HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-07-01 Minutes
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. in the Commission Chambers
located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Pastor Jack Andrews led in prayer and Former Mayor Dabbs
led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson, and Parker. Also
present were City Manager Gleason, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Grafton, Building/Zoning
Official Velie, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Assistant City Engineer Wheeler, Community
Relations Director Shira, Assistant Fire Chief Firstner, Public Works Director Smith, and Zoning
Coordinator Harper.
Water Shortage Update. (Assistant City Engineer Wheeler)
Assistant City Engineer Wheeler presented the Water Shortage Update, showing statistics for
rainfall and water pumping from January through July for the years 2000 and 2001.
Proclamation: Ocoee Fire Fighter Appreciation Week - August 24-31,2001
Muscular Dystrophy Association's Appreciation for Firefighters' Boot Drive for MDA
Mayor Vandergrift read the Proclamation and presented it to Fire Chief Firstner and
Engineer/Paramedic Joe Moy.
Community Relations/Projects Director Shira reported on the status of the Founders Day plans
and reviewed the directions given at the February 6, 2001, Commission Meeting; i.e., have the
committee decide on the entertainment, not authorize the sale of alcoholic beverages, reduce city
employee overtime pay, keep it free to the public, and increase vendor fees. She distributed a report
comparing the cost for last year's festival with this year's projected cost, and said in order to reduce
the employee overtime pay it would be necessary to have many more volunteers. Ms. Shira said
the committee meets twice monthly now and sub-committees are also active.
Mayor Vandergrift noted there is a movement afoot for an Ocoee School All-Classes reunion that
day and some of those may volunteer if/when they learn of the need. He said the Sweet Adelines
will be singing.
Commissioner Howell said he had received complaints about the increase in the vendor fee from
$85 to $250 and expressed concern for the smaller vendors.
Without objection, Mayor Vandergrift said to try it this way this year and see how it goes.
Commissioner Johnson asked that a list of the sponsorships be provided.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 7, 2001
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, G~ H, and I. Mayor Vandergrift
announced staff had pulled item G-Final Plat of Geneva Manor. Commissioner Anderson pulled
item C-Change Order No. 4 with Groundtek', for separate consideration.
Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve items A. B. D.
E. F. H. and I of the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of Commission Regular Meetings of June
19, 2001, July 17, 2001, and Pre-Budget Work Session of June 13, 2001. Also
Minutes of the Westridge PUD Community Meeting held July 18, 2001. (City
Clerk Grafton)
B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order
No.3 to the Agreement for Lawn Maintenance with Groundtek to Add the
Retention Pond at the New Vehicle and Material Storage Building. (City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira)
.! Groundtek quoted $270 per month to add this site to the existing agreement. Funding will be from
the wastewater contractual services account.
C. Pulled for separate consideration - See below.
D. Approval and Authorization to Transfer Funds in the Amount of $3,882.29 in
Public Works Accounts from 001-519-00-5320 Small Equipment to 001-519-00-
6400 Capital Equipment in Order to Purchase a Portable Air Conditioner.
(Public Works Director Smith)
. There are three estimates provided for portable units with Grainger's 13,000 BTU being the choice
at $3,882.29.
E. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Addendum No.
01-3 to PEC's Contract in the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $98,321.00 for the
Conserv II Re-Pump Station Design Proposal. (City Engineer/Utilities Director
. This proposal covers preliminary and final design, permit preparation and submittal and bidding
assistance for Conserv II RE-Pump Station Design Proposal.
F. Approval and Authorization to Grant $2,000 to Rotary Club for Purchasing
Children's Bike Helmets and Holding a Bike Safety Event at the Founders' Day
Festival. (Community Relations/Projects Director Shira)
. There are 18 members in this organization. Three of those reside in Ocoee, and six own a
business or work in Ocoee. There is $600 remaining in the Legislative Community Promotions
Account. Approval of this item will authorize transfer of $1,400 from Contingency Account (001-516-
4900)) into Legislative Community Promotions Account (001-511-00-8200).
G. Pulled by Staff.
H. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Final Plat
of Willows on the Lake. (Engineer I Gavrilovic)
. This is an 86 lot single-family subdivision located on the east side of Clarke Road, just north of
Silver Star Road. All required documentation pertaining to the platting of this subdivision has been
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 7,2001
reviewed and approved by City Staff. An Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit performance bond) has
been issued in the amount of $554,595.68 for site improvements that were not completed by March 27,
2001, and most of those items have been constructed to date. An Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit
(maintenance bond) in the amount of $46,517.05 has been posted for a period of two years to guarantee
the workmanship of the improvements that will be maintained by the City.
I. Appointments to Boards. (City Clerk Grafton)
1. Code Enforcement Board - Roy Ellison resigned - term ends June 2003;
Alternate Member Bill Henderson's term ends September 2001.
. Mr. Ellison's resignation was submitted July 24, 2001. It has been this Commission's practice to
move the alternate members according to their seniority into a vacancy created. In keeping with that
practice, Spenser Solomon may be appointed to complete Mr. Ellison's term to June 2003, and Bill
Henderson is willing to be reappointed for a term ending September 2004. There are no applications
on file to present for Mr. Solomon's term which would have ended October 2001.
2. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - 3 openings
. Two citizens have expressed interest in serving on this board. Member Rachel Maxwell declined
reappointment last October. David Brennan (District 4) has submitted an application and may be
appointed to complete her term to October 1, 2002. Joseph Hembree (District 3) is expected to submit
an application prior to the August 7 meeting and may be appointed to complete Member Cristelli's term
ending October 1, 200 1, and an additional term to October 1, 2003. There are no applications on file
to present for Member Lindenauer's term which ends October 1,2001.
3. Police Officers/Fire Fighters' Pension Board - Robert Williams' term ends
September 30, 2001.
. Mr. Robert Williams is willing to serve another term to end September 30, 2003 and approval of
this agenda will reappoint him.
Consent Agenda Item C.
C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order
No.4 to the Agreement for Lawn Maintenance with Groundtek to Add Landscape
Services for the Little League Parking Lot Located at 560 Flewelling Avenue.
(Public Works Director Smith)
. Fiscal Year 00-01 Budget included funds to provide landscape services to the parking lot at this
location. Groundtek quoted $342 per month ($684 to finish this fiscal year) and staff requests approval
to add this to their contract.
Commissioner Anderson asked if the Little League could volunteer to do this mowing.
Public Works Director Smith said this money was already budgeted, but had not been used
because mowing had not been needed due to the drought conditions. He added it was not
likely the Little League would volunteer to mow, since they do not pick up the trash from
their games. Commissioner Parker said that was why she was leaning toward charging a
user fee for the use of the fields.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Howell. moved to approve item C as
presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Consent Agenda Item G.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 7,2001
G. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the Final Plat
of Geneva Manor. (Engineer I Gavrilovic)
. Geneva Manor is located on the south side of Geneva Street, just east of Lakewood Avenue. This
is a short form plat which will divide approximately 1.6 acres into 4 separate lots.
As this item was pulled by staff prior to the meeting, no consideration was given.
Smitty Branch, 428 E. Lakeshore Drive, described the difficulties the Sleepy Harbor Home Owner
Association is experiencing with the lack of owner-participation and asked the City to mandate
participation. City Attorney Rosenthal said currently the City requires an HOA at the development
stage, but has no authority to enforce this on an existing development such as Sleepy Harbor. Several
other suggestions were made, but no action was taken.
Mr. Branch said a person in his neighborhood had offered to match any donation they received for
the HOA and he wished to request more funds through the MVP program. Mayor Vandergrift
suggested he submit the request in writing.
Rosemarie Morganto, 11012 Groveshire Court, addressed the Commission at length about the
conditions during this construction period for the Maguire Road widening project. Commissioner
Johnson said he had already brought her concerns to staff and they were working on the solutions.
Lester Dabbs, 619 Caborca Court, representing the General Employee Pension Board of Trustees,
appealed to the Board to include $21,000 in the budget as the City's contribution toward a $100
supplemental benefit to the retirees. In addition, Mr. Dabbs noted his term on the Pension Board
ends September 30.
Mr. Dabbs reported Ellis Shapiro is scheduled to go back into the hospital and the golf tournament
to benefit Mr. Shapiro already has 84 golfers signed up. He thanked City Manager Gleason and
Commissioner Johnson for their efforts in promoting the tournament.
Commissioner Howell
1) Announced a benefit to help the boxing program to be held August 18 at Jim Beech Recreation
Center with the SCCW professional wrestling, plus four amateur boxing matches.
2) Read a phone message called in from Bob Steen responding to Public Works Director Smith's
remark that the people who use the football fields do not clean up after the games. He said they
were the only recreation group that does.
Mayor Vandergrift
1) Read a message in a New Fab Five Pier newsletter expressing appreciation to the City of Ocoee
for funding pier signage, feeder maintenance and making the pier ADA accessible. He noted the
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 7, 2001
pier is well used and there will be grant money available again this next year. He suggested
someone look into that towards building another pier.
2) Said trash cans are needed at the lake front every two or three hundred feet.
Continued Public Hearings from July 17, 2001
The Vintage at Lake Lotta (Lake Lotta Apartments), Preliminary/Final Site Plans Amendment,
Project No. LS-99-006. (Planning Director Wagner)
Planning Director Wagner gave the staff report, advising on July 17, 2001, this Commission
considered a proposed amendment to the Preliminary/Final Site Plan for the Vintage at Lake Lotta
which makes changes to the approved landscape plan. Staff was directed to meet with the Developer
to resolve outstanding issues related to the revised landscape plan and the item would be discussed
again at the next City Commission meeting. Mr. Wagner said the Developer has submitted another
landscape plan which is consistent with his presentation at the July 17 meeting and the landscaping
on the site will be completed according to that landscape plan.
The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, was closed.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Howell. moved to approve the Vintage at
Lake Lotta Preliminary/Final Site Plan Amendment as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
As Mr. Kimbrell was not yet present, his agenda item was considered later in the meeting.
Second Readings of Ordinances
Ordinance No. 2001-18, Providing a Procedure for Naming Subdivisions and Providing a
Formal Method of Changing the Subdivision Name. (Planning Director Wagner)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance.
The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, was closed.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt Ordinance No.
20ot-18. providing a procedure for naming subdivisions and providing a formal method of changing
the subdivision name. as presented. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Howell was away from the
Ordinance No. 2001-19, Relating to Community Meeting Rooms. (City Attorney Rosenthal)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of the Ordinance.
The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, was closed.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 7, 2001
Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to adoot Ordinance No.
2001-19. relating to community meeting rooms. as presented. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner
Howell was away from the dais.
Mayor Vandergrift left the dais during the first reading of the Ordinances and returned
immediately following.
First Reading of Ordinances. Second Readings and Public Hearings Scheduled for August 21,
2001 at 7:15 p.m.
Ordinance No. 2001-20, Annexation - Center Lake (Case No. AR-2000-11-01). (Senior Planner
Ordinance No. 2001-21, Rezoning - Center Lake (Case No. AR-2000-11-01. (Senior Planner
Ordinance No. 2001-22, Amending the Benefit Amounts and Eligibility Section of the Pension
Plan to Add a 3% Reduction Cap to the Early Retirement Benefit for Police
Officers/Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund. (City Manager Gleason)
Ordinance No. 2001-23, Providing for a 25 Year and Out Retirement Option for Police
Officers/Firefighters Retirement Trust Fund. (City Manager Gleason)
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance Nos. 2001-20, 2001-21, 2001-22, and
2001-23. Mayor pro tern Anderson announced the second readings and public hearings for all four
ordinances are scheduled for August 21,2001, at 7:15 p.m.
Magnolia Ridge and Faraway Farms Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment Update.
(City Attorney Rosenthal)
City Attorney Rosenthal briefed the Commission on the meetings with the representatives of both
Magnolia Ridge (the Dill Properties) and Faraway Farms (Chevron), held in accordance with
direction given at the July 17, 2001, Commission meeting. He reviewed the schedule for Large
Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendments and the Joint Planning Area Agreement Amendment (for
Faraway Farms only), and the issues involved.
Scott Henderson, representing the Dill Properties, said they will bring in a complete package with a
development agreement by the time of transmittal of the Evaluation Appraisal Report (EAR), and he
expressed appreciation for the cooperative effort.
Julie Kendig and Tracy Crowe, representing Chevron, said their goal is to have their packet ready
to submit with the EAR as well. Ms. Crowe said they had been in touch with Renaissance and the
County regarding scheduling and had put together an aggressive schedule toward that end.
Request for Variance - Case No. 04VR-2001:Kimbrell. (Zoning Coordinator Harper)
Zoning Coordinator Harper gave the staff report, advising that Mr. Kimbrell, 601 East Lakeshore
Drive, wishes to build a 10 foot X 12 foot shed two feet from his side property line in lieu of the
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 7, 2001
Land Development Code specification of 7 1/2 feet. He said the Board of Adjustment and staff
recommend denial.
Discussion followed regarding the ordinance requirements and this Commission's request for an
amendment to that ordinance.
Mr. Scott Kimbrell said all he asked was to be consistent with the neighbors, and he added that his
shed was not home made.
Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to grant Mr. Kimbrell's
request to place his shed two feet from his side property line. subiect to receipt of letters from the
neighbors on both sides and the Home Owner Association saying they have no obiection. (3 letters)
Motion carried 5-0.
Approval of Contracts with Superior Waste Services of Florida, Inc. (City Attorney Rosenthal)
Exclusive Commercial and Multi-Family Solid Waste Collection Franchise.
Residential Yard and Bulky Waste Collection and Disposal Contract.
City Attorney Rosenthal, referring to the two contracts listed above, said that although they agreed
in concept with the contents of the documents, he had not yet heard from Superior Waste legal
department a definitive okay. He asked for approval with authorization to make changes consistent
with this Commission's wishes.
Following a brief question and answer session, Commissioner Anderson. seconded by
Commissioner Parker. moved to approve the agreements with Superior Waste Services of Florida.
Inc. as set forth in the agenda packet with such revisions thereto as may be approved by the City
Manager and the Citv Attorney and authorize execution thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk. being
the Commercial and Multi-Family Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement and the Residential
Yard and Bulky Waste Collection and Disposal Agreement. Motion carried 5-0.
City Manager Gleason
1) Reported a citizen had come in to advise that the police department aggressively ticketed the
parents who were attending the school orientation at the Ocoee Middle School tonight. He said
he would address the issue with Chief Mark Wednesday morning and see if something could be
worked out with the parking.
2) Reminded all the Budget Workshop is scheduled for Thursday, August 9 at 7:00 p.m. Mayor
Vandergrift asked what is being done to make it possible for the TV public to know what is
going on, such as projecting on the overhead and sending it out over the air.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if notice had been received yet about the dedication of the planters at the
school that the City helped to fund. No word yet.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 7, 2001
Commissioner Parker said she was pleased with the signs at the entrances to the City and asked that
consideration be given to signs that say "Thanks for visiting us. Please come again."
Commissioner Johnson
1) Said he sat in the audience seats in the Chambers for a meeting last week and was very
uncomfortable. He wanted something done about replacing them soon.
2) Reported reservations have been made for 96 golfers for the Ellis Shapiro Benefit Golf
Tournament Friday.
Commissioner Anderson
1) Received a report that on Malcolm Street off Russell Drive there is a low area where water
stands and he suggested including that in the budget.
2) Announced the family fund set up for Ellis Shapiro at SunTrust and advised those who need an
envelope could get one at the City Clerk's office.
Commissioner Howell said there is a difference in the community in District 1 since Wurst Road
has been improved, and it pleased him to see citizens taking pride in their property.
Mayor Vandergrift
1) Announced the Grand Opening of the West Oaks Library Wednesday, August 8 at 10:00 a.m.
2) Asked if the Florida league has been notified that he is the voting delegate for the conference.
City Manager Gleason said they have.
The meeting adjourned at 10:58 p.m.
City of Ocoee
~-'$~ &vfJ
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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