August 23, 1994
Chairman Reed called the Police Officers /Firefighters' Pension Board to order at 10:00 A.M.
PRESENT: Chairman Reed, Members Gledich, Strosnider, Williams, and Wilson. Also
present were Attorney Christiansen, Actuary Garrett, and Clerk/Stenographer
Chairman Reed announced that this was a joint session of the Police Officers' /Firefighters and
the General Employees' Pension Boards.
Mr. Garrett of Foster and Foster, Inc., presented the quarterly report as of June 30, 1994 for
the General Plan and explained the analysis of the investment performance of the Plan. The
average annual rate of return for the Fund during this period was 4.6%. This rate of return
failed to outperform the composite index of market indicators (40 % S &P 500 Composite Stock
Index, 55 % Lehman Brothers Government /Corporate Bond Index, and 5% U.S. Treasury Bills)
which registered a return of 6.4%. During the one year period ending June 30, 1994, the Fund
registered an -1.4% rate of return (compared with -0.1% for the composite index of market
indicators) and ranked in the 71st percentile of the Cadence Universe of investment managers.
The equity portion of the Fund failed to outperform the S &P 500 ( -2.4% vs 1.4 %) and ranked
in the 82nd percentile for the one year period.
Mr. Garrett presented the quarterly report for the Police /Fire Plan and explained the average
annual rate of return for the Fund during this period was 3.9 %. This rate of return failed to
outperform the composite index of market indicators (40% S &P 500 Composite Stock Index,
55 % Lehman Brothers Government /Corporate Bond Index, and 5% U.S. Treasury Bills) which
registered a return of 6.4%. During the one year period ending June 30, 1994, the Fund
registered a -1.8% rate of return (compared with -0.1% for the composite index) and ranked in
the 77th percentile in the Cadence Universe of investment managers. The equity portion of the
Fund failed to outperform the S &P 500 ( -4.0% vs. 1.4 %) and ranked in the 86th percentile for
the one year period.
Actuary Garrett reported that only a limited number had responded and recommended that the
Board hear the presentation of Davis Hamilton Jackson, Sun Bank, and Nationsbank.
Member Oliver seconded b Secretar Grafton directed on behalf of the General Em . to ees'
4, 010, , Pension Board, that the Actuary contact Sun Bank, Davis Hamilton Jackson, and Nationsbank
Police Officers/Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
August 23, 1994
re' ardin. broker • resentation at the Se s tember 28 1994 meetin.. Motion carried 4 -0.
Chairman Reed, seconded by Member Strosnider, directed on behalf of the Police /Fire
Pension Board, that the Actuary contact Sun Bank, Davis Hamilton Jackson, and Nationsbank
re 'ardin. broker .resentation at the September 28 1994 meetin.. Motion carried 5 -0.
Greg Hoperaft, Vice President of The Investment Counsel Company, presented a list of
municipal clients that the ICC had built over a long period of time and addressed reasons why
the Board should continue with ICC.
Member Williams asked who in the ICC makes the decision on how the Fund allocates the
investment and Mr. Hoperaft said that there are five different people in the firm who make that
decision. He will send a chart to Secretary Grafton of a one year rolling return at 3- 10 -15.
Actuary Garrett pointed out that The Investment Counsel did a quality job on larger funds (in
comparison to the size of the Ocoee Pension funds).
Member Gledich left the meeting at 11:15 A.M.
Chairman Miller announced the Pension Boards would meet on September 28, 1994 using the
following schedule: at 9:00 a.m., General Employees' Board; 10:00 a.m., Joint Board to hear
broker presentations; and the Police /Fire Board will meet one hour after adjournment of the Joint
The meeting was reconvened at 1:00 p.m. by Chairman Reed.
PRESENT: Chairman Reed, Members Gledich, Strosnider, Williams, and Wilson. Also
present were Attorney Dehner, Actuary Garrett, and Clerk/Stenographer Lewis.
Attorney Christiansen asked for a correction on page 10 to read "Attorney Delmer explained
... " Member Gledich seconded by Member Strosnider, moved to an grove the minutes of
May 16, 1994 as corrected. Motion carried 5 -0.
Vern Brown of the Police Department was introduced by Chairman Reed who said he was
resigning from the department on September 7, 1994. After discussion with the Board
regarding options, Mr. Brown said he would be leaving his pension contributions in the plan.
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Police Officers/Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
`, August 23, 1994
Attorney Christiansen explained the Summary Plan Description included the changes the Board
had requested during the May 16, 1994 meeting. Chairman Reed said the Summary Plan
Description had already been distributed in order for members to appear at the meeting with
possible changes or questions. Attorney Christiansen recommended the Board request each
member sign a form indicating they have received a Summary Plan Description. Attorney
Christiansen explained that it is necessary to duplicate and distribute to members the Summary
Plan Description as the Board will be asked on the Annual Report whether it has been done.
The legal requirement is that the Description must be given out to everyone but the signed form
would be proof that the member, in fact, had received it. Member Strosnider, seconded by
Member Wilson, moved to adopt the Summary Plan Description, as presented. Motion carried
5 -0.
Attorney Christiansen presented a package of forms for handling various administrative matters
of the Pension Plan. Each form was discussed with the Board requesting minor changes and
adding the social security number on selected forms. Attorney Christiansen will prepare the
forms for final approval at the September meeting.
Attorney Christiansen explained that the investment provision that is in the Pension Plan,
pursuant to the interpretation of Chapter 185, that the Fund has to invest in stocks and bonds
that are rated in the top three quality grades. The Board is doing that now. It has always been
the State's interpretation that of the language in Chapter 185 that that top three grades applies
to stock and it applies to bonds which is what the Board has been meeting. The City of
Jacksonville's Police Plan decided that the language in the State Statute was not so clear as to
pull in that top three grades requirement for equity. The Statute actually says is that the
securities have to be rated in the top three quality grades. Rated applies to bonds, rank applies
to stocks so they have determined that that does not apply to stocks. Jacksonville has changed
their Plan document to allow their manager to invest in lower graded equities (below the top
three grades). Mr. Christiansen said he was going to get further clarification and did not
recommend the Plan to make a change until it is clear from Tallahassee that the Board is not
going to get in a bind with them next year when State money rolls around. It maybe an
opportunity to reduce the Fund's returns if it is allowed to invest in stocks that are lower than
the top three grades. He suggested putting the matter off until a future meeting.
Attorney Christiansen said that the language in the Police /Fire Plan regarding a break in
service for military time currently states that when a person on military leave comes back the
Police Officers/Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
August 23, 1994
employee can put in the contribution that they would have made while on leave and had left their
contributions in the Plan at the time the member began the leave. The police officer can put in
the contributions that they would have made for the time gone and would have received credited
service for the time they were in the military. Chapter 185, the definition section, dealing with
this particular issue does not provide that police officers, (but does provide for firefighters) are
required to put contributions in when they come back under the scenario given. Tallahassee is
now saying that the definitions in Chapter 185 are strictly explicitable to local law plans such
as the Police /Fire Plan. What Tallahassee was telling the Board is that what is in the plan now,
with respect to Police Officers, is not going to pass muster anymore and must change the
provision to allow the police officer that comes back under the circumstances described, as long
as the officer comes back in a year, can get credited service of time in the military and does not
have to put any money in the Plan. Mr. Christiansen recommended that the Board go ahead
and make the change so as to not risk State money. Member Gledich, seconded by Member
Wilson, moved to make the change for both Firefighters and Police Officers in Chapters 175
and 185 to be e I ual for break in service milita . Motion carried 5 -0.
Attorney Christiansen reported that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) passed a provision
which placed a cap on the amount of salary that can be used in the calculation of pension
benefits not to exceed an annual salary of $150,000. Anyone who is a member of the Plan as
of 1996 would be exempt from the cap. He recommended waiting until the end of 1995 to
incorporate the $150,000 cap in the plan as the IRS may change the rules again.
Chairman Reed explained that a letter had been written to the Personnel Director regarding an
allowance for administrative leave to attend educational conferences. A letter had been received
from the City saying it no longer gives employees leave with pay to attend these conferences and
asked if the Board needed to change the requirements.
Chairman Reed said that the seat held by Member Gledich was up for reappointment. Member
Gledich confirmed a willingness to serve should the City Commission approve the
Chairman Reed also pointed out that Member Wilson's seat would expire on October 1, 1994
and instructed the Recording Secretary to post the Notices of election on August 30, 1994 and
ending September 6, 1994. The ballot box would be made available at the reception desk in
City Hall on September 14, 15, and 16, 1994 and the ballots are to be counted at the meeting
in September.
CONFERENCES - Mr. Christiansen announced (1) that the FPPTA conference, September
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Police Officers/Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund Board Meeting
August 23, 1994
19 -20, 1994 in Palm Beach Gardens at the PGA resort; and (2) that the State of Florida's
Division of Retirement Annual Conference, October 11 -12, 1994 at the Radison Hotel in
Chairman Reed said the Board had received a letter from the City Manager informing the
Board of its responsibility to pay the fiduciary insurance. Attorney Christiansen said that
Actuary Garrett would be checking into the matter for the General Employees' Board and will
do the same for the Police /Fire Board. The Waiver of Recourse must be paid by the City ($125)
and Mr. Christiansen will write the City requesting reimbursement for the Board. Member
Gledich, seconded by Member Williams, moved to purchase, after findings of Actuary Garrett
that the figure is correct, within Funds the defense cost within policy. Motion carried 5 -0.
Chairman Reed requested approval of the Board to send the expenditures from May 18 -
August 23, 1994 to Key Trust for payment. Member Williams, seconded by Member Wilson,
moved to la the ex. enditures from Ma 18 to Au' ust 23 1994 as , resented. Motion carried
5 -0.
Chairman Reed announced the next meeting on September 28, 1994 of the Joint Pension Boards
**ow at 1:00 a.m. and the Police /Fire Board would meet one hour after adjournment of the Joint
The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
J ie Lewis, C erk /Stenographer
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