HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-17-04 Minutes
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order in the Commission Chambers at 7:15
P.M. He then called for a moment of silent prayer for Sean Alexander Anderson. Frances Watts
led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Grafton called the roll and declared a
quorum present.
Recognition of Retirement of Deputy Clerk Marian Green after 17 Years of Employment
with the City of Ocoee. (City Clerk Grafton)
City Clerk Grafton acknowledged Deputy City Clerk Marian Green's years of service to the
citizens and presented a paperweight engraved with "Marian Green - Our Most Valuable Player"
in recognition of her dedication and loyalty.
Presentation - Ccrtificate of Apprcciation - Susan Houlk, Danny Houlk, Gina Houlk,
Ashley Houlk, Nicholas Houlk, and Magaly Montero. (Police Chief Goclon)
Police Chief Goclon recognized Susan Houlk, Danny Houlk, Gina Houlk, Ashley Houlk,
Nicholas Houlk, and Magaly Montero and presented them with a Certificate of Appreciation for
their assistance and for taking action to save a two-year old girl after finding her in the parking
lot of an Ocoee apartment complex. Although they were unable to locate the parents, they
contacted the police, provided clothing, diapers, food and drink for the child, and assisted in the
search for the parents.
Proclamation - Black History Month - February 2004.
Commissioner Parker announced Gary Monroe will be here in the Chambers with a special
presentation on The Highwaymen Monday, February 23rd, at 7 p.m.; and after brief discussion
with Mayor Vandergrift said she would ask that it be televised.
Commissioner Howell announced the Political Forum to be held in the Chambers February 19
at 7:00 p.m. sponsored by the Woman's Club. He then expressed his sympathy and prayers for
the Anderson family in the loss of their son.
Mayor Vandergrift read a plaque of appreciation presented to him for the City from the 2003
Ocoee Bulldogs. He then announced the Little League opening day Saturday, February 28
beginning at 8:00 a.m. with a parade. Both the Little League and the West Orange Girls Club
will be opening their seasons at 10:00 a.m. Commissioncr Howell added the League had
invited all of the elected officials for the opening day ceremonies.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, and L. Commissioner
Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner HowelL moved to aonrove the consent aQenda as
nresented. Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Session
February 17, 2004
Commissioner Parker suggested, in coni unction with the purchase ofthe new vehicles for
police and fire, the departments be authorized to use their new logos and patches instead of plain
stripes in the decoration of their vehicles. Without obiection, this direction was given.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Special Session of
February 3, 2004, and Re2ular Session of February 3, 2004. (City Clerk Grafton)
B. Approval and Authorization for Oran2e County Canvassin2 Board to Canvass
Ocoee's Absentee Ballots. (City Clerk Grafton)
The recently authorized contract with the Supervisor of Elections for the use of the
County's equipment for the March election includes the handling of absentee ballots as
well. Supervisor of Elections Cowles has requested authorization for the County
Canvassing Board to evaluate the City's absentee ballots, count them, and provide the
results to the City of Ocoee Canvassing Board for certification for the 2004 elections.
C. Approval and Authorization of Temporarv Closin2 ofa Portion of North
Lakeshore Drive and Boat Ramp at Starke Lake for the Purpose of a Boat Regatta.
(Building Official Phelps)
The event will be held on March 12-14,2004, from 8am-5pm on Friday-Saturday and
12pm-5pm on Sunday. The following requirements will be met: (1) All residents that
will be affected by the road blockage must be notified in advance, (2) Health Central
Ambulance must be notified of the road closure in advance, (3) An emergency lane must
be maintained at all times, and (4) Roads must be blocked with proper barricades, and
signs posted at the boat ramp in advance to notify citizens of its closing.
D. Approval and Authorization for Dedication of the Forest Oaks Water Treatment
Plant to Grady Smith in a Formal and Public Ceremony. (Public Works Director
In 1985, a granite plaque was purchased and inscribed in dedication to the late Grady
Smith. The City Commission had approved this dedication and the plaque was
ceremoniously placed at the Kissimmee Avenue Water Treatment Plant. The Kissimmee
Avenue Water Plant was eventually decommissioned and the plaque was removed. Staff
request authorization for a rededication ceremony and that the Forest Oaks Water
treatment Plant be the predominant site of choice.
E. Approval and Authorization of Kane's Furniture Amendment to Declaration of
Easements. (Assistant City Attorney Cookson)
The Original Declaration of Easements provided that the Goodman Center Final
Subdivision Plan would be null and void if certificate of occupancy was not issued for the
Kane's Furniture Store by April 24, 2004. To date, construction has not started on the
Kane site. The Amendment would require that the subdivision infrastructure be started
by April 24, 2004, and completed by April 24, 2005.
F. Approval and Authorization of $10,000 from Contingency for Retrofit of the
Existin2 Stormwater Pond in Twin Lake Woods on Marlene Drive (Pond H3) for
the Purpose of Improving Maintenance of the Pond. (Deputy Public Works
Director Zaitooni)
Pond H3 is located on Marlene Drive in Twin Lake Woods, east of Adair Street and
south of Nicole Boulevard and is under ownership of the local HOA, which is responsible
for maintenance of the Pond. Staff requests approval of$10,000 from Stormwater
Ocoee City Commission Regular Session
February 17,2004
Contingency Funds for purchased material and authorization for Public Works staff to
perform the required work using City equipment.
G. Approval and Authorization of Change Order #4 to the Groundtek Contract
#B03-01 for Maintenance of Pond C62 in Remington Oaks at $1608.00 Annually;
and Payment to Groundtek for the Maintenance Services Provided Since October of
2003 at $536.00. (Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni)
The maintenance for Pond C62 in Remington Oaks was inadvertently omitted from the
staff report dated October 21,2003, which added Change Orders 1,2, and 3 to the
contract. However, the contractor has been providing the maintenance services since
October of2003 and has invoiced the City for 4 months service at $536.00. The monthly
cost of change Order #4 is $134.00 or $1608.00 annually, and funds are available from
the Stormwater Contingency Funds.
H. Approval and Authorization to Piggyback Various Governmental Entities'
Contracts for Various Vehicles/Equipment and to Authorize the Lease-Purchase
Agreement with SunTrust for Same. (Buyer Tolbert)
Staff recommends that the City Commission: I) Approve piggybacking on the Florida
Sheriffs Association & Florida Association of Counties, and the State of Florida contracts
for the listed vehicles, 2) Authorize staff to secure financing through SunTrust Bank for
the vehicles and equipment, and 3) Authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and staffto execute
the lease-purchase agreement and related documents.
I. Approval and Authorization for Two Additional Patrol Vehicles to be Added to
this Year's SunTrust Lease to Replace Two Vehicles Recently Declared Totaled by
the City's Insurance Company. (Police Chief Goclon)
The police department wishes to add two additional patrol vehicles (over what was
authorized in the 200312004 budget) to the SunTrust lease. Recent traffic crashes have
caused two marked patrol vehicles to be declared totaled by the City's insurance
J. Approval and Authorization for Professional Services Agreement for
Community Redevelopment Services with Herbert Halback, Inc. (Assistant to the
City Manager Shira)
The Selection Committee recently chose Herbert Halback, Inc. (HHI) as the top ranked
firm in the CRA consultant selection process. HHI has now presented the City with a
contract for the work. For budgeting purposes, the City estimated this project to cost
$80,000 so there are adequate funds available in the current budget. Staff requests
approval of the Professional Services Agreement for Community Redevelopment
Services with Herbert Halback, Inc.
K. Approval and Authorization for $14,380.00 from Contingency for Change Order
No.2 to Wharton-Smith. (Fire Chief Strosnider)
During construction of the new fire station building items have been added or deleted due
to various reasons of construction. Architects Design Group, Wharton-Smith, and Fire
Chief Strosnider have carefully examined the entire Request for Change Orders (RCO)
for accuracy and they request approval.
L. Approval and Authorization to Waive City's Formal Bid Process and Utilize
State of Florida Contract #425-001-01-1 With Works capes Inc. and Knoll State
Purchasing Contract #C004572, for a Total of $68,652.20, for Fire Station One's
Furniture Package. (Assistant Fire Chief Firstner)
Ocoee City Commission Regular Session
February 17,2004
ADG Inc. and Architectural Interiors Inc. developed specifications for the furniture
package for Fire Station One. There are multiple vendors on State of Florida Contract
#425-001-01-1. Three of those vendors were solicited for quotes on the package, two
replied and one declined to submit a quote. Workscapes Inc. and Florida Business
Interiors submitted packages, which varied considerably in price and quality. Staff
recommends Workscapes Inc. as the only vendor that provided a quote that met the
City's specifications.
Consideration of the Available Options for the Collection and Disposal of Residential
Garbaee and Recvcline within the City. (Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni)
Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni presented the staff report, displaying details on the
overhead. He introduced in the audience Solid Waste Supervisor Darrel Dees, Finance
Supervisor Donald Carter, Jim Becker and Jack Martin, with Orange County Utilities, and
representatives of Onyx Waste Services and Florida Recycling. He described briefly the options
to be considered:
Option A - Privatization of residential garbage and recycling through a City RFP process
Option B - Orange County to provide the services through an Interlocal Agreement
Option C - City continues with the current in-house operations.
Mr. Zaitooni compared the costs, advantages and disadvantages in each option, responded to
questions from the Commission, and then responded to questions from the public during the
public hearing
The public hearing was opened and the following citizens commented:
Joe Briarton, 1099 Miller Drive, Altamonte Springs, 32701, spoke representing Florida
Recycling Services.
James Becker, 5901 Young Pine Road, Orlando, 32859, spoke representing Orange
County Solid Waste.
Bill Hoelscher, 604 Roberts Rise Drive, 34761, said City should stay with the system it
R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, 34761, asked if there has been a study
done regarding how long the City trucks last and he made several suggestions.
Henry Morgan, 304 S. Lakeshore Drive, 34761, said whatever option is chosen it must
include the "jolly green giant" bins. He noted also that Onyx has had an uncommon amount of
complaints in the time they have been serving the City.
Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, 34761, asked who was going to pick up the trash
left in the streets after the garbage trucks go by if you go with smaller containers.
Bruni Massa, 611 E. Lakeshore Drive, 34761, supported keeping the City sanitation
service on, and noted that after the recycling trucks go by papers and bottles litter the streets.
James Fleming, 511 Orange Avenue, 34761, said to take option C and fund it and get
equipment the employees can work with.
Rosemary Wilsen, 1019 Shady Maple Circle, 34761, asked for details about the
proposed purchase of a truck and asked that staff spell out the words instead of using acronyms
such as RFP, since the general public does not know what they mean.
Jennifer Wilkes, 2015 Hedgerow Circle, 34761, talked about the cost of repair versus
the cost of new trucks.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Session
February 17,2004
Commissioner Anderson read an e-mail message from Rob McKey saying no one has
addressed going to one pickup per week.
J. Lester Dabbs, Jr., 619 Caborca Court, 34761, asked what happens to staff if the City
outsources, and said he wants to keep service here.
Bill Simon, 2711 Cullens Court, 34761, spoke in favor of option C.
Max H. Jacobs, Jr., 2247 Mountain Spruce Street, 34761, said this Commission should
be more proactive instead of reactive, and stated his neighbors are in favor of option C.
Scott Glass, 300 S. Orange Avenue, Orlando, 32801, representing Onyx, said no one in
his neighborhood has a problem with Onyx.
Mayor Vandergrift read an e-mail message from Linda Bryant asking what will be
done for employees who will lose their jobs because they are not trained for anything else.
The public hearing was closed.
After a brief discussion Commissioner Johnson said he would prefer to go with option C, go
ahead with a rate increase and buy the equipment needed. City Attorney Rosenthal advised this
public hearing was not advertised to consider a rate increase and he described the appropriate
motion to bring that about. He said procedurally staff would prepare a resolution to provide for
an increase in the residential rates to $18.25 and schedule that resolution for a public hearing on
March 16. He cautioned also that if that resolution should not be adopted at that time the other
options would still be before the Commission for consideration. There was discussion about
whether the vendors would extend the dates on their RFPs and staff was directed to request such
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to direct staff to schedule
and advertise a Dublic hearin!! for March 16. 2004. to increase the residential solid waste char!!es
to $18.25. Motion carried 3-2 with Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Anderson voting no.
RECESS 9:45 -10:05 P.M.
Approval and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Interlocal
Agreement for Fire Dispatch Services between Orange County, Florida and the City of
Ocoee. (Support Division Chief McNeil)
Assistant Chief McNeil was present to respond to questions.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to aoorove the
Interlocal A!!reement for Fire Disoatch Services between Oran!!e Countv and the Citv of Ocoee.
and to authorize the Mavor and Citv Clerk to execute the necessarv documents. Motion carried
CONSIDERED HERE (see details below)
Approval and Authorization for a Reduction of Fines and Release of Lien on Code
Enforcement Board Case No. 99-074 & 99-075, Ruby Reeves. (Building Official Phelps)
Ocoee City Commission Regular Session
February 17,2004
Building Official Phelps presented the staff report and said staff agreed with the Code
Enforcement recommendation to reduce the fine of$877,500 to $1,000 provided it is paid within
30 days of January 27, 2004. He stated this amount should cover the actual costs incurred by the
City to process the case.
Frankie Reeves Kaup, 1001 Wurst Road, said her mother is 91 years old and the family had not
learned of the lien on the property until November 4,2003. She said they moved forward with
cleaning up the property at that time and would appreciate any consideration the Commission
could give.
Commissioner Howell expressed his appreciation to Mr. Phelps for bringing forward old cases
such as this so they can be cleared up.
Commissioner Howell. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to sore ad the $1.000 fine
over a oeriod of 90 davs in reco!lnition of the reoresentatives of the owner takin!l action to clean
uo and brin!l the orooertv into comoliance uoon bein!l notified of the oroblem.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Howell. moved to amend the motion to
$500. Motion carried 5-0.
The motion as amended carried 5-0.
Building Official Phelps said he would hold the lien on the property until the amount had been
paid in full.
Later in the meeting, M. Claude Hawthorne, 355 Maine Street, addressed the Commission
regarding the Reeves lien.
Approval and Authorization for Additional Work on McKey Street Project for Stormwater
and Water Improvements. (Assistant to the City Manager Shira)
Assistant to the City Manager Shira presented the Addendum to the Continuing Professional
Consulting Agreement with Spillis Candela and Partners, Inc., which is an authorization to
expend up to an additional $200,000 for stormwater improvements and up to $60,000 for water
improvements for design and construction administration for the storm water and water for the
McKey Street Project. Randy Raiman, with Herbert Halback, Inc. (HHI), was present to respond
to questions.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to aoorove the
Addendum to the Continuin!l Professional Consultin!l A!lreement with Soillis Candela and
Partners. Inc. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was not present.
Approval and Authorization for Final Design Approval for the Conceptual Design for the
McKey Street Project. (Assistant to the City Manager Shira)
Ocoee City Commission Regular Session
February 17,2004
Commissioner Johnson and Ms. Shira discussed the results of the meeting held with the
McKey Street property owners and Ms. Shira asked for a motion authorizing expenditure of
existing budget dollars (approximately $2,000 to $3,000) to have a surveyor write the legal
description for the parcel being donated to the City by the Longs at 101 McKey Street.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to aoorove the
Conceotual Desilln for the McKev Street Proiect and to aoorove the exoenditure of a not-to-
exceed amount of$3.000 for a survevor to write the lellal descriotion for the orooertv acauired
from the LonllS. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was not present.
Discussion Re: Authorization to Increase Sun Trust Line of Credit for the Coca-Cola
Property. (Community Development Director Wagner)
Community Development Director Wagner was present to answer questions. Staff
recommendation was to authorize Staff to negotiate with SunTrust Bank to increase the existing
line of credit for the Coca-Cola property from $4 million to $5.7 million and to authorize Staff to
schedule a Public Hearing on March 2, 2004 to consider an amendment to Resolution No. 2000-
15, including preparation of all loan documents in support of the increase to the line of credit.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to aoorove Staff
recommendation. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was not present.
City Manager Issues: (City Attorney Rosenthal)
Appointment of Special Counsel.
City Attorney Rosenthal explained that, regarding the recent action taken to terminate Mr.
Gleason's employment, due to his long-standing working relationship with Mr. Gleason, he had
advised this Commission to hire someone as special legal counsel who has not done business
previously with the City of Ocoee. He said in order for the Commission to meet the timeframe
spelled out in the Charter, he had introduced Susan McKenna, with Jackson Lewis, LLP to
Mayor Vandergrift and acting City Manager Horton. They had engaged Ms. McKenna subject to
ratification by the Commission at this meeting.
Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Howell. moved to retain the law firm of
Jackson Lewis. LLP as soeciallellal counsel to the Citv with resoect to matters relatinll to the
orooosed termination of Citv Manaller Jim Gleason and with resoect to matters which mav arise
thereafter in the event he is terminated. with fundinll for such soecial counsel to come from the
General Fund - General Government Lellal Account. and that the Commission ratifv the actions
of the Mavor. Citv Attomev and Actinll Citv Manaller in retaininll Jackson Lewis. LLC as of
Februarv 1 L 2004. Motion carried 5-0.
Schedulinf! of Public Hearinf! on Adoption of Final Resolution Terminating City Manager
City Attorney Rosenthal reviewed the order of events beginning in the February 3 Special
Session with the adoption of the Preliminary Resolution to terminate Mr. Gleason, a copy of
Ocoee City Commission Regular Session
February 17,2004
which was delivered to Mr. Gleason on February 9. That same day the City Clerk received a
written response from Mr. Gleason requesting a public hearing pursuant to section C-22 of the
City Charter. The Charter requires the public hearing be held no earlier than 15 days and no later
than 30 days after Mr. Gleason's request is filed. This creates a timeframe of the earliest date
Tuesday, February 24 and the latest being Wednesday, March 10. He then introduced Ms.
Special Counsel McKenna, 1521 Hillcrest Avenue, Winter Park, said she had been in touch
with Mr. Gleason's attorney, Tom Pilacek, and she presented a list of proposed guidelines for
hearing procedures that she had worked out with him. She asked for consideration of those items
and the decisions made in turn were as follows:
1. Date and time of the public hearing
Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to call a soecial session for
the oub1ic hearim! and set the date for March 4. 2004. at 7:00 o.m. and to direct that notice be
given to Mr. Gleason. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Time Allocation
Commissioner Howell. seconded by Mavor Vander!!rift. moved to allocate the time during the
oublic hearing to Mr. Gleason - 30 minutes with 5 minutes for rebuttal. members of the oublic -
5 minutes. and no cross examination oermitted. Motion carried 5-0.
3. Submission of documents
Mavor Vander1!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Howell. moved that documents to be included
in the record must be submitted to the Clerk at least three (3) business days in advance of the
scheduled hearing. The Clerk shall coov and distribute all such documents to the Mavor and the
Commissioners so that they can be reviewed in advance of the hearing. Motion carried 4-0.
Commissioner Johnson was away from the dais.
4. Applicability of Civility Code
Without objection, a police officer will be present.
Ms. McKenna said Mr. Pilacek had stated it was his intention, as Mr. Gleason's attorney, at the
appropriate time, to file a lawsuit against the City, as it was his belief that the timing of the
events shows retaliation directed towards Mr. Gleason. Ms. McKenna also pointed out, should
a final resolution to terminate be adopted following the public hearing, the provision in the
contract for a three-month severance pay is contingent upon Mr. Gleason's signing a release.
However, if Mr. Gleason intended to bring an action against the City he would not be signing a
release, so would not be entitled to the three-month severance package.
Commissioner Johnson proposed inviting Gene Williford in Oviedo to serve as Interim City
Manager. Mayor Vandergrift suggested instead asking ICMA for five names to consider.
After brief discussion Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Mavor Vander!!rift. moved to ask
ICMA to submit a name for this Commission to consider for Acting City Manager. Motion
carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson voting no.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Session
February 17, 2004
Discretionary Investment Agreement with Merrill lynch Investments
Acting City Manager Horton distributed a memorandum referencing a Discretionary Investment
Agreement with Merrill Lynch Investments. City Attorney Rosenthal briefed the Commission
regarding some changes in City's portfolio with Merrill Lynch, and said they are requesting
clarification of some items, an attorney's opinion, and an executed Discretionary Agreement.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to aoorove the
Discretionary Agreement with Merrill Lvnch Investments and authorize the Mayor. Citv Clerk.
and Staff to execute same: authorize Merrill Lvnch Investment Managers. L.P. to ourchase and
sell all ofthe instruments contemolated by the investment obiective selected in the Agreement
and investment guidelines: and authorize the oayment of management fees to Merrill Lvnch from
the assets oer the terms of the Agreement. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was not
Commissioner Parker asked Mayor Vandergrift for the papers he had read from for the City
Manager's evaluation during the February 3, 2004 meeting as they were part of the public record
and she had made a public records request for those documents immediately after that meeting.
Commissioner Johnson said he had received a call from the Elk's Lodge asking if the City
would again do the Charity Ball ad for $300.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to ourchase an ad for
the Elk's Lod!!e Charitv Ball orogram in the amount of$300 with funds from the contingency
account. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was not present.
Mayor Vandergrift
1. Asked for a report about the lighting on Silver Star Road.
2. Asked Building Official Phelps about a quicker permit turnaround and if it would be
appropriate to hire a temporary person to help at developers' expense. Building Official Phelps
responded he had discussed that but was not prepared to make such a recommendation at this
The meeting adjourned at 11 :00 p.m.
City of Ocoee
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S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor