HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-03-04 Minutes
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:18 P.M. in the Commission
Chambers in City Hall. Commissioner Parker led the invocation and Commissioner
Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Acting City Clerk Brasher called
the roll declared a quorum present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and
Parker. Also present were City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, Community
Development Director Wagner, Fire Chief Strosnider, Assistant to the City Manager
Shira, and Acting City Clerk Brasher.
Proclamation - International Association of Fire Fighters Week - August 15 - 21
Mayor Vandergrift read the International Association of Fire Fighters Week
Commissioner Parker thanked all who attended National Night Out at Central Park.
Commissioner Anderson said he would like the following items to be maintained on a
regular basis so the cheerleaders who are practicing in the grassy area by the lake and
gazebo can use the property. 1) mowing 2) fire ant treatment 3) trash receptacles.
Commissioner Johnson said the restrooms are to be unlocked and stay unlocked until
Mayor Vandergrift announced the dedication of the Veteran's Memorial Interchange
would be held in October and volunteers are needed.
A. Approval and Acceptance of the Minutes of the City Commission
Regular Session of Julv 20. 2004, (Deputy City Clerk Brasher)
B, Reappointment of Norman Beier, John Grogan, Cecil Sammons, and
Mark Linn to Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department.
(City Clerk Grafton)
The 3-year terms of Member Norman Beier, John Grogan and Cecil Sammons end July
2004. The term of Member Mark Linn will end August 2004, All have indicated they are
willing to serve another term if appointed, These terms will end July and August 2007,
C, Reappointment of Sheila Grammer, Heidi Koch, and David Morris to the
Education Commission, (City Clerk Grafton)
The 2-year terms of 3 members of the Education Commission end August 2004, Members
Sheila Grammer, Heidi Koch and David Morris have indicated they are willing to serve
another term if appointed, These terms will end August 2006,
City Commission Regular Meeting
August 3, 2004
D, Approval and Authorization of Forest Trails Subdivision Plat; and
Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Plat. (Public Works
Director Wheeler) (Continued to the August 17, 2004, City Commission Regular
This plat is for Forest Trail subdivision, which consists of 120 unit single-family residential
development with its associated roads and stormwater management system serving the
development. Forest Trails subdivision is located on the north side of Clarcona-Ocoee Road,
a quarter of a mile west of Apopka-Vineland Road and directly across from Windstone
subdivision, All required documentation pertaining to the platting of this development has
been reviewed and approved by City staff,
E. Approval and Authorization to Waive the Formal RFP Process for POWR
Television/Landscape Up~rade Pro~ram. (Multimedia/Community
Events Manager Elliott)
Waiving the formal RFP process is necessary in order to enable staff to submit to the
SJRWMD for a 50/50 cost share grant to be postmarked by the August 6,2004, deadline,
This grant would enable the City to utilize the services of ValleyCrest Landscape
Maintenance, Glenn Acomb Florida Certified Landscape Architect, University of Florida
Associate Professor, Ocoee Wal-Mart, and John Deere Landscape for all six (6) landscape
upgrade projects in FY 2005,
F, Approval and Authorization to Transfer Funds in the Amount of $29,000
from Contingency into the City Mana~er's Department Bud~et to
Supplement the Personal Services Line Item, (Human Resources
Director Diedrich)
Payout issues for the former City Manager and changes in salary for the current City
Manager require additional funding from Contingency to supplement the personal services
line items in the budget for the City Manager's Department. Contingency balance as of July
22,2004, was $117,000, The new balance would be $88,000, The Human Resources
Department recommends transfer of $29,000 from Contingency into the budget for the City
Manager's Department.
G, Approval and Authorization to Transfer Funds in the Amount of $8,000
from Contingency into the Human Resources Department Bud~et for
Funding the City's Educational Incentive Program for the Remainder of
the Fiscal Year. (Human Resources Director Diedrich)
The Educational Incentive Program provides funding for employees to pursue course work
related to their job or to the long-range value of the employee to the City, Costs have been
higher this year as program participants are seeking Master's level degrees and public safety
certifications that are more costly than standard ANAS or BA/BS levels. Contingency
balance as of July 22,2004, is $88,000, Balance after this request would be $80,000.
H. Approval and Authorization to Waive City's Formal Bid Process and
Piggy-back off the State of Florida Contract 250-000-03-1 for the
Purchase of Five Docked Laptops and Three Desktops from Dell, Inc.
(Information Systems Director Ross)
The Ocoee Fire Department has received a grant for Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
upgrades, The Fire Department wishes to spend some of that grant money equipping the
EOC with eight (8) computers, Dell provided quotes for the City's standard desktop PC and
docked laptops, The total amount expensed to the grant for the cost of five (5) docked
laptops and three (3) desktops would be $21,060,56,
I. Approval and Authorization to Waive City's Formal Bid Process and
Piggy-back off the State of Florida Contract for a Fair Market Lease of
Replacement Copiers for Downstairs City Hall and the Public Works
Administration Trailer with Lanier Worldwide, Inc, (Information Systems
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City Commission Regular Meeting
August 3, 2004
Director Ross)
The copiers in downstairs City Hall and the Public works Administration trailer have been paid
off and are now starting to show signs of wear and tear. The 2003/2004 Fiscal Year budget
included funds to lease new copiers to replace these older units, Seven vendors (Canon,
Imagistics, Dex, Lanier, Zeno, Toshiba, and Xerox) presented quotes for both the local and
building copier models, Lanier provided the lowest 5-year total cost of ownership that best
matched the quote specifications and used our existing copier software for each model. The
estimated total cost of ownership for the copiers is $42,168 and $9,442 respectively.
J, Approval and Authorization for Change Order No.5 to Wharton-Smith
for the Sum of $50,920 from Fire Impact Fees. (Fire Chief Strosnider)
During the construction of the new fire station building items have been added or deleted due
to various reasons of construction, The entire request for Change Order No, 5 has been
carefully examined by Architects Design Group, Wharton-Smith, and City staff for accuracy,
The percentage over the original construction value with this change order is 4,83%,
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve
Items A. B, C, D, E. F. G. H. I, and J of the consent aqenda
as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Eagles Landing Preliminary Subdivision Plan. (Community Development Director
Community Development Director Wagner presented the Staff Report and exhibits
for Eagles Landing. In addition, he gave detailed information regarding the requested
waivers as well as the sharing of the community room between Eagles Landing and
Westyn Bay. Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan, including
the three (3) waivers for Eagles Landing.
Randy June, representing Eagles Landing stated that residents of Eagles Landing
would eventually be members of the Westyn Bay Homeowners Association.
City Attorney Rosenthal said according to information he has received, Eagles
Landing Subdivision would be annexing into the Westyn Bay Subdivision and the name
of Eagles Landing will formally change to Eagles Landing at Westyn Bay. A lengthy
discussion ensued regarding the use of the recreational facilities for Eagles Landing and
Westyn Bay.
The public hearing was opened.
Brian Lefkowitz, representing Westyn Bay Subdivision, stated the members of Eagles
Landing would be equal members of Westyn Bay Homeowners Association and will pay
a fee at closing for amenities.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the project had a wet pond in which a fountain could be
installed. Community Development Director Wagner said there is one wet pond and
he would discuss the installation of a fountain with the developer.
The public hearing was closed.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
August 3, 2004
Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve
the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Eaqles Landinq Subdivision, as date stamped
received by the City on June 28, 2004. to include the three (3) waivers and subiect to
the leqal comments provided in the memorandum by Foley & Lardner, dated July 29,
Second Reading of Ordinance. (First Reading May 4, 2004)
Poer Property - Ordinance No. 2004-09 - large Scale Comprehensive Plan
Amendment Adoption, (Community Development Director Wagner)
City Attorney Rosenthal read by title Ordinance No. 2004-09.
Community Development Director Wagner gave detailed background regarding the
Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment and said the amendment was
transmitted to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) as required and DCA has no
further comments on this amendment. The property was acquired by the City to add to
the Coca Cola Property and its intended use is for single-family residential development
that will be sold to developers to generate funds to pay for the acquisition of the
property as well as the infrastructure that is being supplied in support of the new high
school. Staff recommends adoption without changes of Ordinance NO. 2004-09.
The public hearing was opened.
As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to adopt,
without chanqes. Ordinance No. 2004-09, approvinq the Larqe Scale Comprehensive
Plan Amendment, chanqinq the future land use classification on the 29.25-acre Poer
Property from Oranqe County "Rural Aqriculture" to City of Ocoee "Low Density
Residential" and "Conservation/Floodplains" Future Land Use classification. Motion
carried 5-0.
First Reading of Ordinances, (Second Readings and Public Hearing Scheduled for August
17, 2004, at 7:15 p.rn,)
Ocoee Crown Point PUD - Ordinance No. 2004-16, land Use Plan/Preliminary
Subdivision Plan Amendment (Poer Property Addition), (Community Development
Director Wagner)
City Attorney Rosenthal read by title Ordinance No. 2004-16.
Oak Trail Reserve PUD - Ordinance No. 2004-17, Rezoning/land Use Plan,
(Community Development Director Wagner)
City Attorney Rosenthal read by title Ordinance No. 2004-17.
Westridge PUD (Community Development Director Wagner)
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City Commission Regular Meeting
August 3, 2004
Ordinance No. 2004-18, Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
City Attorney Rosenthal read by title Ordinance No. 2004-18.
Ordinance No. 2004-19, Second Revised Land Use Plan Amendment and
Preliminarv Subdivision Plan,
City Attorney Rosenthal read by title Ordinance No. 2004-19.
KensinQton Manor - Amendment to the Final Subdivision Plan (Community
Development Director Wagner)
Community Development Director Wagner presented the Staff Report for Kensington
Manor (fka McElroy Place). The developer is requesting two (2) waivers, which Staff
supports. Staff recommends approval of the Amendment to the Final Subdivision Plan
for Kensington Manor, as date stamped received by the City on July 1, 2004, as it
relates to utilizing Lot # 65 for recreational purposes and granting a waiver for a
reduction in the rear setback line from the required 30 feet to 25 feet to accommodate
higher end home construction while maintaining the maximum 35% lot coverage, and
granting another waiver delaying construction of the community building plus a pool and
cabana prior to the Certificate of Occupancy being issued for the 51 st house.
Developer Ed Hampden stated that due to the terrain of the subdivision, it is unlikely
that homeowners would be able to build a swimming pool on their property, therefore;
the developer would like to provide a community swimming pool on lot 65.
Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to the
Amendment to the Final Subdivision Plan for Kensinqton Manor, as date stamped
received by the City on July 1, 2004, as it relates to utilize lot 65 for recreational
purposes and qrantinq a waiver for a reduction in the rear setback line from the required
30 feet to 25 feet to accommodate hiqher end home construction while maintaininq the
maximum 35% lot coveraqe, and qrantinq waiver #2 by delayinq construction of the
community buildinq plus pool and cabana prior to the Certificate of Occupancy beinq
issued for the 51st house. Motion carried 5-0.
Report on Landscape Ordinance Committee Recommendation, (Commissioner
Commissioner Parker gave a detailed overview of the nine (9) Landscape Ordinance
Committee recommendations and asked the City Commission to agree to the nine (9)
recommendations by the Landscape Ordinance Committee. The recommendations are
as follows:
1. The Committee supports the dedication and funding of a new position in
the Public Works/Utilities Department for a person to work proactively
with utility customers to reduce water usage. Targeted customers would
be those with a history of high use and customers who experience
unusual increases. Funding should be guaranteed by the Commission
with the direction to Staff to seek ways to offset the cost of the position
through grants and/or other sources.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
August 3, 2004
2. The Committee recommends that the current landscape ordinance
remain in effect while the Community Development Department initiates
experimental programs to ensure viability and effectiveness of those
programs. If the programs prove to be viable, they would be adopted as
policies or the ordinance would be amended. The programs supported
by the Committee are:
a. Work the developer/builder(s) to incorporate the use of a certified
irrigation specialist or other professional to ensure that irrigation systems
installed are properly designed to provide efficient and water-wise
b. Work with the developer/builder(s) to incorporate landscape
designs that use Florida friendly, native and/or water-wise plant
materials as a certain required minimum percentage of the total
landscape design for and to offer those landscape designs to their
c. Work with builders in large residential projects to showcase water-
wise landscaping on at least one of their model homes.
3, Support the Landscape Seminars arranges by the Community Relations
Department and consider funding additional seminars based on the
success of the even currently scheduled for August 26, 2004.
4. Support a proposed FY 04-05 OGTV show to be produced in the
currently popular "Reality TV/Home Improvement" style that would seek
sponsors, pick a home with high water volume use and re-vamp
irrigation and landscape to increase efficiency. OGTV would monitor
progress and show regular follow-up programs to illustrate success on
the part of the homeowner.
5. Adopt a rate for new sod plantings to allow the sod to become properly
established by setting a maximum number of gallons offered at a
reduced rate for the average size lawn. Education would be required to
allow the homeowner to properly monitor irrigation use.
6. Send regular mailings to all utility customers that are separate from the
water bill, eye catching, concise, and colorful. Suggestions include a
color postcard that provides "at a glance" interest to the recipient.
7, Provide similar eye catching educational material to all new utility
account holders to help prevent "water bill sticker shock".
8. Work with local merchants to showcase and stock appropriate water-
wise plant materials and to stock replacement parts for rain sensors. An
example would be to work with Wal-Mart Super Center on maintaining a
"Florida Friendly" section in their lawn and landscape department.
9. The City should take all necessary steps to lead by example in
landscaping and water conservation.
City Manager Frank stated there is a new position included in the budget for the fiscal
year 2004-2005 regarding recommendation #1.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
August 3, 2004
Mayor Vandergrift thanked the Landscape Ordinance Committee for their contribution
and asked that the Committee continue to meet quarterly or on an "as need basis".
Without objection, it was the consensus of the City Commission to adopt the Landscape
Ordinance Review Committee recommendations with changes as necessary.
City Manager Frank
y The City has responded to the letter from FD.O.T. and requested a ninety-day
review time frame.
y A Traffic Study in the subject area would cost the City approximately $4,000-
$5,000 and asked for direction.
Without objection, it was the consensus of the City Commission to postpone the Traffic
Study until a response is received from F.D.O.T.
Community Development Director Wagner
y Said Thornbrooke Elementary School has placed portable classrooms on the ball
field and the City has an agreement with the Orange County School Board that
states portables would not be added to the park area. The City has paid for the
park facilities and is maintaining the area as well.
Commissioner Howell
y Said Commissioner Parker did a great job on the Landscape Ordinance.
Commissioner Anderson
y Said he and Parks & Recreation Director Farmer went to Washington, D.C. and
talked with Senator Nelson and Congressman Keller regarding the funding for
the Senior CitizenNeteran Center.
y He said he has invited Senator Nelson and Congressman Keller to Ocoee for a
Town Meeting.
Commissioner Johnson
y Said Orange County is charging the residents of Windsor Landing for re-use
service and this issue needs to be addressed. City Manager Frank said he
would meet with Community Development Director Wagner and Public Works
Director Wheeler regarding this issue.
y Said he would like a fountain in the retention pond on Thornbrooke Avenue.
y Said the landscaping along the road to Thornbrooke Park should be addressed.
y Said the utility easement in the area of the Fire Station 1 and the new traffic
signal should be mowed and maintained.
City Manager Frank said he would address this issue with the appropriate department.
y Announced Founder's Day is October 16 and volunteers are needed.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
August 3, 2004
Commissioner Parker
)0> Congressman Keller will be the guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Ocoee,
Wednesday August 11 at 7:30 a.m.
Mayor Vandergrift
)0> Said he distributed the proclamation regarding the emergency traffic problem at
Clarcona Ocoee Road and Ocoee Apopka Road intersection to the City
Commissioner and to Chairman Crotty and Commissioner Jacobs. He was told
there is no funding available for this traffic problem.
)0> He asked for a follow up letters to be sent to Chairman Crotty and the Orange
County Commission regarding the traffic problem. Commissioner Johnson
said letters of donation requests could be sent out to citizens and cities to help
fund the project.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P,M,
City of Ocoee
Brenda Brasher, Acting City Clerk
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