HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-26-09 Appeals Board Minutes Colony Plaza0 0 10 MI TM STANDARDS CODE APPEALS BOARD CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA IN RE: COLONY PLAZA HEARING BEFORE APPEALS BOARD DATE TAKEN: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2009 TIME: V ■ 0 8 A.M. 2:39 P.M. PLACE: . OEE CITY HALL 150 NORTH LAKESHORE DRIVE O OEE, FLORID REPORTED B CANDI E G. JOHNSON, RPR AND NOTARY ti 1 UB,.A....J I Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 rti: r` a r v l/F � 7iti �2 r P P EAf� A I E BOARD MEMBERS DAVID WHEELER, CITY ENGINEER STEVE KRUGF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR RICHARD FIR T ER, FIRE CHIEF PAUL E. ROSE THAL, ESQUIRE JOHN R. HAMI LTON r ESQUIRE Foley & Lardner, LLP III North orange Avenue, Suite 1800 Orlando, Florida 32801 COUNSEL FOR THE CTTY of O OEE ANTHONY10 A. GARGANESE, ESQUIRE Brown, Garganese, Weiss & D'A re ta, P 111 North orange Avenue, Suite 2000 Orlando, Florida 32801 COUNSEL FOR THE BUILDING oFFI I L ALSO PRESENT. JIM WASHTNGTON, BUILDING OFFICIAL ETH E I E BERR. , CITY CLERK BRESNO LEON, INTERPRETER Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 2 0 0 0 P R 0 C E E D I N G . WHEELER,: Would everybody please take a seat. We are here for the Minimum Standards Code appeal Board Madam Clerk, will you please call the roll. THE CLERK: City Attorney, Rosenthal. MR. O ENTHAL t I'm present. THE CLERK: Steve Krug * U Present. THE CLERK. David Wheeler. . WHEELER: Present. THE CLERK. Richard Firstner. . MR. FIRTE. Present. THE CLERK: John Hamilton, MR. HAMILTON: Present. NSR. 'REEFER: We'll begin with -- that's good enough. THE CLERK: Okay. Thank you. M. WHEELER: We will begin with the introductory proce ura1 co= ents on behalf of the City by City Attorney Rosenthal, followed by Attorney John Hamilton. MR. O E 1 HAL . Yes, this is Paul Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 r� 9K 15 i 17 18 l 0 1 22 23 4 5 Rosenthal., City Attorney for the City of Ocoee. This is a meeting of the Minimum Standards Code Appeals Board. And what I wanted to do was sort of briefly, primarily for the benefit of the members of the Appeals Board, is sort of go through exactly what the Board is and what your responsibilities are, since this is the f -.rst time the Board has -- has met. The Minimum Standards Appeals Board is established pursuant to Chapter 108 of the City Code , which designates that it cons -i s t s of the City Engineer, the City Fire Chief, and the City Director of Public Works. This Code specifically d signates the City Engineer as the Chairman of the Appeals Board. And the Appeals Board meets from time -to -time, basically at the call of the Chairman or at the call of the Building and Zoning Official One of the, Mr. Chairman, one of the first things I'd ask you to do, the Code requires that you designate a Recording Secretary of the Appeals Board who is responsible for maintaining the permanent Orange Reporting, Inc 800-275--7991 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 records of the Appeals Board{ and we would recommend that you designate the city clerk,. Beth Eikenberry, as the Recording Secretary of the Appeals Board. MR. EEL So d s i Gnat d. MR. OSENTH L t Okay. With that said, the purposes of the Appeals Board under Chapter -- section 1-13 of the code is to basicaily hear certain appeals as designated by the C-Ity Code. In this particular case, Chapter 108-42 of the code which deals with emergency actions taken by Building Official specifically provides that any decision to ars appeal of that decision of the Building and Zoning Official is to come before the Appeals Board. And a notice, which I believe is i your packet, dated February 5, 2009, a Notice of Demolition regarding the colony Plaza, Ocoee, Orange county, Florida property, was sent to various property owners, included a Statement of Rights, and advised that appeals would be filed before the Appeals Board. In teams of your procedures again, you're governed by section 108-13+ Because you've never met before, obviously you don't have Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 1 6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 any detailed established Rules of Procedure. The main thing T would point out to you, and as I've indicated in the e --email to you, is that this Board is subject to the Florida Sunshine Law. I t is a Board established under the Code of the City of Ocoee. It's a quasi-judicial proceeding. As such, any of the matters that cone before the Board should not be discussed among -- among the members of the appeals Board, except at a public meeting, and that would include any deliberations of the Board. So that ' s sort of the main reminder, inder, and Z just wanted to make sure that you were aware of that. What the Code provides is that Section 108-13C provides that failure of any person to appear at the hearing shall constitute a waiver of his rights to an additional hearing of the appeal. The hearing shall offer the appellant, h i h is the people who have filed appeals before you, reasonable opportunity to be heard on those matters or issues raised by the appellant in their written appeal. The appellant may appear at the hearing in person or through attorneys or other des-ignated Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 81 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 1 1 1 1 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 representatives, and as we go through each appeal you'll kind find out exactly who is here in terms of any particuiar appeal. Then it provides the Appeals Board shall have the authority to uphold, amend or dismiss the order or Notice of Violation -- ,.n this case it would be the order of the Building of ficial - by a majority vote of the Appeals ]Board. You're also entitled to grant any continuances for good cause. And the final decision of the Appeals Board is to be in writing and. it must contai n all the requirements that have been complied with, and a copy of that would be mailed to every -- every appellant. So -- and then I guess finally just to point out, any decisions that you make can then be appealed to the code Enforcement Board, should an appellant not agree with any decision that you might make So that's kind of the -- the general overview really, not related to the substantive nutters that are before you in tens of the Colony Plaza, but more in terns of any procedural questions., so I ' d ask if all have any questions in terms of, you Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 go x 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 i 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 4 5 know., what the code requires or what those procedural issues are, I'd be happy to answer and address them at this ti -me. With that, then my recommendation would be that you call on Assistant City Attorney John Hamilton, who has been advising the City with respect to the proposed demolition of the Colony Plaza. MR. HAMILTO + Good morning Mr. Chairman, Members of the Board. John Rami i t en , s,ista.t City Attorney. Without duplicating much of what Mr. Rosenthal said, I want to talk a l i tt i e bit about the procedure here and what is before the Board today. 'T h e purpose, as Mr Rosenthal indicated, of today's hearing i for the Board to hear and consider the appe a i s that have been t-imely filed with respect and directed to Administrative Order 2009-01 entered by the i.t ' s Building and Zoning Official, Jim Washington. A copy --- there's binders in front of each of you, and I'll be referring to those binders or that binder during the coarse of this hearing today. A copy of the order Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 22 23 4 25 that's the subject of these appeals is in tab 17 of the binder. Tab 18 of the binder has the entirety of Chapter 108 of the Ocoee City Code, the Minimum standards Code, provisions of which Mr. Rosenthal referred to, or at least some of them. The order that was entered by Mr. Washington here was entered pursuant to Chapter 108-42, which is on Page 10842 of the iters that's in tab 18 of the binder. That -- that -that section authorizes emergency action by the Building and Zoning Official under certain circumstances. I would ref er you also to the -immediately preceding section. 108-42 is the -very last section of Chapter 108. The i=ediately preceding section is 108-41, which sets forth the standards established by the Code in determining whether demolition of property is warranted. So that is relevant to the inquiry today as well. The Building Official in Administrative Order 2009-01 determined that the conditions at the Colony Plaza property present extreme life safety hazards that require emergency Orange Repo r ting , Inc. 800-275-7991 0 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 1 1 17 18 19 20 1 22 23 4 25 action on the part of the City. The emergency action in question here was the demolition of the Colony Plaza property. If you look at 10-4, you'll also see that the Cocke requires that notice of that action e given to all owners of the property and any lienholders and judgment holder and mortgage holders to the extent that those people can be ascertained by reference to the public records. Those notices were given. They were sent out on February Sth, 2009. Approximately f700 notices or slightly more than that were sent out, Now, f f or purposes of our record, 1 have sitting up there and submitted for the record copies of the notices, the appro imateiy 2,700 notices that were -..- that were sent. They take up six binders* If you look at tab 20, that is a sample notice. That is the type of notice that was sent to all of the unit owners, all the mortgage holders, all the lienholders, and all holders of tax certificates. Anyone, i other words, who could be ascertained to have Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 10 0 10 @I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l� �1 1 13 14 1 6 17 1 19 20 1 22 3 4 25 ars interest in the Colony Plaza property. At tab 21 is an affidavit. That is from an individual attesting to the actin.l servi ce of these notices so that there' o quest -.o about the f a o t that they were, in fact, sent on February 5th to those entitled to receive notice under the Code. You go back to 108-42, it gives, as Mr. Rosenthal indicated, a right of appeal of the Administrative Order 2009-01. Any such appeal must be filed wi thin five days of the notice, and that's the purpose of the hearing today. The proceedings before this Board., as Mr. Rosenthal indicated, are governed b Section 108-13, also within tab 18 of the binder. out of the -- MS. -M . RBELo ' Excuse e , sir. Morning. Excuse me, sir. Listen up. T :m Miss Rabelo. T have two units in Colony Plaza. We core from Puerto Rico today just to -- 1 know from this reading we have to say that. But if you have any translator people in here, because somebody a, okay, telling u about that. Because everything is, you know, running away Orange eportirig , Inc. 800-275-7991 11 is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r 0 1 17 18 19 20 1 22 23 4 5 thing for that. But we want you to know if we can get the opportunity to get in Spanish this information, v rth-ing that you are telling us. Because nobody -- because somebody can, you know, interpret, but not at all. Can you rake a space for us in there., Okay? . ROSEN THAL . Mr. Chairman, these proceedings aro conducted. -in English, and there is no requirement that there be translations or that they be conducted in a --- in a. dual language. Mr. Hamilton can address what, as a courtesy, in recognizing that a number of the unit owners were residents in Puerto Rico, the actual notice of the hearing was translated into Spanish and provided to each property owner. And the City has arranged for a Spanish. -- for a translator to be here, as you get into each of the individual appeals, if there is an issue there in terms of the conduct of the English. language. But there is no requirement -- and, actually, it would be, I think, I' MPOSSi le if we were to take, you know, every -- every sentence and translate Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1.9 0 1 22 23 24 5 it as we go. So to the extent that someone may not be conversed in the English language, that's really their responsibility, not not the Board's or the City's to -- to arrange. But, again, as a courtesy for the idiv.idual appeals, the City has arranged for a Spanish translator to be here. R. HAMILTON: That's correct, Mr. Chairman. The translator i s the gentleman sitting right here, and he will be available to assist any of the ind-1vidua l appellants when they make presentations to the Board, or the Board -- if the Board's having difficulty understanding anything that's being said, the Board certainly can call upon the translator's services as well. MR. WHEELER : A number of people responded have asked for a interpreter .dor the presentation. MR. HAMILTON: Well, none of the individual appeals had an expressed request for an interpreter during today's hearing. M* WHEELER: It is on the speaker forms. . MR. HAMILTON: I diel make arrangements to have one, recognizing that there would be a Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 3 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 15 1 17 18 19 0 1 22 23 4 5 language barrier for some of the people here, and he is here. Coming to the appeals themselves, out of the over 2,700 notices that were sent out, a total of 15 appeals were filed. 'those appeals are 'Included separately in takes 1 through 15 of the binder in front of you. The deadline -- and, as I've mentioned, the Code provides for a. five-day period for fiiing the appeal. The deadline in this particular case was Tuesday, February 17, 2009. That deadline is calculated by adding five e days to the date of the notice, which was February 5th, then adding five more days to that, because these notices were served by mail, and we are engrafting upon by the Code section the requirements of Rule 1.090 of Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. That would take the next five days to February 15th{ that was a Sunday. The following day was a legal holiday, President's Day. So the following day of that would be the deadline for filing the appeais, February 17th. Out of the 15 appeals that were filed, 14 of them were filed on or before February Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 14 10 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17th. The 15th, which is tab 1 in the binder, was an appeal filed b an individual by the name of Emmanuel Capina. His appeal was not filed until. February 23rd, 2009, six days after the deadline expired. If you go back again to 108-13, why. h governs the proceedings before this Board, Subsection (b)(2) require s the Bui id -in Official, upon receipt of an appeal, to request the Chairman of this Board to meet and consider the appeal. That was done. The Building Official's formal request for this Board to meet was at tab 22 of the binder. The Code then -- Section 108-13 ( b ) () then requires the Chairman of this Appeals Board to schedule a date, time and location for the hearing. That too was done. Mr. Chairman your notices - your notice is at tab 23 of the binder. The notice that's attached also --- excuse me -- the Ordinance also requires that notice of today's hearing be given to those who have appealed. That was provided. A copy of that notice is at tab 24 of your binder. As Mr. Rosenthal indicated{ the Section 108.13 Orange Report±rig , Inc. 800-275-7991 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 Subsection c gives each appellant the right to a reasonable opportunity to be heard on, quote, those matters or issues raised by the Appellant in his ritten appeal, closed quote. And there's a couple things I want to emphasize about the language of the Ordinance. First, it does provide that any Appellant who has failed to appear for today's hearing has waived his or her right to any further o r additional hearing of the appeal. Second, I would emphasize that the Appellants here are confined by the language of the Code to the, quote, matters and issues, closed quote, that they raised in their r i t t n appeals. It would be inappropriate and in violation of the Code for them to attempt to bring up new or additional materials today, things that were not contained in their written appeals. And the third thing I'd emphasize about the ianguage of the Stibsection -- of the Ordinance is that it requires that each Appellant be given a reasonable opportunit Orange Report±n, Inc 800-275-7991 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 15 . 6 17 16 19 20 1 22 3 4 5 to be heard. It does not require that everyone be given an unlimited opportunity to be heard. Mr. Chairman, you do have a discretion to limit presentations .if, for example, it becomes duplicative or repetitive. The interpreter is available for use by any of the appellants who wishes to use his services. At the conclusion of today's hearing, the Board can deliberate. It need not deliberate today under the language o f the Code. But, as Mr; Rosenthal indicated, if it reconvened for purposes of deliberation at a later date, e would need to send out notices of that and make that a public hearing. The authority of the Board is to affirm or dismiss or modify or amend the order that's the subject of the appeal. As to the precise appeals, the issue before you will be whether the order violates the law in some way or whether it is factually insupportable. Legally, it would be the responsibility of the Appellants to demonstrate to you as the Appeals Board that the order in question is tainted by some illegality, such that it is Orange Reporting, Inc. 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 15 1 17 1 1 0 1 22 23 4 25 invalid. Factually, they would need to demonstrate to you that the order is not supported by adequate facts. On this later point, 1 would emphasize that these are appeals. This is not a do -over. This i s not a trial. You ars: not being asked -- or you cannot properly be asked in any way to interfere with the Build -Ing Official's discharge of his duties and re pon lbliities under the Code to substitute your opinion and your judgement for that of the Bu -11d ..ng Official. So the question bef r you in each o f these appeals will not be whether you -- if you were the Building Official, whether you would have done the same thing or whether you would have issued the sane order. The question instead ..11 be whether any of the Appellants demonstrate to you that an inadequate factual basis exists for this order such that it cannot be supported} And after --- l would suggest to you, Mr. Chairman, that you, in accordance with I think the outline and agenda that's been made available, that you ask each Appellant to Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 25 16 17 18 19 0 1 22 23 24 5 core up one at a time, addre s the Board separately as to his or her appeal, and then after all of them have concluded, I will return and address a l l of them at once, rather than having me care up here 15 times and address each one of them separately, The last thing T want to do before T s i t down initially is to identify the record that's before you,. I've already referred to these six binders of the notices that were sent out to all the people with an interest in this property. You also have in front of you the binder that l wili refer to and have already referred to during the course of this hearing. But the -- the other things that that will be a part of the record that you are entitled to consider will be the matters that were presented to the Building Official back on December 22nd, 2008, at a presentation. Those consist - and I believe those originals are here, but l also have copies as well -- those consist of several binders. Binder one is one labeled as presentation. . Tt consists of reports and Orange Report±rig { Inc . 800-275-7991 19 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 81 13 14 15 16 17 18 ig 11 0 1 22 23 4 5 photographs of the condition of the Colony Plaza property. Binder B is a bander labeled as photographs. It also consists of additional photographs concerning the condition of the Colony Plaza groperty. There are two binders labeled C1 and C2 with the heading information on them. What those binders contain are the 'Information concerning the ownership of the individual units in the other property out at Colony Plaza, identifying those who are interested in this - this particular property. Binder is labeled key pleadings. what that contains are copies of documents from two different sources; one, the Code Enforcement Board proceedings that hae been filed and have concluded over the years with respect to the Colony Plaza property. That includes within it copies of fi-ve liens that the City has against this property which date back quite awh-lle at this Int and now total over $10 million in terms of amount of the liens. The other thing that's in Binder D are copies of documents that were filed in a -- an action filed in the Circuit Court for the Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 0 10 r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 13 14 i 16 17 l 1 0 l 22 23 4 5 Ninth Judicial Circuit in and for orange County, Florida, a receivership proceeding concerning the colony Plaza property. And there are various items that were filed in that proceeding that may be relevant to your deliberations and were certainly relevant to the determination by the Building Official to issue this particular order. Mr. Washington himself is also here in case members of the Board have questions of him. His order indicates that he relied not only on the matters that were presented to him on December 22nd, but also his own investigation and observations. So he is here to address an.y of those that the Board may wish to ask him about The other thing that you have in front o you is a copy of the transcript from the proceeding that occurred in front of Mr. ashington. back on December 22nd so the Board will know exactly what was attested to and testified to and stated to Mr. Washington during the course of the presentation that occurred on that day. The only other thing l ' d mention. that Orange Reporting , Inc. 800--7991 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll l 13 14 15 16 li 1s l 0 1 22 23 24 25 needs to be included in the record is one of the Appellants, an individual by the name of Irtaiis Negron, and forgive me if I mispronounced that, sent in a letter to the City yesterday. I think it would be appropriate to make that letter a part of the record here today as well, and I ' 11 provide that to the Secretary. And with that, I will -- I will sit down and will allow you, Mr. hairman, to call the first of the Appellants. NSR. RO ENTHAL: Unless you have any questions of Mr. Hamilton. MR. `I THE t No. MR. WHEELER: Chief Firtner and Mr. Krug, unless you have any objections, we w '11 hear from all the Appellants and then respond in one, as opposed to responding -- MR. -MFS. FIRSTNER.o No objection. R. WHEELER: We had 15 people who filed appeals. It appears that only one, two, three, four, five, six, seven of thea are there. I ' d ask any of you out there who have not filled out a speaker request form, which is located in the back, you will not be Orange Reporting, Inc. 800 -?-?991 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 1 1 14 1 16 17 1 1 0 1 22 23 4 25 allowed to speak unless we come back for a second round . With that, we will go with -- and I do apologize for the pronunciation of these names. 1s it Mrs# Rabelo or her representative, if you would come forward. MR. OSENTHAL t Mr. Chairman, even if they haven't filled out a speaker's form., you'll need to start with the f -.r t one to identify in the record whether or not they're here or anybody on their behalf is speaking. MR. WHEELER: Is there anybody here representing Mr. Ken Krebs? Anybody here representing Ruben Leon -- Leon Melendez? Okay. Mrs. Rabelof you can either stand there at the podium. If you have any audio/visual information you want to choose (sic), please let us know. We have people here that can get that set up for you. Or you can sit down here, down front, either place, wherever you feel comfortable. MR. E T AL f This i -- let me just -- thi is the appeal of Ruth Noemi Rabelo. Notice of Appeal filed February 10, 009; Orange Reporting, Inc, 800-275-7991 23 I* 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 22 23 4 25 Second Notice of Appeal filed February 1, 2009.- Third Notice of Appeal filed e}rua r 1, 2009; Fourth Notice of Appeal filed February 17, 2009. THE WITNESSO Good morning, sir.. MR. ROSENTHALV Do we want to give the translator the handheld mic? Would that be k e a s e r Excuse rye, Mr. . Chairman. John, in terms of the court reporter and anything that's said in Spanish, what' s the procedure that we're doing here? MR. HAMILTON: She will take down the English translation, what's being -- MR. -M . RO NTHL : Okay. And we do have a tape of this meeting that s being taped, so there is also a recorded transcript of the meeting with respect to anything said that's in Spanish., MR. WHEELER: Please proceed. MS. ABELo.- Thank you and good morning. I am the lady, Noerni Rabeio. I own two properties, two units. Only today I would like to thank you for the short time that we have been given for this kind of decision and Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 4 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 8 9 1 1 14 1 1 17 1 19 20 1 22 23 4 5 appealing that we had to do. You will see here many Puerto Ricans. The story of this building -- these people here, ray friends, some of them, they know everything. But I did not come to make a history of the building and/or what happened. The only purpose of this day -_ MR. WHEELER: she'll need to stop* MS. B LO t My apologies. We Puerto Ricans, we speak very fast. I tried to use contemplation tion at this moraen.t, it would be if some more time could beliven . At th.i s moment, only the people from Puerto Rico, up until yesterday when I came, they have not received the letter with the five days for appeal that you 'ire provided. Even less, the second letter for today's audience, dated the 19th of February, to be present here February 6th at 10 a. m. R11 this is happening in one month. However, the building and what happened, happened on August 2001. Needless to say, this person present here, Lady Rabelo, has done every effort possible for the City of Orange eport± g , Inc. 800-275-7991 25 0 i 2 3 N 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 22 23 4 0 25 Ocoee to lend us a hand to resolve the problem that occurred eight ht e a r ago and that in one month wants to be resolved. My only Petition{ without going into the history and as to the possible measure, to be given more time to the owners, of which 200 -- of which 231 are Puerto Ricans out of Soo unI is, which constitutes the building Colony Plaza. when this happened., there was a commission of directors. In the year of 2003 we were invited to constitute a new commission because of the ex -custodial, Mr. John Hoswarth (ph) from Miami renounced to his position. To that effect, at that appointment of the sane building which was not in the same situation as it is now, a group of Puerto Ricans showed up and momentarily was constituted a director's commission at which some --- it was appointed the engineer, whom is not here presented today -- present today, Mr. Ismael dei Valle as the president, and yours truly as a secretary of the treasury. Because around those days the former treasury secretary, Miss Betancourt, she renounced, and T was OrangeeportaL g, Inc. 800-275-7991 M 10 1 go J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 13 14 1s 16 17 18 19 20 1 22 23 4 25 named as treasury secretary,, The road h a s not been easy. Mr. Josh -- THE INTERPRETER. Nay apologies. MS. RABELo: Jeff Berman (ph) , whom is present here today, becomes as an order of the tribunals as the new bu-11ding custodial in relation to administrative terms. This is part of the situation that we had. He continuedrepresenting, and us, the members of the committee. Around that time e opened an office on Monday,-ith the help of money out-of-pocket -- out of our own pocket, with the only purpose to attract to the owners of the building so they could help recuperate our property, On Wednesday of that same week, presented to the building at the Code Enforcement and ordered us to close that small improvised office that we created respectfully for all the inhabitants and ourselves and other -- or any other stuff -- person that could be around. It's been two years since that happened. And in 2005 a Florida tribunal sent us to, the representatives of the Puerto Ricans, and the owners as a whole, an Orange Report1ng, Inc. 800-275-7991 7 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 to 11 1 1 14 1 16 17 18 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 invitation for arinitrative at the offices of the Judge -in charge of the case Some of the people who showed up are present and that have been at that year. And up until this month is when we received the notificationsof February 9th, while a beautiful building was deteriorating, of which we still have our titles of the rooms .of which it's called night now the areo (ph) or aerial space. Nay interest and our interest, because this morning speaking for, if T am allowed, for the name of 14 people who appealed, eight t hat l brought myself, and I delivered to the Secretary of people who have four.d out of all this that will happen through telephone conversations. The questions would be, can we rev -le in some sort of a meeting -- could you invite through a oerti f i nate letter to all the owners, to their last addresses that you have, and give us some time, to us who know a little bit more, because this is spread by word -of -.out, by telephone calls practically to any person. Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 10 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 15 1 17 18 19 0 1 22 23 4 25 In short, that is that the building has units that have been paid completely. l mean that the entire debt has been sat-isfied and that we are paying what is called taxes, which is the contributions to the Florida Government. It's only a Petition up until where it is passible, either here or in Puertc)- l i a . Remember, three-fourths of it live and the -Ir addresses are in Puerto Fico. We recognize that we bought in Florida, not in Puerto Fi o f that we were or not lied to -- or we feel that we were lied to afterwards. That every intent (sic) pos Bible was made up until this date, and we have never been compensated whatsoever. we have not been considered practical.ly for nothing. And the feelings o -- my other colleagues and my neighbors, .it has been that f rom the City of Ocoee and from the State of Florida. We recognize all the codes and we respect thea. The Petition that I have from ray neighbors.first is not to be demolished. The building, that it has been closed for four years -- for eight years. The homeless have resided and llved in our apartments. We have Orange Reporting. Inc . 800-275-7991 11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 1 1 14 1 16 23 4 5 never got in there for nothing. Yours truly, I come three, four times t o Orlando, and 1 have seen what you want to demolish now. � have seen how you have thrown out the property inside the un -its, the equipments to the streets, without taking in consideration that -T at that moment to whomever had it. We have a group of Puerto Ricans that still -- and l know that also people from United states, because the .rest of it are from United states, that because of their condition of responsible people, they're still paying their mortgages and their properties are taken away in Puerto Rico b the Florida banks. There are three classes of owners that are suffering. Something that was dome in such a lore time, they grant to tear it down in two days without any regards to our economies. That with so much effort and work, many elderly people had their money sacred, and one good day a developer goes to Puerto Rico, sells, ars then disappears We recognize that we bought into a situation that perhaps had some Code violations, but like any other building that Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 1 16 17 1 19 20 1 22 3 4 5 is painted, looks wonderful.. We were lied to. We were misled. I just come here this morning to request your mercy for us, the Puerto Ricans, and the rest of the owners who are going through what I'm going through at this moment . Again, I thanks -- I thank for the opportunity to be here with you and request an appeal to your emotions ----- economical emotions, and the distinction that you have had towards us to not do it without considering the owners of Colony Plaza.. A little bit more of time, and I guarantee you that if you have to demolish it, consider the form of indeami at -.on (sic) to all of the Colony Plaza owners, not before letting know and ask the owner of the land, Cypress Corporation, what has happened if they sold or you sold or who's being the owner of this land. Because the structure can be demolished, but the land remains and increases, but the property goes to the ground. If at this moment you have that opportunity for us, we will greatly appreciate it. 1f you have to do it, just Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 l 15 16 17 1 l 0 1 22 23 4 25 consider the posi ... tion of the owners, Tow, I would like, if some of you would give us the opportunity, if some of my neighbors who are present right here behind me, i f they have something to say, and if you want to give them the opportunity to say something different than. I have already said. MR. WHEELER.-, If they would like to speak, po t ent .i a l l e can chive them time after all the other Appellants who have filed formal appeals. Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am. MS. RAELO* I'm sorry. . HEELER: They would have to wait until after all the other formal Appellants have made their presentation. MS. RABELO : Okay. Okay. They are going to hear. save for last. MR. WHEELER: Okay. Do we have anybody -- is Jose Guevara or Carmen Betancourt here? Miss Betancourt, please come forward. Again, if you would I -Ike to sit at the chair or if you'd like stand at the podium MR. OSE THAL : Excuse me. This is -- this is item four, Jose 0. Guevara and Carmen Betancourt. Notice of Appeal filed February Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 1 1 14 1 16 17 18 19 0 1 22 3 4 5 11 10, 2009. MS. BETUTf Good morning. I'm sorry. I'm going to speak Spanish because it's better for me. My name is Carmen Betancourt, Dr. Carmen Betancourt. I was -- I was five years as -- I served five gears as the president of the Colony Plaza when the condominium was given or passed over to us after we bought. I would like to --- I would like to say -- I would like to say hello to our friend from the fire -- fire department, who have always been with us and always have been a great person and a great professional.. During the time after the Colony Plaza was turned over to us, it was a place --.It was an amazing place, and it was a place that we enjoyed very much. Unfortun.atlr, when the association changed, many problems a ,ised (sic) between the association and the administration Cypress. From there is where the whole problem comes from. I u i-te to everything that has been said by my colleague, Miss Rabelo. But to all o us as owners, we would like to know what has Orange Repo r Un , Inc. 800-275-7991. 3 go No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 1 1 17 18 1 20 1 22 23 4 5 happened to the owners of Cypress. T do not see any of them here. These people really are very important to this prof ect, the Colony Plaza, because, really, they are part of the problems., all this problem that has arised. This company is like a chain with -- linked to the other people who went to Puerto Rico. They s e t up an office i n Puerto Rico. They cave a huge promotion on television s o to attract us Puerto Ricans to buy and to invest -in the Florida condo market. At this moment this is not happening because people have found out and realized on the three condominium properties that they have that the same situation for which we are going through has been happening more or less the same on the other properties as well. Something as well that concerns me is that when the insurance company gave us part of the money to repair the property, we started trying to put all the Code violations that were present, we tried to bring it back up to Code and have o functioning property again. And City - and City representatives Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 1 16 17 18 1 20 1 22 23 4 5 went and visit the property. And we thought at that moment that the City would give us the property to inhabit the property again because the City was very supportive at that moment. But afterwards -- but afterwards I don't know what happened. Ever thing carne to a complete stop. Like my colleague, Noemi, said previously, they shut down the orrice that we temporarily opened to co i t eet and raise money. We want you to know that the people who bought into that facil-ity are professionals and very -intelligent, and we know that that place -- that property i worth money. We want to know what kind or negoti at -ion, if one took place between Cypress, the own . er of the land, and the City. Because we always followed and fulfill all of our obligations, but we notice that Cypress abandoned the property. As the property got more destroyed, the Code violation.s arise, more of them and -- because they abandon the property. During the time that I --- that I was vice prey ]-dent, we had the best relationship with Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 7991 5 do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to l l l 14 15 MV 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4 25 11 the people of Cypress. Unfortunately, everything changed afterwards because I wasn't present anymore, And the relationship with the other people that took over was not the same as the relationship that I had with the people of Cypress,. I am not too sure how you have reached this decision to demolish this building when we, the owners, have made a great effort to establish communication with the City. And we have never had a. response -- a clear response from the City in order to negotiate with us, the owners. I'd like to be clear, because I love Florida, I loved my condominium unit. I also have two grope rt l e s here. I live ther . And every time that I pass by that build. -ng, I see that the structure is in bare concrete, because it is a strong building, that ars opportunity could have been given to that building, the ropa i rs { to put new w� ring, electric wiring systems, clean all the areas, common areas. And if it wasn't -- and if it wasn't that you didn't want us to be the owners, to buy it from us, or the City to Orange Report±rig { Inc. 800-275-7991 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 oil 10 11 1 1 14 s 1 17 18 19 0 1 22 23 4 5 11 take it to use it as another -facility, as a homeless facility or anything else. We would like, and myself as an owner, would like f or the City to send us some sort of communication before taking the decision to demolish. Because I think we have the right of ]mowing -- specifically of knowing the value of the land, which really has value, what kind of negotiation. the City has entered with Cypress, so we know exactly what we can wait (sic) . To ]snow after you have done --- or go through with the demolition what plans the City has, to see if in that plan we, the owners, are included for some sort of reward. Because I do know that I have a space -- I own a space on that building which I bought and that at this moment I azo paying my taxes always as -- as an owner, and I bought that space in cash. And I want to know if I will be -- and I want to know if I will be rewarded., as well as my colleagues, the owners of other condcminiums, because we all have the same right to be rewarded, depending on the cost of each and every unit.aus there are some units Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275--7991 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 13 14 15 16 17 1 19 20 1 22 23 4 25 J that are more expensive than others, You should look for references of the condominiums at the property registry try about the cost when we bought them for you -- f o r you -- f o r you to have an idea o f the cost of our investment or if we have a right for the solicitation -- the request that we are presenting you with today. I think everything that I have said i all that I need to say. 1 thank you ail from my heart for anything that you can do for us, to keep us present, because 1 think that the City of Ocoee is very beautiful. I ' m a neighbor here of the city. And that building can be in a very beautiful state if the city dives us a chance to reconstruct -- or give us time to reconstruct and to -- and to gave us the opportunity to have some ro�it in the event the city sells it, or at least for u to be rewarded in the event the city sells the property. Now., we all need to wait for your decision, the same with the request that ray colleague, oem-1 I abelo { made. You have a wonder f u i day and God bless you Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 M 0 go 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 is l 17 18 i 0 i 22 23 4 5 MR. WHEELER: "Thank you, Dr. Betancourt. Okay. We have Juan Rodriguez and Gloria Gonzalez. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I agree with everything that, they have said. R. WHEELER: So you're waiving your Petition to speak. UNIDENTIFTED SPEAKER: Yes, he agrees with everything we have said. MR. HEELER . Thank you. MR. ROSENST'HATS ; Mr. Chairman, let me state for the record that was item five, Juan Rodriguez and Gloria E. Gonzalez. Notice of Appeal f-iled February 10, 2009. And as I understand what they said is that all the comments from appeal number four, Dr. Betancourt, also apply to that appeal of number fire. MR. WHEELER: Olay., Mr. Albert Williams, Carolyn Williams, if y'all would like to come forward to speak. MR. ROSENTHAL. This is item numbe r six, Albert J. Williams and Carolyn D. Williams. Notice of Appeal filed Febr-uary 10, 2009. MR. H LER ,, Please proceed, Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 9 ",-I J 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 ll l l 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MS. WILLIAMS; Mr. Chairman and Board and respected audience, I ' m Carolyn 1iiams . First, I ' d like to identify myself according to how Ocoee identified me and Colony Plaza identified me, so I will quote their definition-, The owner, The owner is one who has purchased a Colony Plaza Resort Timeshare Unit Week. I purchased time there of a floating week{ week 49. And Colony Plaza -- my Intent to Purchase says I understand that I ani purchasing prime time at Colony Plaza. So I had nothing to do with the planning of the building or the building of the building, and -if it's in danger of hurting anyone, I certainly would wart it down. I'm sorry, but I can't agree with the other people in that respect. However, I'm very iimited in how I can help because I can't work. I only draw 600 a month Social Security and I spend that on most of my health problems, which I have health problems in that respect. My letter said -- suggested that when you take the building down -- so we don't want anyone hurt, we don't want anyone sued, we don't want any problems -- is that you sell Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 1 2 3 4 5 6 "7 8 9 10 11 l 1 14 15 ffs 17 1 19 20 1 G 23 4 25 0 the -- which is a very wonderful lot, it's a big lot and it's on 'a corner and it's a prime .lot that you sell that to recuperate part of 'It. And thea I understand e had insurance on it. But the insurance was ho -- and I'm not real sure. I don't ant to name any names and hurt anyone, but the insurance was paid but someone absconded with the insurance. We never got a penny out of it. We did not get our time fulfilled out of it. We have lost all the way around. So I plead to you to, whatever you do, to take into consideration that I was a poor teacher making 7,000 - $7,500 in 19V3 at Osceola High School. And then we were laid off in five years, and I went and worked as a part-time instructor at Brevard Community College wo r ing part-time. So I'm not a. rich person. I bought that in hopes to travel and get a good education which I could hand down to my children to travel and get a good 'ducat -ion. I've never spent one night -in that building. But I did have a few weeks before the building was condemned, before the accident happened or whatever happened -- Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 41 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 1 1 16 17 1s 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 frankly, I wrote and wrote and wrote to these people, I got one reply from Robert Mueller (ph) , which is a Board member, after T had written thy. letter to him, telling us that they were trying to find out themselves what happened and they were trying to get someone to take care of the repairs. And so repairs, T understand, were underway, but they did not reach Code, and so, therefore, they were trying one more time to do that. And they kept putting off and putting us off and putting us off, and I find this out accidentally. I tried to rake a trip, and T was refused to make a trip. And so I asked why, -Well, they said T had to go to Daytona. 1 believe T have that address, Daytona Fountain Beach Resort in. Daytona Beach, Florida on Atlantic Avenue. And T had to go there to make ray trip. So T went there, and they d1d let rye make one trip, And after that 1 asked therm, I said, why am l coming here? whir is this happening.? Because no one had let me know anything at that point. well, then they explained to me that there had been a water Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 4 so 11 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 15 16 17 18 I 0 1 22 23 4 25 leakage somewhere.{ it had gotten out into the walls, and therefore damage to the building had been done{ so here we are. And I just plead for you -to be merciful because I haven't fulfilled my travel time. I'm too old now to do .it. I'm 77 years old. I can't go travelling anymore now. I was hoping for the last 10 years to be able to do some of this, get some benefit out of it, but --- and I've a id cash for mine, so I dory I t -- T'm out of cash,. too, and I don't have any more to pay, actually. But I'll do whatever you gentlemen dec-Ide to do, but it ' s by law -- i t has to be by law, because I arra not a owner of the building. Thank you. MR. WHEELER; Mrs. Williams, thank you. Mr. Williams, are you letting your wife speak? MR. WILLIAMS: Yes. MRS. W ILL IAMB : Thank you so much. I appreciate it. MR. WHEELER: Ts anybody here representing Zahira Torres Nieves or Rosa Torres Nieves? Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 4 r J l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to l l l 14 is l 17 18 l 20 l 22 23 4 5 U I DENT T DYED SPEAKER: She's not here, sir. MR. WHEELER: Thank you Anybody representing Ismael del Valle Rivera? UNIDENTIFIED TIFIED SPEAKER: No, they couldn't -- MR. WHEELER: Thank you. Anybody representing Juan Perez and Virg-iliaPerez? NIDE TTIETED SPEAKER: They're on a visit -- (unintelligible). MR. ROSE THAL : You need. -- you need -- you rood to come to the micro phone. MR. WHEELER: You need to come to the microphone, please. MR. ROSE iTHAL: This is item number nine, Juan Perez and Virgilia Perez. Notice of Appeal file. February 12, 2009. TDE TIE ED SPEAKER: out of the 14 people who appealed and were called, at least eight of them sent some sort of communication with me, and l gave .it to the Secretary who was filling out the documents. MR. WHEELER : Okay. We're -- we're just Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 J r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 1 16 17 18 1 0 1 22 23 4 2 going through the list of people that actually filed a formal notification. But these people -- the people -- other people that showed up,we'll give them a chance to speak, also. We're looking for representatives of the -- U IDE TTFT D sPE E : Okay. Can yoij give the opportunity to the people who are here -- here? But out of the 14, as I said before, was delivered to the Secretary. All that has happened here 1s the time that we have had, the very short time that we have been given. Because at this moment, if the demolition will take place -- MR. WHEELER: a ' arn UNIDENTIFIED s AKER: And in some of the letters it has been stated -- MR. . FEELER : We're looking for representatives of the Torres family. The other people who filled them out will get a chance to speak after the formal appl-icants . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: They are not here. They ---- they couldn't come because of the short time between the 19th and the 26th that a was given. Orange port,Lng , Inc 800-275-7991 45 0 0 i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 15 1 17 18 19 0 1 22 3 4 5 MR. WHEELER: Yes, we did get your additional letters. I have thea right here UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: But they could not take the trip to be present here today. THE COURTV I understand. UNIDENTIFIED PE E : Thank you. R. WHEELER: Miss Betancourt -- Dr. Betancourt, we're trying to get everybody who filled out speakers and actually filed an appeal -- we'll give them a chance to speak again at the end, please. MR. ROSENT AL : Ten. MR. WHEELER : Is there anybody here representing Pette E he arria? Please care forward if you want to speak. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER. (Unintelligible.) MR. RO ENTHAL : You need to come to the microphone. MR. WHEELER : You need to cone to the microphone. R. RO ENT AL: This is item number 10, Ivette M. Echev rria . Notice of Appeal filed February 1, 2009* F ECHEVARRIA: Ivette Echevarrla. I own the Unit 50-/ of the Colony Plaza. I Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 0 r-1 .l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 1 13 14 l l 17 18 1 0 l 22 23 4 5 agree with everything that Dr} Betancourt said before and Noemi as well. That ' s it Thank you. MR. WHEELER: Thank you very much. Jennie Ike Jesus, please come forward MR. ROSENTHAL: This is iteia number 11, Jeannie De Jesus. Notice of Appeal filed February 13, 2009W MS. DE JESUS: Good morning. My name is Jennie De Jesus, Unit 626. 1 come to -- to yoij with the highest respect, and l t ru s t on the respect that you will give us. It would be because you would put your -- or give your best intention to resolve, and that this does not represent lust merely formality where a decision has already been taken. Dr. Jef f Berman, who was dere a minute ago and he left the rooms., he is the custodial of all the archives of t e Colony Plaza. The document to which T'm going to make a reference is in his ownership or belonging. Tn 1995 there is a document of either the County or the City of Ocoee addressed to the corporation, Colony Plaza Development, where some names were mentioned who are actually in Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 47 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 8 9 10 ll l 13 14 15 l 17 18 19 20 l 22 23 4 25 this room, where it states that the City of Ocoee assumes that the building of Colony Plaza i's up-to-date with all the regulations, but that they give up of inspecting such Where is the responsibility of putting that building for sale, building which has not been inspected yet? When the terrible thing happened, the fire which occurred on August of 2001, the City then moves to make inspections, inspections they did not make before. And they find a series of violations; inadequate electrical wiring, steamers that nearer worked, and the total violations, and adding it toward administration. It's been eight years through which the Colony Plaza has remained closed. Where each of you were looking at during all those eight years? The Colony Plaza has two buildings, two towers where the land is owned and kept b the developer. The first tower, whIch was built 1968,' the developer also retains o owned the first level. But from the second Orange eport1ng , Inc. 800--275-7991 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 1 13 14 15 16 17 I8 floor to the seventh floor, it is sold as units. Out of the second tower, which was built in 1972, th.e whole unit -- the whole building is sold in units. If at this moment you decide to demos i sh both bu i di ng s , there is an area he re nothing can be built, because it is owned. And there is another area where from the second floor to the seventh floor it is also owned. And each of those 331 square feet units that will remain as an aerial space which is open, therefore the land cannot be denied. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Reused. THE INTERPRETER : Oh, clarify. Reused, reused. If I make -- if I can make a suggestion.. I can do this simultaneously s long as her voice does not go over mine* And that's going to be better for the court reporter. There is two ways that T can do i t . si uitaneousi { which is her talking and I'm talking, or consecutively, which is the way that we're doing ,it here. Simultaneously, would give you a better idea of what she is Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275--7991 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 l 20 1 22 23 4 25 saying and it's going to be war better for rye to compose the interpretation as to what she is trying to say. MR. WHEELER.: As long as the court reporter has the ability to hear you speak and can transcribe, then I will leave that up to the court reporter. If you have a problem, please waive your hand and let me know. MR. RO E TH L.. Let me suggest, maybe i she does not talk into the mic, then it wouldn't bleed over. So if she more talks to you and maybe move the mic away. MS. DE JESUS: What l wart to say is people like me who bought un -its and we paid taxes, and we paid our mortgage every month, e maintain an ownership of the land as an aerial space where nothing else can be built. Because we Flo have an interest of ownership there. Throughout all these eight years it was pubi-ished on the newspapers of Orlando. A particular project that was in the interest of being developed, a resort where the Colony Plaza is now standing, and the name is the Orange Report± rig , Inc. 800-275-7991 0 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 13 14 1 1 17 18 1 0 1 22 3 4 25 Branch Park. How much time is needed to develop a prof et ? It could have been the case that a project would be developed over the ruins of another? Throughout these eight years I ask why the City of Ocoee did not show any interest in saving the situation of Colony Plaza? And I would and I would not like to thank that other projects were being looked into parallel to this situation. At the current times where America changes and - and leaves behind the raci a 1 issues, I would like -- I would like to leave present in the hearing that I have sent two letters, affidavits, well -document affidavits, to the Florida Governor and to the office of the external issues of President Obama for an investigation - for a deep investigation to be taken place of what has happened here, My position about the demolition is that can happen one way or the other, but people like us here present who have continued making our payments religiously, we should be rewarded either by the Ocoee County or Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 51 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 -13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 1 22 23 4 25 because or another organization taking ownership for a just solution . And this is all I have to say. Thank you very much. MR. WHEELER: Thank you. Okay. Do we have anybody here representing lrtalis Neuron? Okay. Anybody representing Lucy Mateo Gonzalez? Gregoire Mendez? Please core forward. . O ENTH L: This is iters 14, Gregoire Mendez. Notice of Appeal filed Febru ar- 7, 2009. . DE : Good morning or good afternoon. I don't really know the time . Good morning. My name is -- goad morning distinguished members of City of -- MR. -M + RO EI TH L : You need to speak more into the mic. MR. ME DE : Good morning member or the City or Ocoee. (Unintelligible.) Mt WHEELER: Excuse me, Excuse me. Could you adjust the microphone a little lower for him, please? Can you adjust the microphone a little lower so he can speak Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7 991 5 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 1 16 17 18 19 0 1 22 23 4 25 directly into 't? There we are. Thank you. R. MENDEZ. (Unintelligible.) MR. HAMILTON. Excuse , Mr. Mendez. I'm sorry to interrupt. We're having -- the court reporter is. having a great deal of difficulty trans rib-.. g this and recording t i s , Mr. Chairman. MR* MENDE : You wart me to speak slowly? 1 can do it. R. HAMILTON* Okay. MR. MENDE . Okay. R. HAMILTON.: And she'll l e t -us know. If 1 interrupt you again, 1 apology. . ISR# RENDEZ -. (Unintelligible) allow here to speak for more than -- than five minutes (unintelligible) -- because those people -- MR. RO ENTAL t Yes, that was a speaker forum for our City Commission Meetings to the -- (simultaneous speakers.) R. WHEELER. Take your time. R. MENDEZ . Okay. T will take my time. Okay. MR. WHEELER* just want to ,make sure we get -- (simultaneous speakers.) THE TTNE S: My name -- really second Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 5 i 0 11 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 l l 14 15 16 17 18 I 20 1 22 23 4 5 language i s English. My first language 'is Spanish, but I think I can make myself understood. So I think (unintelligible) I will do it in English. My name is Gregoire Mendez, US citizen born in Puerto Rico, Unit 538 owner at Colony Plaza Condominium, Ocoee, Florida,, I ' m getting old, so I -- can you excuse rye so I -- can you excuse me, please, so I can put my glasses on? MR} WHEELER: Sure. MR. E DEZ f Just a second. I' . getting old. I'm getting old. okay. MR. WHEELER: Okay. R. MEDS: okay. I serve the Army Vietnam era. (Unintelligible) and my twin brother - my twin brother mVi tn.am. Nay father (un -intelligible) Korea. okay As an owner of Emit 538 I have paid the property taxes all those years, even after the incident occurred October 28, tool to the present. (Unintelligible.) MR. rt R R HEe-1LE e Excuse 1L1.e just second. Slow down.. Slow down and speak a little clearer, please. Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 54 ID 81 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 15 1 17 18 19 20 1 22 23 4 25 MR. MENDE : Okay. My job background or experience or training in safety and health is more than 25 years of working with the Federal (unintelligible) safety and health (unintelligible) OSHA (unintelligible) first with the (unintelligible) departme t, Puerto Rico (un -intelligible) safety and health officer ( u intel l i -lble ) safety and health officer .�.� SIR. RO ENTH LS Excuse -- excuse me one second. Mr. Chairman, we may have difficulty having ars exact transcript by the court reporter, so we'd like to ask that the Appellant, since they - since this is being recorded, if it's acceptable to the Appellant if the court reporter sloes not get on paper an exact text of everything that is being said. recognizing nizing that we do have a tape of the meeting. 1f you grant to translate and explain that to him. HE INTERPRETER. (Translating.) MR. MENDS . If you understand what l said -- I have said nothing yet. l want to Orange Report±n, Inc. 800-275-7991 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 l 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 r 19 0 1 22 23 24 25 say this. I want to read this. I want to express opinion about this. Okay.? MR. OSENTH L : Right. The d-ifficulty is that the court reporter cannot understand every word to have the exact transcript. R. MD Okay, okay. MR. WHEELER: But we are -- we are taping it. The CityClerk is taping it. Due to the inability to make a verbatim record of Mr. Mendez, the court reporter was instructed not to report Mr. Mende ' s statement to the Board.) MR. 'HEELER: Thank you. Is there someone representing Emmanuel apina? Okay. That concludes the testimony b the five people that -- the 15 people that responded to the appeals. Is there anyone else who'd like to say something that has not already been saki? We've had plenty of testimony from a number of residents, we appreciate you all speaking, but is there any]Dody else who would like to speak that has not already said something? Dr. Betancourt, I need to -- I can give Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 56 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 22 23 4 25 you just a couple more minutes, MS. BETA o RT: I understand not to reach an agreement -- the City of Ocoee not to reach an agreement with us, the owners. But we will do to the impossible. Actually, she's even sending some kind of co = unication to the Governor. And we will always -- also get together to solicit in attention with the present -- President with the situation -- 1th this situation which we did not do before and we will do now. But something tha t I' questioning is, if after the City demolishing the building, if we w-111 be pen a l i ed for X amount of none for the demolition of the building when we are not at fault of that situation. This is very .important -- that is very important, cause we're not willing to pay for the demolition of that building. Because we would be losing our money and also the money of the taxes that we have been paying. Something -- some other agreement that we -- which the City is �. R. WHEELER: Mrs. Rabe i o# Mrs. Rabe to f MS. RABELo: Yes, sir. Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 5 0 0 i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o 11 1 1 14 15 1 17 l i 0 21 22 23 4 5 MR. WHEELER.- The court reporter is having a hard time trying to hear with you talking in her ear. T f you have some conversation you'd like to have with Mr. Mendez -- MS. ABELO : Okay. Thank you, sir. MR. WHEELER: -- w-111 you please go outside. Thank you. Sorry, Dr. Betancourt. MS. BETANCOURT. Something that could b possible as well with the City is that we could reach an agreement like befor. it is the first time that I see the faces of some of you, because the Chief knows me from many years acro, and he knows all the errands that I have done throughout all the years. And he knows all that we've been through and he knows all our suffering., He was even in Puerto Rico. We want to Light this battle until the end, with your help and our great Father God, to see if we can restore that building and mach an agreement. Because the structure, it is solid cement. It is solid cement. The restructuring should be inside All those codes -- codes for hic1-i we were Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 Nut is 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll l 1 14 15 16 17 18 l 20 1 22 23 4 5 p nal -1 d -- MR. .WHEELER: Dr. Betancourt, you've already had a chance to testify} If T start giving everybody second and third chances, we'll be here all day long. Now, are you ready to wrap up your presentation? MS. ETANCOURT : Yes, Yes What T want to say i's that for you to have present our situation and to oo=uni nate to us what you think to do before demolishing or exploding the building. Because T think that we could also be represented legally, that could reach a legal suit against the City of Ocoee. if it's possible, we get together and we negotiate, so we would like to see your consideration. from you towards us. Thank you so much. And, like I said before, God bless you. MR. WHEELER .& Thank you. Passing that, I'm assuming we don't have any other presentation by anybody else who has not had a chance to speak. We can move on. Personally, I'd like to kind of take a break so I can go get a drink of water and Orange Reporting, Inc 800-275-7991 5 10 } 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 J use the bathroom, then we'll hear from Assistant Attorney Mr. Hamilton. Let's take a five-m-inute break. Thank you. (Meeting in brief recess.) MR. WHEELER: I am hoping this won't last much longer. However, T know a number you- all ou-all are k-.nd of like , your blood sugar level starts getting a little low and you'd like to go get something to eat. so I'd like to know if you -all would like to take a break for ars hour or so to get lunch and then core back and we'll start with. Mr. Hamilton's testimony afterwards. Would you like to take a break for lunch? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: if it's not a long time, we'll wait. . WHEELER: Mr. Harm. tori, how long do you think you'll b? MR. HAMILTON : It's hard to say. l thank I'll probably go at least a half hour, probably not longer than that. And then there's the time allotted for the Board's deliberations a.s well. I mean, we could be here awhile. MR. WHEELER: Tt will easily be more than Orange Reporting , Inc. 800-275-7991 0 Fr_7 J r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l l l i i 17 1 1 20 1 22 23 24 5 an hour. l would reco=end that we take }creak for lunch. Let's core back hero at -- it's -it`s about to to 1:00 ri ht now. Let's be back here and ready to go at 2 -WOO. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: At 2:00? THE COURT: Okay. (Whereupon, a luncheon recess was had.) . WHEELER: a Okay ■ We will continue the hearing. Mr. Hamilton aro you ready to present your. . HAMILTON. I am, Mr. Chairman. . WHEELER: -- information? MR. HAMILTON: Good afternoon. t the beg -inning of this hearing during my introductory remarks T indicated that the questions before the Board tod.y would be whether any of these ppellants provided. the Board with some reason finding that the administrative order entered by the Building Official was illegal f in violation of the law, or whether any of then demonstrated to the Board that the order was lacking in factual basis or inadequate factual basis. As to that second point, I don't think Orange epor tm' ng , Inc. . 800-275-7991 61 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 1 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 any of these Appellants challenged the findings of fact in this order, an.y of them challenged the conclusion by the Building Official that the conditions under- the City Code exists and they exist to the point where extreme life safety hazards are present. And none of them disputed the mer n actions required to address -- address thc>se hazards. I will core back to that question. But as to the second o f the two points that are really before this Board, there was no argument at all- I'll come back also to what arguments were made. As to the legal argument, the only legal argument that I heard challenging this -- this order concerned -- and it came during Mr. Mende 's presentation and a couple others' as well -- concerning the question of whether the unit owners should have been provided with notice of the presentation before the Building Official back on December 22nd. And the answer to that under the law is no, and I'll explain that in a second. I do grant to start here, I suppose, by talking about some of the applicable law to Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 62 10 J 1 2 3 M 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 i 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 10 25 situations of this nature, and I'll quote a few legal sources on that, starting with the generai treatise on municipal corporations under equivalence treatise,, Section. 24557,, where it states that it is a general rule that a municipality, in the exercise of ,its police power may, without compensation, destroy a building or structure that is a menace to public health -- public safety or health. Later on in that same Section the author of the treatise discusses the municipality's right to reimbursement for the cost of doing that* o r the issue of reimbursement is really not really before the Board today. The City has not done the demolition, it has not assessed cost for the demolition. That is down the road. If and when that ever occurs, there wouid be an opportunity for anybody to object to the amount of that or to contest the iiability for any costs associated with the demolition before. That question is not before the Board today. The right of a municipality to destroy or demolish property in the interest of pubiic Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 6 0 i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 to 11 1 1 14 is 16 17 1 1 0 1 22 3 4 25 safety and health, and to do so on an emergency }iasis also is well-established under Florida Law. And T would cite to the Board the case of City of Venice versus Valente, -a -l -e -n -t -e, 429 So.2d 1241, which stands for the proposition that a municipality does have the constitutional power in the state of Florida to enact and enforce e Demolition Ordinance such as what we have here. It is a proper exercise of the police power granted by the Florida Constitution to municipalities. The supreme Court of Florida has said the same thing. In the case of Rowland, R -o- -l- -n-d, versus state 176 southern. 545, an old case, 1937 case, which. the Supreme Court of lor-ida recognized that demolition is within the .lawful police power of a muni cipali t . And that court also in that case recognized that prior notice of the demolition meed not be given in emergency situations, which is what we have here. And the final case that I'll make reference to right here at the beginning is a case from the Fifth District Court of Appeai Orange Reor1ng, Inc. 800-275-7991 0 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 13 14 1 16 17 18 19 0 1 22 23 4 5 from 2004, the Fifth District being the jurisdiction in which we're Located, and I ' m not gonna attempt to pronounce the name of this case, it's spelled D -r -a -g -o -m -i -r -e -c -k -y versus Town of Ponce Inlet, it's 882 so,d 495, And what the Fifth District Court of Appeals dealt with in that case was a demolition order for a residence. It was contested by the property owner. And one of the arguments that the property owner was making in that case ifs oppos a tion to the demolition was that the demolition would cause financial harm to him, would cause a financial loss to him.. And the court expressly addressed that question b saying, it is true that he will b financially harmed if demolition occurs, but the law permits such harm when .it results from a valid exercise of police power. That is apropos, I think, to a number of the things that the Board heard today from a number of the Appellants. And I do want to go through the -- well, .het me address the legal argument first, the legal argument that the property owners were Orange eportl* ng , Inc. 800-275-7991 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 1 20 1 5 0 entitled to notice of the proceeding or the presentation made to the Building official back in December 22nd. T r you look at 108-42, which is the section under which the order was issued, you'll see that that's not true. . The Building Official could have, on his own initiative or based upon the request of anyone, concluded that the property was ire a state in which it required emergency action, that it did present extreme life safety hazards. There is no provision for nota ce prior to that determination 'if emergency action is warranted. And as we've seen, that is a perfect.y valid provision under Florida Law. All due process requirements have been satisfied here because the unit owners did receive notice of the decision, they have been afforded ars opportunity to appeal that decision to this body, and several of them, as we've seen, have exercised that right. The demo 1 i t i on as we s i t here today has not occurred pending disposition or these appeals. I want to talk about thendividual Orange Report±rig , Inc. 800-275-7991 10 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 is 16 17 18 1 0 1 22 23 4 25 arguments that some of these Appellants have made to the Board, starting with Miss Rabelo. She made -- and II gonna go through some of these in accordance with the order of the notes that I wrote as they spoke, so it may not be as smooth and fiowi g as it otherwise would be. But she discussed, among other things, the proceedings that occurred in Circuit Court* And she referred to an invitation to show up at a hearing before the court a couple of years ago. The information about that 'is contained in. Binder D, the one labeled Key Pleadings, that was --w- that's a part of the record here. And that was a hearing at which 1 attended, in which w -- we, -w , on behalf of the City, sought permission to proceed with Cole Enforcement action against the property' We did so because the property is technically in the custody of the court by virtue of its being subD ct to a receivership proceeding, albeit one that is without an actual receiver. The court entered -- the order from the court is part of the record here. The court entered an order stating that it was not Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 67 11 11 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 13 14 15 00 17 i 19 0 1 22 23 4 5 going to interfere with the municipal it ' s exercise of i t s police power, which i what ulta-mately resulted in what we've got before the Board today. ..yet me expound a little bit upon the receivership proceeding and the matters that are set forth -included wi thin Binder D. The proceeding was commenced by century Bank, who was a creditor or a mortgage holder on a few of the units. It sought the appointment of a receiver. The receiver was, -in fact, actually appointed by the court. And the receiver entered into efforts, negotiations to try to brims.g the property back into compliance with. the Code. Towards that end a -- an agreement with the city was worked out. The agreement was contingent upon the receiver obtaining financing for the repair of the property and the -- and bringing it into compliance with the Code. The receiver was unable to obtain that financing. I t obtained -- he obtained an extension of time from the city in which to do that, the City acquiesced in that. And the city was at that time agreeable to Orange Reporting-, Inc. 800-275-7991 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 so 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 waiving the f ines it had accrued on the liens that had resulted from prior code enforcement actions against the property. .lt.imately, the receiver was unable to obtain the financing. Ultimately, the r .i er asked to be discharged by. the court, saying that this was not property that he could bring back into compliance with the Code due to his inability to obtain financing, and the court, in fact, discharged the receiver. Miss Rabelo asked, and I think this may have been the principal theme of her presentation, was -- asked for more time to bring this property 13ack into compliance, bring the property up to Code standards, l suggest to the Board that that is not an appropriate request. Tt's not relevant to the question that's before au, which is whether this order is supportable by the law and supportable by the facts. There have, as a matter or fact, been a number of years in which this property could have been brought hack into compliance. it is at a point now at which it presents extreme life safety hazards to the public, to people entering Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 go 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 22 23 4 25 that property, to children and transients entering that property. It is an extreme emergency situation. And there legal or factual basis for requesting an additional time. There are in the transcript of the proceeding that took -- or that presentation that took place back in December 22nd estimates of what it would cost to bring this property back into compliance. It is over to million to restore the electrical, the mechanical, the plumbing systems to this property. Where has been no plan, proposal offer, an thing of that nature from any o the people who have an interest in this property to bring the property back into compliance in any realistic sort of way. And Ms. Rabelo also said repeatedly, and others said this as well, that they were lied to, that they were misled. And Ifm not going to suggest for a second that -- that she's wrong on that. Maybe they were. I don't know. Iwasn't there. I'm not suggesting that a lot of these people aren't entitled to sympathy. They, from all I can tell from Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 .m 70 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 10 13 14 i5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4 25 11 what you beard today, they may very well have been m.l s le , they may have been lied to, but that's a question for another day. If they have grounds for suing anyone because of how they believe they were misled or lied to, the courts are open. They have the availability of the courts to do that, to pursue those remedies. w at they don't have is the ability to say that because they were lied to, because they were m -i sld, that the property is not in its current condition. It is in its current condition. It is in its current condition irrespective o f how it got there. The question before you now i s , do you leave tha t property in place, based on the determination that Mr. Washington didn't have a factual basis for his conclusions, or do you accept that there is a factual basis for his conclusion because there's been no evidence to thecontrary? If there are remedies available to these unit owners, if there were wrongs, legal wrongs done to them, if they have claims as a result of what was done to theme., those can be addressed. None Orange Report-ing, Inc. 800-275-7991 71 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 1 1 14 i 16 17 18 1 20 1 22 23 4 5 of those are being foreclosed or denied to them as a result of the demolition of this property. They can still go to court. They can still sue the developer. They can still sue the owner of the property. They can still sue, if they want, the City of Ocoee, if they believe they have a claim for doing SO. None of that presents a legal basis or a factual bas I s for upholding -- excuse me -- reversing -re er ing the order that was entered by the Building Official. A lot of then have asked for compensation. Again, that goes back to the question of whether they have a right to compensation. I've read you Florida Law that says there is no right to compensation from a municipal authority that exercises its police power to condemn property or demcl i sh. property. I f they have a right to compensation, again, the courts are open for that, and they do have ability to go into court, file suit, pursue those claims if they believe they are meritorious. Again, they don't have the ability to say that the loss of their investment provides a legal or a Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 7 0 10 r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 1 1 14 1 16 17 1 1 0 1 22 23 4 5 factual basis for not demolishing this property. That, I think, covered Miss Rabelo. Let's rove to Dr. Betancourt. she was very forthright and went into a good deal of detail about the history of this case, the history of the property, the history of the situation out there. I suggest to the Board that, for purposes of what's before you, it doesn't matter how the property got into its current condition, it doesn't matter who's at fault for that. It doesn't matter whether it's the fault of the unit owners, the condominiumassociation, the developer, the owner o f the land or anybody else. The property is in i t s current condition and an i=ediate life safety hazard to the public It does require emergency action. Everything that's in Mr. Washington's order, an extraordinarily detailed order{ I right addf is fully supported by the evidence that -- that you have before you. And the reason why it got into that situation in the fIrSt piace reaily doesn't change the condition of the property, really doesn't eliminate or alter Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 73 1P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 l 22 23 24 25 P n any way the need for demolition of this property to protect the life, safety and welfare of the citizens of this mun-.cipalit , and those who might enter upon the property. couple of things that they did say, and I'm talking specifically abaijt Dr. Betancourt right now, she made reference to insurance money that was given for the repairs of this property, suggesting that the insurance proceeds were absconded with, that they disappeared, that they were not used for their intended purpose. she then said that Cypress Colony, who is the owner of the -underlying 1 and, had abandoned the property. That may well be true, but it goes back to my prior point, that there may be a legal basis for them to -- they, the un -it owners, to sue Cypress Colony, but it doesn't provide ars basis for holding up this demolition or for setting aside the Building Official's order . A couple of the Appellants, and I think Dr. Betancourt may have been one of them, suggested the possibility that as a. result of what's happening here today the City will have the property, will own the property, and Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 74 75 1 will have the ability to sell the property. That's not what's going to happen. The 3 property - _ the lard will remain in its current - the property ire i t s cu rent owner. The City is not ao ui ring any ownership interest in any of the property as a result of demolishing the buildings and the unsafe 8 hazards that are out at the property. And I just want the Board to be clear, we're not 10 talking about ars eminent domain proceeding 11 under which the City would acquire title to 12 the property or anything else under which the 13 City's going to acquire title to this 14 property. We're talking about demolition f o r 15 the protection of the public in an emergency 16 situation, and that's all we're talking in 17 about; 18 Ms. Williamson spoke. And T appreciated 19 her candor in saying that if this building is o hurting anyone, then she certainly would want 1 it to come down, and she doesn't wart anybody 22 to be hurt, and that's precisely the point 3 here. There is undisputed testimony from 4 Chief Stanley, from Chief Brown and others 5 that this property presents extreme danger to Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 0 0 i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .-1 i l6 17 18 19 20 1 22 23 4 5 -- to the inhabitants of this city. l recall very vividly Chief Stanley saying that it's not a matter of if somebody's going to be seriously injured or killed on that property, it's a matter of when. And that's why there's an emergency situation here. This property is going to kill somebody if it doesn't come down. At the very least{ somebody's going to get seriously hurt in this property. It does present an emergency situation that requires demolition Mr. Washington, as Building Off-icial, concluded that in the exercise of his authority and his duties, and nobody has suggested that he's wrong on that. I believe -it was Ms ' De Jesus who talked about the - what would happen if the property is destroyed. And she made reference to the fact that the owners of the units will still continue to have property interests, even if the property -- even if the buildings are destroyed. If you will, they will have ownership interests for the air above the land on wh.-1ch the buildings had previously stood. That -- that is an Orange Reporting{ Inc. 800-275-7991 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l 14 i 6 17 18 1 20 21 22 23 4 5 interesting point, and I Im not -- it present some --- some fascinating legal issues, and it may present some issues down the road, but it doesn't present any legal basis for setting aside, vacating, reversing or taking issue with Mr. Washington's Administrative Order. Mr. Mendez. Mr, Mendez in his written presentation and in his oral presentation made several references to the City' closure of the property back shortly after_~ the sprinkler system --- the fire system malfunetion d. or was vandalized or however it occurred, the hooding occurred back in August of 2001. And he made several references to the fact that conditions out there new, the conditions requiring or warranting emergency action weren't present at that point in ti -me. That may well be true, but it's legally irrelevant to the question before the Board today. Tt might bear upon any claim that the unit owners might think they have against either- the City r developer or anyone else, but it doesn't go to the point at issue, which is whether this property presents the extreme life Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 7 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 0 11 1 1 14 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 safety hazards that requires demolition right now. And that's -- I keep coming back to that because that is the point. That's the only issue that's before you right now My original plan was to load you a little bit through some of the evidence that 'iin the record to show the existence of a factual basis for this order. I'm sort of reluctant to do that, quite bluntly, bocauso nobody hailenged that. But 1 would commend to you the transcript of the presentation that was made back in December 22nd. There is testimony from Dean Hall, Johnny Navarro,, Chief Butch Stanley{ Chief Charlie Brown, and they go into great detail, and it's supported by the binder that's labeled as Exhibit A, great detail about the nature and extent and scope of the dangers out at this property and the cost of cleaning it up and bringing it back into compliance. And Chief Stanley actually said that from a fire safety standpoint he didn't believe it was possible to bring this property back -into compliance. It can't be done* And all of the requests that the Appellants have made for additional Orange Reporting, Inc. 800--275-7991 78 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 J 8 9 10 1 14 1 16 17 18 1 20 1 22 23 24 25 time e i s not supported b the law and, under the evidence, would be fruitless, anyway. This property is beyond the point of return. The evidence that is in the record is absolutely clear on that point. Other things that are particularly appropriate I thin. for me to mention has been the enormous amount of evidence o activity on that property, increasing i scope and extent and nature in recent months. That's what led to the emergency situation in the first place, the discovery that children are playing on this property, that they are using fire hoses to rappel down or climb the floors on the outside of the building, several -- several stories up, open eievator shafts in which children are playing paintball within those elevator shafts, presenting the possibility that somebody will fall seven stories down an elevator shaft, at the point where one of these old hoses finally gives way. There are innumerable -- and it goes into great detail in the transcript -- innumerable truly horrifying dangerous situations on that property Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 79 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 1 20 1 22 23 4 25 Somebody is going to get killed unless the demolition of that property occurs. Let me take you back to Tab 1, which is, after all, what we're really proceeding under here. Chapter 108 of the Florida -- of the Code, City Code. And as I've mentioned before, the two most important provisions for purpose of the action are the last two provisions of that chapter, section 108-41 and 108-4. 108-42 was the action, of course -- setiond, of course, under which the Building official took his action. But if you go back to section 108-41, the beginning part, you look at the factors and the reasons why demolition of property may be warranted under the law, it mentions abandonment, neglect, inadequate property maintenance -- excuse me management, obsolescence. And then it gives other factors. History of unsecured or unscurable dangerous conditions, a history demonstrating the property owner's failure to exorcise reasonable control over the property to keep it secure or safe, a history showing that the property has become an attractive nuisance to Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 0 l 22 3 4 0 25 childrenor transients, a history showing a proliferation of criminal activity due to dilapidated conditions and lack of management and control of the premises, a history showing that notwithstanding the reasonable efforts of enforcement personnel and/or the Code Enforcement Board, the property remains in a condition which is eminently dangerous to the public's health, safety and welfare. If you go through every single one of those, there is unrefuted, uncontested, undisputed evidence that ail of those are satisfied, all of those conditions are present at this property. Mr. Washington found. that. There is a competent basis for him to find that. There's an adequate basis for finding that. It would have been startling if he reached any other conclusion than what he reached. Because it's supported by the evidence, because it's supported by the facts, and because it's in requirement with the law, and because the arguments that have been made by the Appellants don't go to the propriety o this order, but rather go to i s sue s that are extraneous to that, the possible claims for Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 I j 1 J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 15 1 17 18 19 0 1 22 23 4 5 relief in other cases or things of that nature, 1 suggest to the Beard that there is really no question that it should affirm this order of demolition, that there is no legal basis for the Board not to do se. And unless the Board has any further questions, that concludes ray presentation. R. WHEELER: Wellf gentlemen, we have a task at hand for us to do here. I would ask is there - would you like to have a -- any discussion on it or any of the three of us like to make a motion, which then we could lead to --- .lead to discussion -- Sorry, ma'am, the presentation by the public has already been taken care of. M. FIRTR+ T don't need any time to deliberate over the facts in the case and everything on what's presented here today by the Appellants. I ' d make a motion to uphold the -- the ruling of the - the order by the Building Official as it was presented. M. G: I'll second that. . WHEELER: Mr. Krug, would yo like t o make any co=ent s ? MR. K t Our whole purpose was to find Orange Reporting{ Inc. 800-275-7991 82 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 3 4 25 0 an adequate factual basis ror the order, and I think that ]used on the presentationwe've seen it's not -- this isn't fun, but it's the facts are there and I don't see any reason not to affirm -- not to affirm this order. MR. WHEELER : Chief, do you have any other comments? MR. EI T ER : None other than the fact that Life safety is the issue at hand. I, I feel for the Appellants and -- and I understand where they're coming from, but it doesn't change the condition of the building and it still poses a grave life sa e t y hazard to the City of Ocoee and visitors and also the public safety workers. M, WHEELER ; I tend to agree with my two members up here. While the action of the Building Official and the presentation before him deals with the building, the menace to the public health and safety, the action and the potential demolition of the building does not allow (sic) you -all to continue with any lawsuits. As Mr. Hamilton said, if you want to ---- if you feel you need to sue the City, Orange Reporting , Inc. 800-275-7991 a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 17 18 l 20 I 22 23 29 25 if you feel you need to sue the owners, whichever, that doesn't, you know, does not, you know, abate that. You do have the ability, if you need to-do that. I do feel for you -all. I mean, you know, I, I own property, I own property that I don't live in, and I would, you know, I would hate to see that happen. All I can say i, is that if somebody was seriously injured or killed there, you -all as property owners could be sued, just as much as the City could e sued for not taking action to try and alleviate an issue out there that is a menace to the public health and safety. With that being said, I would call the question. . O E TH L : Mr. Chairman, could you, perhaps, and with Mr. Hamilton, maybe add to that motion authorizing the Chairman to execute an appropriate order to implement decisions of the Board. Would that be appropriate? IFS. HAMILTON: I would suggest that a well, Mr. Chairman, and I have prodded -- it should be sitting somewhere close by you -- a Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 10 go 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 1 16 17 1 1 0 1 22 3 4 5 proposed order that wow 1 d af firm the order of the Building Of f i c i a l. I i ve got -- provided a number or copies as well. It' all -- the actual order itself 1 think is just two or three pages. The rest of those are just copies of the first document. MR. WHEELER: Okay. Mr. . H ani 1 ton , who are the rest of these thousand copies supposed to go to. MR. HAMILTON: Anybody who wants them. But the Appellants are entitled to copies. So to the extent that they are here, we can deliver them by hand. Those who d-ld not appear, I can mail them copies. . WHEELER : Would you like to read the order. Would you like for us to read the order into the record? MR. HAMILTON: I certainly don't discourage you from doing so, but I, I don't feel compelled to do so at this point. MR. R E TH L : Would you want me to read it, David? R. WHEELER: Yes, please, go ahead, MR. RO ENTH L : That way -- this is the proposed order being ---- being recommended by Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 85 r�M 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275--7991 so 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 14 15 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Two, the Minimum Standards cocle Appeals Board is constituted, empowered and authorized to hear and determine (inaudible) appeals pursuant to sect -Ion 108-13 of the Ocoee city code. Three, the appealing parties referenced in paraceraph one of this order has not demonstrated any factual or legal basis for reversing, overturnin , vacating or setting aside Admin-Istrative order Number 2009-01. Four, . dmini strati e order 2009-01 is hereby affirmed and the appeals referenced in paragraph one of this order are hereby denied. Five, pursuant to Section 108-13 G of the Ocoee c-It Code, any appeals of this decision of the-Inimu . Standards code Appeals Board shall be heard by the city code Enforcement Board. Done and ordered in Ocoee, orange County, Florida, this blas.k day of February, 2009, by the Minimum standards code Appeals Board for the city of Ocoee, Florida. So we would -- 1 th-ink the staff would ask that that be incorporated into the motion Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 0 i l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1-2 13 14 is l 17 l l 0 1 22 23 4 25 as part of the action being taken by the Boardi. NEE-. Mr. Chairman, just one point of clarification. I'm Anthony Gargane s. I represent the Building Official. R. RO E THAL: Turn up the mio. . AEE; My name is Anthony arganes . I represent the Building Official. One point of clarification. The Euiiding official diel charge the legal description Administrative Order 09-02. .fit RO EN HAL : Yeah, that -- MR. -M . GARGANESE -. Does that need to be referenced? MR. ROSE THAL : Yeah, there -- there is a second Administrative ativ rile.which is in place which has not been appealed. . GAR GAN E E. Okay, . ROSENTHAL., o that order is not before the Appeals Board. That order specifically related to Cypress Colony, Inc., which is the owner o f the underlying land on which the condominium sits, and the first floor, because, as you heard, the condo Orange Report±ng, Inc. 800-275-7991 ",-I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 13 14 1 16 17 1 1 0 1 22 23 24 5 starts at an aboveground level. So that 'is a second Administrative order which was entered by the Building official subsequent to Administrative order Number 2009-01. No timely appeal or no appeal has been riled with respect to that order. So to the extent the Board approves th-is thisorder{ the demolition would actually occur pursuant to both of the Administrative orders. . G E E : Than.k you for the clarification.. MR. WHEELER: okay. Any more advice from Counsels? . HAMILTON: I have nothing further. I simply move for the entry or the order that T have proposed. R, HEEL All those in favor of the motion made by Chief Fir tner and this Board signify by saying Aye. THE BOARD: Aye. R, WHEELER: All those opposed{ signify by saying like sign. Motion carries. Is there anymore -- any other appeals to be brought before this Board at this time. Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 0 11 MR. HAMILTON: There is not, r Mr. Cha -irma n R MR. WHEELER. I would move that we adjourn this meeting. Thank you,, (End of proceedings_) Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 1b 10 E T I FT CATE T. CANDICE G. JOHNSON, RPR, State of Florida at Large, certify that I was authorized to and chid report the foregoing proceedings, and that the transcript, pages I through 91, is a true and correct record of my stenographic notes,, Dated this 25th day of March, 2009. d_ COURT REPORITEO ti Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 91 A abandon35:22 abandoned 35:1 74:14 abandonment 80:16 abate 84.3 ability 5 0: 5 71:9 72:21:524 75:1 84:4 able 43 : 8 aboveground 89:1 absconded 41:8 74:10 absolutely 79:5 accept 71:19 acceptable 55:16 accident 41:5 aceidntally 42-13 accrued 6:1 acquiesced 68:24 acquire 75:11,13 acquiring 75:5 action :11 10:1,2 10.6 20.25 66:10 6:1 67:17 73:18 771-1.7 80:8 80:10912 8:18 83:21 84:12 88:1 actions 5:12 2:7 693 activity 7: 81: actual 11:3 12-415 67:2 85:4 add 73:20 84:18 adding 14:12,14 48:15 addition 86:24 additional 6:18 16-411 ,20 0:4 46:2 70-65 78.25 address 83 12:13 1:1,4,6 21:15 42:17 62:8,8 65:24 addressed 47:23 65:15 71:25 addresses 8:21 2: adequate 18:3 81:1683:1 adjourn 90A adjust 52:23,24 administration 3:2148:16 administrative 8:1 9:22 11:10 7:7 28-9161-020 77: 86:511. 87:10J 1 88:12 88:17 8:214,9 advice 89:12 advised 5:21 advising 8: aerial 8:10 49:11 50:18 affid avit 11: affidavits 51:15,16 affirms. 17:16 82: 83:5,5 85:1 affirmed 87:12 afforded 6:1 afternoon 52:15 61:14 agenda 18:24 ago 2: 47:18 58:15 67:11 agree 7:19 39:4 40:1 47:1 83:17 agreeable 68,-25 agreement 57:,4 57.22 58.1 , 68:16,17 igrees 3:8 ihead 85:23 tir 76:24 i1heit 67:21 k1bert 39:19.23 86:16 illeviate 84:13 illotted 60:22 illow 22:10 5 :14 83-23 dlowed :128:1 alter 73:25 amazing 33:17 amend 7:5 17:17 America 51:11 amount 20:22 57:14 63:0 79:8 and/or 25:6 81:6 answer 8 : 2 62:22 Anthony :1 88:4 88:8 anybody 23:11,12 3:14 32:18 43:23 44,4,9 46-613 5:}8 56: 59:21 63:19 73:15 75:21 85-610 anymore 36:3 43=7 89:24 anyway 79: apartments 29:25 apologies 25:9 27-43 apologize 23:4 53:13 appeal 3:5 5:14 :19,23 7:, 11=9,11 14:10 15:2,x,9,11 16:4 16-612 17:18 19-92 3:24x5 X4:1,2,3 25:17 31:9 32:25 39:14,16,17,24 44:19 46: 1 O,2 47:7 52-612 64:5 66:19 86.24 89.5 89:5 appealed 7:17 15:23 8:14 44:21 88:18 appealing 25:1 87: appeals 1:1,9 4:3,5 4:10,16,17,24 5:1 5:4,759115,21122 6:10,21 7:4,x,11 8:18 :1 12:20 1,3:6,21 14:3,5,6 14:23,24 15:15 16:17,21. 17:1 17:4 18:511 22:21 :11 5:18 651w7 6:4 8#x,5,11 87:154 87-912516, 17522 88:1 89:24 appear 6:17,24 16: 85:14 APPEARANCES .1 appears 22:21 appellant 6:20,23 6:24 7:1518 1:1 1:4,9125 18:25 55:15,16 appellants 1 :11 16:14 17:7,23 18:18 22 :x,11,17 32.10,14 :18 62:165:22 67:1 74:2178:25 81:3 82:1 83:11 85:11 applicable 62:25 applicants 45:21 apply 39:17 appointed 26:1 68:12 appointment 26:15 8:10 appreciate 31:25 43:22 56:22 appreciated 75:18 appropriate 2: 69:17 7917 84.20 84:22 approves 89:7 approximately 10:12,17 apropos 65:20 archives 47:19 area 49:6,8 areas 36:22,23 areo 8: argument 62:12,14 Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 Page I 62:14 65:24,25 arguments 62:13 65:10 67:1 81:22 arised 33:20 34:6 Army 54:15 arrange 13;5 arranged 12:18 13-46 arrangements 13:24 ascertained 10:9 10:25 aside 74:20 77:5 87-10 asked 13:18 18:7,8 42:151121 69:5,11 69:13 72:12 assessed 63:17 assist 13:11 Assistant 8:5,11 60.2 associated 63:21 association 33:19 33;20 7:14 assumes 48:2 assuming 59:20 Atlantic 42:18 attached 15:0 attempt 16:19 65:3 attended 7:15 attention 57:8 attested 21:21 attesting 113 Attorney 3-8,23,24 4:1 8:511160:2 attorneys 6:25 attract 27:13 34-M 11 attractive 80:25 audience 25:18 40:2 audiolvisual 23;17 August 5:23 48-010 776-14 author 63.11 authority 7+5 17:16 72:17 7:14 authorized 87:3 91:5 authorizes 9:11 authorizing 84:1 availability 71: avalla 13:10 17: 18:25 :22 Avenue 2 :9,13 4:1 9 aware :14 awhile 2 0: 2160: 24 ,,ye 89:19,20 a.m 1:11 25 :20 86,2 B b 15:8,14 20:2 86.13 back 11: 8 15:6 19:19 20:20 1:0 22:25 23:1 34:23 6:1 1:2 1:4 : ,1 ,21 6:3 6:14 9:7 6:14123 70:8710 70:167.:13 741-15 '' 77:10'j 13 78:21 1 r�'' 0,L3 80:3,13 background 5 5 :1 Bank 68:8 banks 30:15 bare 36.-18 barrier 14:1 based 66:7 71:1 83:2 basically 4:18 5:9 basis 18:20 61.24 61:24 4: 7:4 71-618J9 7:, 73-6174:1 ,1 77:4 7 1 1:15 1.16 82:5 83:1 7:8 bathroom 60:1 battle 58-19 Beach 42:17,1 bear 77:21 beautiful 2:7 3:13,15 beginning 1:15 4:4 0:13 behalf 122 23:11 7:1 believe 5.-16 19:20 42:16 71:5 72:7 7:3 7:1 78-022 belonging 47.-21 benefit 4:5 43: Berman 7:4 47:17 best 35:5 47:14 Betancourt 26:25 3:1.9120,25 33: 33:556 3 ,11,17 4 :7�8 47:1 56-25 57-258:9 1059: 59:7 73-4 74-6922 :15 Beth 2:1 5:3 better 33:4 49:20 49:25 50:1 beyond 79:3 big 41.:. bender :4 9:2112 9.10 11:17 1417 15 :2,13,1 9,24 1 :13,24 20:212 20:12523 67:1 :7 7:1 binders :22,24 10:19 19:10,23 0:, bit 8:14 8:3 31,1368.578:6 blank 87:21 bleed 50:1 bless 3 8-2 5 5 9:J blood 60:7 bluntly 7 : 9 Board 1:1,9 :3 3:5 4,3, ,741 X17 4:17524 5.17417 5:16122 :4n5, :1 O� 12 7:4,x,11 T1 8 8:10,15,17 11:14 13:1213 13:15 15:71.0,13 15:15 17:10,16 17-924 19:1209-16 1:10,15,1 40:'1' 42:3 56:12 61-17 61:1%23 62:11. 63:15.23 64:4 654-2167:2 :4 69-016 73:8 75:9 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88-24 condominiums 37;22 383 conduct 12,21 conducted 12:9,11 confined 16:14 consecutively 49:23 consider 5:17 15:11 1:17 31:14 32.1 consideration 0: 41:1 5:1 56:5 considered 2:1 56:4 considering 1:12 consist 1:20,22 consists 4:12 19:25 20: constitute :17 2:11 constituted 2:15 57:2 constitutes 2:5 Constitution 4:12 constitutional 4:7 contain 7:1.2 20:5 contained 16:21 67:12 contains 20:14 Orange Reporting, Inc. 800-275-7991 Page 3 contemplation 25:12 contest 63:20 contested 65:9 contin gent 5:15 continuan ces 7:10 continue 61:9 76:20 83:23 continued 27:9 51:23 contrary 71:21 contributions 29:5 control 0:23 51:4 conversation 58:4 conversations 25:17 conversed 1 3: 2 copies 10:17 1:22 20.14}191124 55.3 55:6,5,1114 copy T-14 8:22,25 15:2 21:15 corner 41:2 corporation 3 1:15 47:24 corporations 63:3 correct 13,-8 91:8 cost 37:24 38.-4!15 634-13J7 17 70:9 75:1 costs 63:21 'TSL 2.1 0 2:14 Counsels 89:13 County 5:19 21:2 47:23 51:25 57:20 couple 16:6 57:1 62:17 67-411 74:5 74:21 course 5:24 19: 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7:3 :5,10,1930:15 34:1 36:15 42:1.8 51:1. 54:7 64:31,83 l ,13,1 7 :15 12:15 80:5 6:43 87:2L23 91:4 flowing 67:6 Foley 2 : followed 3:23 35:18 following 14:20,22 86:10 follows 86:9 foreclosed 72:1 foregoing 91 : forgive :3 form 22;24 23:8 31.:15 formal 15:12 3:11 32:1.4 45:2!121 formality 47:15 former 26:24 forms 13:23 forth :1.7 68:7 forthright 73:5 forum 53:1 fonvard23:6 32:0 39:2 1 4:15 47:5 5:10 found :1 34-414 81:14 Fountain 42:1 7 four 2: 2:3 30:2 3:24 39:1 7:11 Fourth 24:3 frankly 42:1 friend 33:11 friends 25-3 front 8:2 14:7 19:1221:17,19 23:21 fruitless 79:2 fulfill 3 5 -.18 fulfilled 41:10 43:5 fully 73:21 fury 3:3 functioning 34:24 further 16:1182:6 89:14 G 1:153:186:17 7:15 1:4114 argane a 2:12,12 88:3,5,8,9,14,1 89:10 general 7:20 63:3,5 gentleman 13:9 gentlemen 43:13 82-W8 getting 54:8,12,13 60:8 give 24:6 2:22 32:3,6,9 35:2 3:16,17 45:47,8 46:1 47:12J3 48:4 49:25 56:25 given 10:6,11 15:22 16,25 17.2 24:25 25:13 26:6 33:8 36:20 45 :13 45125 64:21 74:8 gives 11:8 16661 38:1 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-411 market 34:12 Mateo 52:8 86:22 materials 16:20 matter :21 73: 1 0 73:11512 76:355 matters :8,22 7:22 16:3515 19:1721:1268:6 ma'am 32:11,11,11. 45:15 61:6 82:14 mean 29:2 60:23 84:5 measure 2 :5 mechanical 70:12 meet 15:10,13 meeting 4:2 6:11 24:161 18 28:1 55:20 60:4 90:4 Meetings 53 :18 meets 4 :17 Melendez 23:15 86:13 member 42: 3 52:20 members 2:3 4:5 6: 8:10 21:10 27:10 52:17 83:18 menace 63:9 83:20 84:13 Mendez 52:10,12 52114,20 53:211358 53 :11,14,21 54:5 54:1115 55:1,24 56:6,10 58:5 77:7 77:7 86:23 Mendez's 56:11 2:1 mention 21:25 79-07 mentioned 14:8 47:25 80:6 mentions 8 0: 1 merciful 43:4 mercy 31:3 merely 47:15 meritorious 72:23 met 4: 5:25 Miami 2:13 rnie 24:7 50:11 *7 13 52:1 88:7 microphone 44:14 44:16 46:18,20 52,23125 million 20:22 70;11 mine 43:10 49:1 Minimum 1:1 3 A 4:2,109:486:2 87:1,1 7122 minute 47:17 minutes 53:15 57:1 misled 31:2 70:20 71:2,5,10 mispronounced 22-64 modify 17:17 moment 25:12,14 30:7 31:6123 34:13 35:215 37:18 45:14 4:5 momentarily 26:18 Monday 27:11 money 27:12 30:20 34:21 35:10,14 57:14,20520 74:8 month 25:2126:3 28:5 40:19 50:16 months 79:10 morning 8:9 11:18 24-65,21 28412 31:3 33:2 47:9 52:14,16,16,20 mortgage 10:8,23 50:16 68:9 mortgages 30:13 motion 82:12,19 84:19 87:25 89:18,23 move 5:13 5:22 73:4 89:15 90:3 moves 48:1 0 Mueller 42:2 municipal 3:3 72:17 municipalities 64:12 municipality 63:6 3 : 24 64:7, 1 9 74,3 municipality's 63:1268:1 N 3:1 86:23 name 15:3 22:2 28:13 33:5 41:7 47:9 5:25 52:1 53:25 54:5 5:3 88:8 name 27:1 names 23:5 41:7 47:25 nature 63:170.-14 78:17 79:10 82:2 Navarro 78:1.3 need 171-10J4 1.8:1 23-99 25:8 3 8:1 O 38:22 44:13,13 44:14,1546:17 46:1 9 52:18 56:25 64:21 74:1 82:16 83-025 84:1 84:4 88;14 needed 51:1 Needless 25:23 needs 22:1 neglect 80-017 negotiate 36:12 59:15 negotiation 35:15 37:9 negotiations 68: 13 egron 22 : 3 5 2:7 86:22 neighbor 38:14 neighbors 29.-18,22 32:4 never 5:25 2:15 30:1 36:11 41:9 41:22 48:14 new 1:19 26:11 27:6 36-421 newspapers 50:22 Nieves 43:24,25 86:17J8 night 41:22 nine 44:1 7 Ninth 21:1 Noemi 23:24 24:22 35:7 38:24 47:2 86:14 North 1:13 2:9,13 NOTARY 1:1.6 91:14 notes 67:5 91: 8 notice 5:16,17 7-6 10:512121 11: 11:12 12:15 14:13 15:18,19 15:21,24 23:25 24:1,2,3 32:25 35:1 3:13,24 44:18 46:22 47:7 5201262:19 4:2066.1i12J8 notices 10: 111 1 3� 17 10:18 11.4 14,4 14:15 15:18 1?:14 1:10 notification 45:2 notifications 28:6 notwithstanding 81:5 nuisance 80:25 Orange Report=. rig , Inc. 800-275-7991 number 12:14 13:17 39--16,18 39:22 44:17 46.21 47:6 56421 0:6 65:20,22 :21 85:3 86:6 86:1.2 87-910 89:4 0 3:1 32:24 8:14 Kama 51:18 object 63:20 objection 22:19 objections 22:16 obligations 35:18 observations 21:14 obsolescence 80:18 obtain 68:2169:4 6: obtained 8:22,22 obtaining 68:18 obviously 5:25 occur 89:8 occurred 21:19,24 2:2 48:9 54:21 :23 67:8 77:13 77:1 occurs 3:18 65:17 80:2 Ocoee 1:2,12,14 2:104:25:196: 9:3 26:129:19 38:13 40:4 47:23 48:2 51,66,25 52:21 54:7 573 59:13 72:6 83:15 86:4,7 87:5,16920 87:23 October 54:21 offer :19 70:14 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original 75:5 originals 19:21 Orlando 2 :1 O,13 30:2 50:22 Osceola 41:15 OSHA 55:5 outline 18:24 outside 58:8 79:15 out-of-pocket 27:12 overturning 7: overview 7:21 owned 48:22,25 4:7,1 O owner 12:17 31:17 3 1:1 9 35:1 7: 37:19 40:6,1 43:15 54:6,19 65:10,11 72:5 7r1 74. 754-4 8:2 owners 5:20 10:6 1 x:22 12:1426: 27:14,25 28r.C..r1 30:16 3 1:4,12,16 32:1 33:25 34:1 36:9,13,25 37:14 37:22 57:4 62A9 65:25 66:17 71:22 73-413 74:17 76:19 77:21 84:1110 ownership 0:9 47:21 50:17j q 5: 75:5 76:2 owner's 80:22 P P:1 PA 2:12 packet 5:17 Page : pages 5:5 91-67 paid 29:2 41:8 43 :1 0 5:15,1 54:19 paintball 79:18 painted. 31 # 1 paper 55:17 paragraph 87:7,13 parallel 51:10 Park 51:1 part 1 :1 19:16 22:6 27.8 34.4,20 41:3 67:14124 80:14 88:1 particular 5:1 0 7: 14:11 20:12 21:8 50:2 particularly 79:6 parties 8 7: 6 part-time 41:17,18 pass 36:17 passed 33:9 Passing 59:20 Paul 2:8 3:25 pay 4-3): 12 57-418 paying 294.4 )04.13 . 7:1 57:21 payments 51:24 penalized 57:14 59:1 pending 6:2 penny 41: people 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