HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes
June 1,2010 at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, and led by Commissioner Wilsen. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll
and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Johnson and Commissioner Keller.
Also Present: Cit Attome Rosenthal, Cit Mana er Frank, Cit Clerk Eikenberr
Presentation - Recognition of Sponsors, City Departments, and Employees for their
Participation in the City of Ocoee 5th Annual Spring Fling. (Deputy Chief Goclon)
Presentation - Recognition of Sergeant William Wagner, Officer of the First Quarter.
(Deputy Chief Goclon)
City Manager Frank made the following announcements:
1) Parks and Recreation Department will be holding a dedication ceremony on Tuesday, June
15, 2010, at 9 am at Prairie Lake Park, to mark the improvements that have been made thus
2) Parents can still sign up their children for swimming lessons at the Parks and Recreation
Department located at the Jim Beech Recreation Center. Cost of the lessons is $50/per
3) A Joint Session of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Community Redevelopment
Agency (CRA) will be held on Tuesday, June 8, 2010, at 7pm in the City Hall Commission
Chambers. This is a Public Hearing regarding the change in the zoning map and creating
special overlay areas within portions of the Minorville and Lake Bennett Activities Center,
prohibiting certain otherwise permitted uses within such areas, and adopting a special
development plan applicable to such areas. The regular Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting will follow.
4) Improvements at the tennis and basketball courts at 3 city parks began today. Tiger Minor
Park tennis and basketball courts will be out of service beginning June 3, 2010. Tennis
lessons have been relocated to Parkside Coventry Park for now. Replacement of the Tiger
Minor Park basketball courts is not within the scope of the current project and the adopted
Master Plan calls for it to be relocated south of the intersection of Sleepy Harbor Drive and
Butterfly Creek Drive; however, this phase of the work may/may not be included in the fiscal
year 2011 CIP Plan.
City Commission Regular Meeting
June 1,2010
5) City Manager Frank lastly announced that the Florida League of Cities (FLC) has sent a
letter requesting them to appoint a delegate to their 84th Annual Conference to be held
August 19th-21st, at the Weston Diplomat Hotel in Hollywood, FL. Without obiection.
the Commission appointed Commissioner Johnson as deleQate.
Mayor Vandergrift added that he had mentioned at a previous meeting that there is 45 mph
speed limit sign about a 100 feet the west of Clarke Road that is on the ground and needs to be
replaced, he said it is still down and wants staff to take care of that.
~rml:!Pls!mr~~l~Unm 1) announced the Teen Citizen Police Academy is July 19-23 from 10
a.m. - 1 p.m. and gave the eligibility requirements and said that Officer Carlos Anglero was the
contact person for more information and registration. 2) She asked for Commission support to
direct staff on the issue of updating the city code for tree trimming in residential neighborhoods.
She would like to see them issue a permitting process appropriate to their goals of protecting
trees as important resources, but one that will work well under current economic conditions.
Ms. Elizabeth Osborne, 108 Miller Court, stated the city has no current code for tree planting,
trimming, or removal in existing residential properties. She said the current codes fall under the
Land Development Code (LDC), which seems to only relate to new development and allows all
others to do as they wish. She expressed her concern that trees are an important resource and
showed pictures of several trees in Sleepy Harbour that were not trimmed or maintained
properly. She stated the City must have had legitimate concerns causing the strict tree codes in
the LDC, and asked why the tree policy is not supported in the residential codes as well. She
was also concerned that Ocoee has signs as being a Tree City USA; however, would like to see
that supported. Development Services Director Shadrix responded that he and the Building
Official have reviewed the current code and would like to tighten up the language. At the
Commission's direction, he'd be happy to bring back a draft of language regarding a type of
permit and how it could be administered, the applicability and condition relating directly to type
of trees, and the replacement ratio. Commissioner Johnson said they need to look at things
such as what they required at Lake Olympia, whereas they had to plant oak trees that are not
growing into the walls. He said the same problems are happening around Roberson Road and
Brookestone. Development Services Director Shadrix said the staff is looking at all of those
issues and have a definite need of amending the LDC, so they will be discussing that at a later
date. Mayor Vandergrift said Windermere has a wonderful code, as well as Winter Park, so
suggested looking at those. Commissioner Keller said there are also issues with septic systems
and trees so suggested they look at that, as well as any HOA bylaws regarding trees.
Mayor Vandergrift asked to have staff look into this and get public input, and set up a Tree
Committee to spirit this along and maintain our Tree City USA. He'd also like to add a sticker to
those signs that this is Ocoee's 2nd year as a Tree City.
Commissioner Wilsen. seconded bv Commissioner Keller. moved to direct staff
to brinQ back an ordinance clarifvinQ the code and provisions for tree policies in
the City of Ocoee to provide for a permittinQ proQram for trimminQ and
maintaininQ trees in residential areas.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
June 1,2010
~,g:i!f1liriJmI!erJHml] reported on June lih the Fireworks Safety class with the Ocoee Fire
Department will be held at the West Oaks Library at 11 a.m.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinance No. 516 on September 15, 1970, created the Board of Adjustment to hear and decide appeals for
administrative review, to hear and recommend to the City Commission variances to zoning ordinances. This
Board consists of five (5) regular members and two (2) alternate members. At this time there are five (5)
regular members and one (1) alternate member. Currently there are no other applications on file to fill the board
openings. Julie Robinson has indicated she would be interested in serving on the Board of Adjustment Board,
filling the one (1) alternate member position currently open.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
On September 16, 2003, Resolution No. 2003-21, was adopted creating the Human Relations and Diversity
Board, requiring no less than seven (7) members and no more than fifteen (15). The Resolution was then
amended by Resolution 2004-11, which changed the quorum requirement to 50% plus 1. The two-year term of
Shakeel Anjum expired in May. The member has indicated he is willing to serve another term, if reappointed.
The current request for reappointment not withstanding, there re currently two vacancies on the board and one
(1) pending applications.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
The City of Ocoee adopted Ordinance 2001-06 on February 20, 2001, establishing uniform citywide water
shortage measures during drought periods. The ordinance included a provision to adhere to any restriction
imposed by either St. Johns Water Management District or South Florida Water Management District during
drought periods. The new ordinance provides a more comprehensive year-round water conservation program
that includes a defined, allowable irrigation schedule. The proposed ordinance is consistent with SJRWMD;
and SFWMD allows for the City of Ocoee to decide which district's requirements it adopts. The City must be
consistent with the districts to be eligible for any grant funding.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if there were any comments or questions.
Mayor Vandergrift announced that the second reading and public hearing will be held on June
15,2010 at 7:15 or shortly thereafter.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
June 1, 2010
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In order to improve and expand the City of Ocoee's pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services, the Fire
Department requested and was awarded a 100% non-matching grant from Orange County EMS for a fully
equipped Life Pak-15 Monitor / Defibrillator. The Life Pak-15 Monitor / Defibrillator, valued at a $32,390, was
purchased by Orange County EMS for the City of Ocoee. The monitor defibrillator has been received and is
now in service. The subject agreement must be executed in order to complete the award process.
Fire Chief McNeil stated this is a formality for the an the agreement with Orange County after
receiving a grant award of a Life Pak-15; there is no financial impact to the City it was fully
funded by Orange County.
Commissioner Hood. seconded bv Commissioner Wilsen. moved to approve the
EmerQencv Medical Services AQreement between Oranae County. Florida and
Ocoee. Motion carried 5-0.
~2.1!fitj!~sinqe:tLI}~l!~t- I) gave congratulations to all those who graduated at all grade levels 2)
announced Prairie Lake Park dedication on June 15, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. 3) announced Fireworks
Safety Course at the West Oaks Library at II :00 a.m. on June lih.
~~riig1!er Jtr~~}..9J!11) asked Parks and Recreation Director Hayes about the fence at Tiger
Minor Park to keep people out of there at night. They are throwing beer cans around. Mr.
Hayes stated that the tennis court project is now underway and the fence can now be tied in with
that. Commissioner Johnson stated he would like the city to look into a sidewalk down Geneva
Street from Bluford to Tiger Minor Park. He said kids riding bikes and walking have no way to
get out of the road. Discussion regarding the fence at Tiger Minor Park clarified that there was a
need to keep people out of the parking lot; there is an existing fence that only goes half way
around. Mr. Hayes stated they are looking at replacing the existing wood fence. 2) asked Public
Works Director Krug about getting Ocoee signs on Franklin Street coming off the SR 429 so that
people would know when they have crossed into Ocoee. Mr. Krug said he would get with
Development Services Director Shadrix on size and type of sign to place there. 3) said that he
would like the City Manager to discuss any staffing changes being considered to be discussed
with the Commission during budget workshop discussions or prior to that. City Manager
Frank stated that the staff has already begun some budget discussions and Commission input is
always encouraged any time before the budget workshops start in August. Mayor Vandergrift
stated that individual sessions with the City Manager should occur before the workshop and then
they will discuss it among each other at the workshops.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
June 1,2010
~lbiriil~~lI!~I) she added thanks to all who worked with the Spring Fling and stated
that Martha Lopez Anderson, Debra Booth, Marge Johnstone, and Deputy Chief Goclon do a
great job every year at making this event a success.
CO!!!.n!l~sj2!ler""H.J!9d - had no comments
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l\1ayofii\VaI1;Jl~xgr,!ft I) announced that Ocoee High School Graduation on Monday, June 7, 2010
at 4:00 p.m. at the Amway Arena. 2) Westside Tech will have graduation ceremonies at Ocoee
High School tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor Vandergrift adjourned the Regular Commission Meeting at 8:04 p.m. He
announced that there will be a workshop following the meeting but it will not be televised.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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June 1, 2010 at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Workshop Meeting at 8: 17 p.m. following the regular meeting.
All Commissioners remained present.
I I. Golf Cart Ordinance
Police Chief Brown explained the documents that he distributed on the dais.
Golf Cart Based Product Vehicle Model Legislation-Introduction
Model Local Ordinance
Draft Ocoee Golf Cart Ordinance
There was discussion regarding designating sidewalks as paths. City Attorney Rosenthal stated
that there would be issues with enforcing that bikes and pedestrians are no longer allowed on
those sidewalks. Chief Brown said we would probably have to do a "shared route" which
allows different types of motor vehicles to travel on certain roads. He stated that each area has to
be studied; you cannot designate an area as a golf cart area without this study. Currently the law
states that Golf Carts are always prohibited on roadways unless the municipality specifically
allows it. Gated communities, which are not public roadways, may use golf carts within their
community if the HOA allows that. He said roads where golf carts will not be allowed is
State/County Roads or any road that has a speed limit over 25 MPH. He stated that the area in
District #1 south of Clarcona Ocoee Road would be the best model for a golf cart community,
with the exception of Adair Street which is 30 MPH. He said there are a lot of parks and fields
in the area that would be conducive to golf cart usage. He said they have to determine how they
will consider the roads that can be used for golf carts and how to designate those roads with
signage. Staff would need direction on how people will apply to become a golf cart community.
Commissioner Wilsen asked how much interest there is for golf carts and added that she has not
had anyone in her district state an interest. Commissioner Keller said someone in his
community expressed an interest in a golf cart as a business proposition to drop off Fed Ex
packages, etc. Commissioner Hood stated there is a lot of interest in his district, especially the
Lady Avenue corridor. Commissioner Johnson stated that one person he knows of that is
pushing for golf carts lives in District 2.
There was discussion about golf cart crossings and how to create areas where golf carts could
cross over busier roads to get to connecting communities, golf courses, and parks.
Commissioner Wilsen asked if we can move ahead and designate a specific area as a test.
Chief Brown said we can specify an area to start out; each area would have to be individually
studied. Chief Brown said we need to determine if we are picking areas or waiting for
neighborhoods to state that they have an interest. There was discussion on budgetary issues for
paths, signage, etc. to initiate golf cart communities. Commission Wilsen said she is not sure
there is enough interest to spend this much money on something that is not a necessity. She said
the City Manager told them they are losing 13.7% of revenue and they have to decide how much
we want to spend. Mayor Vandergrift said part of the direction would be for staff to come back
with cost figures. Chief Brown said we would have to determine if you want to make specific
costs or just designate roadways as shared routes. He added that the research is going to be
pretty extensive. Dev. Services Director Shadrix said they have a consultant contract to do a
multi model transportation plan and they should be able to have certain areas include a golf cart
study as part of that.
City Commission Workshop
June 1, 2010
Commissioner Johnson said this can be done without that much difficulty; Winter Garden did it
without adding new paths or roads. Chief Brown stated that golf carts can be safely operated on
the streets in a community given the speed, the volume, and the character of the motor vehicle
traffic using that roadway. He added that most Ocoee neighborhoods will fit the criteria, but the
difficulty will be the connectivity between the neighborhoods. Commissioner Wilsen asked if
HOAs could absorb the cost of creating their own golf cart communities. Chief Brown stated
that the model legislation states that the City should handle all the signage because of the
standardization rather than allowing each community to do their own thing. Public Works
Director Krug said the costs of signs are $90-$130 per sign depending on design. Chief Brown
stated another thing to discuss is age of the driver, current law allows drivers 14 and above.
Commissioner Johnson said the area around Central Park would be a good place to designate
first. Commissioner Wilsen said there are speeders on Flewelling that would create a safety
issue. Commissioner Johnson said there are always going to be safety issues with any
motorized vehicles; we could consider offering safety driving courses. Traffic is dangerous no
matter what vehicle you are in or if you are walking if you don't use safe practices.
Commissioner Keller said he is concerned about budgetary issues for paths, signage, traffic
studies, etc., but more importantly concerned about the safety issues.
Commissioner Wilsen said she would be in favor of tying it in with the existing traffic study.
She felt it would be more desirable if she lived in an area where she could get to the grocery
store or run errands etc. than just being contained in her HOA area. Commissioner Keller said
the Starke Lake area would be the best test area. Commissioner Hood said the area north of
Starke Lake that Chief Brown pointed out would be the best because most of those streets would
meet the criteria needed for allowing golf carts. City Manager Frank suggested that we direct
the Chief to bring back an ordinance that would allow golf carts within certain areas of the city;
under certain considerations such areas would apply to the City Commission; at that point we
could meet with them and determine boundaries; the Commission could approve or deny funding
for each application. He said the framework could be put into place via an ordinance, but the
approval process should be via an internal application from each sub division/area or made by
City Commission if they want to develop it in specific areas. Chief Brown said they can apply
to the police department first and a cost can be determined as well as boundary areas and that
would be brought forward for Commission approval. City Manager Frank said after we start
with interior subdivisions, etc. we can look into expanding and crossing over certain roads. He
said there should be no problem at this point moving forward with an ordinance that develops the
framework. Chief Brown clarified that the application process will be figured out separately; it
does not have to be spelled out in the ordinance. Chief Brown said he will bring back the
ordinance at a later date.
I II. 85th Anniversary Celebration
Mayor Vandergrift reviewed information that had been gathered by him and staff. He
discussed some things that other cities had done. He reviewed some suggestions for a year-long
celebration including the following: improved customer service with answering phones, a
historical book on Ocoee, Spring Fling, Symphony, Central Florida Fair, School Events, MLK
Day, International Day, Christmas Parade, New Years, Old Timers Dinner, Town that Came to
Dinner, Arbor Day, Birthday, Tree City, Green Awards to Builders/Developers, TV Interviews,
CRA Downtown Expansion, OHS Stadium, Banners for Businesses and Citizens, Prairie Lake
Park Dedication, Fire and Police Dept History, School History (book by Orange County),
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City Commission Workshop
June 1, 2010
Honoring Life-long teachers such as Ms. Reed and Ms. Newburg, integrate Ocoee Anthem, film
festival in September. He talked about Winter q~!den's 100th Anniversary celebration. Look
into cost for mail-outs. He stated that Jeff Kirstenf~,~ wants to create a Redevelopment board to
improve Ocoee image and attract tourists. He discussed hanging banners around the city similar
to HRBD's banners. He discussed Coral Gables, Port Richey and other community celebrations.
Commissioner Johnson said he doesn't know about the whole year, but we could make the 85th
Anniversary become the theme for Founders Day Weekend. Commissioner Hood said he is in
favor of that and hanging the banners around the city and felt the city could also have themed
floats in the parades. Commissioner Johnson said it could be included in the Founders Day
flyer. Commissioner Wilsen stated that Founders' Day would be a great opportunity to put out a
booth and celebrate the 85th year. Mayor Vandergrift said a year-long celebration would tie
into economic development. Cheryl Applegate said the Historical Commission is working on
doing something for the 85th anniversary, including a time line. She said they would be happy to
work with anyone on this project. Mayor Vandergrift said he feels like he is beating a dead
horse; if it is the Commission wishes to bring this forward for Founders' Day, that is what we
will do. He said if anyone else wants to pick up an idea and run with it, please do.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
s. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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