HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17-01 Minutes
I, DANNY HOWELL, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support,
protect, and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States
and the State of Florida; that I am duly qualified to hold office under the
Constitution of the state; and that I will well and faithfully perform the duties
of the office of Commissioner of the City of Ocoee on which I am now about to
enter. So help me God.
Danny Howell
SWORN and Subscribed before me this
17th day of April 2001.
APRIL 17, 2001
At 7:00 P.M. City Clerk Grafton administered the oath of office to Danny Howell,
District 1 Commissioner, while his son, Austin, held the Bible.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7: 18 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers. Commissioner Parker led in prayer and Ed Campanero led in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
West Orange High School Drama Club - excerpts from South Pacific
Scott Graham, as the spokesperson for these students, announced the presentation of South
Pacific at West Orange High School May 3,4,5 at 8:00 p.m. and May 6 at 2:30 p.m.,
directed by Ms. Sara Rush. Mr. Graham introduced each soloist in turn: Elizabeth Shepard
sang "Happy Talk," Gabe Preisser sang "Some Enchanted Evening," and Julie Miller sang
"I'm In Love With A Wonderful Guy," accompanied by Mr. Pee.
Years of Service Awards:
Mayor Vandergrift presented the following years of service awards and each recipient's
department director in turn expressed appreciation for the devotion and commitment shown by
the employee.
5 Years - Jerry Lewis
20 Years - John Cockrell
25 Years - Robert "Wayne" Vaughn
Certificates of Good Citizenship for students who cleaned up lot in Prairie Lakes
Subdivision - Anthony Reed, Jasmine Reed, Lindsey Brennan, Kayla Ward, Erika Ward,
Nicholas.... (Commissioner Parker)
Commissioner Parker presented Good Citizenship awards to the very young people (ages 3,
5, 7, 8, and 10 years) listed above because they saw a need and volunteered to take care of it,
picking up nine 30 gallon garbage bags full of litter to clean up the lot.
OGTV Programming Update - (Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, TV
Operations Manager Prihoda)
Community Relations/Projects Director Shira reported on the status of the liye
programming, asked for input from officials and public, and TV Operations Manager
Prihoda was present to answer questions. Mayor Vandergrift asked that a program for
people to talk to their elected officials be implemented. There was discussion regarding
budgeting for music. Mrs. Shira thanked Mr. Prihoda, the Public Works Department, Mr.
Music, Mr. Hornsby and their crew for completing the TV room so quickly. Mrs. Shira
announced the department's e-mail address:OGTV@cLocoee.fl.us.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 17, 2001
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, and D. Commissioner Anderson asked
Public Works Director Smith to clarify item C. After Mr. Smith finished his statements,
Mr. R. P. Mohnacky asked about recycling, and l\:fr. Smith reported the tonnage collected
each month for recycling, stating it was not a money-making project but rather a landfill saving
project required by state law.
Mayor Vandergrift asked Mr. Smith to provide a comparison chart showing the amount of
garbage/recyclables collected each year. Acting City Manager Gleason pointed out there were
neighborhoods coming online soon that are not in the city's water/sewer service area and a
method for billing them for garbage service still must be worked out. Without objection
Mayor Vandergrift proposed having a study done regarding putting the garbage bill on the tax
bill instead of the water bill. Mr. Smith said Mr. Rosenthal's office was already working on
it. Mayor Vandergrift pulled item D for discussion.
Mavor Vandergrift. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve items A. B.
and C of the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of Commission Regular Session of
April 3, 2001 and Canvassing Board Meeting of April 11, 2001. (City Clerk
B. Approval and Authorization to Grant Special Permit for Road Closing of
Oakland Avenue from Bluford Avenue to Lakewood Avenue for Historical
Society Arts & Crafts Festival. (Building/Zoning Official Velie)
. Staff recommends approval with the following requirements: 1) All residents that will be
affected by the road blockage must be notified in advance; 2) Health Central Ambulance must be
notified of the road closure in advance: and 3) Roads must be blocked with proper barricades.
C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Interlocal
Agreement with Orange County for the Use of the County Solid Waste
Management System. (Public Works Director Smith)
. This Agreement establishes a contract under which the City will deliver all household
garbage to County designated transfer stations for further disposal by the County, and will run
for ten (10) years.
Mayor Vandergrift said he had a report that Silver Star Road goes through the
property in the Silver Ark Replat. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira advised this
was not so.
Mavor Vandererift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve item
D of the Consent Agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 17, 2001
D. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Silver
Ark - Replat. (Engineer Gavrilovic)
· Silver Crossings is a commercial site located at the northellst corner of Clarke Road and
Silver Star Road. This replat separates out the existing Lot 1 into 2 lots. This additional lot is
located in the southeast corner of the property and is called Lot 2. All required documentation
pertaining to the platting has been reviewed and approved by City Staff. Both a Performance
Bond and a Maintenance Bond have been posted to guarantee the workmanship of the
Non-Agenda Item
Mayor Vandergrift read a proclamation proclaiming the month of May Ocoee Christian
Church month in the City of Ocoee.
There were no citizen comments at this time.
Commissioner Howell thanked citizens for their support in the election and thanked his
campaign workers for their efforts.
Commissioner Parker announced the Arts and Crafts Show at the Withers-Maguire House on
Saturday, April 28.
PUBLIC HEARINGS: Both of these have been rescheduledfor May 1, 200l.
Request for Variance Case No. 0IVR-2001:Satchell- CANCELLED
Request for Variance Case No. 03VR02001:Smith - CANCELLED
This item was taken out of agenda order:
Selection of Master Planning and Engineering Consultant for Development of the Coke
Property. (Planning Director Wagner)
Planning Director Wagner gave the staff report, pointing out there were four responses to the
RFQ for the development of the Coke Property. All four were interviewed by the Selection
Committee and were ranked with Vanasse, Hangen, Brustlin, Inc.lCanin Associates number
one in the ranking.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to aDProve the
Selection Committee's selection of Vanasse. Hangen. Brustlin. Inc.. and to direct Staffto enter
into contract negotiations for Master Planning and Engineering Services for development of the
Coke Property. Motion carried 5-0.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 17 , 2001
Founders' Day Entertainment and Fireworks. (Community Relations/Projects Director
Community Relations/Projects Director Shira asked for authorization for Staff to enter into
contract negotiations for the entertainment (not-to-exceed $20,000) and fireworks (not-to-
exceed $15,000 with Zambelli Internationale) for Founders' Day and authorization for the
Mayor and City Clerk to execute the resulting contracts.
Mavor Vanden!rift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve the staff
recommendation to allow staffto offer. negotiate. and book the headline talent for this year's
Founders' Day in an amount not-to-exceed $20.000 of City funds. to negotiate and book the
fireworks for the event at a cost not-to-exceed $15.000. and authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute the referenced agreements without the need for the specific agreements to
come back before the City Commission. Motion carried 5-0.
MVP Neighborhood Grant Program Recommendations. (Community Relations/Projects
Director Shira)
Community Relations/Projects Director Shira said this program has grown in popularity and
there were eleven applicants this year. She said she regretted not having enough funds to
accommodate all of the applicants as she presented the top eight applicants and recommended
them for full funding at $2,500 each: Windermere Groves, Ocoee Elementary, Johio Bay,
Silver Bend, Reflections, Waterside, Sleepy Harbour, and Lake Olympia Club.
Mavor Vanden!rift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve staff
recommendation to fully fund at $2.500 each Windermere Groves. Ocoee Elementary. Johio
Bav. Silver Bend. Reflections. Waterside. Sleepy Harbour. and Lake Olympia Club. And
further to put the remainder of the applicants (Lake Olympia. Cross Creek. and Wesmere) on a
priority list and as funds become available fund them this year. and if not. place them on a
priority list for next year to be funded first. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was
away from the dais.
Mrs. Renne Leatto, 11011 Groveshire Court, as the preparer of the grant for Windermere
Groves, stated objections to placing an organization that had not done its homework at the top
of next year's list.
Mr. Spencer Solomon, 534 Gold Moss Loop, Cross Creek, addressed the amount of effort
and money the grants generate for the community.
Mr. Lance Schnacky, 1236 Hawthorne Cove Drive, Lake Olympia Village, said they would
settle for less, if necessary.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 17, 2001
Mrs. Shira asked the winners to attend the May 1 meeting to receive their checks, and she
asked for authorization to continue to work with those who were not ranked among the
Commissioner Johnson suggested awarding a lesser amount to those.
Without objection, Mr. Gleason was directed to look for more money and see if all could be
Maguire Road Widening Project - Change Order Number 2 with Ryan, Inc. Eastern.
(City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira)
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira gave the staff report, saying this Change Order #2
covers eleven different items, ten of which are additional project costs, and one of which is a
credit, with a total increase in expenditure of $48,577.64.
Mavor Vanderl!rift. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve the Change
Order #2 for Rvan. Inc. Eastern as presented. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was
away from the dais.
RECESS 8:47 - 9:00 P.M.
Agreement with Conserve II for the Delivery and Use of Reclaimed Water. (City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira)
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira gave the staff report, saying this agreement covers the
delivery of reclaimed water by Orlando and Orange County acting as Conserv II, to the City of
Ocoee. The Maguire Road widening project includes construction of a reclaimed water main
along Maguire Road that is to be connected to the Conserv II main.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve the
agreement and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Water Conserv II Agreement
for the delivery and use of reclaimed water. Motion carried 5-0.
Elect Mayor pro tern and Consider City Commission Board/Committee Responsibilities.
(City Clerk Grafton)
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to appoint
Commissioner Anderson to serve as Mayor pro tern. Motion carried 5-0.
Board/Committee Responsibilities:
Referring to a list provided showing the current responsibilities, Mayor Vandergrift said the
East Central Florida Regional Planning Council no longer exists, so he is no longer
representing the City in that capacity.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 17, 2001
Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to appoint
Commissioner Johnson to represent the City on the West Orange Chamber of Commerce
Board of Directors. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to appoint
Commissioner Parker to serve as Ex Officio Member of CACOPD. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to appoint
Commissioner Howell to serve as Ex-Officio Member to the Education Commission. Motion
carried 5-0.
Without objection Commission agreed that the remainder of its responsibilities would remain
the same: Commissioner Anderson - Ex-Officio Member of Parks & Recreation Board
Commissioner Howell - Member of Personnel Board
Commissioner Parker - Member of Educational Incentive Committee
Commissioner Johnson - Member Innovative Idea Committee
Commissioner Anderson - Representative to West Orange Health Alliance
After a lengthy discussion regarding the City's involvement with the West Orange Airport
Authority, Commissioner Johnson made it clear he was opposed to remaining a part of the
Mavor Vanden!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to retain Harold Maguire
as the City's Representative on the West Orange Airport Authority. Motion carried 4-1 with
Commissioner Johnson voting no.
Set Meeting Dates. (City Clerk Grafton)
Special Session - City Manager Selection (Human Resources Director Psaledakis)
Commissioner Johnson stated he thought the Special Session tentatively scheduled for
Thursday, April 19, could be best used to work out the details of a contract with Acting City
Manager Gleason, as he had reviewed all of the resumes and had found none he felt could do a
better job than Mr. Gleason.
Commissioner Anderson made positive remarks about the last three months with the City
under the guidance of Mr. Gleason and said he was a true leader.
Commissioner Parker also spoke in favor of hiring Mr. Gleason.
Commissioner Howell said he had looked at all of the resumes and had not found any that
impressed him.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 17, 2001
Commissioner Johnson said the City could never have made it to where it is without Ellis
Shapiro and he wanted to keep someone who knows the town and the people.
City Attorney Rosenthal suggested using Mr. Shapiro's base employment agreement and he
could identify issues that need discussion at that meeting.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to schedule a special
meeting of the City Commission at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, April 19. 2001. to meet with Acting
City Manager Jim Gleason to discuss the terms and conditions of an employment agreement for
employment as city manager and to take such actions as may be appropriate at that meeting.
Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Vandergrift voting no.
Mayor Vandergrift read an e-mail message from a concerned citizen regarding the resumes
being ignored. Commissioner Howell said he had personally called 10 of the applicants by
telephone and still felt Mr. Gleason was the best man for the job.
Non-Agenda Item
Insurance Coverage for Ellis Shapiro
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to Day Ellis Shapiro's
insurance to the end of the fiscal year. Motion carried 5-0.
Work Session - CIP (Finance Director Horton)
Without objection the Work Session to review the CIP was set for May 3,2001, at 7:00 p.m.
Appointments to Boards. (City Clerk Grafton)
Planning and Zoning Commission - Milton West
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to reapDoint Milton
West for a term ending February 2002. Motion carried 5-0.
Code Enforcement Board - Bill Henderson
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to reappoint Bill
Henderson for a term ending September 2001. Motion carried 5-0.
Education Commission - to Complete Jenny Wilsen's Term Ending August 2002
Commissioner HowelL seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to appoint Susan
Miller to complete Jenny Wilsen's term which ends August 2002. Motion carried 5-0.
Discussion/Action re: Volunteer Boards/Commissions. (Acting City Manager Gleason)
Review of Resolution No. 98-07, establishing the Education Commission.
Acting City Manager Gleason said this item was on the agenda to give an opportunity to
make other suggestions to amending Resolution No. 98-07 besides the change requested by
Mayor Vandergrift at the April 17 meeting to change the word shall to may in section 5.e.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 17, 2001
Commissioner Parker asked what schools are not represented and the City Clerk was asked to
provide that information.
Mavor Vanden!:rift, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moyed to change Section 5.e to
read as follows: Each public school within the City of Ocoee shall may haye at least one
reoresentative member. Motion carried 5-0.
Policy Concerning Continued Absences from Board Meetings.
Acting City Manager Gleason discussed the different absentee policies for the volunteer
boards and asked for direction for the City Attorney to write up a general policy which would
serve for all the boards. He pointed out the City Charter addresses absences from the City
Commission meetings by providing that absences from four consecutive meetings shall vacate
the seat of the member absent, unless the absence is excused by the City Commission by
resolution setting forth the fact of such excuse duly entered in the minutes.
Commissioner Anderson said he would prefer to measure the absences in months rather than
meetings and go with two cycles or two months. City Attorney Rosenthal asked if
Commission wished for all boards to be treated uniformly and if the vacation of the position
would be automatic. Commission agreed that boards that meet as needed may need a different
treatment, but that the vacation would be automatic. Mr. Rosenthal will prepare a draft
ordinance for review.
Each official in turn congratulated Commissioner Howell for his win in the election.
Commissioner Parker said Mr. Gleason is checking on getting a car to drive seniors to their
card game meetings and she will find out the results Wednesday when she checks her e-mail.
Commissioner Johnson
1) Suggested sending an application/directions on how to run for city office to the address on
Perce Street.
2) Said he wants the City to send letters to the downtown owners and set up a committee of
volunteers to revitalize downtown. He is setting up a golf tournament in June to raise
Commissioner Anderson
1) Discussed the 5th grade essays presented at the Ocoee Woman's Club at noon today and
asked that they be put on the agenda for May 1.
2) Congratulated City Manager Gleason.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
April 17, 2001
Commissioner Howell
1) Asked that a trash can be placed at the bus stop at Burnt Tree and North Lakewood. Mr.
Smith will take care of it.
2) Asked Mr. Smith if a street light that he had reported out to Mr. Smith had been taken care
of. Mr. Smith advised it had been reported to Florida Power.
3) Said he wants the Jamela Street water tower painted and also wants to have it converted to
liquid from gas.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the sidewalk had been forgotten in front of the library on Silver
Star Road. He asked Mrs. Lopez-Anderson, who was in the audience, if she had information
regarding this. She responded that she had not, but that she had a concern about the retention
pond at Citrus Elementary School which was dangerous. City Manager Gleason said he would
check into both issues and report.
The meeting adjourned at 10: 10 p.m.
City of Ocoee
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