HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #13 Set Hearing Dates for FY 10/11 center of GOOd LJ ,~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: July 20, 2010 Item # J 3 Contact Name: Contact Number: Wanda Horton 1520 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Set hearing dates for FY 10/11 budget Background Summary: Workshops are held during August to discuss the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year, Public hearings are required by the TRIM act and serve as a mechanism to notify the citizens of the proposed budget and allow their comments. Issue: The Trim act has specific time frames which must be adhered to for the timing of the hearings, The hearing dates cannot conflict with Orange County (9/9 and 9/23) or Orange County School Board (9/14) hearing dates. Recommendations Commission has previously selected August 11th and 31st as workshop dates. Workshops will begin at 6:00 p.m, Staff recommends the commission schedule the public hearings for September 15th and 29th. If there is a conflict with these dates we recommend alternate dates of September 15th and September 30th, Hearings will begin at 7:00 p.m. Attachments: Calendar of city events for September 2010 Financial Impact: Determine budget for fiscal year 10/11. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deol Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original DocumenVContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original DocumenVContract Held by Department for Execution . Reviewed by City Attorney -f). '" 11 Q / A\ A ^ _ ^ Ir . Reviewed by Finance Dept. .+:GtU_k ~ Reviewed by 0 N/A N/A N/A 2 n ~ :J: !1b a o 3 ..... o Ul .-.. 8 3 3 fjj' o' :J n ::r w 3 0' Cll ~ i~ ~.' i3 a g.-;:;- a 3: m"C: owoom~R 3333a.\::lw bg~'b.5 @ 1[ \OVlmUl.-..3.. .-..::-:'0' O!!l g 8n:J ~t"Tc. 3-' :J:IDCll 3~ w 0 -.:J: =!!l 13, !1b c. i~" :0 ~'. n'-" >'0' ~g@ci. 3 3 c. Fil g~,~ iil ~ 13, -< "8 o = :J n Cll r';J.: N :0'1 !o.; ;0 ;0. :3.: 9 n f(O wowa. 3 3 c. Fil g~.~ iil VI m -< "'C '-' 0' Q. :J @. ~ N CD - N o ..... o ..... ..... W \0 > 3: !~. ;0' ;3 9.-..3:'0 wgm~ 33a.n 0' 3 ::I O' ffi fjj'~ 3 '-' -. 3 o - :J m o' :J :!':: :0'..,.. '0: .. ~::'\ n.-..>'.o' ......... ::T n Q - ..""'. 3~~![{ g~.3 iil .. ~ 13. -< "8 g 1'r Cll :cr. 'c" '0. ;0" a: 9 n :i> '0' woQa. 3 3 c. Fil g~. ~ iil ~ 13. -< "8 g 1'r Cll :*- '0' '0: F ,3. .-.. a g.-;:;- a g'3i' 80wo03~ 333333::1 3.....0'3....._,5. -'OCll-'O!31C 13, \O~ 13. Ul 0' Il!" o ~. 0 ::I ::I 0::1 .-.. t;l ~ ~ ~~, in':J: IC -. w :J: CD = !1b ~,. ;3: 0:J:''8 PUR = @s'@ ~tC s- l5'@' 3,8: o .-..::1 ID ~ l~. [0: 10, ;c" i3..: g.,......,......'.ii. w800 33~3 O'Cll 3 :J: ~. -'!1!.m ~ [3, :; o' ,-,00::1 ::I 0 33: .....m oa. Ul::l IC .;....: ..;:....;..... \~;r..:...:.;:; ~: ....;.:..;: 9 ~ s;(~ w Cll ni 3 ~ g.!1l, ~ Cll to .!(!' VI"""'ID1:i' '-' g 0 iii" 3!!la. 3 c. g Hi" V) o' ::I