall limit the department's authority provided In ss. 403.121, 403.131, and 403.141, to judicially pursue Injunctive relief. When the department exercises Its authority to judicially pursue Injunctive relief, penalties In any amount up to the statutory maximum sought by the department must be pursued as part of the state court action and not by Initiating a separate administrative proceeding. The department retains the authority to judicially pursue penalties In excess of $10,000 for violations not specifically Included In the administrative penalty schedule, or for multiple or multlday violations alleged to exceed a total of $10,000. The department also retains the authority provided In ss. 403.121, 403.131, and 403.141, to judicially pursue Injunctive relief and damages, If a notice of violation seeking the Imposition of administrative penalties has not been Issued. The department has the authority to enter Into a settlement, either before or after Initiating a notice of violation, and the settlement may Include a penalty amount different from the administrative penalty schedule. Any case filed In state court because It Is alleged to exceed a total of $10,000 In penalties may be settled In the court action for less than $10,000. (h) Chapter 120 shall apply to any administrative action taken by the department or any delegated program pursuing administrative penalties In accordance with this section. (3) Except for violations Involving hazardous wastes, asbestos, or underground Injection, administrative penalties must be calculated according to the follOWing schedule: (a) For a drinking water contamination violation, the department shall assess a penalty of $2,000 for a Maximum Containment Level (MCL) violation; plus $1,000 If the violation Is for a primary Inorganic, organic, or radiological Maximum Contaminant Level or It Is a fecal coliform bacteria violation; plus $1,000 If the violation occurs at a community water system; and plus $1,000 If any Maximum Contaminant Level Is exceeded by more than 100 percent. For failure to obtain a clearance letter prior to placing a drinking water system Into service when the system would not have been eligible for clearance, the department shall assess a penalty of $3,000. - I (b) For failure to obtain a required wastewater permit, other than a permit required for surface water discharge, the department shall assess a penalty of $1,000. For a domestic or Industrial wastewater violation not Involving a surface water or groundwater quality violation, the department shall assess a penalty of $2,000 for an unpermitted or unauthorized discharge or effluent-limitation exceedance. For an unpermitted or unauthorized discharge or effluent- limitation exceedance that resulted In a surface water or groundwater quality violation, the department shall assess a penalty of $5,000. (c) For a dredge and fill or stormwater violation, the department shall assess a penalty of $1,000 for unpermitted or unauthorized dredging or filling or unauthorized construction of a stormwater management system against the person or persons responsible for the Illegal dredging or filling, or unauthorized construction of a stormwater management system plus $2,000 If the dredging or filling occurs In an aquatic preserve, Outstanding Florida Water, conservation easement, or Class I or Class II surface water, plus $1,000 If the area dredged or filled Is greater than one-quarter acre but less than or equal to one-half acre, and plus $1,000 If the area dredged or filled Is greater than one-half acre but less than or equal to one acre. The administrative penalty schedule shall not apply to a dredge and fill violatIon If the area dredged or filled exceeds one acre. The department retains the authority to seek the judicial Imposition of civil penaltIes for all dredge and fill violations InvolvIng more than one acre. The department shall assess a penalty of $3,000 for the failure to complete requIred mitigation, failure to record a required conservation easement, or for a water quality vIolation resulting from dredgIng or filling activities, stormwater construction activities or failure of a stormwater