HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #15 Stor Kwik - Preliminary/Final Site Plan Contact Name: Contact Number: Bobby Howell, MPA Meeting Date: September 21,2010 Item # --'5 Reviewed By: Development Service Director: City Manager: 407 -905-3100, Ext. 1044 Subject: Stor Kwil< - Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan LS-2010-001 Commission District 3 - Rusty Johnson ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Stor I<wik? DISCUSSION: - - -The subject property. is located on the southwest corner of the intersection of State Road 50 andWestrun Road. More specifically the property is known as Lot '1 of the West 50 Commercial Subdivision. The table below references the future land uses, zoning classifications and existing land uses of the surrounding parcels: Direction Future Land Use Zoninq Classification Existing Land Use North Commercial C-3 (General Manheim Auto Auction Commercial) East Commercial C-3 (General Lot 2, West 50 Commercial Subdivision Commercial) South Commercial C-3 (General "Tract A", West 50 Commercial Commercial) Subdivision retention pond West Public right-of-wav None - SR 429 SR 429 The Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Stor Kwik proposes the construction of a 41,225 square foot self- storage facility with associated retail units on the front fa<;:ade of the main building. The storage facility will consist of a total of six buildings, with the main building noted as Building "A". This building is proposed as a three-story climate-controlled self-storage use with the front fa<;:ade consisting of three retail units, and two office spaces which will be utilized by the storage facility. The remaining buildings, "B - F" will be provided in the rear of the site away from visibility on State Road 50. These buildings are proposed as one-story non-climate controlled storage buildings. These buildings will be shielded by the landscape buffer that will be provided on Westrun Road and will be on a portion of the site that is accessible only to tenants. The applicant has worked with staff to preserve as many existing trees as possible on site. On the southwest corner of the site a drive aisle was designed in a fashion to preserve a cluster of Oal< trees with diameters ranging from twelve to twenty-four inches. The plan is consistent with all applicable provisions of the Land Development Code except for those the applicant is seeking a waiver from. WAIVER REQUESTS In order to proceed with review of the Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan, the applicant has requested one waiver from the requirements of the Land Development Code. The City Commission has sole discretion to approve waivers from Code requirements based upon four criteria: '1. If the project is part of an integrated and master planned development; 2. If the project is compatible with surrounding developments; 3. If the project imposes no impacts on City infrastructure greater than that generated by other uses normally pen in the underlying zoning districts; and /01', 4. If the project provides an offsetting public benefit which is technically sound and measurable. The waiver that is requested is to Section 6.10 B (4) (A) of the Land Development Code. Section 6.10 B (4) (A) requires a 4:1 replacement ratio of all protected trees on a development site. The applicant conveyed to staff that this waiver was being requested since the required replacement trees could not adequately be provided on site. A total of 108 new trees are being provided on site in accordance with the landscape requirements of the Land Development Code. An examination of the landscape plan confirms that there appears to be no additional space remaining on site to provide the requisite replacement trees. The applicant is proposing a replacement ratio of 1: 1, or 25-percent of the required ratio. This amounts to 26 replacement trees that will be provided on site. The applicant has justified this waiver request by stating the total number of protected trees prior to development is 38 trees. The required number of trees equals 47 shade and 65 understory trees. The number of trees to be provided equals 12 existing and 51 shade and 75 understory trees. The total number of trees after development will be 138 trees. Staff recommends approval of the aforementioned waiver request since the applicant worked with staff to preserve as many existing trees as possible on site. On the southwest corner of the site, a drive aisle was jogged in a fashion to preserve a cluster of Oak trees with diameters ranging from twelve to twenty-four inches. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on July 29, 2010 and reviewed the applicant's request. The applicant was notified of several outstanding issues that had yet to be resolved. The applicant raised concern in regard to the City's 4:1 tree replacement requirement, stating that all required replacement trees would not be able to be placed on the property. It was suggested to the applicant to apply for a waiver to permit a tree replacement ratio of 1: 1, instead of the Land Development Code required 4: 1 ratio. No additional concerns were addressed, and the DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Large- Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Stor l<wik. PLANNING 81 ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: On August 10, 2010, the Planning & Zoning Commission met to consider approval of the Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Stor Kwil<. After concluding their deliberations, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted 5-1 to approve the Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Stor Kwil<, including the waiver request. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Stor Kwil<, including the waiver request. 2 ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Future Land Use Map Zoning Map Large-Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan FINANCIAL IMPACT: Increase in the City's tax base due to new development. TYPE OF ITEM: (please marlc with all "x'J ~ Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerl(,s DeDt Use: _____ Consent Agenda _____ Public Hearing _____ Regular Agenda _ Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City CierI< __ Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. 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Florida;'. tD cDnslder, the, StDr Kwik Preliminarv/Flnal Site Plan IDcated Dn ~giJi u~ee~b/Phl~rD"pa"~m'cJ~s1sr.rgi a self-stDrage faCllffvwlth an a"ached retail use.' -".. , Interested parties may appear at the public hearing and be heard with re-' spect tD the praPDsed actions. .The complete' case Ifile,'-includlng''''Q com. g),~~d~~~~vd~cf~~~c~e~va~~~e5c~ Communltv DevelDPment Department. 150 North LakeshDre Drive. OCDee. FIDrlda. between the. hours Df 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 ,p.m.f' MDndav thrDUgh Fridav! except, lega hDlldavs. . Th~ Cltv C~m~lssio~ ";av continue the publiC heDrings tDDther dates and times. as It deems'necessary. Anv In. terested party sholl be advised that the',dates. limes.: and places Df any cDnltnuallDn of these or cDnllnued pub- lic hearings shall be annDunced during the hearlngs"and that no further no- IIces regarding these matters will be ~~~~~h~cr~~~lr~~eto"g~~:~ ~~~t d~~r. siDn made during Ihe public' hearings will need a recDrd Df the proceedings ,and far this purpose may need tD en- sure that a verbatim record of the pro- ceedings is made which includes the testlmDnv and evidence upon which ~~ill~rt.~:..\~I~~s~~sl~'iinsg,:lStDW~~rt~b': pate In any of the prDceedlngs ShDUld cDntact .the Cllv Clerk',s Office 48 ~~N~~]~gran~e of the meeting at Beth Eikenberry. City Clerk OLSt08590J 9/91'2010