HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-20-03 Minutes MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD MAY 20, 2003 6:00 p.m. Presentations Walt Disney Dreamers and Doers and Teachers of the Year Awards - Mayor Vandergrift Dreamers and Doers Clarcona Elementary - Tyler Walker (not present) Gotha Middle School- Jeanese Edmond (not present) Lakeview Middle School- Amanda Diaz (not present) Lake Whitney Elementary - Brittany Brown (not present) Ocoee Middle School - Nalleli Carrasco Spring Lake Elementary - Josh Andrews Windermere Elementary - Sean Casey (not present) Teachers of the Year Citrus Elementary - Rosemary Becker Clarcona Elementary - Letitia Myrick (not present) Gotha Middle School - Paul Peters Lakeview Middle School- Margaret Nixon (not present) Lake Whitney Elementary - Mary Beth Turner (not present) Ocoee Middle School - Cathy McClure Olympia High School- Wanda Grawet (not present) Spring Lake Elementary - Yvonne Baker (not present) West Side Tech - Ellen Arnold Windermere Elementary - Nancy Bromhead (not present) REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING 7:15 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7: 18 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, and called for a few moments of silent prayer. Frances Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Grafton called the roll and declared a quorum present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Johnson, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, Assistant to the City Manager Shira, Accountant Bishop, Buyer Tolbert, City Clerk Grafton, Community Development Director Wagner, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor Reed, Finance Director Horton, Human Resources Director Diedrich, Information Systems Director Ross, Parks/Recreation Director Farmer, Police Chief Goclon, Public Works Director Wheeler, Deputy Public Works Director Zaitooni. ABSENT: Commissioner Howell PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS - None at this time COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Frances Watts, president of the Senior Citizens, reported on the 25th Anniversary luncheon held last week at the Community Center and thanked Kim Campbell, Debbie Gallo and Johnny Farmer for all their help. She asked that shelves be put up for the seniors to use as a library. She reported also an agency will be coming in to check out the kitchen, because they will come in 1 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 20, 2003 and prepare a meal for a nominal fee. Mrs. Watts asked also for a small bus to be purchased for transportation for the seniors. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Vandergrift 1. Announced Ocoee' S Memorial Day service will be held at the gazebo at 11 :00 a.m. Friday, May 23, with lunch served immediately following in the Community Center. The Woodlawn service will be held Monday, May 26 at 10:00 a.m. 2. Wished Janet Shira a happy birthday. 3. Announced the groundbreaking for the new Fire Station would be held Friday, May 30 at 10:00 a.m. 4. Invited all to come to help with work to be qone at 1600 Mona Street on Saturday, May 24, and to call him for further information. S. Announced he and Chief Goclon had attended the renewal kickoff of the SALT organization. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, and E. Commissioner Anderson pulled item E for separate consideration. ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION, IN WHICH CASE THE MAYOR WILL INSTRUCT THE CITY CLERK TO REMOVE THAT ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. A. Approval of City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of May 6, 2003. (City Clerk Grafton) B. Approval and Authorization to Transfer $450.00 from Account No. 001-512-01- 5230 to Account No. 001-512-01-6400 to Cover the Cost Increase for the Character Generator Computer and Software Scheduled to be Purchased for Use During Live OGTV Broadcasts. (Bill Suchy, TV Operations Manager) During the past year the price for the new version of the system included in the CIP budget has increased by $430.00 and the shipping/handling charge will be $20.00. C. Approval and Authorization to File a Declaratory Judgment Action Against FPC Requesting the Court to Declare the Rights and Obligations of FPC to Indemnify and Defend the City Concerning the Claims of Ryan Incorporated Eastern. (City Attorney Rosenthal, Assistant City Attorney Horan) Ryan Incorporated Eastern, the contractor on the Maguire Road Improvements Segment One and Two, submitted claims for additional compensation to the City of Ocoee. After mediation the claims remain unresolved and Ryan recently provided notice that it wanted the court to set the case for trial. As it appeared the majority of the damages Ryan was seeking were attributed by Ryan to have been caused by Florida Power Corporation, the City served FPC with demands for indemnification and a defense concerning those demands. FPC has refused those demands. D. Approval and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Proposed First Amendment to the Tri-Party Agreement with Orange County and Battaglia Fruit Company. (Community Development Director Wagner) 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 20, 2003 The Tri-Party Agreement was entered into originally at the urging of Orange County in 1994 to protect the Clarcona Rural Settlement Area from expanding urban growth. Subsequently, Orange County rezoned the land adjoining the Battaglia Property to commercial, thereby eliminating the need for the required 2S-foot buffer. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to aonrove items A. B. C. and D of the consent allenda as nresented. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was not present. E. Approval and Authorization to Waive the Normal Purchasing Standards and Obtain Three Quotes for the City Hall Air Conditioning System. (Public Works Director Wheeler) In the May 6, 2003, meeting Commission authorized the use of $35,000 from contingency fund for the emergency repair/replacement of the air conditioning units at the City Hall and Police Department. Staff has developed a plan for the replacement of the units and other necessary repairs related to the operation of the system after obtaining an assessment of the existing units. Staff requests authorization to waive the normal purchasing requirements and instead obtain three written quotes from qualified vendors. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to aonrove item E ofthe consent allenda for the exoenditure of a not-to-exceed amount of $42.000 ($35.000 of which was aonroved at the Mav 6 meetinll) with the additional funds to come from continllencv fund. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was not present. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None Scheduled OTHER BUSINESS Declaration of Surplus Property. (Finance Director Horton) Finance Director Horton introduced Buyer Tolbert, who gave the staff report and recommendation to (1) declare the items listed as surplus, (2) authorize staff to utilize eBay Internet auction site for the indicated portion of the City's surplus property, (3) approve George Gideon Auctioneers for the indicated portion of the City's surplus property and authorize execution of a new contract for this auction with George Gideon Auctioneers, (4) authorize staff to piggyback on the City of Ocala contract with George Gideon Auctioneers, (5) approve the date of the City's auction as June 21, 2003, at 9:00 a.m., (6) authorize the items indicated to be donated to the respective non-profit organizations or as a trade-in where applicable, (7) authorize the sale by sealed bid of three complete computer systems to City employees, and (8) authorize staff to recycle any remaining electronic items that do not sell at auction. During a lengthy discussion, Commissioner Anderson said he would like to see the computers that could be repaired for use go to the Firefighters Local #3123, as they would work with the assistance of the Computer Club to repair them to be sold and provide the 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 20, 2003 proceeds from those sales to community property, such as lakefront parks and benches. Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to aonrove staff recommendation with the revision that (1 ) evervthinll to be sold as llood be out on eBav first. and those items failinll to be sold timely blU')ulled from eBav and sent to the auctioneer in time for the AUllUSt sale date. (2) everything that is listed as bad IW to the auctioneer. and (3) the comouters be held out. exceot for the three comJ2lete svstems which would be out out for bids from emolovees. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was not present. General Employee Pension Survey Results and Recommendation. (Tom Ison, Chairman) Tom Ison, chairman of the General Employee Retirement Trust Fund, introduced the board members present and listed the professionals serving the Pension Board. He then introduced Trustee Pat Cornell who reported on the survey conducted to learn the wishes of the 185 general employees regarding five possible benefit enhancements for the retirement program. Mrs. Cornell reported that, due to the economic conditions, and the fact the City would not be in a position to assume any of the cost of the added benefits, the calculations had been made showing the amount of the additional contributions from each employee and showing the increase in the amount to be contributed by the employee as they would be bearing the cost of the improvement(s) to the benefits. When the votes were counted, the results were as follows: Proposed Benefit Percent of the 140 voting employees in favor 2% COLA annually in 3 years - 7.14% 10 employees 3% COLA bi-annually - 2.14% 3 employees 3% bi-annually in 3 years - 15% 21 employees 30 years of employment and out -9.28% 13 employees No change in benefits - 66.42% 93 employees Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to acceot the reoort as oresented. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was not present. Direction to Staff re: Making Jimmy Hager Honorary Lake Ranger. (ParksIRecreation Director Farmer) ParksIRecreation Director Farmer said in response to Commission direction at the April 15 meeting he had put together a plan for making Jimmy Hager an Honorary Lake Ranger and suggested getting a plaque and t-shirts for Mr. Hager to be presented at the second meeting in June. Mayor Vandergrift asked Mr. Farmer to put together a volunteer park ranger program. Without obiection. Mr. Farmer was directed to do both. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Gleason 1. Proposed a policy providing for the ex-officio members and/or chairs of the volunteer boards to report quarterly in public meeting to the City Commission. 2. Announced beginning June 2 the garbage pickup crews would be starting their routes at 6:00 a.m. for the summer. 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 20, 2003 Mayor Vandergrift addressed the policy proposed by Mr. Gleason. Commissioner Parker reported the board members she had talked to felt they were not helping the City and she felt asking them to give a briefing would help the volunteers be aware of their value to the City. She added she would like for the purpose of the CACOPD to be advisory to the City Commission as well as the Police Department. City Attorney Rosenthal said he would review the make-up of the organization and prepare a revision. Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to institute a oolicv to ask volunteer boards to reoort once a Quarter and direct staff to advise the resoective boards of this reQuest. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was not present. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker proposed buying a $750 sponsorship for the Health Central event for the School Nurse Program to be held on September 27 at Church Street Station. Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to buv a soonsorshio as reQuested bv Commissioner Parker. usinll funds from the Communitv Promotion fund. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was not present. Commissioner Johnson 1. Directed attention to forms for Friends of the Festival ($100 donations) to be used by those who wish to support Founders' Day and asked the elected officials to distribute the forms to their friends and business associates. 2. Said he would like to see competition on the design of the veterans' memorial on McKey/Bluford using Dr. Scott's building as a part of it. Without obiection. staff was directed to come up with a plan for competition on the design of a veterans' memorial. 3. Reported receiving a thank you from the Elks for the $300 for their Charity Ball. 4. Reported receiving a letter from Raphael Zaric thanking the police for their kindness to his family over and above the call of duty. S. Reported receiving a letter from Jim Fleming expressing appreciation for the Fire Department's quick response to him recently. Commissioner Anderson announced the Ocoee Memorial Day service to be held Friday, May 23, at the gazebo at 11:00 a.m., with lunch at the Community Center immediately following. Mayor Vandergrift 1. Received an e-mail regarding a request from the Historical Commission to have the cedar tree removed from the Withers-Maguire House grounds and replaced with a magnolia tree. He said he would prefer to have the tree saved and moved to another location and continue to use it as a Christmas tree. ParksIRecreation Director Farmer said he had been advised the tree would not survive moving as it would go into shock, but he could provide a replacement tree in a better location for Christmas decorations. 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 20, 2003 Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to direct staff to take the cedar tree down and reo lace it with a mallnolia tree at an aoorooriate location and advise the Citv Commission on the ootions rellardinll a Christmas tree. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was not present. 2. Asked for documentation regarding the setting up of enterprise funds. 3. Discussed the work day scheduled for Saturday at 1600 Mona. 4. Directed attention to the petitions available regarding the naming of the new Ocoee High School, and encouraged all to attend the School Board's second meeting in June. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee -s ~_/~~- ~.... S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor ( " 6