HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-17-05 Minutes
May 17, 2005 at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7: 15 p.rn. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Parker gave the Invocation and James Conklin,
Education Commission Board Chair, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk
Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Howell, Commissioner
Johnson, and Commissioner Parker.
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry.
Proclamation - National Police Week - May 15th_21st. (Mayor Vandergrift)
Presentation by Education Commission Regarding K-8 Protocol School.
Jim Conklin, Chair of the Ocoee Education Commission, presented a draft resolution and
explained the need for a K-8 school. He asked the City to join the Education Commission in
urging the Orange County School Board to consider a K-8 school. Mayor Vandergrift
advised that the Commission should give it some thought, and he would like to speak to
School Board members to get their thoughts before coming back with a proposal at a later
date. Consensus of the Commission. without obiection. was to brinQ this item back at
a later date for consideration.
Presentation of a Check for $2000.00 to the City from the Bloom and Grow Garden Society
- Debbie Bruce (President) and Kaye Chastian.
Ms. Bruce was unable to attend the Commission Meeting, but called to advise she would
mail the check.
Ocoee Youth Soccer League - Lighting of Fields at Beech Center
Commissioner Anderson asked John V ogt to present information regarding the Ocoee
Youth Soccer League (OYSL) and lighting the fields. Mr. Vogt, President ofOYSL, said the
current CIP budget has $145,000.00 allocated for lighting the Beech Recreation Center
Soccer Fields, designed to cover two fields. The Ocoee Youth Soccer League is proposing to
cover all fields at the Beech Center and they obtained an estimate for the job for
$206,200.00. They also applied for a Field of Dreams grant for $90,000 from the Orange
County Parks and Recreation, which would leave the project cost at $116,200.00. The City
is not eligible to apply for this grant, but the OYSL does meet the criteria for the grant and
they will have to manage the project. In order to receive the grant money, the City would
have to 1) commit the funds of $116,200.00 to the OYSL, 2) commit to keeping the OYSL
for five years, 3) upgrade the power transformer, if necessary, and 4) remove dirt that will be
dug up in order to install the light poles.
Commissioner Anderson said this presentation is just for informational purposes at this
time. We will know more near the end of June. Mayor Vandergrift said the price sounds
City Commission Regular Meeting
May 17,2005
high, but he does not know enough about the project. City Attorney Rosenthal confirmed
that City of Ocoee would own the lights and maintain them. Mr. V ogt said it is possible that
the City could negotiate with Progress Energy for the transformers. Public Works Director
Zaitooni said Progress Energy would also charge a design fee that could cost from less than
$10,000.00 - $20,000.00. Consensus of the Commission was to brinq this back at the
next meetinq and have information as to how the CIP budqet proposals fit into this
Acting City Manager Wheeler introduced Charles K. Smith, the new Utilities Director, and
Mr. Smith gave some background information himself.
R. P. Monacky, 1320 Prairie Lake Blvd, addressed his concerns about tasers used by the Police.
Betty Ervine, 402 Orlando Avenue #13C, President of the Ocoee Historical Commission, said
the property being developed on the comer of Bluford Road and Highway 50 used to be called
Minorville. She said she would like to have the City urge the developers to call it "Minorville
Commissioner Johnson - none
Commissioner Anderson - none
Commissioner Howell - none
Mayor Vandergrift 1) displayed photo of the Equine Science Club (including Dan, the horse)
from the Officers of the FF A at West Orange High School, 2) gave the City Clerk a letter from
the State Attorney's Office regarding a conference they are hosting on June 3, 2005, on ""Open
Meetings and Public Records" and he asked that Board Members are notified and given the
opportunity to attend, 3) reminded Commissioners that the Orange County Commissioners'
Luncheon will be on Wednesday, May 25,2005.
Commissioner Parker seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve
the purchase of a Corporate Table for the Orange County Commissioners'
Luncheon from the Commission ContinQency Fund. and offer any additional
seats to Department Directors who wish to QO. Motion carried 5-0.
4) announced the "Free Shower Head and Water Conservation Kit" program being given to
Ocoee residents who turn in their old shower head to the City,S) said the Ocoee High School
Football Team Car Wash made $1100.00 in profit this past weekend, 6) announced Intersquad
Game at Bulldog Field Friday night and it will be a fun event for the family, and 7) announced
High School Baseball Tryouts at the Sorenson Senior Center Saturday, May 21, 2005, from
11:00 am -1:00 pm and Monday May 23,2005, from 6:60 pm - 8:30 pm.
Commissioner Parker - would like the Commission to officially approve the purchase of 10
tickets to Best Fest, which was held last Thursday night. This was mentioned at the Workshop
on Wednesday, May 11, 2005, but no action could be taken at the workshop.
Commissioner Parker seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve
the purchase of 10 tickets to the Best Fest. and offer tickets to employees who
wished to attend. Motion carried 5-0.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
May 17,2005
Commissioner Anderson seconded by Mayor VanderQrift, moved to remove items
3, 5, and 7 from the Consent AQenda for discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
Item #7 was discussed and voted on separately. Items #3, #4, and #5 were discussed and/or
revised and then voted on with the Consent Agenda as a whole.
1. Approval and. Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of May 3, .2005.
(City Clerk Eikenberry)
2. Consideration for Purchase of Replacement Mail/Inserter Machine for Utility Billing.
(Finance Director Horton)
The Pitney Bowes machine currently in use is no longer operating. Pitney Bowes delivers the best technical
support available for the Utility Billing Departments needs and will be able to provide this equipment in the
time frame required and/or provide a temporary alternative for their bill process to continue with no delay. This
machine will be funded from Water/Wastewater, Stormwater, Solid Waste and General Funds.
3. Consideration for Additional Services Provided by the City's CRA Consultant. (City
Manager Frank)
HHI was hired by the City more than a year ago to work on the development of a CRA for the SR 50 corridor.
Because there have been two changes in city management during that time and many additional meetings and
work products associated with the CRA project, HHI is requesting additional payment beyond the original
Mayor VanderQrift seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved consider the
funds that are taken from the General Fund for startinQ up the CRA to be a loan,
which would be paid back to the General Fund once the CRA is up and runninQ, if
leQally possible.
City Attorney Rosenthal said he would review that issue with Special Counsel David Cardwell.
Lengthy discussion ensued regarding CRA time frame for ratifying the CRA and tax
percentages. City Attorney Rosenthal said the goal at this time is to have everything adopted by
the end of June, and that there may need to be a special meeting. It is still open as to what tax-
base year the CRA revenue will be generated; it could be 2005 or 2006. The City Manager can
advise on the percentage of taxes that are being discussed, the adoption/formation of the CRA,
and the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan, which is when the tax increment starts to accrue.
Community Development Director Wagner and City Manager Frank are working on that issue
with HHI at this time.
4. Consideration of a Resolution Supporting the Enforcement of Florida's Crosswalk
Laws. (City Manager Frank)
The Orlando Metropolitan area has one of the highest pedestrian fatality and injury rates in the nation.
Metroplan has asked that its municipal members adopt a resolution in support of enforcing crosswalk laws.
Mayor Vandergrift added that he would like to see crosswalk signs placed at intersections, and
an overall plan for a Park at Hackney Prairie Road.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
May 17,2005
5. Consideration for MotorolalWTEC to Perform. Radio Related Work. (Police Chief
Goclon) **removedfrom the Consent Agenda and voted on separately
As former Fire station #1 is scheduled for demolition, MotorolalWireless Technology Equipment Company,
Inc. (WTEC) will need to move the back-up radio equipment and take down the old radio tower from former
Fire station #1, erect a new tower at a suitable location in the municipal complex, and install the back-up radio
equipment in the police station. The old tower is not in suitable condition to be reused.
Commissioner Anderson asked if there was a plan to remove of the tower prior to the decision
to demolish Fire Station #1, to which Police Chief Goc1on advised that it had been scheduled for
October 2004 because it was in poor condition and had outlived its usefulness.
Mayor Vandergrift noted that the amount budgeted for this project was $36,000.00, but the
actual estimate to do the job is $29,000.00.
6. Consideration of Pavilion and Play Structure for Hackney Prairie Park. (Parks and
Recreation Director Farmer)
The '04/'05 budget includes money allocated for the purchase of a Pavilion and Play Structure for the initial
development of Hackney Prairie Park.
7. Consideration to Declare 1999 Freightliner Rescue Truck as Surplus. (Fire Chief
The Rescue truck was purchased in 1999 as a heavy rescue vehicle with the purpose of transporting tools and
equipment for specialized technical rescue calls. The truck has been used to supplement emergency response of
the EnginelPumper trucks and does not respond individually to calls. Staff recommends that the City
Commission declare the Heavy Rescue Squad truck as surplus and authorize the brokered sale of same by Ten-8
Fire Equipment Company for the asking price of $120,000 to be applied to the purchase of a new
EnginelPumper. The new engine would allow the department to place other equipment in a second run and/or
reserve status to prolong the life of existing equipment.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson, moved to
declare the fire truck as surplus, and authorize staff to use other means of sellina
the fire truck, such as E-Bav. DemandStar. and Government Auction websites
until Auaust 1. 2005, prior to Iistina with Ten-8 Fire EQuipment Company, and if
unsuccessful bv those means, to authorize the brokeraae with Ten-8 Fire
EQuipment Company.
8. ConSideration .of Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
for Kcnsington Manor. (City Attorney Rosenthal)
Pursuant to Section 10.4 of that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Kensington
Manor (the "Original Declaration"), all amendments to the Original Declaration, which alters any provisions
relating to the rights of the City, require approval from the City. The Declarant proposes to amend the Original
Declaration to provide that Kensington Manor Homeowners Association, Inc. shall be responsible for the
additional maintenance cost of street signs that are over and above that paid for by the City.
Consent Aaenda Vote:
Commissioner Anderson seconded bv Commissioner Johnson, moved to
approve Consent Aaenda Items #1 throuah #8. includina Resolution 2005-006
under Item #4, with revisions to Items #3 and #5, and Item #7 voted on separatelv.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Vandergrift said he would like staff to adopt a policy for HOA's to place signs on
developments that are uniform and contain the City logo and the address numbers. Public
Works Director Zaitooni advised that some of that language is included in the traffic policies
that we have with HOA's, and it is enforceable, however there are costs associated.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
May 17,2005
9. McCormick Woods,Phase 3. (District I - Commissioner Howell). (Principal Planner James)
The Public Hearing and Second Reading ofthefollowing three Ordinances wiI/be heard
onJune 7, 2005.
a. Annexation Ordinance - An ordinance of the City ofOcoee, Florida, annexing into the corporate limits ofthe
City Of Ocoee, Florida, certain real property containing approximately 9.866 acres located south of McConIiickRoad and
West of Ingram Road pursuant to the application submitted by the property owner; finding said annexation to be consiStent
with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, the Ocoee City Code, and the JointPlanning Agreement; providing for and authorizing
the updating of official city maps; repealing conflicting ordinances; providing direction to The City Clerk; providing for
severability; providing for an effective date.
b. Rezoning Ordinance - An Ordinance of the City Of Ocoee, Florida, changing the zoning classification from
Orange County A-I "agriculture" to Ocoee R-I-A "Single Family Dwelling" for certain property containing. approximately
9.866 acres located southo[McCormick Road.. on the west sideofIngram Road pursuant to the application submitted by the
property owner; providing for and authorizing therevision of the official city zoning map; repealing conflicting ordinances;
providing for severability; providing for an effective date.
c. Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment Ordinance - An Ordinance of the City ofOcoee,
Florida amending the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan as adopted on September 18, 1991 by Ordinance No. 91-28, as amended,
as follows: amending The Future Land Use Map from "Public Facilities/Institutional" to "Low Density Residential," for
certain real property containing approximately.9.866 acres located south of McCormick Road omthe west side ofIngrum
Road pursuantto the application submitted by the property owner; providing for and. authorizing the revision of the official
Future Land Use Map; repealing conflicting ordinances; providing for severability; providing for an effective date.
d. 13th Joint Planning Area Amendment - this item wiUbeconsidered in conjunction
with the above three ordinances during the second reading, June 7, 2005.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the above three ordinances. The second reading and
Public Hearing will be on June 7, 2005.
10. Consideration for Extension of Highway Lighting on Maguire Road to City Limit.
(Public Works Director Zaitooni)
City Commission requested staff to obtain a cost proposal from Progress Energy to extend the existing highway
lighting system on Maguire Road from the current terminus to the south City Limit. Progress Energy has
provided a cost proposal, which includes an initial design & construction cost of $47,082.85 and a monthly
rental fee of $625.14 for the additional lights.
Commissioner Anderson asked Public Works Director Zaitooni to look into the funding from
previous projects when we added lights to the rest of the area, and see if there is additional
money left over that can be used for this. City Attorney Rosenthal advised we are responsible
for maintaining the road under the lnterlocal Agreement with Orange County, although it has not
been legally conveyed to the City. Public Works Director Zaitooni said he will ask the County
if they want to participate in the funding for this project. He will bring the information back at
the next meeting. No motion was made at this time.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
May 17,2005
11. Traffic Sigllalfor Ocoee-Apopka Road and Ocoee Crown Point Parkway
Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve the
traffic signal for the High School at Ocoee-Apopka Road and Ocoee Crown Point
Parkway. as presented. Funds will be taken from the Ocoee Crown Point PUD
Funds. in the amount of $70.000.00. Motion carried 5-0.
12. Amendment #1 to Reimbursement contract with Florida Fish & Game Commission.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to
approve Amendment #1 to the Reimbursement Contract with Florida Fish and
Game Commission. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Parker - none
Commissioner Johnson - I) said the parking reconfiguration at the restaurant (in the newly
improved downtown area) is much better, but he would like to have the flower pots and wrought
iron moved and aligned, to which Public Works Director Zaitooni advised they are working on
that with Mr. Sills, the owner of that property but there are issues with irrigation lines, 2) said the
Founder's Day Board is trying to open up that area for next year's event by planning to move
electrical boxes and one of the trees, and place the stage closer to the lake.
Mayor Vandergrift - 1) asked about looking into a kiddy tot lot down by the lake, 2) asked
about adding garbage cans to the Starke Lake picnic area and placing signs on the cans that they
are not to be moved, 3) Ocoee High School PTSA meeting is this Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
Commissioner Anderson - reminded everyone of the Memorial Day Celebration, on Friday,
May 27, 2005 with the lunch at the Courtyard Marriott. The Consensus of the Commission
was to have the City Bus there to transport people from the qazebo to the hotel.
Commissioner Howell - asked why the Memorial Day Event was on Friday, not Monday.
Commissioner Parker advised that staff is off on Monday, and attendance is better on Friday.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
City of Ocoee
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S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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