HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-16-03 Minutes SS MINUTES OF THE OCOEE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD and CITY COMMISSION JOINT MEETING HELD JUNE 16, 2003 CALL TO ORDER The Joint Meeting between the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the City Commission was held in the Commission Chambers, 150 North Lakeshore Drive. Chairman Applegate called the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to order at 7:00 p.m. The clerk called the roll and declared a quorum to be present. Mayor Vandergrift then called the City Commission to order. The clerk called the roll and declared a quorum to be present. PRESENT: Chairman Applegate, Members Brennan, Bryant (arrived 7:30 p.m.), Campbell, Hembree, Royce, Werts and Winesmann. Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Johnson, and Parker. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Farmer, City Manager Gleason, and Deputy City Clerk Green. ABSENT: Vice Chairman Barber (excused), Member Telesca (excused) and Commissioner Howell. ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Following corrections to reflect that Chairman Applegate was present and Member Winesmann was absent, Member Werts, seconded by Member Campbell, moved to accept the Minutes of the May 19, 2003, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting as corrected. Motion carried 7-0. (Member Bryant had not yet arrived.) NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION OF SURVEY RESULTS FROM PARKS AND RECREATION BOND ISSUE SURVEY Parks and Recreation Director Farmer said the preparation of this report had been a team effort and he thanked the Finance, Information Systems, and Planning Departments for their assistance. He then presented the results of the survey utilizing a power point presentation. Copies of the presentation were also provided to board members and the Commission in booklets. Mr. Farmer reported that 9500 surveys had been mailed with utility bills and the survey had been available on the City's website and in the West Orange Times. He said the total number responding was 1,192. If calculated on the mail out only, the rate of return was about 12.5%. Of those responding to the survey, 63 % (751) said they would not support a tax increase Ocoee Parks and Recreation Advisory Board/City Commission Joint Meeting June 16,2003 to fund additional recreation facilities, 29.2% (348) said they would support a tax increase, and 7.8% (93) did not respond to the question. Mr. Farmer pointed out those responding to the survey ranked the softball complex as least important. He said that was one thing that could be revenue producing. Mr. Farmer said they had about 250 pages of comments from the surveys and Mayor Vandergrift asked that the comments be made available to the Commission on disk. Mr. Farmer said many citizens said they wanted additional facilities, but in the end they did not want to pay for them. He asked if the City Commission wants them to pursue continuing to look at a bond issue in light of the survey results. He said parks and recreation programs are very valuable and important resources in the City. As the City continues to grow they will have to try to find some type of mechanism to fund programs and build the facilities that are needed. He said the advisory board is asking the Commission for guidance as to what they want them to do. City Manager Gleason said he saw two benefits of the survey. It puts in a priority order what the community thinks is important. On the other hand, it also says while it is important to them, they are not willing to pay for it. Member Winsemann noted youth sports and day camp programs were ranked as important, and discussion about day camps ensued. Mr. Farmer said they can accommodate 300 children, they have about 25 vacancies in their older camp (10 to 14 year-olds), and they have no other available facilities for day camps. The fee for the summer day camp was increased this year to $40 per child per week; they were expected to bring in $190,000; and the fees do not cover costs. Ocoee' s rates are low compared to other cities and the private sector, but Mr. Farmer said it was his understanding that the City wants to keep their rates as affordable as possible because many families need the reasonable rate. Member Werts asked about revenues generated for the pool. Mr. Farmer said swim lessons were estimated to generate about $2,000 per month and they had contracted with an instructor for an aquatic exercise program that began last week. A lengthy discussion ensued about how the City might pay for recreation needs. Commissioner Johnson proposed building a Municipal Recreation Complex that would include softball, soccer, and little league fields as a means to generate revenue to fund other recreation programs. Mr. Farmer said a complex could easily generate $150,000 to $200,000 a year as net income, and would have an economic impact on the City as well. Commissioner Johnson said citizens are hearing so much gloom and doom in the news, he did not think they would vote for a tax increase. Member Brennan said the City should invest in recreation. He said one third of those responding to the survey said they would be willing to invest money in recreation. He thought it was worth continuing with, if they could identify some of the more high profile 2 Ocoee Parks and Recreation Advisory Board/City Commission Joint Meeting June 16, 2003 areas, and then try to educate the citizens on the benefits of having those programs and how they would be managed. Commissioner Johnson said there were other increases citizens would be facing, so he thought the City needed to go ahead, buy the property, bond the money, build the facilities large enough for the fields, free up other property and make money to pay for other recreation programs. Responding to a question by Member Brennan, City Manager Gleason explained the process if a vote on a bond issue should be pursued. He said recreation studies have shown that a Municipal Recreation Complex generates funds, and funds raised by a complex might be the way to go to help fund the other recreation programs. Commissioner Johnson suggested using the Coke Property for a municipal sports complex that would include soccer, softball and little league fields, etc. Member Royce suggested utilizing batting cages to generate funds. City Manger Gleason said he thought it was not the time to ask citizens to approve a tax increase. He said the Glad Tidings property on Adair could be utilized for a Veterans Community Center. Gleason said the City is getting a little over $200,000 in a grant from the federal government for the Veterans Center, so City funds could be directed toward some of the other areas. Member Brennan pointed out that the multi-purpose trails were the most popular item with the most people who responded to the survey. Discussion ensued about utilizing a revenue bond rather than a General Obligation Bond (GOB). Member Winsemann said he thought the board should reevaluate the kinds of services the citizens want the City to deliver. They should assess the day camp program and possibly consider expanding it and raising the rate while considering the goal to meet the citizens' needs. He said the survey results were much different from what he had expected. Commissioner Anderson said Commissioner Johnson's suggestion was a good idea. He asked about using general funds or a bank loan for a complex since a softball complex was known to be a moneymaker. He asked about determining the annual operating cost of a municipal complex and the amount of revenue it could generate toward loan payment. City Manager Gleason said reports on all the impact fees are a part of the budget process. Park impact fees are pledged to cover the pool, the Beech Center and Freedom Park. He said they could calculate what could be done with the difference between the current park impact fee and an increased fee. Member Royce asked if there were adequate space on the Coke Property for a Municipal 3 Ocoee Parks and Recreation Advisory Board/City Commission Joint Meeting June 16, 2003 Recreation Complex. City Manger Gleason pointed out the City is paying for the Coke Property, does not yet own it outright. Member Campbell said in every case, the survey items that are not important are all statistically about the same value, so he thought they should take all those things with a grain of salt. He suggested looking at the impact fee structure as a means of helping to fund some of this. Member Brennan said he thought they should reevaluate plans, as $20M was too much to ask the citizens to fund all at once. He said the youth sports and programs were ranked high in importance, so the volunteer sports (i.e. little league, soccer, football) would probably be a more cost effective investment in response to the surveys. He suggested making better use of some of the current facilities rather than buying new ones, although the City always needs to consider purchasing land. He said he thought the board needed to reevaluate their proposal to the City Commission in light of the survey results. Member Bryant said she has been on the board several years and would like to see any progress that can be made reach fruition because there had been much discussion while the only accomplishments have been the Beech Center and the pool. She supported taking care of and making the best possible use of current facilities as the way to go in today's times while planning for tomorrow and keeping options open for land purchases. She said she thought this has been productive and she was very encouraged. Member Hembree said he thought the Municipal Recreation Complex would be a moneymaker and that should be done first in order to have the funds to do the other things. He noted the trails and the lighting were ranked of high importance in the survey. He supported adding a trailhead on the Coke Property. Member Royce said she was shocked by what she had seen on the survey and it would take her some time to absorb it. She agreed they need to do the moneymaker and that acquisition of land should be high on the priority list. Member Werts said he was not as amazed with the results. He said it does not surprise him that they want the recreation facilities but they do not want to pay for them. He said the only way they are going to be able to get money is to make money. He suggested looking at each current facility as an independent business unit, i.e. what is the amount of revenue that is generated, what does it cost to operate it, how often is it operated and who uses it. He said they might have to make changes that some might not be comfortable with if it would benefit the total package. Member Winsemann said while considering the new facility make sure that something is done about the mud puddles in front of the dugouts on older fields. He suggested the minor league and major league fields might need to be reengineered. City Manager Gleason said he had met with County Commissioner Teresa Jacobs and 4 Ocoee Parks and Recreation Advisory Board/City Commission Joint Meeting June 16, 2003 had asked what the County was considering for northwest Orange County in light of another major complex in southwest Orange County. He said he had set up a tentative meeting with the Commissioner and Orange County staff (re land and sports) about the possibility of a partnership with the County for recreation facilities. He said with the input from this meeting, he felt he now could schedule some initial meetings to determine what would be involved and what the County's level of commitment or funding might be. Chairman Applegate said he agreed with the comments of the other members of the board. Commissioner Anderson said he agreed with Member Hembree's comments and with the City Manager's comments about partnership with the County. He said he would like to get the Recreation Complex moving, since we know it would make money and pay for it, so it would not be necessary for the citizens to vote on that part. Commissioner Johnson said he thought they needed to "bite the bullet" and move ahead on the Municipal Recreation Complex. He thought they were working toward solving some of the problems with purchasing the property on Adair. Commissioner Parker said she was not surprised that people wanted more and did not want to pay anything for it. She said she thought that pursuing the Recreation Complex and using the revenue from that would be a win-win situation. She suggested expanding adult programs and charging for them in order to fund more children's programs. She supported pursuing the Complex and also working with the County. City Manger Gleason summarized the comments as follows: I. The group wants an analysis of the Coke property, what can be done there maximizing that acreage and what the City could do. 2. Have staff initiate meetings with the County to see what kind of partnership can be created. 3. Look at the Multipurpose Sports Complex with softball as a centerpiece but the other items as being the focus. 4. Consider park impact and other revenue sources, state grants, etc. that could start this without initially asking the citizens for a tax increase. Mayor Vandergrift said he was in the minority as one of the "old folk" who said they do not need much recreation. He said the emphasis in the survey was on youth, and he spoke in favor of looking at ways to move forward on the master plan for Beech Park (with ball fields, tennis courts, soccer field, etc.). He said he had tried to promote interest in the bottom land for a passive park under some oak trees. He said those are the kinds of things to look toward because none of us really want our taxes to go up. He said when we are talking about recreation we are talking about wants, not necessarily needs. He suggested looking at the use of the Fire Department building on Bluford, when it becomes available, as a senior center, a recreation facility similar to Vignetti. He spoke 5 Ocoee Parks and Recreation Advisory Board/City Commission Joint Meeting June 16, 2003 in support of forming a Commission to seek grants for trails in the City. He suggested several possible areas for trails in the City, including a "rails to trails" from downtown to the West Orange Trail in Clarcona and also a trail from the West Oaks Mall to the West Orange Trail. He said he does not think that a softball complex will pay for itself. He said Apopka and Altamonte Springs now have an excellent facility, and he would like to see the statistics before assuming a complex could support itself. He noted the survey results emphasizing trails and youth. He said he had previously looked at a partnership with the Y or with the Boys and Girls Club. He suggested "nurturing" having the schools build parks within their school sites and partnering with the schools to put an Olympic size pool on school property. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to see this presentation on a City Commission agenda just as a presentation or televised before a meeting. Without objection, Mayor Vandergrift declared the combined portion of the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Commissioners Johnson and Parker and City Manager Gleason left the meeting at that time. OTHER BUSINESS Member Brennan distributed a handout for a proposal to install a chain link fence at the Jim Beech Recreation Center as a joint venture by the City of Ocoee and the Ocoee Youth Soccer League (OYSL). He said installing fencing along the southern boundary of the recreation fields would limit the access from the fields to the adjacent railroad tracks providing a measure of safety for athletes and spectators using the fields. He said, as proposed, the cost to the City should be minimal. Mayor Vandergrift suggested questions about the status of the master plan should be answered before the OYSL invests in a fence that they may not be able to utilize if the field is moved. Member Brennan said the OYSL had committed to the chain link fence over a year ago and they were ready to do it. He said they had volunteers to do the work and the fence could be moved later if necessary. Commissioner Anderson said the problem with seepage from the retention pond to the intended soccer field site was the reason they had not moved forward on the general use field. He cited the $2M cost to rescind use of the retention pond and to tank it on the back of the site. Member Werts said this was a safety issue and the fence could be moved later on if necessary. 6 Ocoee Parks and Recreation Advisory Board/City Commission Joint Meeting June 16,2003 Commissioner Anderson asked if the fence would belong to the City, and Member Brennan said his board did not care to whom the fence belongs. Member Brennan, seconded by Member Werts, moved that the Ocoee Youth Soccer League work with City staff to install the fence that meets all the necessary requirements and does not encroach on the railroad's right-ofway. Motion carried 8-0. In discussion that ensued about parking, Member Campbell pointed out there would need to be a four-foot passage to meet ADA requirements. Member Brennan reported on the status oflast month's proposal concerning developing fields at the Jim Beech Recreation Center. He said it is "percolating in the system." Member Winsemann expressed concern about carrying out plans for the Beech Center. Mr. Farmer said from the research he has done, the plans the City paid for were prepared without proper research to make sure the property could be used as planned. He said the SJR WMD was not going to allow them to do a lot of things there. Member Hembree supported using any funds to acquire land in other areas. Member Winsemann spoke in support of a new multi-use facility of the scale and quality of that at the Ben White Raceway. Mr. Farmer said the budget for Parks and Recreation is about $2M and they generate about $250,000. He said no Recreation Department will make money, but there are programs that would allow them to subsidize and generate a greater amount of revenue than they do now. He said the Beech Center is starting to generate revenue. He said some of the older facilities need renovation in order to attract more users. Discussion ensued about the importance of recreation to help children to be physically fit and mentally healthy and also to attract people to the City. Member Royce proposed that the members study the survey results at home, analyze them and come back next month prepared to discuss what they think is most important. She said discussion of the Municipal Multi-use Complex should be on the next agenda. Mr. Farmer suggested forming a Park and Recreation Trust Fund. Member Campbell said the board's mandate is not to direct Mr. Farmer on how money will be spent. It should help him set policy, not micro-manage. He supported working to try to help develop some things to take to the City Commission. Member Bryant said she has been impressed and encouraged with Mr. Farmer's leadership skills and the things he has been doing for the Recreation Department. She said she thought the City has come a long way under his leadership, and she was looking forward to the future. 7 Ocoee Parks and Recreation Advisory Board/City Commission Joint Meeting June 16, 2003 Member Royce noted improvements at Vignetti Park and said they need to look at how to improve other facilities. She said members need to look over the surveys and then come back with what they think is important. Member Brennan suggested members bring back short-range goals for the next meeting. Mr. Farmer said invitations had been sent to all the board members and he urged them to attend the Freedom Park Grand Opening on Monday, June 23 rd at 11 :00 a.m. The next meeting date for the Recreation Advisory Board was set for July 21,2003, at 7:30 p.m. at the Beech Center. ADJOURNMENT Member Werts, seconded by Member Winesmann, moved to adjourn the meeting at 9: 15 p.m. Motion carried 8 -0. >:L (~hJA/Y- J 4; LA ) Marian Green, Deputy City Clerk 8 Ocoee Parks and Recreation Advisory Board/City Commission Joint Meeting June 16, 2003 Attest: Approved: 9