HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Item #2 Award Lighting Installation at Tiger Minor Park to the Firm of Musco Sports Lighting in the Amount of $59,500 ,-------- ~ center of Good Lt ~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: June 15, 2010 Item # Emergency Contact Name: Contact Number: AI Butler 407-905-3100, ext. 1543 Subject: Award lighting installation at Tiger Minor Park to the firm of Musco Sports Lighting in the amount of $59,500.00. Background Summary: The City has undertaken a project to improve tennis courts at three city parks; the firm of Trimble & Son was selected as the contractor through a competitively bid procurement process. The largest component of this work is the construction of three tennis courts at Tiger Minor Park. Lighting was not part of the bid's scope of work, primarily due to budget concerns. At staff's request, the City Commission approved a Change Order to add $30,000 to the Trimble & Son construction contract as a maximum limiting amount to provide lighting. Subsequent negotiations with a number of potential lighting suppliers has revealed that the lighting solutions possible at the $30,000 price point fail to meet a number of critical requirements, such as not placing any poles within the fenced playing area, providing sufficient light levels, and keeping the light from trespassing onto neighboring properties. As an alternative to stay within the project budget, staff investigated the re-use of existing poles and fixtures. Although this approach does provide cost savings, it presents a number of shortcomings, such as not being able to light all three courts, experiencing higher energy consumption than that of newer light fixtures, and a relatively short lifespan given the current age of this equipment. The third alternative is to meet all lighting requirements with new equipment and to look at the 10-year Iifecycle costs of various potential solutions. After a review of the industry's offerings and various competitive bidding processes used by other Florida local governments in comparison to our design specifications, staff has selected a solution offered by Musco Sports Lighting (Clermont, FL) that supplies new metal poles and high-efficiency fixtures. In addition, the package includes 10 years of maintenance, a complete relamping at the end of the lamps' useful life, an online lighting control and monitoring system, and energy savings for the three-court system that approach 50% compared to the old two-court lighting system. The cost of this lighting solution is $59,500. Some additional funds will be required to get power to the new light control center. Issue: The Engineering and Parks & Recreation Departments have proposed that the City Commission approve the price proposal of June 15, 2010, and award the work to Musco Sports Lighting under the terms of the Clay County Bid No. 08/09-3 and the project proposal. The proposal provides a complete turnkey installation using four poles and 12 fixtures that generate a uniform 40 foot-candle lighting level sufficient to allow tournament play at night at a cost of $59,500.00. Recommendations The Engineering and Parks & Recreation Departments recommend that the City Commission approve the proposed project scope of work, allocate $32,500.00 from remaining in the Contingency Fund, reallocate $27,000 previously added to the work by Trimble & Son through Change Order NO.1 for the Tennis Court Reconstruction Project, and authorize the Finance Department to issue the required purchase order for $59,500 to Musco Sports Lighting of Clermont, FL. This recommendation results in $3,000 being retained in the project budget for providing underground power from the point of service to the lighting control panel and other related actions. Change Order No. 1 for the work by Trimble & Son will be rescinded. Attachments: Price proposal by Musco Sports Lighting for a complete turnkey system with new metal poles and energy-efficient fixtures, plus all required conduit, wiring, and control systems. Financial Impact: The $32,500.00 in additional funding for the related purchase order will be provided by the City's General Contingency Fund. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDi Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda Original DocumenVContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original DocumenVContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) ~/0If-' N/A N/A N/A 2 Musco Sports Lighting * 2220 Cluster Oak Dr., #H * Clermont, FL 34711 Telephone (352) 243-9999 * Fax (352) 243-2791 * Toll Free (888) 962-8080 TIGER MINOR TENNIS 3 x TENNIS COURTS (SIDE BY SIDE) OPTION 2 - New poles & Fixtures Date: June 15, 2010 Equipment Description - Light Structure Green fixtures Light Structure Green™ System delivered to your site in Five Easy Pieces™ · 4 x Pre-cast concrete bases . 4 x 50'mh galvanized steel poles . UL Listed remote electrical component enclosure & Pole length wire harness . 12 x Factory-aimed and assembled luminaires Also Includes: . Energy savings of more than 50% over a standard lighting system . 50% less spill and glare light than Musco's prior industry leading technology . Musco Constant 25™ warranty and maintenance program that eliminates 100% of your maintenance costs for 25 years, including labor and materials . Guaranteed 40fc - constant light for 25 years, +/- 10% per IESNA RP-06-01 . Two group re-Iamps each at the end of the lamps' rated life, 5000 hours . Control Lin~ Control & Monitoring System for flexible control and management of your lighting system . Lighting Contactors . Based on FBC 2006, 11 Omph wind speed . Installation based on attached scope of work Musco will attempt to coordinate shipment so that delivery corresponds with the customer's payment schedule. It will be the responsibility of the wholesaler to ensure that Musco is aware of this delivery timeframe. Terms: Net 30 days upon delivery . Delivery to the job site from the time of order, submittal approval, and confirmation of order details including voltage and phase, pole locations is approximately 30-45 days. Due to the built-in custom light control per luminaire, pole locations need to be confirmed prior to production. Changes to pole locations after the product is sent to production could result in additional charges. Sales tax is not included as part of this Quote. Quote Pricing as per Clay County Bid #08/09-3 $59.500.00 ~~ 9.lJefeOt~ Pricing furnished is effective for 60 days unless otherwise noted and is considered confidential. Divulging technical or pricing information to competitive vendors will result in removal from the bid list. Musco Sports Lighting * 2220 Cluster Oak Dr., #H * Clermont, FL 34711 Telephone (352) 243-9999 * Fax (352) 243-2791 * Toll Free (888) 962-8080 OPTION 2 Scope of Work, Turnkey Installation Owner Responsibilities: . Complete access to the site for construction. . Locate existing underground utilities and irrigation systems. . Repair and replacement of any field turf, asphalt, curbs, and concrete damage. . Provide a source of water such as a fire hydrant or 2" water line for foundation excavation. . Extra costs associated with foundation excavation in non-standard soils (rock, caliche, high water table, collapsing holes, etc.). Standard soils are defined as soils that can be excavated using standard earth auguring equipment. . Demolition of existing poles & fixtures . Permitting Fees Musco Responsibilities: . Provide required poles, fixtures, and foundations. . Provide layout of pole locations and aiming diagram. . Provide Project Management assistance as needed. . Provide structural designs. Musco Subcontractor Responsibilities: . Surveying in pole locations . Electrical conduit, wiring and switchgear (service to be within 100', based on 480/3 phase power) . Removal of drilling spoils, trash & debris . Off Loading Musco contactor Cabinets . Provide equipment and materials to off load equipment at jobsite per scheduled delivery. . Provide storage containers for material as necessary and dumpsters for waste disposal. . Provide required structural permits. . Confirm the existing underground utilities and irrigation systems have been located and are clearly marked so as to avoid damage from construction equipment. . Provide materials and equipment to install LSS foundations as specified on Layout. . Provide and install ground rods (one per pole location) for lightning protection per NFPA 780 Code. Poles 70' and below require a #2 ground wire. Poles 80' and above require 2/0 ground wire. Ground rods to be 3/4"x I 0' or S/8"x8' with a 10' embedment. Ground rods must be installed in soil, not in the concrete backfill. . Remove spoils to owner designated location at jobsite. . Provide materials and equipment to assemble (12) LSG fixtures and terminate all necessary wiring. . Provide equipment and materials to assemble and erect (4) LSS Poles. . Keep all heavy equipment off of playing fields. Repair damage to grounds which exceeds that which would be expected. Indentations caused by heavy equipment traveling over dry ground would be an example of expected damage. Ruts and sod damage caused by equipment traveling over wet grounds would be an example of damage requiring repair. . Provide startup and aiming as required to provide complete and operating sports lighting system. Thank you for considering Musco for your sports-lighting needs. Please contact me with any questions. Bob DeCouto Sales Representative 10- Year Life Cycle Cost City of Ocoee Tiger Minor Tennis Prepared for: Jeff Hayes 2/9/201 0 Total MWh Metric Tons of CO2 Energy Group Relamp Lamp Maintenance Controls - Energy Controls - Labor 10- V ear Life Cycle Cost Existing 293 210.5 $43,977 $5,708 $10,000 $10,994 $0 $70,679 Assumptions Llght.StJ.~cture ~rz.€€~.. Energy & Controls Savings 155 111 $27,619 $0 $0 $0 $0 $27,619 $16,358 $5,708 $10,000 $10,994 $0 $43,060 Customer Provided Energy Data: 'Energy Cost per kWh Annual Operating Hours $0.150 1370 Technology Specific Data: Green Generation Lighting@ Fixture Oty. 12 Average kW demand per fixture Useful lamp life (Hours) Typical Floodlighting Fixture Oty. Average kW demand per fixture Rated Life (Hours) Useful lamp life (Hours) 1.12 12,500 20 1.07 10,000 6,000 Controls Information: Controls Energy Savings Labor Rate per Hour # On/Off Cycles per Year Labor Hours per Cycle 25% $0.00 o o Lamp Maintenance Data: Lamp replacement cost $125 including parts, equipment & labor Annual Energy Savings = Average Annual Savings = $2,735 $4,306.01 NOTE: Life cycle costs are based upon the assumptions given above. Any variation in this data will change the life cycle cost proportionately. Carbon dioxide (CO 2) is emitted by the power plant when generating the total kWh used by the lighting system. Generating one kWh of electricity in the United States emits an average of 1.583 Ibs of CO 2' One metric ton equals 2,204.6Ibs. Source for CO 2 calculations: http://www.epa.govlcleanenergy/energy-resourceslrefs.html(4-15-09) CUD mu~~O. ~~ @ 2005, 2009 Musco Lighting 8D-7200-1 We Muelt Happen. D~ ! . c::a "00 C.- roo. C"O .Q 0> co E "O~ C C :::J 0 o U LL 0> c.c 6 0"0:;::; :;::;:::JU ro 0 :::J E.c"O L. en e ..Eena. c +-' L. C 0 cO>- cnE"O .- 0> C en L. ro 00> '5 C CTcn ~ ~ '(j) ro-O> cro"O .- u- E';:: ro .- +-' C o>ut;:: L. ~ 0 Q..o>+-, III 'c c Gl ... cD E ~~ -Ql u.<: .!!!. 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