HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-10-05 Minutes WS MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION August 10, 2005 at 6:30 P.M. I A. CALL TO ORDER BUDGET WORKSHOP Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Howell, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Parker Others Present: City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry I BUDGET PRESENTATION City Manager's Budget Message, City Manager Frank General Fund Revenue Sources and Expenditures, Finance Director Horton Budget presentations summarizing personnel costs, operating expenses, and capital expenses/projects were made to the Commission from each department as follows: City Commissions Departmental Budget, Multi Media/Community Events Manager Elliott City Managers Departmental Budget, Multi Media/Community Events Manager Elliott Community Relations Budget, Multi Media/Community Events Manager Elliott City Clerks Departmental Budget, City Clerk Eikenberry Finance Departmental Budget, Finance Director Horton Information Systems Departmental Budget, Information Systems Director Ross Human Resources Departmental Budget, Human Resources Director Carnicella Legal Department, Multi Media/Community Events Manager Elliott Community Development Departmental Budget, Planning, Comm. Dev. Director Wagner General Government Departmental Budget, Finance Director Horton Public Works Departmental Budget, Public Works Director Zaitooni Police Departmental Budget, Police Chief Goclon Fire Departmental Budget, Deputy Fire Chief McNeil Community Development Departmental Budget, Building, Building Official Jones Police Departmental Budget, Communications, Police Chief Goclon Parks & Recreation Departmental Budget, Cemetery, Parks & Recreation Director Petrone Public Works Departmental Budget, Streets, Public Works Director Zaitooni Public Works Departmental Budget, ROW Maintenance, Public Works Director Zaitooni Public Works Departmental Budget, Fleet Maintenance, Public Works Director Zaitooni Engineering Departmental Budget, City Engineer Wheeler Parks & Recreation Departmental Budget, Parks & Recreation Director Petrone Public Works Departmental Budget, Stormwater, Public Works Director Zaitooni Utilities Departmental Budget, Utilities Director Smith City Commission Budget Workshop August 10, 2005 (Powerpoint Presentation Attached) Brain Koehler of Brown & Brown, Inc., Broker for the City's group medical, dental, and vision program and John Byrner, Manager of Brown & Brown, Inc., Orlando Office distributed a booklet comparing costs and benefits of the current provider, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) and the recommended new provider, United Health Care (UHC). Mr. Koehler said United Health Care has matched the current co-pay and deductible plan design, identical to what we currently have with BCBS. They did a network anj}lysis on doctors on the BCBS plan vs. UHC plan, and found three out of fifty doctors that were not on UHC. With UHC the Florida Hospital Network will be included, and there will be no referral required to visit a specialist in either program. Data regarding Premiums Paid In vs. Claims Dollars Paid Out was provided to each of the carriers during the selection process. BCBS originally proposed a 25% increase. Commissioner Anderson asked Brown and Brown to provide information regarding 5 year Premiums Paid In vs. Claims Dollars Paid Out and a "mean age" of our participants. Mr. Koehler said the Human Resources Department could probably get a more accurate figure than the insurance carrier for the mean age. Mr. Koehler and Mr. Byrner were asked to return on August 17, 2005, for the second workshop. Discussions occurred regarding the Budget Message, Summary of Revenues and Expenditures, Stormwater Utility Fund. Questions and answers were as follows: Budget Message Commissioner Anderson asked why the 2% proposed COLA is under the Consumer Price Index, which is 2.8%. City Manager Frank said the 2% COLA, 3% merit increase, and implementation of the salary survey would create a very fair and competitive salary package. Commissioner Anderson the budget message says we will need a $1.50 per ERC increase in the stormwater fee to pay for projects over and above the operational costs of the department and he would like to see where that money would go. Public Works Director Zaitooni said all the unfunded projects were listed in his budget presentation; this money would go toward funding any of these projects as directed by Commission. He said there are approximately ten projects leftover we have not been able to complete. This rate has not been increased in ten years and we have not been able meet the level of service and fund these projects. Mayor Vandergrift asked that an updated needs assessment be brought back before the Commission. Page 3-3 Commissioner Anderson asked where the Beginning Cash Balance came from. Finance Director Horton said this represents the money that should be left over from this year and a portion of the revenue from the sale of the property on Enterprise. The Public Works Facility cannot be completed this year, so the money is being carried over for next year. Public Works Director Zaitooni said the bids are due tomorrow on this facility, and we anticipate the cost will be approximately $800,000. Page 2 of 4 City Commission Budget Workshop August 10, 2005 Page 3-5 Mayor Vandergrift asked why the tax base appears to be flattening out on the graph. Finance Director Horton said she will get back to him on that. Page 3-11 Mayor Vandergrift advised he would like to enhance our Income on Line Item 33820 Occupational License-County. Page 3-14 Commissioner Anderson would like to decrease the Personnel Expenditures below 64%. Finance Director Horton said that it was up in the 70 percentages a few years ago and has been brought down to the 60's. City Manager Frank said 70% is average for municipalities. Page 3-30 Mayor Vandergrift asked about the capital outlay item for $9,800 for a DVD playback system, and thought we should consider digital recording instead. Multi Media/Community Events Manager Elliott said that we will purchase a digital system if we are able to. If we cannot afford digital we will still have to switch over to DVD because the VHS format is becoming obsolete. Page 3-25 Commissioner Anderson asked for clarity on the Assistant City Manager ad position. He said he wasn't sure if the City was big enough for that position and he was concerned of adding a level between department directors and the City Manager. Commissioner Johnson said City Manager Frank would have more accessibility, not less, to the department heads and all City employees if he had an Assistant City Manager to help handle administrative tasks. This position will cost less than the two positions being removed from the budget. Commissioner Parker said she thinks if this will increase the connection between the employees and the City Manager's Office, it doesn't matter what title they have, as long as they are doing work that will free up the City Manager to interact more with employees and keep them personally informed, rather than letting rumors take over. Commissioner Anderson said he also thinks the City Manager should live in the City. Commission Johnson said he doesn't feel it should be an issue where the City Manager resides, if it is an issue, it should be discussed at the Workshop on September 7,2005. Commissioner Howell and Commissioner Parker agreed. 3-36 Commissioner Anderson asked what the $10,000 line item was for in the City Clerk budget. City Clerk Eikenberry advised it is a one-time fee for contractual services for cemetery administration and development of computer programs. PUBLIC COMMENTS Max Jacobs, 2247 NE 4 Street, asked about the number of computers we are ordering and asked if we had considered buying them in mass to save money. City Manager Frank said we have developed a new policy, instead of automatically replacing computers after four years, we will place the replacement money in a "trust fund" in order to use it where and when it is most needed. We may end up getting seven or eight years from some computer. At this time we Page 3 of 4 City Commission Budget Workshop August 10,2005 piggy-back on governmental contracts with other agencies to save money, and we are auctioning computers when they have outlived their usefulness with the City. Rosemary Wilson, said she did not feel that we need to add the position of Assistant Parks and Recreation Director, and also wants to know why the Cemetery Maintenance went up. City Manager Frank said $20,000 was added to handle the mowing and maintenance will be turned over to outside contractors. 3-81 Commissioner Anderson said we have several unfilled positions in the police department, and asked the Police Chief how we handled that. Police Chief Goclon said some overtime was necessary, as well as restructwing positions and duties. Commissioner Anderson said he would like to see something done, such as give $1500 one-time amount to all police officers who have served for more than one year to help the morale and thank them for picking up the slack when we were short staffed. He thinks it is important to try to keep officers from leaving the department. Police Chief Goclon said we are approximately 10 road patrol officers short at this time. Road patrol officers leave for a variety of reasons, including transferring to another position, leaving the City for more money, or relocating outside of Florida. Commissioner Howell said we need to find a way to lure good officers to Ocoee. Human Resources Director Carnicella said we are actively recruiting at this time, and looking for more ways to attract more applicants. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee '1 (J ;:5'Sl\ !/~ S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 4 of 4 - -- - --- - -- - - - --- REVENUE FY 02-03 FY 03-04 FY 04-05 FY 04-05 FY 05-06 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROPOSED Beginning Cash Balance 500,000 400,000 315,000 315,000 2,000,000 I Property Taxes 5,047,518 5,483,292 6,167,205 I 6,167,205 1 7,300,180 I I- f 1 Franchise Taxes 1,537,248 1,631,004 1 ,855,000 I 1,923,700 I 2,001,830 r I Utility Taxes 1,814,1~7 1 1,80_3,741 I 2,259,500 ~ 2,314,500 2,393,030 I t I Licenses and Permits t 1,315,132 I 1,990,487 2,368,910 1,816,250 1,675,405 ~ I . Intergovernmental Revenue 6,986,346 7,265,288 7,615,210 I 7,797,185 7,890,320 I ChargE) for Services + 310,584 466,973 443,300 t 404,475 455,800 I I Fines and Forfeitures 228,573 279,865 229,000 210,625 229,500 I 1 Miscellaneous Revenue I 301,991 240,176 827,500 1,595,965 911,700 Fund Transfers I 3,162,425 4,060,172 3,354,475 3,307,843 2,987,540 Total C3eneral Fund Revenues - - 25,435,100 25,852,748 27,845,305 21,204,014 23,620,997 3-3 SUMMARY EXPENDITURES FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 03-04 FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 05-06 DIVISION ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REQUESTED PROPOSED 001 _GE~~~L Fl!~ - -- - - -- 511-0 Legislative 216,102 176,937 174,684 185,285 177,300 176,800 512-0 City Manager 229,999 222,023 242,409 283,395 400,445 407,345 512-0 Community Relations 307,174 325,902 330,603 380,835 286,450 267,950 512-1 City Clerk 249,332 243,605 277,786 283,980 321,544 324,050 513-0 Finance 620,058 623,479 670,145 760,255 840,615 797,990 513-2 Information Systems 370,842 299,560 307,124 342,215 382,630 341,715 513-3 Human Resources 361,871 335,934 379,909 449,811 465,815 467,315 514-0 Legal 264,652 280,505 272,493 279,500 304,500 304,500 51 5-0 Planning 505,209 516,541 577,697 624,420 737,595 656,015 516-0 General Government Services 2,106,910 2,570,183 2,292,461 3,847,073 4,376,600 3,104,290 517-0 Public Works Administration 203,737 299,664 320,167 199,850 458,170 295,240 519-0 Facilities Maintenance 300,487 287,859 300,680 464,560 1,268,240 992,185 519-1 Facilities Maintenance - Janito 0 54,942 53,505 0 0 0 521 -0 Police 4,998,441 5,144,803 5,491,828 6,261,375 7,550,753 6,746,745 522-0 Fire 3,432,039 3,601,974 3,988,525 4,370,261 5,023,472 4,631,655 524-0 Building 861,849 878,775 1,038,336 1,271,185 1,782,860 1 ,451 ,065 529-0 Communications 656,207 659,083 673,195 741,670 752,506 721,520 539-0 Cemetery 290 361 2,389 3,700 25,700 25,700 541-1 Streets I Traffic 159,400 138,812 175,849 1,312,610 2,542,196 2,390,615 541-2 Right of Way Maintenance 1,003,943 962,592 1,302,932 661,425 543,790 474,275 541-4 Fleet Maintenance 66,624 0 0 153,139 334,345 346,185 546-0 Engineering 0 380,689 356,272 561,865 689,780 687,680 572-0 Recreation 829,423 802,372 897,173 1,035,835 1,205,625 1,172,525 572-1 Park Maintenance 706,850 780,903 873,917 960,855 1,217,445 1,061,945 Total General Fund Expenditures 18,451,438 19,587,498 21,000,078 25,435,099 31,688,376 27,845,305 3-13