May 16, 1994
At 10:40 a.m. the Police /Fire Board joined with the General Employees meeting which was in
progress. The joint meeting was called to order in the Community Center by Chairman Reed.
PRESENT: Chairman Reed, Members Strosnider and Williams. Also present were Chairman
Miller, Members Grafton, Oliver, Waldrop, Attorney Dehner, Actuary Foster,
and Clerk/Stenographer Lewis.
ABSENT: Members Gledich, Shiver, and Wilson.
Chairman Reed announced that this was a joint session of the Police Officers' /Firefighters and
the General Employees' Pension Boards.
Actuary Foster said he had explained during the General Employees' meeting that he had
contacted several brokerage firms. Only one firm had been interested in meeting with the Joint
Boards but there had been a conflict with the meeting dates and they were unable to attend this
meeting. Mr. Foster had then suggested giving the Actuarial and Money Manager Reports in the
time period that had been scheduled for brokerage firms.
loft'' Before the reports were given Chairman Reed gave details of a meeting with the City Manager
concerning the audit. Mr. Reed said Administrative Services Director Beamer had indicated some
of the City figures are not the same as those supplied by Foster and Foster, Inc. to keep the plan
solvent. The City numbers consistently come up lower than those of the actuary. Ms. Beamer
was concerned about where the numbers are coming from and this was the reason for suggesting
an audit. Ms. Beamer and Ms. Psaledakis will be in attendance for the afternoon meeting of the
Police /Fire Board and an explanation will be given at that time.
Actuary Foster said the actuary had developed the numbers that determine the funding
requirements and those are the amounts that must be contributed from City, State, and other
sources. Member Strosnider asked if this reflects a shortage of the State. Actuary Foster said
an assumption is made on what the State money is going to be, and if the State money comes in
lower the City is required to make up the difference. That may be an adjustment they are not
making which could make it look like their numbers, in total, are lower than the actuarial
numbers. All evaluation reports have been State accepted by both bureaus that review the reports.
The State has approved the annual report which is an independent presentation of contributions
that were made. The Actuary will coordinate with the Finance Department to be sure the numbers
are interpreted correctly. Chairman Reed had notifications where the State had accepted their
Actuary Foster had received a listing of all members from the City, including the member
N, contributions that had been deposited during the year. The total contribution figures were
Police Officers /Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
'tow May 16, 1994
different from the amount in the Key Trust statements as contributions deposited for the year. The
annual report numbers, which is the member contributions deposited to the funds during the plan
year, must match the total of member contributions that were contributed on the employee census.
There had been several thousand dollars difference there. Mr. Poston's retirement had created
a vacuum there. The difference had been reconciled but is the reason the report was late. If those
numbers did not match the State would have returned the report. Before sending the report to
State the actuary must make sure it is correct.
Chairman Miller said if the two funds were a part of the City audit the Boards should receive
copies of the audit. Attorney Dehner pointed out that the Police /Fire Board receives a copy of
their fund' s audits and it might be appropriate for the Board to obtain a copy of the 1993 City
audit for review.
Actuary Foster presented an actuarial report from the March 31, 1994 quarter which covers the
time that the Investment Counsel Company has been acting as the investment advisor. He directed
attention to the dates of March 1, 1992 through March 31, 1994 that showed how the assets
accumulated over this time period.
Actuary Foster expressed concern about the performances of the funds. The stock side shows a
deteriorating, rather than improving, performance pattern. It is usually recommended that the
Boards not "fiddle around" alternative managers or even investigate alternative managers until
each have been through a market cycle of at least a three year period with a manager. He thinks
it might be in the best interest of both Boards to at least take a closer look at what else is out there.
It will take a dramatic turn around in both funds to bring these returns of a relative performance
basis up to even something in a median level of performance over a three year period. Their goal,
for the total fund, is to out perform their custom index which is 40% stocks, 55 % bonds, and 5%
cash over any rolling three year period. In looking at this period, it is almost two years and in
looking at the General Fund 5.6% vs. 7.5%. That is almost a 2% per year deficit. In the case
of the Police /Fire, they are looking at a 2.5% per year deficit that would need to be made up in
really about another year.
Actuary Foster said the Boards did not have to do any kind of a full blown investment manager
search but he could provide the Board with more detailed information about the performance
numbers that are generated by the funds in order for the Boards to be completely aware of what
else is going on. He did not think that the 32 -33 out of 35 ranking had changed much since
September, 1993.
Analyst Resnik asked if Actuary Foster could tell the performance numbers on other municipal
�.► 2
Police Officers /Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
`, May 16, 1994
accounts. Actuary Foster said almost all of them have 30 -40% exposure to stocks. There are
only a couple of accounts that are as high as 50 -60% and only one or two have a 10% exposure.
Thirty- seventy, or 60 -40 is a pretty typical asset allocation for the funds they are monitoring so
it is a pretty conservative mix.
Money Manager McClung presented the quarterly report for the quarter ending March 31, 1994
and did not like the performance of this particular fund. The market as a whole had been down.
An explanation was given on the different sectors of the market for the 1993 -94 performance
indicating the market had been volatile over the last 12 months. The ICC had talked to a number
of different managers and consultants that handle money or funds, and all were hurting right now.
She understood the Boards' concern but as the Actuary had said on the three years, even if they
came up 10% before September, their numbers are still not going to look very good.
Ms. McClung reviewed the Total Return Summary Report and described the differences between
the plans. Analyst Resnik asked if the Money Manager had any municipal funds with five or
more years so the Boards could compare performances to those on the list. Ms. McClung will
prepare another municipal fund's performance report for review.
'r.. Actuary Foster explained the size of the fund makes a difference. The Board may consider the
investment manager to have a co- mingled fund where you are buying a piece of the fund, like a
mutual fund, where the smallest fund has the same diversification as the largest fund. That
divergence of returns is not seen among the funds that use the co- mingle funds. He suggested that
if the Boards wanted to investigate alternatives, there would no obligation on the part of the
Boards to hire an alternative manager or replacement manager. He said it may be prudent to take
a closer look at what is out there because the fund's accounts are deviating from the Universe in
a big way with both funds. Ms. McClung said the trustees of the funds must also consider that
should an employee asked the Board why the returns are so low, members could then be informed
that other alternatives are being reviewed. Actuary Foster agreed with Ms. McClung and said
such action should at least satisfy any member of the plan that you are being diligent. To be
aware of what else is out there is the Board's main concern.
Secretary Grafton asked if the Board should give direction to someone. For the record Attorney
Definer said there are several important points that need to be made from the legal fiduciary side:
1) The data that the Actuary presented with respect to the Board's manager, the 3 year
number was a 15 % number, the 5 years number was a 12+ number, which indicates the
top third or better. Those were numbers that the Board looked at and the numbers that the
Board saw in making the decision to retain this manager. It is very important, for the
Now 3
Police Officers /Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
May 16, 1994
record, to reflect that the Board did exactly the appropriate procedures of processes.
When choosing the existing investment manager the Board had data that made that prudent
decision for the selection at the time. Those numbers back up the deterioration and
unfortunately, it has occurred in the two years since April, 1992, and since about the time
the Board hired the manager. Market conditions have been indicated to be one of the
2) It is through the fulfilling of the Board's fiduciary duties by receiving this information on
a periodic basis as has been discussed over several meetings. The Board is now to a point
to determine if this is the time where the Board needs to take another step. That is
important and is an indication that the Board is doing their job properly.
3) With respect to the Manager doing what the Board had asked the manager to do, it needs
to be noted that the Board does not manage the fund, it does not have that expertise, and
you have not given specific investment directives to the manager, you have been provided
fraud policy guidelines. Part of the information that you have been presented with by
Actuary Foster acting as your monitor has been within those guidelines.
4) With the recommendation from the monitor that the Boards begin to send out RFP's. The
.• Board was not making a decision at this point but you are going to make a change. He felt
it would be appropriate to go ahead, send out the RFP's, get the information in on other
managers for review, and determine at that point whether you want to talk in person with
any other managers. He also recommended that the Boards talk further with ICC, then
make a determination at that time on what the Board would like to do.
Member Waldrop expressed concern on getting up into the high numbers but thought everyone
was doing bad. Chairman Reed said the Board should look at other managers just to see how
they have weathered this cycle. He thought a lot had to do with the size of our fund which is not
diversified enough to weather the storm yet. He would be interested in seeing how funds similar
to ours have weathered the storm. He also expressed concern over the down of the percentile.
Actuary Foster said the Boards could use the March 31, 1994 as the time period for comparison
purposes, so the Boards can see how this bad market has been approached by other managers.
Attorney Definer said it would be appropriate for each Board, by motion, to ask Actuary Foster
to prepare and send RFP's to managers, then submit a recommendation with a list of managers
he thinks would be appropriate for this fund. Mr. Dehner recommended that he show each Board
that list in the event that the Board members have been contacted or may want to add into his
survey and inform him of that. He cautioned the Trustees to be sure that anybody they are
interested in looking at be covered in this study.
` o 4
Police Officers /Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
May 16, 1994
Graf in moved to direc A . Fo ter o • re • are and end RFP' o mone
managers. Member Waldrop inquired as to the expense of preparing the RFP's. Actuary
Foster said preparation of the RFP's, analyzing the responses, meeting with the Board to review
the responses, would cost approximately $1500 total, for both funds. If the managers simply
come in and make presentations, then it would just be the time involved, meeting, and listening
to them and could probably be done in half a day.
Attorney Dehner said to outline the entire procedure, in the event you would go through a whole
process, if the Boards so authorize, the Actuary will send an RFP (developing pertinent questions
with respect to money manager to this fund) to potential manager candidates, (to also include
names submitted by members of the Boards that they would like to take a look at), he will then
receive responses back by designated date from the managers, at that point then he will prepare
chart or summary fashion with the responses, and bring them back to the Board and take a look
at them at the July 18 meeting (Clerk's note: date was later changed), give the Board an
opportunity to take a look at the numbers on the various candidates and then make a determination
on whether the Board would like to talk to some small group of them in more detail about what
they can offer, and then interviews will be set at that time. The Boards would have another
meeting and talk with the money managers in person. At the end of the interview meeting the
Boards would make a decision to stay with the existing manager or select another one. Secretary
Grafton said this could all be done in the July 18 meeting. Actuary Foster said the actuary could
probably have a short list ready for that meeting and whether or not you wanted to pursue, get to
the point of listening to the presentation which possibly could be done at the September meeting.
• r . ry raf in s - c o nded b M • m i • r Ili • r of he G n - ral Em.lo ees Fund moved to
dir h Actu, o or .,re .n s - nd RFP's to mane manager Motion carries 4 -0.
sec •• nd by Member Strosnider of the Police Officers' /Firefi . hters' Fund,
moved to direct the Actua to prepare and send RFP's to money mana i ers. Motion carried 4 -0.
Actuary Foster recommended postponing the July 18 meeting until the Board sees what it is going
to do with the Investment Counsel Company. It is possible that broker affiliation may not be
needed if the Board chooses to make a switch. The money managers will not be present.
Discussion ensued concerning a time for the joint and separate Board meetings on July 18. Ms.
McClung said the Board would probably not want the money manager in attendance at the July
18 meeting but she would have the June 30 report. Secretary Grafton asked that she mail the
report. Actuary Foster said the July 18 meeting date would not give them enough time to do
the June 30 performance report as they do not receive the Cadence Universe data until the end of
July. If the Board held the meeting in August the actuary would have more information and the
Police Officers /Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
Nosy May 16, 1994
Boards could make a decision to interview managers. The actuary could also have two full years
of information for comparison purposes. It might be best, even though it may postpone things 30
days to have as much information as possible for a decision making process.
The July meeting was cancelled and re- scheduled to Tuesday, August 23, 9:00 a.m., General
Employees Trust Fund, 10:00 a.m., Joint Board, 11:00 a.m., the Investment Counsel Company,
and 1:00 p.m., Police /Firefighters Trust Fund.
The meeting was reconvened at 1:00 p.m. by Chairman Reed.
PRESENT: Chairman Reed, Members Gledich, Strosnider, Williams, and Wilson. Also
present were Attorney Dehner, Actuary Foster, and Terri McClung of The
Investment Counsel Company, John Boyd, Personnel Director Psaledakis,
Administrative Services Director Beamer, Finance Manager Horton, and
Clerk/Stenographer Lewis.
Member Strosnider. seconded by Member Williams. moved to approve the minutes of
March 21. 1994 as presented. Motion carried 5 -0.
III. Member Williams. seconded by Member Strosnider. moved to amend the agenda to
consider item VI before item III. Motion carried 5 -0.
Chairman Reed said he had met with City Manager Shapiro, Personnel Director Psaledakis, and
Administrative Services Director Beamer on April 21 concerning improvements to the Police /Fire
Pension Fund. The administrators had explained that the cost of improvements was too great to
the City for a plan that was in its infancy. Director Beamer had also questioned City dollars not
matching the actuarial figures of the Pension Plan, adding that her figures always came in lower
than those of the Actuarial.
Personnel Director Psaledakis explained that the City Manager had been appreciative of the
Board' s concern to add certain enhancements to the Plan but they were premature to the
Police Officers /Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
tiway May 16, 1994
Police /Fire Fund as well as the General Employees Fund at this time. The City Manager was not
saying there is nothing in the future and the Fund may want to review it again at a later date. The
City may investigate some type of medical insurance continuation for the employees only, but not
the employees and their defendants. The Board was instructed on the procedural process in
requesting action of the Mayor and City Commissioners in adopting an ordinance. Director
Psaledakis said there had been a modification in the Plan affecting Police Chief John Boyd's
retirement that Actuary Foster will be dealing with. When an employee retires from the City,
under the pension provision, a copy of the Pension fund paper work must be placed in the
personnel file. The City and the Board must work together in determining whether the proper
benefit has been received.
Administrative Services Director Beamer explained the City tries to base calculations on the
budgeted salary figure but when the actuarial is done a catch -up has to be included in the next year
that would either cover investments that were low, or for people who have left who did not put
in their percentage. The City must pay and include the costs in the next year increments that were
short the prior year. The administration wanted to know, with some frequency, what the Actuary
has done in terms of evaluation of the Fund's investment. While Ms. Beamer had requested an
audit it had been incorrect terminology. From the City side the auditors look at what is "going
out" the Pension Plan, dollars from the City and Pension Plan, dollars from its employees. City
\.► auditors are not paid to do an overall evaluation of the plan itself. To better understand the
investments Director Beamer then requested an evaluation report by Foster and Foster.
Chairman Reed announced the quarterly performance and the money manager reports had been
given during the Joint meeting. The Board was inviting solicitations, as a result of the downturn
in the market, from other Investment Managers to see how other funds are doing at this time. He
asked if the Police /Fire Pension Fund is audited as part of the City's annual report. Ms. Beamer
explained that it is audited as to the money that is going out from the City, whether it be employee
or employer, to the pension plan itself.
Actuary Foster said that the Actuary had reviewed the City audit report and the Fund is audited
independently by an outside CPA firm. The activity is in line but the City's concern is that the
Actuary did the evaluation as of October 1, 1993 that was delivered to the Board in January, 1994.
The City had already budgeted a contribution for the 1993 -94 year and the Actuary evaluation,
which isn't available until January, gives precise funding requirements for the year which is past
the budgeting process. The Actuary needs to help the City in forecasting the requirements for the
1994 -95 year now based on assumptions about the results of the October 1, 1993 evaluation. This
fund has exhibited remarkable stability as in the 1992's evaluation, the City's cost was estimated,
and actually was 16.9% of payroll; and in the October 1, 1993 evaluation it was also 16.9% of
payroll. Determining the forecasted payroll of the members covered under this plan for the 1994 -
*sr„ 7
Police Officers /Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
May 16, 1994
95 year and applying 16.9% to that would be a good solid budget amount, because the Actuary
is making a very conservative assumption that there will not be any increases in the State money
between now and next year. Between 1992 -93 the State money went up $12,000. Mr. Foster
said that 17% or 16.9% of the projected 1994 -95 payroll would be a conservative estimate of the
City's funding obligation. The problem the Actuary is having in getting anything more precise
than that is the program is in its third year and although it appears that the State contribution
amounts are accelerating very quickly he cannot anticipate what the future level of State
contributions is going to be. The Fund saw a 50% increase in the State contribution in a one year
period so he thinks that is about as precise as they can get. If the City would provide the Actuary
projected payroll information he would be happy to provide a letter that "pinned down" a dollar
amount they could feel comfortable with, if that would be helpful. The Actuary's problem is that
the State does not allow the Actuary to project dollar amounts more than 12 months beyond the
evaluation date as the payroll may grow too quickly and would understate the liability.
Chairman Reed asked who the Fund's performance evaluations should be forwarded to and Ms.
Beamer said it should be forwarded to Wanda Horton, Finance Supervisor.
Member Gledich asked that Director Psaledakis look into the continuation of medical premium
insurance. Director Psaledakis explained it is nothing definite but they review insurance's
`ir annually in preparation for the budget sessions. The City usually likes to see a track study of
about 5 years to see what is happened with the investment of the Pension Plan. There are many
variables and the City is involved in other areas that need improvement City wide. She fully
supported both groups. It might be reconsidered in the future but the money was not available
right now.
Member Strosnider asked Actuary Foster the amount of State money the Fund had received.
Actuary Foster said it went from $24,000 to $36,000. Actuary Foster said it was an indication
that the State is starting to accurately tax and collect all the premiums from the citizens paying
taxes on their insurance policies.
Member Williams asked Actuary Foster to review the percentages in employee versus City
contributions. Mr. Foster said the total contribution is right at 24 % of payroll, total required
from City, State, and member sources. Members are contributing 5%, the City is contributing
17% which means the State contribution currently is only 2% of payroll. State money is typically
in the 6 -10% range. It is distributed on a per capita basis for the area you live in. If the Fund
was getting just 6% of payroll as a State contribution, the City's cost would go down 4% of
payroll which would just about fund the benefit improvements which was 4.2 %. In the next few
years if the Fund receives State money at a level more consistent with other cities than it may be
possible to fund the improvements with the increases in State money. Member Strosnider.
Nor 8
Police Officers /Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
May 16, 1994
seconded b Member Williams. moved to withdraw the consideration of benefit improvements
at this time. Motion carried 5 -0. The Board directed Attorney Dehner to write a letter to the
City Manager withdrawing the request of benefit improvements.
Although Attorney Christiansen had reviewed the Selected Provisions at the last meeting,
Attorney Definer said the Operating Rules and Procedures had been adopted on March 21, 1994.
He explained the provisions are verbatim excerpts from those rules that the Board felt would be
of interest to the membership and it would be appropriate for adoption and distribution to
membership. M • i • • r , _ ni • • r s - and - d b M • m • r 1 • • i h move. • ado r he - 1 -
Provisions of the Opera ing Rules and Procedures. as presented. Motion carried 5 - 0.
Attorney Dehner explained that the ordinance had passed on the Family Medical Leave and the
transferability of the Plans. The Board has until November for distribution of the Summary Plan
Description (SPD). He will return with a draft of the revised Summary Plan Description for the
August meeting. Chairman Reed informed the Board of the Joint Meeting scheduled for August
23, 10:00 a.m., and the Police /Fire Board at 1:00 p.m.
v Attorney Dehner did not recommend, because of the differences in the plans, distribution during
a Joint meeting of Boards. The Police /Fire Board had adopted and distributed it's last SPD in
November, 1992. The Statutory requirement for distribution is that the Board distribute upon
employment and every other year thereafter which will be November, 1994. The General
Employees' is on a March time frame and are set for distribution under the provisions of the
Statute. Member Gledich suggested a general meeting for sometime in September to include the
Selected Provisions as well as the Summary Plan.
Chairman Reed said that a meeting is scheduled for August 23 with the Joint Board to cover the
short list of brokers and the money manager's performance on our investment with ICC. Actuary
Foster will solicit RFP's for those companies to meet 10:00 a.m., and the Police /Fire Board will
meet at 1:00 p.m. It would be prudent at that time to incorporate a general meeting with
membership at the 1:00 p.m. meeting. Attorney Dehner said the August meeting could be used
for review and to adopt the SPD with distribution to the membership in September.
For the record, Attorney Dehner said, now that the SPD has been adopted, according to the
Rules, Section 16.2, the Board must provide certain documents to the Personnel Director
including the Summary Plan Description, Beneficiary Designation, acceptance of the terms of the
system, the Selected excerpted Provision of the Operating Rules, and an acknowledgement of the
receipt of the documents in order for that office to provide current documents to new employees.
'taw 9
Police Officers /Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
Now May 16, 1994
The Board should not wait in providing Personnel with a current copy of this package and send
under a cover letter to Director Psaledakis with the current date, saying "Enclosed are items from
Section 6.2 of the Rules A -E for your use with respect to new employees." Then she would know
that what she has are the most current documents.
Attorney Christiansen explained the details of the contract between the Board and Judie Lewis
for Secretarial Services for their consideration and adoption. She will provide services as directed
by the Board. The specific duties that she will provide, if requested to do so by the Board, is
preparation of Notices and Agendas for meetings, scheduling meetings, conferences, and
seminars, physical attendance at Board meetings, taking, transcribing, distributing minutes, filing
and maintenance of pension fund records and documents, and all other matters, as directed by the
Board, which a recording secretary may legally perform. He said the recording secretary may not
necessarily do each of these functions and that depends again upon the direction of the Board.
These are all enumerated as they are functions that would be subject to be assigned to her for the
agreed upon compensation. This contract is subject to termination by either party upon 30 days
written notice and it will continue until either party does terminate. Please note it provides that
'`w the invoice should be forwarded to the Board to the attention of Mike Reed, as specified.
Attorney Dehner said that the Recording Secretary cannot assign the agreement to anyone else
without the consent of the Board. Member Williams, seconded by Member Strosnider. moved
to enter into an Agreement for Secretarial Services with Judie Lewis. Motion carried 5 -0.
Reed explained that as no one showed up for the wholesale brokers allotted time slot, the Board
had proceeded with the Actuary Quarterly Report with the General Employees, along with the
presentation by the Money Manager. During that time, since the market has been fluctuating, and
our return is bout 4% (which our Operating Rules and Procedures or the Investment Policy
suggests that the Board should be getting a return of 8 %, and we are not even close to that), we're
like in the 85 % percentile which is not very good. Board has directed Actuary Foster to send
RFP' s for investment managers. Actuary Foster said it does not mean that a replacement
manager will be hired but rather to review what other managers are doing. Chairman Reed said
since this is such a small fund and so new it is going to be a lot more susceptible to downturns in
the market than some of the larger funds. This Fund is just not as diversified. Actuary Foster
said the Board would be looking at investment managers that more or less specialize in investing
Florida Municipal Retirement Funds. There are some good managers out there that have $5M -
$10M dollar minimum so unfortunately we won't be considered by them but there are plenty of
Police Officers /Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
May 16, 1994
good managers that would be interested in a $1M or $2M dollar fund because they recognize that
we have positive cash flow. The Actuary will ask them to give independently verifiable
performance information for funds of similar size so that we can compare how we're doing.
Chairman Reed said as the Board is the fiduciary of the Fund, it is their responsibility to make
sure that our fund is doing as well as it can possibly do and we are not just accepting the
performance as it is per se, we are trying to watch out for the investment for the fund.
Attorney Dehner announced the FPPTA Conference scheduled for September 19 -21, at the PGA
National, Palm Beach Gardens, as well as the June Conference in Daytona. Members Gledich
and Williams are planning to attend the June FPPTA Conference in Daytona Beach.
Actuary Foster said the Actuary had updated figures on John Boyd's request for retirement and
he understands by his discussion with John, that he is interested in the Life Annuity option, the
largest benefit amount. Discussion ensued regarding options available to Mr. Boyd. Attorney
,, Dehner said the Board should consider the adoption of forms to be used in claims on the fund,
selection of options, etc. He requested placing the discussion /adoption of forms on the next
meeting agenda. He will forward a draft package to Chairman Reed. It is very critical that the
Board has the member sign the form indicating what option he has chosen. A Member's Election
of Benefits form was passed around for the Board members to view. Member Gledich. seconded
b Member Strosnider. moved to incorporate a Member's Election of Benefits form in the Police
• f f i - rs' Fir fi i h - r ' ' e irem - nt T s Fun. b - nefi I. ka • e of forms Moti. n arri - d -0
Attorney Dehner questioned John Boyd, for the record, and Mr. Boyd's responses are
1) You got today an estimate of benefits from Ward Foster, benefit calculation reflecting
dollar amounts for your various options you could choose under the plan, is that right?
That is correct.
2) The form was entitled City of Ocoee Municipal Police Officers' /Firefighters' Retirement
Trust Fund Notification of Benefits for John Boyd, benefits payable as of 5/1/94, and you
had various forms of benefits that Mr. Foster calculated numbers for, first being Life
Annuity which, if chosen would cease upon your death, the amount calculated there was
$2792.70. The other form calculated by Ward was a 10 Year Certain and Life, the
amount of that benefit would have provided you with $2752.37, that benefit if chose and
you had died before 10 years of payments you would have had a beneficiary receive the
Police Officers /Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
May 16, 1994
remainder of 10 years of payments. Then he calculated four different Joint and Survivor
options for you whereby upon your death if your Joint Pensioner was still alive, the Joint
Pensioner would receive the benefit after your death. He calculated a 100% Joint and
Survivor which would have provided you with $2496.67; upon your death, if your Joint
Pensioner survived would receive that same amount $2496.67. He calculated 75 % Joint
and Survivor which would have provided you with $2564.54; upon your death if your
Joint Pensioner survived would receive that same amount $1923.41. He calculated 66%
Joint and Survivor which would have provided you with $2588.00 per month, upon your
death if your Joint Pensioner survived would receive that same amount of $1725.33. He
calculated 50% Joint and Survivor which would have provided you with $2636.31 a
month, upon your death if your Joint Pensioner survived would received $1318.16. To
your Joint Pensioner each of those benefits to Joint Pensioner being for the remainder in
their life time. Did you have time to consider all these options thoroughly and review
them with Ward, and think about which one you wanted to choose? Yes. how about, on
this form it has the beneficiary already typed in but because it's done I authorized ( ?)but
Actuary Foster said that was just for purposes of the record to show that was a person
whose life expectancy was considered in the Survivorship Option. The answer to your
question is correct and he chooses the Life Annuity.
3) Attorney Dehner asked if his beneficiary here, Joint and Survivor Pensioner is indicated
i/0 to be Robin Boyd, date of birth August 3, 1956. Is that correction information? Yes.
4) The information in respect to Mr. Boyd shows his birthdate as being September 16, 1947;
Years of Credited Service - 25; Final Average Monthly Earnings is $4403.79. Is that all
correct? That is correct.
Attorney Dehner asked Mr. Boyd which plan he chose after reviewing all the options. The
option is Life Annuity (ceasing upon death). Attorney Dehner added the amount of monthly
benefit to be $2792.70.
Member Williams. seconde b Member Strosnider, moved to annrove the Life Annuit
c sin. _ se. b in e . o nt of '.2792.70 i r month o John Bo d. Mo ion carried
5 -0.
Attorney Dehner explained the Board must convene to approve someone' s retirement and
recommended that a member, upon anticipating retirement, complete the proper paperwork prior
to the actual retirement date.
Member Gledich left the meeting at 2:27 p.m.
Chairman Reed asked Jim Chandler the effective date of his retirement. As of 5/1/94 and he
*taw 12
Police Officers /Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
May 16, 1994
had retired as of April 27. 1994. Attorney Dehner asked Mr. Chandler the questions listed
below. For clarity Mr. Chandler's responses will be underlined.
Attorney Dehner asked Jim Chandler if he had reviewed the Notification of Benefits form
prepared by Barbara Smith and reviewed by Scott Haynesworth of Foster & Foster, Inc., dated
May 3, 1994 indicating various dollar amounts associated with different optional forms of benefit
you have under the Pension Plan? Yes.
1) Which option have you chosen? B. Joint Survivor at 66 %.
And this forms indicates that the 66% Joint Survivor will pay you as of May 1, 1994 the
amount of $562.77, to be paid your life time and if Eve Chandler, who is designated to
be your Joint Pensioner, if she survives you, she will receive $375.18 for the length of her
life time. Is that your understanding of that election? Yes.
2) Data given with respect to Eve Chandler, her date of birth is January 28, 1944, is that
correct? Yes.
3) Data with respect to you is that you were born March 4, 1935? Right.
4) That you have Years of Credited Service in the amount of eight and one -half (years)?
5) The Final Average Monthly Earnings for benefit purposes is $3378.51? Yes.
M • • r , _ ni l • r seconded b M • m s • r ,& illi . m_ moved to a.. rov th ben 66 '0 oint
Survivor. $562.77 to Jim Chandler. and $375.18 to the surviving beneficiary, Motion carried 4-
Member Williams left the meeting at 2:30 p.m.
Chairman Reed said the Board had received a notification from the Department of Management
Services Division Retirement advising that they have reviewed and approved the 1993 Annual
Reports of the Ocoee Police Officers' /Firefighters' Pension Fund. The Fund will receive the
premium tax monies during the first distribution on/or before June 1, 1994.
Chairman Reed requested approval of the Board to send the April and May expenditures to Key
Trust for payment, as presented. Member Strosnider. seconded by Member Wilson. moved to
.. .. m f he .il . • r-s-nt - s . Mo ion carried 3 -0.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p.m.
NI ow
Police Officers /Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
slow May 16, 1994
Respectfully submitted,
Ju Lewis, Clerk/Stenographer