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Ocoee Commission Chambers
September 29, 2010 MINUTES 7:00 P.M.
A. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Johnson and Commissioner Keller.
Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
Mayor Vandergrift announced that this is an advertised public hearing to finalize the budget and
adopt a final millage rate for the City of Ocoee. The City Commission has previously approved a
tentative millage rate of 5.5574 mills which is lower than the rolled -back rate of 6.3755 and thus
represents no (0 %) increase in millage over the rolled -back rate. The adopted tentative millage
rate is the maximum millage rate which may be adopted by the City Commission at the Final
Budget Public Hearing tonight.
A. Briefing by Director of Finance on the percentage increase in millage under
the roll- backed rate necessary to fund the budget and the specific purpose
for which ad valorem tax revenu are being increased.
Finance Director Horton stated that Ad Valorem taxes are being assessed to provide funding
for operational expenses, capital items and salaries necessary to provide municipal services to the
citizens of Ocoee.
Adjustments voted upon by the commission during the last public hearing have been included in
the budget. Contingency currently has a proposed budget of $344,230.
The budget you are considering tonight is balanced with a 5.5574 millage rate. This millage rate
is less than the rolled back rate of 6.3755. There is no percentage increase over the rolled back
rate necessary to fund the proposed budget.
The highest millage rate the commission can levy tonight with a majority vote is 5.5574.
1. Comments from Com mission
Commissioner Keller clarified that the Commission Contingency fund shows $344,030 on the
wish list and it is actually $344,230.
Mayor Vandergrift stated that the items discussed at the Tentative Budget Hearing have been
added to the budget. One of the additional things he would like the Commission to consider is to
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 2, 1997
add televising the Planning and Zoning Meetings to the other meetings now being televised
(Commission and Code Enforcement). Discussion followed regarding cost would be $150 per
meeting or $1800 annually. City Manager Frank clarified that we are not currently budgeted
for special meetings, workshops, with the exception of budget workshops etc. so the commission
may want to address those also. Commissioner Hood felt if any of those are important enough
to be televised we can take it out of the contingency.
Mayor Vandergrift said they can continue this discussion later, he was supposed to open the
meeting up for public comments first.
2. Comments by Citizens.
Victoria Laney, Vice -Chair of CACOPD, discussed a child- friendly robot that the board recently
were given the opportunity to purchase at a discount because they are going to use one at the
Police Convention in Orlando next month. She added that if we agree to purchase it they will
have the Ocoee logo put on the car in advance so that will be there for everyone to see at the
convention. She showed a video from RoboTronics, the company that manufactures the robots.
She stated they would like to have the robot that is in the form of an Ocoee Police Car. She said
the robot will have lights and sirens; it can squirt water; it will blink and moves about conversing
with children; and it can play music by remote control. She added it can be used at the Farmer's
Market, Spring Fling, Movies at the Park, Parades, and all outdoor events of the City. There was
discussion regarding Winter Garden's Fire Truck robot. Commissioner Johnson asked about
using forfeiture funds to purchase the robot. Chief Brown answered in the affirmative.
Commissioner Hood confirmed that there would be maintenance and warranty on the robot.
Ms. Laney said it will be the same as if it was purchased new. City Attorney Rosenthal said
there would be a purchasing code question because this is a sole source purchase without
competitive bid. Commissioner Wilsen asked about employees who will operate this, to which
Chief Brown stated it will be handled by the Community Relations Office. Consensus was
to p lace it on the next agenda as an emergency item to be p from the
Forfeiture Funds, if approved. City Attorney Rosenthal asked Ms. Laney to get the
information to the Finance Department prior to the meeting on October 5, 2010. He said it can
be declared as an emergency item since the agenda is already published and it is time sensitive
issue. He added that staff will have to research waiving the purchasing procedures for sole
source purchases.
Myra Kinney, Florida Lakes Symphony Committee, said that after the successful event at the
high school they would like to have the next event at Bill Breeze Park. She said they need
commission input, but they are planning a "Taste of Ocoee, featuring the Florida Lakes
Symphony" event. She said seems to be a big interest for this event. They ran some preliminary
figures and found that the cost will be approximately $25,000 - $30,000. She said they
committee currently has $3,000 and they will get as much money from sponsors as possible. She
was asking if the city is interested in contributing. Commissioner Johnson said he thinks the
symphony is a good way to bring a different type of cultural /musical event than Founders' Day
which is good for the City. He said they should consider selling VIP seating and other ways to
raise money. The commission said they like the "Taste of Ocoee" idea. They discussed that the
dates may clash with the Homes for Heroes event at Bill Breeze Park. Ms. Kinney said when the
date was originally selected she was not sure of the location; she will get dates the symphony is
available and select a dates that works for everyone.
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September 2, 1997
City Manager Frank said they will probably need seed money to plan this event. If the City
wants to support this we will have to put some money up front, possibly $15,000, with the
condition that they will pay it back if they raise the money. Discussion ensued as to how to the
commission should delegate funding to various city events; will they have to give money to other
organizations that come forward now? Commissioner Wilsen stated that this is the time the
budgeting is done for the whole year and this is when such decisions need to be made. They are
not obligated to give money to other groups that come forward throughout the year as we are on a
tight budget and must stick with it. Further discussion ensued as to the money that has been
placed into contingency at the tentative budget meeting. Commissioner Wilsen said she was
under the impression that it was placed there so they could take it out and spread it around
without increasing the millage rate.
3 Motions by Commissioners for amendments to the propos tentative budget.
Commissioner Wilsen seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to amend the
adop tentative budget to move $1800 from the cont in g ency fund line item to a
line ite for televising the monthly Planning and Zoning Bo ard Me etings, and to
move $ 15,000 from the contingency fund line item to a line item as designated
seed m oney for the Taste of Ocoee, featuring the Florida Lak Symph event.
Motion carried 5 -0.
Finance Manager Brosonski confirmed there is $327,430 still in the contingency.
There was discussion regarding various millage rates and dollar amounts that would occur with
various scenarios of the contingency fund amount.
There was discussion regarding moving money from contingency for various items such as the
air conditioning fund, the fire department vehicles, and the north fire station fund.
Commissioner Keller said the previous motion, plus $100,000 for the north end fire station, and
$100,000 left in contingency would create a millage rate of 5.4838.
Commissioner Johnson said this is not the right year to place another $100,000 aside (added to
$320,000 that is currently there) that we cannot use when we need pothole repairs, roads paved,
sidewalks installed, and more parks, etc.
There was discussion about Fire Department services and about where the Fire Departments
should be located, about placing the money aside for the north end fire department vs. using it for
other items. Commissioner Johnson said there is not a safety issue because everyone in the city
is covered, even if trucks come from a station outside of Ocoee. Commissioner Hood asked the
City Manager to look into how much it would cost to convert vignette back into a Fire Station.
City Manager Frank said are we looking at moving personnel from the Clarke Road Station to
Vignetti, or are we opening a fifth fire station and having to add personnel and equipment. There
was also discussion about starting our own ALS transport units because Health Central will be
getting out of the transport business. City Manager Frank said once Health Central merges
with a larger hospital, we will have a workshop to make decisions about ALS transport because
they will probably no longer provide it. We can have the County transport, do our own transport,
hire a private company to transport, etc. Mayor Vandergrift stated we should do our own
transporting so we are not waiting around at the scene for an ambulance to arrive. He also felt
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September 2, 1997
that for now money should be left into contingency until we have more information later in the
year and know where the money would be best used.
Mayor Vandergrift discussed the $69,000 donated by the Fire Department to use the as raises
for general employees, he felt the money should be equally distributed among non - supervisory
Mayor Vander rift seconded by Commissioner Keller moved to amend the
adop tentative budget to move $69,260 from the continge fu nd line item to
a li ne item for salary increases for full time non - superviso employ
Discussion ensued. Commissioner Wilsen said at the last meeting it was discussed that we
should do a specified amount to certain groups of individuals called an appreciation fund.
Commissioner Johnson felt the supervisors should be left in. Commissioner Keller said he
would like to give a one time payment to everyone, either the same amount or some tiered
system, and call it appreciation pay for sticking with us through hard times. Further discussion
ensued regarding who should receive the money. Union Rep. Kelly stated the Firefighters earn
higher salaries than many of the employees and they would like to see the employees at the lower
end of the pay scale get the money they donated.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to amend the
adop tentative budget to move $69,260 from the conting fund line item to
a line item for appreciation pay to be distributed eve amo general
There were no public comments. Discussion ensued. The estimate is that it would be
approximately $400 per person, 175 general employees and excluding members of bargaining
Mayor Vandergrift moved to amend the motion to give the m oney to non -
supervisory employees only. Motion died for lack of a second.
Discussion ensued with regard to making the cut off a specific salary amount. HR Director
Carnicella said most first line supervisors fall in level 5 which has a pay range of $40,000 -
Commissioner Wilsen suggested that those making $40,000 or less could get a $400 sum and
over that amount would get a $200 sum. Lengthy discussion ensued.
Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to amend the
p roposed amendment to the adopted tentative budget to include t he following
lump sum amounts, on the condition that they will be adj usted pr oportionately
downwa if the total exceeds $69,260 amount This wo uld ap ply to permanent
full time non probationary general employe only:
For Salary of : Less than $35,000 = $400 lump sum
$35,000 - $55,000 = $300 lump sum
$55,001- $75,000 = $200 lump sum
Above $75,000 = $100 lump sum
M otion carried 4-1, with Commissioner Hood oppos
Commissioner Keller, seconded b Commissioner W moved to amend the
p roposed amendment to include that permanent part time employees will receive
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September 2, 1997
half of the salary category that they fall into. Motion carried 4 -1 with
commissioner Hood opposed.
Summary of Original Motion, as amended.
Amend the adopted tentative budget to provide for a one time cash payment in the total
aggregate amount to $469,260 for all non - probationary general employees using the
tiered system (below) and including permanent part time employees to receive one -half
the amount of the salary category they fall into. The lump sum amounts may be
adjusted downward if the total expenditure exceeds $69,260, but will not be adjusted
For Salary of : Less than $35,000 = $400 lump sum
$35,000 - $55,000 = $300 lump sum
$55,001 - $75,000 = $200 lump sum
Above $75,000 = $100 lump sum
The m otion, as amended, carried 4 -1, with Commission Hood opposed.
After the all the previous motions, Finance Director Horton confirmed there is $258,170 left in
contingency. The millage is still at 5.5574.
Discussion followed with regard to how much should be left in contingency. Commissioner
Wilsen asked if it was prudent to leave the $258,170 in contingency. Mayor Vandergrift and
Commissioner Johnson answered in the affirmative. Commissioner Hood stated some could be
given back to the residents. Commissioner Keller suggested some could be moved to street
Commissioner Wilsen seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to add an
addit ional $100,000 to street resurfacing and sidewalks r Motion carried 3-
2 wi th Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Joh nson ap proved.
Discussion that there is currently $200,000 in street resurfacing, this will make the total
$300,000. Commissioner Keller inquired about the $49,970 that was saved (auto
insurance /general liability premium) that we put in the contingency
B . Announcement by Director of Finance of the recomputed proposed final
millage rate and the percent by which the recomputed proposed millage rate
exceeds the rolled -back rate. This percentage is the proposed final
nercentaae increase in property taxes.
City Attorney Rosenthal stated that being no further amendments, the recomputed proposed
final millage rate is 5.5574. The percentage by which the proposed final millage rate exceeds the
rolled back rate is 0 %. There is not proposed increase in property taxes. Mayor Vandergrift
stated there is a decrease in the millage rate from 6.3755 (rolled back rate) to 5.5574 (proposed)
which will give you a further decrease in taxes addition to what you will get because your
property value decreased.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 2, 1997
1. Motion to adopt Ordina No 2010 -020, setting final millage rate.
Com missioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to adopt
Ordinance 2010-020 approving the final millage rate of 5 .5574.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of ordinance 2010 -020.
City Attorney Rosenthal announced:
The name of the taxing authority is the City of Ocoee.
The rolled back rate is 6.3755.
The percentage by which the millage rate exceeds the rolled back rate is 0 %.
The millage rate proposed by the ordinance is 5.5574.
a. Comments by Citizens — no further comments
b. Comments by Commissioners — no further comments
c. Vote on motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2010 -020, setting the final millage
rate. Motion carried 5 -0.
2. Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2010 -021, adopting final budget.
Commiss Keller, seconded by Commissioner Hoo moved to adopt
Ordinanc 2010-021 approving the final budget for the f iscal year beginning
October 1, 2010 and ending September 30, 2011, incorp orating th adopted
tentative budget as amended this evenin
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of ordinance 2010 -021.
a. Comments by Citizens. — no comments
b. Comments by Commissioners.- no further comments
c. Vote on motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2010 -021, adopting the final budget.
C. Announcement by Mayor Vandergrift of end of budget public
Mayor Vandergrift announced the conclusion of the Final Budget Public Hearing.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
September 2, 1997
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
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ikenberry, City Cl rk
City of Ocoee
S. Scott Vandergrift, Ma or
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