HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #04 Creech Variance - 8 Sundial Key
Meeting Date:
Item #
August 03, 2010
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
Michael Rumer ~
Ext. 1 018
Reviewed By:
Department Director:
City Manager:
Subject: Creech Variance
Variance Application # VR-10-03
8 Sundial Key Drive
Commission District 3 - Rusty Johnson
Background Summary:
Lot Size: 1 00x40 or 4,000 sq. ft.
Zoning: RT-1 Mobile Home Subdivision
Setbacks: Front 20 feet, Rear 20 feet, Side 7.5 feet
Content of Variance Request
This variance application requests that a proposed replacement mobile home at 8 Sundial Key Drive be allowed
to encroach 5 feet into the 20 foot rear yard setback established by the zoning district. The applicant's intent is
to replace the mobile home constructed in 1967 with one that was constructed in 1985. The applicant consulted
with the Building Department on the requirements for making the replacement and was informed that due to the
20' setback requirement, a variance would be required.
The subject property currently contains a mobile home constructed in 1967 that meets the 20 foot front and rear
setback requirements. The existing mobile home does not meet the required 7.5 foot side yard setback on one
side. The applicant proposes to replace the existing mobile home with one constructed in 1985. The
replacement mobile home is titled at 65 feet with an actual measurement of 64 feet 4 inches long by 13 feet 6
inches wide. The replacement mobile home was inspected by the Ocoee Building Department and passed
Staff is recommending support of the variance request for the following reasons:
1. The replacement mobile home is more modern and has been inspected to meet current codes.
2. The replacement mobile home will meet all side yard setback requirements, thus creating a safer
distance for fire separation.
3. The lot is on the exterior of the subdivision and backs up to a vacant parcel and SR 429.
The subject property is located in Pioneer Key II, which was recently rehabilitated by replacing potable water
and sanitary sewer lines, and by rebuilding and resurfacing the roads and sidewalks. The replacement mobile
home will help add more value to the neighborhood.
According to Subsection 4-9 A., the variance application/applicant must demonstrate:
(1) That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structures, or required
subdivision improvements involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or required
subdivision improvements.
There are no unique conditions that exist for this particular parcel. As stated in staff's reasons for
supporting the variance, the lot is an exterior lot that backs up to a vacant parcel and SR 429.
(2) That a literal interpretation of the provisions of these regulations would deprive the applicant of rights
commonly enjoyed by other properties with similar conditions.
As indicated above, the applicant is subject to the same regulations as other properties with similar
conditions under the LDC.
(3) That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant.
The existing mobile home does not meet the required 7.5 foot side yard setback. Replacing the mobile
home will essentially switch the non-conformity and create a safer situation.
(4) That the granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is
denied by these regulations to other lands, structures, or required subdivision improvements under similar
A recommendation for approval would grant special privileges to this applicant that is otherwise denied to
other land owners.
Board of Adjustment Recommendation:
The variance request for a rear yard setback variance from 20 feet to 15 feet for a proposed replacement
mobile home was reviewed at a Public Hearing by the Board of Adjustment on July 22, 2010. The Board of
Adjustment voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the variance request.
Should the Mayor & City Commissioners approve a request by James Creech for a rear yard setback variance
from 20 feet to 15 feet for a replacement mobile home?
Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the variance request by James
Creech for a rear yard setback variance from 20 feet to 15 feet for a replacement mobile home.
Location Map
Site Plan
Applicant letter
Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J
~ Public Hearing
_ Ordinance First Reading
_ Ordinance Second Reading
~ Commission Approval
Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's Oeot Use:
_____ Consent Agenda
Public Hearing
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_ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
_ Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
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Reviewed by 0
O:\Staff Reports\201 O\SR 1 00006_MWR_ CrestVariance_ CC.doc
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8 Sundial Key Drive Ocoee, FI 34760 Pioneer Key Section Two 71145 Lot 8 BLK A
JAM~~S J!)'l".ID Cf\fH~il: CREECH
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hme 9, 2010
Michael W Rumer, Jr.
Principal Planner
150 North Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Fl34761
Dear Mr. Rumer,
We are pursuing a variance for the mobile home to be placed on 8 Sundial Key in Ocoee. The
trailer title has the recorded length as 65 feet. The actual measurements are 64 feet 4 inches long by 13 feet
6 inches wide. The variance requested would require the rear set back to be reduced from 20 feet to 15 feet
8 inches. The front will remain 20 feet as the sides are well with in the set back limits.
Attached is additil;mal information with a site plan showing the trailer as it will be placed on the 40
feet wide by 100 feet long mobile home lot.
James and Carrie Creech
Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement
Date Published
,1~1 Y ;a, ,2(J1 ()
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Action Roguo'llld: The parcel Is located' at
8 Sundial Ket Drive. The Orange
~~~n~u:;''i,'':r~r( ~I MPI~a\~~2!~8~g{i~~~:'
080. The applicant Is requesting a vari-
ance to the rear yard setback tram 20
feet to 15 teet for the Installation of a
replacement ~obi1e: ~ome. .l'o-"-~ "r ~~'. 0'
Interested, parties maY appear at the"
cited, meeting and be heard wlthre"
spect ~to,t~~ pro~~e~_r v~~1~n[c7:. ':'
This notlce'ls given 'pursuant to 'Article
IV, subsectlan 4-9 B. (1), and page..
180.4.43 of the Cltv of Ocaee Land De-
velopment Code. A coPY of the, appll-
g~~\O~g~d~h:x~::'Yn~~ ~r~~~ WI~~n~neg'
Deportment located In City Hall' at the
address Indicated above, belWeen the
hours of 8:00 o.m-ond '5:00 p.m., Mon-
dOY:Frl,~a,v, e,:,ce~.t ,I,!'9?1 h~lIdOYS,..."':
The Ocoee city Com.nlsslon niOy'con,
Ilnue the 'public hearing to other dotes
and times, Qs::thev deem' necessary"
Any Interested party shall be advised
that the dotes, limes, and'places of
continuation of these or' continued pub-
lic hearings sholl be announced during
the hearing and that no further notices
r~~~~~ing.thes~ !"atter7 ,"'111' b~.p'~b.:
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d~~r~~elo"~~~:a~ ~~~ d"e~lsro~~gd~~~
the publiC hearings will need 0 record
of the proceedings and for this purpose,
maY need to ensure that 0 verbatim
record of ,the proceedings Is, made
which Includes the testimonY' and evi,
dence upon which !he ,app~1 Is bllsed.,
Persons with .dlsabllitles needing ~s-
sistonce to participate In any of'these '
~)~g,~d l:I'tli~es~u ~~u~~n;'~c':d~~~C~ I 'J
the meeting at 407.~-3105..
Beth'EikenberrY. City Clerk
COR10n632 7mn010