HELD ON JULY 21, 1988
PRESENT: Chairman Sam Woodson, William Breeze, Betty Hager,
Sharon Levins, and Nell Minor; Commissioner Rusty Johnson, Street
Supervisor Buddy Elmore, Garry Smith, and Deputy Clerk Green.
Chairman Woodson called the meeting to order at 7 :34 P.M..
The minutes of the July 7, 1988, meeting were distributed to each
member. There was a correction on Page 2. The charges for spaces
at Woodlawn should read "S595 - $990" (not $995).
Chairman Woodson stated that the purpose of tonight's meeting
was to prepare the Committee's preliminary report for presentation
to the Board of Commissioners. The major recommendations for the
cemetery at this time were:
1 - Buy additional land.
2 - Hire a full -time caretaker.
(Mr. Breeze and Mrs. Hager emphasized the need for a
full -time rather than a part -time position. Mr. Breeze
also commented that the cemetery looked the best it had
in a long time.)
'our 3 - Add new flag pole at cemetery entrance.
(Members suggested that flags might be provided by area
service organizations such as Woodmen of the World,
Veterans of Foreign Wars, or the American Legion.)
4 - Plat new lots in unplatted area of the cemetery.
5 - Create perpetual care fund.
(Mr. Breeze suggested 25% per cent (or more) of sales be
set aside for perpetual care.)
6 - Draft a policy on resale of lots.
7 - Set fees of $10.00 for marking of spaces for funerals or
for placement of monuments.
The next project planned by the Committee would be rewriting
the regulations for operation of the cemetery. The initial meeting
for that undertaking was scheduled for August llth, at 7 :30 P.M.
in the Conference Room in City Hall.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 F.M.
Page 2
Cemetery Committee Meeting
July 21, 1988
Respectfully submitted,
Marian Green, Deputy Clerk