Chairman Resnik called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers
at City Hall. He led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and Member Colburn led the
invocation. Chairman Resnik called the roll and declared a quorum to be present.
PRESENT: Chairman Resnik, Vice - Chairman Savino, Members Colburn, Cox and
Kimbrell. Also present were Community Development Director Wagner, Building
Official Washington, Senior Planner Grimms, and Deputy City Clerk Green.
ABSENT: Members Tice and Wilsen who were excused.
Member Colburn, seconded by Vice Chairman Savino, moved to approve the July 18,
2002, Board of Adjustment Minutes as presented. Motion carried 5 -0.
Senior Planner Grimms presented the staff report for the variances requested by Mark
and Joan Peters for their home at 1912 Tumblewater Boulevard in Brookstone Unit 1
Subdivision. The legal description of the subject property is Lot 128 in Brookestone Unit
1 Subdivision. They have requested a variance to the minimum rear setback requirement
of 5 feet permitted in Article V, Section 5 -6 B, to a proposed 2.5 feet, and a variance to
the maximum impervious surface area of 50% permitted in Article V, Section 5 -14 (Table
5 -2) of the City Code.
Variance #1 - Variance to Minimum Rear Yard Setback
Mr. Grimms explained the Applicant is seeking the variance to the rear yard setback of 5
feet for purposes of: (1) cost reduction and (2) the desire for a larger swimming pool than
would be allowed if the 2.5 feet encroachment were permitted into the 5 -foot rear
Mr. Grimms said this variance request does not involve a question of hardship, since a
fully functional pool, deck and screen enclosure could be built by the Applicant within
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
Thursday, November 21, 2002
Mr. Grimms said this variance request does not involve a question of hardship, since a
fully functional pool, deck and screen enclosure could be built by the Applicant within
the requirements of the City's regulations. He noted that two of the Applicant's
neighbors have built pools maintaining the 7.5 foot rear setback requirement, which was
in effect at that time and has since been reduced by the City Commission to 5 feet.
Variance #2 - Variance to Maximum Impervious Surface Area of 50% of the Lot
The Applicant is seeking the variance to the 258 square foot maximum allowed for
impervious surface for the purpose of: (1) creating a walkway around the pool between
the pool side and the screen enclosure; and (2) aesthetic reasons. The pool would look
nicer with a walk area completely surrounding the pool.
This variance request does not involve a question of hardship, since the Applicant could
build a fully functional pool, deck and screen enclosure within the requirements of the
City's regulations, just as the neighbors have done. The adjacent neighbor has built his
pool with a deck that has not gone beyond the maximum impervious surface allowed.
Mr. Grimms concluded with the recommendation that Board of Adjustment recommend
denial of the two (2) variance requests, since granting a variance would not involve *oar hardship, or be in response to unique special conditions and circumstances that exist
which are peculiar to the land or structures.
The public hearing was opened.
Mark Peters, 1912 Tumblewater Boulevard, thanked the board for the opportunity to
present their request for variance. He said information they had been given when they
had first looked at their home had led them to believe they could build the larger pool and
enclosure they wanted.
Joan Peters said they have a letter from Centex Homes stating the setback and easement
restrictions were not properly disclosed when they were purchasing their home and
Centex has compensated them $100.00 for their hardship.
Mr. Peters said Centex is no longer building this model and he believes it is because it is
too large for the lot size, thereby limiting the size of the pool. Mrs. Peters said the
design of their floor plan is unique in that the driveway is set back such that it takes up a
very large amount of the impervious space, which has limited the deck to 258 sf.
Mrs. Peters distributed copies of a letter approving their request relating to the pool with
screen enclosure from the Architectural Review Board of the Brookestone Property
Owners Association, Inc. and also a copy of a drawing of the pool area of their neighbor
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
Thursday, November 21, 2002
at 1902 Tumblewater Boulevard. Mr. Peters said none of their neighbors seemed to
have any issues with their pool size and their attempt to obtain a variance because of the
limited amount of deck size they would have. Mrs. Peters said a small pool would be
uncomplimentary to the size and design of the home.
Member Kimbrell asked if the front elevation of their house is in line with those of their
neighbors, or if it is set back farther because of the driveway. Mr. Peters said the fronts
of the homes are the same, but the front door is set back at a 45 degree angle and then the
garage is set back while the neighbor's garage is at the front of their home.
Chairman Resnik asked for clarification, and Mr. Grimms confirmed the variance
request is, in effect, 2.5 feet.
Mrs. Peters said their main concern is the impervious surface area. She felt without a
variance they would not have enough deck to get around even a smaller size pool.
Community Development Director Wagner said the reason staff has given this a
recommendation for denial is simply because staff runs into this problem every day. He
said virtually every pool that comes in has to be modified in some manner for these two
reasons. Usually the setback issue is not as much of an issue as the impervious area.
* This is one of the first ones they have had in recent memory where they actually wanted
to encroach into this rear yard. And as Mr. Grimms mentioned, the old rule of 7.5', the
Commission already granted a 2.5' difference from that recently when they changed the
ordinance and now we are down to 5'. It actually extends into a drainage and utility
easement, which we are also very concerned about setting any precedence of extending
structures into those areas. Secondly, the impervious area also is a constant problem for
all of our pools. And a lot of people have had to reduce the size of their pools and their
decks to meet that requirement. And while we certainly sympathize with these folks and
their house, we get all sorts of different varieties of rear yards. He said they run into all
these kinds of oddities everyday, so he would caution the board that the variances
obviously are supposed to be given for hardship cases where there is truly something
unique about the property. So, in their deliberation, board members should focus on if
there is truly a hardship here, truly something unique about this property compared to all
the other properties that they run into every day.
Mrs. Peters said they feel that the design of their home on the property is unique in their
subdivision. She said Centex had stopped building the home in the subdivision, so there
must have been a problem with it, and they kind of got stuck with it, being ignorant of
these easements and things.
Chairman Resnik asked what Centex meant by the statement that setback and easement
restrictions were not properly disclosed. Mrs. Peters said when they went to buy this
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Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
Thursday, November 21, 2002
home they knew they wanted a nice size pool. She had asked the Centex representatives
to show them where their screen enclosure could be placed on this property before they
make a purchase. Two of the employees from Centex said they could extend up to the
property line. They had pursued the purchase of the property based on that information.
She said they had invested several thousand dollars in upgrades and then learned that
they had been misled. So it is a hardship for them, because they cannot now turn around
and sell the home without losing money.
Vice Chairman Savino asked why they accepted only $100 for the hardship. Mrs.
Peters responded that was before the variance cost changed. The form they had been
given indicated a fee of $100. She said when she returned she learned that she had not
been given the proper information that the fee had changed. So they could not go back to
Centex after they had accepted the $100 and say now we need $500.
Responding to questions by Vice Chairman Savino, Mrs. Peters said the real estate agent
and construction manager had pointed out the property line. She said when she had
pointed to a neighbor's pool and asked if their screen had to end there, explaining that
she wanted to know because if so she did not want this home, the agent had said no,
absolutely not. Mr. Peters said at that point and after putting earnest money down, it
was very difficult to get out of the contract on hearsay. He said they had trusted that
_ verbal word was accurate information and had nothing in writing.
Member Cox asked if they have invested money in getting the pool started yet, and
Mrs. Peters said no.
Chairman Resnik said he thought it was unfortunate that Centex Homes told the Peters
what they did, and that they probably said that just to sell the home. But, on the other
hand, he personally felt that the buyer should check these things out for himself, as he
had done in the past.
Vice Chairman Savino asked if they have any plans drawn up with a pool that would
actually be within the Code and Mrs. Peters said they do not.
Chairman Resnik asked if the pool company was aware of the issue with the setback
and if they have not tried to come up with a little different design. Mrs. Peters said they
had worked on a plan with one other pool company, and did not like the plan at all. She
said it is not the size of the pool but the deck that they need to get around the pool that is
their main concern.
Member Colburn asked why they have the planters if they were trying to get as much
deck as possible. Mrs. Peters said the planters were to provide privacy in the corner for
the hot tub, and they were not counted as impervious.
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Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
Itior Thursday, November 21, 2002
Member Colburn said he was concerned about setting precedent.
Chairman Resnik pointed out that the role of this board is to make a recommendation to
the City Commission, and the City Commission that will ultimately make the final
Members then suggested possible options in pool and deck design that would comply
with the Code and meet the Peters' needs.
Vice Chairman Savino said they have the option to go back to Centex as there was
nothing on the Centex letter that the Peters have signed saying they have accepted the
excuse given by Centex. He said another option would be to simply take a foot out here
and a foot out there, to place plants outside the pool, and move on and probably have the
pool installed and in use by four months from now. He said it was not so much what the
Peters are willing to accept, but what options are available and then pursue those options.
The public hearing was closed.
Member Savino, seconded by Member Colburn, moved that the Board of Adjustment
low recommend denial of the two (2) variance requests, since granting a variance would not
involve a hardship or be in response to unique special conditions and circumstances that
exist which are peculiar to the land or structures. Motion carried 5 -0.
Member Colburn asked that it be included in the minutes that the Board of Adjustment
would like the City Commissioners to take a long look at the impervious portion. He also
suggested that the Peters come up with another diagram to help their case on the
impervious part.
Mr. Wagner said the City Commission would be consider the Case in a public hearing
on December 17.
Clerk's Note: The Peters' withdrew the Variance Application prior to the City
Commission meeting.
Community Development Director Wagner explained the City recently reorganized
some of the departments. The City created a new Department of Community
Development which is a combination of the Planning Department and the Building
Department. He said he and Mr. Grimms are present for the meeting, because there is an
opening now in the Building Department. He said Zoning Coordinator Julian Harper had
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Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
Thursday, November 21, 2002
left the City to work for Lake County Schools as a Planner. The individual who fills that
position will be handling variance applications, but the Planning Department will be
more involved in some Board of Adjustment cases in the future.
After some discussion, Vice Chairman Savino, seconded by Chairman Resnik, moved
to change the time of Board of Adjustment meetings from 7:30 p.m, to 7:00 p,m. Motion
carried 5 -0.
Chairman Resnik thanked the City for the board members' City shirts.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
n �a�.tic / 400 „tJ NINNY 4111114
Marian Green, Deputy City Clerk John es i , C irma