HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-19-01 Minutes MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 19, 2001 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7: 16 p.m. in the Commission Chambers located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Commissioner Parker led in the prayer and Commissioner Johnson led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Grafton, Building/Zoning Official Velie, Assistant City Engineer Wheeler, Finance Director Horton, Finance Supervisor Carter, Fire Chief Strosnider, Assistant Fire Chief Firstner, Planning Director Wagner, Police Chief Mark, Recreation Director Nordquist, Boxing Club Coordinator Cristelli, and Special Counsel Cruz-Bustillo. ABSENT: None PRESENT A TIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Years of Service Awards - 10 Years: Police Officer Mark D. Merchant Mayor Vandergrift presented the years of service award to Police Officer Merchant and Chief Mark added his comments of appreciation for Officer Merchant's specific contributions to the success of the department. NON AGENDA ITEMS Commissioner Howell presented a videotape of participants working out in the boxing program and introduced the contestants who went to the Sunshine State Games last weekend. These contestants, in their second time competing, won two first place medals, one second place and one runner-up. Commissioner Howell expressed appreciation to the participants and to the Commission for supporting the program. Commissioner Johnson said he had intended to recognize those who had assisted in the Ellis Shapiro Day, but due to a miscommunication, that would be moved forward to the July 17 meeting. Mayor Vandergrift recognized three former mayors in the audience, Mayor Ison, Mayor Dabbs and Mayor Maguire. Former Mayor Ison advised they are planning a golf tournament in August to benefit Ellis Shapiro. Lakefront and Municipal Complex Master Plan - Spillis Candela Design Team Mr. Richard Foley, representing Spillis Candela Design Team, introduced the Design Team: Skip Downs, lead designer, Ann Stevens, architectural support, Ginger Corless, representing Herbert Halbeck, Inc., the planning and landscape design firm on the project, Xabier Guerricagoitia, representing Vanasse Hangen Brustlin Engineering, who provided civil engineering and infrastructure components for this project. Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting June 19, 2001 Ms. Corless presented the Master Plan for the Lakefront and Municipal Complex, advising this had been created by the Team after meeting with the public at last years Founders' Day and during a design charrette in January, as well as meeting with City staff during the process. No action was requested or taken by the Commission at this time. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. Commissioner Anderson pulled item H for discussion, questioned Assistant City Engineer Wheeler about the difference in the quality of the water in Lake Olympia versus Starke Lake, and said he would prefer to receive input from citizens in the affected area before proceeding with the device to allow water to flow from Starke Lake to Lake Olympia. Mr. Dan Colman, Lake Olympia, addressed the quality of water in the two lakes and said he believed, if polled, the residents of the Lake Olympic area would be opposed. Mavor Vandere:rift. seconded bv Commissioner Parker . moved to authorize the Mayor and Citv Clerk to execute Work Order No. 22 with PEC in the not-to-exceed amount of $13.500. with the provision that thev should proceed with the drainage wells at Starke Lake but not with drilling a hole in one wall and have a public hearing for Lake Olympia residents to voice their opinions. Motion carried 5-0. H. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Work Order #22 to the Master Drainage Plan with PEC re: Starke Lake/Lake Olympia Control Structure Modification. (City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira) · Staff desires to modify the control structure by drilling a hole in one wall so that when Olympia is lower than Starke, water can flow from Starke into Olympia. In order to do this work, the existing SJRWD permit must be modified. This Work Order provides for preparation and submittal of all required ERP documents, plans and calculations for a new SJRWMD Environmental Resources Permit for a fixed fee of $10,000.00, with an additional not-to-exceed amount of $3,500.00 for reimbursable expenses. Mayor Vandergrift, referring to item G., asked Mr. Wheeler to look for more grants. He then noted that during the discussion regarding the A vanti/W est Groves property at an earlier meeting he had asked that the dry lines for reclaimed water be put in and since that meeting he had recalled that Winter Garden's pressure line goes through that property to the Winter Garden spray fields and Ocoee's line is connected to it. Mayor Vandergrift said he felt sure it would be possible to engineer it so residents in that area could use reclaimed water. Assistant City Engineer Wheeler said he would look into it. City Attorney Rosenthal said the public hearing was held for the Preliminary Subdivision Plan and it was approved and under the City Code that was the opportunity for this Page 2 of 14 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting June 19, 2001 Commission to make the requirement for dry lines to be installed. There was further discussion regarding the source, availability and use of reclaimed water and City Manager Gleason said staff would look into it. Commissioner Howell read an e-mail message from an unidentified citizen saying Lake Olympia used to be a public lake where people could fish and boat whenever they wanted. Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to aporove items A. B. C. D. E. F. G and I of the consent agenda. Motion carried 5-0. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of Commission Regular Session of June 5, 2001. (City Clerk Grafton) B. Approval of the Distribution of $668,072.00 of Federal Fiscal Year 2001-02 Anti-Drug Act Funds (Byrne Formula Grant Program) and Authorization for the Mayor to Execute the Letter of Approval to the Office of Criminal Justice Grants. (Police Chief Mark) · An anti-drug abuse grant was received for FY01-02 in the amount of $668.072.00 for county-wide use. This is the second year Ocoee will receive $28,125.00 from such funds for the Police Department's Crime Analyst II position. C. Approval and Authorization to hold a Southeastern Championship Wrestling Event at the Beech Recreation Center on Saturday, August 18, 2001, with Proceeds Going to the Ocoee Boxing Club. (Recreation Director Nordquist) · Staff will take precautions to protect the Mondo flooring, and with the help of volunteers, will supervise the event. The SECW will be responsible for organizing the event, obtaining proper insurance and the cost of any damages to the facility. D. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Work Order No. 23 in the Amount of $35,702.00 to PEC for Design Services of Pioneer Key II Drainage Improvements - Master Drainage Plan. (City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira and Engineer I Lee) · Under an Agreement with the Department of Housing and Community Development the County is paying for the cost of construction, while the City pays for the cost of design services. E. Approval and Authorization for Closing of Mill Stream Road, in Sawmill Subdivision for Block Party. (Building Official Velie) · This event will be held on July 4,2001, from 12 p.m. to 12 a.m. The applicants agree that 1) All residents that will be affected by the road blockage must be notified in advance; 2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road closure in advance; 3) An emergency lane must be maintained at all times; and 4) Roads must be blocked with proper barricades. F. Approval and Authorization for Transfer of Funds from Water/Wastewater Contingency to Wastewater Capital Account and Approval and Authorization for Design and Construction of New Force Main for Service Page 3 of 14 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting June 19, 2001 Area East of West Oaks Mall. (Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director Wheeler) · The estimated cost for the project is $36,000.00: $5,000.00 for design, $1,000.00 for permitting, and $30,000.00 for construction. G. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Cost Share Agreement between the City and the St. Johns River Water Management District re: Reclaimed Water Pumping Facility. (City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira) · A major reclaimed water main along the length of Maguire Road from Roberson to Professional Parkway was included as part of the construction of the Maguire Road widening project. An Agreement with Orange County and City of Orlando provides for supply and use of reclaimed water from the Conserv II system. A re-pump station is needed to assure adequate pressure from that system, and SJRWMD has granted reimbursement of $50,000.00 of the City's construction cost for the facility. H. Pulled for separate consideration (see above) I. Approval and Authorization to Expend Remaining Emergency Management Grant Funds in the Amount of $20,180.00 for the Expansion of the Emergency Radio System. (Assistant Fire Chief Firstner) · The State has approved expenditure of these available funds for the enhancement of the grant project. TRS Wireless was awarded the original bid for $29,260.00 and has provided a quote of $19,545.00 for the addition of 9 mobile radios, 15 portable radios, and a portable Uhf emergency radio kit. The remaining $650.00 will be used for the project. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC There were no citizen comments at this time. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Johnson: 1) Announced a meeting he has called to be held Wednesday, July 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers for citizens in District 3 to discuss the project at the corner of Moore Road and Maguire Road. 2) Reported Ellis Shapiro is able to receive visitors and hoped to be home from Florida Hospital Wednesday. 3) Asked for volunteers for the Downtown Revitalization Committee and said the letters will be going out soon to the residents and business owners in the downtown area. City Manager Gleason advised State Representative Johnson has set a meeting for Tuesday, July 3 sometime between 11 :00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to discuss the state road aspect of this project. Commissioner Howell announced Joey Cristelli was the cameraman at the Sunshine Games. Mayor Vandergrift discussed a letter from MetroPlan requesting a representative for the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). He said he had mentioned this to Rob Page 4 of 14 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting June 19, 2001 McKey and he was willing to serve in this capacity if appointed. Without obiection. Mr. McKey was appointed to serve. Commissioner Anderson announced he had received an e-mail message from a citizen asking when the mosquito control truck would be around. As citizens can make direct contact with that office, the number was posted on Channel 10 when'the meeting recessed. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Second Readings of Ordinances Telecommunications. (Jorge Cruz-Bustillo, Esquire) Ordinance No. 2001-13, Adjusting Telecommunications Tax Rate to Maximum. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance. He then pointed out there were three ordinances which were related, 2001-13, 2001-14, and 2001-15 and any comments made for one would carryover to each separate public hearing. Special Counsel Jorge Cruz-Bustillo, Leibowitz and Associates, briefed Commission on the new legislation regarding telecommunications and advised he had prepared these ordinances for Ocoee and other jurisdictions he represents in accordance with the new laws. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Ken Shipley, Public Affairs Manager with Sprint, 207 Linda Avenue, Kissimmee, said there are still some questions to be answered with regards to wireless providers, abandoned facilities, and about five other issues. He asked that the decision on Ordinance No. 2001-15 be postponed so that he could work with staff to resolve those issues. Mr. Gary Allington, representing BellSouth, read from a prepared statement requesting the decision regarding Ordinance No. 2001-15 be postponed until a full evaluation of the industry's comments has been made. Mr. Cruz-Bustillo responded that he had received letters from both Sprint and BellSouth and had received similar letters from the industry in other jurisdictions he represents. He said they wished to argue over nuances rather than real issues; i.e., (1) Whether this applies to radio or satellite telephones is an issue of the Florida Legislature, not this body. (2) The specific definition f communication services cannot be changed by this body. (3) The local zoning authority is preserved with a specific statement in the ordinance. (4) BellSouth had asked that the Security Bond in the amount of $50,000 be reduced to $25, 000 and the document prepared for signatures has $25,000, as he had intended to change it and it was an oversight on his part in preparing the document which was distributed. (5) BellSouth also questioned having all new facilities underground. That only applies to competitive local exchange companies. Both Sprint and BellSouth are considered incumbent local exchange companies - and are governed Page 5 of 14 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting June 19, 2001 by Florida Public Service Commission. He said he had clarified language at BellSouth's suggestion even though it did not apply to them as it was a good idea. (6) The City must provide a contact person. Mr. Cruz-Bustillo recommended adoption of the Ordinance as presented with the following changes: Section 162-7.D. change the payment from 14 days to 30 days; Section 162-14 change security fund from $50,000 to $25,000, and two places where it said "Public Works Department" to "City," change the word "Resolve" to "Enact," and correct the signature blocks. Both Mr. Shipley and Mr. Allington asked again that the decision be postponed, as the issue regarding as-builts has not yet been resolved or clarified Mr. Cruz-Bustillo said this ordinance has already been adopted by a dozen entities and he recommended leaving in the section regarding as-builts, for the protection it provides in requiring a copy of the as-builts within 60 days after finishing a new facility. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked how he would be taxed. Mayor Vandergrift said he would be taxed only on that portion of the service he uses. Assistant City Engineer Wheeler said the Engineering Department would not be opposed to approval of the ordinances as presented and they could sit down with Sprint and BellSouth after the fact to see if they want to make any changes. The public hearing was closed. City Attorney Rosenthal asked Mr. Cruz-Bustillo if there had been any changes to Ordinance No. 2001-13 as it was presented in the packet, and Mr. Criz-Bustillo said there had not, as the only ordinance with changes was No. 2001-15, providing for Telecommunications Service Rights-of-Way. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt Ordinance No.201-13. adiusting Telecommunications Tax Rate to Maximum as presented. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance No. 2001-14, Adjusting Telecommunications Tax Rate in Lieu of Collecting Permit Fees. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance and said all the comments from the public hearing for Ordinance No. 2001-13 were carried over to the public hearing for this Ordinance as well. Page 6 of 14 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting June 19, 2001 Mr. Cruz-Bustillo explained this Ordinance will provide a tax in lieu of collecting and requiring permit fees at the local level and will compensate the City for what previously was charged at the local level. The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, was closed. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2001-14. adiusting Telecommunications Tax Rate in Lieu of Collecting Permit Fees as presented. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance No. 2001-15, Providing for Telecommunications Service Rights-of-Way. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance and said all comments from the public hearing for Ordinance No. 2001-13 were carried over to this public hearing. He pointed out also in the agenda packets in connection with this Ordinance there is a letter from Mr. Cruz-Bustillo to Jim Gleason dated May 25,2001, which includes the proposed Ordinance No. 2001-15. Subsequent to that, on June 15, Mr. Cruz-Bustillo forwarded to Finance Supervisor Carter a final version of the Ordinance which incorporates the additional changes that were referenced in Mr. Cruz-Bustillo's presentation, as well as the correction of the City of Ocoee signature block forms. Mr. Rosenthal said any motion to adopt should include those changes. Mr. Cruz-Bustillo added he had made changes in a meeting this morning and those were the ones he had specified in his report earlier in this meetng. The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, was closed. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2001-15. providing for Telecommunications Service Right-of-Wav. with the changes stated bv Citv Attorney Rosenthal and Mr. Cruz-Bustillo. Motion carried 5-0. City Attorney Rosenthal pointed out the general repealer clause in the ordinance, and said staff will be looking through the City's Code for any conflicts, so there may be another ordinance coming back to specifically repeal certain provisions of the Code. He noted that would be an opportune time for Sprint or BellSouth to come back with any changes they wish to have considered. Commissioner Johnson asked Mr. Shipley to stop by the corner of Silver Star Road and Bluford Avenue and look at the abomination Sprint put up in the right-of-way area. RECESS 9:35 - 9:50 P.M. Page 7 of 14 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting June 19, 2001 Resolution No. 2001-08, Mercantile Court Right-of-Way Vacation, Case No. V AC-OI-001. (Planning Director Wagner) City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Resolution. Planning Director Wagner gave the staff report, and said, in order to save a large oak tree and still have the appropriate retention pond while widening Maguire Road, the City requires the vacation of the southern 30:t feet of the cul-de-sac portion of public right-of-way on the street known as Mercantile Court and located in the northern portion of Lot 1 Ocoee Commercial Park. He added notices had been sent to all utility providers and City Department Directors and there were no objections to the proposed vacation. Property owners within 300 feet of the road right-of-way were mailed a notification and an ad appeared in the June 7, 2001, Orlando Sentinel. The public hearing was opened. Don Wingate, 670 Kissimmee Avenue, representing McKinlin, Inc. which was the developer of Ocoee Commercial Park and is the owner of the Ocoee Self Storage on Lot 3, asked three questions: (1) In 1990, as part of the Development Agreement for Ocoee Commercial Park, they dedicated a 60 foot right-of-way off Maguire Road and dead-ending at Lot 3, and then constructed Mercantile Court according to the City specifications. Then in 1997, s part of the Development Agreement for Ocoee Self Storage, they granted additional lands from Lot 1 and Lot 2 to accommodate a 60 foot radius right-of-way on the west end of Mercantile Court and to construct a 50 foot paved surface cul-de-sac because the City required it for public safety. What changed? Was the design criteria that required a 60 foot radius right- of-way excessive? Or is it that the needs for the improvement to Maguire Road and the necessary retention pond outweigh the need for public safety? (2) Regarding the right-of-way vacation precedent: Should the final developer of Lot 2 (if he has a development that will not fit within the confines of Lot 2) expect a portion of the right-of-way to be vacated so he can remove the cul-de-sac on the north side so his project will fit? (3) Regarding the right-of-way vacation process: How is it that the public hearing for the vacation is being held now, after the demolition phase of the project has already taken place? The curbs and pavement have been removed . Assistant City Engineer Wheeler said the curbs and pavement that have been removed are a part of a dedicated right-of-way and they had authorized the removal after the purchase of Lot 1 was made. He said they had looked for a way to save the tree (as there are not many trees in that area) and still have the needed retention area for stormwater management. At that time they required the dedication of the cul-de-sac. Page 8 of 14 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting June 19, 2001 Fire Chief Strosnider said in order to save the tree, they had determined they could back the truck out since it was a short distance. Mr. Wingate said he was not objecting to the vacation, but he was frustrated to know that if he had come in as a developer asking for this same consideration, it would never have cleared staff. Mr. Wagner pointed out this widening of Maguire Road was being done as an improvement for the benefit of the public, not a private development. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Howell. seconded by Mayor Vandera:rift. moved to adopt Resolution No. 2001-08. vacating a portion of Mercantile Court right-of-way. as presented. Motion carried 5- Q. OTHER BUSINESS THIS ITEM WAS TAKEN OUT OF AGENDA ORDER Approval of Coke Property Master Planning and Engineering Contract. (Planning Director Wagner) John Martin, Orange County School Board, reported the School Board approved in their meeting tonight their portion of the funding for the Coca Cola Property Master Planning, and they are ready to go as soon as the road and utilities are ready. Planning Director Wagner gave the staff report and said on an expedited planning and engineering schedule they will return before Commission in four months with the basic outlines of the plan and shortly thereafter will begin the process of approvals. He asked for approval of the proposed Scope of Services and Fee Schedule for Master Planning and Engineering Services associated with development of the Coke Property, subject to approval of Orange County Public Schools for their portion of the fees, and further authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract prepared by the City Attorney to effectuate an agreement between the City and Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. to accomplish same. Based on the Scope of Services as outlined, the total professional fees for the entire project are proposed not to exceed $429,850. Of this total Orange County Public Schools will pay $184,275 with the City picking up the remainder estimated at $245,575. Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve the proposed Scope of Services and Fee Schedule for Master Planning and Engineering Services associated with development of the Coke Property. as outlined above. subiect to approval of Orange Countv Public Schools for their portion of the fees. and further authorize the Mayor and City Page 9 of 14 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting June 19, 2001 Clerk to execute a contract prepared by the City Attornev to effectuate an agreement between the City and Vanasse Hangen Brustlin. Inc. Moton-carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was away from the dais City Manager Gleason commended Mr. Wagner for hi~ efforts in the negotiations, as he had shaved off approximately $100,000 in costs. First Reading: Ordinance No. 2001-16, Amending Chapter 168 by Granting Authority to Certain Fire Department Officials to Enforce Certain Parking and Traffic Provisions Related to Fire Safety. (Fire Chief Strosnider) Second Reading and Public Hearing Scheduled for July 17, 2001 at 7:15 p.m. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance and announced the time and date of the second reading and public hearing. Approval and Authorization for Work Order No.2 with Architects Design Group for Design through Building Stage for Fire Station No.1. (Fire Chief Strosnider) Fire Chief Strosnider said the needs study had been completed, and they are in the process of purchasing the land fronting on Bluford Avenue at Orlando Avenue, so he was ready to move forward with the design phase of Fire Station No.1. He said the committee toured several fire stations and surveys have been sent out to all members of the department for input. Mayor Vandergrift asked if the surrounding area could also be serviced when the sewer lift station is put in for the Fire Station. Commissioner Johnson said he wished to be included in any further committee trips to look at facilities and wanted to see a copy of the survey results. He said the committee should be surveyed after their last trip as well. He added he would not vote in favor of a one story building. Commissioner Howell said he was going to Cedar Key to see their new facility and had been promised a copy of the plans. Kevin Ratigan, Architects Design Group, Inc., said this is a request for work authorization to proceed and does not include a floor plan Commissioner Johnson said he wished to be the ex-officio member of the firefighters' committee working on the design of the fire station, so a motion was made, seconded and then withdrawn when Mr. Rosenthal explained such a move would place the entire committee subject to the Sunshine Law. Commissioner Anderson asked about the money that would be spent prior to reaching a decision about one story or two story. Page 10 of 14 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting June 19, 2001 Mr. Ratigan responded the standard fee is generally broken down into schematic design, design development, construction documents, bidding, and finally construction administration of the project. The first phase of the project where the number of stories would be dealt with would be in the first 15 % of the budget, so it would be important for an informed decision to be made early on. Commissioner Johnson said he thought administration should be downstairs and the living quarters upstairs. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to authorize the firm of Architects Design Group. Inc. to oroceed with Service Authorization 99-02-2 and authorize the Mavor and City Clerk to execute all the documents necessarv to consummate the transaction of the Agreement. Motion carried 5-0. Discussion re City Manager/City Commission Responsibilities. (City Manager Gleason) City Manager Gleason directed attention to the copies of the City Charter in the packet. He said there had been a question earlier about employees talking with the elected officials and wanted to clarify he feels the free flow of information is very important. He encouraged the elected officials to call him at any time for information and if there were specific concerns about the daily administrative duties it may be easier to bring it to the dais to give direction. He talked about hypothetically being given conflicting direction by two commissioners, and he said he wants to avoid having 320 employees use the elected officials as their personal agents. He assured all that he wished to follow the wishes of this Commission. Discussion ensued about a retreat, and Mr. Gleason said he would like to arrange a retreat for the elected officials and staff with the first half of the day for the elected officials and then joint for the second half. Mayor Vandergrift said he wants to consider a civil service policy rather than have the City Manager have total control. Amendments to Orange County/City of Ocoee Utility Service Territorial Agreements. (City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira and Engineer I Lee) Assistant City Engineer Wheeler gave the staff report, and said Orange County had rejected the amendments approved in February 15, 2000, because of the surcharge on non-resident customers. Since then a new surcharge amount was introduced to reduce the amount of surcharge from 25 % to 20% and then further reduce it by 1 % per year over five years to 15 %. Mr. Wheeler noted this affects fewer than 50 people. A memo dated January 26,2001, requested an amendment to the Service Area Boundary and introduced the new Ordinance that Page 11 of 14 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting June 19, 2001 stipulated the new surcharge rates; and it was approved February 16, 2001. The three documents following are the relevant documents to that action. Third Amendment to Orange County/City of Ocoee Sewer Service Territorial Agreement. Second Amendment to Orange County/City of Ocoee Water Service Territorial Agreement. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to adopt the Third Amendment to Orange County/City of Ocoee Sewer Service Territorial Agreement and the Second Amendment to Orange County/Citv of Ocoee Water Service Territorial Agreement as presented, authorize the Mavor and Citv Clerk to execute the documents and transmit the documents to Orange Countv for their aooroval and execution. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was away from the dais. First Reading: Ordinance No. 2001-17, Amending Chapter 173 by Enacting a Phased Reduction of the Surcharge Added to Water and Sewer Service Charges for Consumers Outside the City Limits. Second Reading and Public Hearing Scheduled for July 17, 2001 at 7:15 p.m. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance. Commissioner Anderson announced the second reading and public hearing are scheduled for July 17,2001, at 7:15 p.m. Rescinding the Appointment of the Negotiating Team with Respect to Charter Schools. (City Attorney Rosenthal) City Attorney Rosenthal recommended repealing formation of the Negotiation Team with respect to the Charter Schools and basically let that proceed as a staff function, with the understanding that Mayor Vandergrift has a very active interest in this and his role is going to continue. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to rescind the appointments to the negotiation team. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Gleason 1) Said it was time again to appoint a voting delegate for the Florida League of Cities Convention, August 23 - 25. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to aopoint Mayor Vandergrift. Motion carried 5-0. 2) Directed attention to Mayor Vandergrift's documentation for his travel from December 1999 through April 2001 and requested authorization to transfer funds from Contingency to Legislative Travel account to cover this expense. Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to authorize the transfer of $2.687.96 from Contingency account to Legislative Travel account to satisfy Mayor Vandergrift's outstanding exoenses. Motion carried 5-0. Page 12 of 14 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting June 19, 2001 3) West Orange High School Golf Tournament is scheduled for August 3 and will cost $260.00 to enter a team of four. Without obiection. City Manager Gleason was directed to register a team for the City of Ocoee. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Johnson 1) Said the citizens of Winter Garden had complained they could not see the Ocoee Commission meetings on Channel 10. Mayor Vandergrift said they were advised at the outset that a letter from the Winter Garden Commission would be necessary for them to be included in the channel and they failed to take action, as did Windermere and Oakland. He said it would be fine if they wanted to join Ocoee and make it a West Orange Government Channel. Commissioner Anderson said, as we have our own T -1, we could do a streaming video of the commission meetings on our web page, and should look into setting aside funds for that. 2) Announced the dedication of the Sam Oliver Water Plant on Saturday, June 30 at 10 a.m. at the water plant on the east side of Maguire Road, south of the Turnpike, and north of Cross Creek Subdivision. Commissioner Anderson 1) Read an e-mail from a citizen asking when the mosquito control truck would be spraying as mosquitoes are getting bad. City Clerk Grafton advised citizens should call directly to the Orange County Mosquito Control - telephone number 407352-4370 and the number was posted during the meeting after the recess. Commissioner Anderson asked that it be posted on Channel 10 and the City's web page for the continued convenience of the citizens. 2) Read an e-mail complaining about the road surface that was pealed up by Mayor Vandergrift and volunteers during the lake cleanup day and left to be picked up. Mayor Vandergrift responded they had picked up loose parts of surface and he was in hopes this Commission was in favor of using volunteers to replace the brick roads rather than spending a quarter of a million dollars on the project. He thanked all those who took part in the cleanup. 3) Read an e-mail from a citizen asking if the Coke Property was going to be a safe place for a school, as they had read about the bird kill associated with Lake Apopka. Several people at the same time responded this was a different matter having to do with the reclaiming of the lake from an agricultural site. 4) Advised Martha Lopez-Anderson has been appointed to serve on the school reapportionment committee. Commissioner Howell had no comments at this time. Page 13 of 14 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting June 19, 2001 Mayor Vandergrift 1) Thanked the volunteers again for showing up for the lake cleanup, and asked when the lakeside trash from that day was going to be picked up. 2) Said this is the policy making body for the city and there is no policy manual. He said he believes there are policies in effect now that are in conflict with the Charter, and a person should be appointed to put one together. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:25 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee . ,} f!- <- / <: ,.~!/ - > . I / ,-.." ~ ~, S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor ' Page 14 of 14