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FEBRUARY 6, 1996
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commiSSIOn
chambers. Roger Mills, Church of Christ of Ocoee, led in prayer and Hilda Ems led in the
pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Gleason, and Johnson.
Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City
EngineerlUtilities Director Shira, Personnel/Employee Relations Psaledakis,
Administrative Services Director Beamer, Police Chief Mark, Fire Chief
Strosnider, Supervisor Elmore, and City Clerk Grafton.
Mayor Vandergrift proclaimed February 1996 to be Volunteer Appreciation Month.
Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Gleason. moved to approve the consent
agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Approval and acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Ree:ular Meetings of
December 19. 1995 and January 3. 1996.
B. Approval and Authorization to Extend the Existing Contract with PSI to extend the
Monitoring Proe:ram for Forest Lake Golf Course Load Test Study to September 1996
for a not-to-exceed additional amount of $2.000. also. to Conduct Hvdroe:eologic
Seryices at the A.D. Mims Treatment Plant for a not-to-exceed amount of $5.065.
C. Approval and Authorization for Mavor and Citv Clerk to execute Reflections Unit Three
Final Plat and Approval of Developer and Homeowners Association Ae:reement for
Upe:raded Street Lie:hting.
D. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Preventative Maintenance
Agreement with General Proiection Systems. Inc. for Audio-Visual Equipment.
E. Approval and Authorization to record Notice of Termination of Temporary Easement
Related to Clarke Road.
Mr. Charles Olds, Cub Scout Pack 217, Ocoee Elementary, distributed invitations to the
February 25, 1996 Blue and Gold Banquet.
Non-Ae:endaed Item
Mayor Vandergrift called attention to City Attorney Rosenthal's memorandum that had been
distributed regarding the Employee Committee and asked Mr. Rosenthal to address the issue.
Mr. Rosenthal said he had been asked by City Manager Shapiro whether the Employee
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 6, 1996
Committee would be subject to the Sunshine Law and it was his preliminary opinion that it
would be, as it was his understanding that the Committee would serve as an advisory board to the
Commission. Discussion followed regarding the purpose and design of the Committee and the
need for training/coaching to enable the Committee to function most effectively. Consensus was
reached that the Employee Committee should serve as employee representatives to the City
Manager rather than the City Commission and that a coach should be engaged.
First Reading of Ordinance No. 96-01. relating to Road Impact Fees. Second Reading and
Public Hearing scheduled/or February 20,1996.
City Attorney Rosenthal read this Ordinance by title only. Mayor Vandergrift announced the
time and date of the second reading to be February 20, 1996.
Resolution No. 96-04 adoptin!! a new Disaster Preparedness Plan.
City Attorney Rosenthal read this Resolution by title only. Fire Chief Strosnider presented
the staff report and explained that the present Disaster Preparedness Plan was outdated.
Therefore, staff had modified it to meet the standards of Orange County Emergency
Management, and updated all applicable information. Staff recommended that Commission
approve the new Resolution adopting a new Disaster Preparedness Plan and repealing Resolution
90-1 7.
Commissioner Gleason. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve the new
Resolution repealing Resolution 90-17 and adopting a new City of Ocoee Disaster Preparedness
Plan as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0.
Purchase of Land for Clarke Road Station in District 4 Impact Fee Area.
Fire Chief Strosnider presented the staff report and explained that after a review of the fee
structures and additional annexations, Ordinance 89-47, which established the Fire Impact Fee
was repealed and Ordinance 91-91, establishing four separate impact fee areas was adopted,
allowing the Fire Department to serve the growth of the City with the shortest response time that
would be acceptable to maintain the Department's 1.S.0. rating. A site that was more centrally
located than the Adair Street Station and more efficient was found on the Clarke Road corridor.
After several discussions with Silvestri Investments of Florida, Inc., a site on Clarke Road at
Street A was agreed upon. The acreage is 2.06, including the necessary on-site drainage. The
Department feels this location is better suited to serve the growth area to the north, east and south
and still serve the existing Adair Station area equally. Staff recommended that the City authorize
staff to negotiate with Silvestri Investments of Florida, Inc. for the purchase of this 2.06 acre
tract for the District Four Fire Station.
Commissioner Gleason. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to authorize staff to
negotiate with Silvestri Investments of Florida. Inc. for the purchase of this 2.06 acre tract for the
District Four Fire Station. Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 6, 1996
Juvenile Curfew Issue.
City Attorney Rosenthal explained that in the event Commission was interested in pursuing the
adoption of a juvenile curfew ordinance, it was first recommended that the City assess its
juvenile crime problem as well as its juvenile victimization crime in terms of frequency and
location. Based upon such assessment, Commission should determine whether there is a
compelling interest in adopting a juvenile curfew ordinance either citywide or in a specific
geographical area within the City. If Commission finds that there is a compelling interest to
adopt an ordinance, then it would be recommended that a draft ordinance be prepared for review
and comment by Commission and staff. After receipt of such input, an ordinance could then be
finalized for a public hearing and formal consideration by Commission.
Chief Mark displayed a map dividing the City into four separate zones and asked if he could
designate an area for a curfew for a few weeks. City Attorney Rosenthal said that the City
needed to be careful about the possible publicity that may arise.
Mrs. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, expressed concern that if the City was going to
saturate one place with police officers, the kids would move somewhere else, but that she was for
the curfew.
Mayor Vandergrift announced, without objection, that he would table the issue until Chief
Mark could pull statistics together.
Mayor Vandergrift announced that Ron Cox was present with the West Orange Production
Studios to broadcast the meeting.
RECESS 9:00 p.m. - 9: 15 p.m.
Proposal bv McDirmit. Davis. Lauteria & Comoany for Audit of City Manaeer's Travel
and Credit Card Expenditures.
Director of Administrative Services Beamer presented the staff report and explained that at its
special meeting on January 18, 1996, Commission requested a proposal from the City Auditors
McDirmit, Davis, Lauteria & Company, P.A. for an audit of the City Manager's travel and credit
card expenditures for the last five years. Based upon his cursory review of the existing files, Mr.
McDirmit quoted a not-to-exceed cost of $3,200; this would be the maximum cost should the
outlined procedures be acceptable.
Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to employ McDirmit. Davis.
Lauteria & Company, P.A.. to perform an audit of the City Manager's travel and credit card
expenditures for the last five years at a not-to-exceed cost of $3.200. Motion carried 5-0.
Policv for Expenditures Exceedine $500 Authorized bv City Manager.
Administrative Services Director Beamer said that at the January 18, 1996, Commission
Special Session, Mayor Vandergrift requested that a discussion on a policy for financial reporting
of expenditures authorized by the City Manager exceeding $500 be placed on the February 6,
1996, Commission meeting agenda.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 6,1996
. Mayor Vandergrift advised that it appeared that the City Manager was authorizing the use of
time and equipment unequally for the different districts and he felt that government should be
equal for all. When pressed for specifics, however, he could not recall any particular example.
Commissioner Johnson said the matter should be tabled until specifics could be provided and
Commissioner Anderson asked Mayor Vandergrift to bring specific information to one of the
next meetings. No formal action was taken on this item.
RECESS - 9:35 p.m. - 9:45 p.m.
Presentations bv PEC:
Storm Water Drainage Update.
Mr. David Hamstra, PEC Consulting Engineer, presented the Stormwater Drainage Basin
Studies Update on the Northwest Ditch Drainage Basin, Spring Lake/Lake Johio Drainage Basin,
and Starke Lake/Lake Olympia Drainage Basin, pointing out that the purpose of the studies was
to analyze existing conditions, develop recommended improvements and develop a capital
improvement program for flood protection, water quality and to control localized flooding. He
explained that the goal of each study was to provide each drainage basin with a level of service.
For instance, the Northwest Ditch level of service is the 25 year storm and their goal was to
protect the residents and the roadway system from a 25 year storm. The recommended
improvements were designed to cause that entire basin to achieve that level of service. Mr.
Hamstra reviewed the findings and the recommended actions along with the estimated cost in
each phase for each basin, and he advised that, as a result of the meeting with Mayor Vandergrift
and Commissioner Anderson (held December 21, 1995), three new drainage problem areas had
been added to the list: Intersection of Doreen A venue and Lady A venue, Prairie Lakes Boulevard
(Forest Oaks Subdivision), Peach Lake Manor/Twin Lakes Manor Area and those had been
added to the Capital Improvement Program.
Mr. Hamstra advised in closing that without an increase in stormwater fees the City would not
be able to fund the requirements of the NPDES program, and that the recommendation was to
increase from the current $3.00 to $5.00 incrementally over a period of several years.
When Consulting Engineer Hooper asked for direction before proceeding, discussion ensued
regarding the need for a rate increase and the timing, with Commission reluctantly reaching
consensus to go forward with the incremental increase to $5.00 according to the schedule
provided in the study. Mr. Hooper advised that he would come back with an ordinance for the
rate increase and a financing package to describe how the long term or short term planning would
be accomplished.
Master Water Plan Update.
Mr. Mark Mahler, PEC Senior Engineer, presented the Master Water Plan Update and
explained that the required improvements have been divided into three phases. The first phase
improvements are required before the existing Jamela WTP is taken out of service (within two
years). The second phase improvements are required for new development in currently
undeveloped areas. The third phase improvements are required to provide adequate capacity for
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 6, 1996
estimated flows for the year 2014. The total estimated cost for the three phases is $4,324,000
(using 1995 dollar value). Mr. Mahler responded to questions from Commission and Mrs.
Bruni Massa in the audience. He added that there was no anticipated rate increase as a result of
these recommended improvements as' most of this will come from impact fees. However, St.
Johns River Water Management District now requires a rate structure that encourages water
conservation, so the structure of the user fee must be changed from the current flat rate to "the
more you use, the more you pay." PEC is now working on a proposal to bring back to
Commission for adoption.
Effluent Reuse Feasibility Study.
Ms. Katie Garrick, PEC Representative, presented the Effluent Reuse Feasibility Study,
explaining that, although the City already disposes of the majority of its wastewater effluent
through reuse at Forest Lake Golf Course, the proposed reclaimed water system would be
constructed in four phases and ultimately would serve thirty three sites, at an estimated total cost
of $8,138,200, and would discharge an estimated 3,568,900 gallons of reclaimed water to the
system per day which exceeds the flow capacity of the wastewater treatment plant. She added
that the preliminary design could be ready as early as June 1996.
There was discussion regarding several of the steps - Commissioner Johnson objected to
providing the service to the cemetery (outside the city limits) before making it available to the
citizens. Mr. Hooper explained that it was more cost effective to find a high capacity user close
to the golf course. Commissioner Anderson asked if the use would be mandatory. Mr.
. Hoopt:r responded that was how it was done in other municipalities.
City Attorney Rosenthal added that there are new subdivisions under construction now that
have been approved prior to the adoption of this provision of the Land Development Code and
which are in those areas where the City has no plans to provide reuse lines, and the City would
not require the developer to incur the cost of retrofitting if there is nothing to tie into.
White Road Improvement.
PEe Project Director Hooper explained that Homart obtained competitive bids for the off-site
roadway improvements and the City's White Road improvements. C.A. Meyer is the apparent
low-bidder. The cost for the White Road project is $646,215.54 and final completion is
scheduled by October 1996. PEC requested the approval of the concept to authorize Homart to
construct the White Road Improvements with a maximum expenditure of $646,215.54 and to
bring it back in two weeks.
After brief discussion consensus was reached to proceed with the approval of the concept to
authorize Homart to construct the White Road Improvements with a maximum expenditure of
First Quarter Financial Reoort - Fiscal Year 1995-96.
Administrative Services Director Beamer reported that all revenues exceed the expenditures
for this quarter. After brief discussion, the First Quarter Financial Report was accepted without
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 6, 1996
Commissioner Johnson: No comments at this time.
Commissioner Anderson: No comments at this time.
Commissioner Glass: No comments at this time.
Commissioner Gleason:
I) Still seem to be having a problem with the developer or the builder with the condition of the
retention ponds and roads when they are turned over to the homeowners' association. There
must be a better process of policing or reviewing those issues before releasing them to be
transferred. Another problem is that developers are permitted to proceed with further phases
of their development without correcting prior errors in drainage or streets, as in Silver Glen.
Mr. Shapiro responded that the developer will not be able to get a certificate of occupancy for
the second phase until the problem is corrected in the first phase; and he added that they seem
to last two years. He said there is a better iob of inspection now as now there is a drainage
inspector on staff. He said we are doing a better iob than we did and it is a big issue.
2) Asked when the speed humps policy will come back before Commission. On next agenda.
3) Regarding Pop Warner Football field, it is in pitiful shape with weeds, bugs, and sprinkler
heads exposed. Mr. Shapiro said that part of the problem is that it is impossible to keep
people off the field so it can be worked on. It is a sealed bowl and that contributes to the
problem. Every year there is the same situation and every vear it is ready when they need to
use it for the games. He said he would report back after conferring with staff.
Mayor Vandererift:
I) Called attention to the Charter provision (C-66) that a Districting Commission must be
established during this year and said he probably was in favor of not having districts.
2) would like to see the Florida Power trees placed on Clarke Road.
3) Said his report on last week's trip to Tallahassee was left on his desk instead of being
distributed and he would get it out before Thursday. It had to do with housing problems,
building departments and grading systems as to how insurance companies will be insuring
housing based on how the houses are built and how they are being inspected.
4) Met with Apopka and Winter Garden officials and staff regarding problems with the county
and 6 cents gas tax negotiations with County/Orlando and smaller cities, and legislation
being proposed that might move that forward. Mr. Shapiro said they had asked Ocoee to talk
with our City Attorney about the legalitv of it. He stated further, mutual concerns about
planning issues between western cities of Orange County, and Orange County itself, possible
study group to review electric franchises of the area to determine we can jointly through size
make some changes to the franchise agreements, tax equalization, support of the Orange
County Sheri fr s Department, transportation of prisoners.
5) Announced Thursday night Construction Forum at 7:00 p.m.
6) Auction at Public Works on February 24 at 10:00 a.m.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 6, 1996
7) Announced Commissioner Anderson's 40th birthday this week and Commissioner Johnson's
fiftieth birthday last month and had the Ocoee Rent-A-Choir sing Happy Birthday for them.
8) Announced the RSVP number - 656-2218.
II :45 p.m.
C~fOcoee ~~
;:) . ~~- . '
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor