HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-13-1996 Minutes THE CITY OF OCOEE 1.)i-of). Now. POLICE OFFICERS' /FIREFIGHTERS' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND (PENSION BOARD) MEETING August 13, 1996 Chairman Reed called the Police Officers' /Firefighters' Pension Board to order at 1:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers Conference Room of City Hall, and a quorum was declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Reed, Members Strosnider and Williams. Also present were Actuary Garrett, Money Manager Ballew, and Clerk /Stenographer Lewis. ABSENT: Members Gledich and Wilson. Also absent was Attorney Dehner. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Member Williams seconded b Member Wilson moved to a..rove the Minutes of the May 14, 1996 Police Officers /Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund meeting, and also, the Minutes of the July 22, 1996 Joint Board meeting as presented. Motion carried 3 -0. QUESTIONS /COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE None ,, DISCUSS /INCORPORATE NEW PROVISIONS IN SPD (Summary Plan Description) Member Williams seconded b Member Strosnider moved to table this a l enda item to a future meeting. Motion carried 3 -0. REVIEW /CHANGE DISTRIBUTION FORM(S) Member Strosnider, seconded by Member Williams, moved to ado It the distribution form as presented with a change in the name of the Plan, account number, and to change the name of Sun Bank, N.A. to SunTrust, N.A. Motion carried 3 -0. REPORTS MONEY MANAGER Money Manager Ballew presented the Board with the following: 1) A chart on the S&P500:Relative Performance By Sector. 2) The analysis of the investment performance of the Police Officers' /Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund for the period ending June 30, 1996. Mr. Ballew said that he will discuss mid -cap stocks at the next Board meeting. PERFORMANCE MONITOR Performance Monitor Garrett presented an analysis of the investment performance of the Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund for the period from January 1, 1995 ,, through June 30, 1996. Police Officers' /Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund August 13, 1996 The rate of return for the quarter was 2.8 %. This rate of return outperformed the composite index of market indicators (50% S &P 500 Composite Stock Index, 45% Lehman Brothers Government /Corporate Bond Index, and 5% U.S. Treasury Bills) which registered a return of 2.5%. The rate of return of the Total Fund outperformed the composite index (15.4% vs. 14.8%) and ranked in the 22nd percentile of the Cadence Universe of investment managers for the one year period ended June 30, 1996. The equity portion of the Fund outperformed the S &P 500 over the latest one year period (27.6% vs. 25.9 %). This return ranked in the 19th percentile of the Cadence Universe of investment managers. Performance Monitor Garrett commended Mr. Ballew and SunTrust of their performance for the Fund. ACTUARY There was no report. In response to Chairman Reed, Actuary Garrett said that the Actuary would furnish the Board Secretary with a file copy of each member's certificate. OTHER BUSINESS Chairman Reed explained that they must re- schedule the November meeting date, and by consensus, it was schedule for November 14. (Clerk's Note:The regular Board meeting was scheduled for 2:00 p.m. with a 6:30 p.m. meeting with membership.) ELECTION IN SEPTEMBER Discussion ensued about the Trustee position currently held by Member Wilson whose term would expire on September 30. Member Williams, seconded by Member Strosnider, moved to have a two member Canvassing Committee (to count the ballots on September 19 1996 . Motion carried 3 -0. Actuary Garrett pointed out that the Committee must Notice their meeting. STATUS RE:NOTIFICATION TO RETIREES - CONFIRMATION OF ADDRESS Chairman Reed informed the Board that the confirmation notices had been mailed to the retirees. AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF BILLS Member Williams, seconded by Member Wilson, moved to authorize and ratify pa ment of the bills. Motion carried 3 -0. (See Exhibit "A ") ATTORNEY COMMENTS As the attorney was absent during this meeting, there was no report. 2 Police Officers' /Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund - •r. k r{ August 13, 1996 ADJOURNMENT Member Strosnider, seconded by Member Williams, moved to adjourn the meeting at 2:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, �i2� �J ie Lewis, erk /Stenographer a: \wp60 \wpdocs \PF081396.M \jfl 3