HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-07-04 Minutes MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION December 7, 2004 at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Lester Dabbs led the Invocation and James Fleming led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Colors were posted by the VFW1 0147 Veterans. The National Anthem was sung by Taylor Elliott, a student and patriotic vocalist. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Howell, Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Parker. Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry. I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Dissertation of Pearl Harbor- Lester Dabbs Certificates of Appreciation for the Veterans Memorial Interchange Committee Members: Representative Fred Brummer, Alice Berkley, John Bryd, Ed Bowers, Lou Cruseo, Gequita Cowan, Lester Dabbs, Jr., Louis Fazio, Jr., E.G. Engerhardt, J.R. Fleming, Betty Hager, Ed Moore, Tommy Sanders, Janet Shira, Artie Vecchio. (Mayor Vandergrift) Presentation of the American Flag to the "GoldStar Mothers". (Mayor Vandergrift) Certificates of Appreciation for the Flu Campaign Workers. (Mayor Vandergrift) I C. ArborDay2003.htmCOMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mr. Bowers - asked for assistance with a neighbor who has done an excessive amount of plumbing, electrical, and construction work at his home without permits. He feels that it is a potential fire hazard to homes nearby. He said he has been contacting the City regarding these issues and does not feel he is getting the appropriate help. Building Official Phelps explained that they have given citations, posted stop work orders, and instructed occupancy of this residence. They have met with Patricia Jones, the owner who does not live on the property, and explained what needs to be done to bring the house into compliance. This case is scheduled to come before the Code Enforcement Board in January 2005. I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Parker - none Commissioner Johnson - asked the Mayor to advise Mr. Armbruster that with the redistricting of schools, football teams from the New High School and East Ridge Knights will be playing City Commission Regular Meeting December 7, 2004 each other and the Knights' colors are black, gold, and white, the same school colors proposed by the new school. Commissioner Anderson - said the Recreation Advisory Board would be doing the judging of Holiday Decorations on Sunday and Monday, December 13 & 14,2004. Residents who are still interested in being judged or nominating someone should call 407-905-3180. Commissioner Howell - none Mayor Vandergrift - I) said the Ocoee Bulldog Junior Midget Cheerleaders will be in the National Competition in Disney World, Thursday at 8:00 a.m., and 2) gave an update on the changes to the high school rezoning that were decided at the last minute at the school board meeting on December 6, 2004. I E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Comlllission Minutes of November 16, 2004 and SpecialSession of Novemher 16,2004. (City Clerk Eikenberry) 2. Consideration of Motorola Servic.e Maintenance Agreement in the Amount of $23,522.76 to Service Radio System. (Police ChiefGoclon) The current Motorola Service Agreement expired on September 30, 2004, the proposed agreement would take effect October 1, 2004, and runs through September 30, 2005. Included in the agreement is all the radio equipment currently owned by the City of Ocoee with the exception of the radio equipment purchased by the City for the Fire Department. 3. ConSideration of Annual School Resource Officer Agreement Between the City and the Orange Coun I Board. (polic.e ChiefGoclon) The Police Department provides three (3) police officers to four elementary schools and one (1) middle school located within the city limits. The annual agreement is required in order for the Police Department to understand its officers' responsibilities and for the City to be reimbursed by the Orange County School Board for a part of the officers' salaries. 4. Consideration to . Bid# B04-11 Term Contracts for Concrete Construction. (Purchasing Agent bert) Reject all bids due to inconsistent pricing and generally failing to meet the intent of the solicitation. The bids will not be re-advertised. 5. Consideration to Reject Bid# B05..01 Citywide Right-Of-Way Mowing. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) Reject all bids due to all bids being over budget. Staff is revising the scope of work and will re-advertise in the near future. 6. Consideration of WestynBay - Phase 3 Subdivision Plat. (City Engineer and Director oCPublic Utilities Wheeler) Westyn Bay-Phase 3 consists of 127 single-family residential units and lies on the northwest comer of the intersection of Ocoee-Apopka Road (S.R. 437) and West Road and east of Lake Apopka. All required documentation pertaining to the platting of this development has been reviewed and approved by City staff. 7. Consideration of Temporary Road Closing of City Owned Stre.ets/for Christmas Block Party. (Building Official Phelps) Ms. Leonarda Richardson of Richfield Subdivision has made application to the City for a Special Events Permit for a Christmas block party that would require the temporary closing of a City owned street. The event will be held on December 11, 2004, from 3pm - 11 :30pm. The street to be closed is Springfield Drive. The following requirements will be met: 1) All residents that will be affected by the road blockage must be notified in advance; 2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road closure in advance; 3) An emergency lane must be maintained at all times; and, 4) Roads must be blocked with proper barricades. Page 2 of6 City Commission Regular Meeting December 7, 2004 Consideration of Purchase of Gearbox Rotor and Shaft Assembl for Oxidation Ditch No. 1 from e.r Company in the..All1ount of $16,845.67 nded from Sanitary SewerR&R nt. (City Engineer and Director of Public Ilt~S Wheeler) The gearbox rotor and shaft assembly is an essential element to the overall operations of the wastewater treatment process. The new assembly will replace the existing unit, which is over ten years old and is reaching the end of its service life. The existing assembly will be refurbished at a later date and utilized as a backup for emergency conditions. 9. Consideration of (jhange Order No.1 withPrill1e Construction Group, Inc. for the Removal the Septic System and Abandonment of the Well in the .AIIIOllnt of $4,25.0. , d Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute..Change Order. (City Engineer and Director of Public Utilities Wheeler) When the Reclaimed Water Booster Pumping Facility Project was bid it did not include the removal of the old septic system and the abandonment of the old well on the property purchased for the City's pump station. Their location was either unknown or in an area that was not in the way of the new construction. The change order amount to include these items is $4,250.00 with an increase of two calendar days. Onsideration ange Order No. 2 with Prime C nstl'uction Grou Additional Equment Requirec;ltoInstallthe Bore and kUnder Ma the Amount of $37,603.75; and Authorization for or and City ChallgeOrder. (City Engineer and Director oCPubl tilities Whe.el When the Reclaimed Water Booster Pumping Facility Project was designed it did not include the location of the Sprint duct bank installed as part of the Maguire Road project. The result was a design and bid that included a bore and jack installation under Maguire Road at a depth of twelve feet. The Sprint duct bank required that the bore and jack be lowered by three feet, resulting in a change in excavation shoring from a trench box to sheet piling and the use of a steering head on the bore machine where one was not going to used before. The change order amount to include these items is $37,603.75 with an increase of seven calendar days. Consent AQenda Vote: Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to pass Consent Aaenda Items #1 - #10 as presented. Motion carried 5- O. Commission Howell asked if the rejection of bids (Items 4 & 5) on the Consent Agenda were going to come back before the Commission. City Manager Frank said the bid for Item #4 would be done on a case-by-case basis because we did not get the response we were looking for, and we will re-bid Item #5 to get more companies to respond. I F. PUBLIC HEARINGS None I G. REGULAR AGENDA lOA. (This item was a Walk-On EDlergency Ite.Dladded after the Agenda was published) Consider of Settlemeniil1 Case No. 04-CA..30..84, Asset Management Consu of Virginia II1c.vs. City oCOcoee. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to authorize the City Attorney to complete a settlement of this case throuah a payment to the plaintiff in the amount of $2,000.00. Motion carried 5- O. Page 3 of6 City Commission Regular Meeting December 7, 2004 11. Wavier Re Grimms) for Maguire Crossing Small Scale Site PI (Senior Planner Community Development Director Wagner presented the City's recommendation. Commissioner Anderson, seconded bv Commissioner Parker, moved to allow the 15' buffer on Professional Parkway and MaQuire Road as opposed to a 25' buffer with condition that the developer aQrees to provide enhanced landscapinQ and dedicate 10 feet of riQht-of-wav for future road wideninQ of MaQuire Road. Motion carried 5- O. 12. Discussion on Water Invasion Into Single Family Homes. (Building Official Phelps) Commissioner Parker asked for a discussion on this item for possible consideration in taking action similar to the City of Winter Garden's ordinance requiring surface treatment to masonry walls to prevent water intrusion into residences. Discussion occurred regarding researching different methods to recommend something better than the Winter Garden ordinance requiring waterproofing of new residences without using treatments that will trap in mold and mildew inside of the walls. Commissioner Parker, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson, moved to have staff research this issue and brinQ back an Ordinance with a workable solution for the construction of new residences that will prevent water invasion. Motion carried 5- O. 13. COllsideration of Purchase Contract for Property Locatedat201 N. Bluford Ave., Which Would Provide Assistance with Storm Water Mitigation. (City Manager Frank) City Mananger Frank said that the property is intended to be part of a storm water collection pond and also to provide a level of pre-treatment for storm water that is now entering Starke Lake. The city received an appraisal supporting the purchase price of $129,999.00 and the necessary inspections have been completed. With approval, staff will schedule a closing within the next 10 days and execute the purchase contract. Commissioner Johnson, seconded bv Commissioner Parker, moved approve per staff recommendations, the purchase of the property at 201 North Bluford Avenue in the amount of $129,999.00 from the Capital Reserve Account. Motion carried 5- O. Discussion occurred regarding the need to transfer these funds over to the Stormwater at a later time, once the property is being developed for that purpose. Page 4 of6 City Commission Regular Meeting December 7, 2004 14. Discussion R Ave., Clar Reduce ble Enforce oad, McKey d Tear. (C f Weight Restrictions of Trucks on Bluford , and Bri treets Throughout the City to ssioner Ande Commissioner Anderson said he wanted the Commission to consider limiting truck traffic in the downtown area to prevent wear and tear to the brick roads. Public Works Director Zaitooni presented a map, which included north to south from Silver Star Rd. to Geneva Street, and east to west from Bluford Avenue to Kissimmee. The idea is to restrict through traffic and allow only local delivery trucks to enter this area. Discussion occurred regarding a previous ordinance that was adopted for Clarke Road and was never posted correctly. Public Works Director Zaitooni said that the correct signs with wording regarding weight and load limitations have been ordered and need to be posted in specific locations to be enforceable. Mr. Zaitooni asked that the Commission consider what will happen to the displaced trucks, and how much police enforcement should be dedicated to this. He said he recommends the City look at transportation corridors before any decision is made. City Attorney Rosenthal said that a study was done at the time the Clarke Road policy was made. He recommended that Ocoee Code 168-62 be tied to the State Statute to be enforceable. Consensus of the Commission was Qiven without obiection to post the siQns for truck restrictions alonQ Clarke Road accordinQ to the previous action taken (if all appropriate actions have been taken) and to brinQ back recommendations on the roads in the downtown area. Other Discussion Occured Commissioner Johnson commented that the downtown area is looking good. Mayor Vandergrift asked about recovering bricks from Old Winter Garden Road, to which EngineeringlUtilities Director Wheeler said that they have not started to demo the old pavement yet, but he will point it out when it starts. Mayor Vandergrift asked about the water still sitting on the road between City Hall and Starke Lake. Public Works Director Zaitooni said they have been pumping water every few days and it continues to bubble up from the grass area. They are looking at a preliminary plan to elevate the road enough to avoid future flooding, and would do it at the same time a retention pond is constructed on the north side of City Hall. Commission Johnson said he would like the City to look at purchasing the property where the Black residence is presently located because it would make a good area for a retention pond. 15. CODsiderationofCanceling the December 21, 2004, Commission Meeting. (Commissioner Anderson) Commissioner Johnson, seconded bv Commissioner Anderson, moved to cancel the Commission MeetinQ of December 21, 2004. Motion carried 5- O. Page 5 of6 City Commission Regular Meeting December 7, 2004 I H. STAFF REPORTS None I I. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Mayor Vandergrift said this is the last opportunity that anyone would have to voice opinions before the final vote of the School Board in January. A lengthy discussion occurred regarding the City's right to take any legal action and the possibility of holding a workshop if further action is desired. Commissioner Johnson said he feels that the City should deal with them differently in the future and be tougher on them from the start. Commissioner Parker - none Commissioner Johnson - none Commission Anderson - wished everyone Happy Holidays. Commissioner Howell- 1) asked about the retention pond at Marlene, to which Public Works Director Zaitooni said the work should be done in approximately two weeks 2) asked about stop signs and traffic calming devices at Marlene and Lady, to which Public Works Director Zaitooni said he would call him tomorrow and give him more information, they would also need to come back to the Commission for funds for median improvements/chokers, 3) said Herb Watren, a resident on Doreen, said the Power Company damaged his property and drain field and now he has sewer backing up in house, and wants to know if the City can intervene because they are not calling him back 4) said that he feels the building inspectors have too much of a work load to do their jobs well and they are doing the best they can under the circumstances. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Page 6 of6