HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-30-05 Minutes WS Stormwater
November 30, 2005 at 6:30 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift
called the workshop to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Clerk Eikenberry
City Hall. called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call:
Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Hood, Commissioner
Johnson, and Commissioner Parker.
Also Present:
City Manager Frank, Public Works Director Zaitooni, and City Clerk Eikenberry.
Public Works Director Zaitooni
stated that he will give a presentation on a long range
stormwater program to show what has been done in terms of analysis for the next five years. He
stated he will give the presentation and have a question and answer period at the end.
Mr. Zaitooni
showed the how the current revenues are generated with Charges for Services
($5.00 flat fee for residential) making up 85% of the revenue, roughly 1.4 million dollars. There
is an additional 1% in miscellaneous revenue which is from late fees and penalties, as well as a
14% beginning balance.
The current expenditures has four components: 22%; 18%; 25%
($192,000 debt service and 15%-16% transferred into administrative to fund general
capital outlay
government); and 35%.
Mr. Zaitooni
continued stating that Revenues vs. expenditures for the current fiscal year FY05-
06 are Revenues of 1.38 million from the $5.00 flat fee and miscellaneous and interest, as well as
some carry forward money totaling approximately 1.6 million. He stated the City had to settle for
1.6 million in expenditures although the needs were greater than that. Some major projects had to
be postponed because there is not enough money in that fund.
Mr. Zaitooni
reviewed the fee structure in Chapter 150 of the City of Ocoee Code of
Ordinances. The fees are assessed to developed lots and parcels in two classes: residential and
non residential. The residential is a flat fee of one ERU (equivalent residential unit) multiplied by
the number of individual dwellings on that parcel. Regardless of the size, the charge is the same,
which is one ERU. For non residential areas you have the impervious areas which are divided by
2054 (the square footage for one ERU). There is no fee for undeveloped land at the current time.
Mr. Zaitooni
stated they looked at models from other cities. The City of Orlando places their
fees on the annual tax roll; the 2004 fees are $82.56 annually or $6.88 monthly per ERU. One
ERU = 2000 sq. ft. They calculate fees different from us by using a sliding scale as opposed to a
flat fee. He stated that if you have a property that is 4000 square feet you would be charged two
ERUs. The sliding scale is based on the amount of impervious area you have on your property.
On the commercial and multi-family properties they have a sliding scale but they allow discounts if
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there is stormwater management on the property. They also charge fees for undeveloped areas
because those areas do contribute to stormwater issues with runoff, etc. At this time the City of
Ocoee does not do that. The Winter Park model has monthly billing; residential is based on a
sliding scale from 1,099 sq. ft. up to 8.900 sq. ft. There model reflects the cities wishes to have
property owners pay their fair share rather than a flat fee. Their ERU is a little different, 2324 sq.
ft., and Commercial is based strictly on ERUs, the amount of impervious area on the parcel. He
stated Customer Service Supervisor Sills is here to explain any utility billing questions that the
Commission may have. He stated Buddy Elmore is also present to discuss some small projects
that are needed, and Assistant Public Works Director Elliott is also here to answer questions.
Public Works Director Zaitooni
reviewed the Expenditures that will be needed over the next
five years: personnel, equipment, operating, capital projects, debt service and administrative fees
totaling 12.2 million dollars. He also demonstrated the shortfall that will occur each year over the
next five years if the current fee structure is continued. He reviewed a list of fifteen stormwater
projects that need to be done which total $5,406,000.
Mr. Zaitooni
said looking at the revenue analysis and knowing what the current needs and
revenues are it is apparent that fees will need to be adjusted to cover the expenditures. He stated
there are a few options in increasing fees; a sliding scale model and a flat fee increase model.
Increasing the flat fee from $5.00 to $6.50 per ERU would increase revenues by $414,000
annually. He showed a model that increased the fee to $6.50 this year and then another $.50 per
year each October up to $8.50 where it would remain. He stated the sliding scales model will be
more forgiving for smaller parcels of land, where the flat fee does not give that option.
He concluded by stating that staff recommends 1) changing the stormwater ordinance, 2) reaching
consensus on projects, 3) increase fees as recommended, 4) place stormwater fees on annual tax
Commissioner Anderson
asked how many of the 23 projects that were identified when they got
the bond have been completed. Mr. Zaitooni stated three of the projects (Forest Oaks
Stormwater Outfall, Northern Durango Drainage System, and Sawmill Pond #4 Outfall System)
on the current list were leftover from that list; they probably completed approximately 60% of the
items on that list.
Commissioner Anderson
asked about repaving of roads on Hill, Spring, and West and if the
Mr. Zaitooni
berm will be lost and how will that affect stormwater. said the berms will be
maintained when the roads area paved. He added that $80,000 is left in miscellaneous projects if
needed to assist with stormwater collection on those roads that he mentioned.
said that Russell Street going over the railroad tracks has a lot of standing water.
stated that those can be added to the five year plan for large projects or handled with
Mayor Vandergrift
miscellaneous funds as smaller projects. said on Hill Street near the church
we need to create a chimney in the retention ditch to keep the water in the ditch until it got to a
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certain height and then go out. He said there are some common sense solutions that we can do
Mr. Zaitooni
such as swale drainage on those streets Commissioner Anderson was discussing.
said those types of things can be done operationally, we just need to balance the cutting in with
the residents desire to keep their established sod.
Commissioner Anderson
asked what we have for stormwater retention around the Starke Lake.
Mr. Zaitooni
said that we are hoping that the City Hall Pond project will be funded with DEP
money. It will take our ditch and create a stormwater pond which will drain 200+ acres. We
additional like to treat it for pollutants before it drains into Starke Lake, as well as the other 6
pollutant removals that are on the project list. They would like to create small retention areas
(swales) along the shores of Starke Lake wherever possible, as suggested by the Mayor. Beyond
that, they are not considering any other addition of retention ponds on Lakeshore. He added that
another problem is the high water tables because the water cannot seep in as much as you want it
to because of the pressure of the water underneath so you may not get the retention that you want
by creating the swales. There was further discussion with regard to Starke Lake retention.
Commissioner Anderson
asked if we have any stormwater issues related to the widening of
Highway 50 that will create funding needed to move utilities. He said it will not be related to
stormwater, but it is an additional expense that taxpayers will have to bear.
said that is a discussion for another time and the relocation of sewer lines has no
relevance to this topic we are discussing.
Commissioner Anderson
confirmed with Mr. Zaitooni that the pipe at the end of Flewelling that
had deteriorated had been fully repaired and relocated. Mr. Zaitooni stated that there are more
projects in the city than they can possibly afford to fund at this time, the purpose is to create a five
City Manager Frank
year plan with the most urgent projects. stated if Commission agrees with
the projects, conceptually, we will have to bring them back and include them in the CIP in next
year’s budget.
Commissioner Hood
asked if any of these projects are in the current CIP. Mr. Zaitooni stated
the Center Street Collection System was broken into the two years; some is budgeted for this year
and it will have to be finished next year.
Mayor Vandergrift Mr. Zaitooni
asked if there was any money left over in the bond issue. said
less than $20,000 and he was unsure of the interest rate. The loan was for over 2 million and the
debt service is currently $192,000 per year.
Mayor Vandergrift Mr. Zaitooni
asked about the number of employees. said there are five;
Buddy Elmore is the supervisor and there are four operators responsible for cleaning ditches,
running the sweeper, lake watch, and one for general maintenance. Those five employees are
used solely for stormwater issues. The operating costs are approximately $300,000 maintaining
retention ponds and equipment, etc.
Mayor Vandergrift
added that collecting the money on the tax roll will save us approximately
Mr. Zaitooni
$50,000. said we would also pick up some parcels that we are not currently
collecting on.
Mayor Vandergrift
asked about the $950.000 for Pioneer Key. Mr. Zaitooni said FDEP put in
$850,000 and CDBG has put in $500,000 this year and we are asking for $400,000 next year.
This is a 2.6 million dollar project. It will be an educational park and kiosk and will include
Commissioner Johnson
sidewalks. asked about the property on the north side of the road that
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we own and Mr. Zaitooni said that 8.5 acres is exactly where the park is going.
JohnsonMr. Zaitooni
said he heard we are trying to buy the property on Pine Street; said he is
not certain but he may be referring to a parcel that the Expressway Authority is trying to sell and
gave the city the right of first refusal, he does not believe any decision has been made yet. He said
Mr. Wagner asked for a price with the consideration of using the grant from SJRWMD which will
be used if they decide to purchase. That grant money cannot be used for the Pioneer Key project
Mayor Vandergrift
because it comes with many conditions attached. said he would love to see
the city get the property on the east/west expressway just to the west of the SR 429 on Palm
Avenue and develop some low income housing/rentals on those 10 acres. He said it belonged to
Commissioner Johnson
the Ropers, but he eventually sold it back to the Expressway Authority.
said the church owns all the property around the parks and he is trying to talk to them as well.
Mayor VandergriftMr. Zaitooni
asked if Orange County is contributing toward the project.
said to the extent that they are delegating the Federal CDBG money they are contributing,
Mayor Vandergrift
otherwise no. said it would be nice to have a trail run through that property.
Mayor VandergriftCity Manager Frank
asked about setting the rate by resolution. stated that
the fee can be removed from the code and set by resolution if that is how they would like to
handle it.
Commissioner Anderson
asked about the utility fee structure as it applies to undeveloped land.
Mr. Zaitooni
explained that under the current structure they are not paying stormwater, the
City Manager Frank
ordinance does not require that. said he does not object to adding
undeveloped land as long as it is significantly less than developed land. We need to look at what
other cities are doing.
Commissioner Anderson
asked for clarification with regard to Winter Parks process and
expressed that he feels every parcel in the city should be paying a stormwater fee, regardless of
Mr. Zaitooni
developed vs. undeveloped. stated the city of Orlando currently charges
Commissioner Anderson
approximately $34 per acre annually for undeveloped property. said
we need to look at various scenarios on how to charge these undeveloped properties. Mr.
Zaitooni said that is in the works.
Public Works Director Zaitooni
said he recommends changing the ordinance; they will bring an
ordinance back in January with a rate structure that is either on a sliding scale or an increased flat
fee to increase the revenues over five years.
City Manager Frank
said the decision on the projects will be made at budget time for the next
fiscal year so the Commission will get another look at that. He clarified the ordinance brought
back in January will propose a higher fee structure which may reduce the impact on smaller homes
by keeping the fee at $5.00 or going to $5.50 and having a larger increase on larger properties.
He said as long as they can accomplish the same revenue that would be received with a flat fee of
$6.50, they have some time to work on a sliding scale before the ordinance is adopted.
The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
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Attest: City of Ocoee
____________________________ _________________________
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor