HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-05-04 Minutes MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD ON October 5, 2004 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Anderson led the Invocation and City Manager Frank led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Howell, Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Parker. Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS A. Mayor Vandergrift presented a Years of Service Award to James Mobley, in recognition of his 30 Years of Service. He received a plaque, a $500 gift certificate, and a 14K gold necklace with an Ocoee Logo pendant. B. Mayor Vandergrift read the Proclamation for National Epilepsy Awareness Month November 2004. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mr. Mohnacky- addressed his concerns about drainage for the lakes, and asked if there were any reports on the level of wind speed that Ocoee received during Hurricane Jeanne. Commissioner Howell said his neighbor had a wind speed indicator, which measured 79 mph. James Fleming- spoke in support of the CRA, and said he wished the CRA covered a broader area. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE - None I Hurricane Update Public Works Director Zaitooni - advised they are about 35% completed with debris collection; said costs so far are $226,000.00, which exceeds the amount approved and they will be coming back to the Commission asking for more funds; asked residents to keep hurricane debris separate from normal garbage and yard waste; said tomorrow is National Walk to School Day so they have focused the cleanup on those areas; said tree cuttings should be as small as possible, no more than six feet; Commissioner Anderson asked if the semi-annual cleanup can be pushed back to November and posted on the water bills and Mr. Zaitooni agreed. Mayor Vandergrift advised the City Manager he would like to see an employee barbeque to show gratitude for the hard work that was done throughout this hurricane season. City Commission Regular Meeting October 5, 2004 CONSENT AGENDA C. (pulled from Consent Agenda to be heard separately) Award Three (3) Continuing Contracts for RFQ # Services; and Authorization for Mayor and City (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) Staff recommel1dsthatthe City Commission award three (3}Continuing Contracts for RFQ #0403to$outheastern Surveying, Professional EngiIleeririgCol1sultants(PEC), and Weidener Surveying, as the top three (3) short-listed fitll1s,aridtoauthorize Staff to proceed with contract negotiations with the selected firms, and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and staff to execute all necessary contract documents with Southeastern Surveying, Professional Engineering Consultants (PEC), and Weidener Surveying. pproval and Authorization to for Surveying and Mapping to Execute All Documents. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to pull this item from the Consent Aqenda and vote on it separately. Motion carried 5-0 . Commissioner Anderson advised he pulled this item to have the Commission consider pulling Professional Engineering Consultants (PEC) from this short list in order to consider them on oncoming projects that are larger, since they have history of doing excellent work for the City. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to remove PEC from this short list and award the three continuinq contracts to Southeastern Surveyinq, Weidener Surveyinq, and Mactec, and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents. Motion carried 5-0 . A. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of September 7, 2004, and September 21, 2004; and Final Budget Hearing Minutes of September 20,2004. (City Clerk Eikenberry) B. Appointment of Ed Britton to Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Only one application was on file for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, therefore staff recommends the City Commission consider appointing Ed Britton as Member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for a two-year term ending on October 1,2006. C. Approval and Authorization to Awarci'l'hree (3)Continuing Contracts for RFQ # 0403 for Surveying and Mapping Services; and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute All Documents. (Purchasing AgentTolbert) Staffrecommends that the City Commission award three (3) Continuing Contracts for RFQ #0403 to Southeastern Surveying, Professional Engineering Consultants (PEC), and Weidener Surveying, as the top three (3) short-listed firms, and to authorize Staff to proceed with contract negotiations with the selected firms, and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and staff to execute all necessary contract documents with Southeastern Surveying, Professional Engineering Consultants (PEC), and Weidener Surveying. (PULLED FROM CONSENT AGENDA) D. Approval and Authorization for City Manager to Apply for a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program Grant to Install Lights at the Jim Beech Socc.erField for FY 2005-2006. (Parks & Recreation Director Farmer) The Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program Grant provide the City with $108, 750.00 to assist the City in installing the lights at the Jim Beech Soccer Field if the grant is awarded. The City of Ocoee would have to provide a match of$36,250.00, which would be utilized in Fiscal Year 2005-06. Page 2 of 5 City Commission Regular Meeting October 5, 2004 E. Approval and .AuthoriZation for Purchase of Benches, Trash Receptacles, and Planters for McKey Street Improvements. (Pa eCl"eatiollDirectol"Farlller) The plans for the McKey Street improvements include certain site furnishings. Staff recommends the purchase of Wabash Valley Estate Series benches, receptacles, and the Custom Design Precast planters from Contract Connection, Inc. in the amount of $20,029.50 by piggybacking off State Contract #650-001-04-1, (SNAPS #6502218-3). There is $30,000 budgeted in fiscal 2004/2005 for these items. Consent Agenda Vote: Item C was pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately. Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to adopt Consent Aqenda items A.B,D, and E, as presented. Motion carried 5-0 . PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. REGULAR AGENDA Items were moved and heard in following order: A, D, C, B, E A. DiscussionRe: Waste Services of Florida, Inc. (formerly Florida Recycling Services, Inc.), ResidelltialGarbage and Recycling Collection & Disposal. (Public Works Director Za]tooni) Dan Malloy, District Manager of Waste Services of Florida, addressed the complaints the City has been receiving from the residents and defined a four-step process that they would go through to correct any problems that are occurring or may come up in the future. He said the would (1) Advise Public Works when routes were complete, (2) Have regular supervision, (3) Use the TAG Program to survey residents for customer service, and (4) Rearrange the routes for efficiency and expediency. Public Works Director Zaitooni said the number of complaints have decreased since they placed a supervisor in our City, with the biggest complaints being rudeness of the drivers and lateness of garbage pickup. He added that we still have an abnormally high amount of damage to the garbage carts. Henry Morgan, 304 Lakeshore Drive, expressed his unhappiness with Waste services of Florida, feels the City should have kept City services and that we should consider re-bidding. Mavor Vanderarift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to qive them a sixty day notice for expectations of improved performance, at which time appropriate action would be taken under the contract. Motion carried 5-0 . -- Mayor Vandergrift read an acknowledgement from Frances Watts regarding City employee James Mobley's 30 years of service. -- Mayor Vandergrift acknowledged William Lovelady, reporter from The Sportsmen's Gazette. Page 3 of5 City Commission Regular Meeting October 5, 2004 B. Discussion and Direction Re: Old Fire Station #1 Building. (Public Works Director Zaitooni) Discussion occurred regarding the feasibility of refurbishing or demolishing the old Fire Station. Commissioner Parker said that we should consider moving the Police Department also because that building is not large enough and does not have the appropriate facilities such as a sallyport for transporting prisoners. Mavor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to have staff look into options and costs for refurbishinq the Fire Station, which includes the possibility of movinq the Police Department out of the their existinq buildinq. Motion carried 3-2. with Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Parker opposinq. C. Discussion Re: Pioneer Key Regional Drainage Improvements - Professional Engineering Consultants (PEC). (Public Works Director Zaitooni) This item was moved/ove/heard as the second item on the Regular Agenda, after D. Public Works Director introduced David Hamstra of Professional Engineering Consultants (PEC), who gave a presentation on the drainage projects at Pioneer Key 1 and Pioneer Key 2 and the low lying areas south of Palm Drive. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to authorize the qrant applications with the understandinq that the City would have to budqet matchinq funds of the next several budqet years. Motion carried 5-0 . D. Request for Reduction of Fine/Lien on Code Enforcement Board Case #94-19 - Maria V Continued from September 7, 2004, Commission Meeting) (llllilding Official This item was moved to be heard as the first item under the regular consent agenda. Building Official Phelps said there will be no problem getting the paperwork processed in thirty days, the release oflien will be signed and recorded as soon as the $3000.00 is received. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to accept the $3.000.00 fine and allow them to maintain ownership, with the condition the payment is received within 30 days. Motion carried 5-0 . E. Presentation Re: Residential Fire Sprinklers. (Assistant Fire Chief Firstner) Chief Firstner gave a presentation on the implementation of Fire Sprinklers in residences. Chief Firstner advised that it may be necessary to hold a workshop on this subject to go over all of the information The consensus of the Commission was to place this item on the next aqenda for discussion after they review the information that was qiven to them. Page 4 of 5 City Commission Regular Meeting October 5, 2004 STAFF REPORTS Utilities Director Wheeler gave an update on State Road 50, regarding the flooding/drainage issues and how FDOT is attempting to get water off of the roads without endangering any homes along the lakes. City Manager Frank - discussed a resolution that was passed by the Florida League of Cities dealing with an amendment to the Constitution requiring that every amendment to a City's or County's Comprehensive Plan be subject to the respective City or County's electorate. The resolution passed by the Florida League of Cities was in opposition to that. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Johnson- asked about uprighting the newly planted trees on McGuire Road Commissioner Parker- reminded residents east of Clarke Road and north of Hwy 50 in Ocoee that they need to attend School Board Rezoning meeting Tuesday at West Orange High School at 6:30 p.m. and send a loud and clear message of what is acceptable. Commissioner Anderson-asked if the City could write a letter to the School Board expressing our disappointed that the Board is not listening to local municipalities or the residents. Commissioner Howell- (1) asked about the City having its own insect spraying truck, possibly supplementing what the County is doing, to which City Manager Frank said the cost of the vehicle and a certified operator are being considered, and (2) said he would like to have a meeting with Public Works Director Zaitooni, Utilities Director Wheeler, and City Manager Frank, regarding drainage issues in areas that have outdated and faulty systems. Mayor Vandergrift- invited people to the road dedication to Veteran's Memorial Intersection on October 20th at Hwy 50, SR429 and the Turnpike. Reception begins at the Auto Auction at 9:30 am with guest speakers. Parks and Recreation Director Farmer gave an overview of all of the events that will occur on October 15th and 16th for this year's Founder's Day celebration. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:37 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee k r-:: Page 5 of5