HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes Budget Workshop OCOEE CITY COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL August 11, 2010 MINUTES 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the meeting to order and said we will have a briefing from the Finance Director. II. Introduction - City Manager Frank and Finance Director Horton Finance Director Horton said she would review the proposals that are contained in the budget for fiscal year 2011 and then turn it back over for discussion. She stated the proposed budget for the City of Ocoee for fiscal year 2011 is $51,220,085.00. The city's budget is a compilation of budgets from several types of funds. The General Fund is the largest fund and has the biggest variety of revenue sources: property taxes are revenue of the General Fund so this fund is impacted by the millage rate. Ad valorem is the biggest revenue source for the General Fund, the city saw a 13.6% decrease in taxable value again this year which resulted in about a $1.5 million dollar revenue decrease with the millage rate remaining the same. The inter-governmental revenues have a slight overall increase while interest earnings are expected to continue to slump. She demonstrated on PowerPoint the required voting levels to set a millage rate, the revenue that will be generated by that millage rate, and the difference in the revenue compared to the current year millage proceeds. The current year millage rate is 5.4974 which is less then the rollback rate for the upcoming year of 6.3755. The Commission has tentatively set a proposed millage rate of 6.4174. The expenditure budgets for the funds consist of four main categories: Personnel, Operating, Capital and Transfers. Personnel represents the largest expenditure for the General Fund. The proposed General Fund budget for personnel includes the elimination of three positions, the addition of 1 ~ position. There is a proposed 5% increase for Police Union employees and 6.8% for Fire Union employees. The fire union has agreed to a 3% decrease, however. There are no pay increases for non-union employees proposed. There is no proposed increase to employees for health care for next year and the retirement contribution increase slightly for general and police 1.78 for general and 2.57 for police and fire. The operating budgets decrease 3% overall for the general fund. The operating funding include cost for the health center, the communications contract with Apopka for the police department, the contract with A TS for the red light cameras, funding for grant for digital radios for police, and the contract with Orange County dispatch for fire. The general fund capital budget decreased 48% from the current year. Now that is due primarily to the grant of 1.6 million for Clarke Road. The equipment budget proposed for next year is a $123,245.00 and it includes air conditioning at the Beech Center, eight digital radios for police, and a reflect meter for signs. The software budget being proposed is $42,000 and it includes wireless access point controller and manager, digital software for the Police Department to be used for fingerprinting and software for the Parks and Recreation Department. The vehicle budget proposed next year for general fund is $44,310.00 that includes a Ford Escape for the Fire Department; which will replace a 1997 Explorer, an activity bus for the Recreation Department and a pick-up truck for Parks. There is also $450,000 August 12, 2009 City Commission Budget Workshop Page 2 of8 of improvements that are proposed which include paving, Clarke Road right-of-way, and improvement to Vignetti Park. The existing principle and interest payments on the outstanding loans and bonds for General Fund is $1, 251,800.00 for next year. The Storm Water Fund is in good shape they are operating in the black and they have accumulated funds to pay for some improvements and purchase some equipment. The final payment on the storm water loan is included in the proposed budget. Some of the major expenditures being proposed for next year: The Peach Lake Manor drainage system upgrade, an out-call system for the Prima Vista subdivision, the tractor, there's 3 pick-up trucks, the wash rack, outfall replacement for the Marlene dried pond, also a outfall system design study for the Forest Oaks subdivision. The proposed Waste Water / Utility fund decreased overall by 3%. There are no new personnel positions; however there is a realignment of personnel within the division that is being proposed for next year. Although there are no major capital projects funded for utilities next year there are several maintenance projects and some equipment purchases that are slated. Among the capital projects there is the alternative water supply study, the virus inactivation implementation, the homeland security for both the utility plants, a bio feedback post-chlorination for both the South water plant and the Forest Oaks plant, four pick-up trucks and a sludge truck. The utility fund has about $20 million in outstanding bonds and loans. They paid $1.5 million in annual debt service on this. The bond covenants require that the fund has its rates set to where they are receiving enough revenue to not only pay the cost of operations and maintenance but 10% above that plus they have to have funds available to pay the debt service. This coverage ratio has been declining the last few years, mostly due to the decline in the impact fees that we've been receiving because of the housing decline. In order to meet the required coverage for this year the administrative fee that the general fund charges to the utility fund we reduced that by a $100,000. The solid waste fund has a total proposed budget increase of $5,000. There is no staffing increases that are proposed and the major capital items are routing and GPS software, the lease purchase of a rear load garbage truck and transferring of $85,000 back to the General Fund for the years when the sanitation franchise fees (of the General Fund) were given to the solid waste fund. The Impact Funds have no major projects scheduled for next year and the principle and interest payments for the outstanding debt are included in the proposed budget. Finally, we have the 2010-2011 wish list; a copy was emailed today and a larger-print version is included in the presentation packet distributed on the dais. City Manager Frank stated that all the departments worked very hard to bring the balanced budget at 5.4974 which is the same millage rate as last year and equals a 14% reduction in the budget. We knew you wanted to look at additional projects so we created the wish list of items as in the past. At this point staff is here to answer any questions that you may have. August 12,2009 City Commission Budget Workshop Page 3 of 8 II. Staff Presentation and Discussion regarding FY10/11 Budget Mayor Vandergrift advised the public that they can look at a copy of the budget book in the commission chambers, or for the viewers at home it is available online at www.ocoee.org. He stated this is a workshop, there will be two workshops in August and the Public Hearings will take place in September and will be open for public comments. Commissioner Wilsen and Commissioner Johnson stated that do not feel the need to go page by page. Commissioner Keller said he would like to do a general overview of the sections rather than page by page. Commissioner Wilsen said she thinks they should trust that City Manager Frank has analyzed the budget and balanced it at last year's rate which is quite an accomplishment; there is not much money to work with. The Mayor stated if they don't review the whole budget to see what is in there, we won't be able to know what can be removed in order to add items on the wish list. Commissioner Johnson said we could do the same as in past years where we ask staff to go back and make some cuts for a specific amount of money if that becomes necessary. He further thanked the Fire Department for doing their part by taking a 3% cut in the proposed pay increase of 6.8% that was negotiated in the bargaining agreement. He stated that he wished the police department would have done the same thing. Mayor Vandergrift clarified that the 3% cut from the Fire Department is not reflected in the current proposed budget because it just happened. City Manager Frank stated the savings from the Fire Department pay reduction is $70,000. Additionally he said they found another $100,000 in Capital Reserve Fund from projects rolling over from one year to another. He explained that there is $170,000 of items that can be purchased on the Wish List and still remain at the 5.4974 millage rate. Mayor Vandergrift stated that the first thing that he thinks should happen before the wish list is considered is to see what it would take to restore the pay raise to all city employees that we would normally give them, including giving back the 3% ($70,000) to the Fire Department voluntarily gave up. Commissioner Wilsen said she disagrees with salary increases in a tight budget year and is not in favor of most items on the wish list as well. Commissioner Hood asked about the Education Reimbursement Program. City Manager Frank said we have $40,000 in the fund as opposed to $30,000 in past years. We have tightened down some of the criteria for receiving the funding, but we may need to tighten it down more. The board has been looking at eliminating certain things such as one person using the funding for two masters degrees, etc. He said a couple of commissioners have expressed an interest to him in favor of leaving the fund at $30,000. Commissioner Johnson said the board has also discussed the rental book program instead of buying new books. Last year we had to ask for an additional $7500 to cover shortfalls. Commissioner Hood clarified that there is no raise for employees in the proposed budget and asked what it would cost to give them 3%. Finance Director Horton stated in would be $276,000. City Manager Frank reminded them a mid year or merit would be almost half of that because it wouldn't be given immediately on October 1, 2010. Commissioner Hood asked the finance department to email them the amount it would cost to give 1.5 COLA and 1.5 merit increases to employees. August 12, 2009 City Commission Budget Workshop Page 4 of8 Commissioner Hood asked about the air conditioner replacement on the wish list for the police department. Public Works Director Krug stated that the units are 16 years old and they are in need of replacement in the near future, we had to replace one this year for $8,500. Commissioner Keller asked about Page 3-16, 17 where there are two extra positions in the city Manager's Office. City Manager Frank explained that there are no extra positions, the positions where rearranged by downgrading the Assistant City Manager Position to Assistant to the City Manager, and adding additional responsibilities to the Development Services Director and putting him in as Assistant City Manager. This will save approximately $50,000 and it will be the same number of positions. There was discussion about the salary listed for the Assistant to the City Manager position and it was found the salary information was $25,000-$30,000 higher than it should be. There was another conversation regarding employee salaries and City Manager Frank said 3% effective Aprill sl would be half of the $276,000 mentioned earlier. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to discuss hybrids. Commissioner Johnson asked about a vehicle in the fire department that is used only to go back and forth to city hall. Chief McNeil said fleet maintenance suggested they change that vehicle because of the age of it and the problems that they have been having. He added that it is also used for firefighters to attend local conferences and meetings. City Manager Frank said there is also a Battalion Chief Vehicle (1999 Expedition) that has close to 100,000 miles as well and that may be the more logical one to replace. This vehicle is used by the Battalion chief of all three shifts. There was discussion about where to purchase vehicles and possibly purchasing used vehicles. Chief McNeil said they can work with whatever is decided; they picked the least expensive vehicle to replace when planning the budget. Commissioner Wilsen asked City Manager Frank to re-explain the changes in the City Manager's Office and clarified that the person who will be the Assistant City Manager will still have the responsibilities that he had as Department Director. City Manager Frank stated that this will save approximately $45,000-$50,000 over what we had last year. Finance Director Horton said on Page 3-10 it shows the organizational chart for the City Manager's Office. Commissioner Johnson said he has now realized that we need another person in the City Manager's Office to be involved in economic development stuff, special projects, and to find grant money. Commissioner Wilsen agreed that there needs to be a lot of effort put into looking for money for the CRA and other projects. Mayor Vandergrift asked if they could get a job description for this position and the city manager said he would provide that. Mayor Vandergrift asked about multi peril insurance on page 3-53. Human Resources Director Carnicella said for all of the insurances we have been looking for ways to reduce the costs. He stated multi peril insurance has only increased a fraction from $230,000 to 243,000 dollars. City Manager Frank said some of that increase is because we did not have the coverage that we needed on city buildings. Mr. Carnicella said we have increased our risk in order to keep costs low. We have been analyzing various buildings such as the Maguire House to make sure we have the correct amount of insurance. City Manager Frank said now that we have switched over our health insurance we can evaluate going in the direction of self insurance on other types of insurance. Mr. Carnicella said that it is a risky strategy and he is not sure we are ready to do that at this time. There was discussion about the reconfiguring the Beech Center air conditioning system, Page 3- 62. Publix Works Director Krug stated that the original quote was for $70,000, but the major August 12, 2009 City Commission Budget Workshop Page 5 of8 overhaul that is needed requires an additional $50,000. Commissioner Wilsen asked that we don't always go to the lowest bidder and then have to pay for it later. Commissioner Wilsen asked about the Senior Program, Page 3-53. Finance Director Horton said they do verification every other year and confirmed that there is not much adjustment. Mayor Vandergrift said that will eventually go to zero because no new people are going on the program. Commissioner Wilsen stated she just wanted to make sure there was a process to make sure everyone benefitting from this program is eligible. Commissioner Wilsen said she would like the Commission to reconsider the money that we spend in the community. We need to rethink how we have been doing it. Commissioner Keller stated that we have gone from the high of approximately $100,000 to approximately $15,000. Commissioner Hood stated that we have given almost $36,000 to Ocoee High School over the past three years and there is an individual stating that we have not supported them. Commissioner Wilsen asked about the CMA award budget and confirmed it was $10,000 for next year. She added that she would like to determine how much we are giving to boards such as HRDB so that they will not come back and ask for money throughout the year. Commissioner Keller agreed that we need to look at real needs of the board because there are some boards that legitimately need a lot more funding such as HRDB. There was discussion that the HRDB Board Chair had submitted a budget to Commissioner Hood. Commissioner Wilsen said we need to determine what we are funding now and rather than have them come back for more money later in the year. Commissioner Keller mentioned they are now doing a Hispanic Heritage Festival and if they are going to do both events, they could use a $5,000 - $7,000 budget. Commissioner Hood said he supports giving them $7,000 for both events. Commissioner Wilsen said we are reducing the contingency fund and there will not be room for additional funds later, everyone will have to work within the determined budget. There was further discussion regarding the contingency fund. Commissioner Keller stated we placed money in the contingency fund for a "holding place" and never went back and pulled it back out. City Manager Frank stated he thought that was what everyone agreed on at the Final Budget Hearing this year. Commissioner Keller questioned if $50,000 will be enough in the contingency fund because if we have any major unexpected costs it will wipe out the fund. He felt the correct number should be closer to $80,000. Commissioner Wilsen stated she would also like to resolve the issue about pay increased because she is more concerned about keeping jobs than increasing pay during lean years. Commissioner Hood asked for consensus from the Commission regarding placing $7,000 in the HRDB line item for support of their two events. The consensus was that there is $1,000 in the budget so they will place $6,000 on the wish list for HRDB if we decide to spend the additional funds. Commissioner Johnson asked for a raise to the general employees of 2% at mid-year ($92,000) to also be placed on the wish list. There was discussion that the firefighters will still get 3.8% raise, to cover the 3% that they gave up would cost an additional $70,000. Mayor Vandergrift 11.01 under the Fire Department, asked about "Other Pay." City Manager Frank explained that it is car allowance that all directors receive. Mayor Vandergrift asked about 3400 Contractual Services and 3606 Equipment Maintenance Contracts in the Fire Department. He asked if all directors are reviewing these items. City Manager Frank said most of the contractual services is for Orange County Dispatch services; equipment is for portable and truck radios, LifePaks, equipment in the trucks, copiers, etc. August 12, 2009 City Commission Budget Workshop Page 6 of8 Commissioner Johnson confirmed that the Fire Department personnel figure on Page 3-72 included the entire 6.8% raise for the firefighters and it will be reduced by $70,000. Mayor Vandergrift asked what a reflectometer is. Public Works Director Krug said we have to comply with government regulations and test the reflectivity on all of our signs and keep a log. Mayor Vandergrift asked about miscellaneous road paving for $200,000. There was discussion about whether a list should be prepared at budget time although it will not be implemented for several months and will change. Commissioner Keller felt there should be a long term plan. Mayor Vandergrift said there needs to be criteria for how we evaluate paving needs that the residents can understand. Commissioner Hood said there is a grading criterion because he has dealt with this issue several times. City Manager Frank said they will not determine a list until they know how much the commission is going to budget to repaving. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like definitive figures quoting the cost of asphalt paving and length of various roads that need to be paved. Commissioner Keller said he is in favor of leaving the $200,000 there and possibly increasing it because the need is there. There is $200,000 more on the wish list. Mayor Vandergrift asked about 5-7 under utilities; City Manager Frank said this is not a general fund item. There was discussion about reorganizing staff within the divisions of the utility department. Commissioner Johnson asked about the facilities manager; what is the pay of the job we are doing away with vs. the one we are adding. Utilities Director Smith stated what they are doing with the reorganization is to be more pre-emptive maintenance philosophy. They want to elevate one of the positions to make that person completely responsible for all of the facilities; and downgrade the other position's responsibilities so they are a working operator during most of the week and fill in for the facility manager in his absence. Discussion ensued regarding the cost savings of approximately $50.000 cost savings with this reorganization of positions. Commissioner Johnson said he thought we already had people in place to accomplish what Mr. Smith is describing. City Manager Frank said they are constantly evaluating the management and operational procedures to make the utilities department the most efficient to protect the city and get controls in place and to avoid fines from DEP and other such agencies due to constant changing Federal regulations. Commissioner Hood asked about the duty cycle on the north waste water plant. Mr. Smith advised they have a ten year maintenance program on it. There was discussion about a recent incident where replacement of a small part saved a larger failure of the system. Mr. Smith clarified that we are asking for a decrease in personnel costs; there are no planned pay increases. Commissioner Johnson said he finds it hard to believe that we don't have people in place already watching the system and didn't feel the reorganization was needed. Commissioner Wilsen said it sounds to her as though we are trying to be proactive rather than reactive. Utilities Director Smith gave an example of bearings that had not been replaced in twenty years and regular maintenance and replacement needs to be done on these items to keep the system efficient. There was discussion about the electronic meter reading system and the cost to implement 10000 meters. Mayor Vandergrift clarified that all new homes are getting the new technology meters at the homeowner's expense. Mr. Smith said the full change out should take eight years to implement. Mayor Vandergrift asked for guidelines to be set where the city could not transfer any funds from any of the enterprise funds. He described how Orlando operates with a Utilities Commission and would like to explore doing that in Ocoee. Utilities Director Smith explained the capital outlays. The alternative water study is a central Florida initiative; it is not anticipated to be spent but if SJRWMD decides to do it, we will have 1-------- August 12, 2009 City Commission Budget Workshop Page 7 of8 the money available. Mayor Vandergrift asked if that has anything to do with the inter connectivity of the various utilities to each other to which Mr. Smith advised if SJR WMD decided to study that then that would be where the funding would come from. There was discussion with regard to the water tower on Clarke Road. The Mayor asked if we have the inter-connect at Winter Garden. Mr. Smith said we are negotiating with them with the work they are doing on Plant Street. Engineer Wheeler has a meeting with them this week with regard to interconnecting for use in emergencies. Utilities Director Smith further explained other Capital outlay items. Commissioner Keller said he likes that they are being proactive. Mayor Vandergrift asked about a rear load garbage truck on Page 6-7, for $52,000 per year. Public Works Director Krug said those new trucks costs over $200,000 and they are looking to see if they can get a used truck; we need a spare truck. Commissioner Keller asked about the school on Hackney Prairie Road and the county will have to do something with that road. He said he would like us to consider a roundabout placed now on our side of it on Hackney Prairie Road which will assist in that intersection. The other item he would like to add to the wish list is two more motorcycles for the Police Department at approximately $30,000. City Manager Frank stated that these were replacement motorcycles, we were not adding two more; he stated they felt they can get another year out of them so it was taken out of the budget. Commissioner Keller would like them on the wish list. Commissioner Wilsen stated she would like to consider drainage issues at the intersection of Orlando and Bluford because the flooding is so bad. General consensus was that it would be too costly for this year. Commissioner Wilsen felt that item for Clarke Road Landscaping for $40,000 should be removed from the wish list. Commissioner Wilsen asked the City Manager if there was anything on the wish list that was imperative. City Manager Frank said anything imperative would be placed in the budget, the wish list items are additional items to consider. Break: 7:51 p.m. Return from Break: 7:59 p.m. Finance Manager Brosonski recapped the items to be changed on the wish list. General employee salary increase, 2% at mid year, $92,000 Fire salary increase (reversing the decrease), $70,000 Transfer from projects, $100,000 HRDB Board, additional $6,000 Assistant to the City Manager, decrease by $30,000 Total savings is $32,000 for those items, with a millage rate of 5.4789 (currently 5.4974) Commissioner Hood asked what it would cost to add one officer per shift. City Manager Frank said approximately $250,000 with salary, benefits, cars and equipment. Commissioner Johnson confirmed we are currently at the required standards for officers per capita. He asked if it was necessary to add one more officer during peak times, and Chief Brown stated that additional officers would always be an improvement but does not feel it is urgent at this time. Mayor Vandergrift asked where we are with cameras for speeders and stop sign runners. The response was that they are still not legal in the state of Florida so we are not pursuing them. August 12, 2009 City Commission Budget Workshop Page 8 of8 Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to do something about the bad echo in City Hall Lobby. He felt we should put out red carpet runners so citizens would feel they are getting the red carpet treatment when they come to city hall and it would reduce the noise. He said we should look into renting them or purchasing them. He said Ison Center has the same noise problems. He would like staff to look into costs for carpet runners in City Hall. Mayor Vandergrift announced the next budget workshop is August 31, 2010 at 6 :00 p.m. IV. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk s. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION August 17,2010, at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Johnson. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen (absent), Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Keller. Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, Acting City Manager Shadrix, City Clerk Eikenberry I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS I Proclamation- Hispanic Heritage Week - read in English by Mayor Vandergrift and read in Spanish by Officer Carlos Anglero Proclamation - The First Days of School Celebration - August 23, 2010. (Mayor Vandergrift) I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC David Dunham and members of the Little League Board, thanked the Parks and Recreation Department for all they do to maintain the fields for Little League and stated not many municipalities still do that. He presented Parks and Recreation Director Hayes with a plaque in appreciation. Steven Van Barlick, President of Ocoee Lions Club, celebrating their 62nd Year in Ocoee, stated that the Lions Club would like to donate to local sports organizations. He presented a five hundred dollar check to four organizations: Little League, Soccer, and Pop Warner Football and Bulldogs Cheerleading. Mayor Vandergrift discussed a conversation that he had with residents of EI Salvador who were impressed with the amount of volunteerism in the City of Ocoee. He thanked all of those who volunteer on city boards as well as those who give their time for the many children's sporting organizations; he stated what they do for the community is priceless. Bob Riffle of Howey-in-the-Hills, said he is a graduate of Ocoee High School Class of 1975. A friend of his who also graduated the same year lost his son approximately seven years ago. He has been discussing with the Mayor and Parks and Recreation Director Hayes about where to plant a memorial tree and plaque. He has a 12-15 foot live oak that he planted from acorns at the time his friend's son died and he would like to plant it with the plaque on city property. City Manager Frank stated his only concerns are making sure we do not place a memorial in a common area that could be a trip hazard, and setting a precedent for future requests for placement of memorials. He stated now that he understands the type of monument will be flush mounted in the ground he is less concerned about the liability aspect. Commissioner Johnson said he has no problem as long as it does not hinder any activities in that area. Commissioner Hood expressed a concern about how many other requests may come in to do the same thing. City Commission Regular August 17, 2010 Mayor Vandergrift said the Commission still has the control to allow or reject any of the requests. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes stated the proposed location is on the east side of the gazebo seating area. CIP Manager Butler stated this proposed location may interfere with the current plans for that area because they are trying to open up the vista around the gazebo and spread the slope out for better seating and viewing at city events. He stated that a live oak tree has a very big spread and a long impact. He would like to consult with staff on the location of this memorial and how it will fit in. Mayor Vandergrift said that location is not definite, it was considered because there currently is no shade for the seating area and an oak tree grows tall and does not obstruct the view. Consensus of the Commission was to conditionally approve the placement of a live oak tree and inscribed Qranite plaque as a memorial as 10nQ as staff is in aQreement on the location. I D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Frank 1) Explained that an agenda item for #8 Award of City Hall Campus Improvement Project was placed on the dais. He stated the bids were opened on August 10, 2010 and all responsive bids were well in excess of the budget. We also found that the SJR WMD exemption that we were using to construct the project without a permit was limited by that agency and they will now require a permit which may take up to 120 days to obtain. He said staff recommendations are to re-bid the entire project at a later date. Mayor VanderQrift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to reiect all bids and rebid the Award of City Hall Campus Improvement Proiect at a later date per staff recommendations. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 2) Explained that Item #2 Memorandum of Understanding between City of Ocoee and IAFF Local 3623 on the consent agenda is the item where the Firefighters agreed to give back 3% of the raise they had in their contractual agreement as discussed in the budget workshop. He thanked Union Representative James Kelly and all of the members of the union who voted in favor of that. 3) Movie by the Pool, Alice in Wonderland, will be shown on Saturday, August 28, 2010. It is a Walt Disney Film by Tim Burton. 4) Parks and Recreation is holding registration for the Before & After School care programs, this will begin August 23rd. Contact Parks and Recreation 407-905-3180 for more information. I E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS ~Qln!)li~~~jQ!!~!:1~,~n~r I}August 23rd is first day of school so please be careful because children will be out early waiting for buses. 2) August 24th is primary day. The commissioner asked everyone to get out and vote; the county mayor is determined at the primary. He said cast your vote and make sure that your opinion counts. 3) Hackney Prairie Relief School - Commissioner Boyd & School Board Member Christine Moore are looking for your opinion as to whether you are for it or against it. Go look to the county and school board websites and email them. If you believe Clarcona Elementary is overcrowded, now is the time to make your opinion count. Let them know if you are or are not in favor of it. We're at the top of their list in terms of priority. If they decide that we don't care (due to lack of response), they'll put the school somewhere else. Page 2 of8 City Commission Regular August 17, 2010 Commissioner Johrlson - No announcements C6mmi~sioner HooH - 1) The commissioner asked the public to be patient with everyone on the first day of school. In regards to the Human Relations Diversity Board, the commissioner said that we'd like to purchase banners. Commissioner Hood. seconded bv Commissioner Keller. made a motion to spend ~2500 from continQencv to purchase 20 banners to be placed alonQ Clark Road in celebration of Hispanic HeritaQe. The Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. 2) Soccer sign ups are this weekend at the Beech Center; they will be happening for the next two weekends on Friday & Saturday. Baseball tryouts will be taking place for the fall team. Friday there will be a celebration at the high school which includes a scrimmage on Friday starting around 6 p.m. Go to the school website for the exact time. MayorYf}!1d~[grjfl 1) The mayor read aloud an email from Manny Diaz (former mayor of Miami) of the FairDistrictsFlorida.org asking for the City's support of Amendments 5 & 6. The mayor said that these amendments might be the right step in the right direction. He said the commission cannot take action on it, but he will pass it on to the city manager to have it passed along to the city clerk so that people can take action on it as individuals. Speaking as a citizen, the mayor personally encouraged everyone to vote for the amendments. 2) Census America Lincoln Road Miami Florida will have a booth at the annual Florida League of Cities conference. They say that with their instrument they can reduce the cost of red light running. The mayor turned the letter over to the city manager. 3) The Policy Committee needs members. The first meeting will be in Orlando on September 3rd, The Florida Trails Association - Gateway Community Program will also be attending the conference and will have grants and resources information. 4) Tree Code - A citizen, Liz Oliver, wrote a complimentary letter to the City about its tree code. She thanked everyone involved with stated that she was very impressed with what Ocoee put together as it reflects the City's current code and the City's Tree City designation. 5) The mayor read aloud an email from a citizen voicing her annoyance with door- to-door solicitations at her residence despite a note on the door stating 'no solicitations'. The mayor suggested that the citizen place a 'night worker' sign on her door which is what he used to do. Commissioner Hood suggested fencing the property; Commissioner Keller said some homeowners associations do not allow fencing. The mayor reiterated his suggestion about the placement of a sign on the door stating that the citizen works at night, and that she would like not to be disturbed. I F. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Keller. seconded bv Commissioner Hood moved to accept the Consent AQenda Items #1 throuQh #5. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. Page 3 of8 City Commission Regular August 17, 2010 ~~m>&~~~"",,'h~Ym?~~?P:''''~~''''t~.'''''':''; I.<iA provatofMi~uteslor'Re ular Ci efi{IEiltenB'~jJfi';'); -~'""'-"-~ Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Wilsen absent. rfW?&2\P;~r~!of M1irt(j"rjan<!~w~~twee~.- e 2Ul:ctql~;1l1ljJ "' ,"' The City of Ocoee and the IAFF Local 3623 Union have entered into a Collective Bargaining Agreement in effect from 10/1/2008 through 9/30/2011. The Firefighters represented by Local 3623 have voted to defer approximately 3% of their anticipated wage increase which was to be effective on 10/1/2010. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Wilsen absent. " ,~ " ,.""IlIIl'--;~ _ $ "':':'~ ,,'J"~~~~~*"ct- Certifi ation ~f;.~o -Ad, Valor~m A::ssessme~:t~ijB~U\ fo" torin",at~r o'o!lY1t ~ftINf~"i;]Fis iOlO/2q'i'1. ( "brIts 'r~~f~r~K!:!!g);@ 7 ~.. ~f , "j" The City Commission approved Resolution No. 2006-003 to provide for collection of storm water fees through the annual Orange County tax roll. The agreement between City of Ocoee and Orange County Tax Collector requires the City to annually certify the non-ad valorem assessment roll by September 15th. The fiscal year 2010/2011 tax roll for Stormwater calculates revenue to be $3,276,405.11. This is an increase of $287,544.11 from the current year. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Wilsen absent. nclu ''''l)1:!!' The City Commission approved Resolution No. 2006-003 to provide for collection of Solid Waste fees through the annual Orange County tax roll. The agreement between City of Ocoee and Orange County Tax Collector requires the City to annually certify the non-ad valorem assessment roll by September 15th. The fiscal year 2010/2011 tax roll for Solid Waste calculates revenue to be $2,756,880. This is based upon the residential Solid Waste fee of $21 per month. This is an increase of $118,188 from the current year and is attributed to annexations and new homes. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Wilsen absent. ppr9 'e'ilUm ~mli e acJiI1YJt ~n~l!qg~IL"JiipJeroSJ1~!.J9l!J!I::e.9IJ<<~,L,!:ei~y~__,;;@,,_ In 2008, the City Commission adopted new elements into the Comprehensive Plan which implemented school concurrency in the City of Ocoee. In addition to the adoption of the new elements into the Comprehensive Plan, the City entered into an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) which was signed by Orange County Public Schools (OCPS), Orange County, and all municipalities within Orange County. The Interlocal Agreement (ILA) ensures that school concurrency is uniformly implemented throughout the County and addresses the minimum requirements for school concurrency. As a result of fewer backlogged schools on OCPS' list; the ILA has been amended to delete several definitions, and modify Level of Service standards, School Concurrency Service Areas, and appendices that were detailed in the original ILA. The amendment to the ILA cannot be finalized until the City of Ocoee, Orange County, OCPS and all municipalities within Orange County sign the agreement. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Wilsen absent. Page 4 of8 City Commission Regular August 17, 2010 Discussion and Announcements reeardine the Fire Department. Commissioner Keller, Commissioner Hood, and Commissioner Johnson thanked the Fire Department for the unselfish act of deferring part of the raise they were granted under the union contract. Commissioner Hood said that Orlando is going through a lot of issues their Fire Department and it would be nice to put out a press release to show what our Firefighters are doing in the spirit of cooperation to help the city in a tight budget year. Firefighter James Kelly, President of IAFF Local 3623, stated that they were approached by the city, they felt taking the reduction was the right thing to do, and a few years down the road we will hope that we have worked through the difficult times. Firefighter Kelley also announced that the home for Sgt. Castillo, built in conjunction with Homes for Heroes, will be finished and dedicated on September 1, 2010. Commissioner Hood and Mayor Vandergrift asked that a press release be given to the city and the three local newspapers. Firefighter Kelley advised that they will be at a booth at the Home Show with Homes for Heroes and thanked the City Administrators for allowing the use of a surplus ladder truck for that event. He stated they are getting it shined up to be on display inside the convention center. I G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE ngj:~j()f~q~~1iifIice1%!'iIFDeeiT~'I:~ff~ A:~se h T Nt""" g'',-lt,.,.::,' ,,-Ylr ;;"?;:f ~. " . gills for SeRtemb :;':'fyL. .,,,,:::::,)/>+ on erea , .' "rulcip' u,mer Based on the recommendations of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, staff recommends that Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners adopt the ordinance to annex the 38 +/- acres of land known as Deeper Life Church parcels and also adopt the annexation agreement for the 5.3 acre parcel containing the existing church buildings. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced that the Second Reading and Public Hearing is scheduled for September 21, 2010, Regular Commission Meeting at 7: 15 p.m. or soon thereafter. AW~~Sl~~&;~ ~I~I~ 0 C ~ .~~C:6fficers~~ s u @lilefiBro Secd(ia. .' earing ,edulea or $.~p'iemtJ.er..J ~;;, _l.o,~~'~'g liligl!.t 7,'1U..p",L~:~C-so;Uj'ther~~Jlei~lliii~ylw,' ". '::: """,,_ The Police Officers' & Firefighters' Trust Fund Board is requesting an amendment to the Police and Fire Pension Ordinance to include the Pension Protection Act of 2006 and subsequent regulations and guidance from the IRS, as well as other changes to the Internal Revenue Code and Regulations, changes to the State law and the adoption of Chapter 2009-07, Laws of Florida. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced that the Second Reading and Public Hearing is scheduled for September 21,2010, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter. I H. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE Page 5 of8 City Commission Regular August 17, 2010 I I. REGULAR AGENDA W/" This item was voted on under Staff Reports and Agenda Review at the beginning of the meeting. );, ;~l " __'~~"Uij~;~)O'<~~~,,",i!'i.~ .....,.,...,~ ~ - ;9.. 'sS~..~~i~!!.a~~i}.Dir~~.~9'; ^ .de1ltial ~roperty. uifaih"~[efficr~rWastiitllij .Ad) "'_ _""" .,g~.,. """,.,"",.___",,,,' ~...~.,~. ."" ,..".,,:;:::;:.;:: oi.i~i*" ~,~~ Trees can reduce the erosion of our top soil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air produce oxygen, provide habitat for wildlife, and increase property values, and improve the aesthetics of the community. Based on numerous comments from citizens to staff and to the City Commission, staff was directed to evaluate and bring forward a means of regulating trees on private residential properties. Staff has prepared a draft ordinance creating a new Chapter 45 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee that creates a regulatory framework and policy for the control of planting, removal, maintenance, and protection of trees on private residential properties. Building Official Washington explained while researching the Code of Ordinances, it was found that the Land Development Code really only addresses commercial and undeveloped lands. He stated that he has drafted a new Chapter 45 for the Code of Ordinances addressing this issue. The high points would be address issues that caused undue complications with the residents exempting platted mobile home parks. The new requirements will be that three trees must remain on the lot, just like a new house, unless amended by a Developer's Agreement or other Legal Document. The ordinance would not force people to put three trees on their lot unless they need to remove a tree or they lose one from disease and would that would cause them to have less than three trees. Commissioner Hood asked if he had to remove a tree because it may fall during a storm, there will be no consequences as long as he has three existing trees on his properties. Mr. Washington said that is correct. He also clarified that if you have to replace a tree, it does not have to be the same type of tree that you removed. Mr. Washington said the ordinance has a list of trees that have to be followed for selecting replacement trees. Commissioner Hood and Commissioner Johnson agreed that government should not be regulating the number of trees someone needs in their own yard. Commissioner Hood asked what the permit fee is for cutting down a tree to which Mr. Washington stated $10. He asked what happens if he doesn't get the permit and City Attorney Rosenthal stated that penalties are addressed in the proposed ordinance which includes a 4 to 1 ratio and would subject you to fines for by Code Enforcement for non compliance. Mayor Vandergrift said his neighborhood has a lot of trees, his own yard has 14 trees and it would not be reasonable to replace one tree with three more. Commissioner Keller stated that there is not enough room on the many properties when the trees get bigger, particularly those with septic tanks. He also stated there may be some confusion between the City requirements and the HOA requirements. There was discussion about tree ordinance in other cities. Elizabeth Osborne, said she is hearing that everyone loves trees but no one wants to have any. People don't want to rake leaves, etc. She thinks people want government involved if they are going do something to help them, but it is too much government when they try to regulate things. She added that Windermere is doing a well with tree requirements. She said we all need trees for oxygen and temperature control. Commissioner Rosemary Wilsen called to ask that this item be tabled until she is present to discuss it. Commissioner Johnson spoke about residents being Page 6 of8 City Commission Regular August 17, 2010 able to do what they want in their own yard without government regulation. Mr. Washington said the current code does not address single family residential lots. He said we have not been requiring tree permits since this new opinion of the code was rendered. Commissioner Keller said the older homes that are not part of an HOA may not be able to accommodate three trees, especially those with septic tanks. City Manager Frank stated that the draft copy of the new chapter is a working copy and you may want to add to it to allow for exceptions for septic tank issues, etc. Consensus. without objection. to table this item until the meetina on September 21.2010. City Attorney Rosenthal reminded the Commissioners that this was brought forth as a discussion item so they would have the opportunity to review the proposed new chapter and suggest changes before it comes before them as a first reading on an ordinance. Mr. Shaffer, 1702 Ison Lane, wanted to clarify that current single family residential homes can take down trees without a city permit. Building Official Washington stated that was correct at this time. Mr. Keller cautioned that all residential homeowners need to check with their HOA to comply with their laws as well. City Manager Frank clarified that this item should be brought back again as a discussion item only. Utility Director Smith stated that this is just an administrative financial issue. They had one project with money left over and need additional funding in another project and they are asking permission to reallocate of $37,764.45 from the Windstone Reclaimed Retrofit project to cover the change order for the Reclaimed Water System Retrofit for Wedgewood Commons and Whitehill Subdivisions project. Mavor Vanderarift, seconded bv Commissioner Keller. moved to approve the reallocation of $37.764.45 from the Windstone Reclaimed Retrofit project to cover the chanae order for the Reclaimed Water System Retrofit for Wedaewood Commons and Whitehill Subdivisions project. per staff recommendations. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wilsen absent. I J. STAFF ACTION ITEMS - none Page 7 of8 City Commission Regular August 17, 2010 I K. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Hood - no comments Commissioner Johnson - inquired of City Manager Frank and staff regarding the Code Enforcement issue where we just made an exception to allow restaurants and other small businesses to post signs. He said a lessee of a building in the industrial park must obtain owner authorization prior to being issued a permit for a sign of advertisement. Commissioner Johnson suggested an amendment to the ordinance. Development Services Director Shadrix stated legislation is currently written requiring owner authorization for sign permitting. He further stated that this is an isolated case, which has been resolved however, there will be some review into changing the ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift asked for staff to review the matter. Discussion ensued regarding the escalation of challenges surrounding sign permitting for lessee. Commissioner Hood - later inquired about the fountain/pond area in front of city hall. He asked if the city boat can be used to help clean the trash out of the Starke Lake where the fountain is located. Public Works Director Krug commented will be meeting with Fish and Wildlife pond is so full of aquatic vegetation that it is clogging irrigating device and getting a boat in the area Commissioner Keller - reminded everyone to get out and vote. Mayor Vandergrift - Rupert Ward needs repair done to his house and has not had any feedback concerning what can be done regarding the repair. Deputy Fire Chief Stanley commented they have assessed the repairs to be completed; they have the materials and will be coordinating get the work completed. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:31 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 8 of8