HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #10 Approval of Website Promotion Campaign - CGI Communications ~ . AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: June 15, 2010 Item # I 0 Contact Name: Contact Number: Joy P. Wright X1530 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: ~ --- Subject: Web site Promotion-CGI Communications Background Summary: CGI Communications has offered to produce and film a free online video to promote the City of Ocoee, The video would be posted on the City's web site. CGI has created videos for more than 1,000 communities nationwide. There would be no cost to the City. The video would be paid for with advertising purchased from local businesses, here in Ocoee. The City's online video would give a brief overview of the wonderful programs and services Ocoee has to offer, by highlighting the city as The Center of Good Living. Issue: Should the Mayor and Commissioners approve the production of the free video that would to be posted on the city's web site? Recommendations Staff respectfully requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve the production of the video, Attachments: National League of Cities endorsement letter U,S. Conference of Mayors endorsement letter Financial Impact: None. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x") Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Dept Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by N/A N/A N/A '7';1 :~,"'(.',"~.;r,"'J(:"~ '.,:r.-J ~"'l.l"r-.',"", (tf,~:; '-:"'i ':€'l;'t-" at C'.~j)\J:~;" '.~i ':,' '.IJ~~,-"" ;;.' ,'_l 'll,.f (r") ~,.;.,'''',-:r,'C'; NcL,:)t"!(J{ l't'::gl".''''~ ::-I(>li(.~l IHf h~r::,I,';--"'l:::J __...r 'IVi ..'i"~h"'",i"':'.' t: ( :t:e~.l;": :-0: .~:..:O: F,.~. ;e: .~.,~t~l .......:"...~ ,....It 0") :,,;::., :.)lii:r..rn ,;)f'~.u'~,.,.. t~...t:fa '" io.f'.a';J" :.'.~.'l:l' ;-~" f'I':"'J' ~ (-od1jff'l(J it.;... .,~~".- ,:. ...........l,.:-- .'-;)rf'lC't t f.'I'<".<'I ), (ll,v"'lc-d.!.',I''''r.",l' 0"QI'!':d I t: 'loA.. <. lJloL......l ..... (~--- uf ';'..:'" ;'/'flU':'...""... l..rdt"rJ "'...r:""lrrHC' /.',,..<r.' '"',-,..,,,:" ;.),-,,....~~tt1 '-(I'''')':~';:'l-:;;'1''~ :>"'1" ;':~1,d~t!" ...,.....,t': ( rL,;"" ( ""''-'1; ltr,t rnb~-~ \: h,l,i ! b-v"'~ \"/ co ,. 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':;.;pcnencc Ul pro',;!(hng tens of :hol.::::3.nds of cC.t1UnlJnLtLc5, orgill:i..:atLons.:l:1d b!,:$tT1r:~~~.,t::: l~l:oughlH~t l,rO:l~J }\~n\r;J'ica ....Vi1h thr.,7 :naJ~..t!i:ng r(ioh~ afu:i bfJ':;~ne$:.; ~r:r1n(r:S nf.~r:d.:~d ter coc'lpetc in toda/s glob;;.1 "no dl:;.Lts:1 crWu'or:rnent fOl:rHkd in [9;39, GGI Comml.lnica~i(lns i:. an ~i!lOl:.aliv,:. pmg[es:::i"'l', and high'(o;C!l COln]!<ul)' '.':llh .:1 !''I$,I(,:I [or t;:.:u;llcnct CGl's ':('tl;~.2.nt1y ~'\!()l':iIlg line ,)[ m1.llti:r.r.:I.:i8 b\:sllless $<2:".'1(.{';: ctl'e kno',vn for glving rll1.lrllc!pahties. p:'ofe'~sll)nal trade associat:ons, c!':;::.mbet's of COJ'(.:met'ce. d~::tLHutwn marketmg org.::,fllz.:..!tons. .ifJd priv.)re $('cto:o:' bl..l3meS$C5 .j cn,;(jli...r: cdgi; thaI no l}nr::~ r;J$!'; h6.S ll"Le N iltlOH:i.l League of CltJCS 15 the natw:1' S oldest and largest crg;:Cl!.Z3t:on deVOTed to :::,tl':nglhcrtin'~ a.nd promoting ci~il"$ as cente!"s of oO(JDrlunilv. ka!.krrb.ip ill}!.: '20',Jr:maJ1Cl'. HL/~:~i:: ;;, :e;..)llIC,; a.n..: .(jdvocal-: fClJ' 19.0(1) citii.,s.'t::,v,"M a,;Jd '.'illcs~'$. rt1Jft;$tnti:,~ ml)[~ '-' - '- rh';:'1 212; millton.o.r:'It:ficans. NLC v.'orb ',I.'ith cj select numb,;r of pn";,'ilt.sect:or parlm:rs to provide pro grillllS and SC['1::0C$ th~: f;r:ng :~ohrtio1l$ and s3v:ns:; 11) cilies toiLe endorse, lbi~: r:t)mpany and its ;)roduct.,: bec,::'I.l.;e It pro"'lde~ a t:'enlend(lU$ v81ueand se:YlCe not or:l)' to O1.tr me:nber C1Tle; and w\'/m, bi.:t to their local b1.l51nC550 05 ','leU. We C1Kl)l..lt,:tgc you !I) t,:u.:c c.cw.;l1lragc of th'; OPP(l[tuni:l":5 bClllg (lff,::t'cd fcr :(;or" !:l:'crcUrtO:"l 2boIJr .:Jl :t~ P:'O(:uct; :lnd ':c'n;lce~ offered by CGJ Cor:unUt1lC:lt!OllS,. '.IISlt I b.-: Emf.'lptw: r:'ogrdDls ;~!;Ttwll of H Le' s .......eb:.itc .":1: ..',.....'~~Il1L2.u; 'x contJ':: Frd:L:: ['.110no. (:(;1 C(irU!tl.l:I:(.;.l:(>rl~ f.:-:(;C\ll~v.; '/Ice Prt31d:;li:8: <300-39(;.3029 .;;:t ?n :)J :1:. ';~r(' I;.:. /Uwl/I fi..) e'0:1aJd J. 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Co\ [).'\\lrl t;. \~:."U....\CF. tdOly"r o(Sug.., l...nJ o\JVh'}rI' B,,_uJ. GlUt, :-'-I~KH~. t]'<l.r ....~.W\'I .,l:-oe..lll.: /;'I.i\IU\.'1I1,CICH M.ly...r 01 ,\.ncflur.~f.C JUAN C"ULOS III.Rf\H rOFZ M..y",,,(f),"ll !:OHFI{1" I. 1I0\\"~EI\ I\.hvuro(u,(()r.4lly,.... J:U.1ES ~IV\IN.-\R() ,\l;,y'" ,~f('."urnd, IN [)..W1P N, C1C1lUNE \.llYl1f ol"l'ro,idcl1lf 101' COOPL::R .\1J\"vr "t ~b./IJnd.Jlt lk./o.::h T:\1. rRANKLIf\.' CO'.\'NIE !\1"YOf'lfOciM"'/'lrs IlLATIlLR FAR'~O \1JY'" "I ~~,-r.unf.'tlr,) SHIRlEY FR;\N'I'-LIN -'1..y",ufAd;arH;l OS"C....r. h. I ;l)CJO~.L'\N .\1.1)")' u(l...~ V..p., \IUn 1l..\NNfIl.IAN,...... .\1./0)"" vfH...,,,.llIllI luH:'\i '\t'. IIIO:I:NU."IUI'Ul \lOll'" of [l,-rn" jA....IE5 \'1;'. Ilt."ll I.E.Y, III 'i.-yur ,,( l'..rOIT.i')Hlh ~Rl:.;<.lD,.. L. LA\\'RlNCl; \hy..l....f:-..,,"htidJ JL\IlN ~lAnr\~ .\t....."r"(Tllhfl,.,>\.., l'AITnCr\ "t.~I~o/{r .\1.4"" .,II~I,.r:"'fr 1.,WIf'"~ NF\\',(If\l ,\by"r "I ;\10 r'.1fhhCv FIIANI\C ORfl-; .\hY"l 'Jt"l'crl\~'I\k.. I'm..'j JUkLE A \;\NTINI M,,~'or ofSJn Ja.m JOHN FH)f:lfRT $.\111"11 ~!JV"'I vI' .\lni.liJI1 Mfl-lRl'N L 1":\'11(* \1.4)"" ....Tulu AhTtlK1U ft, \ lLLM<..\H':;U::'A M~)'u( vi' lo~ :\J\~~,'If) F.I~A..J!-.'E~. WAU";.Ef{ MJ\"J~ 1I~ Imwl;"b l~,(rn I II,')UCL..., \\'llDt:K "'l~>",..r Ri. I,""'H.l V." \VII L \tl'N1\.' M~,..o' ..Jr.....u.'lrn Elt':UhH Illr...,,,, ~nJ l;EQ: TO,..l coO I R:\.~ THE UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF MAYORS 1620 EYE STREET. NORTHWEST WASHINGTON. D.C. 20006 TELEPHONE (202) 293-7330 FAX (202) 293-2352 URL: www.LJsmayors.org Dear Mayor: In 2005, the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) partnered with CGI Communications, Inc., the cutting-edge leader in Internet video marketing. We have recently decided to extend our partnership through 2020, as CGI's constantly- evolving, truly innovative new products are allowing our Mayors and their cities to communicate with the world like never before. Our members can take advantage of FREE Video Streaming technologies that can help in attracting new economic development, providing relocation information, and so much more! cor works to tailor each of their unique no-cost programs to your community, whether you're looking for testimonials from local business owners explaining the benefits of relocating to your city, highlighting unique cultural attractions, exceptional schools, or are trying to find innovative new ways to communicate with constituents. The possibilities are endless. CGI has already created videos for more than 1,100 communities, garnering overwhelmingly positive praise in the process. In addition, because of CGI's alliance with Google, the Internet's dominant search engine, your videos will receive prominent placement in the Google Video Library, making YOllr official web site the premier destination for community infonnation, And the best part is it's FREE. You can take advantage of CGI's patent-pending technologies, without the need to use city funds. CGI has remained at the forefront of high-tech development, ensuring that our Mayors will enjoy access to an ever- changing alTay of innovative products. I encourage you to learn more about this powerful opportunity, and the many benefits it can have for your community. Please contact CGI Communications, Inc. today, at (800) 398-3029 x777. You may also contact Jim Welfley, the Director of Infonnation Systems at the United States Conference of Mayors at (202) 861-6796 or iwelflev@usmavors.org. Sincerely, ~~~.... Tom Cochran Executive Director