HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION June 15,2010, at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Pastor Howell of Glad Tidings Church gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and led by Commissioner Hood. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Keller. Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry I B. PRESENT A TIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Presentation Regarding Central Florida Film Festival and the Proposed "Senior Program" - Bob Cook, Executive Director. Mr. Cook asked for $850 for the Central Florida Film Festival to help sponsor a Senior Program at the festival this year. He said last year he moved the Festival into Ocoee (West Orange 5 Theater) and brought 53 film makers. Their friends and family brought revenue to the community via restaurants, hotels, printing, shopping, and technical support. They took a field trip to Ocoee High School and donated sound effects and a stock footage library for the Television and Film Program, a retail value of almost $4,000. He said he would like to create a program in honor of Ocoee's 85th Anniversary, where 85 local seniors would receive two tickets to attend the festival on Saturday, September 4, 2010 from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., free of charge. There would be educational and entertaining programming including a screening of the feature film "The Whisper Home" filmed in Ocoee. Between movie screenings, Ocoee Trivia games will be played on the two movie screens at the West Orange Five. He said the retail cost is $3400 and he is asking the city to contribute $850. He said seniors could ask for tickets at city hall on a first come first serve basis. Mayor Vandergrift said they would need a written request for the funding. Community relations Manager Wright said the next Community Merit Board grant cycle opens in July and the check could not be cut until August. The event is in September on Labor Day weekend. City Manager Frank said there is a line item in the CRA budget for economic incentives if the commission wanted to consider that rather than using general fund money because the West Orange 5 Theater is in the CRA area. Commissioner Hood said he has not problem doing that, but he does want to ensure that Ocoee Seniors get top priority on the free tickets. Commissioner Johnson added that he would like the process put through on paper and they will look into it. Commissioner Wilsen stated everything should go through the Community Merit Review Board; the checks will be issued in August prior to the Fair. Consensus of the Commission was for Community Relations Manaaer to work with Mr. Cook on submittina an application for a arant award or if that timeframe is not aoina to work, they will look into the eRA line item for economic incentives. Presentation to City of Ocoee by Bill Chambers, Athletic Director at Ocoee High School City Commission Regular June 15, 2010 Mayor Vandergrift read an email from Scott Drabczyk who just took over Mr. Chamber's position as Athletic Director at Ocoee High School. He apologized that he could not be here this evening and hoped he could speak at the next commission meeting. I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC - None I 7:30 p.m. Item #9 was moved up Oil the agellda alld heard before the Staff Reports alld Agellda Review. It remaills ill Ilumerical order Oil the agellda. I D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Frank gave the following reports: I) The revised agenda on the dais added the words "Public Hearing" to the title of Item #7. It was correctly advertised and posted as a Public Hearing. 2) Emergency Item Award lighting installation at Tiger Minor Park to the firm of Musco Sports Lighting in the amount of $59,500.00 CIP Manager Butler advised at the last meeting the Commission approved adding money to the project to add lights to the tennis courts at Tiger Minor Park for tournament play; at the time the price quotes were $27,000 - $29,000 so staff asked for $30,000. After reviewing the specifications it was found that type of light will not provide enough light and the installation of those lights would also cause holes to be put in the field of play. The Musco lighting has the highest efficiency light fixtures and we anticipate a savings of $43,000 over a 10 year period. The contract also includes maintenance for 10 years and revamping of the fixtures at the end of the 10 year period. It also has a remote control system that will allow the city to manage the use and monitor the energy usage through an internet connection. It will also greatly reduce the light trespass onto adjacent residential properties with a sharp cut off point outside the field of play. There will be four high mount poles that will cause some visual obstruction, but it is necessary to save energy costs and keeping the light interference to a minimum. Discussion followed regarding the need to get appropriate lighting for tournament play, the type of "pay to play" lighting, the city making money from the tennis lessons, the agreement regarding reserving the courts for tennis instructor. Parks and Recreation Director stated that the city does receive some money from the tennis lesson program. He also stated that the Tennis Instructor usually reserves the courts for specific times and it gets posted at the courts. Commissioner Wilsen said she would like information as to the benefits to the community for these courts as well as reimbursement the city receives for lessons. She also added that she would like to look into "pay to play." Commissioner Hood said that should be for non-residents only. Commissioner Johnson commented that there will be three new courts and one should be available at all times for the public, the tennis instructor should never tie all of the courts up. Commissioner Hood also added that we should get information on other programs (karate, dance, tennis, etc.) that are offered to our residents via subcontracting type agreements. Commissioner Wilsen said it would be advantageous to see the information on all the programs, especially now that budget time is approaching. Mr. Hayes said he will bring that information back. He added that this project also includes two additional tennis courts at Vignetti and a Page 2 of 11 City Commission Regular June 15, 2010 refurbished court at Parkside Coventry, so there will be plenty of facility. He added that the lighting system being proposed is the same thing we currently have on the soccer fields. Commissioner Keller stated before the city continues to spend more money on other tennis courts we need to review the parks and recreation survey to see what the residents really want. Discussion among the Commission and Mr. Hayes is that it would be favorable to have good tennis facilities; the UST A has expressed interest in developing a program here. Mr. Butler stated of the $30,000 that was provided from the Change Order at the last commission meeting, $3,000 will be retained for underground power from the point of service to the lighting control panel and other related actions. There is $27,000 available to transfer to the upgraded light project leaving the additional funding required is $32,500 (total award of $59,500 to Musco Sports Lighting). Change Order #1 for the work by Trimble & Son will be rescinded. Mayor Vandergrift declared this item an emergency. eommissioner Johnson, seconded bv eommissioner Hood, moved to approve additional fundina of $32,500.00 and to Award the proiect for Liahtina Installation at Tiaer Minor Park to the firm of Musco Sports Liahtina in the amount of ,$59,500.00. Motion carried 5-0. 3) City Manager Frank stated there are some additions to Item 11 that have been placed on the dais: a resolution was added as part of Item lla; Amendment No.1 to the Agreement with American Traffic Solutions was added to Item 11 b; and there will be an emergency ordinance added to Item II that will have to be declared an emergency when we handle it under Item 11. I E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS ~iffiml~si6ii~~M thanked all who came out for the Junior Senior Top 10 Tournament. CQ:~:m~!iP1!.~rtW(~~hh) said there is a Handgun Safety Class on June 19th at 8:00 a.m., in the commission chambers, call the Officer Anglero at the police department 407-905-3160 ext. 3024 for more information 2) announced the teen police academy begins July 19,2010; registration is available online or call Officer Anglero for more information 3) gave kudos to the Parks and Recreation Department for the great job at Hackney Prairie Park and thanked Parks and Recreation Board members for coming out and giving their support at the ribbon cutting this mornmg. no announcements ~9:mmI~~~riKlU!!111) congratulated all of the graduates, 2) reminded everyone to drive careful because kids are out of school and back on the road 3) agreed with Commissioner Wilsen that Hackney Prairie Park has been a great addition to the city and he thanked staff for the great job and the Parks and Recreation Board for their support. ~m1~~tift 1) agreed with Commissioner regarding congratulations to staff on the Hackney Prairie Park project and ribbon cutting. Commissioner Johnson added that CIP Manager Al Butler deserved thanks for seeing the project through on Hackney Prairie Park as Page 3 of 11 City Commission Regular June 15, 2010 well as many others he has been working on. 2) read thank-you card from the family of Betty Hager for the support of the city and allowing the fire truck to be at the funeral. 3) read a letter from a citizen asking if the new park has any plans for Public Art Programs. He advised would be happy to assist and answer any questions to help make that happen. I F. CONSENT AGENDA City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Resolution 2010-007. Commissioner Keller, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve Consent Aaenda Items #1 throuah #6 as presented. Motion carried 5-0. a "',. ";",,d~~~y~f;:,Qf---.M~~" n~""",,,,,,,/./,,//,,,,,,,. eld~IJ Uneilf oA~,_~~'~ Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. ~.~- ~~ ~ . OP~M;~!~~~g ;;%k ,~6.-_ ""'W ~-__ %",'.q",,~ ~;,:<;:~,*,,-- - ~pj,.'\p~,~intmenttoJh~, Ci . 2 isoCo n %;01~liCte,rR Eiii~nbfiry")'I?flw ~_'.~""""'''''''.'~''-'~'' __ MoOJO.,.,lOO__ Members of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department serve three-year terms. The Resolution creating the Board allows no more than fifteen (15) members. The board currently has eight (8) members. One application was recently submitted by Mr. Robert Yost; therefore staff recommends the City Commission consider appointing Robert Yost to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department with a term ending January 1,2013. Approved on eonsent. Motion carried 5-0. ,__~t< ~~) ~ ~~- ~----W~~ ~__"""~~~~,~~'l" - " ,-~ef~x7~'~::~_.'"::,,:,,:,,,:$~:<"~- ~~,~ ..B~;!PpJWi!!p~J!.tfLnl~Q!!~ E!ll.2!:t~men11!!!i!td. (~jJY~!~"L~J~Jk~rLY)j:~_,,,~,,,~ The Code Enforcement Board was created by Ordinance No. 741 on June 16, 1981. The purpose of this board is to review infractions of the City technical Codes, negotiate compliance and impose fines for failure to comply. The Code Enforcement Board is to have seven (7) regular members and two (2) alternate members, all with three year terms. There are currently no applications currently on file. The three-year terms of Carolyn Alexander and Julius Sais will expire in June. Both of these members have indicated they are willing to serve another term, if reappointed. Approved on eonsent. Motion carried 5-0. ~. 'E:WuIiip"'eri,as ;1 <" .",":;;:''''''::.", ',""",~,~'::',"',":. ..'" :x..~:'-"V"':"':"'~' . ifwiHl'l'eti!}fi'Fire :-'\"I__, ';""'-':4:, ," ", ~'% ~,- '''N. et!toUse Fu'fi s from 'Y:?"":;:i( z% J?- ,1" ^ ."~~W ffi~ ffi <1;) ~~,,~>y.y.y-~ *1):@':AW~~~ :":;, :;::, ~~JiJfm: rm:~'4"_' ~ N ,;t@J!!p1!rt ~p~!>~R~~~J!~.:r.1l9SE.:( j@~cN eil) ~ FY09-10 budget approved $50,000 for the purchase of a woods truck and $75,000 for the purchase of a transport capable vehicle. The funds were based on revenue of $125,000 coming in from the sale of the 1996 Pierce Dash 75" aerial. It is also desired to sell the two 1994 KME pumpers along with the 1996 Pierce Dash aerial. Accordingly all three trucks need to be declared surplus. Once declared surplus, the corresponding broker service agreement with Ten-8 needs to be approved to sell the vehicles. This is the preferred method of sale by both the FD and Finance Department. The Fire Department's priority and immediate need is to purchase a transport capable vehicle to replace the current non-transport capable Rescue Squad 25 pickup truck. A budget change to approve the purchase of only the transport capable vehicle using all of the funds from the sale is needed. The replacement of the woods truck will be addressed in the future as funds allow. Approved on eon sent. Motion carried 5-0. ~,~.K0'1",,^ pprova . .a. eJ< .... .. ',' .....' &{L,,_~iQb,L_,,",_!;JEMJjI!~i~Q,!:K~ ~j!:~itPt~~IJ!g eemeiif'and ,=~ 'ffl'-"~;"'~;:"- '<\< Page 4 of 11 City Commission Regular June 15,2010 This agreement provides for funding from FOOT to the City to help defray the costs of street light operation and maintenance on several State highways within Ocoee's corporate limits. The work order under this Agreement will provide Ocoee with an annual payment of $26,507.79 for the 2010-2011 fiscal year. This figure reflects a 3% increase per unit cost from the previous year. Public Works recommends approving the new work order under the State Highway Lighting, Maintenance and Compensation Agreement and Resolution. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. The resolution as approved carries the following caption: RESOLUTION NO. 2010-007 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A STATE HIGHWAY LIGHTING, MAINTENANCE AND COMPENSATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STREET LIGHTING ON STATE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAYS BY THE CITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~>C "" ~ 4iot 'W'N ~;/. ..... <1'" i'$ ""'" :':C:' ,_ ~ - "?'" It r kt .~ ":"~-: 6; Tral1sf~...of(~ai>itahImi>rov~ment d~rogramFunds to Goyer;;Additional Costs con the ;'?:e":' '.' . .,.,:,," ':"'.[r~><-<;":;;;'-'~"',~"""";",, m~ ;;< ',".;c.. :":; ,:':':': (,j':;.:; "\'_' .....:<i:;,.:'k,.. :~:" )'.::".. . ':,":,: ,'," .;ffY~;~:': ..<;';'i?:.', i'}(;::~";6Z;'.'>;I'-H" """. . '. ", *,~:,:;::,:,,;::,:: ..',':-, ,~~~ 'c. '?:;':,::::;::::::. _.0"" ''':':'/I"n~,;y,'' -'-:-:' ,~.<~, ;:~,;;l\1agYrriLRoa'~HPrrt5!fLQj~Fil(oLj~J~~1!tYe~r 2.9091.701.Q;J"(<E.ity.!~]gil!eer ~~ ler) ~/ Approved on eonsent. Motion carried 5-0. I G. PUBLIC HEARING - FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE llN. _ <'H K-> ,':" _ ~~:~~ ~,,1%1:! ... ,'"" ~ ~ _~4f:<,,~ "'<.'t7-5:M!N<._o:'?~~-,'_'~ 's.lI First. Readin of OiOinance Relating to ~menOing ,the Ocoee '" De el pment Code ~::::i::'@':'::<k<~f:'n:4/ '.:' <~:':~:i'~t?:::;:t~~r>A~ "(t*':'<:~:r:<' 'f'i<>/:,,~i)>,~<<,:__: ,:,::+>::',~(;";<~\:h-" % /f\?:n!.~ ':,.:}::.t;:\j;.r~I:tf ' " ' .", ' 0 ::S)::: :~< "W::~~ Re:'*'C ar"get Areas ';Special n~velo~.menttPhln~Xseeondij hlie Hearing "'is . sehE?qu/E?dJ.orJu/~6, 20~Q. RegY/{{r:C~mmis~ion)vf~~ting at: 7: J 51p.i;rz. or;, s06n th dvertised in the <H:~;";:'" :?:>~':\J? ' 0}:W;:<;:t~::\Y?,', :+:f:;"::: ::,:,:::,,'1WV ::::/(,',":<T;.,tlVY}':"4":::m::':?":~i}}:>":~'x:':*~>'~:, ,.'i:"') ',' '" ,,:,,~,:':><t.;,;~:"'" q ,jN;", , .', "" "\;\ Or/cI'ndcj"';Sentine/'on Sunday" ;June.'6,"201O~ "(Deyelonment Servfces"Dire'Et ,,' a fIX) . +c. '"'" ;... oN'.""">" _4 ,.-.x '....0 '<,':' , ~ """'''' "-__,/,,, '" .....,.". ..._1"::', ""'___, ..,.,. """" ~"x..w:::" _"""""","':;"'.iI':) ."JI!;''iS>, " W In order to implement the goals identified for the Ocoee Community Redevelopment Area (CRA), the CRA Board budgeted funds to hire a consultant to assist in the development of an Overlay Plan. In June of 2009, a contract was entered into with Glatting, Jackson, Kercher & Anglin (now AECOM) to initiate a visioning process. This process would lead to the creation of a Regulating Plan which would guide growth within the CRA and certain areas adjacent thereto which were included in the original blight study, but which are not located within the CRA. As visioning unfolded, three primary target areas were identified which offered the greatest potential for development to meet the overall objectives of the Ocoee CRA Redevelopment Plan. The CRA Target Areas are located within the Minorville and Lake Bennet Activity Centers. The CRA Target Areas Special Development Plan is the culmination of many months of work with local stakeholders, land owners, developers, local businesses, hospital staff, and City officials to create a planning guide encapsulating a shared vision for new growth. This process creates a vision and provides an interim mechanism that may be used to allow quality development to occur within the Target Areas prior to execution of a true form-based code. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. CRA Director Wagner discussed that this is the next step in the approval process for the Special Development Plan which is a change in the LDC and changes used in three target areas in the CRA area. These regulations will only affect properties in those target areas. We will later move into a complete form-based code which will affect the entire CRA area. He discussed the P&Z and CRA Board joint meeting and subsequent P & Z Public Hearing. He added that the background planning has been paid for and completed by the city that the developers normally have to do. The next step will be to develop a Capital Plan so we know how we are going to develop it over the next several years. He added that the Multi Mobility Transportation process Page 5 of 11 City Commission Regular June 15, 2010 will be part of the Capitol Plan. Some of the things being considered are a rapid bus, commuter train that could be tied in with a light rail or trolley system in the future, an event train that would go downtown to the arena and other such areas. Mr. Wagner stated there are some other specific plans such as Blackwood Avenue Streetscape, the Marketing Program, etc. He acknowledged members of the audience from the various target areas and said that more will probably be present at the Final Public Hearing. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson opened the Public hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson announced that the second reading and second Public Hearing will be held on July 6,2010 at 7: 15 a.m. or soon thereafter. Commissioner Wilsen thanked Mr. Wagner for the presentation and all of his staffs hard work. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson said it is great the city manager and city staff work together with the developers by going to them for input instead of waiting for them to come to us. The CRA will be a great to get toward economic development with the tax dollars being put back into the city. I H. PUBLIC HEARINGS - SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE Set6o'dl?Readnig9o rdlJjlnc~j~ofReple nd"liRepilrc~' Of&IA1lIailC ~ 1-06: entitled }, g",<.:p' 00 :>A' " - W'i'~'.*t:' "",'.' ":,,-"..- ,CO""," '{"~'G., '>A~?':~-:':,_ f~'('k>:':~'~~'~\"'iWk0;.; ('~ ,( .'" "~~t~r~.ho~it;:ge Meas~,~~s"wit~. ':~~Jf~r ~~jnse,~~~~~j~~I:~~~~L~~t:,c~g,e, I~.~,~~.~ti~i~'" 'Tj! /Aj:i~rrtlf,fa,;'m thlfie:la nt~1~!~I. U'1~qy;!;JUt~ll,.2qlf"1 ~~~~~~l~~W;Ztj~i!~che~!!lfl?at"7:J 5p"lHor,soon ",{h~r~afler)~JUJt!!tIes lrect2t:....!!!!th)_ _l. ~ ;'ff~,",--",,1.._ ~jd;i,,~_ ~ ~ " The City of Ocoee adopted Ordinance 2001-06 on February 20, 2001, establishing uniform citywide water shortage measures during drought periods. The ordinance included a provision to adhere to any restriction imposed by either St. Johns Water Management District or South Florida Water Management District during drought periods. The new ordinance provides a more comprehensive year-round water conservation program that includes a defined, allowable irrigation schedule. The proposed ordinance is consistent with SJRWMD; and SFWMD allows for the City of Ocoee to decide which district's requirements it adopts. The City must be consistent with the districts to be eligible for any grant funding. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Utilities Director Smith stated that the agenda packet explained the major differenced between the two ordinances. It is now more of a year round program; the ordinance has been revised to be applicable to SJRWMD model ordinance. It allows for water violators to attend some forms of training or education so the violation would not be assessed against them. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson opened the Public hearing. Nancy Christman from SJRWMD spoke in favor of passing this ordinance. She discussed the importance of water conservation. She added that the passage of this ordinance makes the city eligible for funding from SJRWMD with regard to water conservation education and efforts. Commissioner Johnson asked why SJRWMD regulates all of the municipalities but allows companies such as Niagara Water take water out of the aquifers. Ms. Christman said no one pays for water that comes from the ground, what people pay for is to take the water and treat it and distribute it to homes and business. Private Industries that fit the permitting criteria are no different than Public Utilities who can pump from the aquifer at no charge. Commissioner Johnson said he feels private entities should be charged a tax. Commissioner Hood asked how many gallons they are allowed to pull. Ms. Christman said all entities have to demonstrate a need for the water. Commissioner Johnson clarified that agriculture such as fruit and vegetable gardens are not restricted to watering once per week. Mr. Smith advised anyone is allowed to hand water or use micro-irrigation (low pressure) systems at any time.c Page 6 of 11 City Commission Regular June 15, 2010 Mayor Vandergrift returned to the dais. Mayor Vandergrift clarified that there is no exception for those periods of time when the temperature is in the 90's for several days. Watering is still required to be done in the morning hours on your specified watering days. R. P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., asked way the "units used" is not on the bill anymore. Mr. Smith explained that it is still on the bill, as well as a 12-month history of usage. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Keller confirmed that this ordinance only applies to potable water. Utilities Director Smith said it is potable and well water throughout the city. Reclaimed or harvested storm water do not apply to this article. eommissioner Wilsen, seconded bv eommissioner Keller, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2010-007, amendina Ordinance 2001-006 with reaard to water conservation, as recommended bv staff. Motion carried 5-0. The ordinance as adopted carries the following caption: ORDINANCE NO. 2010-007 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE FLORIDA PROVIDING FOR LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE WATER CONSERVATION RULE FOR LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION OF THE ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT; REPEALING THE CURRENT CHAPTER 175 OF THE CITY CODE ENTITLED WATER SHORTAGE MEASURES AND ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 175 ENTITLED WATER CONSERVATION FOR LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION; PROVIDING INTENT, PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SCHEDULES; PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS TO THE LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SCHEDULES; PROVIDING FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEMS; PROVIDING FOR VARIANCES FROM THE SPECIFIC DAY OF THE WEEK LIMITATIONS; PROVIDING FOR CITYWIDE APPLICATION OF NEW CHAPTER 175; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR APPEAL OF VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I I. REGULAR AGENDA .~, ...':. l' :Ill! '''',_ ,~--)% NK.?-: ~ '.' ~__,_ s\"::X'>< ''%?-: :*I>l::,:~ '%%' 2.~1i!@!Ll1g!hg~.~,!!!!r~Mh Q~yg!21uP~Jlt~g!:~~m!~I,1J~(~Jfi.AUQ,!:n~Y~B.~Rtb.!l,n>,.~.,,,jgWi;., Ocoee Glad Tidings Assembly of God has previously obtained a Special Exception Approval which provided for its property to be developed in four phases. Glad Tidings has now applied to the City for a preliminary/final approval of the small scale site plan for the Phase II development. A Traffic Study was performed in connection with the buildout of the 4 phases. The Study identified certain roadway deficiencies which need to be addressed by Glad Tidings. As a result, a Development Agreement is required prior to City approval of the small scale site plan for Phase II. This item was moved up on the agenda and heard before Staff Reports and Agenda Review. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that the City previously provided them with a Special Exception Approval which provided for the property to be developed in four phases. They are now applying to the City for the Preliminary/Final Approval of the Small Scale Site Plan for the Phase II Development. The traffic study was performed in connection with the build out of the four phases; the study identified certain road deficiencies which needed to be addressed. As a Page 7 of 11 City Commission Regular June 15,2010 result a Development Agreement needed to be approved before staff can approve the site plan. Staff recommends approval of the Development Agreement as provided by Staff in your agenda packet. Commissioner Hood, seconded bv Commissioner Wilsen, moved to approve the Development Order with Glad Tidinas Assemblv of God as recommended bv staff. Motion carried 5-0. CGI Communications has offered to produce and film a free online video to promote the City of Ocoee. The video would be posted on the City's web site. CGI has created videos for more than 1,000 communities nationwide. There would be no cost to the City. The video would be paid for with advertising purchased from local businesses, here in Ocoee. The City's online video would give a brief overview of the wonderful programs and services Ocoee has to offer, by highlighting the city as The Center of Good Living. Community Relations Manager Wright gave a presentation and overview of the online video program. Discussion followed. Without obiection this item was tabled until the next meetina so that the aareement can be reviewed bv the eitv Attornev and brouaht back to the commission and a representative of the company can be present, if possible. ,11(:~e<t:'Lii6I;~a~tajli~u~J!1~L a. Resolution Implementing the Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act (the State "Red Light" Statute) and Authorizing Traffic Infraction Enforcement Officers to Issue Traffic Citation Based upon the Use of Traffic Infraction Detectors. (Police Lt. Dreasher) The regulation of cameras for enforcing red light violations is expressly exempted to the state as of July I, 20 I O. CS/CS/HB 325 establishes a uniform statewide framework for the use of traffic infraction detectors. This Resolution provides for the implementation of this program in the City ofOcoee. Police Chief Brown stated that the Commission needed to approve this resolution so that the Red Light Traffic Safety Program can be continued through the Mark Wandall Act. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that we have our ordinance in place and we are continuing to enforce our ordinance. There is a lawsuit filed and pending at this time against Ocoee's ordinance and other municipalities throughout the state. They were not moving forward with it as they were waiting to see what the legislature was going to do during this session. The Bill that passed did not ratify any past actions of local governments in terms of these types of ordinance. It is possible that the new statute will have no affect on the litigation, other than the potential pot of money that would be realized from the litigation will be cut off as of July 1,2010. At this time, the insurance company is handling the litigation, after July 1 st the attorneys will be handling the issues. He stated that the emergency ordinance that is on the agenda says that our ordinance will be changed to say that it only applies to violations occurring on or before June 30, 2010. It will be clear from a legal standpoint that our existing ordinance does not apply to anything that happens from July I, 2010 or thereafter. That cuts off a legal challenge that our ordinance is contrary to the state statute because of the cut off. Orlando did it the same way. The Police Infraction Hearing Board will be continuing for several months because there are violations in the system which will go through our existing process and the money will be Page 8 of 11 City Commission Regular June 15,2010 handled in the same manner that it has been in the past. Uncollected fines will be dealt with once we see what happens with the litigation. The state statute does not expressly required implementing action by the local government but in talking with A TS and their conversations with other local governments the feeling is that the City should take some affirmative action by ordinance or resolution, if you already have a program in place, to say that you want to participate in the program in accordance with the state statute. That is why there is a resolution to be adopted under 11 a. The other aspect is the Agreement with A TS (Item 11 b). Our current agreement gives them $40 for each citation issued and collected. The new legislation states you can't have those types of agreements based on the number of citations issued, so we need to revise the A TS agreement where the City has to pay A TS on a monthly basis per signal with the fee being $4750 per camera, per month. We currently have five cameras. Additionally, the city will pay for the certified mail cost if the payment has not been made and a Uniform Traffic Citation is issued which must be sent by certified mail. The draft agreement is in the agenda packet and it is a work in progress between now and July 1, 2010, while they work out the details and make sure all proposed changes are in accordance with state law, the main issue being the shift from a per citation payment basis to the flat fee basis. Under new legislature, if the person does not pay within 30 days, a uniform traffic citation will be issued and it will be handled by the court system rather than our local infraction board. The county court system has been meeting with the various chiefs and they are getting prepared to handle these appeals in the court system. There will be less money coming into the City, but the expectation is that the collection will be higher. Mayor Vandergrift asked about court costs. Chief Brown stated that once a person does not pay our fine within 30 days, it is turned over to the court system and a $98 fee will be added by the clerk of court. There was discussion with regard to using camera technology to enforce speeding in neighborhoods. Mayor Vandergrift asked them to look into how Arizona has accomplished them. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the resolution. Commissioner Wilsen, seconded bv eommissioner Keller, moved to approve Resolution 2010-008, authorizina the use of traffic infraction detectors within the city's jurisdictional limits to enforce the state of Florida uniform traffic code: implementina the Mark Wandall Traffic Safety act effective Julv 1, 2010. Motion carried 5-0. The resolution as adopted carries the following title: RESOLUTION NO. 2010-008 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE USE OF TRAFFIC INFRACTION DETECTORS WITHIN THE CITY'S JURISDICTIONAL LIMITS TO ENFORCE THE STATE OF FLORIDA UNIFORM TRAFFIC CODE; IMPLEMENTING THE MARK W ANDALL TRAFFIC SAFETY ACT EFFECTIVE JULY 1,2010; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. b. Amendment No.1 to Agreement with American Traffic Solutions, LLC Pertaining to the Red Light Camera Enforcement System. (Police Lt. Dreasher) Page 9 of 11 City Commission Regular June 15, 2010 The City entered into an Agreement with A TS in December 2008. The Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act prohibited a local government from including certain provisions in these types of agreements. The Amendment will bring the Agreement into conformity with the Act. City Attorney Rosenthal stated the agreement passed out to them is still a work in progress and he is asking that the Commission give himself and City Manager Frank the authority to make whatever changes are necessary. Commissioner Keller confirmed that our revenues will exceed the new fixed costs of operating the five cameras. Commissioner Wilsen asked about the contract length and terms. City Attorney Rosenthal said he will be sure there is some language in the contract that allows them to remove a camera if we choose to. There was some discussion about the effectiveness of the red light camera and placing red light cameras on state highways. Commissioner Wilsen, seconded bv eommissioner Keller, approve the proposed Amendment No. 1 to the Aareement with American Traffic Solutions, LLe pertainina to the red Iiaht camera enforcement system, alona with such further chanaes and revisions thereto as may be aareed to bv the eitv Manaaer and City Attornev and authorize execution thereof bv the Mavor and eitv Clerk, with fundina for the costs associated with the Amendment comina from penalties collected and retained bv the eitv for violations under the Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act. Motion carried 5-0. I Emergency Item - Ordinance City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance and explained that the recently adopted state statute is going to become effective July 1, 2010 and the City Commission needs to amend our ordinance in order to conform to the state statutes. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public hearing. There being no one wishing to speak the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Keller, seconded bv eommissioner Wilsen, moved to approve Emeraencv Ordinance 2010-008, and amendina Section 168-16(a) of the Ocoee Code of Ordinances in order to conform the eitv's Traffic Liaht Safety Article with the Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act. Motion carried 5-0. The Emergency Ordinance as adopted carries the following title: ORDINANCE NO. 2010-008 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA AMENDING SECTION 168-16(A) OF THE OCOEE CITY CODE IN ORDER TO CONFORM THE CITY'S TRAFFIC LIGHT SAFETY ARTICLE WITH THE MARK WANDALL TRAFFIC SAFETY ACT, CHAPTER 2010-80, LAWS OF FLORIDA; FINDING THE EXISTENCE OF AN EMERGENCY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I J. STAFF ACTION ITEMS - none I K.COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Page 10 of 11 City Commission Regular June 15, 2010 Commissioner Keller - none Commissioner Johnson-none Commissioner Wilsen- acknowledged Mark Anthony's wife in the audience from the Bread of Life Ministries and said there was a good article in the paper about the services they provide. Commissioner Hood- none. Mayor Vandergrift- I) said the Town Hall Meeting with Representative Brian Nelson is tomorrow night in the Ocoee Commission Chambers at 7:00 p.m., 2) mentioned an Oak tree along Silver Star Road that had been cut down to a stump; we need to look into amending the ordinance to prevent that from happening. IADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 11 of 11