HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-01-04 Minutes OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR SESSION HELD JUNE 1,2004 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session.to order at 7:25 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Mike Armbruster led in prayer and Fran Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Grafton called the roll and declared a quorum present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also present were Acting City Manager Williford, City Attorney Rosenthal, Assistant to the City Manager Shira, Building Official Phelps, City Clerk Grafton, Community Development Director Wagner, Parks/Recreation Director Farmer, Police Chief Goclon, and Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni. ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Vandergrift introduced Mike Armbruster, principal of the new high school in Ocoee to be opened in August 2005. Mr. Armbruster gave his history in the school system and spoke briefly about his vision for the new high school. Presentation - Innovative Idea Award to Don Smith, Wastewater Operator Class A. (Public Works Director Wheeler) Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni presented the Innovative Idea Award to Don Smith for his design modification to the wastewater plant. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Fran Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, complimented the City on the Memorial Day Program and the lunch following. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE There were no comments at this time. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to null items Band E for senarate consideration. Motion carried 5-0. Acting City manager Williford advised, regarding item G, staff had reported No.2 "Authorize an additional $5,000 to be allocated from the General Fund, Stormwater Fund, and Water Fund for surveying and legal fees" should be stricken from the recommendation. Consent A2enda Item B. Approval and Authorization of Permanent Wall Easement Agreement and a Temporary Construction Easement Agreement from Joseph A. Shirer, Jr., for the Reconstruction of the Sawmill Wall; and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Agreements for Final Recording. (Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni) City Commission Regular Meeting June 1, 2004 On April 20, 2004, the City Commission awarded the Sawmill wall reconstruction project to Price Construction, Inc. In order to reconstruct the wall, it is necessary to acquire a permanent and a temporary construction easement from Joseph A. Shirer, Jr. who is the property owner at 5102 N. Apopka- Vineland Road, Orlando, Florida. Following a brief discussion, Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve item B. accept the Easement AQreement as oresented and authorize the Mavor and Citv Clerk to execute the AQreement for final recordinQ. Motion carried 5-0. Consent Agenda Item E. Approval and Authorization of Purchase Order in the Amount $5,250.00 for Continuation of the City's Good Living Magazine (GLM) Show for June and July 2004. (Multimedia/Community Events Manager Elliott) Staff respectfully requests the City Commission to authorize a purchase order in the amount of $5,250.00 from line item 001-512-01-3128 (Freelance Services) for the continuation of GLM for the months of June and July 2004. This will be the sixth and seventh edition of GLM. Mayor Vandergrift said, in the beginning, part of the focus for the Good Living Magazine was to get sponsors rather than have the City bear the financial responsibility alone and he asked Ms. Elliott for a report. Multimedia/Community Events Manager Elliott responded the sponsorship program is ready to be implemented. Commissioner Johnson said it was a good program but he would like to see it produced every other month rather than monthly. Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to aoorove the cost of one month of Good LivinQ MaQazine show. Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Vandergrift voting no. Commissioner Anderson and Commissioner Johnson discussed the selection ofthe bidder in Consent Agenda item G and Commissioner Johnson said he wished to be involved in every step of the process so he could report back to the Commission. Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to aoorove items A. C. D. F. and G (with the removal of "2) Authorize an additional $5.000 to be allocated from the General Fund. Stormwater Fund. and Water Fund for survevinQ and leQal fees" from item G). Motion carried 5-0. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of May 4, 2004. (City Clerk Grafton) B. Pulled for separate consideration. See above. c. Approval and Authorization to Declare the Existing Solid Waste (Garbage & Recycling) Trucks Surplus; and Authorize Sale of the Eight (8) Trucks to Container Systems & Equipment Company. Inc. for $43,425.00. (Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni) On March 16,2004, the City Commission approved privatization of the collection and disposal of residential garbage and recycling. The contract has been awarded to Florida Recycling Services, Inc., and the services will begin on June 1,2004. Container Systems & Equipment Company, Inc., who are the manufacturers of the City equipment have submitted an offer to purchase the eight (8) trucks. Page 2 of7 City Commission Regular Meeting June 1,2004 D. Approval and Authorization for Purchase of a New Edit System for OGTV in the Amount of $9,846.00. (Multimedia/Community Events Manager Elliott) The City's editing system became inoperable at the end of2003 making it necessary to outsource all editing jobs for OGTV to freelancers while also incurring charges to use outside edit systems. The consultant who helps maintain and repair OGTV equipment has advised staff that the City would be better served by purchasing a new system rather than trying to replace parts. The purchase of the system will use monies from the following funding sources: 1) $1,200.00 from Small Equipment, 2) $3,750.00 from Capital Equipment, and 3) $4,896.00 from the POWR Program. Quotes were requested and PowerDV Sales had the lowest quotation in the amount of$9,846.00. E. Pulled for separate consideration. See above. F. Approval and Authorization of Purchase of Five (5) Motorola Astro Dhdtal XTL 5000 Mobile Radios from Motorola by Piggyba<;king off the Orange County Contract. (Police Chief Goclon) The FY 2003/2004 CIP budget, approved by the City Commission, contained $20,000 for the purchase of five (5) Mobile Radios. These radios are being purchased for use in five (5) new police vehicles already on order. Motorola is a sole source provider for these radios and offers only the Orange County contract pricing ($3,650 each or $18,253 for all five radios) locally. G. Approval and Authorization to Award Bid #B04-07 in the Amount of $859,900 to Gibbs & Register, Inc. for McKey Street Improvement Project; and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Agreement Between the City and Gibbs & Register, Inc. (Buyer Tolbert) A bid was advertised and four (4) responses were received from: 1) Schuller Contractors, Inc., 2) Perri Builders, Inc., 3) Gibbs & Register, Inc., and 4) Gomez Construction Company. Staff recommends awarding the bid to Gibbs & Register, Inc. as the most responsive and responsible bidder, price, qualifications, and experience considered. It is also recommended by staff to: 1) Authorize an additional $20,000 bonus for the early completion of the project, 2) Al-ltaorize an additional $5,000 to be alloeated from the General Flll'ld, 8tonmvater Fl:lfld, and V/ater Fund for sW"Yeyiog and legal fees, 3) Authorize execution of agreement between City and Gibbs & Register, Inc. by the Mayor and City Clerk, and 4) Authorize staff to issue a Notice ofIntent to Award, and obtain the necessary bonds and insurance coverage from Gibbs & Register, Inc. PUBLIC HEARINGS There were no public hearings scheduled. OTHER BUSINESS Non-Agenda Discussion Community Development Director Wagner discussed the need for West Road (to the new high school) to be changed and said all the City was to do was to extend some of the turning lanes. However, the County had not started on the part for which they were responsible. T. Milton West, 3420 Big Eagle Drive, explained the reason Westyn Bay and the road into the high school were put where they were was because that was where the County said Ocoee Clarcona Road (West Road) was going to come out, and unless something was done very soon, there would be serious traffic problems when the school opens. A brief discussion ensued regarding whether the responsibility for the traffic issues would be the City's or the County's. Page 3 of7 City Commission Regular Meeting June 1, 2004 Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to direct staff to draft a resolution notifvinQ all oarties involved. incIudinQ the sheriffs office. of the emerQencv nature of imDfovinQ the intersection before the school is comoleted. Motion carried 5-0. First Reading of Ordinances. (Community Development Director Wagner) Fullers Cross Commercial PUD Ordinance 2004-13 Annexation Ordinance 2004-14 Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment Ordinance 2004-15 Rezonine: Baskine: Ride:e Court Ordinance 2004-11 Annexation Ordinance 2004-12 Rezonine: Ine:ram-Heidrich - Ordinance 2004-10 Rezonine: City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of each Ordinance in turn for the first reading. As Mayor Vandergrift had stepped away from the dais during the reading, Mayor pro tem Anderson announced the second readings and public hearings for the Ordinances would be June 15,2004, at 7:15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as practical. This item was taken out of agenda order Approval and Authorization of Financial Assistance from the City to Help Ocoee Little Leae:ue and the Ocoee Bulldoe:s Complete Their Field of Dreams Project. (Parks and Recreation Director Farmer) Parks and Recreation Director Farmer gave the staff report, saying both the Little League and the Ocoee Bulldogs had applied for the Field of Dreams Grants with the Orange County Parks and Recreation and both of those organizations received $59,287.81 to assist with some projects. The Little League wants to add some lights to the junior field at Sorenson Field, and the Bulldogs want to redo the press box and add restrooms to the Bulldog field. The Little League has completed the bids and has come up $41-$42,000 short, while the Bulldogs are still working on their figures, but plan to approach this Commission when the totals are completed. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve the amount needed from General Fund Contingency account. No action was taken on this motion. Discussion ensued about the wisdom of using Contingency funds with the hurricane season beginning, and it was established that the funds were not needed by the League immediately, but rather could be budgeted in the next budget as long as the commitment was in place by July 8. Max Britton, 1689 Rachels Ridge Loop, representing Little League, gave more of the background. Page 4 of7 City Commission Regular Meeting June 1,2004 Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to Qrant an amount not-to- exceed $44.392 to be Dart ofthe 2004-2005 budQet vear and. ifnecessarv. to carrv over from this vear's ContinQencv Fund. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Johnson said the same commitment would be made for the Bulldogs. RECESS 8:30 - 8:45 P.M. Appointment to Boards. (City Clerk Grafton) Human Relations/Diversitv Board Commissioner Howell. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to aDDoint Dr. Frann Kellev RodriQuez to serve a two-vear term on the Human RelationslDiversitv Board with the term endinQ June 1.2006. Motion carried 5-0. Education Commission Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Howell. moved to aDDoint Jim Conklin to serve a two-vear term on the Education Commission with the term endinQ June I. 2006. Motion carried 5-0. Recommendation by CACOPD for Removal of Tony Kissoon. (City Clerk Grafton) Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to aDorove the recommendation of the CACOPD to not reaDDoint Member Tonv Kissoon due to lack of attendance and non-comDliance with the CACOPD Bv-Laws. Motion carried 5-0. This item was taken out of agenda order. Discussion Re: Purchase of United Methodist Church Property. (Acting City Manager Williford) Acting City Manager Williford reported the asking price for the United Methodist Church property had been reduced to $675,000 and he listed the items the Church plans to remove or leave in the buildings. He said if the Commission wished to consider purchasing the property the Church Board would entertain a smaller down payment now and the balance could be put in the next budget year. Commissioner Johnson spoke in favor of the purchase and listed the ways he thought the property could be used. He added he was hoping to make a new entrance to the municipal complex by tearing down the fire station. City Attorney Rosenthal advised a few of the basics that would be needed were an appraisal, a phase I environmental assessment, and a survey, along with a general evaluation of the condition ofthe facility. Lengthy discussion ensued, resulting in a decision, without obiection. to appoint a committee made up of Acting City Manager Williford. Building Official Phelps. Parks/Recreation Director Farmer. and Deputv Public Works Director Zaitooni to do a use studv and a cost of use study. and present the information at a work session to be scheduled before the next regular meeting. Page 5 of7 City Commission Regular Meeting June 1, 2004 STAFF REPORTS There were no staff reports at this time. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker agreed with Mrs. Watts that the Memorial Day Services were well done. Commissioner Johnson 1) Said he would like to see the lakefront restrooms closed about 9:00 p.m. Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni said that was being done already. 2) Said he wants the loitering on the benches stopped. Police Chief Goclon said he would check it out. City Attorney Rosenthal said they could discuss that on Attorney Day this week. 3) Said he wants to move the memorial site to the corner of McKey Street/Bluford Avenue and see that there is a Vietnam memorial added as well. Commissioner Anderson read two e-mail messages: I) Ocoee Otters Swim Team has their first swim meet at home (Ocoee Aquatic Center) Wednesday, June 2 at 6:30 p.m. 2) Don Price, 627 Orange Avenue, said he fishes Lake Moxie and would clean up the debris around the lake and see that it was put curbside for the pick-up crew if the City would put a container there on the site. Commissioner Howell asked Building Official Phelps why the City was doing selective enforcement regarding portable carports. Mr. Phelps responded they are noticing violations that are reported to them and would need addresses for specific complaints. When Commissioner Howell said he wanted the ordinance changed so that a citizen can protect his vehicle, Mr. Phelps responded there are provisions already in place but they have to abide by the zoning rules. Commissioner Anderson asked where we stand with the impact fees and said it was his understanding the Commission was to be providing names for the committee. Mr. Williford responded they were waiting on some figures from Mr. McKey with HV A and he hoped to be ready by the next regular meeting. Mayor Vandergrift said he wished to authorize a study to deal with water rates as the top tier was very difficult [or citizens to handle. City Attorney Rosenthal said it would be necessary to go to the consultants. After further discussion Acting City Manager Williford said staff would prepare comparison charts of January - June oflast year with January - June of this year. This would also give staff an opportunity to compare the collections today versus revenue projections for the bond commitments. Mayor Vandergrift I) Complimented Public Works for the work done on the brick streets. 2) Said he had asked for garbage cans to be emptied at the lakefront promptly. 3) Asked that the charges related to the Board of Adjustment be reviewed. 4) Thanked the unknown person who put the decorations on the dais for the Memorial Day season. Page 6 of7 City Commission Regular Meeting June 1,2004 5) Thanked those who were involved in the Memorial Day activities. 6) Announced the Sunday, July II Memorial Poker Run and Community Fund Raiser for the Williams children (of Longwood) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee ~. . . Scott Vandergrift, Mayor \ Page 70f7