HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #11 Approval of Website Promotion Campaign - CGI Communications AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Contact Name: Contact Number: Joy P. Wright 407 -905-3100 x9-1530 Meeting Date: ~201 0 Item # Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Web site Promotion-CGI Communications Background Summary: At the June 15 City Commission meeting a presentation was made regarding CGI Communications' offer to produce and film a free online video that would promote and market the City of Ocoee. Before making a decision on whether to approve the production of the online video, the City Commission requested that a copy of the CGI Communications 3-year agreement be made available for review. The City Commission requested the City Attorney review the agreement as well. Issue: Should the Mayor and Commissioners approve entering into the CGI Communications agreement to begin production of the free online video that would be posted (as a link) on the city's web site? Recommendations Staff respectfully requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve entering into an agreement with CGI Communications to begin production of an online promotional video. Attachments: CGI Communications Agreement CGI Communications Sponsor Policy National League of Cities endorsement letter U.S. Conference of Mayors endorsement letter Financial Impact: None. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'j Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by For Clerk's Deot Use: _ Consent Agenda Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda N/A N/A N/A Community Video TOllr Book Agreement Name: Joy Wright Title: Communications Manager Address: 150 N. Lakeshore Drive City, State, Zip: Ocoee, FL 34716 Phone: 407-905-3100 x91530 Email: jwriqht(ci)ci.ocoee.fI.LJs Website: www.ocoee.orq CGI Communications, Inc. 130 East Main Street, 8th Floor Rochester, NY 14604 (800) 398-3029 phone (866) 429-8611 fax This agreement is between CGI Communications, Inc. and the City of Ocoee and shall remain in effect from the date it is signed by both parties until the third anniversary of the date that the completed and approved Community Video Program is made available for viewing via a link on the J!lW...~,Q!dH~J~&19 website homepage for viewer access. The term of this agreement shall automatically renew unless either party gives 60 days written notice of termination or modification prior to expiration. CGI Communications, Inc. and its eLocalLink division shall provide a Community Video Program as follows: Website Welcome video from your Mayor or other civic leader and an Education, Quality of Life, and Real EstatelRelocation video (approx. 1 minute in duration) Up to three additional videos to showcase various aspects of your community andlor organization (providing a total of seven 1 minute community highlight videos) Script writing and video content consultation A videographer will come to your location to film videos All aspects of video production and editing, from raw footage to final video including professional voiceovers and background music Final draft of Community Video Program content subject to your approval Patent-pending OneClick™ Teclmology and encoding of all videos into multiple streaming digital formats to play on all computer systems, browsers, and Internet connection speeds; recognized player formats include WindowsMedia@ and QuickTime@ Store and stream all videos on CGI's dedicated server Business sponsors allowed on the perimeter of video panels Duration of sponsor participation will be one year and eLocalLink is solely responsible for annual sponsorship fulfillment including all related aspects of marketing, production, printing, and distribution Viewer access of the Community Video Program from your website shall be facilitated by eLocalLink providing HTML source code for graphic link to be prominently displayed on the www.ocoee.org website homepage as follows: "Coming Soon" graphic link designed to coordinate with existing website color theme to be provided within 10 business days of execution of this agreement: "Video Tour Book" graphic link to be provided to replace the "Corning Soon" link upon completion and approval of videos eLocalLink will own copyrights of the master Community Video Program Tile City of Ocoee will assume no cost or liability for this project Program Add.On if signed and received by2/5/2010: Encoding, hosting. and streaming of additional 5 minutes of video per month. Finished video content will be provided to CGI by the City of Ocoee The City of Ocoee shall provide the following: A letter of introduction for the program on your organization's letterhead Assist with the content and script for the Community Video Program Agrees to give eLocalLink the right to use organization's name in connection with the preparation, production, and marketing of the program set forth herein only Agrees to display the "Coming Soon" graphic link prominently on the www,ocoee org website homepage within 10 business days of receipt of HTML source code Agrees to display the "Video Tour Book" link to be no less than 155 by 400 pixels prominently on the www ocoee org website homepage for the term of this agreement In the event contract signatory changes, the City of WWW ocoe.e...QIg agreement shall remain valid until the agreed upon expiration date Provides eLocalLink exclusive streaming video rights for the program described herein only We, the undersigned, understand the above information and have full authority to sign this agreement. The City of Ocoee CGI Communications, Inc. Signature: ~~ R~ Signature: Name (printed): Name (printed): Nicole Rongo Title: Title: Marketing Manager Date: Date: 1/29/2010 - - . 'I CGI Communications 130 E. Main St, 8th Floor Rochester, NY 14604 COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Community Movie Pro2ram Sponsorship Policv It is the policy of e-LocaILink/CGI Communications not to solicit or otherwise provide sponsorship opportunities to any business or organization that may be perceived as offensive or partisan. These types of establishments include, but are not limited to, adult bookstores/entertainment, pawnshops, and tattoo/piercing parlors. CGI will also not solicit any political parties and/or organizations. Additionally, the participating community may advise e-LocaILink/CGI of specific businesses to be disallowed as sponsors. The participating community must advise e-LocaILink/CGI of this information in writing PRIOR to the beginning of the sponsorship solicitation campaign. As a privately owned company, independent of the participating community, e-LocaILink/CGI can eliminate from consideration those companies and organizations it deems inappropriate. The participating community is not responsible for actions taken by eLocalLink/CGI in eliminating from consideration those businesses and organizations eLocalLink/CGI has deemed inappropriate. ::;, :':'.~c.t, -;r.~r;'., "-'.~:1 f,,<"'l.~.'r't.:,',., .:,":'....:.:.; <,oj ~:.(.,.,'~:.t1 0: .=::.:.~.o.":':.. ',:"',' ".' ',f!'.''';;',' 'i. " '.l',} '~j": l .;:-'''''.-:r,'h.:-.:- ~k:!;,j:""H:l' L~::Q'..'''' ;::;1 C ~.,\;-! I~~ 1 t~~,.,:.L":,,,';J '...r .j ,'. ~i..,~hlf'!-;-e.", (1 ( :~:e. I't.: ~e: .~-lo': 0: to: .. :e ~ - .:' i ~ t. ~ .J ,..,'.. ....Ir ':"1 :-,):-);)1;::":'4:'1': :- ~ ~ .;..~.,. t<:."'l..:l,:.j 1.:..,.-:)1' :.,'-~.<:' ,"", ~,-~':~ (..r, .1ylY'HJ .r....;1 ....-~,.- ;;.'.(':.-,1'.~:~ t~tn~\ t 1-.','(111=-1 .11 (~~'';''l{-d .'.'Hrl'C...,. (;"'lJr:':,>~lc 'Io:ti", (Qf':ll"'r': ~.. f. ~.-,'h'i .....\ fJ ;..... ;..'f",,"';4' L.rdnJ ~'...r~."lr-r!~f: ,'; t.:) .('~ ~...-."t';,:' ").~,l'\":.ota " 'k"'<ol'. ~~ ~ t'~. ;, ~ )~'dt" ,M' "'"..,...,({ ( :"1.,.,.. {g'",..,c Itr,rmbc~ (11l,i l[;rl"....: \"'/-:1' ';.''l'~l'ljI.l t. ,.,~ .' ....-.... w [' ~''1__'.!) ,.:.... Dt:,11 City Otflc"d -nH~ N;1tl011al LC';lgu(o of CHi('s (NLC') b;~::; (ont:'.:u:ted ',v~th eGI Comrnl,mtl:at:ons. Ine to pro~":c~c y'('llr Clty. to':;:'J dad lo(.:J bI.lSlH':::,SC:, ':.'tl:1 a my:ild (If r;1l.lltlJ'ncd:,:;, product::. a.nd hl.~~~'lnetS $r;f'~}tGf::~~ In t(1l3::j/~ ('(0:1'):1'.)'. rn1.l:Hcl;)3.ii::les .::,.r,d b'.15,ne;:sC's ,;;::'C CO:15!z,.ntly !C,C,b:l"', for nc..... 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[1'l1.lnlC'lpaEhes. p:'OfC%lO:lij[ trade aSSOclat:ons, d.,:"mbcr::; of ,:ommcrc(', (k::!UlJ.tlOH rna.rl-:etmg or g.:,m.::,:,I toll5, -:::.nd pJ'1~}):c 3ecto:' bl..l3:,ne~:3C$ j ({ ':<j!L'/(: f..~d:g.~~: 1!1:jt :'rtl I}Jk' !;L,r~: h,':i3 '11e NatlOnal League of Cl7ies 1$ the :HltlOn's oldest a.nd largest crgr:J.:'l:':::;jt:on de;'o:ed to strcn'2thenjn';;a:Hl promot~lg (iti,.';; a:: cent'.'l3 of o:)',)o:!l.milv. k:Hkn',hip .;:..lld ~o'v'tmaJlCl', HLC~i;: ,j :..:e,l.l[Ct 2..1\',: ,j(hiOCalc for 19.(11)1) (~iti(,::. '!(Iv:n:' &J<I '..illaS;r:$. [(:;)rt':'tntl:'rg mer:: 1;1;1:) .? I :E: miil:on .6.r:'le:,ic.'lns, HLC ....:orb .....iW).3 :elGel number ofpmr,:;le,:',ectoJ pallncr:; to pJ'o\7i(k p:'ogn=.l:lS ,"i:ld ::tr;,'lCcS 1:1~! br:r'.2 $('[U110nS :':.1.1; o~1'..:ns',~~ 70 .:iti';$ t'H.C (::\dOI'$6';> !bh~ Gompany 8.r,(~ it$ :):'o(luC!';: bt-c .;,1.l.:e iT p:,(vHks ?:I t:'ernend )'d; 'v'ah:e ilnd se:vlC'" nel 01':1;/ to (illr f:le:r:ber enes sr:d W'<','H:',. bl,:t ~(' :LetJ' !('(':ll ")'.I51:1':55C~> a:' ';;",)1, '.,Vr: .:r.(OUt,jgc yO\! iI:: L:;,kc aC:',I,j,ntCi.gc of t!"J'.: '.'f,r'(l[ll,~I.ltJ':S br.lHg oC:nt:d FoJ' rncre u):'orr:ulton ",bour. zJ1 the p:'oduct:: and~c1~,;te.~s offered by CGI Cc'rrummtc",t:cn,. -';151\ Ib,:: S:J:erpn'5':: ?:'ograrM 5!:CtlO1\ of HLC's v.".,b:.tkjt IX (01\t:1":,1 fr:l:)).: J3,'l1i)ftO" c:(~~! C;(i~LrH\I:I:(~[:I:;fJS E:;:(:cUltV(: illet: Prt3h,1~t,: ;: 30(1-39(;" 3029 t~;.:t .~:rl ~;I:J: ,:':'e],/. /~-) Ili'0 I ;/ Uwl11 0-~t(/! , / ['):l'Jld J. p.,):,ut E;:.: C 1,:1:'.;1.' 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CIC1LLlNl.. \1..1'''' uf I'rc"i,!fn,~ JOY 6:KIPER \bycot ,)f f-bjl~'101.11c lk.l.:h T.l,,1. 1.R..\NKlI:--: t':O\'CN1E .l"I.lY,,, "fD~1 M"ln"~ llLATlltF F,'\F{;U \\.iy," ,,( ~.l,' ,1l1t'llr" ~IlIRLH fR:\Nr:U~'; \l.lYd ..l".\d..nr", (I'iC'\f, II. ';lFIIV.1AN ....\.1).'_" "I I...,. Vq:J.' "llFl I L\NNI ....L.\N,'\! .\IJY'-" of H~'Il"llIhl !I)II\! \'C IlJt~U:Ntl'lll]'E1~ :\1..1;"'" "fD"f\'" 1:\....tLS \\', Ilt)[ IfY.lll \l.iy"r uf I',UI>""'II:h 9RE~n,., I.. lA~~Rl:SCl .\loIl'''' ,)1 >.",rhfidJ ji...IIIN ,'l.l,\fH\\' ,\\,1'/,,' "IT..I! rh.~"n !'AITIO~ ,'l.I.Li,()Rf .\1..\", "I ('I''':''lu t; J\,VI~.; r~I\\"I-I'l ,\1..\"\<1 <)(~'rr r'.HI'.I>(U FllANh: C (Jlf!h ,\1..11'''' "f l'.:'llp",kr l'in~., JUlit;E A. 'i:\NTINI .'I~I,'r .,(";.Hl !UJll ;\)jjN f;')8EKT :',,\ll1H .\ l.lV"1 ..( \1<'II,!i~t, jo,..:rnHt'll'J L l-\Yl(~H': .\.:.I~'" ..,'TuISJ i\1...-1 \.It'll I I{, \'JLI...,i<..\II~U:,.'\ J..~JfUI ...r Lo~ :\npdn EI."I"!:: ~~. W....LKUl .l,,1Jw: .,f "owlj,,~ l~'ftn I r'I'llH~LA\ \~:Il[l"'R .\1.')'''' "THi, 1m,,,,..!. V.\ \VIl I \t'YNN M..j)'u....fAu'lIf\ E.,.;ut", IllT~~'''' ~nJ \ Tu. rnl-ll";'.)c'fIR..\'''; THE UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF MAYORS 1620 EYE STREET, NORTHWEST WASHINGTON. [),C. 20006 TELEPHONE (202) 29.3.7,330 FAX (202) 293-2352 URL: www.LJSmaYUfs.l1rg Dear Mayor: In 2005, the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) partnered with CGI Communications, Inc., the cutting-edge leader in Intemet video marketing. We have recently decided to extend our partnership through 2020, as CGI's constantly- evolving, truly innovative new products are allowing our Mayors and their cities to communicate with the world like never before. Our members can take advantage of FREE Video Streaming technologies that can help in attracting new economic development, providing relocation information, and so much more! CGI works to tailor each of their unique no-cost programs to your community, whether you're looking for testimonials from local business owners explaining the benefits of relocating to your city, highlighting unique cultural attractions, exceptional schools, or are trying to find innovative new ways to communicate with constituents. The possibilities are endless. CGI has already created videos for more than I, I 00 communities, gameling ovcrwhelmingly positive praise in the process. In addition, because of CGf's alliance with Google, the Intemet's dominant search engine, your videos will receive prominent placement in the Google Video Library, making your official web site the premier destination for community infonnation. And the best part is it's FREE. You can take advantage ofCGI's patent-pending technologies, without the nccd to use city funds, CGI has remained at the forefront of high-tech development, ensuring that our Mayors will enjoy access to an ever- changing array of innovative products. I cncourage you to learn more about this powerflll opportunity, and the many benefits it can have for your community. Please contact CGI Communications, Inc. today, at (800) 398-3029 x777. You may also contact Jim W cl flcy, the Dircctor of Information Systems at the United States Conference of Mayors at (202) 861-6796 or iwelfley((V,usmayors.org. Sincerely, r- ~~~ Tom Cochran Executive Director