HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION May 4, 2010 at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and led by Commissioner Johnson. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Keller. Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Presentation - Recognition of Sponsors, City Departments, and Employees for their Participation in the City of Ocoee 5th Annual Spring Fling. (Deputy Chief Goclon) - moved to the next agenda on May 18,2010. Fire Department Promotions - Battalion Chief Dennis Trimble, Lieutenant Brian Shiver, and Engineer Richard Quinones. (Fire Chief McNeil) Proclamations. (Mayor Vandergrift) ~ National Water Safety Month - May 2010 ~ Municipal Clerks Week - May 2nd - May 8th I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Smitty Branch - Sleepy Harbor Resident, 1) said he is trying to get residents to participate in curb numbering. He wants to assist in doing the work if the Commission will give him their blessings to do it with no license or permits. He said he will begin in his own neighborhood, but if he can promote it in other neighborhoods he would like to do that. Mayor Vandergrift said he can do it in his own neighborhood but if he expands from there he would need to get a permit. Mr. Branch stated that he is not doing it to earn money; he just wants to charge enough to pay for supplies. He said he would use black background with white letters, unless someone can supply him with the more expensive reflective paint. Consensus of the Commission. without obiection. was that he could move forward with the address numberina proiect in his own HOA. but would need approval from the police and fire departments as to stvle and location of numbers. Anv further work outside of his HOA would reQuire proper Iicensina/permittina. 2) said that some there are homes in Clermont where squirrels are eating the lead vents on top of roofs causing water to leak onto the roof and he has a way to repair that. He would like to make those repairs. 3) said he would like the City to look into getting the Ocoee TV programming on a basic cable channel (which goes up to Chane I 99) because he does not want to pay $900 per year for premium channels just to get government. City Manager Frank commented that we do not have much control over that; we have been moved several times in the past four years. There was discussion that staff would look into the channels and feasibility of charging the cable companies City Commission Regular May 4, 2010 for using our right of way to put the cable in. City Manager Frank said that we get money through the telecommunications fee. City Attorney Rosenthal added that the legislature has granted cable companies use of right of way. 4) Mr. Branch made a joke about when he got on the scale his numbers read 1666. Commissioner Wilsen confirmed with City Manager Frank that if he is going to start a business in the city he will have to look into a business tax license and may need a professional certification. Consensus was that they agreed he could do the house number painting in his own HOA area. I D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Frank 1) said Item #7 will be pulled until more information can be obtained. 2) said the agreement with Clear Village for Item #4 has been distributed on the dais this evemng. 3) said we have an emergency item on the dais regarding Maguire Road Phase V Engineering Services. Mayor Vandergrift declared the item an emergency and advised staff to go forward with the presentation. City Engineer Wheeler advised that PEC Consultant Firm has closed their doors. They were in the middle of some projects such as Maguire Road Phase V, which is before you tonight. Most of the staff from PEC that were working on Maguire Road project have become employed with Infrastructure Engineers, Inc. (lEI). He said they would like to contract with IEI to continue doing the work on the project. AT this time we have no engineer of record to sign and seal the plans. The second part of the project We are also assisting Foley and Lardner obtaining land and rights of way for storm water pond. lEI will pick up that part of the work for the amount of money that is left in the contract with PEC. Using them as an Engineer of Record would create an additional cost of $15, 204. There is money in the budget to do that. If we had to go back out to bid we may pay more and have a difficult time getting someone to take over the as Engineer of Record in the middle of these projects. Staff recommendation is that the Commission waive Section 21.5 of the Code of Ordinances, establishing minimum standards for selecting consultants and/or the contract for infrastructure engineers so the same engineers who now work at IEI can continue working on the project. City Attorney Rosenthal and City Manager Frank were in agreement with staff recommendations. Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to waive the requirements of Section 21.5 of the Code of Ordinances. Purchasina Code. Exemptions to the minimum standards. approve contractinq with Infrastructure Enaineers. Inc. for the remainder of the Maauire Road Phase V Proiect for Riqht- of-Way and Land Acquisition Services in the amount of $21.549. approve contractina with Infrastructure Enqineers. Inc. as the Enaineer-of-Record for an additional amount of $15.204.00. and authorize Staff to process the Purchase Orders appropriately. Motion carried 5-0. Page 2 of6 I City Commission Regular May 4,2010 Staff Reports and Agenda Review Continued. 4) said that registration for Swimming Lessons starts Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 10:00 a.m.at the Beech Center for city residents only, registration for non-residents starts May 22,2010. The cost is $50.00 5) said he sent an email regarding our Public Works Department being highlighted at the American Public Works Association Meeting and Trade Show for our implementation of the Pinpoint Geotech GPS Technology System. Steve Krug and Bill Simmons will be speaking of the success that we have had thus far, as well as new ways we are planning to apply this technology. He said there will be a presentation for the commission soon. He said we are very proud of this system and sharing this information with other cities. 6) said Clarke Road rehabilitation is 95% completed at the time. Mayor Vandergrift added that a sign on AD Mims, just west of Clarke has been knocked down. Commissioner Hood said that was discussed at the last meeting Public Works Director Krug was going to handle that as well as replacing the sod. Resident Smitty Branch added that a sign is town on Blackwood Avenue new Texas Roadhouse as well. 7) said Construction work at Central Park is almost completed although the rains last week eroded much of the final grading and has delayed the ability to get sod from suppliers. The boat dock should be completed this week. Weare waiting for Progress Energy to schedule the street light replacement project and then we will be opening back up. Mayor Vandergrift asked if we have looked at LED lights or solar powered lights. City Manager Frank said we are charged a flat rate at this time and would not save money if we used LED, but we are working with Progress Energy to change that. City Engineer Wheeler said we replaced the lights with that same thing that previously existed. Mayor Vandergrift said we need to look into installing LED lights and not paying Progress Energy any fee for electricity out there. Mr. Wheeler said he will look into that option. I E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS 1) said Ocoee High School Theater Department has SDSICAL, May 6-8 at 7:00 p.m. and a matinee on Saturday. 2) Ocoee High School Choral Department has their concert program May 28, 2010. 3) wished all moms a Happy Mother's Day 4) reminded the Commission and staff that they need to hold a workshop prior to the budget sessions with regard to parks, roads, water, etc. 5) said that Oprah Winfrey dedicated the Ocoee Middle School Library today; the show was aired today and will be re-aired tonight on Channel 27 at 9:00 p.m. Mayor Vandergrift said the show was 59 minutes of Laura Bush, but the school item was on at the very end of the show. asked if the Golf for Autism Tournament was placed in the budget as a line item, the tournament is coming up. City Manager Frank said he is almost sure it is in there. Consensus of the Commission is to approve the expenditure for this event if it was placed in the budget. 1) said the Big Orange Games were very successful and well attended. 2) Ocoee Middle School open house last week, showed the new rehabbed library with new books and computers. ~l!mm!!!!Q'~gQ~' wished all a Happy Mother's Day. Page 3 of6 ___ J City Commission Regular May 4, 2010 1) stated that we lost a leading member of our community as well as former Mayor and Commissioner this week, Sam Goodson, and announced that the viewing services will be Wednesday from 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. at Baldwin Fairchild Funeral Home in Winter Garden and the Funeral Service will be Thursday at 11 :00 a.m. at Starke Lake Baptist Church. Mayor Vandergrift stated that he will be missed. 2) said, for those watching the baby crane in his neighborhood, they believe the crane was killed by a hawk and the whole neighborhood is in mourmng. I F. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Keller, seconded bv Commissioner Hood, moved to approve Consent Aaenda Items 1-4, as presented bv staff. Motion carried 5.0. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. This plat is for McCormick Woods Phase 2, which is 21.067 acres and located on the southwest corner of Ingram Road and McCormick Road. Phase 2 consists of a 79 single family homes with its associated amenities. With all new developments, the city is requiring the Traffic Enforcement Agreement and Agreement for Upgraded Street Lights to be placed into effect at the time of platting. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. Lift Station #1, on or near the morning of November 27, 2009, experienced a failure in operation which was caused by an increased loading of grease/oil. Failure occurred when grease buildup around the floats inhibited them from tripping, including the high level alarm float. The station had been inspected on Tuesday November 24,2009, and found to be operating normally, with less than 50% grease liquid coverage. Three days later, on November 27th, (the day after Thanksgiving) the station had 95% coverage. While it cannot be verified, it is staffs opinion that there was significant illicit disposal of grease/oil into the sanitary sewer collection system leading to the failure. The failure of the station resulted in spillage flowing into a landlocked retention area located on sewer plant property. The spillage was a violation of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) rules and resulted in a possible fine of $2,000/day. The District lessened the violation to a single day due to corrective actions taken or planned by the City. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. On April 7, 2009, the City of Ocoee and the University of Central Florida (UCF) entered into an agreement which allowed UCF to develop a software program for the tracking and processing of Development Services permits and projects. Clear Village, Inc. has since offered to provide maintenance for the Development Services tracking software that was developed by UCF. Under this contract, Clear Village, Inc. will maintain and support the City's software system by providing updates and new releases, and will issue patches to fix bugs and deliver enhancements. The contract will terminate on September 30, 2010, with an option to renew it each year on October 1, 2010 for a one year period with a maximum of four renewals. The benefit to the City of entering into this contract is the reasonable pricing along with the guarantee of all of the new development software developed by Clear Village, Inc. The return on investment with this contract will guarantee a stream of updated, market ready software that will expand the speed and service delivery of the Development Services Department. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. Page 4 of6 City Commission Regular May 4,2010 I G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE _d . Ulp~ The::l: 1.3 acre subject parcel consists of lots I, 2, 3, 19, 20, 21, & 22 of Block D, Oak Level Heights, platted in 1925. The subject properties are located on the west side of Adair Street, on both 2nd and 3rd avenue. All of the lots are vacant and were platted at 55 feet wide by :J: 151 feet in depth for an average of 8,305 square feet. The subject property is located in a large enclave of unincorporated Orange County characterized as a mixture of single-family homes, vacant lots and a church. The lots are currently zoned A-I (Agriculture) in Orange County. On August 21, 2007, the Orange County Board of Adjustment approved variances on all seven (7) lots. The variance approvals permitted a lot width of 55 feet in lieu of 100 feet and lot sizes of 8,300 square feet in lieu of 21,780 square feet. The applicant intended to obtain potable water from wells and use septic systems for sewer, but would require a variance from the State Department of Health because of separation requirements of75 feet in between well and septic systems. By annexing into the City ofOcoee, the applicant can connect to the City's water service which would exclude the se tic s stems from meetin the 75 foot se aration re uirement. a. Annexation City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the annexation ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced that the second reading and public hearing will be held May 18, 2010 at 7: 15 or soon thereafter. I b. Rezoning City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the rezoning ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced that the second reading and public hearing will be held May 18, 2010 at 7: 15 or soon thereafter. Mayor Vandergrift announced that the first reading of this ordinance took place on April 20, 2010. The agenda published that the second reading was tonight, May 4, 2010, but it has been scheduled and advertised for second reading on May 18, 2010. I H. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None I I. REGULAR AGENDA This item was pulled from the agenda until more information can be obtained from the vendor. Page 5 of6 City Commission Regular May 4,2010 I J. STAFF ACTION ITEMS None I K. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Wilsen - no comments Commissioner Hood-no comments Commissioner Johnson 1) asked about Windsor Landing retention pond area and said we need to place signs up for no fishing beyond this point so they don't go in backyards of the homes. Parks and Recreation Director said some signs have been placed in the park with park hours, but not down by the lake. Commissioner Johnson wanted signed on both ends of the retention pond by the homes that state "No fishing beyond this point." Mr. Hayes stated he will get with Chief Brown and get those signs placed out there. City Attorney Rosenthal said it is not a police enforcement issue, they should be considered a city policy. 2) Said he goes to various functions such as the Big Orange Games this weekend and feels that someone from Community Relations needs to be there to photograph. City Manager Frank said that has not been done in the past, but we can budget for that if it is what commission wants. The Mayor said she would like to have someone other than himself take photographs. He said Gloria Vyka assisted by taking pictures at the last event. Without obiection. consensus was to send someone from Community Relations to the various functions. Commissioner Keller - wished all the moms a Happy Mothers Day. Mayor Vandergrift - no comments. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 6 of6