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2011-007 Wastewater Facility Plan
ORDINANCE NO. 2011-007 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA AMENDING THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS ADOPTED IN 1991, AS AMENDED, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADOPTING THE WASTEWATER FACILITY PLAN IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 369, PART III, FLORIDA STATUTES; AMENDING THE SANITARY SEWER SUB - ELEMENT OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT AND THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE WASTEWATER FACILITY PLAN; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on September 18, 1991, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee (the "Ocoee City Commission ") adopted the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, as set forth in Ordinance No. 91 -28, which has been amended from time to time (the "Comprehensive Plan"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 369, Part III, Florida Statutes, the Ocoee City Commission is required to amend the Comprehensive Plan to include an up -to- date wastewater facility plan for joint planning areas and utility service areas where central wastewater systems are not readily available; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Objective 2.3 of the Sanitary Sewer Sub - Element of the Infrastructure Element of the Comprehensive Plan, the City was required to develop a wastewater facility plan meeting the requirements of Section 369.320, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Policy 2.3.1 of the Sanitary Sewer Sub - Element of the Infrastructure Element of the Comprehensive Plan, the City is required to review the goals, objectives and policies of the Sanitary Sewer sub - element and, if needed, modify or amend the Sanitary Sewer sub - element in order to reflect any changes mandated by the Wekiva Parkway Protection Act; and WHEREAS, the City has initiated an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan (the "Amendment ") in order to (i) add the Wastewater Facility Plan by reference to the Comprehensive Plan, and (ii) add provisions to the Sanitary Sewer Sub - Element and Intergovernmental Coordination Element for the purpose of implementing the Wastewater Facility Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 163.3177(6)(c), Florida Statutes, the Amendment does not count toward the limitation on the frequency of adoption of amendments to the comprehensive plan; and ORLA_1740761.2 -1- WHEREAS, on August 10, 2010, the City of Ocoee Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, at an advertised public hearing unanimously recommended transmittal of the Amendment to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (the "Department "); and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commi lion held advertised public hearings on l cc}dbev �� , 2010 and 1t 14 i9 , 2011 in order to obtain public comment regarding the proposed Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has considered all oral and written comments received during public hearings, including the recommendations of the Local Planning Agency; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission desires to adopt the Amendment as recommended by the Local Planning Agency with such changes thereto as the Ocoee City Commission deems appropriate. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Authority. The Ocoee City Commission has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Section Chapters 163, 166 and 369, Florida Statutes. Section 2. Incorporation of the Wastewater Facility Plan. The Ocoee City Commission hereby adopts the Wastewater Facility Plan as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof and incorporates it into the Comprehensive Plan in its entirety. Section 3. Amendment to the Sanitary Sewer Sub - Element of the Infrastructure Element. The Ocoee City Commission hereby amends Subsection V (Goals, Objectives and Policies) of the Sanitary Sewer Sub - Element of the Infrastructure Element of the Comprehensive Plan to amend existing Policies and to add new Policies as set forth on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof Section 4. Amendment to the Intergovernmental Coordination Element. The Ocoee City Commission hereby amends Subsection IV (Goals, Objectives and Policies) of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the Comprehensive Plan to add new Policies as set forth on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Section 5. Public Participation Procedures. The Ocoee City Commission hereby finds that the Amendment has been adopted in conformity with the Public Participation Procedures set forth in Section 10 of the Comprehensive Plan. Section 6. City Commission's Designee. The Ocoee City Commission hereby designates the City Planner as the designee of the Ocoee City Commission to transmit this ORLA_1740761.2 -2- Amendment to the Department and to advise the Department regarding the dates on which the City held the required public hearings. Section 7. Transmittal to the Department. The Ocoee City Commission hereby authorizes and directs that three (3) copies of the adopted Amendment be submitted to the Department within ten (I 0) days of the effective date of this Ordinance. Section 8. Severabilitv. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. Section 9. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective on the tenth (10 day after passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this F)T ° day of � (,� L.."/ , 2011. APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Bet! ikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY ADVERTISED) 9, AND t7 / 11 THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA READ FIRST TIM . 1' , 2010 APPROVED AS TO ORM AND READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED ALI Y LEG THIS � DAY OF �1�1 t9 , 2011 UNDER U'� , 2011 AGENDA ITEM NO. 1 3 FOL & L NER LLP V./4V By: City Attorney ORLA_1740761.2 -3- EXHIBIT "A" (Wastewater Facility Plan) [SEE ATTACHED PAGES] ORLA_1740761.2 -4- CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA WASTEWATER FACILITY PLAN PREPARED FOR: THE CITY OF OCOEE PREPARED BY: REISS ENGINEERING INC. 12001 RESEARCH PARKWAY, SUITE 228 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32826 407.679.5358 REI PROJECT No. 6744 JUNE 2010 ED REIS Fl\fr.:11V PLANNING I DESIGN 1 CONSTRUCTION Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 -1 1.1 Background 1 -1 1.2 Purpose I -1 1.3 Wekiva Act Requirements 1 -2 2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 2 -1 2.1 Service Area 2 -1 2.2 Current and Historical Flows 2 -1 2.3 Wastewater Collection System 2-3 2.4 Wastewater Treatment System 2 -3 2.4.1 Influent Flows and Loading Information 2 -4 2.4.2 Wastewater Treatment Performance 2 -4 2.5 Reclaimed Water System 2 -5 2.6 Historical Reclaimed Water Usage 2 -6 2.7 Summary of Wekiva Study Area Compliance 2 -7 3.0 FUTURE CONDITIONS 3 -1 3.1 Service Area 3 -1 3.2 Flow Projections 3-1 3.3 Wastewater Collection and Transmission System 3 -3 3.4 Elimination of Active On -Site Sewage Sites 3 -4 3.5 Wastewater Treatment System 3 -4 4.0 RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM FUTURE CONDITIONS 4 -1 5.0 INFRASTRUCTURE WORK PLAN 5 -1 5.1 Wastewater Facility Plan 5- I 5.2 Five -Year Plan Projects 5 -1 5.2.1 Ocoee West Transmission System 5 -1 5.2.2 Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements 5 -3 5.2.3 Maguire Road Reclaimed Pumping Facility 1.0 Million Gallon Storage Addition 5 -4 5.2.4 Reclaimed Water Improvements 5 -4 5.3 Long Range (5 to 10 -Year) Plan Projects 5 -4 5.3.1 Wastewater Collection and Transmission 5 -4 5.3.2 Treatment System Improvements 5 -4 5.3.3 Reclaimed Water Improvements 5 -4 6.0 SUMMARY 6 -1 6.1 Conclusions 6 -1 6.2 Recommendations 6 -2 1 :'.[[',p« REISS EI-IGINEERII IG List of Tables Table 2 -1. Historical City Wastewater Flows 2 -1 Table 2 -2. Flows and Loads For the Capacity Analysis 2 -4 Table 2 -3. Summary of Wastewater Flow Distribution 2 -6 Table 2 -4. Summary of Current Wekiva Act Compliance 2 -7 Table 5 -1. City of Ocoee Wastewater 5 -Year Facility Plan 5 -3 Table 6 -1. Summary of Current Wekiva Act Compliance 6 -1 List of Figures Figure 2 -1. Existing Service Area 2 -2 Figure 2 -2. Ocoee WWTF Effluent Nitrogen Results 2 -5 Figure 3 -1. Future City WW Service Area 3 -2 Figure 3 -2. City of Ocoee Wastewater Flow Projections 3 -3 Figure 3 -3. 10 Year Estimated On -Site Sewage Site Elimination 3 -5 Figure 5 -1. City of Ocoee Wastewater Facility Plan 5 -2 11 CD REISS ENGINEERING 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background In 2004, the Florida Legislature enacted the Wekiva Parkway and Protection Act (Wekiva Act) found in Part III, Chapter 369, Florida Statutes. Local governments within the Wekiva Study Area (WSA) are required to develop a wastewater facility plan for the specific portions of their joint planning areas and utility service areas where central wastewater systems are not readily available. The purpose of this effort is to prepare a Wastewater Facility Plan for the City of Ocoee that meets the Act's requirements for short-range (5 -year) and long -range ( -20 year) planning horizons. This Wastewater Facility Plan will use past planning efforts combined with current data and engineering analyses to produce a feasible schedule of infrastructure improvements that will meet the City's growth needs and meet regulatory requirements. The City of Ocoee has performed planning over the last several years that identified wastewater infrastructure to serve development growth in its western service area (Ocoee West). Previous plans including the Northwest Ocoee Sector Study (DRMP, May 2006) and the Western Force Main Cost Share (Reiss Engineering, 2007) have partially addressed wastewater facility planning. These planning efforts laid the groundwork for the City's wastewater infrastructure plan and were the basis for this Wastewater Facility Plan. 1.2 Purpose This 2010 Wastewater Facility Plan for the City of Ocoee serves to update the City's proposed infrastructure capital planning based on previous planning efforts, current development information, regulations, and input from City Engineering, Utilities and Development Services Departments' staffs. This 2010 Wastewater Facility Plan addresses the applicable Wekiva Act facility plan requirements as listed below: • A description of areas within the utility service area that are to be served by central sewer facilities within 5 years, • A financially feasible schedule of improvements, • An infrastructure work plan to build the facilities needed to implement the recommended improvements of this facility plan, including those needed to meet enhanced treatment standards adopted by the Department of Environmental Protection, and a phase -out of existing onsite septic tank systems where central facilities are available. The term "available" shall be interpreted consistent with the definition included in Section 381.0065(2)(a), Florida Statutes. • A long -range component addressing service of the Wekiva joint planning area or utility service area. • A water reuse program that allows for reuse of reclaimed water on a site -by -site basis. • Updates to wastewater facility plans where the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) program requires reductions in point source pollutants for a basin or as required. 1 -1 CO REISS EPIGU'IEERIt l • 1.3 Wekiva Act Requirements The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), utilizing an existing state -wide aquifer vulnerability model, has established protection zones within the Wekiva Study Area relative to a location's likelihood of having an impact on the Wekiva Springshed. A large portion of the Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Facility discharges, including effluent disposal and reuse water application systems, fall within the designated "Primary Protection Zone" (the zone with the highest probability of affecting the Wekiva Springshed), and must adhere to the following FDEP - proposed parameters: • No new Rapid Infiltration Basins (RIB 's) allowed • Discharge to existing RIB's: annual- average total nitrogen not to exceed 3 mg /L • Discharge to existing back -up RIB's: no more than 30% of the total annual wastewater treatment plant flow and must meet the Reuse irrigation systems limitation (below) • Reuse irrigation systems: annual - average total nitrogen not to exceed 10 mg /L • Class A & B residuals for land application are prohibited 1 -2 REISS ENGINEERING 2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 2.1 Service Area The current City of Ocoee wastewater service area is comprised of approximately 15 square miles primarily incorporated areas in and around the city limits as shown in Figure 2 -1. This wastewater service area is bordered to the north, cast and south by Orange County Utilities and to the west by the City of Winter Garden. The current wastewater system, as of mid 2009, includes service to approximately 7,000 connections. The City's collection system collects wastewater flows into lift stations that pump the flows thru transmission force mains to the City of Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Facility for reclamation. Portions of incorporated Ocoee utilize individual homeowner septic tanks for wastewater service. These areas utilizing on -site septic systems include low density developments in the west and northwest areas of the City, as well as the older central parts of the City. 2.2 Current and Historical Flows Current wastewater average annual daily flows (AADF) for the City of Ocoee range from 1.6 to 1.7 million gallons per day. Wastewater flows have been relatively steady over the last seven years for the City as shown in Table 2 -1. The City determined in its 2007 Capacity Analysis Report that historical data indicated a 1.08 maximum 3 -month average daily flow ( TMADF) peaking factor. Applying the 1.08 - maximum 3 -month peaking factor to the current AADF results in a TMADF of approximately 1.8 million gallons per day. Table 2 -1. Historical City Wastewater Flows Facility Average Annual Daily Flow Year (mgd) 2001 1.444 2002 1.470 2003 1.616 2004 1.694 2005 1.715 2006 1.654 2007 1.639 2008 1.676 2009 1.630 2 -1 Rp REISSEt9GIHEER1r,IC. oz 4 g� "s t . � ._ n .. - 4 r r• • C •. . 4 • .. 5 V. P. • . dpl9Qw4 -_. - A y'` I w ;.: • . •y • hi , t• . r C5• • c 1 z s Y. e 2 f ` E r •� • t • • 4 • a a • x • a a J 2" a SILVER S7,.N r. e x • • • •" •• I . • s . • • q. • ESILV 'STAR ND SOLPR STAR RD ST r E. ¢ .' m I . 7 z. • V .ti It Y , ..� r , r I , Ir , , o 6 r • — — oRL � ' warmer, y . � t • • ES iORYRD 570RYND _,,, _1lG.•EeENEVAIr_ i : EALEOA DP. � t i ..:: Q - S • �`i C i•.... • "Itt[CULO7RALDR •_, � � -. _ II u 4 "!A'S'! /ALL FARMS NO 57FTRGAV i t w 2 s 4 F • . . ��� O t EASY YI°57'EX f....._._ D i • P - - C Rh S .....•• , ® . - a I , ,F °:S JATF OfPflP Q • fia ,O C q N ii u ;TNA RD GOrNA RU , N LEGEND W E • Active Onsite Sewage Sites • Existing Sewer Customers S = Existing Sewer Area Service Area 0 1,800 3,600 Water Features Feet Roadways CITY OF OCOEE (CIFt WASTEWATER FACIUTY PLAN FIGURE 2 - EXISTING CITY WASTEWATER SERVICE AREA 010gv StptoTmlm_!,1"p3 vP 2.3 Wastewater Collection System The City has gravity collection systems that collect wastewater flows through gravity sewer mains into lift stations. The lift stations pump the flow through transmission force mains to the Ocoee WWTF. Approximately one -half of the City's service area, the southwest portion, is directed to Lift Station 7. Lift Station 7 and the majority of the lift station sub areas in the east and north portions of the service area discharge directly to the Ocoee WWTF via the 20" force main in Clarke and A.D. Mims Roads. The City's hydraulic model indicates that the current infrastructure is well suited to convey existing wastewater flows to the Ocoee WWTF. The City has addressed needs including LS7 pump and force main upgrades. The S.R. 50 gravity system is at or near capacity and will be relocated when the re- design of S.R. 50 occurs. The existing wastewater collection system is shown with future improvements in Section 4. 2.4 Wastewater Treatment System The City's collected wastewater is pumped to the Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) with a permitted capacity of 3.0 million gallons per day and a permitted effluent disposal capacity of 1.8 million gallons per day. The WWTF unit consists of mechanical screening, grit removal and the Bio - Denitro© treatment process. The Bio - Denitro® is an advanced biological nutrient removal process having dual oxidation ditches that is effective for reduction of nitrogen and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Secondary clarification, tertiary sand filtration and chlorination follow the Bio - Denitro process. After chlorine disinfection, the effluent gravity flows into either the Master Effluent Pump Station or the Effluent Transfer Pump station. The pump stations deliver the reclaimed water to one of the following locations for reuse or disposal: • Forest Lake Golf Course public access reuse - irrigation (0.45 million gallons per day permitted capacity) • Neighborhood public access reuse - irrigation in the City • On -site percolation ponds (0.35 million gallons per day permitted capacity) • RIBs at the Forest Lake Golf Course, wet weather disposal (1.0 million gallons per day permitted capacity) • Winter Garden Rapid Infiltration Basins (RIBs) adjacent to the northwest City boundary If the effluent is unsuitable for public access reuse, then the rejected water is either automatically diverted by gravity overflow to the on -site percolation ponds via electronic chlorine and turbidity sensors and motorized valves, or pumped to the reject ground storage tank by the effluent transfer pumps. The total disposal capacity of the system is 1.80 million gallons per day. The larger non - biodegradable materials (grit, sand and other small materials) removed from the wastewater by mechanical bar screens are disposed of at a Class I landfill site. Activated sludge from the Bio- Denitro© process is aerobically digested, dewatered and hauled offsite for beneficial land application. 2-3 CD REISS ENGINEERING 2.4.1 Influent Flows and Loading Information Historical influent flows and loads were reviewed to compare current and permitted values. As shown in Table 2 -2, the current flow and loading values are within permitted capacities. The effluent disposal permitted capacity is currently the limiting value, however, the City is currently in the process of increasing the permitted effluent disposal capacity to 2.4 MGD. Table 2 -2. Flows and Loads For the Capacity Analysis Parameter Current Permitted Average Annual Daily Flow, MGD 1.6 3 0/1 8 Peak Hour Flow, MGD 3.4 7.5 BOD5 lb/day 2,689 5,630 Total Suspended Solids (TSS), lb/day 2,788 5,630 Treatment Facility Permit/Effluent Disposal Permit 2.4.2 Wastewater Treatment Performance The City of Ocoee's WWTF consistently produces high quality effluent meeting state standards. Regarding nutrient removal, the BioDenitro® process is an energy - efficient wastewater treatment process that consistently achieves high levels of nitrogen removal without internal recycle pumping or chemical dosing. Since its' introduction in the 1976 US EPA Nitrogen Control manual, more than 100 BioDenitro plants have been constructed worldwide. The 3.0 MGD facility was the first of many United States BioDenitro installations. With the exception of an occasional outlying data point, the Ocoee WWTF consistently produces nitrogen effluent values and annual averages less than 3 mg /L of total nitrogen as shown in Figure 2 -2. 2-4 CO REISS EHHIGtNEERUNG Effluent Nitrogen Data 35 __.__.__..__...__.._.....__...__...—_-- • J 30 • Effluent Data a7 2009 Average E 25- - C 6 20 0 15 - Z • • 3 10 o • H 5 • • • • • Mar -08 Jun -08 Aug -08 Nov-08 Feb -09 May -09 Aug -09 Nov -09 Feb -10, Date Figure 2 -2. Ocoee WWTF Effluent Nitrogen Results 2.5 Reclaimed Water System The City has proactively implemented a reclaimed water distribution system to provide alternative water for irrigation to a significant portion of its customers. This public access reuse of reclaimed water is a vital part of meeting future water supply needs with pending potable water consumptive use limitations. The City of Ocoee WWTF and a wholesale connection with CONSERV II supply the reclaimed water to the City's reclaimed water service area. There are currently two current and one planned reclaimed water distribution systems (service areas) that eventually may be interconnected to increase reclaimed water utilization and redundancy throughout the City: • The Central Service Area, bounded by S.R. 50 to the south and Clarcona -Ocoee Road to the north, supplies reclaimed water from the Ocoee WWTF to City public access reuse residential and commercial customers. The existing Central Service Area customers are primarily along the CIarke Road corridor. • The South Service Area, located along the Maguire Road corridor south of State Road 50, supplies reclaimed water from the Orange County Utilities CONSERV II project to City public access reuse residential and commercial customers. The South Service Area is supplied by CONSERV II through a wholesale- retail arrangement between the City and CONSERV II. The South Service Area's backbone is a transmission line that currently extends to the north east corner of the area, and the interconnection to the Central Service Area is under construction. • The Northwest Service .Area, located north of Clarcona -Ocoee Road, includes public access residential in- ground reclaimed water distribution systems that are currently jumpered to and supplied from Orange County Utilities potable water systems. The 2-5 Cao REISS EI'IGII• JEER'S G Northwest Service Area includes areas outside the City's current wastewater service area. The Northwest Service Area could be supplied in the future by the Ocoee WWTF and /or Orange County Utilities through an inter -local wholesale- retail arrangement. 2.6 Historical Reclaimed Water Usage The City has consistently utilized over 50% of its reclaimed water for public access since 2001 as shown in Table 2 -3. The reclaimed water distribution demand has steadily increased over the last several years through expansion via existing neighborhood distribution retrofits. Including supply to the local golf course, over 70% of the City's reclaimed water was beneficially reused in 2009. Table 2 -3 shows historical wastewater facility flows compared to effluent destination quantities. Based on evaluation of the historical reclaimed usage data, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Since the reclaimed distribution system to neighborhoods and commercial businesses began operation in December 2001, this demand has steadily increased from 0 to 0.9 million gallons per day. 2. Given current reclaimed water supply and public access demand conditions, there is very little reclaimed water available for distribution system expansion without development of new small scale storage at the City's South Maguire Reclaimed Re -Pump Facility, large scale storage near the Ocoee WWTF, supplemental supply source, and /or new wholesale supply from a neighboring utility along with associated storage/pumping/transmission infrastructure. 3. Given the current maximized public access reuse demands, flow to the on -site percolation ponds and rapid infiltration basins has been minimized. Table 2 -3. Summary of Wastewater Flow. Distribution Facility Off -site On -site i Forest Lakes Ocoee Average Rapid Rapid Golf Course Public " Public Annual Daily Infiltration Infiltration Public Access Access Access Reuse Flow Basin Basin Reuse Reuse (% of Facility Year (mgd) F (mgd) r (mgd) (mgd) (mgd) i AADF) 2001 1.444 0.040 0.280 1.116 0.008 78% 2002 i 470 0.211 0.347 1' 0.606 0.306 62% 2003 1.616 0.345 0.388 0.236 0.648 55% 2004 1.694 0 403 0.356 0.'199 0.736 55% 2005 I ■ 2006 1.715 0.442 0.271 0.342 0.659 558% 1.654 0.109 0.258 F 0.488 0.799 78% 2007 1.639 0.040 0.318 0.452 0.829 78% 2008 i.�u 1 676 A, 0.068 0.355 l ' 0.295 0.958 75% 2009 1.630 0.128 0.285 0.300 0.917 75% 2-6 160 REISS ENGINEERING 2.7 Summary of Wekiva Study Area Compliance Based on a review of Wekiva Act requirements versus historical City wastewater treatment and effluent disposal performance, the City complies with the Act as summarized in Table 2 -4. Table 2 -4. Summary of Current Wekiva Act Compliance Wekiva Act Requirement Current Compliance Status No new Rapid Infiltration Basins ( RIB's) Complies - No new R.IBs required, City is allowed expanding public access reuse and has adequate backup disposal capacity Discharge to existing RIB's: annual- average Not applicable - City discharges < 3 mg /L of total nitrogen not to exceed 3 mg /L total nitrogen annually Discharge to existing back -up RIB's: no more Complies - City discharges < 30% of effluent than 30% of the total annual wastewater to its RIBS annually treatment plant flow and must meet the Reuse irrigation systems limitation (below) Reuse irrigation systems: annual - average total Complies - 2009 annual average total nitrogen nitrogen not to exceed 10 mg /L < 3.0 mg /L Class A & B residuals for land application are Complies - Residuals currently hauled offsite, prohibited outside of Wekiva protection area 2 -7 CD REISS EflGINEERII'dG' 3.0 FUTURE CONDITIONS 3.1 Service Area The City's current wastewater service area boundary is relatively stable and not expected to change significantly in the future. However, there are large developable properties within the service area that are expected to develop in the planning horizon. As the planning horizon for this Plan is 5 to 10- years, the service area map indicating properties expected to be served in the 10 -year future is shown in Figure 3 -1. The 10 -year service area includes the existing served areas and planned developments within the service area boundary that are likely to develop and be extended central wastewater service over the next 10 years. 3.2 Flow Projections Wastewater flow to the City's WWTF was projected using historical data and long term linear growth trends as shown in Figure 3 -2. As shown in Figure 3 -2, annual average daily flows to the WWTF are expected to increase from 1.6 to 2.1 million gallon per day over the next ten years. The projected flow was used to estimate available reclaimed water supply and time WWTF capacity improvements. To size future wastewater collection and transmission infrastructure, however, buildout flows were utilized to ensure at least 50 -year service life. Buildout flows were estimated using the latest development and land use information for the future served properties of the City wastewater service area. Land use was identified from City maps and verified with City planners. Unit flow generation factors were developed on an equivalent residential units (ERU) basis and compared to existing, actual ERU unit flows. Future buildout flows were estimated based on the land use, developer information gathered and the recommended unit flow generation factors. Future buildout flows were then allocated into the wastewater hydraulic models using lift station areas. Lift station areas define the sub -area served by a lift station's gravity system. The resulting flow projections were a combination of development- specific information and land use estimations. City standard flow generation factors, per equivalent residential unit (ERU), were used for the development- specific areas where developers had applied or provided project information. The unit average annual flow (AAF) generation factor was based on 173 gallons per day (gpd) per ERU of actual wastewater flow and translates to 54 gpd per capita at 3.2 people per ERU. Future land use area estimations for other vacant land or potential redevelopment areas were based on the City's standard unit flow generation factors. The resulting projected City of Ocoee buildout served wastewater AADF is 4.0 million gallons per day (million gallons per day). A system peaking factor of 2.5 times the AADF was used to size future collection and transmission infrastructure. 3-1 AliD. REISS EhIGWlEERIPiG �+ � rT�c _ • , . . , ." . I 1 1 . 11. , z � ,.. ., - - ;j._i j / / j, 1 j , t , D A. 0 d/ a 1 // '4 { I , _._.` ..... . 0 STp , /' A ,. 1 . _ i / . „_ in i • , ;.. .: -:, . • • : 0 I P. ' / 1// • r •.- 7. pi...: r i j� i / %,�I ` I R"ERSr,;RaD , II i Mfg. ` t :-Al 1 T »I / i .�tloi % /�• ( ESI lER57A�FD ES�11Er75JARrtO, • tom % /f gl F : '.:� I IY FRAIRTIt T / 9 s,, e yT I �. t 1 ..... _ t L i J/ lvuceEYST . r a 3 ,, #X' , .'s tJt 1 ; ; '' T ! R i• 1 1 1 y • its • I F I , • •,, j m , i •_ _ • -J 1 i ..j •• .List I _j� %�I - -1 _ Ej I RlIE ' Aa I ST ORYPD _ _ I t- ' .VA S F" - .� / /�' B L _ I.. / . t 'os LIMA E STORY RD •, R 1.. —. GIEGEflE '•7% 1 {� /_ _ L ,g,'2 ee � • `r/ i ue Arr. •ioi:• _" 1 i T 1 OP RC3 ._ 4$ S I ��j�rr !r , I ,_ OAD I I,E .. EAST WEST EI RSRAIL FAFL15 RD SIO fi - •.' !•-•:,-• .:' 4 -'4, f v! t f i 1 r gV ^4 1 - .7 1 _ . . _ +r W j , , ' i , I 1 1 1 � " FSTA rEOFFFR 3 i . / t ti. • u 1 PRA RD _ GOTRA RD ,fJ N LEGEND Active Onsile Sewage Sites W E • Existing Sewer Customers &Service Area - Water Features s p Future Sewer Area 0 1,800 3,600 O Existing Sewer Area n i - - - Roadways Feet / CITY OF OCOEE R WASTEWATER FACILITY PLAIT FIGURE 3 -1 \\ 10 YEAR C ITY WASTEWATER SERVICE AREA G. Og1515744_0cua•DOF`wWFP Fulum_Sepecianks I.:apt W Ocoee WWTF Wastewater Flow 5 — — - ..............._� 4 AA it A, E ♦ Historical 1 2010 Projection --° Permitted Capacity Buiidout 2000 2005 2010 Year 2015 2020 2025 Figure 3 -2. City of Ocoee Wastewater Flow Projections 3.3 Wastewater Collection and Transmission System In conjunction with City Utilities staff, alternatives were developed to provide wastewater service to the undeveloped areas in western Ocoee and minimize future onsite wastewater disposal systems. Alternatives included locations of master lift stations, gravity collectors, force main routes, etc. The hydraulic model was updated with the proposed alternatives infrastructure scenarios. Hydraulic modeling was performed with the revised and updated models to size future required infrastructure for each alternative and compared to City hydraulic performance criteria. Workshops were held with City staff to garner input and select an alternative for incorporation into the Facilities Plan. Construction and capital cost estimates were prepared for each alternative. Based on existing force main capacities, it was apparent that an additional force main system was required to handle buildout wastewater flows. The City selected a western force main route to provide this capacity, maximize service to undeveloped areas and provide redundancy for existing facilities. The Ocoee West Force Main System was conceived, located on the Maguire Road, Lakewood Avenue and Wurst Road corridors, as the selected solution. As developed in the 2008 Ocoee West Wastewater Plan, the proposed Ocoee West Transmission System is shown in Section 4. The future flow routing scenario diverts the lift station areas on the west side of the City and the lift station areas south of the Florida's Turnpike northward to the proposed Ocoee West Force Main and Lakewood Master Lift Station. 3-3 CO REISS ENGINEERING IE' 3.4 Elimination of Active On -Site Sewage Sites The Wekiva Act requires the phase -out of existing septic tanks (onsite sewage sites) within the Wekiva Study Area, and the elimination of any new septic tank installations in the future, where centralized sewer service is available (currently or planned) within the City's service area. The responsibility for addressing septic tanks within the WEKIVA STUDY AREA where the City's service is not provided (now, or within the future planning period) falls upon the Florida Department of Health (FDOH). As part of the City's current wastewater plan, including the Ocoee West Transmission System, extension of service to the undeveloped areas will prevent a large number of future onsite sewage sites and eliminate approximately 85 of the 950 active on -site sewage sites in the future. To convert all the active onsite sewage sites would cost on the order of$30,000,000. The impact to Ocoee rate payers would be a 200% plus increase in rates, which is not feasible. Figure 3 -3 shows the estimated existing active on -site sewage sites that would be eliminated under the current City wastewater service expansion plan. 3.5 Wastewater Treatment System Based on the existing 1.8 million gallons per day TMADF and depending on the rate of development in the City, it is not expected that the 3.0 million gallons per day Ocoee WWTF would require expansion in the next 5 to 10 years. However, there is a buildout projected flow of 4 million gallons per day that could occur depending on economic conditions and the rate of development. The City plans on making improvements to the facility as part of the City's CIP program to increase reliability and repair or replace aging structures and equipment. Other than the planned improvements to the facility no further recommendations for additional WWTF activities are proposed as part of this plan. 3-4 CO REISS EMGINEERIIIG l o ru rI 4 i • ..1:7,_ ,, r ,, P , F1. - ��i, • R • F 4294 o /� I jt 4% �, A _ _ _ TOTE r// qJ / l i.G. •' // 1 • i I� j j 1 }` J I Vjr // /y •/ ' I it .'1 7 / / r A ' • 1 \ , : /A(.!/1 - . I. 1 2 . / cry i r / g -----] , ':-. ... .., :,-0 -, l id % / � � rI i � ESRVERSFAO. kSR.NER no I ,, . i ' I lVF'Mag.S - .' i u h JFLell'I T " 3 '4a w 1.li # $ k t7'!Z'..1 �' J • • • 1 / 1 _. t S ri , a E S DORY R7 STORYRO I __ I 1E.eE 57 L j _.._ j � :—,_ - OALR 1 i T 73 CLA P. / �! " �� % E' ! ai coaRAL ( r r r r r--,- i '` � ij �% //, fit /� � „ � ' • _.s __ .. ua i — -. 2 ' , E, I j _. - ' I -,t) , 7 1 1 [1 * �j L /fi / ;� -, o I O - q� � . . s.1 �i 1 1 O , EAST WEST E[ r S 4. "?SHl, LL FA R CS MA sIti i',(0' . j � • //3 , j 1 ut i I !f ?0' - ? r v s”' , tt t , / 1 7, I F c C .. • �� SIATEOFFF.A .' tir 1 1 I, -' - I . P2 , w TRA RD GOTHARD a° N LEGEND To Remain Active Onsite Sewage Site W E • Future Elimination of Active Onsite Sewage Site Service Area s PIM Water Features IZI Future Server Area 0 1,800 3,600 p Existing Sewer Area 1 Feel -- Roadways it OCOEE I l / ` WASTEWATER WATER FACILITY PLAN FIGURE 3 - 10 YEAR ESTIMATED ONSITE SEWAGE SITE ELIMINATION �_ ..- G: \,gis15744 ocoeeWDFAV WFP_FuRne SepCCTanks_Mapf v4 4.0 RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM FUTURE CONDITIONS To conserve the regions potable water supply the City provides reclaimed water for irrigation to its customers in the service area. As such, reclaimed water for public access reuse must meet the public access standards, including an annual average nitrogen concentration of no greater than 10 mg/L total nitrogen. Because of the City's reclaimed water program expansion, in recent years the City has discharged less than 30% of the total annual wastewater treatment plant flows to the RIBs as previously discussed. Therefore, the City needs only to meet the 10 mg/L total nitrogen levels for all wastewater discharges per FDEP regulations. The expansion of the City's reclaimed distribution system has significantly decreased flows to mass disposal areas, such as the Forest Lake Golf Course and RIBs, Winter Garden RIBS, and on -site percolation ponds. The City has also met and exceeded the limitations with an average nitrogen discharge of 3.0 mg /L total nitrogen. The City's current plans include expansion of reuse service to residential users in the Central and South service areas. The proposed 5 -year and 10 -year reclaimed water expansion plan is developed and discussed in the City of Ocoee 2010 Reclaimed Water Feasibility Update (Reiss Engineering, April 2010) and also summarized in the City's 10 -Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan (SMW GeoSciences, May 2010). 4 -1 CO REISS EIJ GINEERIMG 5.0 INFRASTRUCTURE WORK PLAN 5.1 Wastewater Facility Plan Based on the City of Ocoee's current plan to cost efficiently serve its customer base and minimize the proliferation of future septic tanks, the five -year and long range (five to ten -year) Wastewater Facility Plan is presented in Figure 5 -1. The plan is a combination of capacity related projects to serve future growth and provide central sewer to areas that would otherwise build septic tank systems, as well as repair and rehabilitation projects to maintain reliable service. 5.2 Five -Year Plan Projects The specific five -year Wastewater Facility Plan projects were identified with capital cost estimates as shown in Table 5 -1. Capital costs were adjusted for three percent annual inflation. The specific five -year projects presented in the plan are discussed below. 5.2.1 Ocoee West Transmission S;ysten: The Ocoee West Transmission System is a bold initiative undertaken by the City to prepare for the next phase of growth and provide redundancy for Lift Station 7 that pumps almost half of the City's wastewater flow. The Ocoee West transmission consists of roughly 21,000 force main and one master lift station that will serve the south and west portions of the City's service area. The force main extends on Maguire Road from just south of S.R. 50 to the Ocoee WWTF entrance on A.D. Mims Road via Maguire Road, Lakewood Avenue and Wurst Road rights -of- way. The project was divided into four phases to support proper development as follows: Phase I Wurst Road — 7,500 feet of 20 -inch force main on Wurst Road from Lakewood Avenue to the Ocoee WWTF entrance tying into the existing 24 -inch force main discharging to the facility headworks. Phase II Lakewood Avenue — Lakewood Master Lift Station (2,600 gallon per minute buildout capacity) and 7,600 feet of 20 -inch force main from Maguire Road and Franklin Street to Wurst Road and Lakewood Avenue on .Lakewood Avenue and miscellaneous streets. Phase III South Maguire to North Maguire Interconnection - includes the south -to -north crossing of S.R. 50 on Maguire Road with a new force main and miscellaneous connection south of S.R. 50 to facilitate flow re- routing. Phase IV North Maguire Upsizing— 6,000 feet of 16 -inch force main from on Maguire Road from Story Road to Franklin Street. Existing lift stations LS 8, LS 12 and LS26 would be required to be upgraded in Phase 3. 5-1 R.EISS ENGINEERING rl �_ L 1") f �3 ti ! � ° � t E � � II I i T. i r J I,9J �aLlffi9L K i 1 _ _ F 9 ro .� ie e:., - > `\ . i .._ - 1}G 1 l f1 E 7 . {1ti .' ? @i „ ( -1 I } t s L16114F13 I I ,L EI 1 11 t . t% . , t— _ r L !1 1' _ _ t ._! . • I I u nz ' ""1 l L �-<•. '---ft r n, lz l� • i ce .. • ;L ' _, 1 I L1 ill , / : ^. A _._ - - . i , 1 - f Ir r °•'`- - LE- l� I� .;t . t - J -I 1 I � , , .'' 61 1,, _ ,, _1 — _ r � 1 __ - i� � t3 -' tt I j C ./.#-"'( 1 -1 I- o l V � I •• i -.. ∎ � 1 1 I 11 - m ' i t �I LEM ' • I •� L OfF.• r$ F ,If -r t 1 C J t 1 r] 4. r ear —'jr's I :::::_.isuaF .il —IL r - � 'S - 1 I ra ' ., s .� tsl::r F7 , L n J I i i � , } �I r; l .. - ' I -J S � v � .. ,7� E , 1 i Lsn r Lsrr j L -,, , l t- I _ 1 1 .tlf I >, . .-" zoo- r - ®� - ' I @ :. • !i S' ocoea WESI _L a' tsn i t:,_., ; -; - I Transmission J __ I ! r - • iL1I. i __ Phase _I it I I r i 1 - 7 L2U]F - I • i I �'I I , , '� '� _ � , 1 ,L875SF - 1 T = I 1515 _- __ jai I . • : Ocoee LW I,:-4,,,, I n - • I i 11 , Chlorine Contact ' I I I 1 g isle/FL ham6c s ( aa o 1_ ° rL .-,-1-, I 1 ` 1_ Mi l- S a ` s s F Iner sed { ' z I - �J I � - Ili e e 1 F h . , Addition - I J- �.� b . i s t I _.... —.r i -) 4 ! r } j �1 t2 r� 't�i5 0 ' � 1 LtI 5F 1 t kl Ii- p- 1 "1 LL] ---5 LJt I - _ _ �Et srtaao r ELI ER SIMIO i r� -= -f •i 1 in + I E l 1 ._ Wit FN L r t0 J ' . r L 1 s41 1 isi ice% L5501'" . .E st] I F' u .: . I _,, -;. r 1 : = \` '---- ` w i _ _.� ( �rz lc � Irt I �, ' 1 -, t. ((i� LL S] , "FLf 23 i / — 1 — �17 n ] 1'- C� r 11a2j.L� LLiS F] i LL �` LSf, L 0 l Itl I G \ 11 rt r I I B RA , ) 4 L Li , C lu - :- ° T 7- E1 - 1$ , 511 t L'" ,� I I , I LS' LS ] L P - r _ I tin sun. Llo L t J 4 ,4 * o_ _ so +rYi 4I �.� . lr / Rehab f — r o' rY t 4 i' 1- i i r'I I I r I ... ' Ocoee Wes, Kes i ` T Rehab r j l� - } 1 , t KIM{ - iT f 4 s Il r t lr I - � � � Transmission :1 e_ 1 1 12 { 1 LL1 I---4I 4I . .4— Lar' •. 13-a„ - ' JC t f LOS -' y; i t 1 — / k C 4sa4.: I it _ � ists- r J ,� i ',pi- � Lstyl �' F : ; i I 1- s 1 Lf.f Ir } ' „) GL— I t e2 �J s r T � - tj l.-1- _ .. �•� - .I r —y e - ii. Y� - 1-.X 7. ' x ■ -1"---", L F L 11 , LYle LS 11 FLL -- SII , ■ U I I I • 4 �� =. 1-j ;r q �4 i L LSI F — J I ` l l! .. •K_ t -.1 S LL]e �l�l LSII I e a . j .— I M SlARIroAeett L J ,L I [O N % iS ats l t x `xuLF�tv3 KS....._ ] I ` 't]fy - '. I . j— i •,-.. i t CJ 1 A` ] *2224 .. i _. i, r I i li �I� LE . .I . r - 1� i t 1 I Lsa {-�, I f ELl 1 1 I "-' ] 11 I . h l 17 i! { I p ' 1 L k Iri I , , I 1 k': -, 1 - I I I � , � s!(v , is . s I. I f r - '114.mz1' I r 1' ' • 1� '•r % r ,_ l _ __... ._ y - ME r Un - • i • t I! N'T i -1L Slz %.,•7.14L11.--"7-, e _. t 1 l Iri f 1- .? �r !- �J ` 1 10 "- i 1 I 1 a fI , � I � ` ' I < .i F f \ iirewier :'. -, 'i (P.li - 1 / t ,. i tem J AIL ' .. p \ j , r ,� i t 3 . ] i - Isle ` L - I li % il l - l 'c'k `'�f li Ul -1-1-. I #1Lji I { _ -r� 1,,A,- G J I L Y : t ,, K Iw ' 1 1 - 1 �+ .' 1 u,nF tiL it j • t l 1 111 r 1- - P _ ' 9 I : l . zG j i L ' . h } 1 gym` : n 4 ., 1 1 { i 1 _ i S 1- ` 4 - -- l 'IL - e- !r- I .. - '^ �.�: li ,-,- .__ r - m s'k 4_a. \ :..} Ly ��IT q � t1- lt,Ii ' 1L � I�ft* Rp r - . • ' eenWE I _ ' : -- :8�; . • j -1 LEGEND 8 Ocoee WWTF Exrsdng ® W E 5 year Future Q Lift Stations ) 10 year Future Force Main - Developer ResponsEolity S ••• Future Grevily Main r - 1 parcel D 1,L00 7,600 F�csiarp Gravity lda,n � 0 l Water Features 0 Pipe Project Division taJ Service Area Feet Et. © W AT R FACILITY WASTEWATER FACILITY PLAN - FIGURE 5.1 5 • YEAR AND LONG RANGE WASTEWATER FACILITY PLAN G t2gist5747 DeuetlPDFI P- Futurt_Sep6eranls_rlaptW Table 5 -1. City of Ocoee Wastewater 5 -Year Facility Plan 5 -Year (Fiscal Year) Fiscal Year 10 11 12 13 14 Projects Scheduled 11 12 13 14 15 Wastewater Facilities Wastewater Plant Homeland Security 2010 $ 25,000 Improvements Digester Modification (Class C to b) - Hold over from 2010 $ 35,000 2009 Annual Wastewater Plant Minor Repairs and P $ 25,000 $ 26,000 $ 27,040 $ 28,122 $ 29,246 Upgrades Wastewater Facilities Subtotal $ 85,000 $ 26,000 $ 27,040 $ 28,122 $ 29,246 Wastewater Operations Sanitary Sewer Manhole P $ 25,000 $ 26,000 $ 27,040 $ 28,122 $ 29,246 Replacement Program Ocoee West Transmission 2010 $2,000,000 System Ph 1. Wurst Road Ocoee West transmission System Ph II. Lakewood Ave. and Misc. Road 2010 $ 3,000,000 connecting Wurst Road to Maguire including Master Liftstation Ocoee West transmission System Ph Ill. South 2010 $ 350,000 Maguire to North Maguire Interconnection Ocoee West Transmission System Ph IV. North 2010 $ 1 Maguire Upsizing Wastewater Operations Subtotal $ 6,775,000 $ 26,000 $ 27,040 $ 28,122 $ 29,246 Wastewater Totals -- $7,080,816 5.2.2 Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements The Ocoee WWTF is currently operating at 60% capacity and is not in need of capacity improvements. The scheduled five -year improvements include Homeland Security Improvements, Biosolids Stabilization (Digester) Modification and normal annual repair and rehabilitation. The Digester Modifications are necessary to improve the City's biosolids 5-3 =R) REI35 ENGINEEMI -IG stabilization class and reduce and improve disposal costs and options. The City is exploring an offsite sludge incineration disposal method that would eliminate the Digester Modifications project if implemented. 5.2.3 Maguire Road Reclaimed Pumping Facility 1.0 Million Gallon Storage Addition The City's updated Reclaimed Water Feasibility 2010 Update recommended the top priority reclaimed water project as the Maguire Road Reclaimed Pumping Facility 1.0 Million Gallon Storage Addition. This storage tank will allow the City to better utilize its reclaimed water supply to provide more consistent pressure and flow to its reclaimed water customers. The 1.0 million gallon tank will be located on the existing Maguire Road Pump Facility site. 5.2.4 Reclaimed Water Improvements The City has aggressively implemented reclaimed water distribution systems in its service area and is planning to continue this expansion over the next five years. The City is planning roughly $500,000 per year, as financial conditions allow, over the next five years to implement increased reclaimed water storage, transmission and distribution capacities. 5.3 Long Range (5 to 10 -Year) Plan Projects The specific five to ten -year Wastewater Facility Plan projects were identified with capital cost estimates as shown in Table 5 -2. Capital costs were adjusted for three to four percent annual inflation. The specific long range projects presented in the plan are discussed below. 5.3.1 Wastewater Collection and Transmission The City Utilities Department maintains an asset management prioritization list to schedule lift station and other key infrastructure repair and replacement. The five to ten -year schedule includes rehabilitation of Lift Station 3 and Lift Station 10. 5.3.2 Treatment System Improvements The Chlorine Contact Chamber Addition and the Sand Filter Bed Addition are scheduled improvements to the Ocoee WWTF in the five to ten -year planning horizon. The projects are required to provide service and redundancy improvements to the disinfection and filtration systems. 5.3.3 Reclaimed Wafer Improvements Five to ten -year reclaimed water improvements were prioritized and scheduled in the Reclaimed Water Feasibility 2010 Update (Reiss Engineering, April 2010). The proposed improvements recommended the most cost effective potable water offsets for the City. The City is planning additional reclaimed water projects in the 5 -10 year horizon, depending on financial conditions, that would increase reclaimed water storage, transmission and distribution capacities. 5-4 Clik REISS ENGINEERING Table 5 -2. City of Ocoee Wastewater Long Range (5 to 10 -Year) Facility Plan 5 to 10 -Year (Fiscal Year) Fiscal Year 15 16 17 18 20 Projects Scheduled 16 17 18 19 21 Wastewater Facilities Chlorine Contact chamber 2017 $ 325,820 Addition Sand filter bed Addition 2017 $ 390,984 Annual Wastewater Plant Minor Repairs and P $ 30,416 $ 31,633 $ 32,582 $ 33,559 $ 34,566 Upgrades Wastewater Facilities Subtotal $ 30,416 $ 31,633 $ 749,385 $ 33,559 $ 34,566 Wastewater Operations Sanitary Sewer Manhole P $ 30,416 $ 31,633 $ 32,582 $ 33,559 $ 34,566 Replacement Program Liftstation #3 Reconstruction and 2015 $ 231,164 Relocation Liftstation #10 Reconstruction and 2016 $ 240,411 Relocation Wastewater Operations Subtotal $ 261,580 $ 272,044 $ 32,582 $ 33,559 $ 34,566 Wastewater Totals -- $1,513,892 5 -5 ttp REISS Ell GWJ ERIt'IG 6.0 SUMMARY This section contains conclusions and recommendations of the 2010 . Wastewater Facility Plan for the City of Ocoee. 6.1 Conclusions Based on an engineering evaluation of the City of Ocoee's existing and future wastewater service conditions, including previously completed planning efforts, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Based on a review of Wekiva Act requirements versus historical City wastewater treatment and effluent disposal performance, the City complies with the Act as summarized in Table 6 -1. 2. To maximize central sewer service to significant undeveloped areas in the western portion of the City's wastewater service area and address future localized capacity issues the City is undertaking a major wastewater transmission and pumping project within 5 years. The Ocoee West Transmission System will minimize future onsite treatment and disposal systems and significantly increase the City's wastewater transmission system to meet long range capacity needs. Table 6 -1. Summary of Current Wekiva Act Compliance Wekiva Act Requirement Current Compliance Status No new Rapid Infiltration Basins (RIB's) Complies - No new RIBs required, City is allowed expanding public access reuse and has adequate backup disposal capacity Discharge to existing RIB's: annual- average Not applicable - City discharges < 3 mg /L of total nitrogen not to exceed 3 mg/L total nitrogen annually Discharge to existing back -up RIB's: no more Complies - City discharges < 30% of effluent than 30% of the total annual wastewater to its RIBs annually treatment plant flow and must meet the Reuse irrigation systems limitation (below) Reuse irrigation systems: annual - average total Complies - 2009 annual average total nitrogen nitrogen not to exceed 10 mg /L < 3.0 mg/L Class A & B residuals for land application are Complies - Residuals currently hauled offsite, prohibited outside of Wekiva protection area 6 -1 CD REISS ENGINEERING 6.2 Recommendations Based on the conclusions of this facilities plan the following recommendations are provided regarding implementation of the Ocoee Wastewater Facility Plan: 1. Consider adding the following amendments to the Objectives & Policies Subsection of the Sanitary Sewer Sub- Element Goals: a. POLICY 2.3.2 The City of Ocoee Wastewater Facility Plan, prepared for the Wekiva Parkway and Protection Act is hereby adopted and incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan and is on file in the Planning Department. b. POLICY 2.3.3 The City will utilize the Wastewater Facility Plan as the basis for prioritizing the Capital Improvement Program to provide central wastewater service to properties within the City wastewater service area to minimize on -site wastewater treatment and disposal systems. 2. Consider amending the Objectives & Policies Subsection of the Sanitary Sewer Sub - Element Goals Policy 2.1.4 to define the term "available" in accordance with Section 381.0065 (2), Florida Statutes. 3. Coordinate Wekiva Act compliance for wastewater, reclaimed water, and on -site systems phase -out with other City Department efforts including Planning, Stormwater, Legal, etc., such that requirements are fulfilled and efforts are not duplicated. 4. Continue implementation of the proposed Wastewater Facility Plan. 5. Initiate discussions with the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) and the Orange County Health Department (OCHD) regarding the Wastewater Facility Plan as it relates to the Wekiva Act Compliance. 6. Investigate listed active onsite sewage sites adjacent to existing City central sewer facilities for the potential for connection and abandonment. 7. Coordinate all Wekiva efforts through the Planning Department and include the City Public Works Department and Attorney's Office to ensure proper legal application and promote complete compliance. 6 -2 co ENGII EERIN EXHIBIT `B" (Amendments to the Sanitary Sewer Sub - Element of the Infrastructure Element) Sanitary Sewer Policy 2.1.4 The City of Ocoee shall allow the use of septic tanks for development only in areas of suitable soils and when central wastewater services are not available. Where there are marginal soils, the City may allow the use of septic tanks based on detailed soil and site analysis so that ground or surface waters will not be polluted. Specific septic tank criteria shall be governed by the City of Ocoee Subdivision Regulations or supplemental guidelines adopted under the proposed Land Development Code, as well as the requirements established in Chapter 64E -6 of the Florida Administrative Code. "Available," as applied to wastewater services, means that the wastewater services are capable of being connected to the plumbing of an establishment or residence, are not under a Department of Environmental Protection moratorium, and have adequate permitted capacity to accept the sewage to be generated by the establishment or residence. Sanitary Sewer Policy 2.3.2 The City of Ocoee Wastewater Facility Plan dated June 2010 prepared by Reiss Engineering, Inc. and adopted on pursuant to the Wekiva Parkway and Protection Act, is hereby adopted and incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan and is on file in the Planning Department. Sanitary Sewer Policy 2.3.3 The City will utilize the Wastewater Facility Plan as the basis for prioritizing the Capital Improvement Program to provide central wastewater service to properties within the City wastewater service area to minimize on -site wastewater treatment and disposal systems. ORLA_1740761.2 -5- EXHIBIT "C" (Amendments to Intergovernmental Coordination Element) Intergovernmental Coordination Policy 2.6 The City will coordinate with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Florida Department of Health and the Orange County Department of Health regarding the Wastewater Facility Plan as it relates to Wekiva Act compliance. ORLA_1740761.2 -6-