HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-17-11 MINUTES
MAY 17, 2011, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Wilsen. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Johnson and Commissioner Keller.
Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
Mr. Elden McDirmit, CPA, commended the Commission and staff for having one of the best
reports he has seen this year. He provided a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the city's
financial report and positive summary.
Mayor ProTem Wilsen commented that she would like to thank staff and City Manager Frank
with the wonderful job they are doing. She further added this report is a great evaluation of how
they have handled the city. Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Keller commented that
with the current economics it is good to get this kind of report.
Presentation — Blackwood Avenue Streetscape
CRA Administrator Wagner gave a brief preview of some of the things that the CRA is doing
which included putting up banners throughout certain areas in the city. He further mentioned
they also placed an ad in the Discover Magazine, as well as, will soon run an ad in the Orlando
Business Journal. He further explained some of the progressive themes they will be using to
create a modem image for the city. New lighting, signage, and bus shelters will help in the
creation of this progressive theme. City Engineer Wheeler provided exhibits and briefly spoke
about the upcoming Blackwood Avenue streetscaping changes that will be done.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired if they would be using reuse water for the sprinkler system. City
Engineer Wheeler said they would and added that they are currently not watering in that area
since they will be removing the landscaping area out. Commissioner Johnson inquired about
lighting because it can be dangerous when going from the hospital and across Blackwood
Avenue. City Engineer Wheeler stated they have the lights that they need for the four corners
and they are trying to light and enhance that area up as best as they can.
City Manager Frank announced the following:
City Commission Regular
May 17, 2011
1) City will be holding a Memorial Day Ceremony on Friday, May 27 at Bill Breeze Park at
2) Ocoee Fire Department now offering the American Heart Association Advanced Cardiac
Life Support Course (ACLS) to the public as well as all the previously offered levels of CPR
and AED training. If interested please contact the Fire Administration of Fire Fighter
Paramedic Corey Bowles at 407 - 905 -3140.
3) Ocoee Farmer's Market is now located at Bill Breeze Park and is open from 3pm -8pm every
Friday. Public is invited to come to the market for fresh produce, farm fresh eggs, prepared
foods, and much more. Any questions please call 407 - 905 -3100 and ask for the Parks and
Recreation Department. Directly after the Farmer's Market is the city's Movie in the Park
series also located at Bill Breeze Park. The next two movies for May will be "Yogi Bear" on
May 20 and "Unstoppable" on May 27 Movie starts at 8:30pm and lawn area opens at
7:30pm with admission being free.
Commissioner Hood — 1) Spring Football game is this week on Friday at West Orange High
School. He believes it starts at 6:30pm. 2) Seniors are done with school this Wednesday and
three more weeks left of school for all others.
Commissioner Wilsen — 1) announced that citizens should stop at the Farmer's Market because
it is a great opportunity to meet other people in the community. It's a wonderful event and hopes
that residents are not missing out.
Commissioner Johnson — None
Commissioner Keller — 1) announced this is Police Week so he would like to thank all of our
sworn and civilian members of the Police Department. 2) Announced he has contacted
Commissioner Boyd regarding a meeting on the Hackney Prairie rezoning but he has not had an
open date yet to meet. He did not want to wait to meet so he has scheduled a meeting for
Thursday, 7pm -9pm at Ison Center to discuss the pros /cons of the school coming in on Hackney
Prairie Lake.
Mayor Vandergrift — 1) announced the city's aquatic center is open as well as a number of
other programs available through the recreation center. Information is available on the website.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve
the Consent Agenda Items #1 through #3. Motion carried 5 -0.
1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting Held May 3, 2011. (City
Clerk Eikenberry)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0.
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City Commission Regular
May 17, 2011
2. Approval of Villages of Wesmere Phase 2 Plat. (City Engineer Wheeler)
This plat is for Villages of Wesmere Phase 2 which is a re -plat of Tract B and Tract D of the Villages of Wesmere
Plat. The project is located at the southeast comer of Tomyn Blvd. and Maguire Rd. Phase 2 consists of a 96 single
family homes and its associated amenities. With all new developments, the city is requiring the Traffic Enforcement
Agreement and Agreement for Upgraded Street Lights to be placed into effect at the time of platting.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0.
3. Approval of State Highway Lighting, Maintenance, and Compensation Agreement and
Resolution. (Public Works Director Krug)
This agreement provides for funding from FDOT to the City to help defray the costs of street light operation and
maintenance on several State highways within Ocoee's corporate limits. The work order under this Agreement will
provide Ocoee with an annual payment of $27,303.00 for the 2011 -2012 fiscal year. This figure reflects a 3%
increase per unit cost from the previous year.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0.
4. Approval of Tri -Party Interlocal Agreement Between City of Ocoee, Orange County,
and Orange County Public Schools for the Hackney Prairie Relief School Site. (City
Planner Rumer)
The proposed Hackney Prairie Relief School is proposed to be open in 2013. The site straddles the municipal
boundaries of the City of Ocoee and unincorporated Orange County. The largest portion of the site, approximately
13 acres, lies within unincorporated Orange County. The rest of the site, approximately three (3) acres, is within the
City Limits of Ocoee. The three (3) acres in Ocoee will contain a stormwater retention pond only.
Recognizing the complexities involved in developing a site within multiple jurisdictions and to ensure the timely
and efficient construction of the elementary school site, the City of Ocoee, Orange County Public Schools, and
Orange County have resolved to memorialize a Tri -Party Interlocal Agreement ( "ILA ") that will provide: (i) a
process by which the plan for development shall be reviewed, and (ii) various conditions of that development. The
City of Ocoee, Orange County Public Schools, and Orange County have participated in 2 community meetings in
order to identify and address the concerns of residents living around the school site.
City Planner Rumer announced that staff is seeking commission approval on a Tri -Party
Agreement for the Hackney Prairie Relief School. The subject parcels are located on Hackney
Prairie Road in unincorporated Orange County and the City of Ocoee. With this Tri -Party
agreement between the county, OCPS, and the city it will lock in some development conditions,
specifically it will allow for the School Board to proceed with a PD rezoning through Orange
County, even on the piece in the City of Ocoee. It will also provide for improvements to
Hackney Prairie Road from the eastern edge of Remington Oaks Subdivision to the water
treatment plant, improvements to Timber Ridge Trail, and improvements for the connection of
Rich Drive to Hackney Prairie Road. The Orange County Public School is not seeking any
waivers and they are seeking to send this agreement to the County Commission in August 2011.
City Planner Rumer announced that Commissioner Keller is having a Community Meeting at
the Ison Center this Thursday from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm.
Commissioner Keller advised that he will be hosting the Community Meeting because he would
like to hear everyone's opinions on the school. He further added that he personally believes a
school is needed so he is in support of it. The nice thing about the Tri -Party Agreement is that
there is no money coming from the city and all the updates to the road will be done by the county
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City Commission Regular
May 17, 2011
and OCPS. Commissioner Keller further announced there will be public hearings through
Orange County for the zoning and as soon as he gets the information on the public hearing he
will try to get it out by e -mail since the School Board is known to send notices out late.
Jerry Jordan, 2079 Hargate Court, stated his concerns with the speeding issues on Hackney
Prairie Lake, narrow roadway, and traffic volume on the road since the opening of the park. He
explained several situations he has seen with speeders and the traffic studies he has conducted
himself to validate his concerns. Contact has been made to the Police Department many times
with his latest contact to them in March and he keeps being told that there is no issue. Mr.
Jordan stated he was promised flashing lights at the intersection, speed humps, and an island out
in the center of the road but none of these things have been commissioned. Commissioner
Keller stated he has spoken with Mr. Jordan regarding these issues and witnessed himself the
cars blowing through the stop sign as it didn't exist. He too feels they should have speed humps
or a round -a -bout at the intersection. Mr. Jordan briefly explained his 20 years of expertise in
traffic engineer and law enforcements and further stated that speed humps will work and he has
engineered some drawing for that area if anyone would like to look at it. Further discussion
ensued regarding cameras being installed to prove there is an issue. City Manager Frank
informed Mr. Jordan that if he leaves his contact information he will have someone get in contact
with him and meet him out there.
R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., stated he attended a school rezoning meeting on
Hackney Prairie Lake and expressed his concern about the gate in Forest Oaks. His concern is
that Forest Oaks will lose its security if the gate is opened. Forest Oaks currently has the one
entrance for residents to get in/out of and they would like to leave it that way. He further stated
when he expressed his concern at the Hackney Prairie meeting no one seemed to be against it so
he would just like to reiterate that the residents want to keep the gate as is.
Commissioner Keller briefly explained that the issue with Rich Drive is that it was illegally
platted and the county had asked, since Hackney Prairie was a dirt road, if Rich Drive could
remain gated and once paved then they could open it up. However, 10 -12 years ago when it was
paved, no one had thought about opening the gate which is why it has been closed off all of this
time. Now with the school coming up it has brought this issue to light. Commissioner Johnson
stated he recalls the gate was put up for emergency vehicles to get through. Mayor Vandergrift
announced that he would be opposing this agreement because as he has stated before he would
like to see a K -8 school built across the street from Ocoee High School, moving off of the
Hackney Prairie site. He further added that with a K -8 they could move 500 students out of
Clarcona Elementary and 500 students out of Ocoee middle schools which would solve two
problems and save around $20 million for the county.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to approve the
Tri -Party Interlocal Agreement between City of Ocoee, Orange County, and
Orange County Public Schools for the Hackney Prairie Relief School Site. Motion
carried 4 -1 with Mayor Vandergrift opposing.
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City Commission Regular
May 17, 2011
5. Continued Participation by the City of Ocoee with Orange County in the Federal
Urban County Program Interlocal Agreement. (CIP Manager Butler)
Orange County is a designated urban county for the purposes of receiving federal redevelopment funds through two
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs, the Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) initiative, which supports the construction and rehabilitation of public facilities, and the Home Investment
Partnership fund (HOME), which provides support for affordable housing but is presently unfunded. With a
population in excess of the statutory threshold, Orange County is an entitlement designee through the HUD Urban
County Program. An interlocal agreement was established several years ago whereby the City of Ocoee is an active
participant with Orange County in these two HUD programs. This agreement lets the City work with the County to
target projects for funding critical projects within the city limits. The interlocal agreement has provided the City
with almost $3 million in redevelopment funds since 2008 to rehabilitate the Pioneer Key subdivisions program.
CIP Manager Butler provided a PowerPoint and briefly explained the Community
Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) that the city participates in with Orange County.
An interlocal agreement was established several years ago whereby the City of Ocoee is an
active participant with Orange County in these two HUD programs. This agreement lets the City
work with the County to target projects for funding critical projects within the city limits. The
agreement is up for a three -year renewal, which would cover the 2012 -2014 federal fiscal years.
The interlocal agreement has provided the City with almost $3 million in redevelopment funds
since 2008 to rehabilitate the Pioneer Key subdivisions program. CIP Manager Butler briefly
touched on some of the future opportunities the grant will offer and stated staff recommends they
endorse the renewal of the agreement and continue to participate with Orange County.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Mayor Vandergrift, moved to approve
Continued Participation by the City of Ocoee with Orange County in the Federal
Urban County Program Interlocal Agreement. Motion carried 5 -0.
Commissioner Keller 1) reminded everyone to attend the Community Meeting regarding the
Hackney Prairie rezoning on Thursday at the Ison Center from 7pm- 9:30pm. 2) Announced the
March of Dimes is holding a fundraiser and one of the college groups is asking if the city would
be interested in putting in any funds. Commissioner Wilsen stated she recommends they go
before the Community Grant Review Board.
Commissioner Johnson — 1) commented that improvements going on at the City Hall complex
is really looking good and will be a great improvement to the city.
Commissioner Wilsen 1) agrees that the improvements are looking good and it will make the
Farmer's Market look even better.
Commissioner Hood 1) stated there is a wedding scheduled next month out at the gazebo and
inquired if it will be ready for the ceremony. CIP Manager Butler stated they have finished the
stairs and there is a new platform area for the wedding party to stand on. They will be fixing the
pavers tomorrow but the improvements will be completed except for the handrails. He further
stated he has advised the bride of the completion.
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City Commission Regular
May 17, 2011
Mayor Vandergrift —1) stated that there is a cut across the east driveway coming into the
parking lot and inquired if it will be corrected since there were a couple of residents in
wheelchairs that had a hard time getting though that area. 2) Also inquired about the parking
pavers that were removed where the city vehicles used to park. CIP Manager Butler stated it
will be filled with grass and the parking will be relocated to where the fire Station used to be. 3)
Announced there are some lights out in front of the Red Roof Inn located by Denny's and was
wondering if we maintain it and if Florida Power could be contacted. City Manager Frank
stated he will have staff contact Florida Power with the pole number.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
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