HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-02-04 Minutes OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD MARCH 2, 2004 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7: 15 p.m. and led all in a moment of silent prayer. Frances Watts led in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Grafton called the roll and declared a quorum present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also present were Acting City Manager Horton, City Attorney Rosenthal, Assistant to the City Manager Shira, Building Official Phelps, City Clerk Grafton, Community Development Director Wagner, Human Resources Director Diedrich, Information Systems Director Ross, Parks/Recreation Director Farmer, Police Chief Goclon, Principal Planner James, Public Works Director Wheeler, and Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni. ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Years of Service Award - Ill!!:rid James - 5 Years of Service. (Human Resources Director Diedrich) Auxiliary Police Officers Certificate of Appreciation. (Police Chief Goclon) None present. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, discussed garbage trucks that pick up the garbage cans without the driver exiting the truck and asked questions to which Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni responded. Jose Iglesias, 400 Misty Meadow Drive, asked for clarification regarding different fees and funds. Commissioner Parker and Acting City Manager Horton responded. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, noted the City of Winter Garden has some entertainment going on all year long and asked why the City did not do the same instead of saving everything for Founders' Day. Edward F. Moore, Jr., 3419 Kentshire Boulevard, commented on the City Manager's position. Commissioners Johnson, Parker and Anderson responded to him. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Parker 1) Read a letter from Donald Marcotte, 1508 Lilly Oaks Circle, praising the manner in which Detective Ogletree followed through on the theft of a skateboard from his garage. 2) Read a letter of appreciation from Pamela Gould, president of Health Central Foundation, for the $750 given in support of the Foundation's School Nurse Program. Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 2, 2004 3) Announced the Big Orange Games scheduled for April 30 and May 1 and the preliminary fund raiser Golf Toumament March 14 at Green Valley Country Club in Clermont. Commissioner Johnson announced the English to Soeakers of Other Languages students' reauest for funds for a Soring Break trio. then moved. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. to donate $300.00 to the West Orange ESOL Students. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Anderson announced the West Orange High School Warrior Band golf tournament at Stoneybrook West Golf Course on Friday, April 23, 2004. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to ourchase a foursome in the tournament. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift announced the opportunity to vote early at the West Oaks Library during regular library hours. EMERGENCY ITEM - REQUEST FROM MR. GLEASON TO CHANGE PUBLIC HEARING DATE. Mayor Vandergrift declared this to be an emergency item at the request of Special Counsel Susan McKenna. Special Counsel McKenna directed attention to a request from Mr. Gleason to reschedule the public hearing set for March 4. Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to change the date of the oublic hearing to March 10. Motion lost 2-3 with Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson and Commissioner Howell voting no. EMERGENCY ITEM TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL SERVICE PROPOSAL WITH PROGRESS ENERGY/OCOEE CROWN POINT PUD PHASE I INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT Mayor Vandergrift declared this to be an emergency item at the request of Public Works Director Wheeler. Public Works Director Wheeler gave the staff report for this request for approval of the expenditure of funds to pay for the installation of temporary overhead electrical service for the new high school and the wastewater lift station to Progress Energy Florida, Inc. on the Ocoee Crown Point property. The cost ofthe service is $9,904.89 and will be charged to the Ocoee Crown Point project fund. Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to aoorove the exoenditure of the $9.904.89 to Progress Energv Florida. Inc. with directions to oroceed as exoeditiouslv as oossible in oroviding the temoorarv electrical service to the new high school and wastewater lift station: and further to authorize staff to negotiate with the Orange Countv Public Schools for a reimbursement of these costs because this exoense is for the accelerated schedule being imoosed for the new high school. Motion carried 5-0. CONSENT AGENDA Page 2 of9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 2, 2004 The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, U, and E. Commissioner Anderson raised a question about item E as he believed it was approved at a previous meeting. Without obiection item E was pulled from the consent agenda. City Attorney Rosenthal modified the staff report on item D, which is the approval of the distribution easement with Progress Energy Florida, Inc., by adding "with such additional revisions as may be approved by the Director of Public .W orks and the City Attorney" as that is a draft document in the file and there are some revisions being made to make sure it is only for underground utilities. Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to aoorove items A. B. C. and D of the consent al!enda subiect to the remarks made above bv the Citv Attornev for item D. Motion carried 5-0.. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of February 17,2004. (City Clerk Grafton) B. Approval and Authorization of Renewal of FDOT Memorandum of Agreement, Contract # AL454. State Job # 244298-1-72-05 and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Renewal Agreement. (Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni) This renewal will replace the existing contract, which will expire April 30, 2004, with FDOT for routine maintenance of State right-of-ways in the amount of$37,237.55. This amount represents a 3% increase from the previous contract period. C. Quarterlv Financial Report-First Quarter Fiscal Year 2004. (Finance Supervisor Carter) This report covers activity for the period October 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003 and revenues are being collected as anticipated for all funds. Expenditures are being closely monitored and are within expected ranges. D. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Distribution Easement with Proeress Ener2V Florida. Inc. for Underground Facilities on the Ocoee Crown Point Property. (Public Works Director Wheeler) Under the provisions of the Land Development Code, all utilities within new developments are required to be placed underground. For the Ocoee Crown Point property, the project was designed following the Ocoee Land Development Code for underground utilities. Item E was pulled from the agenda. Eo Appnn'al aBd AuthorizatioB of the KaBe FurBiture AmeBdmeBt to DeelaratioB of EasemeBts aBd }1uthorizatioB for Mayor aBd City Clerk to Exeeute. (AssistaBt City .A...ttorBey CooksoB) Kane Furniture requests an .^unendment to its Declaration of Easements modifying section 20 of the Declaration regarding the eff-ectiveness of the Declaration for issuance of a certificate of occupancy for Kane Furniture by .^...pril 21, 2001. This .^..mendment provides that the subdivision infrastructure either be started by .^..priI21, 2001, or completed by .^..priI25, 2005. The City Planning Department has revie\yed and supports the .^..mendment. Page 3 of9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 2, 2004 Mayor Vandergrift announced item VII B - Kohlmeier-Kelly Variance was an advertised public hearing and would be considered immediately following Resolution 2004-03. PUBLIC HEARINGS Resolution 2004-03 - SunTrust Line of Credit Increase. (Finance Supervisor Carter) Mayor Vandergrift left the dais and was not present through the presentation and consideration of this item. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Resolution approving the proposed funding to increase the line of credit with Sun Trust Bank for the Coca-Cola property (Crown Point). Finance Supervisor Carter gave the staff report advising they had moved forward with financing for additional construction needed for utility lines, etc. as directed at an earlier meeting. The public hearing was opened. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked for clarification. City Attorney Rosenthal explained it was for the extension of the road and infrastructure improvements from the Westyn Bay project into Ocoee Crown Point PUD, so there would be a road and utilities for the new high school. Jose Iglesias, 400 Misty Meadow Drive, asked if there were any water and sewer lines involved. City Attorney Rosenthal responded this expenditure was not being paid by the water or sewer charges to consumers, because the City owns this project and is paying for it just as a private developer would pay for it. Therefore, this has no impact on the water and sewer rates. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Mavor nro tem Anderson. moved to adoDt Resolution No. 2004-03 increasin2: the line of credit with Sun Trust Bank. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was away from the dais. Kohlmeier - Kellev Variance. (Principal Planner James and Building Official Phelps) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title on the case. Principal Planner James gave the staff report, advising this variance application is to permit a driveway to continue to encroach a two-foot side-setback required for residential driveways. Mr. James displayed details on the overhead and explained the circumstances surrounding the case, including the history of appearing before the Code Enforcement Board, putting in the driveway without applying for a permit, applying for the variance, requesting a waiver of the fees, (denied by this Commission December 3,2003), and appearing before the Board of Adjustment, where that Board found the criteria for a variance had not been met, so recommended denial of the variance. Mr. James said staff concurred with the Board of Adjustment findings and recommended that the case be referred back to the Code Enforcement Board to proceed with whatever action is necessary to correct this code violation. Page 4 of9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 2, 2004 Richard Kohlmeier, 465 Meadow Sweet Court, said he did his driveway just like his neighbors and no one has complained, that he had also provided a drain (which others had not done). He added a neighbor had appeared at the Board of Adjustment public hearing to vouch for him, as his driveway was like everyone else's in the neighborhood and did not offend anyone. The public hearing was opened. Commissioner Johnson commented the fence was illegal as well, and Commissioner Howell advised the fence had been cut down. Discussion ensued regarding what was permitted and not permitted with fences. The public hearing was closed. After general discussion, during which questions from the Commission were directed to Mr. Kohlmeier, concern was expressed that approving this request might send the wrong message to the citizens - that following the written rules was not necessary. Commissioner Parker asked if the extenuating circumstance that all the neighbors had similar driveways was enough not to make everybody's circumstance extenuating. City Attorney Rosenthal opined that identifying an extenuating circumstance could be what Commissioner Parker had just described, the pre- existing condition of the driveways being up to the property line, in order to be consistent with the neighborhood to that extent if there are other places in the City where similar conditions exist, they could come in and make the same argument. They would have to go through the same vanance process. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Howell. moved to anorove the variance. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Johnson voting no. OTHER BUSINESS MVP Nehzhborhood Matchine: Grants. (Assistant to City Manager Shira) Assistant to the City Manager Shira said this program is growing in popularity and, as there were 13 applications totaling $30,650. in requests, she had put together a staff committee to work out the way to rank the requests and make a recommendation to distribute the $20,000 budgeted for this purpose. She listed the criteria used by the committee and the committee's recommendations. Ms. Shira said some of the applications what were not recommended came to be in that category because it was unknown whether permitting was available or appropriate for the project. Most of the applicants were present in the audience. The first applicant to speak was Nicholas Pagano, 201 Olympus Drive, speaking for Lake Olympia Club. Their application had been turned down because part of the request was for an item that should have been considered in their maintenance budget and, for the other part, the pond was not designed as a wet pond. They had agreed with the committee that a portion of the request did not meet the criteria and so they had removed that portion, but still wished to be considered for providing a floating, lighted fountain in the retention area on Tract A, as the pond has water in it all the time. When asked whether this could be corrected, Deputy Works Director Zaitooni responded there may be an engineering issue preventing the water from Page 5 of9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 2, 2004 draining out or percolating as it should. He said if it has not been the cause of any flooding it would be possible to permit the fountain to be installed, and he could check it out. Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to direct staffto look into this retention oond and see if it is suitable to make drv or suitable to leave wet and reoort back to this Commission. Motion carried 5-0. Patrick Spikes, Temple Grove Estates, 2658 Grey Wall Avenue, described their project of creating consistency in their two entranceways. Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to aoorove staff recommendation for the awards. The vote taken at the end of the discussion and followin2: all the amendments was 4-1 in favor of the motion as amended. Commissioner Anderson voted no. Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Howell. moved to amend the motion to add $1.000 from contin2:encv for the si2:na2:e and landscaoin2: for Temole Grove. Motion carried 5- Q. Dian Hooper, Ocoee Elementary School, 400 South Lakewood Avenue, expressed appreciation for this program and explained they were serving the entire City of Ocoee using these funds for children that would otherwise be home alone. She asked for the amount awarded to be increased to the total available. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to amend the staff recommendation to include an additional $500 for Ocoee Elementarv School. Motion carried 5- Q. Elizabeth Ervine, Sleepy Harbour Condos, said the permit is in place for their application and she expressed appreciation for the program. Leonarda Richardson, Richfield Homeowners Association, asked for an increase in their award to help them replace the fence between Richfield and Coventry. Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to increase this award from $1.350 to $2.500. Motion carried 5-0. At this point Commissioner Johnson interrupted the procedure and made the following motion. A recess was called from 9:15 to 9:25 p.m. before the vote was taken Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to amend the main motion to orovide fundin2: for the total amount of $30.650 requested with the orovision that nothin2: that could not be done would be included. with the additional amount of $l 0.650 comin2: from contin2:encv funds. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson voting no. Page 6 of9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 2, 2004 Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to raise the total for the MVP Awards line item in next vear's bud~et to $30,000. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson voting no. Before the final vote was taken there was discussion regarding whether the applicant needed to be present during the award process, with Commissioner Anderson speaking in favor and Commissioner Johnson against the need. Max Bruton, Ocoee Little League, was present to request the total amount and was advised that had been taken care of. Debra Booth, 917 Bloomington Court, asked at what point the petitioners were advised their petitions were insufficient. Ms. Shira responded they were advised at the mandatory workshop they would not receive notice but would be judged on the submission. F. This item was taken out of agenda order as it was an advertised public hearing but had been placed in the wrong section of the agenda. See above. Public Works Requests. (Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni) Reallocation of FY 2003-2004 Budgeted Funds in the Amount of $59,000 for Paving of Lyle Street, Lee Street/Kissimmee Avenue, California Avenue, and Miscellaneous Intersection Improvements at A.D. Mims Road and Beech Center. Authorization of Ranger Construction Industries, Inc. to Perform Work. Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni gave the staff report describing the reallocation of funds requested to accomplish some much needed paving. He pointed out Ranger Construction Industries, Inc. was the lower of the only two binds received for the job. Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to aDnrove the reallocation of FY2003-04 bud!!eted funds for Davin!! of Lvle Street. Lee Street/Kissimmee Avenue. California Avenue. and miscellaneous intersection imnrovements at A.D.Mims Road and Beech Center and authorize Ran!!er Construction Industries. Inc. to Derform the reauired work.. Motion carried 5-0 Discussion: Status ofFDOT's Highway Lighting Projects on Silver Star Road (438) and West Colonial Drive (SR 50). (Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni) Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni gave the staff report on Silver Star Road (438), displaying details on the overhead. He said the current agreement with FDOT is still good, funds have been allocated by FDOT and they will pay for initial capital costs up to $316,000. He described the difference between the standard and decorative lighting. Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to mix and match the li!!htin!! and !!et it done as soon as Dossible. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Zaitooni then reviewed the lighting available for West Colonial Drive (SR 50) and recommended staying with the standard. Page 7 of9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 2, 2004 Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to stav with the standard lie:htine: for SR 50. Motion carried 5-0. Selection of Actin2 City Mana2er. (Human Resources Director Diedrich) Human Resources Director Diedrich reported Mr. Simmons did not want to submit just one name and had sent 5 names of Range Riders who are available: Charles Saddler, Hugh Williams, Kames Coleman, David Sallee, and Eugene Williford. Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to continue this item to the Soecial Session scheduled March 4. Motion carried 5-0. Discussion Re: Citizens Appointment to Ax the Gridlock Study Committee. (Mayor Vandergrift) Mayor Vandergrift said a citizen is needed to represent the City on the Ax the Gridlock Study Committee and he suggested appointing Rob. McKey. Commissioner Johnson said Debra Booth would also like to do this. Commissioner Anderson said Rosemary Wilsen would be interested as well. Without objection this item was put forward to the March 16 agenda and those interested were asked to submit their background information. Proposed Burial of Overhead Electric Lines on McKey Street by Progress Energy. (Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni) Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni gave the details of accomplishing the burial of overhead electric lines on McKey Street and said he was not asking for additional funds, as by rearranging some ofthe grant money, his department would find the $40,000 needed up front; however he did need direction to give Progress Energy to move forward with the design if this should be the wish of the Commission. Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to aODfove the reauest and direct Proe:ress Enere:v to draw uo the olans. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORTS Response to Mayor Vandergrift's Question Regarding Permitting. (Building Official Phelps) Building Official Phelps distributed a handout showing statistics regarding permits issued, inspections accomplished, and permit revenues. He responded to Mayor Vandergrift's comment at the last meeting regarding the amount of work done vs what was done in the City of Winter Garden. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker said in the past Commission had requested a report and an ordinance on the cost of filling a swimming pool, etc. and she wanted to add to that when someone has a big leak, documented by a plumber, they be given consideration as well. City Attorney Rosenthal said that ordinance had been delivered to staff this week. Acting City Manager Horton said a report would be ready by the next meeting. Page 8 of9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting March 2, 2004 Commissioner Johnson 1) Reported that WalMart is letting trees die and their plants are not watered, trash is not picked up. Building Official Phelps said Code Enforcement has already called on them. 2) The trees on one side of the street are dead on the road towards ThorneBrooke. Community Development Director Wagner said Commission would need to authorize staff to install irrigation. Public Works Director Wheeler said they would check into it. Commissioner Anderson said there is a rash of signs everywhere (not campaign signs). Building Official Phelps said he has been talking about having an inspector work weekends to work on signs. Commissioner Howell I) Asked what Onyx charges for picking up extra waste, as his mother was charged $45 and he felt that was too much. Mr. Wheeler described the procedure used to make the decision for the charges; i.e., that a picture is made and the price is set by our Solid Waste Supervisor after seeing the picture and checking out the site. 2) Announced March 9 is Election Day. 3) Advised all about the opportunity to vote early at all Orange County Libraries. 4) Again expressed heartfelt sympathy for Martha Lopez-Anderson and her family, and said our prayers are with her. Mayor Vandergrift asked if Arbor Day is to be celebrated and, if so, he wished to be notified in time to take part in the ceremony. Parks/Recreation Director Farmer said it is planned and he would get the information to him. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:44 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Page 9 of9