HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-20-2005 Agenda OCOEE CITY COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida September 20, 2005 6:45 P.M. Introduction of Hurricane Evacuees from New Orleans Presentation of Proceeds from Lemonade Sales from the Children ofWesmere Subdivision to the Ocoee Relief Fund AGENDA 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call and Determination of Quorum lB. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS I Presentation - Human Relations/Diversity Board to Present Their Strategic Plan, Logo, Brochure, and Flyer for Sunday Founder's Day Activities - Chairperson Lopez-Anderson. (Mayor Vandergrift) I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE E. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEP ARA TE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION, IN WHICH CASE THE MAYOR WILL INSTRUCT THE CITY CLERK TO REMOVE THAT ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEP ARA TEL Y. 1. Approval and Acceptance of the Minutes of the Budget Workshops of August 10th and August 17, 2005. (City Clerk Eikenberry) City Commission Regular Meeting September 20, 2005 2. Reappointments of Four (4) Members to Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry) The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board was created by Ordinance No. 908 on September 2, 1986. Its purpose is to advise the Mayor, the City Commission, City Manager, and Parks and Recreation Director on the operation of the city's parks, recreational facilities and programs. The two-year terms of Bradley Campbell (attended 10 out of 14 meetings), Joseph "Jay" Hembree (attended 7 out of 14 meetings), Robert McKey (attended 12 out of 14 meetings), Thomas Werts (attended 8 out of 14 meetings), and Rosemary Wilsen (attended 7 out 11 of meetings) ends October 1, 2005. They have indicated they are willing to serve another term, if reappointed. 3. Appointment(s) to the Personnel Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry) The Personnel Board shall consist of five members appointed by the City Commission for terms of three years. The membership shall consist of at least one (1) employee, one (1) City Commissioner, one (1) person who holds a management position with the City, and one (1) citizen of Ocoee who is not employed by and does not hold office with the City. All members of the Personnel Board must be qualified electors of the City. Any City employee, City Commissioner, or person holding a management position with the City who is appointed to the Personnel Board in order to remain a member of such Board. The Personnel Board has not met several years. The terms of the Board expired in March 2005. At this time, the Personnel Rules and Regulations are being revised, and it is necessary to reestablish this Board to assist in reviewing the proposed revisions and to make recommendations to the Commission. 4. Approval to Expend and/ or Donate Forfeiture Funds to Law Enforcement Related Uses/Charities. (Police Chief Goclon) Per Florida State Statutes 932.7055 "...any local law enforcement agency that acquires at least $15,000 pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act within a fiscal year must expend or donate no less than 15 percent of such proceeds for the support or operation of any drug treatment, drug abuse education, drug prevention, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, or school resource officer program(s). 5. Approval of Police Taser Purchase. (Police Chief Goclon) Tasers have been proven to reduce officer and resistant subject injuries during confrontations that turn physical or which have the propensity to turn physical. The Ocoee Police Department wishes to supply all of its officers with Tasers to help protect themselves and others during such incidents. The Tasers and related equipment would be purchased out of police forfeiture funds. The department currently has 25 X-26 Tasers, not enough to issue one to each officer. 6. Approval of Plat for Ocoee Commons PUD Lot Dl Re-Plat. (City Engineer Wheeler) Ocoee Commons PUD is located at the northeast corner of Colonial Drive (State Road 50) and Blackwood Avenue. This re-plat is for Ocoee Commons PUD Lot Dl, which consists of 3.793 acres of commercial development. The applicant is requesting to split Lot D 1 into 2 lots, Lot 1 and Lot 2 as shown on the attached plat. All required documentation pertaining to the re-platting of this lot has been reviewed and approved by City staff. 7. Approval of Change Order No. 4 on the Ocoee Crown Point PUD with Mastersite Development. (City Engineer Wheeler) The Engineering Department requests that the City Commission approve Change Order no. 4 with Master Site Development, Inc. on the Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase 1 Infrastructure Project for the close out of the project as originally designed. The change order results in an increase of$142,505.00, with an increase in contract time of thirty calendar days. Page 2 of5 City Commission Regular Meeting September 20, 2005 8. Approval and Authorization for the Ocoee Crown Point PUD Phase Ib Infrastructure Project. (City Engineer Wheeler) The Engineering Department requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve the overall project and in so doing approve Change Order no. 5 with Master Site Development, Inc. for the constructed improvements, the Second Amendment to Interlocal Agreement Regarding Coca-Cola Property, and the Amendment to the VHB, Inc. Agreement for construction administration services related to this project. The total cost of the Phase Ib Infrastructure Project is $1,122,260.00 and will be funded in part from Ocoee and OCPS, based upon a 60-40 split, respectively. 9. Approval of Hydrilla Treatment for Lake Olympia. (Public Works Director Zaitooni) An aquatic plant analysis for Lake Olympia conducted by the University of Florida revealed that Hydrilla was present at 70% of the stations where data was collected. This is considered to be at aggressive level requiring treatment. Based on this information, staff has contacted State Department of Environmental Protection for a permit to treat Lake Olympia with Sonar (Fluridone) at a rate of 18 oz per acre for Hydrilla. City will piggyback Orange County's Term Contract Y5-106-NW with Aquatic Weed Control, Inc. for this treatment. The cost of the treatment is $19,894.00 to be funded from the General Fund Contingency. I F. PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. Special Exception for a Telecommunications Service Facility. Advertised in Orlando Sentinel Classified on September 8, 2005. (Senior Planner Fabre) The applicant has proposed a telecommunications facility on a 10,000 square feet lot adjacent to the Ocoee Shopping Center parking lot. The telecommunications facility will be utilizing a 165 feet high monopole with a 5 feet high lighting rod. The applicant is also proposing flush-mounted antennas, which are less intrusive than conventional antennas, and has proposed a limit of 24 mounted antennas. I G. REGULAR AGENDA I 11. Amendment to City Manager Employment Agreement Extending Term Thereof. (City Attorney Rosenthal) The City entered into an Employment Agreement with Robert D. Frank dated June 21, 2004. The term of the agreement is scheduled to expire on September 30, 2005. At a Workshop Meeting held on September 7,2005, the City Commission provided direction to the City Attorney regarding a proposed amendment to the Agreement which would extend the term of 2 years, increase the base salary and vehicle allowance, and waive the requirement for Mr. Frank to reside in the City during the term of the Agreement. 12. Discussion on Sanitation Curbside & Commercial Contracts and Future Direction. (Public Works Director Zaitooni) City's Commercial & Multi-Family Contract and the Residential Yard & Bulky Waste Contract will expire in August 2006. City will have the option of extending the Contracts for another two (2) years or negotiate a limited term service with the current hauler. Additionally, the current residential garbage and recycling hauler, Waste Services of Florida, Inc. (WSI) has indicated the desire to be released from their contract with the City due to the restricted terms of the contract and City's dissatisfaction with their performance. The mutual termination will be negotiated to include interim service until such time that a permanent solution is in place. Preliminary analysis by staff has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to negotiate a mutual separation with WSI and seek a solution, which will encompass all sanitation services. Primary options to consider include (1) phased-in in-house operations, and (2) an RFP process for a re-packaged sanitation service by a private hauler. Staff requests direction from City Commission regarding the available options. The City can also choose to require WSI to perform the work per Contract. Page 3 of5 City Commission Regular Meeting September 20, 2005 13. Discussion Re: West Orange Chamber Discover Advertisement. (Multi- Media/Community Events Manager Elliott) The West Orange Chamber is preparing its 2006 Community Profile and Membership Directory. The ad rates are as follows: 1/8 page == $695,1/4 page == $1098,1/2 page == $1895, and a full page = $2995. All advertisements are full color. The cost of all ads includes a direct hyperlink to the City's web site on the West Orange Chamber's community profile network. The Chamber prints 5,000 copies. Traditionally the city has reserved a Y2 page, full color advertisement in the magazine. 14. West Orange/South Lake Transportation Task Force Dues. (Multi- Media/Community Events Manager Elliott) The City of Ocoee will be hosting the organizations annual update meeting on October 6, 2005, at 10 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers. Attendees include the County Mayor, Commissioners and the Department of Transportation's District Secretary, and many State Representatives. However, we have not paid our yearly 2005 municipal dues yet due to a perceived limited benefit associated with the continuation of membership. The Task Force has been an integral factor in the widening project along State Road 50, in which of course the City will benefit. 15. Discussion Re: West Orange Chamber of Commerce Board Appointment. (Mayor Vandergrift) 16. Discussion on Hurricane Relief Efforts. (Commissioner Anderson) 1 H. STAFF REPORTS I I. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS I ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES 286.0105: ANY PERSON WHO DESIRES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR THIS PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. ALSO, IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.26: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 150 N. LAKE SHORE DRIVE, OCOEE, FL 34761, (407) 905 -3105 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. Page 4 of 5