HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-28-2010 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 28, 2010 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Godek called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. Member Lowery led the Invocation and Member Alexander led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a quorum was declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Godek, Vice Chair M. Godek, Members Alexander, Lowery, and Alternate Member Kelley. Also present were Code Enforcement Officer Delgado, Code Enforcement Officer Loeffler, Code Enforcement Officer Rodriguez, Code Enforcement Officer Siegrist, Fire Inspector Sorenson, Administrative Assistant Ballard, Attorney Sneed, Assistant City Attorney Hamilton, and Deputy City Clerk Sibbitt. ABSENT: Members Amey, Hopper, Osborne, and Sais were absent excused. GUESTS: None. Administrative Assistant Ballard administered the oath to the Code Enforcement Officers, Fire Inspector, and anyone intending to speak regarding a case. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD, IN WHICH CASE THE CHAIRMAN WILL INSTRUCT THE BOARD CLERK TO REMOVE THE ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. The Consent Agenda consisted of approval of Items A, B and C. *Note: Consent Agenda was amended. A. Minutes of the August 24, 2010, Code Enforcement Board Meeting B. Dismissal or Compliance. (Case Numbers 10 -188, 10 -221, 10 -231, 10 -232, 10 -237, 10- 238, 10 -239, 10 -240, and 10 -242 were transferred to consent.) Case Number Respondent Location of Violation 1) 10 -188 Margin, LLC 399 Enterprise Street # 407 Affordable Mercedes -Benz & BMW, INC 2) 10 -221 Sandy's Home Decor 9401 W Colonial Drive # 712 3) 10 -231 Christopher Blaine Andrews 307 Longshadows Court 4) 10 -232 Loli Alarcon & Walter Alarcon 3435 McCormick Woods Dr. 5) 10 -237 Rams Auto Center, INC 150 11 M Bowness Rd 6) 10 -238 Iovonne E Riestra 1826 Cassingham Circle 7) 10 -239 Kamaldai Ramkissoon & Ramdeholl Devi 1401 Prairie Oaks Court Code Enforcement Board Minutes September 28, 2010 8) 10 -240 Silver Star Learning Center, INC. 241 Ocoee Apopka Road 9) 10 -242 Florida Bank OF Commerce E Silver Star Road C. Order of Continuance (October 26, 2010, Meeting). (Case Number 10 -243 was transferred to consent.) Case Number Respondent Location of Violation 1) 10 -243 Nga Hoang Phung 2130 Laurel Blossom Circle Kevin Dong Huynh Vice Chair M. Godek, seconded by Member Alexander, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented by city staff Motion carried unanimously. Vice Chair M. Godek, seconded by Member Lowery, moved to hear the cases in the following order: Case Nos. 97 -149, 06 -117, 10 -241, and 07 -163; then revert back to the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS - None. HEARINGS OF STATEMENTS OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO THE HEARING RULES ADOPTED BY THIS BOARD ON JUNE 27, 1995, VARIOUS DOCUMENTS ARE USED BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS IN EACH CASE AND ARE REPORTED IN THE CASE TESTIMONY GIVEN BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. IN THESE MINUTES THE TITLES TO THOSE DOCUMENTS WILL BE ABBREVIATED AS FOLLOWS: ACFD - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE FOR DEMOLITION, AOC - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE, AONC - AFFIDAVIT OF NON - COMPLIANCE, ATF- APPLICATION TO FORECLOSE, CO - COMPLIANCE ORDER, CMFD — COMMISSION MEETING FOR DETERMINATION, CS — CONTINUED STAY, CTR - COPY TO RESPONDENT, ECO — EXTENDED COMPLIANCE ORDER, EX- EXHIBITS, FS- FEES STAYED, LDC — Land Development Code, NOCV - NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION, NOH - NOTICE OF HEARING, NS -No Service, OAF - ORDER AUTHORIZING FORECLOSURE, OIF/L- ORDER IMPOSING FINE/LIEN, ONC - ORDER OF NON - COMPLIANCE, OOC - ORDER OF CONTINUANCE, , ORF — ORDER REDUCING FINE, PDFS - PER DAY FINE SUSPENDED, POS - PROOF OF SERVICE, RFR - REQUEST FOR REHEARING, RFRDUC- REQUEST FOR REDUCTION DENIED UNTIL COMPLIANCE, ROF- REDUCTION OF FINE, SFH — SUBPOENA FOR HEARING, SOV - STATEMENT OF VIOLATION (S) and WD — WITHDREW. HEARINGS ON STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARINGS Vice Chair M. Godek, seconded by Alternate Member Kelley, moved in Case No. 97 -149 to re -hear case for request of reduction of fine. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 97 -149 — Douglas and Nancy Pridgen 509 Nicole Blvd. Officer Cronnon Violation Cited: 165-3 11 -05 -97 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 12 -08 -97 12 -09 -97 SOV 12 -09 -97 NOH Meeting Date: 01 -27 -98 12 -09 -97 POS Certified Mail 12 -30 -97 POS Hand Delivery 01 -27 -98 CO Comply by 02 -03 -98 or be fined $100 /per day 02 -10 -98 ANC Re- inspection date: 02 -04 -98 02 -24 -98 OIFL Recorded 02 -27 -98 09 -01 -09 AC 09 -01 -09 OIFL Total due: $459,200 Observation: Inoperable vehicle in front yard. Page 2 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes September 28, 2010 Officer Loeffler gave a brief summary of the case and stated this case was observed and presented to the Code Enforcement Board prior to any of the current officer being employed by the city. He further stated he was sent out to the property on May 12, 2009, and did report that there was some form of inoperable vehicle on the property but he was not sure if it was the same vehicle. Attorney Sneed stated she would recommend they let the respondent give his testimony first then they can question the officer. Lynn Walker Wright, Attorney representing the respondent, stated that this is a rental property and they are here to prove that the notice sent in 1998 was never received by the respondent. Mr. Pridgen did however; receive a notice informing him of the $459,200 fine which is why he asked her to represent him. Ms. Wright stated that Mr. Pridgen is here and prepared to testify that he did live at that address at one time, there were two trucks in front of the residence back in the 90's (both trucks were operable), and he has worked for a car store for many years which requires him to take a flat bed truck home leaving his personal vehicle at his address. She further explained and provided exhibits to help her testimony and had Mr. Pridgen give his testimony. Chairman Godek inquired from the respondent if he is testifying that this violation has never happened. Mr. Pridgen stated that is correct. Chairman Godek inquired if in the past did the officers not have to go back to observe if the violation had been corrected. Officer Loeffler stated he is not sure how it was handled prior to his employment. Alternate Member Kelley stated that looking at the paperwork it shows that in December 30, 1997, a letter was hand delivered to him by Officer G. Edwards. Mr. Pridgen stated he believes that was a notice that was for a car that was not on his property and he had spoken with a lady officer and explained that to her. Vice Chair M. Godek stated that the two pictures he presented as evidence were not dated and shows an unidentified location. Alternate Member Kelley stated that in the letter it mentions truck and never mentions a car so he is not sure how the neighbor's vehicle may have been the vehicle in question. Mr. Pridgen stated his truck has never had a flat tire. Member Lowery inquired if he has the letter from December 1997 because that would have informed him of the hearing. Mr. Pridgen stated he looked at the letter but contacted the City and was referred to a lady in code enforcement who he informed that the vehicle in question was not his car. Member Alexander inquired if any of the conversations that Mr. Pridgen is stating that took place, located in the file. Officer Loeffler stated there are no notations in the file regarding the conversations just the routine required mailings. Alternate Member Kelley inquired as to what code violations were cited because he is hearing several violations from the testimony. Officer Loeffler stated from what he reviewed in the files it was165 -3 which is supported by definition 165 -4. Vice Chair M. Godek stated that using the letter that Mr. Pridgen submitted as evidence along with his request for reduction. It stated that the truck in question was legally tagged from 1998 -2007; however looking back at his registrations they are dated in 1999. He further stated based on the evidence in front of them it seemed that Mr. Pridgen has one year and three months of Page 3 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes September 28, 2010 violations because they have nothing showing compliance. Assistant City Attorney Hamilton stated that the board can do whatever it deems appropriate, but he does have the file and the vehicle that was the subject of the notice is only identified as a gray truck in the front yard with the appearance of being inoperable. The proof of delivery is from Officer Edwards stating that on December 30, 1997, he did hand delivery to the respondent. Attorney Sneed reminded the board that this is a recorded lien, and they are only making a recommendation to the City Commission. Vice Chair M. Godek, seconded bv Member Lowery, moved in Case No. 97 -149 to recommend to the City Commission to reduce the fine to $4,550. Motion carried unanimously. Member Lowery, seconded bv Vice Chair M. Godek, moved in Case No. 06 -117 to re -hear case for request of reduction of fine. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 06 -117 — David W. Driesse 471 Little Aspen Court Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 115 -5, 115 -3, 108 -23Q 08 -10 -06 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 08 -28 -06 08 -30 -06 SOV 08 -30 -06 NOH Meeting Date: 09 -26 -06 08 -30 -06 POS Certified Mail 09 -06 -06 POS Regular Mail 09 -0609 POS Posting 09 -26 -06 CO Comply by 10 -10 -06 or be fined $150 /per day 10 -11 -06 ANC Re- inspection date: 02 -04 -98 10 -24 -06 OIFL As of 10 -11 -06 10 -12 -09 AC 10 -14 -09 OIFL Total due: $164,400 10 -14 -09 POS Regular & Certified Mail Observation: Weed/grass growth over 10 ". Also large dead tree limbs and branches in backyard. Also 8ft. white fence in backyard in poor condition. Officer Siegrist gave a brief history of the case and further stated that the total fine amount due is $164,400. David Driesse stated he received the letter from the City regarding a lien on his property from his neighbor on Labor Day. He further stated the letter was addressed to the Medina's and he has no idea who they are. He also stated he had never received a notice of violation in 2006. Mr. Driesse further explained the only violation he has ever received to his Maitland address from the City was for his neighbor's boat being parked in his driveway and he immediately brought that into compliance. He further stated the envelope he did receive this time reads, "return to sender not deliverable as addressed ". It was mailed regular and not first class certified and was addressed to 471 Little Aspen Court. The mail carrier gave the letter to his neighbor who in turn contacted him to pick it up. Mr. Driesse stated that 471 Little Aspen Court is a rental property and he has not resided there since 2005. Attorney Sneed advised the board that the notice requirement is that if you send it by mail the government agency is Page 4 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes September 28, 2010 required to send it certified to the address listed on the property appraiser's office unless the City has another address of record. If it is returned and refused the City can then send it regular mail and post City Hall which constitutes a notice. Mr. Driesse stated that he was notified at his Maitland address for the boat that was in his driveway and feels that at some point the City knew where he lived. Officer Siegrist stated that he has no knowledge of a boat in the driveway but he does have several proof of services for certified and regular mail. He also posted a notice. Member Alexander inquired about the Medians' that were mentioned in his letter. Mr. Driesse read the letter aloud to the board. Attorney Sneed stated it seems like an obvious cut and paste mistake. She further explained the orders are a form and the clerk cuts and paste the respondents name into the field. Alternate Member Kelley inquired if we happen to know the address of the respondent back in 2006. Officer Siegrist stated in 2006 Mr. Driesse's address according to the property appraiser's office was 471 Little Aspen Court. Mr. Driesse inquired if the post office is required to forward his mail after a year. Officer Siegrist stated he is not aware but does believe paperwork has to be filed for that to happen. Attorney Sneed stated based on the documents in the file, constructive notice was provided to the respondent. Vice Chair M. Godek inquired if they could cross - reference the Medina respondents to see if they somehow escaped some kind of violations. A brief discussion ensued regarding the Medina name in the document. Attorney Sneed advised the board that they did not have to make a decision tonight; they have the right to continue this and have city staff bring the files before the board for review. Member Lowery, seconded by Vice Chair M. Godek, moved in Case No. 06 -117 to table this case to the next meeting so staff can look further into the allegations and provide the correct paperwork so a recommendation can be made. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 10 -241— Sanjeey Bhatta & Pritha Dhungana 3420 Big Eagle Drive Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 115 -5, 115 -3, 143 -15, 143 -2E 08 -16 -10 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 09 -03 -10 09 -15 -10 SOV 09 -15 -10 NOH Meeting Date: 09 -28 -10 09 -15 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail Observation: Excessive weed/grass growth. Trash and debris, unauthorized accumulation (Solid Waste) container (Franchisee). Officer Loeffler gave a brief history of the case and further stated, as of September 24, 2010, the property is in compliance. Sanjeey Bhatta stated that he just realized the envelope has his address wrong and he would have complied a lot sooner had he known he needed to change his address. Alternate Member Kellen, seconded by Member Lowery, moved in Case No. 10 -241 to find the respondent in violation as cited as of August 31, 2010, but in compliance as of September 24, 2010 and no fine be assessed at this time. Motion carried unanimously. Page 5 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes September 28, 2010 Alternate Member Kelley, seconded by Member Alexander, moved in Case No. 07 -163 to re- hear case for request of reduction of fine. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 07 -163 — Denver Harper 19 Cedar Key Court Officer Delgado Violation Cited: 108 -22, 108 -24, 108 -19A, 108 -23, 108 -19I 07 -31 -07 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 08 -10 -07 08 -14 -07 SOV 08 -14 -07 NOH Meeting Date: 08 -28 -07 08 -14 -07 POS Certified Mail 08 -28 -07 CO Comply by 09 -11 -07 or be fined $50 /per day per violation 08 -29 -07 POS Regular & Certified Mail 09 -12 -07 ANC 09 -25 -07 OIFL 08 -21 -08 AC 06 -23 -09 OIFL Total due: $17,250 Observation: Interior electrical not to code, unsafe electrical condition (extension cords). Permit required. Washer waste not connected to waste septic system. No smoke detectors installed. Trash/debris. Kitchen and bathrooms under sink water damaged. Water damage around bathtub, floors, and walls. Holes throughout. Bathtub and shower in master bedroom does not work. Roach infested. Officer Delgado gave a brief history of the case and further stated that the tenant did get a permit, but still did not come into full compliance until August 21, 2008. Member Lowery inquired if in 2008 all inspections were done and passed. Officer Delgado stated that is correct, he did have all required inspections. She further explained that he pulled a permit to fix the violations, but when it expired, another code case was opened for that violation which is what she believes prompted the full compliance. Alternate Member Kelley inquired who owns the property. Russell Harper stated that Denver Harper was his great - grandfather, but he passed in 2000 and his grandfather inherited the properties. When they inherited the properties, they were all a mess so he has been taking care of the properties one at a time. His grandfather lives in Georgia, and he works for him in maintaining the properties. Alternate Member Kelley inquired if there was anyone living in the home at the time. Mr. Harper stated that he had relocated the tenants, so the house was empty when he was working on it. Vice Chair M. Godek, seconded by Alternate Member Kelley, moved in Case No. 07 - 163 to recommend to the City Commission to reduce the fine to $1, 725. Motion carried unanimously. Page 6 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes September 28, 2010 Case No. 10 -217 — Radio Shack 9401 W. Colonial Drive Ste. 410 Fire Inspector Sorenson Violation Cited: NFPA 1 08 -10 -10 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 08 -18 -10 08 -19 -10 SOV Hand Delivery 08 -19 -10 NOH Meeting Date: 09 -28 -10 08 -19 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail Observation: Missing or damaged ceiling tiles. Fire Inspector Sorenson gave a brief history of the case and further stated, as of September 15, 2010, the property was in compliance. The city is requesting the recovery of the administrative cost of $413.55. Member Alexander, seconded by Vice Chair M. Godek, moved in Case Number 10 -217 to ind the respondent in violation as cited as o August 17 2010 but in comsliance as o September 15, 2010, and no fine be assessed at this time; however, the respondent pay the administrative cost of $413.55. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 10 -219 — Jospeh C. Elcinette & Emmanuel J. Pierre 2026 Cassingham Circle Officer Delgado Violation Cited: 115 -5, 115 -7 08 -19 -10 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: REPEAT VIOLATION 08 -19 -10 SOV 08 -19 -10 NOH Meeting Date: 09 -28 -10 08 -19 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail Observation: Excessive weed or grass growth. Duty of property owner. Officer Delgado gave a brief history of the case providing exhibits and further stated this is a repeat violation. She further stated as of August 26, 2010, the property was in compliance. This is the third time this violation has come before the board for this address. She stated they have a fine against the property for $500. Officer Delgado stated there are tenants in the home. She further stated she went by the home today and the grass is overgrown again. Attorney Sneed advised the board that the respondent had 10 days of repeat violation but it seems they are a repeat again. Officer Delgado stated this seems to be a pattern with the respondents. Attorney Sneed advised the board that because this is a repeat violation, and they have heard testimony again tonight that the respondent is in non - compliance; they can impose a fine for the 10 days plus each, and every day they continue to remain in violation from today's date. Vice Chair M. Godek, seconded by Alternate Member Kelley, moved in Case Number 10 -219 to find the respondent in violation as a repeat violator as cited as of August 17, 2010, fine them $750 for repeat violation, and be given until October 5, 2010, to come into compliance or be fined $100 /per day thereafter. Motion carried unanimously. Page 7 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes September 28, 2010 Case No. 10 -229 — MFCS Investors, LLC 1100 Blackwood Avenue Officer Delgado Violation Cited: 115 -5, 115 -7 09 -01 -10 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: REPEAT VIOLATION 09 -01 -10 SOV 09 -01 -10 NOH Meeting Date: 09 -28 -10 09 -01 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail Observation: Excessive weed or grass growth. Duty of property owner. Officer Delgado gave a brief history of the case providing exhibits and further stated this is a repeat violation. She further stated as of September 7, 2010, the property was in compliance. Vice Chair M. Godek, seconded by Member Alexander, moved in Case Number 10 -229 to find the respondent in violation as a repeat violator as cited as of August 21, 2010, and in compliance as of September 7, 2010, but the respondent to pay a fine of $750. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 10 -233 — Arturo Velasquez & Adelfina Velasquez 470 Wurst Road Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: LDC 6 -4 6(b), 168 -6B1 08 -06 -10 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 08 -17 -10 09 -16 -10 SOV 09 -16 -10 NOH Meeting Date: 09 -28 -10 09 -16 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail Observation: Trailer/RV's parked on private property. Officer Loeffler gave a brief history of the case providing exhibits. He further stated, as of today, the property is in compliance. Member Lowery, seconded by Vice Chair M. Godek, moved in Case Number 10 -233 to find the respondent in violation as cited as of August 13, 2010, but in compliance as of September 28, 2010, and no fine be assessed at this time. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 10 -236 — Gaitree & Rory B. Shananhan 1334 Vickers Lake Drive Officer Delgado Violation Cited: 115 -1, 115 -5A, 108 -23 (1) (2) 08 -19 -10 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 09 -01 -10 09 -03 -10 SOV 09 -03 -10 NOH Meeting Date: 09 -28 -10 09 -03 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail 09 -17 -10 POS Posting Observation: Conditions constituting a nuisance - general requirements interior /exterior. Excessive weed or grass growth. Officer Delgado gave a brief history of the case providing exhibits and further stated, as of today, the property is in non - compliance. The city is looking to abate the nuisance by Page 8of13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes September 28, 2010 removing the tree limbs that are hanging onto the roof. A brief discussion ensued regarding abating the property. Member Lowery, seconded by Alternate Member Kelley, moved in Case No. 10 -236 to find the respondent in violation as cited as of August 29, 2010, and be given until October 8, 2010, to comply or be fined $150 /per day thereafter per violation. Also authorize the City to abate the nuisance and add the cost to the fine. Motion carried unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS Case No. 08 -074 — Fernando Rodriguez and Edith Mendoza 2691 Horn Lake Circle Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 105.4, 51 -128g 01 -30 -08 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 02 -27 -08 03 -10 -08 SOV 03 -10 -08 NOH Meeting Date: 03 -25 -08 03 -10 -08 POS Regular & Certified Mail 03 -25 -08 CO Given until 04 -08 -08 to comply or be fined $200 /per day 04 -09 -08 ANC 04 -22 -08 OIFL 01 -25 -10 ANC Observation: Failure to obtain any required inspections for a screen room, permit #0600992, issued on April 28, 2006, and expired on November 1, 2006, and $25.00 due fore re- inspection fee. Officer Rodriguez stated that this case is an old case and she is asking for the case to be amended to only have Edith Mendoza as a respondent and remove Fernando Rodriguez. Member Lowery, seconded by Alternate Member Kelley, moved in Case No. 08 - 074 to dismiss Fernando Rodriguez as a respondent from the case. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 10 -124 — Jeremy & Emma Bellis 321 Trancas Court Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 168 -6 05 -18 -10 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 06 -01 -10 06 -02 -10 SOV 06 -02 -10 NOH Meeting Date: 06 -22 -10 06 -02 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail 06 -22 -10 CO Given until 08-13-10 to comply or be fined $100 /per day thereafter 06 -25 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail 07 -29 -10 OC Board extended compliance date to 08 -24 -10 07 -29 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail 08 -24 -10 CO Extension to 09 -27 -10 Observation: Camper trailer parked (no tag) in front/side yard. In compliance. Page 9of13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes September 28, 2010 Case No. 10 -152 — Richard R. Wilson Jr. Life Estate REM: Joel David Buckley 23 Cockles Key Drive Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 165 -3, 115 -3 06 -03 -10 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 06 -06 -10 06 -06 -10 SOV 06 -06 -10 NOH Meeting Date: 07 -27 -10 06 -06 -10 POS Regular and Certified Mail 07 -14 -10 POS Hand Delivery 07 -29 -10 CO Given until 09 -17 -10 to comply or be fmed $100 /per day 07 -29 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail 09 -15 -10 AC Observation: Prohibited Acts, Junk Vehicles on Property, No Valid Tags & Disrepair. In compliance as of September 15, 2010. Case No. 10 -193 — Marie Lina & Jean Rhodes Camille 2109 El Marra Drive Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 115 -5 07 -07 -10 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 07 -28 -10 07 -29 -10 SOV 07 -29 -10 NOH Meeting Date: 08 -24 -10 07 -29 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail 08 -24 -10 CO Given until 09-10-10 to comply or be fmed $50 /per day 09 -15 -10 AC Observation: Excessive weed or grass growth. In compliance. Case No. 10 -194 — GianMarco Rossi 2382 Laurel Blossom Circle Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 115 -5 07 -07 -10 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 07 -28 -10 07 -29 -10 SOV 07 -29 -10 NOH Meeting Date: 08 -24 -10 07 -29 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail 08 -24 -10 CO Given until 09 -10 -10 to comply or be fined $50 /per day 09 -15 -10 AC Observation: Excessive weed or grass growth. In compliance. Page 10 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes September 28, 2010 Case No. 10 -195 — Dinh Nguyen 2496 Laurel Blossom Circle Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 115 -5 07 -07 -10 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 07 -28 -10 07 -29 -10 SOV 07 -29 -10 NOH Meeting Date: 08 -24 -10 07 -29 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail 08 -24 -10 CO Given until 09-10-10 to comply or be fined $50 /per day Also abate and add cost to the fine. 09 -15 -10 AC Observation: Excessive weed or grass growth. In compliance. Case No. 10 -203 — Alison G. Chariot 6836 Sawmill Blvd. Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 115 -3, 108 -23 I 07 -29 -10 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 08- 0506 -10 08 -09 -10 SOV 08 -09 -10 NOH Meeting Date: 08 -24 -10 08 -09 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail 08 -24 -10 CO Given until 09 -10 -10 to comply or be fmed $100 /per day per violation Also abate and add cost to the fine. 09 -13 -10 ANC Observation: Prohibited acts, general requirements, remove misc. junk/debris from property, replace /secure broken window. Officer Rodriguez stated this is to impose fine, and they have an administrative cost of $398.01. Vice Chair M. Godek, seconded by Member Alexander, moved in Case No. 10 -203 to impose fine effective September 11, 2010, and have respondent pay all administrative cost. Also authorize abatement and add cost to the fine. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 10 -209 — Luis A. Barragan 464 Northern Durango Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 115 -3, 168 -6 B (1) (a) (b) 07 -13 -10 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 07 -19 -10 08 -12 -10 SOV 08 -12 -10 NOH Meeting Date: 08 -24 -10 08 -12 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail 08 -24 -10 CO Given until 09 -03 -10 to comply or be fmed $100 /per day per violation Observation: Parking on public or private property, prohibited acts. In compliance. Page 11 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes September 28, 2010 Case No. 10 -210 — Edgardo & Natalie Caruso 409 Little Spring Hill Drive Officer Loeffler 07 -21 -10 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 07 -28 -10 08 -12 -10 SOV 08 -12 -10 NOH Meeting Date: 08 -24 -10 08 -12 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail 08 -24 -10 CO Given until 09-03-10 to comply or be fined $100 /per day per violation Also abate the nuisance and add cost to the fme Observation: Prohibited acts, general requirements (broken window, fallen decayed tree limbs). Officer Loeffler stated this is to impose fine. Vice Chair M. Godek, seconded by Member Lowery, moved in Case No. 10 -210 to impose fine effective September 4, 2010, and authorize abatement and add cost to the fine. Motion carried unanimously. Case No. 10 -212 — Denise Brown 204 Audrey Street Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 115 -5 A.C., 115 -3, 115 -6, 108.23Q 07 -28 -10 NOCV Re- Inspection Date: 08 -05 -10 08 -12 -10 SOV 08 -12 -10 NOH Meeting Date: 08 -24 -10 08 -12 -10 POS Regular & Certified Mail 08 -24 -10 CO Given until 09-03-10 to comply or be fined $250 /per day per violation Also abate nuisance and add cost to the fme Observation: Excessive weed or grass. Prohibited acts, abandoned or unsafe swimming pool, general requirements. Officer Loeffler stated this is to impose fine. Member Lowery, seconded by Alternate Member Kelley, moved in Case No. 10 -212 to impose fine effective September 4, 2010, and authorize abatement and add cost to the fine. Motion carried unanimously. COMMENTS Officer Siegrist thanked citizens for their compliance. Chairman Godek announced this would be Deputy City Clerk Sibbitt's last meeting, and a new recording clerk will be stepping in. Member Alexander, Lowery, and Alternate Member Kelley all thanked the Code Enforcement Officers for a wonderful job. Member Lowery also thanked the attorney for keeping the board in line. Chairman Godek inquired if e -better place was still in use since he had heard it was no q longer available. Officer Loeffler stated there is a new system on the website which is very similar to e -better place. Page 12 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes September 28, 2010 ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m. ttest: APPR 1 % I : //lam Melanie Sibbitt, Deputy City Cler Robert Godek, Chairman Page 13 of 13