HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-01-03 Minutes MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD APRIL 1, 2003 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers and asked all to bow their heads in silent prayer for our troops. Frances Watts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Grafton called the roll and declared a quorum present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Grafton, Information Systems Director Ross, Parks/Recreation Director Farmer, Planning Manager Lewis, Senior Planner Grimms, Police Chief Goclon, and Public Works Director Wheeler. ABSENT: None Mayor Vandergrift introduced Paul Hershaw, Scout Master of Troop 198, who then asked those scouts present in his troop to introduce themselves. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Presentation: "Hero" by Tom Neubacher, Thornebrooke Elementary (Son of Dave and Kim Neubacher) Commissioner Johnson introduced Tom Neubacher, who then presented his speech prepared for the fifth grade oration contest. Proclamation: Ocoee Firefighter Appreciation Week - April 6 - 12, 2003 Lieutenant Joe Moy accepted the proclamation after Mayor Vandergrift read it. Proclamation: Arbor Day - April 17, 2003 Parks/Recreation Director Farmer accepted the proclamation and said Arbor Day is celebrated each year with the planting of a tree in a different park and notices would be published regarding this celebration so the public could attend. Non-Agenda Item - Proclamation: Parents and Childrens Day - Sunday, April 6, 2003 Mayor Vandergrift read the proclamation. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, invited the City officials to the Senior Picnic to be held in the park behind the Community Center on April 10, and to the 25th anniversary celebration at noon on May 15,2003, at the Community Center. Candy Eberle, 2621 Coventry Lane, asked the Commission to put yellow ribbons on Clarke Road and Silver Star Road, as well as downtown, and she added she had made a similar request to the City of Winter Garden. Mayor Vandergrift noted he had bought some yellow bows from Betty J's Florist and put them about the City. Commissioner Parker volunteered to tie bows if the City would provide the ribbons and invited the public to donate spools of yellow ribbon for Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 1, 2003 this purpose. Commissioner Anderson said Cathy Starn would be bringing some information about a Rally for America to be held in Winter Garden on April 12. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, talked about the shuttle problems and said they should be using titanium rather than aluminum. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Parker announced the Rotary Club of Ocoee 2nd Annual Wine Tasting to be held Friday, April 25 at the Windermere Town Hall, and Rotary of Windermere is having their Festival on the Lake Saturday and Sunday at Camp Down. She announced also the Ocoee Police Explorers want to put house numbers at the curb on every home, so there would be a uniform way for emergency teams to locate addresses. They will charge $10.00 a home, but if an entire homeowner association requested this service the price would be $7.00 per home in that subdivision. Commissioner Anderson reported the boat races were a huge success. He thanked all those who assisted and said formal presentations of appreciation would be made at the next Commission meeting. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. Item E was pulled by staff. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to aoorove items A. B. C. D. F. G. and H of the consent a2:enda as oresented. Motion carried 5-0. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of March 18,2003. (City Clerk Grafton) B. Approval and Authorization to Waive the Bid Process for Laptops for Ocoee Police Department. (Information Systems Director Ross) (Continued/rom Marcil 18 meeting) Staff recommends waiving the City's formal bid process and authorizing Staff to piggyback off the State of Florida Contract 250-000-03-01 for the purchase of 8 Dell Lattitude C840 laptop computers. C. Approval and Authorization to Waive the Bid Process for Ocoee Police Department LAN Equipment and Authorize this Purchase from State Contract 250-000-03-01. (Information Systems Director Ross) Staff recommends waiving the City's formal bid process and authorizing Staff to piggyback off the State of Florida Contract 250-000-03-01 for the purchase of Cisco networking equipment and its associated maintenance. D. Approval and Authorization to Reallocate $4,500.00 of Funds in Account No. 001-512-01-6400 from WaveformNectorscope Monitor to Pan/Tilt Camera Head and Camera Lens and Transfer $650.00 from Account No. 001-512-01- 3400 to Account No. 001-512-01-6400. (TV Operations Manager Suchy) The purchase of a used W aveformN ectorscope Monitor rather than a new one has left almost enough funds available in this account to purchase the needed pan/tilt camera head and lens. Approval of this item adds the pan/tilt camera head and Page 2 of7 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 1, 2003 camera lens to the list of authorized capital improvement purchases and transfers enough funds from another account to cover the cost. E. }...pproval and f...uthorization to Amend the Coea Cola Property Master Planning and Engineering Serviees .\greement with Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Ine. to Conduct Due Diligence ofthc Poer Property. (Planning Manager Lewis) On Murch 1, 2003, the City Commission approved the f...greement for Sale and Purchase bet'.'1een Joanne M. Poer and the City of Ocoee and authorized the City Staff to pursue necessary due diligence investigation with respect to the real property believed to be suitable for residential development and incorporation into CrO'Nn Point PUD. VHB's cost proposal for conducting due diligence of the Poer property is $15,070.00 plus expenses allocated. This amount would be paid out of the Coca Cola property bond money. (This item was pulled by staff.) F. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Final Plat for ForestBrooke Phase I. (Public Works Director Wheeler) ForestBrooke Phase I is comprised of approximately 80 acres and 126 lots. It is bounded by Lake Apopka to the west, ForestBrooke Ph I-A on the east, Orange County on the north and the future Westyn Bay subdivision on the south. All required documentation pertaining to the platting of this phase has been reviewed and approved by City Staff. G. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Renewal of Highway Maintenance Contract No. AL454 with Florida Department of Transportation in the Amount of $36,153.00 for Right-of-Way Maintenance. (Public Works Director Wheeler) The City of Ocoee contracts annually with the FDOT for maintenance of the rights- of-way along the FDOT controlled roadways within the Ocoee City Limits. This contract will run from May 1,2003, to April 30, 2004. H. Approval and Authorization to Reallocate Capital Funds in the Fleet Maintenance Fund from the Purchase of an Electric Tailgate to a Computer and Transfer $400.00 from Fleet Maintenance Fund to Capital Improvement Program. (Public Works Director Wheeler) Staff believes Public Works would be better served to allow the Fleet Maintenance group the opportunity to database repairs and vehicle information and search the internet for parts than to make the budgeted purchase of a lift gate, as the need for this item has diminished with the use of the maintenance contract with Florida Auto Auction. The amount budgeted was $2,000.00 and the cost of the computer is $2,400.00; therefore, staff requests authorization to transfer $400.00 from the Fleet Maintenance Operating Supplies to CIP as well as authorization to add the computer to the list of authorized purchases. PUBLIC HEARINGS Resolution No. 2003-12, relating to Jurisdictional Transfer of Portions of SR 439 (Bluford/McKey/Taylor St.) and Rail Crossings from State Highway System to City Roadway System. (City Manager Gleason, Assistant to the City Manager Shira) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Resolution. City Manager Gleason explained this transfer was being made at the City's request and that in transferring these segments to the City, the City is accepting responsibility for the future maintenance of the railroad sections that cross these roadways. These railroad sections were recently improved and Page 3 of7 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 1, 2003 the FDOT estimates it will be at least 15 or 20 years before they require substantial maintenance again. In lieu of resurfacing the roadways prior to turning them over to the City, the State is providing the City with $850,000 which the City can elect to spend on either improvements to the road segments, or other streetscape improvements such as street lights, benches, decorative pavement, etc. The public hearing was opened. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked about the cost in 20 years. Tom Moscoso, representing FDOT, said the annual cost on each crossing was $2,820. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to adoot Resolution No. 2003-12. reauestin2: the transfer of a oortion of State Road 439 from the State Hi2:hwav Svstem to the Citv Roadwav Svstem. and authorizin2: the execution ofthe necessarv documents. Motion carried 5-0. OTHER BUSINESS Request to Amend the Budget for ,A",dditional Plans Examiner/Inspeetor Position for the Community Development Department Building Division. (Human Resourees Direetor Diedrieh, Community Development Direetor "'agner, Building Offieial Washington) (This item was pulled by staff.) Approval of McElroy Place Final Subdivision Plan. (Planning Manager Lewis) City Attorney Rosenthal advised the Commission that a court reporter was present for this item. Acting Community Development Director Lewis gave the staff report, advising this Plan was consistent with the Preliminary Subdivision Plan previously approved by this Commission. He added the staff recommendation was for approval of the Final Subdivision Plan with the planting of some additional trees around the sinkhole. Commissioner Howell asked about the Clarke Road extension and Mr. Rosenthal noted that the only portion of Clarke Road under consideration at this time is the northernmost portion of Clarke Road. In connection with this Plan the place where Clarke Road intersects McCormick Road is fixed. Similarly, on the south side, the place where Clarke Road intersects Clarcona-Ocoee Road is fixed. Commissioner Howell asked that the record show he did not want that to be left off for the City to have to pay for. Cecelia Bonifay, Ackerman Senterfitt, spoke on behalf of the developer. Robert Gormican, 980 West McCormick Road, said he was the owner of the property on the west and south sides of this development and he objects to the Clarke Road portion of the present design as it splits his property and invades the springs area. Becky V ose, owner of 106 McCormick Road, spoke representing Mr. Gormican, and expressed concerns regarding maintaining the conservation area. Page 4 of7 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 1, 2003 Doug Y ovash, Y ovash Engineering Sciences, also spoke. Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to aoorove the Final Subdivision Plan for McElrov Place. as date stamoed received bv the Citv on Februarv 3.2003. with the olantin2: of some additional trees around the sinkhole. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Howell voting no. Recess 8:43 - 8:53 p.m. Roberts Rules of Order - Commissioner Johnson Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to adhere to the latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order in the conduct of the Citv Commission meetin2:s. Motion carried 5-0. Staff was directed to purchase a copy of Roberts Rules of Order for those seated at the dais. Utility Rate Study - Consultant Contract for Professional Services with Burton & Associates. (Public Works Director Wheeler) Public Works Director Wheeler asked for direction to engage Burton & Associates, Inc. to perform a rate study in relation to possible rate restructuring of the utility rates. He pointed out a correction to his staff report, advising the money is coming out of Contingency-Reserves rather than Repair and Replacement Reserves. Mayor Vandergrift said he had asked before for a report on how much water the government uses of the water that is pumped and would still like to see that report. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to authorize the Mavor and Citv Clerk to execute the Contract for Professional Services with Burton & Associates. Inc. for a total not-to-exceed fee of $29.334.00 with funds from the Contin2:encv Reserve Water/ Wastewater Fund. Motion carried 5-0. Elect Mayor pro tem and Consider City Commission Board/Committee Responsibilities. (City Clerk Grafton) The staff report contained a list of City Commission responsibilities on Boards, Committees and other groups, in case the Commission wished to reassign duties in this area. This list showed the dates of termination of those assignments that were for a specific length of time, but neither of those needed to be considered at this time. Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to elect Commissioner Anderson Mavor oro tern. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift advised he had given up the Tri-County League of Cities several years ago and he did not see it on the list. Commissioner Anderson said he could attend the next meeting but not all ofthem. Without obiection. Commission agreed to direct its administrative assistant to coordinate this and those who could attend would alternate. Page 5 of7 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 1, 2003 Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to acceot the board liaison slate as oresented with the Tri-Countv Lea2:ue of Cities bein2: a shared resoonsibilitv. Motion carried 5-0. Appointment to Boards. (City Clerk Grafton) Planning and Zoning Commission -Tanya Miller-McAllister Resigned - 3-Year Term Ends June 2005. Commissioner Howell. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to aoooint Bradlev Camobell to comolete Mrs. Miller's term endin2: June 2005. Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Vandergrift voting no. Education Commission - Donna Sheridan Resigned - 2-Year Term Ends August 2004. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Howell. moved to aoooint Heidi Koch to comolete Donna Sheridan's term endin2: AU2:ust 2004. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Gleason 1. Reported Mayor Vandergrift had asked for a written policy regarding the use of recreation facilities by residents vs non-residents. Parks/Recreation Director Farmer was directed to draw up a policy and bring it back before the Commission. 2. Said Lynx has contracted with a company that wished to see ifOcoee is interested in having them construct covered bus shelters which they would police. 3. Distributed material to the Commission regarding a Strategic Goal Setting workshop and said he would bring it back for direction at the April 15 meeting. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker 1. Suggested forming a Fire Department advisory council similar to the Police Department advisory council. Mayor Vandergrift suggested a super-safety commission which would incorporate both fire and police. Without obiection. staff was directed to bring back a resolution for consideration which would state the number of members. the purpose. length of terms. etc. 2. Distributed a letter regarding Homes in Partnership, Inc. requesting a sponsorship for their 2003 Appreciation Dinner on October 23,2003, at the Radisson Plaza Hotel in Orlando. Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to soonsor at the Coroorate Table level (ten tickets with reserved seatin2:. comoanv's name on the table. ei2:hth-oa2:e ad in souvenir oro2:ram) for the amount of $750.00. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Proposed a change in the format used for proclamations that are read at the meetings so that the Commission could show their support of the Mayor's proclamations. She said the Mayor's signature should be prominent, with a place underneath saying something like "supported by and attested by" and a place for the Commissioners' signatures. Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to direct staff to oreoare oroclamations in the manner described bv Commissioner Parker. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Asked about the progress on the take home cars policy of the Police Department. Commissioner Howell said he had not received a report from the committee yet. Mayor Page 6 of7 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 1, 2003 Vandergrift suggested extending the Orange Security Code the City is operating under at the present time and use those statistics regarding the cost for the committee to work with, since officers who have vehicles currently are taking them home, and those figures would be available. 5. Said the Neighborhood Restorative Justice Program is looking good but needs volunteers. Commissioner Anderson 1. Reported the Fire Department Boot Drive for MDA starts Friday, April 4, and will continue for several weeks. 2. Said convenience stores are plastering advertising all over their windows, and asked that Code Enforcement look into it. Commissioner Howell 1. Said he had already talked to Dave Wheeler about the stop sign on Wurst Road. 2. Asked when the potholes on Adair Street would be taken care of. City Manager Gleason said they should have been done yesterday. 3. Said the school crossing guard has been missing at Spring Lake Elementary, and the one way street signs were still in place. Police Chief Goclon reported the crossing guard was hit by a bicycle and the officer who temporarily took her place may not have known to remove the signs. Mayor Vandergrift 1. Said a lady had reported a torn flag on Bluford Avenue, and he would like to have all the flags checked and possibly extended all the way to Clarke Road. 2. Reported the high school has been put on hold until 2008 and asked Mr. Gleason to report. Mr. Gleason said he had talked with Susan Arkin at a luncheon Thursday and she was not aware of the rumor of the school being delayed, but she would verify. She called back the next morning to say the architectural design had been ordered stopped on the school, as right now that school is not scheduled to open until 2008. They will be focusing on Apopka High School first and, as the new oversight committee has made a determination that that school is not a priority at this time, they have shifted the money to see to it that Apopka comes on line and 2008 is the earliest they are projecting a school for us. Mr. Gleason said starting October there is about a half-million dollar mortgage payment due, and several people have approached the city about the possibility of buying the land for development. Mayor Vandergrift said he wants to have ajoint meeting with the School Board. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Jea tL ~ ~, . t- ~C~ ~~-- a / S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor '0 . Page 7 of7