Chairman Resnik called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The invocation was given by
Member Colburn, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called and a
quorum was declared present.
PRESENT: Chairman Resnik, Vice - Chairman Jensen, Members Colburn, Almodovar,
Tice and Alternate Member Cox. Also present were Zoning Coordinator Harper,
Building & Zoning Official Flippen, Assistant City Attorney Cookson, and
Clerk/Stenographer Maxwell.
ABSENT: Alternate Member Savino
Vice Chairman Jensen, seconded by Member Almodovar, moved to approve the
Minutes of the December 2, 1999 Board of Adjustment meeting as presented. Motion
carried 5 -0.
Case No. 02VR -99 Garland
Zoning Coordinator Harper presented the staff report on behalf of the Building
Department. He said the issue was whether or not the Board of Adjustment should
recommend approval of the subject variance application for the property located at 622
Sherwood Oaks Avenue. If approved, the application would permit the applicant to
retain two storage sheds in their present locations on the subject property.
Zoning Coordinator Harper gave a brief history of the case. He stated that the
applicant constructed two (2) storage sheds upon the rear of his property without
obtaining building permits. The first storage shed is an aluminum structure that was
erected within a 10' drainage easement and within a 7 1/2' accessory building rear setback.
The second shed being a 12' by 24' wooden structure that was erected within the same
10' platted drainage easement ,within a 5' utility easement, and within the 7 %2' accessory
building rear and side setbacks. Zoning Coordinator Harper stated that the applicant
requested to come before the Board of Adjustment for a variance application The staff
recommends that the applicant's request be denied because the applicant failed to
conform to the four (4) prerequisite conditions prescribed by the L.D.C., Article IV,
Section 4 -9 (A). The conditions are as follows:
Board of Adjustment Regular Noir Thursday, January 20, 2000
1. There are no special circumstances peculiar to the subject land and structures.
2. A literal interpretation of the L.D.C. provisions are necessary in order to prevent the
applicant from enjoying rights that are denied to other citizens.
3. The conditions and circumstances in this case are the direct result of the Applicant's
4. That the granting of the requested variances will confer upon the applicant special
privileges denied by these regulations to others. Further, that the granting of the
requested variances would be in injurious to the surrounding territory and detrimental
to the public welfare, if the subject sheds are left in place, because of stormwater
drainage impairment and fire hazard due to the proximity of the two sheds to the
adjacent property lines.
A lengthy discussion ensued.
The public hearing was opened.
Applicant, Daniel Garland, 622 Sherwood Oaks Circle responded to the staff report.
Mr. Garland stated that he has come before the Board of Adjustment to retain the two
sheds in their current location. He further stated that he knew the easement was located
on his property but that the easement runs throughout his whole development He said
that he would have obtained a permit for the sheds if he had known they were necessary.
Mr. Garland said that no one in his neighborhood has had a negative response to the two
sheds. He stated that he has lived in his home for approximately 9 years and he has never
had a water drainage problem. The metal shed was erected approximately 7 or 8 years
ago and at that time the two trees by the shed were planted. He stated that you can see by
the size of the trees in the pictures that they were not just planted 2 years ago. The
applicant stated that he has items that he would like to store in the wood shed so he can
clean out his garage and use the garage again.
Vice - Chairman Jensen asked the applicant why he had to build such a big shed, the
square footage of his home and why the need for an additional shed.
Mr. Garland stated that his house is 1300 sq. ft. He has numerous items stored in his
house and garage and wanted use of his garage again The applicant stated that he has
various machinery tools and equipment that needs to be stored
Member Colburn asked the applicant what he would do if he had to move the shed.
Mr. Garland said that he would move the shed piece by piece He stated that it would
require a bulldozer to remove the foundation of cement slab. He further stated that if he
had to remove the slab, he would also have to remove the trees located in the vicinity of
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
t,,,, Thursday, January 20, 2000
the slab. Mr. Garland said that if the shed was an eye sore, he felt the neighbors would
have spoken up. He submitted a letter regarding the shed from a neighbor who could not
attend the meeting and a petition signed by his neighbors.(Exhibit 4 -1)
Vice - Chairman Jensen questioned Coordinator Zoning Coordinator Harper as to who
filed the complaint against Mr. Garland. Zoning Coordinator Harper said that the
complaint came from a neighbor.
Vice - Chairman Jensen asked Zoning Coordinator Harper as to how many neighbors
complained about the sheds. Zoning Coordinator Harper stated that he was not sure if
the sheds were noticed by Code Enforcement or by a neighbor.
Grant Shaw, 618 Sherwood Oaks Circle (applicant's next door neighbor)stated that the
metal shed has been in the applicants back yard for at least five (5) years.
Zoning Coordinator Harper stated that the two (2) sheds were built without permits.
Permits have been required for construction of storage sheds for over fifteen(15) years.
The sheds are clearly obstructing the drainage easement in a substantial way, they are
primarily occupying all of the easement.
Assistant City Attorney Cookson asked Zoning Coordinator Harper if there were rear
set - backs. Zoning Coordinator Harper stated that all rear and side setbacks on
accessory structures are 7 1/2 feet except if an easement exists. If the easement is greater
than 7 1/2 feet rear setback then the setbacks have to observe the easement setback.
Nelson Gosnell, 613 Sherwood Oaks Circle (applicant's neighbor) stated that the
applicant's shed is nicely built. Mr. Gosnell stated that the shed enhances the appearance
of the neighborhood and will last longer than a metal shed. He further stated that the
original complaint was lodged when Code Enforcement came to look at his drive way
under construction without a permit and at that time noticed the applicants shed.
Steve Swab, 614 Sherwood Oaks Circle (applicant's neighbor) stated that he has lived in
the subdivision since the subdivision was built. He said his family does not have any
problem with the shed. This situation has made us all aware of permit requirements. He
stated that possibly a notice could be sent out on the water bills as to permit requirements.
Assistant City Attorney Cookson stated that he felt the Board of Adjustment should
refresh themselves as to the standards the Board is to follow in granting variances. They
are as follows:
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
vim,, Thursday, January 20, 2000
1. That special conditions and circumstance exist which are peculiar to the land,
structures, or requires subdivision improvements involved and which are not
applicable to other lands, structures, or requires subdivision improvements.
2. That a literal interpretation of the provisions of these regulations would deprive the
applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties with similar conditions.
3. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the
4. That the granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any
special privilege that is denied by these regulations to other lands, structures, or
required subdivision improvements under similar conditions. No pre- existing
conditions of neighboring lands which are contrary to these regulations shall be
considered grounds for the issuance of a variance.
Assistant City Attorney Cookson stated that the above are the standards that this Board
needs to apply when looking at variances.
As there were no further public comments, the public hearing was closed.
As had been recommended by staff, Chairman Resnik, seconded by Member Almodovar,
yo , moved that the Board of Adjustment recommends denial of variance for Case No. 02VR-
99- Garland. Motion carried 5 -0.
Discussion ensued.
Discussion of City Commission Findings - Case No. 03VR -99- Christensen
Zoning Coordinator Harper gave a brief description on the City Commission findings
for Case No. 03VR -99- Christensen. He stated that the staff report was updated with new
research that was acquired. The City Commission voted 3 -2 to support staff
recommendation to deny the request for the lifts under the canopy.
Member Tice apologized for her absence from the December 1999 Board of Adjustment
Member Almodovar stated that he came to the December 1999 Board of Adjustment
meeting on Friday instead of Thursday.
Chairman Resnik introduced his father who was visiting from Cape Cod.
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
Thursday, January 20, 2000
The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
12 , ' : .
Clerk/Stenograp r enda Maxwell Chai an John Resnik
�rr 5
Chairman Resnik called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m., gave the invocation, and led
in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Mr. Resnik called the roll and declared a
quorum to be present.
PRESENT: Chairman Resnik, Vice - Chairman Jensen, Member Almodovar, and
Alternate Members Cox and Savino. Also present were Zoning Coordinator Harper,
Assistant City Attorney Cookson, and Deputy City Clerk Green.
ABSENT: Members Colburn and Tice.
Vice Chairman Jensen, seconded by Alternate Member Savino, moved to approve the
Minutes of the January 20, 2000, Board of Adjustment meeting as presented. Motion
carried 5 -0.
Zoning Coordinator Harper began the presentation of the staff report by reading into
the record the issue: "Should the Honorable Board of Adjustment recommend to the
Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners that the subject variance application
be approved that would enable St. Paul's Presbyterian Church the opportunity to build a
site identification sign along its West Colonial Drive property frontage. (See attached
Exhibits 1 -5, Site Location Maps)"
Mr. Harper gave a brief history of the case. Due to the steep slope of the West Colonial
Drive right -of -way, the Church has applied for two variances from the provisions for
Free - Standing Ground Signs as provided in Ordinance No. 99 -23, Activity Center
Standards regulations. The two requested variances are: (1) a five (5') foot setback
instead of the required ten (10') foot setback from the road right -of -way, and (2) a twenty -
four (24') foot sign height above ground level, which will be no more than twelve (12')
feet above the adjacent paved surface when measured as a right angle projection from the
edge of road right -of -way. He said that Staff recommends approval of the requested
variances because the road right -of -way conditions are beyond the control of the
Applicant and are not self - created. He said Staff has deemed the requests to be minimal
departures from the Code in light of the existing circumstances which will not injure the
public health, safety and welfare and are consistent with the overall intent of the "Activity
Center Standards."
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
r.r Thursday, February 17, 2000
Alternate Member Savino asked if the sign will be located in the utility easement or in
Orange County right -of -way. Mr. Harper said there are no utility easements in the area
and the sign would not be in Orange County right -of -way. The site for the sign would be
measured from the edge of S.R. 50 right -of -way.
Chairman Resnik asked if having the sign five feet closer to the road would be a safety
hazard. Mr. Harper said the sign should not be a hazard as the poles will be light weight
aluminum so that they would break away if a vehicle strikes them at a speed greater than
38 miles per hour.
Joseph Hembrooke, 2188 Alclobe Circle, a representative from St. Paul's Presbyterian
Church, said four errors need to be corrected in Exhibit No. 6 to the Staff Report, a
Memorandum from St. Paul's dated December 3, 1999 listing nine provisions concerning
the proposed sign. Mr. Hembrooke pointed out corrections for the following:
No. 2 - Setback 15 feet from the west property line (rather than east)
No. 3 - Setback 72 feet from the east property line (rather than west)
No. 6 - Face of the sign should be 36 square feet (rather than 32)
No. 9 - Sign will be illuminated at night by solar panels (rather than will not be
Chairman Resnik asked if the change in illumination would require any change. Mr.
Harper said that none of the corrections are material to the two issues at hand and that
these other matters will have to be discussed in the permitting process. He pointed out
that the staff report was prepared based upon the application and that he had received no
communication to the contrary.
Member Almodovar asked if there are any sign lighting limitations. Zoning
Coordinator Harper said signs cannot be flashing, changing character, or a message
board. He said the signs can be illuminated but there are regulations limiting the
maximum lighting level. He said those issues will be determined when the contractor
submits the application.
Alternate Member Savino asked if the pole shown near the location of the sign in
Exhibit No. 5 belongs to Ocoee, Orange County or the state, and if not the City's, if other
jurisdictions might have applicable sign regulations. Mr. Harper said he was not aware
of any regulations, and that the light would probably be in FDOT's jurisdiction as this is a
state road. He said the sign will be closer to the west property line than it appears in
Exhibit No. Niro
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
''fir.. Thursday, February 17, 2000
Mr. Savino suggested that staff should check with the Expressway Authority to be sure
they have no regulations concerning what may be seen from their road. Mr. Harper said
he is sure the Authority does not have such regulations.
Mr. Harper said the actual distance of the sign from the property line has to be
determined when the building permit is reviewed.
Zoning Coordinator Harper said for the record that the proposals heard this evening
will have to be given to the City in writing on a formal building permit application.
Alternate Member Savino, seconded by Vice Chairman Jensen, moved to recommend
that itv ommission a • nr. v - the Variances as re • ueste • in a - No. 04 R -99: St.
Paul's Presb & erian hurch th. wo _Id enable th- hur h to .la - a site
identificati s n si , alon , it . - s olonial Drive . ro . e fronta . • ursuant to the
findin ' s in th- staff re . ort. In a roll call vote. motion to an • rove carried 5 -0.
Zoning Coordinator Harper said that Mr. Garland has requested a postponement and
this case will come before the City Commission on Tuesday, March 7, 2000. He said a
report will be given at the next Board of Adjustment Meeting regarding this case.
Member Almodovar asked Assistant City Attorney Cookson if the Board of Adjustment
Members have the right to do visual inspections before making a decision if necessary.
Assistant City Attorney Cookson said yes and Zoning Coordinator Harper said
members may also contact him if they have any questions.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m.
p/Vtla44 44194LJ 1`
Manan Green, Deputy City Clerk John Resnik, Chairman
'41•r. 3
Chairman Resnik called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., and led the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag. Member Colburn led the invocation. Mr. Resnik called the roll
and declared a quorum to be present.
PRESENT: Chairman Resnik, Member Almodovar, Colburn, and Alternate Member
Cox. Also present were Zoning Coordinator Harper, Assistant City Attorney Cookson,
and Administrative Secretary Maxwell.
ABSENT: Vice - Chairman Jensen (resigned), Savino (unexcused), and Tice (unexcused).
Member Almadvor, seconded by Alternate Member Cox, moved to approve the Minutes
of the February 17, 2000, Board of Adjustment meeting as presented. Motion carried
4 -0.
Zoning Coordinator Harper began the presentation of the staff report by reading into
the record the issue: "Should the Honorable Board of Adjustment recommend to the
Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners that the subject variance application
be approved enabling the applicant to proceed with unpaved mobile storage and to allow
a portion of the property which lies within a purported flood zone to be used as unpaved
mobile storage.
Mr. Harper gave a brief history of the case. Staff recommends denial of the Applicant's
request to allow outdoor storage of vehicles on an unpaved surface and denial of any land
use activity within the F.E.MA. 100 -year Flood Plain. The granting of the requested
variances would have "the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of these
regulations ". Furthermore, such variance shall not be granted by the City unless and until
"the following have been demonstrated ", which none have:
1. "Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land involved
and which are not applicable to other lands ".
2. "That a literal interpretation of the provisions of these regulations would deprive the
Applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties with similar conditions ".
3. "That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the
Applicant ".
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
Thursday, July 27, 2000
4. "That the granting of the variance requested will not confer on the Applicant any
special privilege that is denied by these regulations to other lands...under similar
conditions ".
Butch Stanley, City of Ocoee Fire Inspector, stated two areas of concern.
1. Gated access could hinder response time.
2. Unpaved areas would be soggy and emergency vehicles would have to stay on paved
roads due to the safety of crew and vehicles.
Mr. Harper stated the Planning Department asked him to read two comments on behalf
of their department.
1. The Planning Department does not support this application based upon upgraded
commercial industrial regulations, which should be applicable to this site, to the site
plan review process like any other project in the area before granting any variance.
2. Planning Department feels the applicant can't circumvent requirements of Ocoee's
Comprehensive Plan, which precludes development of any kind in the 100 -year Flood
,,,. Mr. C. Randall Freeman, Attorney, representing the Respondent, Mr. Gage, (A Better
Mobile Storage, Inc.) addressed the concerns of the City of Ocoee. Mr. Freeman stated
the subject property is located in the industrial park and it fronts the new 429
Expressway. The intent is to place a dry storage facility on the property. The City of
Ocoee as well as many homeowners associations has a number of rules regarding parking
recreational vehicles on residential properties. This creates a problem for residents
throughout the city, leaving the residents with no place to park their recreational vehicles.
Mr. Freeman further stated there are several storage facilities within the City that are
filled past capacity with no apparent controls on what is stored and the condition of the
items stored. The respondents propose a first class operation. There will be rules and
regulations for the proposed storage facility (proposed rules and regulations were passed
out to board members). Mr. Freeman presented diagrams of the proposed storage
facility and said there will be no environmental dangers to the property. Mr. Freeman
further stated the demand and the monthly storage fee for this type of facility will keep
out junk vehicles. Mr. Freeman requested from the Board of Adjustment Members, a
positive recommendation to the City Commission for approval of the Variances.
Mr. Freeman stated this property was purchased under a 1987 Flood Plain Map, which
showed this property was not in a Flood Plain. He has not seen a Flood Map that even
shows the proposed Expressway (429). He further stated this property is no lower than
and in most cases is higher than any existing property surrounding my clients' property.
Now 2
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
Thursday, July 27, 2000
The second special condition is the surrounding neighbors are fruitfully enjoying their
property. My client is not able to use his property unless it is paved, according to the
City. The third special condition is that the special condition and circumstances do result
in the actions of the applicant. The applicant did not create a problem with the land; the
land is in the same condition as when purchased. The fourth special condition will not
give the applicant any special privilege that is denied by these regulations to other
landowners under similar circumstances.
Attorney Cookson advised the board members they were not here to approve a site plan
or approve the use for a mobile storage facility. He stated the Board deals with Variances
from the City Code and makes recommendations to approve or disapprove Variances
from the conditions of the code. Mr. Cookson stated Variance No. 1 request is for
parking and Variance No. 2 request deals with development within the Flood Plain. Mr.
Cookson advised the Board of Adjustment Members that Variance Request No. 2 is not a
Variance issue; it is a Comprehensive Plan issue, which is an issue outside the authority
of the Board of Adjustment. Discussion ensued.
Chairman Resnik, seconded by Member Colburn, moved to recommend to the City
Commission to approve Variance No. 1, subject property being developed with the
parkin.- spaces in .-rass condition and all drive areas being paved to meet Code
%or requirements. Motion carried 4 -0.
Variance - Case No. 02VR - 2000 — Strosnider
Zoning Coordinator Harper began the presentation to the staff report by reading into
the record the issue: "Should the Honorable Board of Adjustment recommend to the
Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners that the subject Variance application
be approved enabling the applicant to proceed with the construction of an accessory
structure in the side yard of his home, namely an in ground pool.
Mr. Harper gave a brief history of the case. The staff recommends an interpretation that
considers the following: the unique characteristic of the lot in question and to save the
protected sycamore trees.
Applicant, Ronnie Strosnider, stated that he would like to install an in ground
swimming pool with no screen enclosure. The applicant further stated that he has 2 large
trees in his back yard that he does not want to cut down so he would like to install the
pool in the side yard. The pool will be fenced in, which his yard is already fenced in but
he is putting up new fence after the pool is installed. Discussion ensued.
. 3
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
Thursday, July 27, 2000
Member Almodovar, seconded by Member Colburn, moved to recommend to the City
Commission the approval of the Variance as it meets the requirements of the Code
Motion carried 4 -0.
Administrative Secretary Maxwell notified the board members that business cards are
being printed and let her know if you would like business cards and approximately how
Mayor Vandergrift thanked the Board of Adjustment for serving.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 p.m.
%way , a fie. IN...4
Brenda Maxwell, Adm istrative Secretary Jahn Resnik, Chai an
Chairman Resnik called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Resnik led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the invocation. Mr. Resnik called the roll and
declared a quorum to be present.
PRESENT: Chairman Resnik, Members Savino, Cox, and O'Keefe. Also present were
Zoning Coordinator Harper, Assistant City Attorney Cookson, and Administrative
Secretary Maxwell.
ABSENT: Members Tice and Colburn (unexcused), Member Almodovar (excused)
Chairman Resnik, seconded by Member Cox, moved to approve the Minutes of the July
2 7, 2000, Board of Adjustment Meeting as presented. Motion carried 4 -0.
VARIANCE - CASE NO. 04VR -2000: Cox
Zoning Coordinator Harper began the presentation stating the applicant wished to
**.r make an amendment to their application which arrived too late to be made part of the
public hearing advertisement and the public record. Mr. Harper said he was prepared to
go forward with the original application but the applicant wished to request an extension
until the October 19, 2000, Board of Adjustment Meeting.
Chairman Resnik stated a packet was received at his home from the applicant and the
attorney would like to address that issue.
Attorney Cookson advised the board members that this is an ex -parte proceeding and
there are restrictions as to contact with the applicants that come before the board. Mr.
Cookson further advised the board members they need to make a disclosure to the board
prior to the meeting if they have had communication or received information from the
Dave Swisher, Regional Sales Manager for Cox Lumber Company, stated the company
mailed a package to each board member explaining the amendment to the original
proposal. Mr. Swisher further stated Cox Lumber is asking for a carry -over until the
October Board of Adjustment Meeting.
Member Savino. seconded by Member O'Keefe, moved to approve Cox Lumber request
to carry -over their application until October 19, 2000, Board of Adjustment Meeting.
Nor Motion carried 4 -0.
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
I,,,,. Thursday, September 21, 2000
Zoning Coordinator Harper read into the record the issue: Should the Honorable
Board of Adjustment recommend to the Honorable Mayor and Board of City
Commissioners that the subject variance application be approved enabling the applicant
an "after- the - fact" building permit be issued, which would allow an illegally constructed
storage shed to remain within the 7.5' side yard setback of the subject property, being
approximately 4.5' from the property line. The Land Development Code, Article V,
Section 5 -6 (B) prohibits the construction of accessory structures in side yards. Lastly,
the subject shed is at least partially built upon into the 5' side yard drainage and utility
easements without obtaining the Engineering Department's approval, which is normally
reviewed via the building permit process.
Mr. Harper gave a detailed history of the case. Staff recommends denial of the
Applicant's request because:
1. The applicant failed to follow the correct procedure to first apply for a building permit
before erecting the subject shed, thereby assuming the cost and risk of being rejected,
as the project violates at least three code provisions.
2. The granting of the requested variances would have "the effect of nullifying the intent
.► and purpose of these regulations" (L.D.C. Article IV, Section 4 -9, "Variances ", pages
10893 - 18094). Furthermore, such variance shall not be granted by the City unless
and until "the following have been demonstrated ", which none have:
a) Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar of the land
involved and which are not applicable to other lands.
b) That a literal interpretation of the provisions of these regulations would
deprive the Applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties with
similar conditions.
c) That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions
of the Applicant.
d) That the granting of the variances requested will confer on the
Applicant any special privilege that is denied by these regulations to other
lands under similar conditions.
Applicant, Hector Bori, stated he hired someone to help him build the shed. The
applicant further stated the man hired told Mr. Bori the one year old pool permit could be
addended (sic) to the shed so they proceeded to build the shed which took approximately
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
`fir. Thursday, September 21, 2000
two days. Mr. Bori stated the purpose of the shed was to keep the pool pump noise
down, cover up the pool pump, and store pool chemicals. Discussion ensued.
Chairman Resnik questioned Zoning Coordinator Harper as to how long a permit is
valid. Zoning Coordinator Harper stated for six months from the date the permit is
Zoning Coordinator Harper stated the pool permit had been reviewed and there was no
slab the size of the shed on the pool permit.
The Public Hearing was opened.
Spencer Solomon, member of the Cross Creek Homeowners Association, stated a letter
was sent to Mr. Bori stating his shed was in violation of the homeowners' rules and
regulations. Mr. Solomon further stated the Cross Creek Homeowners Association will
continue to have problems with the homeowners if Mr. Bori's shed is allowed to remain
on the property without a permit from the City of Ocoee and without having come before
the Architectural Review Board.
Member O'Keefe inquired as to the position Cross Creek Homeowners Association has
taken on this matter. Mr. Solomon stated another Cross Creek Homeowners Association
*ow Board member was present tonight and the board would not have approved the shed due
to lack of permit from the city. Discussion ensued.
Member Savino stated there was no documentation of the slab on the "as built survey."
Discussion ensued.
Paula Sniderwind, 2453 Cliffdale Street, stated she resides in the house facing the shed.
The shed muffles the sound of the pool pump.
Scott Mackenzie, 2458 Cliffdale Street, stated someone made a mistake in building the
cement slab and the applicant should not be blamed for building a shed on the slab.
The Public Hearing was closed.
Chairman Resnik stated, as chairman of the board, there are rules and regulations of the
city and when a home is purchased the owner needs to be aware of the homeowners' rules
and regulations. Mr. Resnik further stated if all homeowners built sheds in the easements
there would be drainage problems.
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
Thursday, September 21, 2000
Member Savino, seconded by Member O'Keefe, moved to recommend to the Honorable
Mayor and City Commission the denial of approval of the variance, Case No. 05VR-
2000: Bori. Motion 4 -0.
Discussion of City Commission Findings - Case No. 02VR -2000: Gage and Case No.
03VR -2000: Strosnider
Zoning Coordinator Harper addressed the City Commission findings of Cases No.
02VR -2000: Gage and No. 03VR -2000: Strosnider which were:
1. The Ocoee City Commission endorsed the recommendations of the Board of
Adjustment for both cases.
Elect Vice - Chairman to replace Joanne Jensen
Member O'Keefe, seconded by Member Cox, moved to nominate Member Savino as
Vice - Chairman. Motion carried 4 -0.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Brenda Maxwell, Adm'nistrative Secretary John Resnik, Chai an
*liar 4
Chairman Resnik called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Resnik led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the invocation. Chairman Resnik called the roll
and declared a quorum to be present.
PRESENT: Chairman Resnik, Members Colburn, Cox, and O'Keefe. Also present were
Zoning Coordinator Harper, Assistant City Attorney Cookson, and Administrative
Assistant II Maxwell.
ABSENT: Members Tice and Savino (unexcused), and Member Almodovar (excused).
Member Cox, seconded by Member O'Keefe, moved to approve the Minutes of the
September 21, 2000, Board of Adjustment Meeting as presented. Motion carried 4 -0.
VARIANCE - CASE NO. 04VR -2000: Cox
Zoning Coordinator Harper read into the record the issue: Should the Honorable
Board of Adjustment recommend to the Honorable Mayor and City Commission that the
subject variance application be approved enabling the applicant to construct 700 lineal
feet of lumber storage racks to be erected within 5' of the southerly and eastern property
lines upon the subject property? The subject property is located at 322 Enterprise Street
in the West Orange Industrial Park. It is a 4.09 acre site zoned "I -2, General Industrial
District ". Cox Lumber Company primarily builds roof trusses at this location. The
applicant has requested a variance to allow the construction of the lumber storage racks
within 5' of the rear and east property line. Whereas, Ordinance No. 99 -23 "Commercial
and Industrial Development Standards" paragraph C (2)( c )(I), page 18174.13 states that
a minimum 10 foot landscape buffer is required between adjacent tracts.
Assistant City Attorney Scott Cookson directed the following wording to be placed in the
staff report, namely "any approved variance that results in an encroachment into the 47'
railroad easement should contain the following condition based on the existence of the
"The granting of this variance and the issuance of any resulting building
permit shall not be constructed as granting the owner any special right or entitlement
concerning use which superseded any rights held by any easement holder ".
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
Thursday, October 19, 2000
Zoning Coordinator Harper gave a detailed history of the case. Staff recommends
denial of the Applicant's two variance requests to increase the percentage lot coverage or
impervious coefficient even greater than the presently existing 90% while providing no
additional storm water collection and retention facilities. Secondly, the "Industrial
Development" standards specify a minimum 10 foot landscape buffer between adjacent
The granting of the requested variances would have "the effect of nullifying the intent
and purpose of these regulations ". Furthermore, such variance shall not be granted by the
City unless and until "the following have been demonstrated ", which none have:
1) "Special conditions and circumstance exist which are peculiar to the land
involved and which are not applicable to other lands ";
2) "That a literal interpretation of the provisions of these regulations would
deprive the Applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by the other properties
similar conditions ";
3) "That the special conditions and circumstance do not result from the actions
the Applicant ";
4) "That the granting of the variances requested will confer on the Applicant any
special privilege that is denied by these regulations to other lands....under
similar conditions ".
Dave Swisher, Regional Sales Manager for Cox Lumber Company, stated the racks
to be installed are moveable, but Cox Lumber Company decided to bolt the racks down
to concrete pads for safety measures, which requires a variance. Mr. Swisher further
stated the Ordinance requires a 10 foot landscape buffer between adjacent lots, which
means 5 foot off the property line either way. The proposal is to set the racks on the
pavement of the eastern side, place pads 5 feet away from the buffer on the rear side and
grant the City use of the 5 feet from the property lines. Discussion ensued.
The Public Hearing was opened.
David Beuler, 3511 Pine Hills Road, stated he has installed several racks for Cox
Lumber Company and there is no danger of uplift of the racks. He further stated the
purpose of the concrete pad is for leveling and securing the racks. Discussion ensued.
The Public Hearing was closed.
Now 2
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
Thursday, October 19, 2000
Member O'Keefe, seconded bv Chairman Resnik, moved to recommend to the
Honorable Mayor and City Commission approval of the variance application 04VR-
2000: Cox, with the conditions recommended bv Assistant City Attorney Scott Cookson
as follows: Any approved variance that results in an encroachment into the 47' railroad
easement should contain the following condition based on the existence of the easement:
"The granting of this variance and the issuance of any resulting building permit shall not
be construed as granting the owner any special right or entitlement concerning use
which supersedes any rights held by any easement holder." Motion carried 4 -0.
VARIANCE - CASE NO. 06 St. Paul's Presbyterian Church II
Zoning Coordinator Harper read into the record the issue: Should the Honorable
Board of Adjustment recommend to the Honorable Mayor and City Commission that the
subject variance application be approved enabling the applicant to erect a sign on its
West Colonial Drive frontage as depicted upon the attached Exhibits # 1, 2, and 3?
Namely, allow a 5' setback from the adjacent edge of road right -of -way in lieu of the 10'
specified by Ordinance 99 -23; allow a 160 s.f. sign in lieu of the 40 s.f. authorized by
Variance 04VR -99: St. Paul's Presbyterian Church; and, allow the top -of -sign to be 15'
above the adjacent paved edge of right -of -way vs. the 12' approved by Variance 04VR-
99: St. Paul's Presbyterian Church.
li '"' Zoning Coordinator Harper gave a brief history of the case. Staff recommends
approval of the signage depicted in Exhibit 3. The highway signage permitted at the
"Best Buy" store located across the road from the churches sign, had an overall size of
approximately 319 s.f. but the menu board was 185+ - s.f.. Thus, given the wide 350'
open expanse of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church frontage along West Colonial Drive, the
presently requested 15' wide sign appears to accomplish the City's expressed goals to
upgrade the quality of development within the State Road 50 corridor.
Member Colburn, seconded bv Member O'Keefe, moved to recommend that the
Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve Variance 06 -VR -2000: St. Paul's
Presbyterian Church II as had been recommended by staff Motion carried 4 -0.
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
Thursday, October 19, 2000
The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
al, ilti•
Brenda Maxwell, Ad inistrative Assistant II Jo ' esnik, hairman
Nor 4
Chairman Resnik called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Resnik led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and Member Ellison led the invocation. Chairman
Resnik called the roll and declared a quorum to be present.
PRESENT: Chairman Resnik, Members Colburn, Cox, Savino, and O'Keefe. Also
present were Zoning Coordinator Harper, Assistant City Attorney Cookson, and
Administrative Assistant II Maxwell.
ABSENT: Member Tice (unexcused), and Member Almodovar (excused).
Member Savino, seconded by Member O'Keefe. moved to approve the Minutes of the
October 19, 2000, Board of Adjustment Meeting as presented. Motion carried 5 -0.
Zoning Coordinator Harper read into the record the issue: Should the Honorable Board
of Adjustment recommend to the Honorable Mayor and City Commission that the subject
variance application be approved enabling the applicant to retain two (2) un- permitted
accessory structures to remain with the 7.5' accessory structure rear setback? Namely, a
12' X 16' enclosed shed that is situated 39 " +- from the rear property line and a 3' X 6'
equipment lean to that is situated immediately adjacent to the rear property line?
Zoning Coordinator Harper gave a detailed history of the case and the subject property
is located at 2420 Liela Lee Court, Lot 34, Hidden Glenn Subdivision. The applicant built
the 12' X 16' shed without first obtaining a building permit and thus no structural
inspections have been conducted. Secondly, the shed was erected within 39" of the rear
property line instead of the minimum LDC specification of 7.5'm detected by a Code
Enforcement Officer on September 27, 2000. On October 2, 2000, the Applicant filed the
present variance application in order to forestall further Code Enforcement actions. The
Applicant also built a 3' X 6' lean-to equipment shelter situated directly to the west of the
subject shed and touching the adjacent 6' fence and rear property line.
Zoning Coordinator Harper stated the applicant has meet none of the threshold
requirements or prerequisites before a variance(s) may be granted pursuant to the Land
Development Code, namely he has not demonstrated a unique "hardship" that is(was) not
self - created to his property and situation. Secondly, he is requesting a right to keep the
cited structures "as-is" that would otherwise permit two (2) structures to remain but that
would be refused to other similarly situated persons.
Assistant City Attorney Cookson advised the Board of Adjustments Members that they
%iv were not to take into consideration the legal ramifications from the Hidden Glenn
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
r Thursday, November 30, 2000
Homeowners Association if the Applicants Variance request is approved. Assistant City
Attorney Cookson further advised the Applicant that if the Variance is approved, the
approval does not relieve the Applicant of any legal ramifications that may occur from the
Hidden Glenn Homeowners Association and does not put the City of Ocoee in any liability
by granting the Variance.
Member Colburn asked Zoning Official Harper when the 7 t/2' setback was put in the
City of Ocoee Code. Zoning Official Harper stated the setback was in place when he
started employment with the city in 1988. Discussion ensued.
Applicant, Ronnie Strosnider, stated the shed was built before the pool was constructed
which was approximately two (2) years ago. Mr. Strosnider submitted exhibits depicting
the shed in the background prior to the construction of the pool.
Member Savino asked Mr. Harper if it was brought the attention of the Applicant that
the shed was in violation before the pool permit was issued. Mr. Harper stated the
applicant was not notified due to the process the inspectors follow once a permit is issued.
Applicant Strosnider stated the property was surveyed in 1998 and the shed was in the
survey at that time. Mr. Strosnider further stated there are sheds all over the City of
Ocoee built without permits that violate the setback codes. (Exhibits presented to depict
the neighboring sheds located in the 7 ' /2' setback.) Discussion ensued.
Chairman Resnik questioned Mr. Strosnider as to what the homeowners covenants are
in his subdivision. Mr. Strosnider stated his homeowners association does not enforce
rules and is not a formal functioning homeowners association. Discussion ensued.
Member Savino asked Zoning Coordinator Harper what the procedure was when a
violation is cited on one side of the fence and there is a possible violation on the other side
of the fence. Zoning Coordinator Harper stated the City Manager has directed the
Code Enforcement Department to respond only to complaints, so violations are usually
noted by complaints from residents.
Member Savino stated he could not understand why the applicant was cited for a code
violation when the surrounding neighbors sheds could possibly also be in violation but
they were not cited. Zoning Coordinator Harper stated he did not know the complaint
behind this case but a neighbor is usually the person filing the complaint. Discussion
Mr. Strosnider stated the two (2) sheds behind his property are 39" away from the fence
so he used the same 39" measurement his neighbors used to set his shed. Mr. Strosnider
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
r Thursday, November 30, 2000
further stated the lean-to was only to hold firewood and when the Code Enforcement
Officer observed his shed violation; the Code Enforcement Officer said the lean-to was not
a problem. Discussion ensued.
The Public Hearing was opened
As no one wished to speak, the Public Hearing was closed
Member O'Keefe, seconded by Member Colburn, moved recommend to the Honorable
Mayor and City Commission to deny the Variance Application. Motion carried 4 -1 with
Member Cox voting No.
OTHER BUSINESS — Zoning Coordinator Harper advised the Board of Adjustment
Members that if they make an information request, the request needs to be a formal
request for the record.
Chairman Resnik stated he would lice to have written information as to how and why the
City Commission voted on issues that come before the Board of Adjustment.
COMMENTS — Chairman Resnik announced there would be no Board of Adjustment
% ow Meeting for the month of December, 2000, but will meet January 18, 2001.
Chairman Resnik advised to the Board of Adjustment members the board has not
adopted Rules and Regulations for the Board to follow. Discussion ensued. Chairman
Resnik stated the Board of Adjustment will discuss the addition of Rules and Regulations
at the January, 2001, meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Brenda Maxwell, A • • • trative Assistant II ' esnic, hairman
New 3