HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-04-03 Minutes
6:45 P.M.
Ocoee Firefighters IAFF Local 3623 Presentation
Commissioner Anderson hosted the presentations of monies earned at the boat races:
Ocoee Computer Club to Ocoee IAFF #3623
Florida Outboard Association to Ocoee IAFF #3623
Ocoee IAFF #3623 to
a. Mayor for picnic tables
b. Ocoee Woman's Club
c. Professional Engineers Corp - for course survey
d. Health Central Ambulance
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7: 18 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers. Commissioner Anderson led in prayer and Frances Watts led the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Grafton called the roll and declared a quorum present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also
present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, Building Official Phelps, City
Clerk Grafton, Community Development Director Wagner, Fire Chief Strosnider, Human
Resources Director Diedrich, Information Systems Director Ross, Parks/Recreation Director
Farmer, Police Chief Goclon, Principal Planner James, and Public Works Director Wheeler.
Proclamation - General American Education Week - November 16,2003
Mayor Vandergrift read the proclamation proclaiming November 16 - 22 to be General
American Education Week.
This was taken out of af!enda order
Commissioner Anderson announced the Veteran's Day program at the Gazebo November 11 at
11 :00 a.m. with Colonel Joe Kittinger (Ret.) as the guest speaker.
Mayor Vandergrift displayed on the overhead a series of pictures he had made of the heavy
equipment working to clear the land on the new Ocoee High School site. He followed that
presentation with pictures submitted by Alexander Vance, aged 7 years, who had sent a letter to
the Mayor regarding a minnow that had moved into a coke can in the lake and had grown too
large to exit through the opening. Alexander's father had opened the can to free the minnow and
Alexander wanted to let people know they should be more careful about throwing things in the
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 4, 2003
Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, expressed her appreciation for her family and friends, and
for the attention the City pays its senior citizens in so many ways. She said the senior
Thanksgiving program will be November 20 at 1 :00 p.m. and she asked that it be videotaped to
be broadcast over Channel 10.
A number of citizens had received high water bills because of the increase in water rates that
became effective October 1, and some of them were present to express their views and/or ask for
help. Others simply wished to state their opinions about how the increase was handled. The
following citizens addressed the Commission and filled out speaker forms.
District 1
District 2:
Mike Lucas, 407 578-1500
1847 Rachels Ridge Loop
Rosemary Wilsen, 407 298-1574
1019 Shady Maple Circle
Jose Iglesias, 400 Misty Meady Drive, iosigles@msn.com
Lives in area not scheduled for reclaimed water, but has two meters. Wants someone to explain
to him why he should not feel this is unfair that he will be paying more for the same volume of
water than those on reclaimed water will pay.
Don Covey, 889 Keaton Parkway, Admiral Pointe, dgcovey@cfl.rr.com
Thinks City should have used more economical means to advise of rate increase.
Melinda Covey, 889 Keaton Parkway, Admiral Pointe, mcovevl@cfl.rr.com
Thinks the rate increase should have been explained CLEARL Y. Thinks Council should have
given them the option of reclaimed water.
District 3:
District 4:
Elaine Concepcion, No phone listed
2711 Coventry Lane
Moulton Poplin, 407 292-1816
2622 Coventry Lane
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 4, 2003
Charlene Robey, 407 298-0865
2618 Coventry Lane
Candi Eberle, 407-521-7230
2621 Coventry
Frank Siaio, 407 292-7922
2640 Cedar Bluff Lane
Randy St. Clair, 407 523-7827
2701 Kris Crossing, Asked someone to call on their cell phone to help with water: 407 970-
After hearing the comments of those present and reading the e-mails sent in, Commissioner
Parker pledged to work with the citizens who needed help to get their water bills under control.
City Manager Gleason reported on the history of the notices to the citizens and the efforts made
by this Commission and the employees to educate the citizens to conserve water through the
POWR Program and other means.
Commissioner Howell said the rates did have to go up, but he felt the rates were higher than
necessary to satisfy the SJRWMD requirement for block rates. He said he had talked with Ted
Sauerbeck in the Office of the Auditor General, who had assured him he had been misinformed
about the state's taking over when a city's utility fund situation is bad. He said they look at the
whole picture and send an advisory group in to make recommendations.
Commissioner Johnson said if that was the will of this Commission he would move to change
back to the old rates, but that this Commission would have to be prepared to live with the
After a brief exchange regarding the effects of reducing the rates, City Attorney Rosenthal
advised that at the next meeting a public hearing is scheduled regarding a utility bond issue and
if the Commission is considering changing the rates, that should be looked at now and the
issuing of bonds be postponed, as the City's credibility in the bond market would be questioned
if the City attempted to lower rates after the bond issue. He described the procedure and asked
for direction.
Commissioner Anderson read a message from Angela Sampaio, 519 Shoal Creek, regarding her
bill and said he would give it to Cathy Sills. Mayor Vandergrift read a message from Myrna
Maher, 1935 Rachel's Ridge Loop.
Frank Ceano, 2640 Cedar Bluff Lane, said he has lost confidence in the meters and the meter
readers. Mr. Gleason said he would send the utility staff into the Coventry Subdivision to check
out the area.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 4, 2003
Mayor Vandergrift said he felt the rates were punitive and he proposed using his program
(which would be more reasonable) and teaching the citizens how to conserve. He added he had
asked for a report on the City's internal water use and still has not received it. He passed his
plan to the clerk for the file. Commissioner Howell said he would like to see the results if
Mayor Vandergrift's figures were calculated. Mr. Gleason said he would see that the report was
Commissioner Anderson said he wants to not take action at this time and see if the current rates
make a difference in the usage.
Mayor Vandergrift read an e-mail message from Jim and Brenda Hooker, 1616 Ison Lane,
ibdolphins@cfl.rr.com that included pictures of a city retention pond and asked that someone
take care of this before it gets out of control.
RECESS 9:20 - 9:34 P.M.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, and F. Commissioner Anderson pulled
items E and F for separate consideration.
Mavor Vander!!rift nulled items Band C for senarate consideration and moved to anDfove the
consent agenda excent for those items.
Commissioner Howell. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson moved to amend the motion to
exclude items E and F as well.. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Johnson voting no.
Vote on the original motion as amended was 4-1 with Commissioner Johnson voting no.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Session of
October 21, 2003. (City Clerk Grafton)
B. Pulled for separate consideration. See below.
C. Pulled for separate consideration. See below.
D. Approval and Authorization to Issue a Special Event Permit for the Temporary
Closing of a Portion of A.D. Mims Road for a Homecoming Parade. (Building
Official Phelps)
This event will be held on November 22,2003, from 10:00 a.m. to 10:25 a.m. and the applicant
understands the requirements: 1) All residents that will be affected by the road blockage must be
notified in advance; 2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road closure in advance; 3)
An emergency land must be maintained at all times; and 4) Proper barricades must be used for
blocking the road.
E. Pulled for separate consideration. See below.
F. Pulled for separate consideration. See below.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 4, 2003
B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Chanf!e
Order No. lR-2 to Wharton-Smith. (Fire Chief Strosnider)
Change Order No. l-R-2 represents the additional work requested by the City to meet the drainage
requirements of the Lake Lotta Basin Study. The proposed fee for this change order is $69,012.10 with
$54,190.78 coming from Engineering (Storm Water Reserve) and $14,821.32 coming from Fire Station
After brief discussion with questions raised by Mayor Vandergrift and responses from Fire Chief
Strosnider and Public Works Director Wheeler, Mavor Vander!!r4ift. seconded bv
Commissioner Howell. moved to aODfove item B with funds to come from the Storm Water R
& R fund. Motion carried 5-0.
C. Approval and Authorization to Amend Existing Policy to Sif!n Release of Lien
Documents. (Building Official Phelps)
Should the existing policy be amended to allow the Mayor or Mayor Pro-Tern to sign release of lien
documents when the established Code Enforcement Board fines and costs, or weed code violations are paid
in full. This amendment would expedient the release of a lien upon payment of all monies and would
reduce staff time.
Mayor Vandergrift said he felt a charter change was required to add the Mayor pro tern as a
signor of official documents for the City. City Attorney Rosenthal suggested deleting the
reference to Mayor pro tern and adding City Clerk, as the signing of a release of lien was an
administrative procedure that need not come before the Commission for action and this would
provide the appropriate authorization for the signatures.
Commissioner Howell. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to amend the existim!
oolicv to shm release of lien documents bv authorizim! the Mavor and Citv Clerk to execute
release of lien documents when the established Code Enforcement Board fines and costs. or
weed code violations. are oaid in full. Motion carried 5-0.
E. Approval and Authorization to Waive the Formal Bid Process for Network
Upgrades. (Information Systems Director Ross)
Authorization for staff to waive the formal bid process and authorize purchase of network equipment by
piggybacking off the Florida State Contract 250-000-03-1 that was CIP budget approved in the amount of
$15,900 for network upgrades which are the final phase of the network modernization project.
Commissioner Anderson raised several questions to which Information Systems Director Ross
Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Howell. moved to aODfove item E with
the amendment to usinQ: this state contract "or its successor." Motion carried 5-0.
F. Approval and Authorization to Waive the Formal Bid Process for Computers.
(Information Systems Director Ross)
Authorization for staff to waive the formal bid process and authorize purchase of Dell computers from the Florida
State Contract 250-000-03-01. Dell's state contract pricing is the lowest of all possible vendors and continuing to
purchase Dell computers also helps keep support costs minimized as we standardize on one vendor across the City
for this fourth and last phase of the computer upgrade cycle
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 4, 2003
Commissioner Anderson expressed concern with staying with this vendor.
Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to aoorove item F as
oresented. authorizim! staff to waive the formal bid orocess and authorizinl! ourchase of Dell
comouters from the Florida State Contract 250-000-03-01. Motion carried 4-1 with
Commissioner Anderson voting no.
Resolution No. 2003-22, Adelphia Cable Television Franchise Agreement (Assistant to the
City Manager Shira)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Resolution and recommended continuing this
public hearing until the November 18 meeting.
The public hearing was opened.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to continue the oublic
hearinl! for Adelohia Cable Television Franchise Al!reement until November 18. 2003. at 7:15
o.m. or as soon thereafter as oractical. Motion carried 5-0.
Second Reading of Ordinances (Community Development Director Wagner)
Byblos Development/West Oranf!e Professional Center (Continuedfrom October 21, 2003)
Ordinance No. 2003-40, Annexation Ordinance
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance No. 2003-40.
Community Development Director Wagner stated the staff report had been given at the
October 21 meeting.
The public hearing was opened.
Chip Bolschers, 3700 34th Street, Orlando, representing Byblos, said he was delivering the
signatures of the four property owners and the signature from Suntrust would be delivered
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to aoorove Ordinance
2003-40 annexinl! the subiect orooertv into the Citv. subiect to the execution of an Annexation
Al!reement. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was away from the dais.
Ordinance No. 2003-41, Initial Zoning
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance No. 2003-41.
The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, was closed.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 4,2003
Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to adoot Ordinance No.
2003-41 zonin2: the subiect orooerties C-2/Communitv Commercial. Motion carried 4-0.
Commissioner Howell was away from the dais.
Annexation Agreement
City Attorney Rosenthal said this agreement insures the properties in Phases 1 & 2 (developed
under Orange County standards) and the newer property on Phase 3 (that will be developed
under Ocoee standards) are compatible with each other and also insure the entire West Orange
Professional Center is compatible with the proposed development plans in the surrounding area.
It provides for $175,000 payment to the City in lieu of road, police and fire impact fees for the
existing development in Phases 1 & 2. The development will be connected to the City's
water/sewer system and will be paying regular water/sewer connections and any other impact
Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to aoorove the
Annexation A2:reement as oresented and authorize the Mavor and Citv Clerk to execute. Motion
carried 5-0.
Kane's Furniture at Ocoee, Alternative Road Impact Fee Calculation. (Planning Manager
Community Development Director Wagner gave the staff report, advising that Kane's
Furniture had agreed to limit the use of the building to a furniture store only for 50 years,
because of a waiver to allow fewer parking spaces than would normally be required for a retail
building of its size. The Code allows an Applicant to propose an alternative road impact fee
calculation for a new development project if the Applicant believes that the impact of the new
development will be less than that derived using the standard schedule of fees provided in the
Code. An alternative road impact fee calculation for Kane's Furniture, using the rate suggested
by the City's Traffic Consultant, which is $905.41 per 1,000 square feet ($54,3234.60), has been
agreed to by the developer, but must be approved by the City Commission.
Commissioner Howell. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to aoorove the orooosed
alternative road imoact fee calculation of$905.41 oer 1.000 sauare feet for a total road imoact
fee of$54.324.60 for Kane's Furniture at Ocoee. based on the Aoolicant's a2:reement to limit the
use of the buildin2: to a furniture store onlv for 50 vears. subiect to an administrative review of
the rate if the Citv Commission increases the rate schedule orior to issuin2: a buildin2: oermit.
Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson voting no.
First Reading of Ordinances (Second Readings and Public Hearings will be held on November
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of each of the following ordinances in turn. At the
end of the reading Mayor pro tem Anderson announced the second readings and public
hearings were scheduled for November 18 at 7: 15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as practical.
EQuimax Realty. Inc. (Community Development Director Wagner)
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 4, 2003
Ordinance No. 2003-46, Annexation
Ordinance No. 2003-47, Initial Zoning
Cemetery adioininf! Forest Ridf!e (Community Development Director Wagner)
Ordinance No. 2003-44, Annexation
Ordinance No. 2003-45, Initial Zoning
T. Milton West-606 Ocoee Apopka Road (Community Development Director Wagner)
Ordinance No. 2003-48, Annexation
Ordinance No. 203-49, Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Ordinance No. 2003-50, Initial Zoning
T. Milton West-531 Ocoee Apopka Road (Community Development Director Wagner)
Ordinance No. 2003-51, Annexation
Ordinance No. 2003-52, Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Ordinance No. 2003-53, Initial Zoning
T. Milton West-850 Ocoee Apopka Road (Community Development Director Wagner)
Ordinance No. 2003-57, Annexation
Ordinance No. 2003-58, Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Ordinance No. 2003-59, Initial Zoning
T. Milton West-888 Ocoee Apopka Road (Community Development Director Wagner)
Ordinance No. 2003-54, Annexation
Ordinance No. 2003-55, Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Ordinance No. 2003-56, Initial Zoning
First Amendment to Development Af!reement with Manheim Remarketing Limited
Partnership (Florida Auto Auction). (City Attorney Rosenthal)
City Attorney Rosenthal explained in November 2000 the City entered into an agreement with
Florida Auto Auction with respect to some improvements they were making. At that time Florida
Auto Auction made a financial contribution to the City to go towards certain improvements to
Maguire Road north of State Road 50, which is now referred to as Maguire Road Phase 5. At
that time it was anticipated construction ofthat project would be underway in November 2003.
Now that anticipated time to commence has been moved forward to November 2005. This
amendment cleans up the time line in the Developer Agreement so it corresponds with the
timeline of the City. Staff recommended approval.
Commissioner Johnson declared a conflict of interest as he is employed by Florida Auto
Auction; therefore he would abstain from voting on this issue.
Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to aODfove the First
Amendment to the Develooment Al!reement with Florida Auto Auction of Florida. Proiect
Number LS-00-008 between the Citv and Manheim Remarketinl! Limited Partnershio and
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 4, 2003
authorize execution thereofbv the Mavor and Citv Clerk. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner
Johnson abstained from voting.
Bus Shelter Af!reement with Culver Amherst (City Attorney Rosenthal)
City Attorney Rosenthal directed attention to the revised Bus Shelter Agreement and staff
report that had been distributed just prior to the meeting. Staff recommendation was to place any
proceeds from the agreement in a fund for MVP Grants and Community Grants.
Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Howell. moved to aoorove the AQreement
with Culver Amherst as oresented and to authorize the Mavor and Citv Clerk to execute.
Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to amend the motion to out
the oroceeds into the Qeneral fund. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion as amended carried 5-0.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to use the Victorian Stvle
to QO with the orooosed stvle in downtown Ocoee. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Parker said in her neighborhood there has been discussion about whether or
where to place bus shelters and she thought it would be appropriate to work with the homeowner
associations in each neighborhood.
Discussion of Commission Action October 21, 2003, Regarding the "Police Take Home
Vehicle Policy". (Commissioner Howell)
Commissioner Howell said many hours have been invested in this issue and the motion made at
the last meeting for the Policy to cover three miles from the Police Department does not get the
area outside the City at all, so he wished to readdress the Policy. Discussion ensued about the
reasons for the decisions made and possible alternatives.
Commissioner Howell. seconded bv Mavor Vander!!rift. moved to amend the Take Home
Vehicle Policv to include a 5 mile buffer from the citv boundaries instead of the 3 mile radius
from the Police Deoartment. as adooted at the orevious meetinQ. Motion carried 3-2 with
Commissioners Johnson and Parker voting no.
City Manager Gleason said he had been negotiating with Mr. Doss for the purchase of his
property and his price of $35,000, although above the appraised price, could provide better
expansion of the drainage for the new firehouse.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to direct staff to neQotiate
for $32.500. and brinQ back a contract for aooroval. Motion carried 3-2 with Commissioners
Anderson and Howell voting no.
City Manager Gleason advised the CSX and RR line is looking for options for expanding
routes and he asked for direction regarding alignment. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
November 4, 2003
have time to review the paperwork before giving direction and this will be put on the November
18 agenda.
Mr. Gleason proposed having a contract with West Orange High School pledging a lump sum to
the school to be distributed among the many organizations that approach this Commission for
donations rather than having each of the organizations within the school come in separately.
Without objection, he was directed to bring this back on the December 2 meeting and include all
the schools.
Commissioner Parker asked that the agenda packets be available on Wednesday and that the
Commissioners have all their questions answered before the meeting.
Commissioner Anderson announced the Veteran's Day program at the gazebo again.
Commissioner Howell thanked Public Works for helping with Glad Tidings' fall festival again.
Mayor Vandergrift:
1. Said it was the Commission's duty to ask questions in public.
2. Asked Code Enforcement to do something about the US Brick and Block Company on the
northeast comer of Blackwood and Highway 50, as they are building blocks on the premises.
Building Official Phelps said they have discussed it and have been holding off because there is
some proposed development coming there that will clean it up. He said he could meet with them
and ask them to clean up their operation. Then if the development does not come forward in a
timely manner he would ask them to screen the area.
3. Said again the plants on the porch need to be watered or buried.
4. Said the lights on the porch and fountain and the irrigation systems need to be adjusted for
daylight savings time.
The meeting adjourned at 11 :21 p.m.
City of Ocoee
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor