HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-19-96 . . . MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD MARCH 19, 1996 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commISSIOn chambers. Roger Mills, Church of Christ, led in prayer and Mrs. Francis Watts led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Gleason, and Johnson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, City Attorney Rosenthal, Personnel/Employee Relations Director Psaledakis, Planning Director Wagner, Finance Director Horton, Senior Planner Horne, Fire Chief Strosnider, Capital Projects Concurrency Analyst Resnik, Consulting Engineer Hooper and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None. PRESENT A TIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Vandergrift proclaimed April, 1996, Know Your Neighbor and Clean Up and Beautify Ocoee Month. PRESENTATION: Mayor Vandergrift invited PPTD Supervisor Elmore to assist in presenting certificates to Cary Bertling, Ken Bruce, and Larry Miller (not present) for receiving their certification in Traffic Safety and Garry Smith for level I Signs and Markings. Mayor Vandergrift invited City Clerk Grafton to present Clerk/Stenographer Lewis with a certificate of appreciation for her work in planning and conducting a pre-retirement seminar. CONSENT AGENDA Mavor Vander~rift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of Citv Commission Re~ular Meetin~ of March 5. 1996. B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and Citv Clerk to execute Contract A~reement with Premier Drede:e & Marine. Inc. for Starke Lake Boat Ramp. C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and Citv Clerk to execute Sun Trust Bank Development Permit Processin~ A~reement. D. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Engineering and Architect Ae:reement with Gee & Jenson Ene:ineers-Architects-Planners. Inc. for work to be performed on several Fire Department Projects. . Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19, 1996 COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mr. Sam Woodson, 108 Taylor Street, introduced Lions Ed Pounds, Hartle Bowness, Fred Gardner of the Ocoee Lions Club and presented Mayor Vandergrift with the first place ribbon won by Ocoee at the Central Florida Fair. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, expressed concern about the temperature in the Commission Chambers. Mr. Hugh Harling, 850 Courtland Street, representing Sun Guard, requested a review of the Orange County Special Exception for a personal storage facility on Colonial Drive. The following comments from Mr. Hamby were made during Public Hearings but are placed under Comments from Citizens/Public. Mr. Carmen Hamby, Church of Christ, requested permission from the Commission to let the Sojourners park their RV's on Church property for two or three weeks in the Spring of 1997 in order to clean the church grounds. Commissioner Johnson said that Mr. Hamby should get a petition signed. City Manager Shapiro explained that he wasn't sure how to handle this issue, and asked that Staff and the City Attorney be given an opportunity to review this and return with a recommendation. . Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to direct Staff to review this issue and return with a recommendation. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS RESOLUTION No. 96-05. VACATION/ABANDONMENT OF 2 UTILITY EASEMENTS IN THE HAMMOCKS. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only. Capital Projects/Concurrency Analyst Resnik presented the Staff Report and explained that a Mr. Keith L. Whittingham has applied for the abandonment and vacation of the two, five-foot utility easements located on either side of the common lot line between lots 12 and 13 of the Hammocks subdivision. Mr. Whittingham owns both Lots and is proposing to build one home that would straddle the Lots. The proposed vacation was distributed to City Staff and Orange County Engineering Department, Cablevision Industries, Florida Power, Lake Apopka Natural Gas, and Southern Bell. There were no objections to the vacation. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gleason, seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve Resolution 96-05 as presented. Motion carried 5-0. . SECOND READING: ORDINANCE No. 96-03. CHANGING STORM WATER UTILITY RATES. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only. City Manager Shapiro discussed meetings he had between Staff and PEC regarding projects that might fall into this category. He said that, subject 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19, 1996 - to Commission approval. he would have a method of financing on the next agenda. Mr. Shapiro then introduced Ken Hooper and David Hamstra from PEC to answer questions. The public hearing was opened. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, expressed concern about money of this kind being spent, and asked that the Commission raise questions. Commissioner Gleason explained that there was a detailed list explaining what the funds were going to. Mr. Sam Woodson, 814 Chicago Avenue, asked if this project would help his family's property on Silver Star Road in any way because the runoff from Jay Street floods their property. Mr. Hooper explained that it would be addressed in Phase II. Mrs. Nancy Parker, 6748 Sawmill Boulevard, stated that she was for this project but that if it was going to be done should it be done right. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gleason. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve Ordinance 96- 03, Storm water Utility Fee Increase as presented. Motion carried 3-2. (Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Anderson voted no.) e RECESS 9:20 p.m. - 9:33 p.m. OTHER BUSINESS FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES. Second Reading and Public Hearing Scheduled for April 2, 1996. ORDINANCE No. 96-04. ADOPTING ORANGE COUNTY ANIMAL SERVICES ORDINANCE. ORDINANCE No. 65-05. AMENDING MUNICIPAL ELECTION ORDINANCE. City Attorney Rosenthal read the titles only. Mayor Vandergrift announced the time and date of the second readings and public hearings to be April 2, 1996, at 7:30 p.m. SENIOR PROGRAM (OVER 65) COMMITTEE REPORT. City Manager Shapiro introduced Dan Murphy, Chairman of the Over 65 Committee. Mr. Murphy explained that upon the organization of this committee and selection of a chairman, the Over 65 Committee selected Michael Hammond to be their attorney for the purposes of reviewing the legality of the current program. Mr. Murphy then recounted the history of the committee and thanked members for their time and input. I) Mr. Murphy stated that the Senior Program Committee was charged with the responsibility to review the Senior Program and make certain findings concerning the viability of the Program and recommend any changes, should any be found necessary. He said that their recommendation, if adopted, would eliminate some of the participants. but it would allow the City of Ocoee to continue to provide assistance to many of the seniors who were in need. - 3 . Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19, 1996 City Manager Shapiro pointed out that this was the last meeting before April 1, which is the beginning of the normal application period for the next fiscal year's participants. He asked that, if a change in the Program should be adopted, it be done at this time to avoid any confusion to the citizens who may be planning to apply this year. A discussion ensued regarding the data contained in the staff report, and Mr. Murphy responded to questions regarding some of that information. In response to Mrs. Frances Watts' statement that much had been said about the contents of the recommendation, but that no one in the audience knew any of the details, Senior Planner Horne read the recommendation of the Committee. Any bona fide resident of the City of Ocoee age 65 and over whose personal and/or household annual income is at 150% of poverty level rounded to nearest $100.00 shall be eligible for a monthly per household benefit of a maximum of 10,000 gallons of free water and solid waste pick up. The poverty level income shall be determined by an outside agency to selected by City Commission. . As Commissioner Glass moved to adopt the recommendation of the Senior Program Committee with one amendment, that of adding "or below" to the phrase "at 150% of poverty level," City Attorney Rosenthal pointed out that a change to the Program can only be made at an advertised public hearing and that staff should be directed to prepare a resolution containing the wishes of this Commission. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the history, benefits, funding, and legality of the Senior Program, during which Committee Members Goble, Murphy, Parker, and Stinnett spoke. Michael Hammond, Esquire, addressed several questions raised during the discussion. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Gleason. moved to bring back a resolution to the City Commission pursuant to the existing Senior Program Resolution which would modify the Program to be consistent with the recommendations of the Over 65 Committee with the change that. instead of stating "at 150% of poverty level" it would state "at or below 150% of poverty level" and that would be for consideration at an advertised public hearing. Motion lost 2-3 with Mayor Vandergrift Commissioner Anderson and Commissioner Johnson voting no. RECESS - 11 :00 p.m. - 11 :10 p.m. . SILVER BENDIBEXLEY CLOSING DESIGN. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira explained that at the City Commission meeting held on January 16, 1996, staff was directed to return a proposed design for the temporary closure of Bexley Boulevard. This temporary closure was to be for a period of one year, after which the City Commission would determine whether the street should be permanently closed. It was determined that something was needed that was easily installed, yet difficult to move. Mr. Shira described the Guardian Barrier device and recommended that, to completely close off Bexley 4 . Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19, 1996 Boulevard, four such barriers would be needed at an approximate price each of $375.00. Reflective striping and flashing lights for each unit would add approximately $100.00 to the cost of each unit. Additionally, signs will be required for advance warning on both sides of the barriers. The signs will cost approximately $400.00. Total cost for the project would be approximately $2,300.00. Staff requested authorization for the purchase of four Guardian Barriers, and the lights and signs required to close Bexley Boulevard, with funding to come from General Fund Contingency. City Manager Shapiro added that one or two street lights should be put in place for further illumination of these barriers in case the blinking lights malfunction. (This would be at a monthly charge.) He stated further for the record, that two requests from Lake Olympia Club for the same thing have been requested. Commissioner Gleason. seconded bv Commissioner Glass. moved to authorize the temporary closure of Bexley Boulevard for a period of one year. and authorize the purchase of four Guardian Barriers. and the lights and signs required. with the funding to come from the General Fund Contingency at a not-to-exceed cost of $2.300.00. Motion carried 5-0. . ApPOINTMENT OF CODE ENFORCEMENT ATTORNEY. The Code Enforcement Board Attorney Selection Committee solicited proposals to serve as the legal counsel to the Code Enforcement Board. Of the three (3) proposals, received, the Committee recommended the appointment of Thomas C. Feeney III of Fowler, Barice, and Feeney as the legal counsel to the City of Ocoee Code Enforcement Board. Commissioner Glass. seconded bv Commissioner Gleason, moved to appoint Thomas C. Feenev III of Fowler. Barice. and Feeney as the legal counsel to the City of Ocoee Code Enforcement Board. Motion carried 4-0. (Mayor Vandergrift was not present.) AWARD OF BID - WELL PUMPS & GROUND STORAGE TANKS. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira presented the Staff Report and explained that on February 23rd, the City received three sealed bids for the installation of well pumps, ground storage tanks, and in plant piping for the Forest Oaks and South Water Treatment Plants. The low bidder, Wharton-Smith, has worked for the City of Ocoee on prior Utility Department projects, and has provided quality work. This project will result in increased water production and storage capability at both the Forest Oaks and South Water Plants. Also, the chlorine gas hazard at both plants will be eliminated, and the City will implement its corrosion control plan to help reduce the corrosivity of the finished water. Staff recommended that the City Commission award bid No. B96-05 to Wharton-Smith, Inc. in the amount of $2,304,000.00. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to award bid No. B96-05 to Wharton-Smith. Inc. in the amount of $2.304,000.00. Motion carried 4-0. (Mayor Vandergrift was not present.) . 5 . . . Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19, 1996 SURPLUS CITY REAL ESTATE PROPERTY. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira presented the Staff report and explained the Utility Fund owns several parcels of property throughout the City. Many of these were acquired through the purchase of Prima Vista Utilities. Over the years as the operation of the Utility Department has been streamlined, the need for some of these properties has been eliminated. Parcel #22 was acquired with Prima Vista Utilities and has never been used by the City for any wastewater utility purpose. This parcel is currently being used by the Recreation Department as part of the Sorenson Field Complex. Mr. Shira recommended that ownership of the parcel should be transferred to the recreation fund. Parcel #72 was purchased by the water fund in 1989 as part of a planned expansion of the Kissimmee Avenue Water plant. The expansion did not take place and the Kissimmee Avenue Water plant has now been retired from service. The Site is currently being used by the recreation department as a baseball practice field. Mr. Shira recommended that the site should be sold outright. Parcel #77 is the site of the Prima Vista Utility's wastewater treatment plant # 1. This plant was dismantled several years ago. Mr. Shira advised that the site is no longer needed by the utility department and should be sold. Parcel #79 was used for disposal of treated effluent from WWTP # 1. Since the plant was dismantled, this site has been unused, and should be sold. If these properties were to be sold, either to an individual or to another city fund, the current value must first be determined. Staff recommended that the City Commission list the four properties in question as surplus to the Utility Fund and authorize Consortium Appraisals, Inc. to provide appraisals of these four parcels at their quoted fee of $2000.00 per parcel, with appraisal fees to be paid from the Water and Wastewater Professional Services Accounts. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Gleason. moved to approve Consortium Appraisals. Inc. to provide appraisals of these four parcels at their quoted fee of $2000.00 per parcel as recommended by Staff. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORTS None. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Gleason: 1) Noted that he had received City Manager Shapiro's memo regarding the reorganization of the Finance Department and asked for a complete report of any other such changes in the positions of personnel since last October. 6 . . . Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 19, 1996 2) Said that the signs outside City Hall and Police Department looked bad and were in need of refinishing. Commissioner Glass: I) Suggested that the telephone message record for after hours calls include advice to call the RSVP number in order to register a complaint or compliment. Mayor Vandergrift added that there should also be advice to dial the extension number for an employee or department in order to leave a voice mail message. 2) Asked about the outside facilitator for the employee committee. Mr. Shapiro advised that Mrs. Marilyn Crotty, UCF, is coming Wednesday to talk to the committee. Commissioner Anderson: Recommended a work day in the next month and a half to deal with the Senior Program. Both Commissioner Gleason and Commissioner Glass said they would not attend a workshop, that they both had worked hard to bring the issue to resolution, as had the appointed Senior Program Committee, and if Commissioner Anderson wished to formulate a plan and present it to Commission he should do that. Commissioner Johnson: No comments at this time. Mavor Vandergrift: I) Announced clean up days in Ocoee: April 13 for those residents on the Monday/Thursday route and April 20 for those on the Tuesday/Friday route. 2) The new garbage carts should be out by August 1, but supply will be about 200 short. 3) Asked why the pipes are lavender color at Clarke Road. It is the standard color for water re- use. 4) Announced volunteer lake cleanup in April at a date to be announced later. Mr. Shapiro said he has asked PPTD Elmore for a planting date so the cleanup could be done a week before that date and he will advise. Having to update the permit for Sleepy Harbour. 5) Read the ad in West Orange Times placed by Goodyear expressing appreciation for the assistance received from the Fire, Police, and Building departments during and after the fire in February. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11 :53 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: CitY~OfO~?6f- tL. S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayo 7